#lazada seller center sg
letssplitdragonme · 5 years
Lazada SEO: How To Rank Your Products in Lazada Search Results
1. What is Lazada Search Rank Optimization (also called Lazada SEO)?
Lazada SEO refers to the process that sellers use to improve the visibility of their products in Lazada search results.
Approximately 70% of all Lazada sales come from directly searching for a product so having your product appear in page 1 of search results is critical to building a successful Lazada selling business.
Let’s look at an example for a hypothetical seller that is selling basketballs with a store named Basketball King Store.
The most popular customer searches for Basketball King Store’s products would include basketball, indoor basketball, men’s basketball, women’s basketball.
So, quite obviously, ranking #1 or #2 in Lazada search results for these search terms will be quite lucrative for Basketball King Store.
Lazada SEO refers to the process of a seller improving their product listing in a way that allows them to rank in Lazada search results.
2. Why is Lazada search rank important?
Most customers never even browse to page two of search results. The typical user journey is like this:
Go to homepage of Lazada
Search for product
Browse/review search results
Add best search result to cart
So if a seller is not appearing in step 3 of their user journey when a customer browses search results, then they are losing money.
Accordingly, It is of critical importance for sellers to optimize their product search rank for popular search terms. Optimizing their search rank can change a product from 0 sales to many sales.
When I worked at Lazada, we always made the bad joke like below:
Question: Where is the best place to hide a dead body? Answer: Page 10 of Lazada search results.
3. What factors contribute to Lazada search rank algorithm?
Please see the below diagram that introduces the biggest factors impacting Lazada search rank (on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 = least important, 10 = most important).
4. How do I improve my Lazada search rank?
I always try to break down the process of improving Lazada search rank into three distinct steps.
Step 1: Identify the important search terms for your products.
Identifying search terms doesn’t necessarily need to be rocket science but there are some tips that I can give you to help make sure you are focusing your effort on ranking for the most critical keywords.
The best part of this is that Lazada is giving the keywords for you actually in their search recommendations.
To demonstrate this, let’s go back to the example of Lazada seller Basketball King selling basketballs.
To find the best keywords, he should go to lazada.sg (or any of the other Lazada websites because they are all the same technically speaking) and start typing basketball 1 letter at a time.
After typing B, he gets the following recommendations from Lazada system:
Lazada is giving feedback to sellers based on the actual search volume for given keywords in their platform. They are automatically communicating the most searched terms to buyers and sellers.
Use this strategy to identify the top 10-15 keywords that you want your Lazada product listing to be visible in search results for.
Step 2: Optimize your product listings.
Now that you’ve identified which search terms you want to rank for, it is time to improve your listing quality for search rank optimization.
Optimizing your product listings requires multiple steps and it goes back to the above table where I mentioned which factors contributing to Lazada search rank algorithm.
As far as you can control it, these key attributes drive your search rank and you should always be optimizing in a systematic manner:
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Product Title – This will always be relevant and has a priority ranking of 9/10 on my scale of importance. You need to make sure that your product title uses as many characters as possible and starts with a good search term and includes as many search terms as feasible.
Example of a good product title:
Step 3: Track your product listing search rank for important search terms.
Tracking your search rank can be a long manual process or you can use tools to help automate it for you. I will go thru both the manual and automated methods here.
Manual method:
Go to Lazada homepage each week at same time
Type in search term
Browse thru results to see where you rank
Add your search rank for all keywords and search terms into a file like below (Date | Rank) – example = Dec 21, 10th
Automated method:
Sign up for SplitDragon.com and connect your Lazada account via seller center sign-in
Enter the search terms you want to track and SplitDragon will automatically provide a report on your search rank and search terms every day
Receive email updates and log into SplitDragon to see the automated lazada search rank tracking results that are run on all your products and search terms each day
Whether you use an automation tool like Split Dragon or track your search rank manually, you should always assume that your first attempt at optimizing your product search rank will not be the best possible title or best possible bullet points.
You should continuously test and iterate different product titles and bullet points to see which results in the best ranking. Optimizing your product is a process that should always continue and evolve.
5. What tools are available to help me improve my search rank?
There are a number of tools available to help with search rank optimization but not all catered to the Lazada platform. I will list my favorites below:
SplitDragon.com Split Dragon is the only tool that connects directly to your Lazada seller software account and pulls your products into their system. It then allows you to input your key search terms for each product. After that, their software will automatically pull your product search rank into an easily understandable report. To help find out
Google Keyword Planner. Google keyword planner is used most     frequently for Google Adwords campaigns but you can find some helpful insights in it about the search volume of certain keywords within Google. That can be used as a basic proxy to help you evaluate which keywords to target and include in your product listings.
6. Summary.
Holding your product selection constant, your search rank is probably the single biggest determinant of your sales and profits. All successful marketplace eCommerce sellers in Lazada, Amazon, Taobao, and other sites should be actively monitoring their product search rank for key search terms.
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