#know my thought was eddie would be nearby also smoking and see steve faint and start up a conversation
fairysteve · 2 years
steve doesn't have an eating disorder. he doesn't count calories or force vomit. he doesn't step on a scale unless he has to.
but he doesn't always remember to eat.
his mum kept an eye on his food intake when he was younger and had too much baby fat left for her taste. his various coaches has given him different diets to keep in top form.
steve never noticed his sense of hunger disappearing or how much of a chore eating became. he really only ate around other people.
it doesn't become a problem for a while. when he still has his friends and his parents still come home regularly, it's only a day here and there. when he leaves his friends and his parents are home less, he still has lunch and time spent with nancy.
after he breaks up with nancy - and she broke his heart - he still has lunch. and the budding friendship with dustin brings him over to the hendersons.
but then steve graduates. and dustin goes to summer camp. and a minimum wage job doesn't care about lunch break.
steve doesn't realise he's eating less at first. he notices having less energy, he notices that he's more moody, but he's also working his first job. it's draining to keep up a good mood for customers all day, and to deal with robin's you suck column.
it's when he's taking a smoke break that he realises how bad it is. he had fumbled with his lighter, had to bend down to pick it up.
one moment he's standing.
the next, he's on the ground.
there's a blank space in his memory.
it takes him a while to figure out the cause. but it's a rainy day, so it can't be heatstroke, and they've had less customers due to the weather.
the only thing he can think of is that he has yet to eat.
and he can't remember when he last felt hungry.
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