#leese river
scriptsoldier · 8 months
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Chateau de Walzin above Leese river, Belgium
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Chateau de Walzin above Leese river, Belgium
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ticklydevils · 9 months
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Chateau de Walzin above Leese river, Belgium
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luvarin · 11 months
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Chateau de Walzin above Leese river, Belgium
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likecottxncandy · 11 months
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Chateau de Walzin above Leese river, Belgium
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gostemusic · 11 months
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Chateau de Walzin above Leese river, Belgium
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cassiewarrens · 1 year
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Chateau de Walzin above Leese river, Belgium
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poem-today · 3 months
A poem by Anne Bradstreet
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Cold, moist, young phlegmy winter now doth lie In swaddling clouts, like new-born infancy; Bound up with frosts, and fur’d with hail & snows, And, like an infant, still it taller grows. December is my first, and now the sun To the southward Tropick his swift race doth run. This month he’s hous’d in horned Capricorn, From thence he ’gins to length the shortened morn, Through Christendom with great festivity, Now’s held (but guessed) for blest Nativity. Cold, frozen January next comes in, Chilling the blood, and shrinking up the skin. In Aquarius now keeps the long-wish’d sun, And northward his unwearied course doth run. The day much longer than it was before, The cold not lessened, but augmented more. Now toes and ears, and fingers often freeze, And travelers their noses sometimes leese. Moist snowy February is my last, I care not how the winter-time doth haste. In Pisces now the golden sun doth shine, And northward still approaches to the line. The rivers ’gin to ope, the snows to melt, And some warm glances from his face are felt; Which is increased by the lengthen’d day, Until by’s heat, he drive all cold away. And thus the year in circle runneth round; Where first it did begin, in th’ end its found.
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Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672)
Image: Pilgrims Going To Church (1867) by George Henry Boughton.
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lennart11412 · 3 months
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Anne Bradstreet
1612 – 1672
Cold, moist, young phlegmy winter now doth lie In swaddling clouts, like new-born infancy; Bound up with frosts, and fur’d with hail & snows, And, like an infant, still it taller grows. December is my first, and now the sun To the southward Tropick his swift race doth run. This month he’s hous’d in horned Capricorn, From thence he ’gins to length the shortened morn, Through Christendom with great festivity, Now’s held (but guessed) for blest Nativity. Cold, frozen January next comes in, Chilling the blood, and shrinking up the skin. In Aquarius now keeps the long-wish’d sun, And northward his unwearied course doth run. The day much longer than it was before, The cold not lessened, but augmented more. Now toes and ears, and fingers often freeze, And travelers their noses sometimes leese. Moist snowy February is my last, I care not how the winter-time doth haste. In Pisces now the golden sun doth shine, And northward still approaches to the line. The rivers ’gin to ope, the snows to melt, And some warm glances from his face are felt; Which is increased by the lengthen’d day, Until by’s heat, he drive all cold away. And thus the year in circle runneth round; Where first it did begin, in th’ end its found.
painting, oil, 35x50 cm, 2020
Rem Saifulmulukov
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ukdamo · 4 months
Anne Bradstreet
Cold, moist, young phlegmy winter now doth lie In swaddling clouts, like new-born infancy; Bound up with frosts, and fur’d with hail & snows, And, like an infant, still it taller grows. December is my first, and now the sun To the southward Tropick his swift race doth run. This month he’s hous’d in horned Capricorn, From thence he ’gins to length the shortened morn, Through Christendom with great festivity, Now’s held (but guessed) for blest Nativity. Cold, frozen January next comes in, Chilling the blood, and shrinking up the skin. In Aquarius now keeps the long-wish’d sun, And northward his unwearied course doth run. The day much longer than it was before, The cold not lessened, but augmented more. Now toes and ears, and fingers often freeze, And travelers their noses sometimes leese. Moist snowy February is my last, I care not how the winter-time doth haste. In Pisces now the golden sun doth shine, And northward still approaches to the line. The rivers ’gin to ope, the snows to melt, And some warm glances from his face are felt; Which is increased by the lengthen’d day, Until by’s heat, he drive all cold away. And thus the year in circle runneth round; Where first it did begin, in th’ end its found.
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candacehughes · 5 months
candace marie hughes the forests 90,000 total: 90,000 bridges over apc streams, 90,000 camp papers faces c pro, 90,000 rockbamboo houses, 90,000 apc rest rooms, 90,000 apc shower rooms, 90,000 fire piers stonedbamboo, 6 cafesbuttonsstones properties, 900,000,000,000 routeguns watered, 900,000,000,000 tutguns houses 4 total, 900,000,000,000 yinsfire pits (use anytime) card candace marie hughes r-1's with in///fires circulars 5 total cardd candace marie hughes faedges 5 total streamin carddd candace marie hughes shawarma farms 15,000 total candace marie hughes hangings foods farms 80,000 total cardddd candace marie hughes barrrons ferntops cafes 3 total carddddd candace marie hughes nomadic villages mountains recipes festivals boxdrop houses 600,000 total candace marie hughes deep fried chickens in buckets recipes teepeis 600,000 total and hardcore houses 600,000 total cardddddd candace marie hughes my name is candace marie hughes i have streetbars i run 5,0,0 worlds carddddddd candace marie hughes my name is trail run 3000 reckin trells run 250,000 conifera needles lots candace marie hughes my name is i - i got 30 rivers i got 100 icerivers i got 1000 ponds i got 7,0 shuuuvviLs cardddddddd candace marie hughes (800 limb houses, 50 limb houses, 28 limb houses, 36 limb houses) one lains 90 sets:: 3 limbsseats with 4 poles cafes buttons holders 3000 total, bedtrails leafsticks total sstands: stonespittts (use anytime) 5000 totals forest shelters leanbench 6000 total, fruit lean benchshelves 6000 total, lit gunstreesstumps 900,000,000,000 total tall lit gunstreesstumps 900,000,000,000 total on and off button trelllights 900,000,000,000 total clothesrackslimbs 900,000,000,000 total rackslimbs 900,000,000,000 total stomp 4 and axxe with handle 1example with 30 leeses 900,000,000,000 total carddddddddd candace marie hughes Luxon beowulf ancient epics the sordsman dangerous wild forest cliff cliff cliff shelters $ deliveries bunkers 900,000,000,000,000 total sawmill storages 30,000 total cardddddddddd. on. paid. deliveries on. paid. candace marie hughes must return to candace marie hughes and in candace marie hughes not found and not seperated anywhere but in candace marie hughes and candace marie hughes. on. paid. paid. paid. must mail cardddddddddd and kiy and device to candace marie hughes. on. paid. miracles on. paid. miracles maintenanced on. paid. miracles maitainings on. paid. must remove cover, covers, covering, coverings, covered. on. paid. kosmetics cosmetics on. paid. voice google voiced google on. paid. on. paid. voiced google mail on. paid. voiceings on paid. on. paid. paid deliveries on. paid. paid. farms and gardens and farmings and gardenings and farmed and gardened on. paid. voices on. paid. must remove cover, covers, covering, coverings, covered, red carpet events buildings earth and red carpet events and red carpet events buildings and red carpet events buildings addresses and properties. on. paid. memory on. paid. playstation jungle congo - amazon on. paid. must remove cover, covers, covered, covering, coverings. on. paid.
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dragset · 3 years
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Chateau de Walzin above Leese river, Belgium
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societyoftheglitch · 3 years
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Chateau de Walzin above Leese river, Belgium
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henry-rich · 4 years
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Chateau de Walzin above Leese river, Belgium
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mianichols · 4 years
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Chateau de Walzin above Leese river, Belgium
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revealitynet · 4 years
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Chateau de Walzin above Leese river, Belgium
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