#lenalove week
lenalove-event · 4 years
Dear followers,
Due to a lack of free time and inability to juggle this event with other stuff going on in our lives, neither of the current Mods will be hosting any more Lenalove Weeks in the future. With that being said, we are willing to turn over this event and blog to a Lenalee fan that is able to do something nice with it.
If you're interested in "adopting" this event/blog, please DM us to discuss the details.
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faeriexqueen · 6 years
@kitty-bandit: CONGRATS MY GOOD DUDE
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chrisemrysfics · 6 years
So DGM Polyamory week ended, and I actually did what I wanted to, which was post at least the Prologue of the four stories I planned for the event. Or three, because Bring me to Life was actually a story idea I had been toying with, and the event motivated me to write it.
As it is, I find myself with two main works (Meet me Halfway, and Bring me to Life); or maybe three as Make it Right might be semi-long. As well as two shorter works, Freedom to Love and The future we choose.
However, because Poker Pair Week is coming at the end of the month, the first story I want to finish is Journey, because it is likely I will make my PP week story a sequel to it.
(And I still plan to then work on Neallen Week, followed by 3 Days of Lenalove, and finally Allena week).
(So, maybe, depending how it’s been going, I might update The future we choose on the 3 Days of Lenalove as well as Allena week, you know? Which would help, since I would know when to update this one, and I can work on the other stuff with more freedom of mind).
Of course, I will slowly work on my current WIPs even as I work/prepare events stuff.
In summary: -> I will be working on Journey to update&finish -> I will be preparing the PPweek2018 and work on WIPs -> I will be preparing Neallen week once PPweek passed, and work on WIPs (unless I feel the need to fully focus on Neallen week) -> 3 Days of Lenalove is likely going to be little one-shots -> I will more than likely work on finishing shorter WIPs (if they havent been yet) so I only have longer stuff to think about, and prepare Allena Week when it’s coming closer.
And well, as I mentionned here and there, DGM is my main focus, so any other fandoms I have WIPs for, I’ll work on them if I feel inspired, but it’ll be a pleasant surprise for me as much as you, rather than a certitude.
I am actually working on my original novel/stuff, so that certainly distract me a bit from fanfics, but I’ve been (trying to) figure out how to work on both fan stuff and original stuff so! Wish me luck!
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chrisemrysblog · 6 years
Hello dears~
Since I’m having clear plans in head, I figured it was time to give a little insight of what I’ll be doing over the next few weeks and months~
I am planning to change my blog theme, and reorganize the pages. It’s likely I’ll also update a bit my FFnet profile (and maybe AO3 then).
First thing I’m likely to try doing is finish the chapters for fanfic I started for Poker Pair week 2017; and also work on the worldbuilding for Meet me halfway to the end. I am also wanting to post on AO3 all the little things I’ve done already for events (secret santa, secret valentine) as a series (the collection of event fanfics).
Speaking of events, I do plan to participate in a few, all DGM events (bare the WIP week). I’m already certain I’ll do something for Poker Pair 2018 and Neallen 2018, and do again secret santa when the time comes. I’m eyeing too Lenalove and Pieshipping events, but we’ll see. And then any other event that catch my eyes.
Basically I’ll work mostly on DGM. I’m still going to try updating my other fandoms fanfics; but it is true that my focus has shifted to DGM. I guess any non DGM fanfics is on half hiatus, you can say. Still no desire to abandon any; but focusing on what I am inspired for!
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lenalove-event · 6 years
Late Participation
A few people have responded to our original post saying that they missed the event, but wished they didn't.
We would like to remind you all that late entries are of course welcome, and very much appreciated. ^_^
Just be sure to tag them with #lenalove2018 so we can see and reblog them.
Also, thank you to everyone who participated this year!
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