dem0nsiget-wolvden · 4 years
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Next piece of the Soft River Pack timeline! Through winter and the first couple days of spring!
Next update will probably include pup death (Abaise’s two youngest pups are without a pupsitter so we hopefully can get a lore death).
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dem0nsiget-wolvden · 4 years
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My first pack timeline! It perfectly fit to where I am! After this, will start doing updates based on seasons, as long as enough happens to warrant a new update. If not, I’ll probably do every two seasons or so, we’ll just have to see.
Please ignore some wonky icons, it kept doing the stupid snap to object thing and I couldn’t figure out how to turn it off for a bit XD
@thesanctuarypack (since you mentioned you’d want to see any of the timelines people made!)
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dem0nsiget-wolvden · 3 years
It’s official! Nasuyekwi and Kotsim have retired, and their pups (though they’re just Nasuyekwi’s in lore) have taken over scouting.
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Crystal Pool (Crystal) and Smoke Cloud (Smoke)!
Smoke Cloud befriended Wowasi while she was growing up, so after Kotsim retired from scouting to make room for them, Wowasi now goes on scouting missions with Smoke Cloud, as she’s not one to stay in camp for very long without getting antsy.
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dem0nsiget-wolvden · 4 years
Wolvember Day One: Dreams
Abaise hadn’t noticed anything off when she’d woken up in the dead of night in camp, curled up with her back pressed against Kotsim’s. She had merely stood and left camp for a short walk, what she always did when she woke in the middle of the night.
It wasn’t until she noticed that she’d passed a rock a couple of times that she stopped, looking around. She stood in a spot she knew well, a small meadowy clearing only a stone’s throw from the edge of the grasslands, a place she’d taken Singwe and Anpa to practice stalking many times.
What was different though, was that instead of seeing a sparse band of trees that separated the clearing form the grasslands, and the grassy hills beyond, she only saw mist. It obscured her vision, closing the clearing off from the rest of the forest.
Abaise bristled, looking up to see the night sky and stars shining down on her, unease creeping over her hide.
She heard a soft whine, turning, but seeing no one, another whine echoing in the night from behind her. She whirled to face that direction, but saw no one again. She was about to snap out for whoever it was to show themselves, when a chorus of whines and pain-filled howls filled the air around her, coming from all directions, no wolves visible.
Abaise flattened her ears to her head, sinking down into the soft grass of the meadow. As she did, the grass transformed, pulling at her fur. She looked to her side and yelped, jumping away from the skeletal remains of a wolf, looking around frantically, the beautiful meadow now replaced with charred and black earth, the remains of wolves scattered across them.
Beware what will come to be.
Abaise winced at the sound of the voice, the noise seeming to come from her head, seeing no one to speak the words. She tried to call out to the being, ask what it meant, but found that even as she opened her jaws, no sound came out, no words formed.
She waited, thinking it would offer some kind of explanation to the ruin she saw before her, but all she heard was the now distant chorus of whines and pained howls.
Abaise was about to try to walk closer to them, when she snapped awake, shooting up, hearing a pained yelp, thinking she was still stuck in the dream, until she whipped her head around to look around her den, seeing Kotsim rubbing his nose on his leg.
“What was that all about?”, he asked his mate, turning to look at her, bristled slightly, his eyes a bit wet from the hit he’d taken directly to the nose by her skull. “You were thrashing and murmuring in your sleep, then you smacked me in the nose with your head.”
Wowasi sat in her nest above them, staying quiet, but watching, looking a bit concerned.
Abaise just breathed slowly, calming herself down, before she stepped forward, burying her face in the fur of her mate’s chest.
Kotsim looked surprised, as Abaise usually was very proper and put together, but she seemed terrified. He just sat down, leaning down slightly and started licking her shoulder comfortingly, as Wowasi gliding down to land on her back, dragging her beak through her fur in her way of petting.
“What happened?”, the dark scout asked softly, feeling Abaise trembling.
“I don’t know. A horrible dream.”, she said softly, finally calming down enough to speak, sitting back slightly, but leaned into Kotsim slightly. “I was in the clearing by the grasslands, and I could barely see anything, and then I just heard... dozens and dozens of wolves, whining and howling in pain, but I couldn’t see any of them. And then...”, she started, and broke off.
“And then just death, and destruction. Burned earth, wolf bones.”, she said softly. “I don’t know what it was.”
Kotsim listened quietly, leaning down and nuzzling her slightly. “It was just a dream, Abaise. Probably worry. This is our second winter, and our first here. We don’t know what this forest holds for us in the cold yet.”, he said.
Abaise just sighed softly, nodding slightly. “You’re... you’re probably right.”, she said softly, as Wowasai swooped back into her nest.
Kotsim just nudged Abaise, and yawned slightly. “Come on, let’s lay down. You don’t have to sleep, but at least lay down and rest. It’ll be better than nothing.”, he said.
Abaise just nodded slightly, laying down and curling up with Kotsim, tucking herself into the curve of his stomach, laying her head on his side after he’d settled down.
Kotsim smiled softly at that, doing the same, the two of them looking almost interlocked, curled up together for comfort, and in Abaise’s case, security in her much more levelheaded mate.
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dem0nsiget-wolvden · 4 years
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The three troublemakers grew up!
Looking forward to when they age up and can join their older siblings Anpa and Singwe as my second hunting team.
Morning Sun is still definitely my favorite out of them all, but Golden Eagle and Inyan are pretty in their own ways.
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dem0nsiget-wolvden · 4 years
So it begins.
Got on and got my account set up earlier this morning and have been getting everything going!
Was a bit sad at first that I couldn’t make Kotsim the way I had planned him out, but splurged and customized him to what I had him be before, so that’s all fine now!
And now, my wolves of the Soft River Pack!
First is my lead wolf Abaise, and second is my breeding male Kotsim.
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And I have my first two pups!
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Anpa is first, and her sister Singwe is second. I love them and cannot wait for them to grow up.
I also have three females that I befriended, and I love them already too.
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Daka, Asanpi, and Mazaskazi, my pupsitter and two hunters respectively.
Now it’s time to get lore figured out.
And if anyone would like to stud out Kotsim, my user is dem0nsiget (the o is a zero), and I also have a post in the studs topic page in Chatter with a link to him!
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dem0nsiget-wolvden · 4 years
Even though it kills me I really just do not trust sending my scouts out to explore when the biome(s) I’m gonna have them explore on in a Heatwave. I’d rather wait and have to send them out later than have to deal with Heat Stroke, especially cause I think I only have one Heat Stroke Cure and I don’t think I have enough herbs to make another one or trade for more.
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dem0nsiget-wolvden · 4 years
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Finally got Kotsim his raven yesterday!
Her name is Wowasi (helper in Lakota), and she was found by Kotsim while he was on a scouting mission. She was barely past fledgling age and injured, so he brought her back to the pack’s camp and nursed her back to health.
She now accompanies him on scouting missions, and occasionally assists the hunting party when their hunts don’t go well. She’s also very playful, and often will entertain the pups by playing games with them when she’s in camp.
She has her own cranny in Abaise and Kotsim’s den full of feathers and underfur that she sleeps in.
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dem0nsiget-wolvden · 4 years
Winds of Change
Abaise was woken from her light nap by the sound of a panicked screech, leaping to her paws and whipping her head around, her hackles immediately raised, thinking a cougar had gotten into the camp.
Instead, she saw Chasmu tripping over him trying to grab a couple of dead leaves blowing away in the wind, a rather unamused Nasuyekwi watching him for a second, before the pale scout let out a huff and laid her head back down.
Abaise sighed and walked over to where Chasmu had finally given up and flopped down onto his haunches, looking defeated as he watched the leaves be carried away on the afternoon wind that never failed to whip across the grasslands they called home.
“Chasmu? Everything alright?”, the golden leader asked, flicking her tail as she sat in front of the pack’s herbalist.
“No, everything’s not alright!”, Chasmu said, looking defeated. “It took me ages to find an oak tree that looked as healthy as the one that those leaves came from, and I was just going to use them! Now the medicine I have will be bad, I already mixed the other two ingredients.”, he said, glancing over at Kotsim walked over, walking over and sitting beside Abaise.
“We can find you more oak leaves, Chasmu.”, he said calmly, flicking his tail. “I can Nasuyekwi out to find some. They might not be as good as the ones you had, but they’ll work.”, he said.
Chasmu just looked at him, before he sighed softly, and nodded, turning and walking back to his den.
Abaise sighed softly, glancing over at her mate thankfully. “Thank you, I had no idea how to handle that.”, she said softly.
Kotsim chuckled softly. “Chasmu means well, he can just be a little eccentric sometimes.”, he said. “All you have to do is acknowledge that his worries are ok, but that they can be fixed.”, he said, before he stood, nuzzling Abaise’s cheek slightly, before he walked over to Nasuyekwi.
Abaise decided to get up and check on the pups, rather than have to listen to Nasuyekwi complain about having responsibilities.
When she walked into the large den that Daka and Phesniza lived in, she could see the reddish form of Phesniza curled up asleep next to Singwe in one corner, while Daka and Anpa were talking in the other.
Abaise smiled softly at the sight, walking over, hearing Daka explaining to Anpa the best techniques for hunting, though the white pupsitter stopped and wagged her tail at the sight of her cousin.
“Abaise.”, she said respectfully, as Anpa jumped up and yipped happily, Abaise nuzzling her daughter before she laid down beside her.
“Hello, Daka. Anpa hasn’t been too much trouble I hope.”, she said, giving her daughter a look, but she was too busy trying to burrow into Abaise’s belly fur to notice.
Daka chuckled. “Nope. She tired Singwe our earlier with a game of chase, but sadly she’s been wide awake.”, she teased. “But I figured it would be a perfect time for some hunting theory lessons.”, she said.
Abaise chuckled softly at that, glancing down at where her little look alike was curled up next to her belly, her head laid on her paws. “Well, she could definitely use the help for when she gets older.”, she said, tapping her tail slightly. “Especially since the weather won’t be fair forever.”
Daka nodded grimly at that, looking worried. “Hopefully we’ll be established enough by then.”, she said, before she glanced at her cousin, glancing away just as quickly, her ears flattened slightly. “Forgive me, but I also question our location for winter.”, she said. “It will be cold, and we’re largely unprotected here.”
Abaise sighed softly, looking a bit worried. “You’re right.”, she said. “The wind’s are bad enough now, it will be worse during winter.”, she said, thinking back to Chasmu’s panic at losing the oak leaves. “And woods would grant us better protection from snow.”, she said.
Daka looked at her cousin, her ears pricking up. “It sounds like you’ve already been thinking about this.”, she said.
Abaise nodded. “I have. I just want to ask Kotsim his thoughts.”, she said.
“He’ll agree with you I’m sure.”, Daka said. “Besides, you’re our leader. You don’t need anyone’s approval but your own. We all trust you.”, Daka said, touching her nose to Abaise’s.
Abaise just smiled at her cousin, glancing at Anpa, who was now asleep against her side.
Moving would be the best chance for her pack, and for her daughters. Her mind was made up.
They’d move the next day.
((Yay, first piece of WolvDen lore writing! I’ve been debating moving my pack for a couple days, and I think I’ve finally decided to do so. Haven’t decided between the Deciduous Forest and the Riparian Woodland yet, but will do so tomorrow and figure out how to move my pack tomorrow XD. But also a bit of a glimpse of my pack dynamics and my wolf’s behaviors. Will probably have more writings down the road!))
((Edit: Decided on Riparian Woodland and have started the moving quest! Gotta take a break though, Abaise rolled in some poop and got sick 🙄))
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dem0nsiget-wolvden · 4 years
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Finally have names for my starter wolves!
The top is the male, who will be named Kotsim, which is a way of saying ash in Shoshoni (I like to use native languages to the area for names, like my Swahili names for my lions)
And the second will be my female, Abaise, which means sunflower.
Depending on the wolf, I’ll also probably throw in plant names, most likely plants native to Yellowstone for the most part.
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dem0nsiget-wolvden · 3 years
After the devastation caused by the flash flood, and fearing a harsh winter because of it, Cracking Ice has made the decision to move the pack to the grasslands, in hopes that the bushes and shrubs around the camp will grow back, and they will be able to return in a year or so.
Until then, they will be settling in the small grove of deciduous trees near the border of the mountains and grasslands.
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dem0nsiget-wolvden · 3 years
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I finally got a Howlite pup from Abaise and Kotsim!
Her other three siblings are just ‘blah’, to the point I’m not even gonna share them here and waste space XD
But super excited about her! I named her Cracking Ice, and I love her already. She doesn’t have any markings, but I honestly think Howlite is one of those bases that doesn’t need markings to look good.
So yeah, super happy with her!
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dem0nsiget-wolvden · 4 years
I just got another new hunter, so have it so that everyone only does one position a hunt, so I hopefully will be able to get all 10 hunts in in a day.
Meet Makha! Another custom wolf, but one I love. His design is so cool I had to do it.
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But yeah, I just added him as a third chaser to my hunting party, but fall is tomorrow and I am scared.
Winter, please be kind.
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dem0nsiget-wolvden · 4 years
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The puppies grew up!
From top to bottom: Morning Sun, Golden Eagle, and Inyan.
Morning Sun is definitely my favorite, she’s gorgeous
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dem0nsiget-wolvden · 3 years
Soft River Pack Naming Legacies
As it happens in societies, the naming conventions of the Soft River Pack have changed over the several generations from the pack’s beginning. This is a short explanation of how they’ve changed (and why). The generations are not necessarily actual generations, but are instead the naming generations I’ve noticed I used.
First Generation:
Starting with Abaise and Kotsim, wolves are named using words to describe them translated into either Lakota or Shoshoni, both Native languages from around Yellowstone National Park. Most names are a bit more vague translation words, as many of the words directly translated are either very long or very hard for my white ass self to pronounce, and didn’t want to completely butcher them.
Second Generation:
Wolves start to be named short, simple two word nature-related names. First example of this is Abaise and Kotsim’s pups Morning Sun and Golden Eagle. This naming convention is widespread in the pack now, and is the usual way of naming pups.
Third Generation:
The third generation of naming conventions is slowly starting, with a lot of varying names and way of naming puppies. From the long way, brought in by She Who Sees The Ocean, to occasional one word nature names, the size of the pack is definitely lending to differentiation in naming conventions. Where this will go is yet to be seen.
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dem0nsiget-wolvden · 3 years
Today’s Backstory: Feverfew
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Feverfew is the youngest pup and only daughter of Chaparral and Moonstone, and the second youngest grandpup of Abaise and Kotsim. She grew up very close with her father, and as such learned much about being an herbalist. As such, when it came time for Chaparral to retire from being the pack’s herbalist, Feverfew took over. She is still rather new to being in charge of the health of the pack, but finds comfort in being able to ask her father for advice. She is mates with Sand Viper, though the two are newly mated and do not have pups yet.
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