#kouji is very confused about donald duck though
windfighter · 1 year
Yule in the house
Prompt: Anticipation
Windy was practically vibrating. Kouji leaned against the doorframe and watched her. She was singing, but none of the words made sense. There was dough on the table infront of her and she was kneading it a little too intensely.
”♫ Tsu tsu nori tsu mori hikari no wakama ♫”
Kouji raised an eyebrow and shook his head.
”Is that… Jingle bells?” he asked.
Windy turned around, her cheeks red. She pressed her back against the counter. All of her had somehow gotten covered in flour and Kouji snorted.
”What are you doing?” he continued.
Kouji walked up to Windy and she quickly tried to hide the dough. She shooed at Kouji.
”Can’t you see I’m working here?”
Kouji rolled his eyes again.
”Why are you working? We need to get back to the digital world.”
”Nu-huh”, Windy turned around. ”I’m on a break today.”
”You can’t just take a break.”
Kouji crossed his arms over his chest. Windy stuck her tongue out towards him.
”Go bother Matt instead.”
Windy rarely called him Matt nowadays. Kouji blinked. Had they had a fight? Was that why Windy was vibrating?
”The two of you… okay?”
”Why wouldn’t we be?”
Kouji couldn’t see her face and didn’t know if she was sarcastic or earnest. He shrugged. It wasn’t his place to meddle.
”♫ Ki i yoshi. Ko no yoru ♫”, Windy started singing again.
”...I’m getting you a book with the lyrics for your birthday”, Kouji said.
”I would actually love that”, Windy admitted.
Kouji shook his head, patted Windy’s back and left her in the kitchen. He went upstairs, found Yamato in his bedroom. Yamato was sitting crosslegged on the bed with a book on his lap.
”Is Windy okay?” Kouji asked.
Yamato finished reading the page, put a bookmark in the book and put it to the side. He looked at Kouji.
”Why wouldn’t she be?”
”She’s behaving weirdly. And she called you Matt.”
Yamato grimaced, then let out a sigh. Kouji sat down on the chair by the desk.
”Also she’s taking a vacation from saving the digital world today.”
Yamato glanced at the calendar on the wall, then nodded.
”Yeah”, he said. ”Today’s the yule-special.”
”Well, it would be if we were in another anime series.”
Kouji must have looked confused because Yamato laughed.
”It’s yule”, he said as if that explained everything. ”Christmas.”
”...that does explain the butchered songs.”
”Oh no”, Yamato facepalmed. ”Was she trying to sing in Japanese again?”
Kouji nodded. Yamato stood up and left the room.
”I’ve told you not to sing in our language until you’ve learned it!” he called down the stairs.
”You have no power here, Gandalf the gray!” Windy yelled back.
”I am going to tickle you!” Yamato threatened.
Kouji stared at Yamato. Windy laughed in the kitchen.
”I’d like to see you try!”
”I’m coming to tickle you now!”
Yamato ran down the stairs. Kouji had no idea what he was supposed to do. He heard Windy shriek in the kitchen, something exploded. Yamato let out a string of curse words and then Windy shrieked again.
”You’re going to the lake”, Yamato said.
”Let me down!”
”I’m letting you down in the lake.”
Kouji started walking down the stairs. He saw Yamato come out of the kitchen, carrying Windy like a sack of potatoes.
”My powers only grow stronger in the lake”, Windy tried to threaten.
”Your hypothermia grows stronger in it”, Yamato argued back and kicked the front door open.
Kouji reached the floor as Yamato walked outside. He followed them, heard both of them shriek and ran to the door. They sat in the snow, laughing. Windy threw a handful of snow at Yamato and he made a snowball.
”You two are idiots”, Kouji said.
”We are”, Windy admitted with a laugh. ”Happy yule!”
”I didn’t have time to get you a present”, Yamato said and stuck his tongue out. ”I can help with the meatballs though.”
”I’d love help with the meatballs, I hate making them. It’s so sticky.”
”So…” Kouji started. ”...nothing’s wrong?”
Windy looked at him, raised an eyebrow.
”Why would anything be wrong?”
Kouji huffed and pulled his shoulders up.
”Well, I’m not used to your weird traditions”, he said.
”They’re not…” Windy started but changed her mind. ”Yeah, okay, they’re a little weird.”
”Why are we even celebrating yule? It’s for couples”, Kouji continued.
”It’s for family here”, Windy said. ”And I don’t really have anyone except you guys.”
She stood up, dusted the snow off her apron. Smiled at both of them.
”Want to help me with the gingerbread cookies?”
”That’s what you were making?” Kouji asked. ”Why were you so secretive about that?”
Kouji gestured at Windy, then shook his head. Yamato stood up as well.
”Never mind”, Kouji decided. It wasn’t worth it. ”I can help, it sounds fun.”
”I was just reading anyway”, Yamato said and also dusted the snow off his clothes. ”I’ll make sure you don’t burn anything.”
”I’m not Mats”, Windy said with a laugh.
Yamato also laughed and ruffled her hair.
”No, but you’re as much of a disaster in the kitchen as Kouji is. No more singing in Japanese though.”
”Fine”, Windy rolled her eyes. ”I’ll go with Finnish instead.”
”That’s even worse.”
Yamato put his face in his hands and shook his head. Windy smiled and patted his back. Kouji scratched the back of his neck. Windy grabbed his hand and leaned against him.
”I really thought you remembered about yule since last year”, Windy admitted. ”Sorry if I worried you.”
”Everything was pretty hectic back then. What with Mindhunter and the kidnappings and everything.”
”Not that this year is much better”, Windy frowned. ”We need to tell the Shadow world to stop being weird over yule.”
Yamato gave Windy a shove and she let go of Kouji.
”Let me know how that goes”, Yamato said with a laugh. ”Let’s get to work.”
Windy smiled and disappeared inside again. Yamato shook his head and Kouji looked at him.
”It feels weird”, he said. ”Christmas is still for couples.”
”Yeah”, Yamato agreed, despite the number of yules he must have shared with Windy before. ”She likes us though.”
Kouji blushed and looked away.
”It’s not like I like her or anything though.”
”Same”, Yamato agreed and headed inside. ”No one here likes anyone else. Good thing we cleared that up.”
”I love both of you!” Windy called from the kitchen. ”Let’s get this yule started!”
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