nulltune · 2 years
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OK HI I LOVE SMOLANA DEL RAY SO FRIKKIN MUCHHHH 🙏🙏💖💖💖 I CAN RAMBLE ABT IT FOR HOURS TBH but pls know that i am simply Heart Eyes every time smol graces my dash/notifs with her presence 😳😳😳👉👈💞💞💓 
BUT OKAY SMOL-LUVIN' ASIDE-- THIS IS GONNA BE A LONGASS POST. AND WHEN I SAY LONGASS, I MEAN LONGASS. as in: do not click read more unless you want your dash flooded by this one post JDJSHFJSH
for context: i joked abt doing the 4 headcanons meme for all of smol's muses,, but little did she know..... i am a feral clown who's got hakuno brainrot on da mind 24/7. very bold of me to do so with minimal knowledge on any other fate character other than miss kishinami (my beloved 🥺❤) but ya know what???
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THE SPIRIT OF HAKUNO HAS POSSESSED ME SO I AM NOW HERE TO PROVE YOU WRONG SMOL!!!!!! and to immortalize your willy wonka pfp here tbh heeheehoohoo
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both had short lives that ended up being lost because of a war, both lived a life with no regrets; but what's interesting is what happens after their death and their views on themselves. achilles lived "the short life of a hero with brilliant achievements in battle", but his name is forever carved into history and he is remembered as a hero. hakuno is a glitch that won't be remembered, she knows that the world will go on without and that her death is just insignificant loss — but she finds comfort in that and is happy that those she cares for will continue to move on to the future. listen... i love Contrast(TM) and i just think it'd be an interesting thing to explore idk!!!!
they're vastly differently in terms of how they view their own selves, but mayhaps achilles can help hakuno gain some pride in her achievements 🤔 (girlie literally won a war and Ended it pls) and realize that she's much more heroic than the sort of antagonistic character she thinks she is. on hakuno's end — she can humble him a bit. GSNFB I JOKEEE!! but i think she could mayhaps bring out a softer and chiller side to him than the usual pompous fighty achilles?
she would very much like to meet his horses!! and taking a trip down memory lane... here's the first ever ask i ever sent to a smowu blog (GASP! 😳) and hakuno absolutely is the type to talk to animals as well, so perhaps the two can bond over that?
adding to that above point-- she'd probably try to be his "mentor" when it comes to "politely communicating to animals" (spoiler alert: it's really the most basic advice ever) and in turn, she's like him to teach her how to properly care for his horses too! she'd come in to check up on them every now and then and would always bring an apple as a treat for each of em n_n (if achilles asked her if she came to see him she'd give him the d r i e s t expression ever. hakuno vc ..what do you think?) (and when he looks away she presses a snack that she got for him against his cheek) (she do be like that)
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LISTEN I STILL LAUGH OVER HAKUNO AND HER BROKEN FRENCH GDJSHFJSJ but!!!! in an effort to impress jeannu, hakuno seeks a tutor to improve her french. after much effort to search for one and the rejection from a certain other avenger, she found her savior in the form of a french-japanese chaldea staff member willing to devote an hour of their day to teach the moon girl some french. would this newfound interaction cause a change in the avenger's seemingly adamant answer of "no"? who knows--
ALSO THE CONCEPT OF HAKUNO TEACHING JALTER HOW TO READ..... i'd imagine that outside of historical and informative stuff (hakuno's a real big history buff ya see!) she'd like those feel good happy ending kind of stories... which i feel like jalter might just scoff at i think. i think these reading sessions could be a regular thing with these two mayhaps... :] with hakuno brewing a different kind of tea and lowkey trying to gauge jeannu's reaction to find out her favorite! (hakuno vc maybe you'd prefer some other beverage... but nothing beats a warm cup of tea while reading... ah-- unless you do prefer some other drink, avenger?!)
i can lowkey imagine hakuno reading out a story to jalter only to pause all of a sudden because it got to a sad part and she's trying really hard not to cry, cue a heavy sigh from the avenger as she takes the book away from hakuno and reads to her instead. end result is a very peacefully sleeping moon girl who WILL be all bright-eyed and full of thanks and praise for jalter the next day. ✨
anddd in return, jalter teaching hakuno how to draw⁉️ we both know how.../Hm/ this moon girl's art skills are (insert your edgar sighing in the bg here) and iirc jalter is skilled enough to make a doujin for that servant fes thing so 👀 AND HAKUNO HELPING HER DURING SERVANTFES TOO PERHAPS!!! ....but also dragging jalter off to enjoy summer in luluhawa from time to time and not just waste away making her doujin in that stuffy hotel room-
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the man she went to when in seek of a french tutor. the man who immediately refused her when she asked him to become her french tutor. oddly enough, he started speaking more french after this request of hers —— or was it just her imagination? in any case, she'd like to impress the count with her french too.
hakuno's more of a tea person, but there's something very special about having coffee together with the count (it also makes her feel all wise and cool and mature okok). on one occasion, she asked the avenger if he knew how to do latte art and only received A Look in response (she assumed he got offended by the question.. maybe...). cut to a few days later, to a day where hakuno finds a cup of coffee with a very cute cat latte art on top conveniently placed on her bedside and made just the way she likes her coffee. it felt too cute to drink, but she ended drinking it in the end and enjoyed that cup of coffee very much. she was later scolded for consuming things without knowing where they came from tho. ("but i already knew you were the one who--" "quiet.")
dantes is a rancid possum (in da words of smol herself 🙏) who helps and protects from afar, but keeps his distance. seeing the similarities between hakuno and his past self, dantes might take it upon himself to become hakuno's protector from the shadows, but hakuno's the type to ask him to try and bring him out of those shadows and stand beside her instead (because she'd also like to be able to support and protect him okok).  
hakuno is a megane luvr so i'm sorry to say mr. kuhaha but she will be very 👁👁✨✨ at him when she's in his summer get-up. the instant he's out of it though? moon girl's back to stoic (idk how this is a hc but this just Had To Be Said)
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truthfully, hakuno admires nightingale a lot. nightingale is someone who selflessly devotes herself to helping others — hakuno kishinami on the other hand, is someone who selfishly keeps on living despite taking the way the lives of people infinitely more important and meaningful (MOON GIRL'S WORDS OKOK. NOT MINE!) 
it makes me think of a Maybe mentor-mentee relationship because hakuno would very much like to learn first aid and how to patch up wounds and all from nightingale!! and pls hakuno considers herself selfish and someone who only thinks of herself but after learning basic first aid, even if she herself is all bloodied and bruised, she's always making sure others get treated and healed (maybe nightingale could help hakuno in this regard?? pointing out how her actions are totally opposite of the type of person she thinks she is---)
hakuno's not scared of the nurse, but she avoids being treated by her at all costs. it's not a nightingale exclusive thing (though she has heard of some of the berserker's more... unique treatment plans for certain patients), it's just that she sees no need for any of the important resources to be spent on something not even human. if she ever does get to a point where she can't refuse treatment from nightingale, i can imagine it to be a significant moment for hakuno 👀 hakuno doesn't hide the fact that she's an npc, but she keeps her own insecurities and issues that stem from that fact hidden. though nightingale may not be aware of the extent of those issues, i can imagine her treating hakuno like any other patient and maybe even saying some things that can unknowingly ease hakuno with some of her internal conflicts.
selflessness is a theme that i feel like would be reaaaal prominent with these two and i think it is very Interesting how they're both extremely selfless characters but packaged in a way that you wouldn't expect your typical kind and selfless characters to be 👁👁
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they watch tokusatsu shows together. they both do those dramatic ass poses together. just-- GDJFHSJFJD THEY WATCH TOKUSATSU SHOWS TOGETHER!!! (hakuno vc this is canon) (arjuna sighs for the nth time that day) though on a more serious note-- it'd be Interesting if they do watch tokusatsu shows and mayhaps get into a discussion on what it means to be a hero and the like... 🤔 
BUT YES THEY SHOULD WATCH POWER RANGERS TOGETHER. movie night becomes a thing and out of the good will in her heart, hakuno gets arjuna power rangers merch-- a white mask like the power ranger's. not exactly the best gift (for anyone ever) but her comment about how "it would really elevate your hero poses" really doesn't make it any better. 
i don't know why but hear me out-- I DON'T KNOW WHY OKAY BUT i want them to suddenly get cast into a play (be it power rangers or a tokusatsu show, just any kind of play, aight!!!) – only for that the play to deviate from the storyline into absolute Madness with everyone just improvising lines and creating a crazy new story altogether... you know da trope!! idk why but arjuna strikes me as a perfectionist so he might not vibe with that but hakuno's adaptable and lowkey embraces the chaos ngl. i can imagine a hakuno going up to him after all that fiasco to ask him if he had fun or not, gives some comment on how even though the play wasn't perfect it's still special and meaningful in its own way... 
THIS ONE'S JUST RIDICULOUS NGL NGL BUT CONSIDERING THE PLENTIFUL COMMENTS SOME OF YOUR MUSES HAVE HAD ABT MOON GIRL BEING A /MOONKEH/-- hakuno needs to interact with the monkey in his travel outfit whatever it is. not sure what your junabro's (stealing tsuno wuno's yq's nickname here) stance on having pets or just animals in general is, but they can be a trio ✊ (arjuna da unwilling straightman) (arjuna da monkeh babysitter) (i proceed to get beat up by da moon girl-)
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this manbitch arthur never came 2 my chaldea ^_T but i Do know that he's from a separate world? something something idrk BUT! i am eye-nyooming on the concept that they're both "outsiders" in chaldea... this is a whole can of worms for my hakuno but i'm just 👁👁 there's a unique kind of loneliness that arises from being in a world you don't belong in.... (a constant mood for this moon girl tho ahahaha-)
Big Eaters(TM), but i think they're both people who cook to feed other people rather than to feed themselves. so!! i can see hakuno asking arthur to teach her how to cook, and at the end of their first cooking lesson together, the finished product she's very proud of is given to him (hakuno vc even outside of cooking-- you're always working hard for others' sake.. but i think you need to extend that kindness to yourself too) (SHE RLLY NEEDS TO PRACTICE WHAT SHE PREACHES THO)
i think arthur's expertise lies in savory meals? and arthur is your muse but this is a really sweet concept (no pun intended) but i offer u this idea: after finding out the moon girl's sweet tooth, he starts getting more into baking as well....... IT'S JUST ODDLY SOFF 2 ME OKAY 😭
HMMMMRGHH lynnpoo has not thought much on what hakuno's thoughts on chivalry and honor and all that are but 🤔 i am thinking abt.... the bad light hakuno views herself in and how arthur is viewed by everyone as a perfect king-- only hakuno's extremely perceptive so she'd definitely be able to look past that image and she isn't me so she's not going to be 😳 over anything he does GFJSBFND THE TOPIC OF THE SELF AND SELF IMAGE IS SOMETHING THAT CAN BE EXPLORED HERE THO METHINKS
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idk why smolie but ever since izou made fun of her height, i just imagine these two developing a very weird very childish very dumb rivalry sort of rivalry...... VFJSHFN hakuno's typical interactions with him usually consists of that Moon Girl Snark(TM). absolutely can imagine her getting some 20cm heels just to get back at him for that height comment too.
BUT ALL THE KIDDY BANTER ASIDE- she does treat this aggressive manslayer as she does any other person (though she is well aware that he could kill her at any second, yes). she's not afraid to give criticism or praise where it's deserved and i can lowkey imagine the sincere praise and kindness she gives him being something that would leave the assassin dead silent for a moment... —— before he suddenly starts barking up a storm, saying that that he knows that already or that he doesn't need her help or whatever. (hakuno doesn't need a reason to be nice, but hey– she finds that reaction pretty amusing and may or may not want to see it more often)
they're both pretty chaotic and defiant people, but hakuno's definitely the calmer and composed one in this duo while izou is 100% the much more hot-tempered one. a tendency to be self- destructive is an isse they both have, and there's a lot they can learn from each other to be less self-destructive: izou can learn that violence isn't always the answer and instead find better ways to deal with his emotions, especially his anger; hakuno's already quite the assertive person, but she can learn to be more vocal with her own issues that she tends to keep bottled up and maybe even talk back to the insults she gets instead of silently accepting it (though she does mentally make a point to prove them otherwise).
the day hakuno bumped into the assassin's back was a very pivotal moment to her. (here are the two things came to her mind: 1. damn. assassin is shorttt. and 2. assassin's hair is... FLUFFY-WUFFY..?!) (come to think of it, he does remind her of a fluffy-wuffy pomenarian--). catch hakuno forcing izou to sit still as she brushes all the tangles out of his hair. he'd definitely refuse, but hakuno is Stubborn As Hell and insists that it's for the greater good (of his hair). mayhaps this could lead to a rare and tender moment between the pomenarian and the squirrel--
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ngl the thing i remember most about your robin is-- B R E A D. therefore i greatly implore you to have them eat bread! i remember we also talked a bit abt my hakuno being lowkey 😬 because she remembers the moon cell robin that Shot Her With An Arrow and Nearly Poisoned Her To Death, so maybe this robin could sense her lowkey uneasiness... offers her bread to,, get her to not be so uneasy..?
IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE!! (she might refuse out of politeness a couple of times at first but honestly she'll cave in) (the way to a moon girl's heart is thru her stomach o k ay-) and it really might just be a scene taken straight out of those nature documentaries with the person getting the animal to loosen up by giving it some food-- but afterwards hakuno is very firm on saying that she'll repay him in some way and that she bears no ill will towards him !!
THOUGH RLLY THE SITUATION OF THESE TWO IS VEWY INTEWESTING.... hakuno obviously knows A Lot about robin given her interactions with the him from the moon cell, which i feel like he would be a little or a lot 🤨 given the nature of his own legend and how if he's observant enough, he can definitely pick up on her body language that would most definitely tell him that she's familiar with him to an extent. what he chooses to do though... is all his choice 🤸‍♂️
i just skimmed thru robin's wiki and for the identity section-- "treated him as an outcast" "orphan" "lived as a black sheep" HELLO??? listen i already knew abt them having the whole identity thing as a common issue which already made me very 👀👀 but this all very new info to me that i'm just 👁👁‼‼ "and though every person to adopt the robin hood persona truly values life above all else, they have little appreciations for their own"  /HELLO???/ 
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caimkairos · 4 years
@lampguided​ replied to your post: “Babies are made when people who care ‘bout each...
child, take a seat.
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“Yes?” Ah, to be naive.
Which may not last that long, considering.
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demonwilled · 4 years
lampguided replied to your post: “Are you always this violent when fighting? If...
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goldenscar · 4 years
@lampguided​ says ...
ツ :  An OC you created that you are proud of?
ask the mun! [ open ]
this feels so wrong to talk about on my zoro blog dfmskfms THAT IM PROUD OF ??? *pulls out a book* ahem . but actually i wont talk too much about the mdkmfksdm 
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i sketeched  this out so fast OK her name is BLANC !!! she’s not an oc of any series besides mine that i’m still .. developing and been developing for years now mkmfs i don’t want to get into the details of the world because god do i even know what im doing but she’s a former super star celebrity that stepped out of that business because of some scuffles and trouble!! 
she’s a very PINK gal but in terms of personality, she’s a cool-headed, nonchalant who doesnt have a lot of common sense. her main goal in life is just to be freed from her previous celebrity life and be her own person again ! 
i also have this guy 
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he’s COMPLETELY unrelated to the previous noted series, he’s actually an oc for this inner rp group i have with some people on discord !! his name is caio and he’s a fire prince that sleeps around too much. his entire personality is 😘 
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annwyfn · 4 years
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-Gives him dinosaur shaped vitamins-  / @lampguided​
Eyes light up as the colourful little things are all but shoved at him, shapes much like the strange creatures he had once read about in books that had been long, long before his time. Some almost looked like dragons though he knows them not to be so, knows them for what they are as he received them with honeyed laugh as he turned them upon his palm.
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“You know, had Merlin had these when I was younger I might have been more inclined to take medicines.” They looked far more appealing, at the very least. “I’ll be certain to put them to proper use.”
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unwcvering · 4 years
@lampguided​ replied to your post:        Tired professor gives one (1) head pat.
Have you washed your hands professor?
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                   “Not... Not recently.”
       Though his hands weren’t exactly dirty...
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homeportmovedagain · 4 years
@lampguided​ said: "I am one who save lives. Nursing and ensuring sanitation is my duty. What is your duty?" To anyone!
“I cook!” (dramatic sound effect)
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Well, she is also a judge of hell and cuts down sinners, but hey, cooking is more important. And she will certainly not back down facing the nurse of steel. “I can ensure you, my kitchen is hygienically perfect, chirp.”
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curruidcarnage · 4 years
-slowly picks up the rabies vaccine-
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.... What is that.
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aecorus · 4 years
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@lampguided​ asked:  "Did you just sneeze? Are you feeling alright?"
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“Yes, I’m fine.” Vivian said, scratching at the back of her neck. She wasn’t feeling ill at all, though Servants don’t get sick. She hadn’t the faintest idea of why she sneezed; maybe dust in the air? But then a thought came to her head.
“If I didn’t know any better I’d say someone was talking about me!”
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ryogai · 4 years
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@lampguided​ said : "Here. Have some calcium and maybe you'll calm down."
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Nix accepted the cup of warm milk from Nightingale, a small laugh slipping past her lips. She had always heard stories about people using it to sleep better with but never gave it a try herself. To her, it simply sounded like a silly thing someone’s mother would do for their child. Though with how hard it had been to fall asleep lately, this must’ve been a sign to truly try it. “Thank you, Nightingale.. I’m sure this will do the trick.”
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maerchenbound · 4 years
@lampguided asked:
"cut it with the electronics, your eyes must rest."
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        Hans makes a noise of protest as the iPad is lifted out of his hands, and then out of his reach.  “Who do you think you are, my mother?!  It’s only 11 o’clock!”
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elsajerde · 3 years
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@wishingyouwelll @kanefaber-blog @zachariah424 @remindmeofmyself @lampguide-blog @miraculousmadness @hypnotica @firetumber-blog @hann-made @seamless-fashion 
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demonwilled · 4 years
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Send me a 🐤 for a Tweet my muse would make about yours. (NOT ACCEPTING) @lampguided​
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goldenscar · 4 years
??? ( @lampguided​ ) says ...
"You are bleeding, but worry not, I am a nurse, your injuries will be treated immediately." /Runzororip
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            ‘ hey, wait ! ’ immediately opposing to the aid, even drawing back from the stranger with an unnecessary amount of movements to further irritate his given wounds, earning him a scowl-- mainly directed at his own mistakes of letting himself get caught off guard to bring upon himself a wound. though, he wasn’t expecting to run into anyone, less alone a nurse; a stranger who seemed more like a fighter to him than a healer. regardless, zoro wasn’t a big fan of treatment and the injuries he gained weren’t massive enough to warrant such concern ( just a gash on the arm, clearly not a big deal ) ‘ thanks, but i won’t be needin’ it. ’ swinging his ( injured ) arm for a moment, almost giving himself a stretching break in the midst of conversation before he soon gained back proper hold of his arm ( not without the few winces and ows, of course ) and giving a glance back to the other as though meaning to say “see?”
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annwyfn · 4 years
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"You are loosing a lot of blood, hold on still or i will be forced to take drastic measures." /riparthur / @lampguided​
Far be it from Arthur to argue with one so esteemed, least of all when side was torn open, armour shredded by vicious claws as if it had been no more than paper before beast. A wise man would not have, would have submitted to her words and care for with crimson painting him in flowing streaks it was sorely needed. Arthur though had never claimed to be a wise man, and for all he is certainly far from a stupid one stubbornness was deeper set within him than near anything else.
At very least he does not pretend he is fine, has sense enough for that as gauntlet clad fingers wrap tight around holy blade.
“Others need your expertise more than I.” For she was skilled, exceptionally so, and Arthur was hardly only casualty. Smile graced pallid skin, warm and what he hopes is something akin to comforting even as corners of eyes pinch against the discomfort. “Tend them first, I won’t go anywhere.”
Not that he was in fit state to even if he wished to.
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curruidcarnage · 4 years
-puts antibacterial gel on his hands-
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(He’s just quietly going to accept it and rub his hands together to get the gel on.)
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