melodystone57 · 8 months
Beware My Power, Green Lanterns Light Part 2
“Hal Jordan of Earth, soon to be former Green Lantern of sector 2814. You are now charged with treason, grand thef-” Apa accused Hal since the moment the Meeting Started.
“Let's postpone my lynching until I tell you a couple of things,” Hal said over Apa. The Latter definitely did not agree with that. But also did not object to it either.
“What have you found, Hal Jordan?” Ganthat asked
“You see these handsome devils? They're the Lantern killers you said didn't exist. Call themselves Red Lanterns. Ring any bells?”
“He has concocted this ruse to save himself from a deserved punishment.” Said Apa.
“Respectfully, sir. I got an aching jaw that says they ain't no ruse.” Kilowog agreed with Hal and me. 
“Their Power Rings fire some sort of red energy that-” I started, only to be questioned by Says “They have rings?! Powered by what?” She asked while moving closer to get a better look at Red Lanterns
“Best guess? A huge desire to mash us all into pulp.” I continued
“Kilowog of Bolovax Vik. What is your recommendation?” Ganthet asked as he looked at Kilowog.
“ I say we high tail it back to Oa, cram the interceptor with as many GLs as she'll hold ultra-warp back, and kick their red butts until they're black and blue!” Many seemed appalled by Kilowog’s choice of words. 
“Despite the colorful terminology, a logical course of action.” Says agreed.
Aya popped into the Main Console viewpoint to Announce “Sensors have picked up an unmanned probe sweeping the area. Markings match the insignia of the recently encountered hostiles.” She pulled up a picture of a red and black drone that looked like a bass clef.
“Right. Red Lanterns. Aya, plot intercept course. It's going time.” Hal Ordered.
“Hal Jordan of Earth, do not terminate this communication..!” Apa interjected Angerly
“Sorry, gotta take this, don't be a stranger.”
Moving the ship to follow the probe was hard. Dodging asteroids and moving in and out of tight spaces, we got closer to the probe before it swan-dived down. Trying to follow it we kept getting shot but were never able to return fire without hitting asteroids.
“Forget about snaring it, just blast it!” I yelled.
In doing so we received a hard blast, “Warning! Shield degrading.” Aya Warned.
“Hal, break off! Stick to the plan. We go for reinforcements, then come back!” Kilowog Yelled.
“We can't let this thing give away our position!”
“What position?! We're going home! The Red Lanterns caught you with your pants down back on that rock and you want payback!”
After a couple more shots being fired by us, it hit the engine hard. “Direct hit to port ampoules. Shield's degrading to critical. Please do not let that happen again.” Aya Spoke up over the sound of the gun firing. Flying above we were able to figure out its flight patterns. Following closely we saw that it was about to fly over a giant asteroid.
 “Get ready to fire when I clear that rock,” Hal yelled. He makes a drilling construct so that we can go through the asteroid. Once we were through we flew up a caught it.
“Pekaboo.” I teased
It tried to turn around only for me and Kilowog to fire two shots at it, destroying it.
“Happy?” Kilowog asked Hal very angrily. 
“That felt good! A probe like that means the Red Lanterns are more than two killers with rings and a symbol. They're organized.” 
“Yeah Looks like we can't hog all the fun. Let's hit HQ and load up the boys like we planned. Aya, take us home.” I advised.
“Arching ultra-warp drives. Ready in three two one Impel.”
As the engine glowed preparing for take-off, we shot forth and stopped immediately after. All of us smacking and hitting the consoles.
“ Are we there Yet?” Shyir Rev (The wounded Lantern) asked. Getting up and taking a look at every one. Some looked like they were about to toss their cookies.
“Aya, what happened?” I asked.
“Overload due to hairline crack in the ultra-warp coil. Most likely caused by the last missile hit by the enemy probe. “All of us looked at Hal after she said the last part. Raising his hands he “For the record, she said most likely Not totally likely.” he said defensively.
“What does that mean?” Shyir Rev asked. 
“It means we're gonna be a little late to Oa. That's okay, I like to make an entrance. Aya, please estimate the time for repairs.” I said.
“Calculating. - Ultra-warp ready in nine point two” Hal interrupted “Nine minutes, no problem!”
“Okay, Can we form a construct and replace the defective part for the ride home?” I Asked
“The construct would have to be an exact copy of the ultra-warp coil mechanism. And it's 56 moving parts to within a 0. 8162 microns tolerance” 
“An any of you do that?” I asked as I looked at everyone
“ I make Hammers,” said Kilowog
“ Look, maybe it's for the best The Guardians won't deal with the problem like we will. We'll make those Red Lanterns pay” Hal said as he walked over to the Steering Console. Shyir Rev Started to fall out of his chair, Kilowog noticed and quickly caught him.
“Is he okay?” I asked Kilowog concerned.
“Just a little lightheaded He's taken a beating. He needs a real doctor, he's not making nine hours, never mind nine months” 
“ I was kinda looking forward to seeing Oa” 
I looked down at the floor ashamed, because f completely forgot about his condition “Aya, scan for the nearest inhabited world. Preferably one with a hospital.” I ordered.
“ Don't bother I know my own sector anywhere. We're not far from my home colony.” Shyir Rev said as he looked out in space towards his planet's sun.
“Sounds like a good place to lay low for a while and get you fixed up,” I said. We platted Course for the planet and engaged hyper speed.
After Landing at Shyir’s home, a woman walks out with medical supplies and starts to help Shyir Rev.
“Ow.” He said
“Don't be such a baby. “ She teased as she continued to patch him up.
“Very handy to have a doctor for a wife,” I said.
“Medicine is something I picked up because of my husband's second job.” She said as she looked over at me.
“She's actually the colony's head geologist. I was an engineer, that was how we met. Beata's the genius who dreamed up using the volcano's lava as thermal power.” Shyir said proudly.
“So was that your secret identity, engineer?” He asked Shyir, walking over to us from the ship.
“Secret what?” He asked confused
“ That's Hal's hang-up, that thing on his face, it's a mask. He wears it in case some earthling sneaks into the interceptor, while in space mind you, and goes: Aha! The Green Lantern on my planet is Hal Jordan! I'm telling everyone!” Kilowog laughed out teasing Hal.
“ Haha Talk to me when your planet invents paparazzi and the 24-hour news cycle.”
I heard two a sound of small feet running and looked behind me, only to have to look under and watch as a little girl ran over to Shyir yelling “Daddy, Daddy!”
“Wait Who is this giant?1 What have you done with my daughter Amala?” He teased as he tickled her.
“I am Amala.” The little girl said as she giggled.
“Now, now Time for hugs later. Let daddy rest.” His wife said. She stretched out her hand to her daughter waiting for her to take it. Amala went running to her mother, grabbing her hand and turning around to look at her father.
“Bye, Daddy!”
“This is some place Kinda reminds me of where I grew up Bolovax Vik,” Kilowog said looking out at the village sadly
“I'm sorry. Even here we heard about its destruction.” Said Shyir, offering his condolences.
I remember when that happened. Kilowog was overly strict with the recruits, to the point I had to pull him aside and talk to him. Only to get tears and snot from him instead.
“Your planet was destroyed? I-I never knew.” Hal said
“Just concentrate on gettin' us out of this mess you made hotshot,” He said as he walked further away from us and the ship.
“ Attention! I have found a tracking device on the interceptor's hull and require assistance removing it.” Aya Rang out over the PA system.
Flying closer to the ship, I noticed a black dot with a smaller red dot inside it. Getting Next to the wing, I was able to detect it was a tracker. I tried slashing it with a green rope. But all it did was fall to the ground. Dropping down I land on the tracker with my foot smashing it to bits.
Hal walked over witnessing my finding of the tracker.
“Do you think they. . ?” He asked
“Pretty sure they do,” I confirmed. The ground started to rumble when a black cylinder started to land. Black legs were extracted from within to support its weight for the landing. Once it had settled and red Holographic screen displayed itself in the sky showing a red man with yellow eyes, and black lips. He looked like Two-Face but pure red.
“This colony now enjoys the protection of the Red Lantern Corps. You have been liberated from the tyranny of the Guardians. But their Green Lantern lackeys are here You have one solar hour to bring these war criminals to us or your planet will be vaporized” He said ending the Message.
“ Those murdering red-” Kilowog started but was interrupted by Shyir rev
“We have to turn ourselves over to them.” 
“Shyir, no!” 
“We don't have a choice!” he Tried to reason with his wife
“ These guys are murderers. They're gonna blow up this rock no matter what you do!” Kilowog pointed out while death stared the liberator down
“ We do have a choice. We can fight them. And keep fighting, until we can't fight anymore.” I suggested
 That thing is a fortress. A frontal attack would be suicide.” Kilowog fought back, getting closer to me.
“Hey, if you've got another way, I'm all ears, but we've got to take that thing out!” 
“The Earth-Woman is right, we must go! “Shyir said. We started flying over there but only got maybe 5 feet before we got called back by his wife.
“Shyir, wait! I have another way!”
“Boy, I hope she is right about this. I'm bakin' here!” Kilowog exclaimed while He, Shyir, and I flew in the volcano towards the Liberator.
“ She's always right. This way” he directed us right under the liberator. Flying further up I cut a hole large enough to fit all of us at the bottom of the planet killer. Once we flew in we headed up a path of stairs. After a couple of seconds, we got to a door, I knocked yelling out housekeeping.
Kilowog did not share my amusement and just kicked down the door.
“ That must be the control panel.” I pointed out, looking at a large cylinder with small red buttons on it. We walked closer to get a better look.
“ Do you think you can disarm it, Rev? Kilowog asked
“I'll need a few minutes-” He was interrupted when a red energy almost hit us. Looking over at the window, Razer was standing there with his arm still up.
“ Die, die, die! “ He exclaimed shooting more shots at us. I set up a green force field 
“Hurry up, Rev!” I yelled. I could feel the shield was already breaking.
“ This guy's not playing around!” said Kilowog, charging at Razer. He swags his hammer aimlessly at Razer to try and get him.
“ Keep him back, for just a couple of minutes. “ Shyir exclaimed as he continued working on the wires. I flew over towards Kilowog to help him only to get shot backwards a couple of feet.
“This is your fault! You Green Lanterns might enjoy destroying worlds. But I do not!” Razer yelled as he conjured a red whip and slashed at us. Dodging out of the way I dumped into Kilowog and sent him to the ground.
“ In case you haven't been keeping up on current events you guys put this thing here and pressed the button! You wanna help!? Stop fighting us!” I tried to reason with him, only for my words to fall on deaf ears.
“ I won't listen to your lies. I'll destroy you both! “ He charged towards me, earning a roundhouse to the face.
“And what, you gonna mass murder them by blowing up the planet!? You know what you're fighting against, Razer. But what are you fighting for?!” I pointed out while delivering a kick to his chest sending him out the window.
“Dumb kid, Where is Shyir? Let's have some good news! “Kilowog said, flying over towards Rev. Flowwing him I sat next to Rev to try to help him.
“Detonation in thirty seconds”
“We need to move away. “Kilowog exclaimed pulling me up to my feet. And towards the window.
Three Two One. Detonate. Detonate. A red laser shot down within the unit towards the explosive. Rev took action and created a barrier to stop the laser.
 “Time to go,” I yelled out looking at Rev.
“ I can keep the laser from igniting the plutonium, for a little while anyway. I know what happened to Bolovax Vik. If you had a chance to save your world What would you do?” He said looking at the kilowog. I looked down not only in despair but in condolence as to what was about to happen.
“It's been an honor. “Kilowog said as we flew over to the window. Heading towards the village we created a giant claw to scoop people up before it was too late. When it looked like we got everyone, we started our ascend into space and put as much distance as we could between us and the liberator. 5 minutes passed when it finally exploded, taking Shyir along with it. The entire planet glowed and cracked before it too joined Shyir. Everyone watched as the liberator took the only home they had ever known and a family member as well. I looked over a kilowog, whose face was hard as a rock.
“Let's go find Hal,” He said. Thankfully it didn't take us long to find him
“Are you gonna help us with this, hotshot?” Kilowog exclaimed
“Kilowog, Rory!”
 “We got most of the colonists up before the big bang, but our rings are running low.”
“I believe I can help,” said Aya over the PA on the Interceptor. Shooting a green beam towards our Bubble. Relieving us and our Rings of the weight. We looked over at Razer, only to find him in a bubble without a ring.
“What's he doing inside that bubble?” I asked curiously
“Never mind him. You are a sight for sore eyes. You too, Aya.”
 “Thank you.” She replied
 “What about Rev. Did he make it?” Hal asked, and I couldn't meet his eyes. Shyir's ring flew towards and past us on the way to Oa. We all looked down or away.
“ I hope everyone knows the sacrifice Shyir made,” Hal said as we stood on a nearby planet that was now the home of Shyir’s people.
“They do. The elders are going to name our new planet after him.” said his wife while holding Amala in her arms. She was trying to hold back tears. I walked over towards them and put my hand on her cheek lovingly.
“Your daddy was very brave, Amala. He saved us all. 
“Is it okay if I still miss him?” 
“Yeah. We all will.” I replied, Her mother and her went over to join the people in hopes of building their new home.
“You know, Shyir did save them all. He asked me what I'd do if I had another chance to save my planet. And that's when it hit me, I'd save the people.” Kilowog explained to Hal.
“At least one of us got it right.” He Replied
“The cooling system is now functional. Continuing repairs.” Aya Debriefed, as we sat together in the cock pit. 
 “So, what's next?” I asked looking between Hal and Kilowog.
 “Next, we find the Red Lanterns,” Hal answered
 “Just how are we gonna stop who knows how many super-powered Red Lanterns with just the three of us?” Kilowog asked while walking over to Hal.
“That's a really good question, Kilowog. Here's another one, what should we do with the one we captured?” I pointed out as we all looked at Razer in the holding cell.
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starsandskies · 5 years
I hope this isn't too weird, but I didn't know you also play wow and I'm just really happy to find another person who's also excited about shadowlands (I'm trying to stay away from the negativity, but it can be really hard sometimes :/)
It’s not weird at all, don’t worry! And yeah, I also play WoW -not at the moment, though-. I’m one of those too old players who have been there since Vanilla (first on a private server, but I started playing on the official servers at the beginning of the TBC). I stopped playing a year ago because of some internal issues with the guild I was raiding at that time, but I’m also excited about Shadowlands! 
I loved the cinematic, and though we still have to know more about a lot of things (I hope we get some new info tonight during the Q&A), I like the project and the concept so far. And I think I already chose my Covenant, lol.
I’ll come back next week, probably, for the 15th-anniversary event! 
May the eternal sun shine upon thee ♥
Edit: My battletag is LadyFear#2323 if anyone wants to reach me there! ♥ 
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melodystone57 · 6 months
Chapter 4: Into the Abyss
Sitting up in bed, sweat falling down my face. My breaths were ridged and short. Tears started joining together at the corners of my eyes. I swung my legs to the side of the bed and onto the floor. The coldness helped soothe my senses, but not all the way. My hands shaking in terror, I placed them as softly as I could on the bed to try and push myself to my feet.
“Green Lantern Rory, I noticed your hormones and heart rate are tremendously high. Do you require assistance?” Aya asked over the speaker in my room. 
“No thank you Aya, I’m fine,” I said walking over to my desk and sitting in the chair with my legs crossed in my seat. Closing my eyes I tried to control my breathing but all I saw was darkness and him. The man who made my life a living Hell. I couldn't stand just sitting there, not when all I could think about was my brother.
I sat in silence for so long, just staring at the wall barely blinking. 
Breaking out of my trance I look towards the door and make my way to it.
Standing in front of the door, I took a deep breath and opened the door. 
“ Hey, are you ok?” Hal asked as he looked at me. He was dressed in flannel pajama pants and a regular t-shirt color black and green. Of course, he kept his signature mask on. I could tell his eyebrows were pinched in worry and he must have been crestfallen.
“Yes, Hal, I'm ok?”I tried to reassure him while walking out of my room in my uniform. A hand gently placed itself on my shoulder, stopping me from moving.
“I'm not sure about that Rory. You know I'm he..”
“THANK you, Hal but I’m fine, now can you please let go of my shoulder?” I said forcefully as I moved forward and out of his grasp. I continued walking till I got to the food storage and pulled out the sushi food capsule. I grabbed the chopsticks it came with and headed to the dining/meeting room. Once the door opened, I saw Razer sitting at the in-floor booth eating what looked to be a blue stake. I walked over towards him and sat on his right side, leaving plenty of room for Hal and Kilowog if they decided to eat.
“Good Morning Razer.” I said. However, all I got was a soft grunt in response. But it was better than nothing. I settled in by opening the soy sauce, and wasabi packet and mixing it in the sauce dish. Once it was the right consistency I opened the food capsule and pulled out a rainbow roll, spicy tuna roll, salmon roll, and California roll. Once everything was set to how I liked it I opened the chopsticks and dug in. After two rolls a voice interrupted the shared silence.
“What is that?” Razer asked curiously as he eyed the assortment of rolls in front of me. 
“ This is Sushi. Sushi is a staple rice dish of a cuisine, consisting of cooked rice flavored with vinegar and a variety of vegetable, egg, or raw seafood or fish garnishes and served cold” I replied looking at him “Would you like to try one?” I asked.
“No thank you.” He replied as he went back to his steak and I to my Sushi. A few minutes passed before the door opened and Kilowog entered. He bumped Razer's left shoulder on his way to sit on my left side.
“Ah, grub time.” Kilowog said before burying his face his food that resembled worms. I looked away and back at my food seeing as I had grown used to his eating behavior by now. I finished up my food and began to clean up any mess I made.
“You got a problem poozer” 
I looked up a kilowog confused, thinking he was talking to me. Only to find he wasn't looking at me at all but instead Razer. 
“Only that I dislike 7-foot pigs” Razer barked back. Kilowog grew angry and grabbed Razer by the cuff of his uniform top and pulled Razer closer to himself across the table. 
“Whoa whoa whoa. Break it up you two.” I said as I jumped to my feet and pushed both of them as far as I could from each other. “ this ship is too small to be trying to play WWE in here.”
“Oh come on we were just fooling around. Right?” Kilowog seethed with clenched teeth and stared down Razer. Razer said nothing in return. He instead chose to stare down Kilowog as well. 
“Alright look you two, we are a team and you two need to start acting like it. There is an old earth custom that we use to dispute differences.” I explained looking at both of them. They raised their fist and shook them in the air. Shaking my head in exasperation, I placed my hands on the first and brought them back down.
“Not like that.”
“ Attention. Incoming Distress Call “ Aya rang out over the PA. 
“ Put it on Aya,” Hal responded behind me. Jumping slightly I looked behind me to make sure he was real. He looked at me in a questioning stance. I looked away from him so that I didn’t have to deal with explaining anything.
“This is Captain Goray of the container ship Turbadon.” A man explained as Aya brought up the 
Holograph of him. “I’ve struck a pinhole and am unable to proceed. One of my engines has failed and the other one is a full capacity but it's only slowing the inevitable. Please I need Help!”
“Aya hold the transmission,” Killowog said.
 The hologram closed into a straight line. Kilowog turned to me and Hal.
“Could be a trap. We get there the disabled ship pops up and reds start pouring out.”
“There are no red lanterns in this sector,” Razer spoke up “It's not a trap.”
“Are you sure razer?” I asked looking at him.
“Positive. I was in charge of setting those traps.”
Turning away and looking towards the call I could faintly hear Kilowog mumble “Great”.
“Aya reactivate the call,” I said,” Captin Goray, I am Green Lantern Rory of the Green Lantern Corp. My team and I have received your location and help is on the way.”
We all moved into the cock pit and sat in our designated spots. Me in the middle manning the navigation panel, Kilowog on my left handling the weapons system, Razer on my right monitoring communication and the ship's systems, and Ha steering the ship. We started heading east of where we originally were.
“I’ve got two questions. A, How far is the pinhole?” Hal asked. I could feel him looking at the back of my head.
“Ten thousand feet and closing” I replied not looking up for the navigation panel so that we were ensured that we were heading to the right place.
“ Thank you, now B, What a pinhole?”
I went to answer but Razer beat me to it.
“ It is a microscopic black hole at the center of a whirlpool of energy. The closer the ship gets to the pinhole, the stronger the gravitational pull becomes.”
I turned in my seat and faced Hal.
“The closer the ship gets the faster the ship will compress till it is the size of a single french fry.” I replied backing up Razer's statement. 
Five minutes later we were able to spot the ship.
“That's close enough aya, we don't want to be pulled in too.” Hal said,” Deploy the retractor beam”
Following his orders, the beam was shot out but curved down into the pinhole. Luckily she stopped it before it pulled us further in.
“Anomalous gravitational readings are infecting my systems. Unable to compensate.” Ayay commented.
 “ razer is the transmission still open?” I asked
He nodded yes and reactivated the call.
“ Captin do you have any tow cables?”
“Deploying them now.” The captain replied. Three cables shot out towards us from under the ship. However, they were also pulled towards the pinhole.
“oops missed,” Goray commented.
“We're gonna have to go out there and attach the beams manually. Razer, kilowog follow me. Rory stay on the ship and make sure nothing happens.” I nodded at him and Razer and Kilowog walked with Jordan to the landing doors.
“ Anomalous gravity always puts a bug in my britches.” Kilowog grumbled on his way to the doors. 
“ If you don't think you are up to the task..” Razer teased before the door closed and I could no longer hear their argument. I walked over towards Razer station and opened up a com line so that I could catch every word and stay updated. Looking out towards the ship I saw all three of them heading towards the cables.
“ Quite the downdraft.” razer yelled over some sort of noise. It was hard to figure out what it was over the coms. I walked over to Hal's seat, just in case the ship needed to be moved.
“That's a downdraw. If you don't make it over the gravity whirlpool your dark matter.” Kilowog explained also yelling.
All of them grabbed a cable and started heading back. Razer started struggling. 
“ Aya open a privet link with Hal.” a small blue light appeared on the screen next to his name.
“ Hal Razer is falling behind I'm not sure he’ll make it.” Hal looked over at Razer and moved to help him. They all made it towards the ship and attached it at the bottom.
“ Alright Rory, haul this baby out,” Hal said over the public com. I grabbed the winch and slowly pulled it backward so that I didn't strain the cables. Red started showing up on the screen.
“ Warning, Gravitational pull is too intense. Cables can not withstand the strain.” Aya Warned.
I let go of the winch immediately but kept the ship where it was. 
“ It should be stable for now. But sooner or later I'm tellin' ya it's goin' in.” Kilowog said.
“We have to get the captain ourselves,” Hal ordered and started heading back to the ship while the other two followed. Moving towards the door Hal blasted it open and climbed straight in it. Kilowog followed so did Razer but with a struggle. Once all of them were inside the door closed.
“ Aya turn on the heat vision, ring monitors, and health monitors, as well as set up a scanning perimeter around us in case of an attacker,” I ordered as I moved from Hal’s seat towards mine as all of the systems were brought up. The windshield dimmed down and showered two green and 1 red little body. 
“How’s it looking in there guys?” I asked looking at the ship.
“We're good,” Hal Answered “ heading to retrieve the captain now. We‘ll let you know what we…” he was interrupted by an unknown voice.
“Down here!”
I watched as the 3 dots moved further into the ship
“Thank grollmother, you’re here,” the voice said. “ I’m a t half power and have no way to pull myself out.”
“Kilowog who is that talking?” I asked him privately.
“ Captain Goray” I nodded to his answer and listened back in on the main conversation
“ What exactly are you hauling” Hal asked. Floating over to Razers Station, I started typing in the information that we obtained on the ship and initiated a galaxy search.
“ Eggs. Better yet survival of species eggs. These fellas are the last of their kind” I explained after reading over the shipment logs.
“ Leave them. With refrigeration out, they're gonna spoil anyways.” the captain said.
“ spoil? It’s a matter of time before those things hatch. They are nearing the end of the egg phase.” I retorted back.
“Rory, is there any way to tell what species they are?” Hal asked.
Looking deeper into the documents “ No. There is nothing in any of the logs that say what they are or where they're from.”
“What about the environment they're set at right now?”
“There are too many species that have the same eggs and incubation patterns to be able to tell,” I explained.
“ Who cares.” Razer’s voice rang out “Only vermins and insects hatch from an egg.”
“ I hatched from an egg.” Kilowog defended. 
“ My point exactly”
“ enough you two. The only thing we know about them is that they are the last of their species.” I said interrupting the two arguments.
“ captain was there any special instructions that you were given?” Hal asked
“ just to avoid major shipping lanes.”
“ that you did. Change of plans was saving every single life form on this ship.” Hal informed
“ why? It's a waste of time.” Razers pointed out.
“ If that's the case razer, then what are we doing here?” I asked
“The boys right, the Starboard engines dead.” the captain explained.
“ so then we restart it. KIlowog, Razer I'm sending the schematics to you to restart the engine.” I ordered, “ Hal bring the captain to the interceptor and then head back to them.” the tree dots separated from 3 into 1 and 2.
I watched one red and one green dot move towards the engine and the other green dot head towards the door of the ship.
“Aya open the hatch doors, please. How much longer can we keep the cargo ship from going in?”
“3 hours, 20 minutes, and 16 seconds.”
“Good that should be plenty of time.”
“Plenty of time for what?” Hal asked as he walked into the cock pit escorting the captain in tow.
“Getting everything set and ready to leave before we all go into the pinhole,” I replied, turning in my seat towards them.
“I’ve heard of you green Lanterns. I know you're brave and all, but you’re crazy to go back.” the captain said walking further in.
“ Brave, Crazy….It's a fine line” Hal joked looking at me.
“ Green Lantern Hal Jordan, I have several suggestions’ to converse energy until the inoperative engine is repaired,” Aya said as her orb descended from the ceiling.
“Yeah, that's great Aya. Keep us out of the crush zone for as long as you can,” he said as he walked out of the room back to the cargo ship.
“ He must not have heard me.”
“ So, what is it that you do?” The captain asked me as I turned to him.
“ What do you mean?”
“Well, you are here while the others are out there.”
I chuckled with understanding.” I'm sort of the captain/peacekeeper/soldier.” I explained as I counted down everything with my hands.
“wow, that's a lot.” I turned back around to the screen.
“You have no idea” I mumbled,” Aya patch into Razer and Kilowog private line.”
Statics and silence mixed together for a brief moment before I heard voices.
“ This way. That's the main power line.” I heard Razer informing Kilowog
“ As if you know how a cargo ship works.it's not some red lantern death ride made out of lead foil and scrap wire. And stay in front of me.”
“ ease up on him Kilowog. He's trying to be nice and to change.” I said interrupting their foul mood. I got no response in return.
“How's that phony ring holding up?” Kilowog asked.
“Without a Red Lantern Battery, Eventually its charge will die.”
“Huh, the sooner the better.”
“But for now as long as I feel rage, it’s as strong as yours.”
Silence ensued as I watched the red and green dot move closer to the engine.
“Woah.” Kilowog's voice rang out.”I hope you’re good at mad, killer.”
“That wasn't me. This ship is falling to pieces and I’m sick of your self-righteous braying you fat, green oaf!”
I could hear fighting over the line, but I didn't bother to try and stop them. Maybe fighting each other will get everything out of their systems.
“You kids stop that now, or I’m turning this ship around,” Hal said
“ Isn’t that exactly what we're trying to do?” Razer asked sarcastically.
“Try something like that again, and I'm blowing my ring charge on you. Pinhole or no Pinhole” Kilogos threatened Razer.
“I’m not afraid to die.”
“You should be able to live longer,” Hal said.
Sitting at the monitor I made sure everything was normal with the ship when the power went out.
“What the Hell? Aya what happened?” I asked. I looked out the window and saw us slowly moving towards the pinhole. I ran over to all the monitors to see what was wrong. The captain started pushing buttons on his usual seat.
“ Hello? Can you hear me?” the captain asked over the coms “ Start the engine now, or both ships are going in.”
“Goray, Rory, why is the computer offline? Aya, are you there? Aya!” Hal asked.”What happened to her?”
“ I don't know but we're running out of time. Without Aya maintaining ship levels regarding the cables we're slowly being pulled in along with you guys.” I replied as I moved between stations to provide a solution. Suddenly I fell backwards by gravity and I looked over at the captain to see that he was moving the ship and pulling us backwards.
“Wait, captain. Ease of that winch.”
He didn't listen and just kept going to the point where the cables disconnected and we went flying forwards within the ship. Standing up from the floor, I witnessed the cargo ship getting closer and closer to the pinhole.
“Move!” I yelled as I ran over to the steering console. Flying us back to our original position parked us there and tried to figure out what to do next. I noticed a little green light outside of the ship moving towards the cables. They grabbed them as they flew higher up and made a jet back to help pull the ship out of the pinhole.
“what's happening out there?” I asked. 
“Simple, I'm pulling the ship out of the threshold as long as I can,” Kilowog answered.
“ Let's try and see if we can connect it back to the ship,” I suggested.
“And leave the captain alone in there. No thanks. Bring the ship closer and try to spell me, my ring is running low.”
Moving the ship closer and turning it around I position the engine as close to Kilowog as possible. Looking over at the ring status bar, I saw Kilowog's ring power going up. 2 minutes passed when Hal and Razer came out of the ship.
“ Hal, Razer try aiming your rings down and shooting a strong beam. It should propel you to where you need to go.” I said. Following my suggestion, they moved faster to the door close to the engine. Once they were there, they opened the door and went in. I connected to Razer and Hal’s coms.
“More hatchlings.” razer said, “were already outnumbered. Think of how bad it’ll be once the rest of the eggs open.”
“Look, I have no problem bringing a red lantern onto the team, but I will not tolerate pessimists.”
“ They’ve doomed us all.” 
“ Now what?”
“This engine isn't offline it's frozen solid. Those alien hatchlings ate through the power lines that power the heaters! It would take a team of engineers to restart it before we collapse into the pinhole.”
“We don't have a team of engineers or time.”
“Razer let's light this candle.”
“You want us to fire a frozen engine? The explosion will be spectacular.”
“ He's right Hal.” Kilowog interrupted
“ If we start going in, Kilowog I want you to cut us loose.” the former replied.
“Not happening. You go we all go and the worst part, Rory is left with the captain on the interceptor who can't fly straight”
“Your stubborn friend is right.” Razer agreed, “ I can't fix this, not without another pair of five hands.”
“We're not giving up. Yell about the unfairness afterwrard's.”
“Then we’ll go down fighting. At least my red energy makes a dent in them.”
“That's right. Green energy doesn't affect them.” 
 Sitting in thought I began to realize what he truly meant and what was happening.
“ Wait, Stop. Maybe we can get you those ten hands, Razer. Hal open the door.” I said before anything happened.
“ What are you two doing!?”
“Those things didn't come from the eggs. They came from the interceptor. They're Aya.”
“You’re deranged.”
“ Aya’s been gone since before the bugs showed up. Somehow she must have put herself into those little bots and snuck on board.”
“But they ate the power lines.”
“She was shutting down non-essential systems to save power.”
“Bothe engines are up.”
“Aya full reverse!” Hal ordered
 The engine turned around and started back up. Pushing them out of the crush zone all the way. Kilowog finally grew exhausted once the pressure was relieved of him. He started falling forward.
“Even with both engines running, we're past the point of no return,” Razer warned.
“I live past the point of no return. Express elevator going down.”
Before I had a chance to get someone's attention Razer opened a door and caught Kilowog before it was too late, pulling him into the ship.
“Not a bad shot for a red.” Kilowog thanked.
 The front portion of the ship disconnected and fell into the Pinhole.
“We don't have enough power to pull away!” Razer warned
“I'm not trying to pull away. I’m gonna fly this baby right at it.” Hal explained,
“You're going to what?!”
“If I can fly with the current of the pinhole, maybe I can generate enough velocity to slingshot us out of here.”
The ship moved forward and both engines rotated backwards. The ship fell further and further in until it lay against the inner shell and started following the current. The engines went to full power and moved the ship faster and faster. Looping again and again it moved farther from the inside of the vortex towards the outside. lifting up it slingshoted out.
“Yeah, baby. Still got it”
The ship flew past the interceptor towards a safer place. I guided the interceptor to follow.
Sitting in the lounge area with the captain, we waited until the guys walked in with a couple of the actual hatchlings, along with the bots. Walking over to us, Razer sat next to me, and Hal next to the captain. 
“Well, what do you know? So that's my cargo.” the Captain commented.
“Cargo, huh? Look at you.” Kilowog replied giving the chin scratches to the babies. Droll fell onto razor's head from them, growing annoyed he looked at them in anger before I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
“There's a few more of these rascals running around the tub of yours.”
“And to think I was gonna abandon them.” 
We escorted the captain and his new friends back on his ship and helped him continue his original route. Once he was all set we went back to our seats in silence.
“You were foolishly brave today” Razer complemented Kilowog.
“Right back at ya. Thanks for the save by the way.” razer nodded in respect.
“ And thank you aya we would all be feeling a little cramped right now if it wasn't for you coming out of your shell like that,” said Hal. Aya’s orb descended down in acknowledgment of being called.
“ Yes, like a hatchling from an egg.” I joked earning a side eye from Razer. And all he got was a smug face and a shrug.
“I'm not done. It was also dangerous for you to up and leave your post. We need to set a few parameters, young lady.”
“A green Lantern protects innocent life even at the risk of their own correct.” She retorted.
“ Wait, Wait a minute. Aya you understand you’re a navcom, not a green lantern right? You can't be a G.L.”
“Why Not?” She asked.
“Well... First off, the ring’s gotta pick you.”
“ Why?”
“Help me out.” he looked at all three of us.
“ oh no. No. I want to hear this.”Hal said 
“ Nope,” I replied
“ Leave me out of it.”
“Look, Green Lanterns positively gotta have a physical body to walk around and interact with people. Not a bunch of creepy bugs.”
“ Parameters set.” 
Ayas went back into the ceiling as four hatched open and the bus fell down and a body began to form from the bugs that showed on the cargo ship. Once the body was ready green energy flowed into it and a face formed in the head.
“ Body like this?”
Kilowog groaned in defeat.
“ damn, aya you go, girl,” I said as I got up and walked out of the room to mine.
“ Hey wait up.” a voice called from behind. Turning around it was Hal walking towards me.
“Look I don't know what going on with you or what happened this morning. But just know we're here for you,” he said with his hands on my arms.
“ I know it's just that certain things... Showed up from my past,” I said as I looked at the floor.
r brother?”
I looked up in shock.
“ How did you..?”
“ I asked Aya to pull up all records of you because I was concerned. And I know what it's like to have been in your shoes. Just know I'm here. Even if you can talk to the others.” he said looking deep into my eyes. I finally understood how people can just melt in his presence. 
“ thanks hal…. Can I…. maybe …. Or?” I stuttered.
“ Yeah, kid come on.”He understood immediately. And started walking to his room with me. The door opened and I saw it was the exact same as mine. We moved towards and lay on the bed with me on his chest and his arm around me. And for the first time in a while, I felt completely safe.
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starsandskies · 5 years
So, I’ll be logging off in a few hours to participate in the “Log Off" protest. If Tumblr allows me, I’ll resume my usual activity on the 18th. Meanwhile, I’ll be mainly on Twitter (https://twitter.com/ladyfear and https://twitter.com/_StarsAndSkies_).
Until Tuesday! ♥
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