mikeewento · 2 years
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Workation - noun. informal. - When work feels like a vacation. ❣️ Just thought of it. 😅 #Bonfire #tagaytay #lefarm #travels #workandtravel #workation (at LE FARM) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZrX8S7POr8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jlnpgt · 6 years
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posters for Red Gloves and Contractions shows in Lyon and Besançon
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versatiro2 · 5 years
primera parte.
La estación de ferrocarril estaba bastante concurrida. Para mí era algo un tanto extraño porque llevaba varias semanas sin ese bullicio típico de los lugares públicos y me sentía demasiado observado, algo que para un puto voayeur como yo no es del todo cómodo. Mis pintas tampoco contribuían a pasar desapercibido, no eran de lo más agradable a la vista, la verdad. Aunque Enrique me regaló un par de mudas, ya tenía necesidad de una buena lavada tanto la que llevaba puesta como la que estaba hecha un ovillo en mi mochila.
Mis caminatas eran de varios kilómetros diarios pero parecía que no avanzaba a penas, así que pensé que sería buena idea colarme en el próximo tren que pasase por allí para adelantar en mi ruta hacia el mar. Poco a poco se fue despejando la estación, pasaron tres trenes durante toda la tarde pero no pude subirme a ninguno de ellos porque no tenía ni una moneda y tampoco pude despistar al revisor que me observaba, si cabe, mucho más el resto de viajeros. Fue ya anocheciendo, con la estación completamente vacía, cuando el revisor se me acercó y me dijo:
- Llevo todo el día echándote el ojo. ¿Qué hace alguien como tú por aquí?
- Espero el próximo tren —dije para sacarle información a sabiendas de que podría descubrir mi mentira.
- Hasta pasado mañana no pasará un tren de pasajeros —dijo con desdén—, será mejor que te largues de aquí, debo cerrar la estación y esto no es un lugar para okupas sin techo.
El hambre y el cansancio ya habían hecho mella en mí y no tenía ninguna intención de abandonar aquel sórdido aunque útil cobijo. Tenía que convencer como fuera al ferroviario para que me dejase en paz. Era un tipo de unos 50 y tantos años y bien parecido, con bigote tipo mejicano y pelo grisáceo. El uniforme le quedaba un poco estrecho y su paquetón bien marcado me iluminó en cuanto a una posible solución a mi problema.
- Necesito ir al aseo antes de salir —dije echándome la mochila al hombro.
- Está bien, pero rapidito que está mi mujer esperándome con la cena caliente —dijo recolocándose el paquete.
Entré a los servicios y me metí en uno de los váteres. Me desnudé por completo y espere sentado a que el revisor abriese la puerta. Cuando vio que tardaba tanto, entró gritando.
- ¡A ver, qué pasa! ¿Te has colado por la taza?
- ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que tu querida mujer no te hace una mamada en condiciones? —pregunté para provocarlo.
Entonces, frenó su intención de sacarme de allí a rastras, se ve que lo que vio le hizo cambiar de opinión. Ahí estaba yo en pelota picada sentado en el váter con las piernas abiertas y con el rabo duro haciéndome un pajote suavemente. Él se quedó paralizado y comenzó a sudar como un cerdo. No podía apartar la vista de mi entrepierna. Un gotarrón de líquido preseminal resbaló desde mi glande violáceo por todo el tronco de mi nabo al bajar mi prepucio, y para mayor provocación, lo cogí con la punta del dedo y me lo llevé a la boca, me relamía con gusto y miraba su paquete con deseo. Hubo unos segundos de indecisión en los que el pobre no pudo reprimir una erección perfectamente visible en su prieta bragueta, entonces miró hacia la puerta de los servicios para cerciorarse de que allí estábamos él y yo solos y se abrió el pantalón. Yo me incorporé hacia su cuerpo y saqué un tremendo rabo gordo y morenazo de sus calzoncillos antiguos. Era de cabeza gorda y venas reventonas. Me lo metí en la boca y le hice una mamada espectacular. No usé las manos en ningún momento, preferí rodear con ellas sus muslos para empujarlo hacia mi cara y sentir el capullo en toda su dimensión follándome la boca. El muy cerdo gemía con ronquera y sudaba la gota gorda con aquel uniforme gris corbata incluida. Él no quiso tocarme en ningún momento, tenía los brazos en cruz apoyándose en las paredes del cubículo y la vista hacia el techo. Su buen rabo no tardó en escupir una espesa lefa que disfruté mientras me pajeaba yo también. Yo tampoco tardé mucho en lefarme los muslos, me excitó muchísimo su rápido cambio de opinión y por qué no decirlo, saber que se acordaría de mi mamada cuando tuviera el plato de sopa humeante delante cocinado por su amable y paciente esposa.
Una vez que le dejé el capullo impecable se vistió, se acercó al lavabo que había enfrente, sé refrescó la cara y recompuso su uniforme mirándose al espejo. Yo seguía en bolas comiéndome mi propia lefa repartida entre los pelos de mis piernas y mis manos. Sin darse siquiera la vuelta me dijo:
- En un par de horas pasará un mercancías, hará una parada técnica de 5 minutos. Los últimos vagones irán cargados de ganado. Por cierto, en el armario de la entrada hay ropa olvidada, cámbiate, das un poco de asco —y se fue sin más.
Me dejó encerrado en la estación con un buen plan de escape y el regusto de su lefa madura en la garganta, y tal y como me informó, 2 horas más tarde escuché el pito del mercancías que se acercaba. Entonces, me agazapé delante de una marquesina de publicidad para no ser visto por el maquinista, y cuando la locomotora pasó a mi altura giré y me puse detrás. Esperé a que se detuviese y tuve mucha suerte. Efectivamente, los tres últimos vagones venían cargados de animales. El antepenúltimo traía cerdos, el penúltimo corderos y el último iba con animales domésticos en sus jaulas individuales. Escogí ese último con la excusa de hacerme pasar por adiestrador de alguno de ellos, todos tenían muy buena pinta, estaban muy bien cuidados, así que me arriesgué y me colé por la trampilla del techo. Los pobrecillos lloraban al verme pero no hubo problemas, ya que el ruido infernal del motor disipaba toda posibilidad de ser descubierto. El convoy se puso en marcha y me acomodé rumbo a un destino incierto.
Para ir sobre seguro, elegí hacerme amigo de un precioso labrador con carita de buena persona que estaba en una jaula especialmente lujosa. Si pretendía pasar por adiestrador para unos ricachones, qué mejor serlo de los que más lo aparentarían por cómo trataban a su perro. No solo me gané su confianza con caricias y las migajas de comida que me quedaban en la mochila, sino que pude aprenderme los datos de su futuro dueño que figuraban en un sobre plastificado que la jaula llevaba pegado en el frente para su identificación. Gracias al cambio de simpatía del ferroviario tras la mamada, pude asearme con tiempo y cambiarme de ropa con algunas prendas que rebusqué donde me indicó. Estaba más o menos presentable.
Tras varias horas de viaje, en las que me dio tiempo a echar hasta un sueño largo, el tren empezó a perder velocidad y me preparé para aparecer en el andén sin levantar sospechas. Salí por el techo y me quedé enganchado al culo del tren. En cuanto se detuvo, salté a la vía y me puse junto al vagón esperando a que un operario que se acercaba mirándome, abriese la puerta de descarga.
- ¿Espera a alguien? —dijo mientras abría el candado—. Aquí solo hay animales.
- Sí, bueno, no es una persona, es un perro, soy el adiestrador de Arizona, un labrador muy coqueto que ya tendrá ganas de verme, seguro.
El buen mozo, que tendría unos 25 años, me miró extrañado y me dio la espalda para correr la puerta. Mi mirada, como un acto reflejo, se quedó clavada en hermoso culito, uffff. Un buen culazo respingón totalmente ajustado a los vaqueros que me hicieron babear por el nabo. Todavía me sabía la boca a la lefa del otro ferroviario y me hubiese encantado combinar ese sabor entrerrando mi boca en aquella profunda raja bien marcada. Me entraron unas ganas de comerle el culo, ummm. Pero no tenía tiempo para seducirlo, fue una lástima. Me sacó de aquella tentación el propio Arizona, en cuanto me vio, se puso a lloriquear y a menear el rabo de alegría. Aún así, el mozo buenorro no terminaba de fiarse de mí.
- Este no es el protocolo —dijo cogiendo el sobre plastificado con la información del perro.
- Claro, lo entiendo. Es que el Sr. Montenegro está siempre muy ocupado y me pidió el favor de venir a buscar a su nueva adquisición.
En esto, se acercaron tres personas que venían a recoger a sus canes y aquello me tranquilizó, vi que no era tan extraño lo que estaba haciendo. Aun con desconfianza, el guapo ferroviario permitió que me llevara a Arizona, que agradeció enormemente la liberación de aquel lujoso a la par que aparatoso jaulón.
Fui dando un paseo por la ciudad durante varios minutos y preguntando a los transeúntes conseguí llegar hasta el domicilio del Sr. Montenegro. Era un casoplón estilo indiano colonial, con un gran jardín repleto de plantas y árboles aunque también tenía una gran explanada de césped y hasta una fuente de piedra coronada por un adonis de bronce que tiraba agua por la polla a modo de meos, era maravilloso. La puerta de forja estaba abierta. Junto al timbre había un forjado incrustado en la piedra con el nombre de la finca, "El Agave". Llamé por educación, pero en vista de que no salía nadie, entré y cuando llegué a la puerta de la casa, me sorprendió que también estuviera abierta. Antes de golpearla, escuché una voz que procedía del interior.
- Pase, pase.
Hice caso y pasé con Arizona. Mientras iba por un largo pasillo hacia lo que parecía un gran salón, escuché de nuevo:
- Como se imagina, yo no puedo salir a abrirle. La enfermera de noche ha tenido que irse pronto y le he dicho a mi marido que dejase las puertas abiertas para que usted no tuviese impedimento.
Al entrar al salón, vi que era una improvisada habitación de hospital. Un tipo de unos 37 años estaba tumbado en una cama articulada con gotero y sonda incluida. Cuando me puse en su ángulo de visión se sorprendió.
- Vaya, qué novedad —exclamó con una amplia sonrisa en los labios—. ¡Un enfermero! No diré que no es una alegría, ellas me cuidan muy bien, pero siempre es un gusto que te atienda un chico tan guapo. Además, veo que vienes con una hermosa compañía, qué perrita más tierna.
El tío no se cortó un pelo, estaba encantado y yo le seguí el juego. Su marido no vendría hasta la noche y me di cuenta de que no tenía ni idea de la llegada de la mascota.
- Él es Arizona, es macho. Lo dejaré suelto por el jardín, si no le importa.
- En absoluto. Solo espero que respete las petunias de Jeff, mi marido, las quiere más que a mí. Por cierto, me llamo Raúl.
- Encantado —dije estrechándole la mano—. Mi nombre es Matt.
Salí al jardín y solté a Arizona, estaba feliz correteando por el césped. Volviendo al lujoso salón hospitalario sonó el teléfono. Era de la agencia de enfermeras, no habían podido localizar a ninguna libre pero me hice pasar por Jeff y dije que me pasaría el día entero en casa y no sería necesario que viniera nadie.
Resuelto el tema, me senté junto a la cama de Raúl y estuvimos hablado un buen rato. Raúl era un tío muy alto, le salían los pies por la cama, como a mí. Tenía el pelo rizado color café, como sus ojos, y la boca grande con unos gruesos y carnosos labios, de esos que te abrazan el nabo como una maroma cuando te la están mamando. Hacía calor y Raúl estaba casi desnudo, solo le tapaba la entrepierna una sabanilla blanca ya muy arrugada. Tenía un poco de sobrepeso pero sus brazos y piernas estaban musculados. Hasta la cintura no tenía vello, pero sus piernas eran bastante peludas. Raúl tuvo un accidente muy grave en el que quedó afectada su columna vertebral. Tenía poca sensibilidad de cintura para abajo y necesitaba asistencia total. Creyendo que yo era el enfermero de turno, me pidió que le cambiase el pañal, y aunque yo nunca había hecho algo así, como no le hago ascos a nada, lo hice de forma muy natural, la verdad, no se notó mi falta de experiencia, actué usando la pura lógica. Mientras lo hacía, noté que no paraba de observarme, sobre todo cuando lavaba su raja. Tenía el culo superpeludo, impresionante. Repasaba sus cojones, que eran más bien pequeños, con la esponja y se deleitaba mirando mis manos. Su polla, a pesar de su estado, engordó lentamente pero al fin y al cabo creció.
- A ver si tú tienes más delicadeza con mi pene, las enfermeras me restriegan muy fuerte y no tienen mucho cuidado.
Asiéndole el rabo ya casi duro del todo le dije:
- Tranquilo, yo también tengo uno y sé cómo tratarlo.
- Así me gusta —susurró mientras acicalaba su rabo moreno atravesado por la sonda vesical—. Esto es otra cosa, ummmm.
Su polla circuncidada, que mediría unos 16 centímetros, estaba completamente tiesa, y la verdad, a mí me apetecía seguir acariciándola. Me gustaba su tacto. Raúl se percató en seguida de mi tentación y fue explícito:
- A lo mejor con la lengua me harías una limpieza más profunda, las gasas son un poco ásperas.
Aprovechando su tremenda erección, usé mis manos para juguetear con sus pequeñas pelotas y comencé a saborear su glande. La sonda representaba un impedimento para poder metérmela en la boca, pero le hice un buen trabajo de lengua. Su textura era todavía más deliciosa que al tacto de las manos. De repente, vi cómo algo de líquido transparente surtía entre la uretra y la sonda, el cabrón estaba gozando con mi boca, y yo con su aparatoso nabo. Raúl no cesaba de jadear y de susurrar palabras que no lograba entender del todo. Me agarró el paquete y yo me desabroché los pantalones para ofrecerle mi polla.
- Hace demasiados días que no me llevo un rabo a la boca —dijo Raúl desesperado—, necesito comérme uno más que cualquier medicamento —y yo le di la medicina que le hacía falta.
Me comió el rabo con unas ganas locas, sentía los pinchazos de sus dientes, pero una vez que le cogí la cabeza con ambas manos, su boca y mi rabo se entendieron a la perfección. Estaba claro que necesitaba una buena follada de boca, y yo bien que se la estaba dando. Se le saltaban las lágrimas, no sé si de alegría o de asfixia, pero él seguía tragando polla a pesar de las arcadas. Yo mantuve una mano en su cabeza y con la otra me limité a pajear su rabo sondado. Raúl solo sacó mi polla de su boca en una ocasión para decirme:
- No lo hagas tan rápido que hace muchos días que no me corro y quiero que sea mientras me trago tu lefa.
Raúl puso sus condiciones, y yo como buen falso enfermero seguí sus instrucciones. Así que desaceleré el pajote y aceleré la follada de boca. Lo surrealista de aquella situación me tenía excitadísimo, quería reventarle la garganta y que mi lefa le saliese por la sonda. Verlo allí lleno de tubos, lejos de asustarme, me producía un morbazo espectacular.
- Voy a correrme, Raúl. Te vas a enterar de lo que es una buena lechada. Siento los cojones muy cargados, así que te vas a hartar, cabronazo.
Sabía que aquellas palabras le pondrían más cachondo, y además, aceleré el pajote. Yo estaba a punto. Cuando me empecé a correr, la saqué un poco para que pudiera sentir los lechazos golpeando su paladar y que los pudiera saborear. Entonces, noté que su cuerpo convulsionaba como si tuviera un orgasmo pero no salía nada. Solo algo de lefa revasó entre la uretra y la sonda como cuando se desborda un vaso de agua, lentamente. Me gustó aquello y me entretuve observándolo mientras Raúl continuaba deleitándose con mi polla todavía tiesa.
Tras la hora del baño y el cambio de la ropa de cama, con guarreo incluido entre medias, seguimos charlando largo y tendido. Después de lo sucedido con nuestras pollas, fui sincero con él y supo quién era el verdadero Matt, de dónde venía y cómo había llegado hasta el Agave, su casoplón.
- Matt, me tienes que ayudar en una cosa. Verás, Jeff es bastante conservador comparado conmigo, llevamos varias semanas sin sexo. A pesar de que tengo poca sensibilidad anal, deseo brutalmente que me folle y que juegue con mi culo, pero le da miedo hacerme daño.
- Tranquilo, si hay algo que se me da bien es darle la vuelta a las situaciones difíciles —le dije agarrándole la mano—. Como que me llamo Matt, tu culo tendrá su merecido antes de que me vaya.
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ulsterpage · 6 years
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Cette semaine on jouera à la maison jeudi soir pour la fête de la musique et a Lyon vendredi soir !! 🥂 - jeudi 21 juin : Les Issambres - Place San Peire - vendredi 22 juin : Lyon - Le Farmer #ulsterpage #music #lyon #lesIssambres #concertlyon #rocklyon #rock #concert #lefarmer #fetedelamusique (à Le Farmer)
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omnomct · 7 years
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We know, we know, it’s been a while since our last review, but while we’ve been focusing on cutting back the cals and subsequent lbs, an amazing new restaurant opened up that we HAD to get back in the game for, and STAT. That restaurant is Jesup Hall in Westport, and the reason it was a must-review is because of three words: Chef Fu&$ing Bill Taibe. Ok, that’s four words, but the colorful adjective was necessary for such an iconic and amazing chef in these here parts.
So, way back in October 2015 when we talked to him at The Whelk during a special oysters, sherry, and pork dinner, he was excited about the idea of expansion after the closing of leFarm. And with noted Chef Dan Sabia who comes from Campagna (in Bedford) and Bedford Post Inn on board, his hopes of starting something new took flight in Jesup Hall,  located at the old town hall where you can also find Rothbard Ale + Larder off to the side. 
With that, let’s just get down to it in typical OmNomCT style.
First off, we could have slapped ourselves. You can actually make reservations here. Not thinking too much, we just showed up early on Saturday (5:45PM), hoping to get a seat. Turns out that (for now at least) tables are given to people with reservations, while walk-ins get a community table hi-top behind the bar. The walk-in seats actually ended up being pretty good, giving you a nice view of the bar and the dining area, however the people that came in just 1 minute behind us ended up with a 45 minute wait because we took the last walk-in seat. Moral of the story? Make a reservation or come before 5:45PM. See, we got yo back!  
Now, onto the food and drinks.
Town Hall Car Bomb from Craig Ventrice at Jesup Hall in Westport, CT
Brandy Crusta from Craig Ventrice at Jesup Hall in Westport, CT
The drink menu has a really nice variety of wines and a decent, though small, selection of craft brews, and a drink menu that surprised us a bit. We were expecting a bold and progressive cocktail menu similar to The Whelk and Kawa Ni (both owned by Taibe), especially with the incredibly talented Craig Ventrice behind the stick, but it actually consisted of classics and twists off of them. Definitely nothing wrong with that at all, it’s nice to get back to the classics, we were just surprised. 
Our friend John went with a Super Sparkle from Kent Falls, which just so happened to be on his craft beer wishlist. Dan started off with the Town Hall Car Bomb, creamy and strong, going down easy. He also went with the Brandy Crusta, which was warm and inviting, especially with a sugar crusted rim. Countering the punch from the brandy was a nice little tang. Again, with Craig Ventrice in charge of the beverage program, you’re always guaranteed a nicely balanced drink where the liquor(s) gets the chance to really shine.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Easter bunny.
For apps, we went with the Roasted Carrots, Veal Stuffed Fried Dates, Lightly Seared Tuna, and Confit & Fried Duck Wings. First up, we dug those carrots madly, with John even proclaiming that it was his favorite carrot prep that he’d ever had, and he really doesn’t care much for carrots. They were roasted to perfection with just enough snap, but were oh so delicate. The walnut pesto and spices helped to add a kick and an earthy richness to the dish. 
If you see stuffed dates on a menu, you always have to order. It’s a rule.
The Veal Stuffed Fried Dates had a crunchy breading on the outside with a lemon and citrusy bite and were very smooth when you got to the center. In all honestly, we couldn’t really taste the veal in there, if maybe only for the added texture. We were also surprised a bit by the presentation, with the dates and toppings haphazardly arranged on the plate . . . definitely not what we were used to seeing from a Taibe restaurant. It is important to note they had only been open a few days when we went, so you have to give leeway for food prep . . . oh and service.
Speaking of, service was a bit inconsistent for us. We were given dishes and drinks that belonged to other people in our party, but our biggest pet peeve is that we had to ask (almost beg) our waiter to get us new drinks because he never asked us, sometimes leaving us waiting upwards of 20 minutes at a time. Later, about half way through the night, things turned around, and he was definitely more with it and on top of things. Like we said, this is to be expected as servers and waitstaff find their way through working with each other and the kitchen staff. Overall, service was very kind and friendly, though.
Although they might look a bit intimidating, the duck wings were one of the major hits of the night.
Next up was one of the major highlights of our meal: the Confit & Fried Duck Wings. As you’d hope, the skin was crispy, contrasting nicely with the sticky, rich, and sweet sauce stuck to the wings. The cabbage added a nice little bite and cut into the stronger flavors from the duck and the sauce. It also added some nice refreshment. We could’ve eaten an order each of these bad boys! 
Exciting, fun, and playful, the seared tuna was a burst of flavors.
We also got the Lightly Seared Tuna for an app . . . and it came out thinly sliced and uber fresh. The fish was seared just perfectly (we’re suckers for a good sear) and we love the springtime burst that came from the mint and the tangerines. Very nice.  
If you’re a porkavore like us, you’ll need to save room for this bad boy!
And then we got our main dishes . . . well, it was more like Dan got one different dish and everyone else ordered the same one because it looked that damn good. We’ll start with the dish everyone but Dan got: Slow Cooked Porchetta. It came out nicely plated, not demure at all, rather it sized up big and was definitey worth the money. The skin was crispy and perfectly cooked, while the pork in the center was delicate and juicy. In terms of the sauce, it was sweet, cut into the rich and unctous pork, and also played nicely off of the cabbage and squash. Fantastic all around! 
An awesome test of a kitchen is to see how they prepare their chicken.
Now, normally, the chicken dish is what people order if they don’t want to spend a lot or if they aren’t too adventerous . . . but, damn, Dan couldn’t help himself when it came to the Pan Fried Half Chicken. The skin and crust around the chicken was crispy crunchity with a nice gentle spicy kick to it. The chicken came with a sauce that was tomato rich and played nicely off the juicy juicy meat. Another definite must order and one of Dan’s favorite chicken dishes at a restaurant in recent memory.
Oh God, we need this back in our lives.
It was around St. Patrick’s Day, so we ordered this . . . who are we kidding? We wanted more liquor . . .
Dinner was over, sure, but we still had room for dessert and a few more drinks. ;) First up, we couldn’t deny the awesome sounding PB Cup. A chocolate covered dome surrounded creamy and peanut buttery ice cream, much like a tartufo. The PB powder that was sprinkeled over the dish was salty and rich, bringing in even more complex flavors. We also dug the chocolate crunchies on top . . . because, well, who the hell doesn’t love crunchies?
We finished up with some smooth Shearwater Coffee, roasted right in Trumbull, and a round of Irish Coffees that were spot on with just enough liquor punch.
Final Thoughts
We’ve had great experiences and awesome food at all of Bill Taibe’s restaurants in Westport, from leFarm, to The Whelk, to Kawa Ni, and now to Jesup Hall. Yes, service needed a bit of work, but the staff is still learning the ropes. Overall, the experience was wonderful. We dig the classic styles and notes going on with this restaurant and we think that it’s definitely on its way to become another go-to restaurant for hungry Fairfield Countiers who are on the lookout for fresh new food with some familiar flavors, always perfectly prepared! 
Jesup Hall
Noms: 4.25
Cost: $$$
Address: 90 Post Road East
                  Westport, CT 06880
Phone: (203) 557-6198
  Wassup with Jesup Hall? A Review of Westport’s Newest Restaurant from Bill Taibe We know, we know, it's been a while since our last review, but while we've been focusing on cutting back the cals and subsequent lbs, an amazing new restaurant opened up that we HAD to get back in the game for, and STAT.
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omnomct · 9 years
LeFarm, The Whelk, and Kawa Ni Staff to Strip Down and Take TI Polar Plunge
Whelk Polar Bear Plunge
Have you ever been warm and cozy in your house, but knew that you’d have to go outside for a few seconds and would need to enter a cold car? Yeah, we’ve all been through that and we’ve all procrastinated, and we’ve all shivered and cursed at winter like a dirty pirate. But, honestly, this is nothing compared to what Chef Bill Taibe and his staff from The Whelk, LeFarm, and Kawa Ni will be…
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omnomct · 10 years
Chef Taibe is outstanding in his field…
Flights at Coalhouse Pizza in Stamford CT
Dino Poutine is killer, unique to Dinosaur Stamford
Dan’s pouring out some wine (don’t worry, he’s going to put more in from another bottle)
Summer’s in gear and it’s about time you got off your ass and did something.  And, with this list of things going on in and around Fairfield County, you better work it.  Um girl, don’t be lazy and stay home…not with so much going on.  Whether you’re talking about food-focused events, beer and wine, world cup action, or Woodmont’s Farmers’ Market, we’ve got a major checklist for you to cross off.  Plus, we’ve got some props to hand out, some opening/closing info, and a sweet little summer getaway idea.
6/26:  The hostess with the most-ess, Anna Zap, will be at Dinosaur Bar-b-que in Stamford for Drinks on the Deck with Leaf Vodka.  The par-tay begins at 5 pm!
6/26:  Take part in a Twitter wine tasting of 4 different wines with Whole Foods Market from 8-9 pm.  This is the chat room and make sure to use #WFMwine while tweeting. Here are the wines that you’ll be tasting:
Frey Agriculturist Organic Blanc 2013, California
Les Hauts de Bel Air Bordeaux Blanc 2013, France
Querciabella Mongrana Maremma Toscana 2011, Italy
Santa Rita Organic Cabernet Sauvignon 2010, Chile
6/26:  Celebrate one year with Walrus + Carpenter in Black Rock starting at 7 pm.  They’ll have live music, deals on beer, cocktails, their regular fare, and a whole roast pig for you to go hog wild over.
6/26: Reggae Mayhem will be playing The Loft Martini Lounge starting at 10 PM.  The Loft is located at 97 Washington Street.
6/27: Napa & Co in Stamford is hosting a one-of-a-kind pizza and tasting dinner from 6-9 that features not only Valley of the Moon Winery, but also Chef Elizabeth Falkner of Food Network.  Entrance is $60 and that gets you unlimited pizza and wine along with samples from Chef Adam Truelove’s summer menu at Napa.  And, this great event has heart too, because 10% of the proceeds will be donated to The National Center for Learning Disabilities.  To get a reservation, please call ‘em up at (203) 353-3319.
6/27-28:  Art Walk is back in Downtown Stamford, so check out all the exhibits, and then hit up some of our favorite restaurants like Cask Republic, The Fez, Capriccio, Zaza, Lorca, and Barrique afterwards.
6/28 Come down to LaRocca’s Country Market in Stamford from 11-3 and help celebrate their two year anniversary since they reopened.  LaRocca’s and other local vendors will have tastings including juices and lots of gourmet goodies.  There will also be live music, games, clowns (eek! LOL), and an ice cream truck.
6/29 The 3rd Annual Old Greenwich Block Party comes but once a year, so you best get down to Sound Beach Avenue at 3 pm.  The Short Bus will be playing live, there will be plenty to drink, lots of food, and games, too.  A portion of proceeds will benefit the Community Centers Inc. of Greenwich.
7/1 Whole Foods Market in Fairfield is hosting a fundraising day for the Black Rock Farmers Market.  Simply shop and help this brand new market to keep sprouting!
Beer, Wine, and Liquor Get Ya There Quicker
Eli Cannon has worked with Stubborn Beauty Brewing to create a collabo beer that’s a throwback to Pink Floyd.  The brew is called “Us and Them” and is an American Session IPA that’s brewed with 5 kinds of hops.  Check it out at Eli Cannon’s starting on August 7…but get there fast because we don’t think that will last too long!
6/26 Stella Restaurant & Bar in Bethel will have a free wine tasting from 5-7.  Try out some wines and see which varieties pair well with some of the dishes on their menu.
Ninety9 Bottles in Westport not only has the brand new Dogfish Head Rosabi (an Imperial Pale Ale brewed with wasabi and paired with a vinyl record) but also is offering the legendary holy grail of IPAs:  120 Minutes.  Even better?  Buy them in unlimited amounts.
World Cup
Coalhouse Pizza continues to offer $12 pitchers of CT craft beer all month to help you celebrate the FIFA World Cup.  Come with friends and order a pitcher each…sure, why not?  And, if you’re a beer club member, you can tap into Firkin Friday on Thursday!  Ah, the perks!
City Limits in Stamford and White Plains is now offering up a globally inspired menu in the bar/lounge area from 4 to close up until the last game on July 13.  Some of the options include gazpacho, warm burrata with grilled peaches, grilled chorizo sausage burger, steamed shrimp, South American sliders, and steak tacos.
Farmers’ Markets
The Woodmont Farmers’ Market just kicked off its 7th season yesterday.  To find them, head on down to the Robert Treat Farm at 1339 New Haven Avenue in Milford.  It’s open for business every Wednesday from 3:30-6:30 until August 27.  At the market you’ll be able to find fish, meats, veggies, fruit, cheese, coffee, olive oil, mushrooms, baked goods, and more.  Plus, there will be a musician performing each week and there will be food trucks. Yes, good trucks:  Big Green Truck Pizza, Coco Tamale, and a couple of others.  Some of the vendors you can expect are Robert Treat Farm, Gambardella Seafood, Scratch Baking, Lemon Sisters, Smith’s Acres, Mystic Cheese Company, Shearwater Coffee Roasters, Dash & Drizzle, and Nutty Bunny.
Chef Bill Taibe makes his second appearance on PBS’s Moveable Feast with Australia’s Pete Evans.  This episode follows Chef Taibe and Chef Will Horowitz of Ducks Eatery as they go whelking (yes, whelking) and prepare a meal that includes whelk salad, smoked duck prosciutto (they also visit a duck farm), smoked duck with grits, and a NE clambake.  For more info, check out this post from The Northforker.
The Local Meatball is also making TV with a spot on them that will air on NBC CT on Friday (6/27) at 11 am.  Congrats Mike and co.
Openings and Closings
The Beer Garden at Shippan Landing will be open early July.  Check out all the deets from our post.
Chefs Graham Elliot and Merlin Verrier have closed Primary Food & Drink in Greenwich.
Hotel Zero Degrees in Norwalk recently opened up their own rooftop bar.  In addition to drinks, you can order from the raw bar.  SOLD!
Chef Stephen Lewandowski (owner and chef at Harlan Social) has opened up Harlan Publick in SoNo.
World of Beer will finally open on 6/30 with a special preview during the Half Full 5K on Sunday.
Graze Delivered, an awesome food delivery service that heads to local farms and then prepares for you has changed its name.  Now you can call them Simple Scallion.  Right now they are featuring World Cup fare and have lots of great ideas for your 4th of July party.
Food Getaway
Get a little taste of Philly and drink some killer Ommegang beer on July 8 with the Hopchef Philly Competition.  The contest will feature 9 of the area’s best chefs who are creating a companion dish for one of Ommegang’s awesome Belgian brews.  Tickets are $41 for the July 8 event that starts at 6 pm at Union Transfer.  Methinks you need to plan a roadtrip!  For more info, check out Ommegang’s blog.
CT Food News, Vol. 10: Summer Fun, Wine, Beer, FIFA, Openings + Major Props Summer's in gear and it's about time you got off your ass and did something.  And, with this list of things going on in and around Fairfield County, you better work it.  
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omnomct · 10 years
His cocktail shake brings all the boys and girls to the yard…
  When we hit up any restaurant, the first thing we do is check out the drink options.  We need to chill, we need to set the mood, and we need something great to go with our meal.  Whether it’s beer, wine, liquor, cocktails, or something exotic like sake, the drink menu is key to a great meal.  And, while drinks menus can complement meals nicely, they also need to be strong and varied enough for people who just want to hit up the bar.
Verified proof…
Making all of this come together is no easy task, just ask Jeff Marron. He was just appointed Beverage Manager at Chef Bill Taibe’s locally and nationally celebrated restaurants, leFarm and The Whelk. You might be familiar with Jeff for his insanely in-depth knowledge of wine, beer, and spirits through Saugatuck Grain + Grape of Westport. You might have also tried his barrel aged cocktails (he is the master of the Negroni) at Bar Sugo or other restaurants, and you might have also had his drinks at Luxe Modern Wine & Cocktails.  There at Luxe he is finishing up his role as Beverage and Food Director.  And, now with all of these skills, experience, knowledge, and passion for drinks, he makes his mark on Westport yet again.
So, come along and let’s dig a little deeper into the evolution of Jeff Marron, his thoughts on working with the chefs and staff of leFarm and The Whelk, his role as Beverage Manager, his approach to drinks, and some of the things he has planned for Chefs Bill and Jeff Taibe’s upcoming Japanese-style pub.
  1)  Fairfield County knows you for being behind the stick at Luxe and an owner at Saugatuck Grain & Grape, but have you had other jobs in the drink industry that helped bring you to this point?
In some way or another, every job that I have held in this industry has led me to this point. Whether I was behind the bar slinging drinks or selling wine in wine shops, I’ve always tried to get the most out of it as I could. I’m always willing to learn a new skill or technique. In turn, I really enjoy turning that knowledge around and teaching others what I know.
  2)  Getting back to Luxe, do you feel like you’ve evolved over the last few months while working there? 
Having free reign to do as I please with the cocktail program at Luxe definitely allowed me to get a little bit more technical behind the bar. Being able to apply advanced techniques during service is a huge advantage over just theorizing how you would employ them. With the help of a few friends and some very patient customers during busy times, I have become a lot more efficient and exacting in my techniques. I have learned a lot about my own strengths and weakness during my time at Luxe.
  The Nod: Weller Bourbon Carpano Antica Angostura Peychauds Clown Shoes Hoppy Feet Black IPA egg foam
3)  When Chef Taibe approached you to work at leFarm and The Whelk, what thoughts went through your mind?
Initially, I thought that it was going to be a huge undertaking. Going from a smaller, cozy cocktail bar with, essentially, one bartender behind the bar at a time, to having multiple bartenders and multiple busy restaurants can seem like a daunting task. But, being familiar with their food and operations from a customer’s stand point and being friends with Bill and most of the staff already, I knew that I would get the help I need from them to get me up to speed in a short amount of time.
4)  What will it be like for you to work with Chefs Bill and Jeff Taibe, Bensimon, and Lazlo…the same chefs who you have admired and devoured food from?  
I’m really excited to be working with these guys. They are among the most talented chefs in this area, if not in the entire country. I can tell you that I will be working very closely with them and coordinating my cocktail menus with their food menus. I like the fact that both restaurants print their menus daily. This means that I get to frequently change up cocktails and ingredients as new deliveries come in from the farms.
5)  What exactly will the role of Beverage Manager entail?
This is probably the least exciting part of the position from a customer’s stand point. But, for me, I love to collaborate with others. Being a Beverage Manager means that I’ll be working closely with Andrea and Massimo developing the beverage menus. I’ll also be in charge of monitoring inventory levels, seeking out new products to bring in and work with, reordering those products, tasting new wines, beer and spirits with sales reps, running reports, coordinating fresh produce with the chefs, training staff on spirits and cocktails and mixology as a whole. It’s also not just that; I’m a representative of the company. More importantly, it’s my job to make sure all of our guests have a great experience when they dine at the restaurants.
6)  People are very familiar with the food at leFarm and The Whelk, especially how much care is put into the sourcing of ingredients.  We were wondering if you would be taking a similar kind of approach to the drink program…like a farm-to-glass approach?
Absolutely. I will utilize as many locally grown and seasonal products as I can. I like to pride myself on making syrups, shrubs and preserves for use over the winter in my cocktails. Joining the the crew at The Whelk and leFarm will allow me to expand on those ideas with the support of the Chefs Bensimon and Lazlo.
Jeff Marron and Adam Patrick at Luxe Wine Bar
7) We often define restaurants by the food they serve.  One restaurant might be considered Modern American, another might be a Spanish Tapas bar.  How would you describe your take and outlook on drinks…is there even such a thing? 
I’m not really sure if there is such a thing. If it did exist, it may break down to if you’re a cocktail bar or not. Then, you could probably divide up the cocktail bars between being a classic cocktail bar, tiki bar, a place for Margaritas or Martinis, etc. As far as my outlook on drinks is concerned, I am definitely a classic cocktail guy through and through. All my menus have always highlighted the classic cocktails. I like to leave the modern cocktail techniques for that special “off-the-menu” drink for the slower times or a VIP. Those drinks are usually a little bit more laborious and require more time to prepare properly.
8)  It always seems that you are trying something new or thinking about a new way to approach a cocktail.  How do you keep the process of your evolution going and continue to grow?
I’m always looking to get better at what I do. When my sales reps bring me new products to try, I usually try to break out of my comfort zone and come up with new cocktails with those new spirits. I also have a great group of friends consisting of great bartenders, very talented chefs and “foodies.” I get a lot of my inspiration from them. I think we all have similar goals in mind:  better food, better service and better drinks. I believe there is always room for improvement as far as my skills are concerned.
9)  And, looking ahead, as Chefs Bill and Jeff Taibe open up their Japanese style pub, are you set to run the beverage program there, too?
Yes, I am. The cocktails that we will be serving will have a heavy influence from Asian cultures. I’ll be utilizing shochu, soju, sake and teas on the cocktail list. It’s a new style of cocktail for me. But, needless to say, I’m having a blast working on new recipes! Chef Jeff and I have already been discussing how we are going to be using the same ingredients in his dishes and in my cocktails, as well.
In the mix: Jeff Marron talks about his new role as Beverage Manager at leFarm and The Whelk When we hit up any restaurant, the first thing we do is check out the drink options. 
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omnomct · 10 years
Bill Taibe to Open Japanese Pub with Pan-Asian Flavors at Bridge Square Market in Saugatuck
Bill Taibe to Open Japanese Pub with Pan-Asian Flavors at Bridge Square Market in Saugatuck
Chef Taibe will be opening his third restaurant shortly…you ready?
We saw the news a couple of weeks ago from LeFarm:  “Signed…”  A slew of comments, congratulations, and demands for answers from hungry fans lit up their Facebook page.  Signed what?  Autographs, Declaration of Independence, soul to the devil, or a lease to a new place?  Yes, the latter…but what kind?
Some of the gyoza Chef Taibe…
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omnomct · 10 years
Chefs Bill Taibe and Wirt Cook Headline Outstanding in the Field Dinners at The Hickories in Ridgefield, CT
Chefs Bill Taibe and Wirt Cook Headline @Out_intheField Dinners at @TheHickories in Ridgefield @LeFarmWestport‎
Outstanding in the Field has been trekking across America since 1999…and they’ve even hit up international destinations in 2011 such as Italy, Spain, Denmark, Great Britain, and Ireland.  So, what exactly is Outstanding in the Field?  It’s literally a moveable feast, but in the form of a Winnebago that travels from farm to farm, location to location, sets up a ginormous table, pulls in some of…
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