#lavela marrow
LAVELA: =She's excited to see Jareth, it's been years and they used to be so close. Hearing from him like this was so sudden though. Also he's changed which is to be expected she's changed too.-
LAVELA: =Still it made her feel a little on edge. Her goggles in her jacket pocket along with the knife strapped to the small of her back beneathe a simple blouse. Just looking around, peering with bad eyes through corrective lenses=
JARETH: - She's not the only one on edge. It's the first time he's truly been out in public in a while, and it's hard not to think that passerbies are noticing him, looking at him funny, although he knows logically he's just another citizen in the shuffle of the city every so often he can't help but freeze, his heart racing with fear of being pointed out or recognized. Eventually he makes his way to the park, and he feels better there among the foilage and less hustle and bustle. He waits for her on a park bench. And she might be a little bit shocked at his appearance, the dark circles under his eyes, the way his clothes hang off his body....but he's here.-
LAVELA: =Walking through while glancing around she finally sees him and... honestly? It doesn't make her feel that much better. She's glad to see him of course but he's not in the best shape. Lavela frowns and approaches him looking rather impecable.=
LAVELA: What the heckerd00dle happened t0 y0u? >8(
JARETH: -He smiles briefly upon seeing her, although it's immediately accompanied by a flinch, and the smile quickly turn an into an uncomfortable grimace...and then disappears. His hands go self conciously to his arms, worrying at the skin there for a moment before replying.- It's a bit of a shock, I know.
JARETH: I think. We have a lot to talk about? -Hesitates for a second and then pats the bench.-
LAVELA: =She's blunt... she can't turn that off.... but just.. frowns at him and goes to sit down= Yeah we d0. =But... she'll let him talk=
JARETH: I don't really. Know where to start.
JARETH: Honestly.
LAVELA: THE BEGINNING MAYBE.... but. I mean... =Alright just... understanding, slow... patient... all things she isn't=
LAVELA: The first few years m8ybe?
JARETH: -Big ears angle. He's relieved that they're taking it slow. He's fragile....but he knows how she is too. He wishes he could tell her she doesn't have to handle him with kid gloves but he's too preccupied by the information dump he's trying to process.-
JARETH: Ok. That's. Tactical.
JARETH: -Nervous laugh.-
JARETH: School. Just. Lots of school. I suppose that is. Truly when I fell out of touch. With all of you. I just...
JARETH: I never felt like. I fit in here. And I was excited for a chance. To start over?  I was ambitious. I wanted to finish everything. As soon as possible. Make the best grades. Get an internship.
JARETH:... I hear. You're an actress?
LAVELA: Yeah. It's what I wanted... m0re 0r less.
LAVELA: =furrows eyebrows= Th0ugh h0w was sch001? Is sch001? If y0u're still d0ing the educ8ti0n thing??
JARETH: -He makes another attempt at a smile.- We could have. Run into eachother. I went into. Costume design. And set design.
JARETH: No. That's been over. For a while. Like I said. I wanted to finish as fast. As I could. And break into the industry.
JARETH: And. Well. I did.
JARETH: At first it was just. Grunt work. But I kept submitting my designs. Again and again. And eventually. They got picked up.
LAVELA: Well.....!!!!! That's g00d!
LAVELA: =But she also knows how vicious the entertainment industry can be and how soft Jareth is...= Picked up by wh0?
JARETH: I can't say. The name. Or I might end up. In a black van. With a bag over my head. -He's joking but also kind of not.-
JARETH: But it was. A young adult. Fantasy film franchise.
JARETH: Obviously. I was through the roof.
JARETH: -He's starting to withdraw a little bit now, because they're getting closer to the stuff that's difficlt to talk about.-
LAVELA: =Focused cat eyes= N0t if we bag them first.
LAVELA: =But she prods more= WELL? THEN WHAT?
JARETH: I met someone. They were also in. Costume and set design. More...more experienced. And they helped me get the position.
JARETH: They helped me. A lot. Taught me things. Helped me. Push my talent. Because. My portfolio was a mess.
JARETH: Well. Eventually. We became involved. -He's def. not looking at her now.-
LAVELA: ...... =She feels like there's a BUT coming but just nods.= 0kay.....
JARETH: -Ears pulled way way back.-
JARETH: Sorry. I. Don't mean to. Um.
JARETH: Dick you around.
JARETH: I just haven't. Talked about this with.
JARETH: Anyone. Actually.
LAVELA: =Furrows eyebrows= I WANT y0u to talk t0 me ab0ut it because it seems hecking imp0rtant!
LAVELA: I want y0u t0 talk t0 ANY0NE ab0ut it but especially me. What, happened?
JARETH: -Looks at her, feeling like he's going to turn inside out with all the squirming his insides are doing. But...he has to do this. She's the oldest friend he has. If he can't do it with her then he really can't do it at all. -
JARETH: Like I said. They helped me a lot. I couldn't have... Probably done anything without them. My designs were good. But they never would have been. Looked at? Because. I sucked at. Communicating. Being confident.
JARETH: They helped me with that. But they also had.
JARETH: These expectations.
JARETH: A lot of expectations. And... rules. And suggestions. And critiques.
JARETH: -He’s talking faster now, nearly babbling.-
JARETH: And at the same time. The project was a franchise. My first real gig. It was. Too much.
JARETH: -He starts to tear up a little bit.- I couldn't handle it. I was fooling myself. And. They were upset with me. And that made it worse.
JARETH: I couldn't sleep. Or eat.
LAVELA: =She's trying to keep level.... it hurts to know that Jareth was going through this all on his own. That he was suffering like this and being taken advantage of it seemed? Still he's tearing up and that just.. hurts her chest. Lavela takes a moment then just. Scoots closer and touches shoulders with him. Putting one hand over his like how they used to but in those times sitting in the woods their conversations were dreamier=
LAVELA: Y0u're safe n0w.
LAVELA: I'm n0t g0ing t0 let anything happen t0 y0u.... I'm. S0rry Jareth...
JARETH: -His face just crumples as soon as she touches him. And he starts crying in earnest, his free hand coming up reflextvley to rub at his eyes.-
JARETH: I just. Got sadder. And weaker. And they tried. To help. Convince me. To start eating again. To go see a doctor. But the more the more they wanted me to. The less I wanted to. And. We started having bad fights.
JARETH: After...A big confrontation...I just ran away. Left my contract. Left my room mate. Left them. Without saying anything. And I'm.
JARETH: -He just wheezes and lets the thread of the tangent go.-
LAVELA: Y0u're d0ing what's best f0r Y0U  and I'm glad that y0u are but n0w that y0u're here y0u're g0ing t0 get help and y0u sh001d really n8me dr0p that piece 0f d00kie please because that can als0 be t8ken care 0f but Y0U'RE PRI0RITY! =LEANS ON... she will hug if need be=
JARETH: - He didn't realize how much he'd been craving physical affection. At least this non threatening kind of physical affection, with no caveats. He's just pushing her face into her shoulder now and shivering, she can feel his antlers bumping up against her. He's dimly aware that it's broad daylight and he might be making a scene, but now he's worked himself into hysterics and he can't stop himself.-
JARETH: I'm. So. Sorry. I left you all. Behind. For nothing.
JARETH: Like it wasn't. Worth anything.
JARETH: But I'm really. The one. Who's not.
LAVELA: =She'll shoot anyone that stares, goes to hold his face= F8LSE. Y0u're w0rth s0 much d0n't let s0me Stankbutt McFartnugget tell y0u 0therwise!
JARETH: -Can't help but snort at Stankbutt McFartnugget through his tears. O Lavela...-
JARETH: -He's gross don't look at him.-
JARETH: -He can't handle the eye contact, so he's closing his eyes, but at least there's a smile squirming up at the ridiculousness of the situation and her face. And eventually he laughs. It still sounds hysterical and weepy, but it's something.-
LAVELA: =He smiles and laughs but it's broken by tears.... still. She smiles a little bit then hugs him tighter= (D0rk.)
LAVELA: (I missed y0u.)
JARETH: -Now that he's calming down a little bit, he hugs her  tighter- I. Missed you. Too.
LAVELA: =She holds him tight for a little longer then pulls back some and wipes at his face with her hand= W8y t0 be gr0ss. =But she's teasing=
LAVELA: C0me 0n. Let's g0 let y0u buy me s0me f00d. 8P
JARETH: Generous. Of you :>... -He nods.- But. Hold your hoofbeasts. -He uncaptchas a bag and starts reapplying the make up that got smeared-.
LAVELA: =SNRKS= Pretty b0y.
JARETH: -Gives a little shrug- Some things. Don't change.
LAVELA: 0f c0urse they d0n't, I'm glad y0u're still cute! We w00ld've had t0 put a p8per bag 0n y0ur head if n0t! 8P
JARETH: Actually. That sound. Appealing. Do you have one. On you?
JARETH: A brown one specifically.
JARETH: Mm. Muffins...
JARETH: How does all day breakfast sound?
LAVELA: It m8kes me w0nder why we're still at a l8me park!
LAVELA: =Stands up and offers him a hand gonna haul, obviously... or at least loop arms. She's loud and pushy but an affectionate cat=
JARETH: -claps compact mirror closed right as he finishes, he lets himself be hauled. He's made of twigs that are haphazdly glued together and put in loose flowing  pastel clothing.-
JARETH: -Noodles a bit-.
JARETH: Your patience. Has drastically improved. From the last time I saw you. ;> -It's only HALF sarcasm because tbh 3 years ago Lavela would have not waited for him to finish his make up.-
JARETH: Let's go.
LAVELA: =She honestly wouldn't have... if anything she would've run them while he tried to apply it=
LAVELA: Even perfect creatures can m8ke small min0r, teeny tiny impr0vements! ~ 8P =Sing-songs and shimmers, gotta haul them all the way to this sweet breakfast joint=
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