#leo/pelleas friendship my bELOVED. leo voluntarily offering info to someone????? new friendship level unlocked
princepsumbra · 5 months
“ Leo, ”  Pelleas greets the blond.  “ I'm glad I could run into you today. I'm never sure given that it's a holiday and all, and I'd heard you had a big family, so... ”  Was it true? Pelleas is uncertain.  “ Oh! But I digress. Sorry. I know I can waste time like that. It's a habit I'm trying to break, but I'm not really sure if it'll be easy, hahaha... ”
His nervous laughter fades out, and in an effort to hide his embarrassment, he holds out the wrapped present he had prepared.
“ Anyway, this is for you for the Winter Festival. I noticed whenever I visit your office, you usually only have bitter teas prepared, so I assumed that's what you liked. Sorry if I'm wrong on that account too. ”  And true to his implication, if Leo were to open the gift box, inside would be a tin of Dagda Fruit Blend. Wrapped in the box alongside the tin are homemade scones to go with it.  “ I heard the tea has a unique flavor. I tried it, and I think so too... though not in a bad way, of course! But I tried to make something not sweet to go along with it... something that'd be easy enough to eat while you're doing your work. I tried to make enough so that you could share with your family just in case that rumor was right. ”
He's still not certain, but if there was one thing he had heard also...
“ I grew up very alone, but I had always heard this time of year is best spent with those you love. That a family would make it warmer. So if you feel that way, I just want to help facilitate that. Sorry if I'm being nosy, but I truly do wish the best for you, Leo. ”
"Ah, Happy Winter Festival, Pelleas," Leo returns. He casts a surreptitious glance down, hoping his attire wasn't too ruffled from his morning ride with Faustus. Beyond the odd wrinkle, nothing was amiss.
A big family. What an innocuous phrase for something so complicated. He had a big family, some time ago. Their headstones now wait and hope he'll visit more than once a year. For all his cruelty, his apparent cold-heartedness, the sight of so many headstones proclaiming no more than a handful of years lived makes his stomach turn.
He keeps his expression clear of such depressing thoughts, and accepts Pelleas' gift with a smile. "Three siblings is rather a lot."
Leo turns the gift over in his hands, mindful of the careful wrapping. The box is light, yet heavy with meaning, and he holds it closer against his chest. The young mage is observant; more than he thinks most realize.
"No apologies need be offered. Your observation is correct. Bitter teas are indeed my favorite." As if on cue, he catches a faint whiff of cranberry emanating from his gift. He'll enjoy a steaming cup later tonight, when he's holed up in his room with a book in hand.
Emerald eyes settle on Pelleas. "You bake as well? There's a talent I'll never master. Cooking--and baking--never turn out right for me. Thank you, Pelleas. Truly. I look forward to sharing some with my sister."
And there it is. The hint of deprecation, that intrinsic desire that he's somehow misstepped. Never one for physical affection, Leo almost doesn't register his hand clapping down on Pelleas' shoulder until too late. The motion is stiff, yet Leo forges onward. "Not nosey in the least. My siblings are they only family I have--we spend as much together as we are able. Xander and Elise are back home, so it will just be Camilla and I celebrating together this year."
Leo drops his hand. Clears his throat, weighing his next words. "I wish the best for you as well, Pelleas. Let's share a cup of tea together before the end of Winter Festival."
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