#laurie's invited to the wedding btw
Engagements that Have Snuck Up on Me
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I know exactly how this happened but I'm still surprised by it
So today was Flower Day, which Buck thoroughly enjoyed as a Sim who loves the outdoors. He got to talk to the Flower Bunny (I think he's done it before in his lifetime?), and he gave them a flower. Just like other times that I've had Sims gift others with flowers, the Flower Bunny was not pleased about being gifted a flower (for some reason?? It's literally their whole thing??), but as a whole it was a nice day for Buck.
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He even got to talk to his mom for the first time in,,, a while, but Laurie was pretty uninterested, which was pretty hurtful, in my opinion.
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There was also an option for Buck to apologize to Laurie, but I don't know what he would have said to her recently that would cause that (especially because they barely see each other since she moved out when he was younger), so I didn't do anything with that.
Later on, Mary Lu showed up and Buck chatted with her a little bit. I don't think they're friends yet, but he now knows that she has a part-time job, which is good to know. It's kinda weird that he knows the career of a school friend and not his brother or sister-in-law, but whatever. I suppose he has all the time in the world to find out about Flat and Flo's jobs.
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A little bit later, Buck got the want to become enemies with Karissa, a Sim that he previously just wanted to be despised by, and so I yet again tried to track her down, but was ultimately fruitless. The game said she was at the gym, so I took him there to prepare to fight, but in the end he just got a BLT sandwich from a vending machine and watched some TV. I guess the ultimate showdown will be postponed for another day :/
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To address the first picture and the title: yes, Rich is engaged with Latoya. Y'know, the Sim he just started dating? While Buck was waiting for Karissa to show up at the gym, he got a call from Rich with one of those story-telling blurbs that was all "I saw a ring in Latoya's bag, should I say yes?" and I just went with it, because I forgot that actions have consequences. I wasn't sure that those blurbs would actually affect the household that I'm actively playing, and since I have been toying with the idea of Rich and Latoya getting married, I went with it. I didn't even learn until later when I was looking through Rich's relationship panel and saw that it said they were engaged. They haven't even gone on a date yet! I have like,,, two, maybe three pictures of them, one of them being that first picture. I've decided to just go all the way, I planned a wedding for them the week before Rich ages up to an elder (Latoya is a little over half his age by the way), and I guess I'll see what comes of that.
He's already gotten the want to start a new relationship, which is absolutely nuts. The fact that Latoya, a Sim who is evil, a criminal, and hates children, is going to potentially be the Sim he marries is just,,, I would say it's out of nowhere, but given that Rich is just a asshole all around (despite not having any traits that would make him predisposed to being one), it makes sense. I guess with how fast everything is going, it just feels like a life crisis for Rich.
On a bit of a more lighthearted note, Moira seems to really like the stereo. It's one of those "pet obsessions" things for her, and honestly I think it's pretty cute.
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