#kiyotada sumaru
katsona-the-katsequel · 2 months
Assumptions and Headcanons - Pre-Canon Timeline
Consider this the intro before I finish the actual timeline. This section focuses on clarifications and ideas that enrich the Persona Timeline, specifically the Pre-Canon one.
Who created the Sea of Souls? Who lives there?
It's unknown who created the Sea. It either created on its own, or the Great Will had something to do. Every timeline is connected by the Sea, so this is your only chance to realistically crossover with FeMC. There might or not be a whale that lives there, depending on how canon you consider Trinity Soul to be. Its in the deepest part of the Sea where the Seal locking Nyx is located. The guy in charge (or closest thing in charge) is Chronos.
It isn't all that impressive when a higher being claims to come from the Sea. Every soul came from it and will return one day. They're probably taking advantage of the fact that humans don't know of the Sea to sound more important than they are.
This is why I consider PQ to be semi-canon, since otherwise Chronos wouldn't have been okay with the Velvet Assistants holding a dancing competition in the Sea of Souls.
That's right SMT fans, the Sea is the same as the River Styx.
Why couldn't Erebus reach Nyx' psyche before P3?
As mentioned in the timeline, Nyx' psyche was still scattered across the Collective Unconscious. Erebus could try all he wanted, but he would never find enough of her to call her physical body down to Earth. During P3, enough of Nyx' psyche was finally gathered into one single being: the Nyx Avatar (aka Ryoji). This caused Ryoji to be the literal embodiment of Death, since that's their entire purpose. I wonder what would happen if they met Chronos...
So, P3 happens and the Nyx Avatar is sealed by Minato/Minako before they can finish calling down Nyx' physical body. Erebus now knows where to find Nyx' psyche. There's a specific place now. However, the Seal prevents him from ever reaching it. Elizabeth thus comes annually to kick his ass and the Fall never comes.
I like to believe that a part of Ryoji is still fully aware in the Nyx Avatar after everything that happened, so Minato/Minako is not alone while being the Seal.
Neither may speak (one is being a Seal and the other one is being sealed away), but there is an understanding that they will never be truly alone. Just like when Ryoji was Pharos.
Did the rumors that became true during Eternal Punishment stay true after Nyarly's defeat?
I don't think so. The power to rewrite reality using word-of-mouth is really potent, but was only being powered by Nyarly. I believe the moment he was weakened, all rumors that came true dissolved into simple rumors once again. So, Kiyotada Sumaru stayed a fictional figure.
That was a low blow, Nyarly.
Where did the first Velvet Room attendants come from?
We know Igor was a doll, but if you ask me, Nameless, Belladonna, and the Demon Painter used to be human. Their exceptional and otherwordly talents in the arts made them stand out to Philemon to make them the "Muses" of the Velvet Room. Nameless was probably a German pianist (as a reference to a certain composer who also lost one of his senses), Belladonna was an Italian opera singer, and the Demon Painter was a painter from Sumaru City. It seems only Belladonna kept her human name. It also seems like you can leave your post whenever you want. It was confirmed that Nameless and Belladonna were still in the Velvet Room by P5, but no such reference was made for the Demon Painter.
Igor is almost impossible to pin down since his name is really old and dolls have existed everywhere since almost forever. Since he is sometimes referenced as powering the Velvet Room, I just placed the creation of velvet itself as a possible start for the timeframe of his creation. Can't have the Velvet Room without velvet being a thing.
Now, is the Velvet Room the same as the Black Lodge? Nah. But for fun we can imagine that Mark Frost and David Lynch have been to the Velvet Room.
If Tsumi to Batsu isn't canon, what happened to the Red and Black Books?
I believe the fun part lies in their unknown whereabouts, which serves as fuel for fanfics and other stories. For all we know they're in the hands of an unknown Persona User and/or another mysterious organization. Who knows? I mostly included them to fully connect Jung to Philemon and explain why he seems like such an important human to the latter. Igor may have begun to interact with humans under his master's orders and in part to look for the potential owners of the Books, but he ended up growing fond of his guests and attendants.
On a side note, can you imagine Philemon's heart attack when "The Red Book: Liber Novus" was published and mass produced in 2009? Before realizing, "Ah, this is just Jung's diary, not the magic book". Then again, the publisher was called Philemon Foundation, so we might have a case of ghost company in our hands.
Why did Stephen upload the Demon Summoning Program to a single high school instead of sending mass e-mails like in SMT?
I have a few theories: The first one is that there wasn't an urgency to gather Demon Summoners for an upcoming apocalypse. According to semi-canon sources, Thorman and Gotou existed at some point in the Persona Universe, but either due to Kandori's capitalist machinations or as a consequence between Phil and Nyarly's bet, they were never able to truly gain power. Adding this to my second theory, that Stephen used to attend Karukozaka high school, would explain why he tentatively only uploaded it to his old school's servers. Less desperation and more indirect experimentation, one might say. This would also explain why he became more of an offscreen mentor to Tamaki once she gained the program, since Stephen would have more time to continue developing and experimenting with it. One successful user was enough for now.
Personally, I believe he ended up working for the Nanjo Group after P1, who sponsored this and any future projects he had until his death. Considering he is apparently a trascendent entity, this cushy existence would have been a nice break from the other universes.
Wouldn't it be fun if Stephen was the original creator of beta Evokers but set aside the project due to the lack of a "supernatural power source"? And this project ended up in hands of the Kirijo Group after they split from the Nanjo Group? And then Kouetsu Kirijo only had to finish it by adding the Plumes of Dusk?
What was Nyx doing at St. Hermelin, anyway?
This is something I struggled with. In the end, I settled for someone finding a large Plume of Dusk, thinking it was a pretty rock, and getting the Snow Queen Mask made out of it. A Plume of Dusk this big ended up attracting a lot of Nyx' psyche, which made a mess when combined with Drama Club teenage girls as seen in the number of victims. In the end, it evolved into the Snow Queen Curse. For all we know, the Mask was trying to use the girls as puppets to help bring the Fall, but Nyx' psyche always got to them and they committed suicide soon after.
Personally, I would have stopped producing the Snow Queen at my school after the first two deaths, but to each their own.
Which war did Masataka Amano die in?
This is a huge supposition on my part since even the dates are approximates. I have four contenders: the Falklands War, the 1982 Lebanon War, the Second Sudanese Civil War, or the Sri Lankan Civil War. Pick your poison.
The game says that Gekkoukan was founded after the Kirijo Group laboratory exploded around 1999. The school logo says that Gekkoukan was founded in 1982. What is the truth?
The way I made this work was by making the original founding of Gekkoukan in 1982, like in the logo. Maybe it started as an actual learning insitution, where the graduates would have a possible career in the Kirijo Group. After the entire Death ordeal, they decided to hide the old labs by building a better state-of-the-art school building on top and relocating Gekkoukan there.
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kationella · 2 years
Shut up I've figured my headcanon out:
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You may be asking, "what the fuck am I looking at?"
This is my explanation on why everything in Persona its Nyarly's fault:
(Be warned, there's a lot of personal headcanons so that this clusterfuck makes sense)
It all begins with Nyarlathotep because of course it does. His mere existence defies all laws about time and space, since he can travel wherever whenever he pleases. Just let it be known that Nyarly exists in all the timelines at the same time, which is why he influences the creation of the General Kiyotada Sumaru to take a petty revenge on the Other Tatsuya from Innocent Sin. As I said, time is meaningless when talking about this fucker.
SO, Kiyotada founds Sumaru City and kills Maihime, but we must remember that although he was created by Nyarly, he ended up becoming a real historical person. A real person with strong ties to the supernatural. This is probably the first time in the current timeline where a human dealt with demons/shadows. After his death, Junnosuke Kuroda founded the Mokujinken martial arts school, which I headcanon as having preserved some ancient supernatural texts because that's cool.
On the other hand, Kandori must have somehow become a supernatural believer. He strikes me as someone who was once a science-and-logic-only type. Let's say he found some of Kiyotada's legacy with a bit of help from Nyarly, fucked around, found it was true and decided to do as Nyarly said to gain more power.
Meanwhile, Nyarly got started on his main quest by corrupting Jun and creating the Masked Circle. True, they don't exist in this timeline, but he may have used the aftermath of Innocent Sin as a way to see which ones had membership material for the New World Order. This time he's going big or going home. The NWO has had more years to prepare, and its made up of various influential individuals (not the MOST influential, just local influential, if you get my drift). Think of them as a local Illuminati.
Among its members we can find a taiwanese mafia (Tien Tao Lien) who were blackmailed into joining for muscle; the remnants of Kandori's SEBEC japanese branch, who have all the supernatural knowledge around here thanks to Nyarly; and the recently formed Kirijo Group, since Kouetsu Kirijo wanted to understand the Plumes of Dusk he just found (finally something that wasn't Nyarly's fault) and the NWO was the only organization with the knowledge to help him. Not to mention, that power domination idea didn't sound too bad. You can look up the individual members in the P2 wiki.
So, NWO breaks apart and as it happens with big organizations, everyone tries to flee with the best part of it to try their luck. Since Kouetsu didn't compromise as much as his fellow members, it was easier for him to recover and just grab everything (and everyone!) important before running away with his company. The remnants were left to lick their wounds as the fragile Conspiracy. For now, these guys have no true power beyond meetings of rich people to suck up each other and talk shit about everyone else, so let's focus on Kirijo.
You may have noticed that this mess has outlived Nyarly's plans, not that he wouldn't approve.
The Kirijo Group becomes obsessed with the Fall and creates Strega and SEES... you have read or played P3, you know what's up. Let's add to this the fact that they also stole all the important files from the NWO, which is why they know where and how to find kids with the potential, which was a technique the previous organization used to recruit teens into the Masked Circle. Now, the Kirijo Group uses it to round up 100 kids for Strega (I look away as I pass the "Chidori Yoshino is the daughter of Natsumi Yoshino" to you).
SEES fucks up Strega's plans even after they formed the Nyx Cult to slander them. Maybe the cult is still around but with no true power beyond some world-ending fanatics. Afterwards, Mitsuru takes the reigns of the Kirijo Group and forms the Shadow Operatives, which will also become a part of the japanese NPA SB. The Nanjo Group eventually catches on and reveals their supernatural knowledge. Finally a good organization. P4 doesn't add much except new members to the Shadow Ops.
However, the Conspiracy is still around. Weak, but alive and ripe for the taking. Yaldabaoth realized this and gave them true power by flaring up the rumor system once more and throwing a feral Akechi at them. Then it became easy to steal Maruki and Wakaba's research to gain some knowledge on what the fuck to do. They reorganize as the Antisocial Force and get to business. Oh, boy. Nyarly would have hated this one, with the "total order" Yaldy wants to impose and all...
The Phantom Thieves take down their figurehead, but it isn't until they dismantle the whole EMMA situation that they deliver the final blow that breaks apart the organization. From then on, without true supernatural power to go on, they slowly disappear.
Conclusion: Everything is Nyarly's fault. Thanks a lot asshole
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forgenous · 3 years
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“Who are you, to awaken me from my slumber?”
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gabriulio · 3 years
Persona World’s Demon Encyclopedia - Days 7-10
Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5 - Day 6 - Twitter thread
All entries can be found in my blog, tagged as “demonic compendium.”
Sorry for not posting anything in the past few days. Real Life™ has been hectic, but here’s all the profiles that should have been posted if everything went according to plan. Since I missed four days it should’ve meant 12 profiles, but 3 of those are stuff I’ve already translated in the past so they don’t count. Which means here’s a whooping FIFTEEN profiles in total. Enjoy!
Ah Puch
Mayan death god. He looks like a white skeletal figure with protruding ribs and patches of decayed skin. He wears bells all throughout his body and is accompanied by a dog and an owl.
Ah Puch is the leader of the Bolontiku, a group of nine gods who govern Xibalba, the Mayan underworld. He also presides over Mitnal, the lowermost layer of Xibalba.
Abe no Seimei
An onmyōji who lived in Japan during the Heian (794-1185) period. It is speculated that he’s a descendant of Abe no Musaki, but his mother’s identity is unknown, though some believe that his mother was the fox spirit Kuzunoha.
Seimei’s name has also been recorded in multiple manuscripts, some of them depicting legends that stray from reality. In the Konjaku Monogatari, Seimei was a pupil of Kamo no Tadayuki and learned the secret arts from him. It was also said that he had outstanding abilities, such as being able to divine the cause of the Emperor’s illness, and also employ a total of twelve shikigami.
Seimei’s arch nemesis was Ashiya Douman. The two of them once competed to see who was superior and Seimei won. In retaliation, Douman assassinated Seimei’s father, but Seimei was able to revive him using his power.
Nowadays, the Seimei ward of Kyoto houses the Seimei Shrine, which celebrates the anniversary of Seimei’s death every year with a festival on September 26.
Egyptian snake god born from the primordial sea. He embodies chaos itself, and is also called “The Great Serpent.” He’s also associated with Ouroboros, the giant serpent from Greek mythology that surrounds the world.
As his name suggests, Apep’s body is gigantic. Every day, the sun god Ra carries the sky from West to East, and Apep attempts to swallow it. As a result of Apep’s actions, the day-night cycle exists.
A Greek god. He and his twin sister Artemis were born from Zeus and the goddess Leto. He was fed nectar and ambrosia, the drink and food of the gods, and thus grew into an adult in only a few days. He performed many heroic deeds, such as slaying the giant snake Python and the giant Tityos.
Apollo was a young and beautiful god, and so there are many legends that talk about his love life. However, he was repeatedly deceived and betrayed, and so his love was never returned.
Amatsu Mikaboshi
Also known as Ame no Kakaseo or Hoshi no Kakaseo, he is the Japanese god of stars.
In the Nihon Shoki, the gods Take-Mikazuchi and Futsunushi tried to subjugate Ashihara no Nakatsu Kuni during the Tenson Kōrin, but Amatsu Mikaboshi resisted them until the very end, granting him the epithet of "disobedient fierce god." However, in the end he was defeated by Shitsuri and Take-Hazuchi.
Maihime Amano
An original character appearing in Eternal Punishment.
She is a daughter from one of Kiyotada Sumaru’s branch families and Maya Amano’s ancestor. She and her lover Tatsunoshin Suou assassinated Kiyotada Sumaru, the tyrant who wanted to take over all of Japan. Even after Kiyotada’s death, her mummified remains keep watch over the city of Sumaru.
When summoned as a Persona, she has the appearance of a red-haired woman sporting two horns and wearing long-sleeved clothes.
One of the seven archangels from Zoroastrianism, the Amesha Spenta. She’s a daughter of the chief god Ahura Mazda and her name means “Immortality.” She’s the guardian angel of plants and responsible for governing the spiritual power of the sacred tree Haoma.
She often appears in conjunction with the god Haurvatat, whose name means “wholeness” and “satisfaction,” as the two of them are associated with water and plants. By uniting their powers, the two of them are capable of sending forth rain. Flowers are given as offerings in rituals that worship Ameretat.
Ame no Uzume
Japanese goddess of kagura and performing arts. When the goddess Amaterasu hid herself inside a cave known as Ama no Iwato and darkness fell over the world, Ame no Uzume danced in front of it with her breasts and crotch exposed, attracting Amaterasu’s attention and drawing her out of the cave.
“Uzume” means traditional Japanese hair ornaments, also known as kanzashi, which she wears when performing a kagura. It’s also believed that Ame no Uzume was originally a mortal woman who became deified.
The chief god of ancient Egypt. His name means "he who is hidden," and he's commonly depicted in murals as a person wearing a large feather hat.
Originally, Amon and Ra were two separate gods, but once the capital was moved to Thebes during the Middle Kingdom, the two gods were merged into one. They became Amon-Ra, sun god and supreme deity of Egypt. He's also the guardian deity of the pharaohs, and according to legend the pharaohs are his descendants.
An original demon from Ibunroku with the shape of a mask. It represents the human emotion of believing oneself to be superior and looking down on others. Other names for this emotion include: arrogance, haughtiness, and insolence.
From Greek mythology, he’s the official in charge of performing executions in Hell. Alastor is also known as “the executioner” in Zoroastrianism.
He was originally the son of the sea god Nereus, but Alastor had his wife stolen by his step-father, which prompted him to take revenge. Ever since the Middle Ages, Alastor came to be seen as an executioner who follows the orders of the devil. Because of this, the name “Alastor” itself means “avenger.”
A Welsh goddess worshiped as the guardian deity of the Corona Borealis. She’s the daughter of the mother goddess Don and sister of Gwydion. Her role is to keep the silver wheels representing time turning for all eternity. Aside from turning the wheels of time, Arianrhod is also responsible for ferrying those who die in combat to the afterlife in a large boat. She’s also called the mother of the Aryan race and believed to be the same entity as the Greek Ariadne.
A mysterious girl. Her name and features resemble the protagonist of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
She's an original demon in the Megami Tensei series, first appearing in Shin Megami Tensei. Afterwards, she kept appearing in other games of the franchise as a rare demon.
Greek goddess of wisdom, crafts, and weaving. She was the daughter of the famous dyer Idmon and possessed exceptional skill at weaving. However, Arachne’s pride grew too big, which made her challenge the gods to a weaving contest. In the contest, she weaved various depictions of scandals committed by the gods in a tapestry, which drew their ire. As punishment, the goddess Athena transformed her into a spider.
One of the twelve Olympians from Greek mythology. She is the goddess of the moon and hunting. She can always be found running in the woods, carrying bow and arrows and accompanied by a group of nymphs and hunting dogs.
Artemis is fastidious and merciless. She once transformed Actaeon, a hunter who caught a glimpse of her naked body, into a stag and then had his own hunting dogs kill him. She also transformed a woman who broke her vow of chastity and got pregnant into a bear.
Her Roman counterpart is the moon goddess Selene.
Wow, this was a lot!
TOMORROW: Alecto, Ares, and Aonbharr.
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artemis-maia · 5 years
I would like to add my thoughts why Maya was well chosen as EP's protagonist regarding the discussion about the Jun files that were found.
EP seems to have been planned for some time during IS’ developement (all EP party members already appear in IS, Sumaru Kiyotada was also mentioned in IS and there was already a rumour about Kandori being alive circulating in IS). There are no mentioned discarded drafts for EP in any guidebooks neither the club books, Masters guides nor the World Guidance Book mention that there were discarded drafts or something similar. Nothing really suggests in the books that they didn't agree on Maya quickly.
However I think that Jun might have been the Yukino of EP originally. A temporary party member who won't stay in the final party. (the final party would still be the 4 adults + 1 teen (Maya, Ulala, Katsuya, Baofu and Tatsuya) as a contrast to IS final team with 4 teens and one adult. Jun could thus still be kidnapped in EP by Nyarly along with Lisa and Eikichi). This might have been dropped with the choice of the temporary party member being either Eriko or Nanjo.
While the thought of Tatsuya having to tell Jun all about the Joker phase could be interesting as well if Jun were the protagonist, TatsuyaxJun interactions were still kept in tact in EP with Tatsuya trying to save the kids from Nyarly and his guilt feelings. In fact it makes sense that he would try to especially keep Jun out of harm so that his life doesn’t spiral out of control again.
While Tatsuya and Jun do have the Doppelgänger motif, Maya and Tatsuya actually do have a dualism too (moon-sun, their Ultimate Personas Artemis and Apollo are twins). EP Maya if she weren't the MC and completely out of the team would basically become a pretty sidelined NPC. The whole turning point in IS was Tsumi Maya dying which EP Maya has to find out over the course of EP and it is a pretty big deal.
A talking Jun in EP is way more interesting than a mute Jun would be. His life turned out quiet differently since his mother is more relaxed, his father is still alive and he never met the Masked Circle. He is still not someone you should underestimate/mess with though. That he ended up in Kasugayama again is said to be destiny in the EP World book.
Jun mute would be a bad choice. Jun's character similar to Maki's and Ryoji's lives from showing how the personality changes constantly.  
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Maya does not have a fire phobia in EP and never met the Masked Circle but all in all she still in mostly the same (her room, her answers line up with Tsumi Maya's quotes, she still can't drive, and she still randomly understands some words wrong). However unlike in IS she has an adult team in EP which helps both her and Tatsuya to grow up more and unlike in IS she can lean back more since the other adults can support her. Thus they were able to actually use her as a protagonist in EP pretty well in my opinion.
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maiamaiden · 7 years
killing kiyotada sumaru in one hit is honestly the most satisfying thing i’ve done all week
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katsona-the-katsequel · 2 months
Persona Timeline Pt. 1: Pre-Canon
Gonna add references like we're in the Tardis Wiki. If you know, you know.
Events that only took place in the Other Side will be marked with a "🟠". Events that only took place in This Side will be marked with a "⚪️".
For extra fun, you can read only the general and 🟠 events, then when you hit the Timeline Reset in the P2 Timeline, start over but this time reading only the general and ⚪️ events in order to progress to P3. The full Tatsuya experience, some might say.
- The Great Will created the Megami Tensei Multiverse (Game: Megami Tensei II). The Great Will is implied to also rule, or at least oversee, the Persona Universe.
- Nyx, a Star Eater, took damage when she collided with Earth (Book: Persona 3 Club). The debris created the Moon and, while Nyx' psyche was trapped on Earth, her body was enclosed in the Moon.
- Fragments from Nyx' body, called Plumes of Dusk, fell on Earth (Book: Persona 3 Club).
- Nyx began the long process of healing her physical body.
- In order to fight Nyx' psyche, the primitive life on Earth indirectly created the Collective Unconscious (Book: Persona 3 Club), connecting all the souls on Earth through the Sea of Souls. Nyx' psyche was sealed here.
- Humans came to be.
- The Expanse was formed to house all the gods, spirits, mythological beings, shadows, and demons created by humanity (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- Chronos / Charon, god of death and time, came to be, born from man's collective unconscious to guide and accompany them to the afterlife (Game: Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth).
350,000 YEARS AGO
- Philemon and Nyarlathotep came to be; Philemon representing the good of humanity, and Nyarlathotep the evil (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Erebus was created as a manifestation of humanity's grief and negative emotion (Game: Persona 3 FES). He began to look for Nyx' psyche, which was still scattered across the Collective Unconscious.
BETWEEN 2,000 BC AND 1598
- Igor began his life as a doll (Game: Persona 3 FES).
- Igor was given life by Philemon and placed in charge of the newly-created Velvet Room (Game: Persona 3 FES).
BETWEEN 1467 AND 1590
- As a consequence of rumors created in 1999 Sumaru, a historical warlord named Kiyotada Sumaru conquered the land what would become Sumaru City (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- A vassal of Kiyotada named Tatsunoshin Suou organized an assassination attempt against him with his lover, Princess Maihime Amano, and his retainer, Junnosuke Kuroda (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- Kiyotada gored Maihime with a spear, and Tatsunoshin cut off his head. Devastated, Tatsunoshin ordered Junnosuke to flee Sumaru Castle and burn it down as he fled (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- Junnosuke recovered Tatsunoshin and Maihime's remains from the burned down castle and mummified them (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- Junnosuke changed his name to Fuyou and founded the Mokujinken school of martial arts (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- Fuyou died of natural causes, and his spirit remained in limbo, awaiting for the day Tatsunoshin would call upon him once more. Until then, he protected Maihime's descendants (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
BETWEEN 1598 AND 1995
- Belladonna became a denizen of the Velvet Room.
- Nameless covered his eyes. It is possible he became a denizen of the Velvet Room around this time (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
January 19
- Edgar Poe was born.
May ??
- Poe published "The Mask of the Red Death: A Fantasy", which made the earliest references to a velvet room.
October 7
- Edgar Allan Poe passed away due to unclear circumstances.
July 26
- Carl Gustav Jung was born.
? ??
- The Shirogane line of detectives began (Game: Persona 4).
BETWEEN 1909 AND 1969
? ??
- The Demon Painter was born and raised in Sumaru City (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Possible date for Jung to have met Philemon, or at least began to have visions of the Velvet Room and/or Expanse.
July 28
- World War 1 began.
BETWEEN 1914 AND 1918
? ??
- With Philemon's help, Jung wrote the Red and Black Books. The Red Book was a record of the origin of Personas and Philemon's power, while the Black Book recorded everything about the Sea of Souls. The Red Book granted limitless power and free manipulation of people's consciousness and unconsciousness, while the Black Book could harvest power and take others' Personas to summon and create beings for various purposes (Manga: Persona Tsumi to Batsu).
- In order to seal the Books' ridiculous power, Philemon created special keys (Manga: Persona Tsumi to Batsu). A fraction if their power can still be used with the Books closed, though.
- Jung finished the Red and Black Books and gave them to Philemon, who introcued them to Igor (Manga: Persona Tsumi to Batsu).
- Philemon set free the Red and Black Books along with their keys from Kadath Mandala, awaiting for a human who showed the abilities the Books provided (Manga: Persona Tsumi to Batsu).
- Igor began to make an effort to get to know his guests (Manga: Persona Tsumi to Batsu).
? ??
- Kosei High School was founded (Game: Persona 5).
November 11
- World War 1 ended.
Between May and June
- Bunkichi Kitamura was born (Game: Persona 3 Reload).
BETWEEN 1929 AND 1949
? ??
- Tatzusou Sudou was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
Between February and March
- Mitsuko was born (Game: Persona 3 Reload).
BETWEEN 1937 AND 1946
? ??
- Stephen was born (Game: Shin Megami Tensei).
September 1
- World War 2 began.
? ??
- Kouetsu Kirijo was born.
April 30
- Adolf Hitler escaped to Antarctica with the Last Battalion, growing his forces and waiting for the time to strike again (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
September 2
- World War 2 ended.
? ??
- Jyun Owada was born (Game: Persona 5 Strikers).
BETWEEN 1951 AND 1976
? ??
- Munehisa Iwai was born.
? ??
- Tatsuzou Suou was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
BETWEEN 1956 AND 1976
? ??
- Sojiro Sakura and Wakaba Isshiki were born.
BETWEEN 1958 AND 1967
? ??
- Stephen began the Terminal System project and became the first human to initiate contact with the Expanse. However, a shadow crossed over and, since Stephen didn't speak their language, was crippled by it (Game: Shin Megami Tensei).
- The event with the shadow inspired Stephen to begin the creation of the Demon Summoning Program (Game: Shin Megami Tensei).
? ??
- Setsuko Sonomura was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
June 6
- Jung passed away.
? ??
- Akinari Kashihara and Maya Okamura were born.
Between January 20 and February 18
- Junko Kurosu was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Steven Silverman and Kankichi Mishina were born.
? ??
- Masayoshi Shido and Takeharu Kirijo were born (Game: Persona 3 / Game: Persona 5).
BETWEEN 1963 AND 1968
? ??
- Toranosuke Yoshida was born.
? ??
- St. Hermelin High School was founded (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
Between April 20 and May 20
- Ginji Sasaki was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- The winning streak of the Special Investigations Unit began, mostly aided by forged evidence (Game: Persona 5).
June 13
- Kaoru Saga / Baofu was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
? ??
- Miki Asai was born.
July 28
- Kyouji Kuzunoha was born (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner).
November 8
- Takahisa Kandori was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
? ??
- Chizuru Ishigami was born.
BETWEEN 1968 AND 1976
October 1
- Zenkichi Hasegawa was born (Game: Persona 5 Strikers).
May 16
- Ryotaro Dojima was born (Game: Persona 4).
? ??
- Philemon and Nyarlathotep made a bet on whether humanity would destroy itself or become enlightened beings (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Nyarlathotep cursed Sumaru City so strong rumors would become reality (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Tatsuya Sudou was born with Nyarlathotep whispering in his head (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- First art contest in St. Hermelin High School (Manga: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
BETWEEN 1971 AND 1974
? ??
- Saeko Takemi and Tomomi Fujimori were born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
? ??
- Eiichiro Takeba was born.
December 30
- Katsuya Suou was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
June 1
- Taro Namatame was born (Game: Persona 4).
November 30
- Ulala Serizawa was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
? ??
- Misuzu Hiiragi was born.
? ??
- Shiori's older sister was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
January 14
- Shiori Miyashiro was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
July 4
- Maya Amano was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
April ??
- Junko began attending Seven Sisters High School (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
BETWEEN 1977 AND 1908
? ??
- Junko became the first Miss Sevens (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Kashihara and Okamura began to teach at Seven Sisters High School.
? ??
- Shuji Ikutsuki was born.
BETWEEN 1978 AND 1986
? ??
- Sadayo Kawakami was born (Game: Persona 5).
? ??
- Kunikazu Okumura was born.
April 9
- Yukino "Yukki" Mayuzumi was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
June 4
- Maki Sonomura was born with an unspecified illness. She would be hospitalized various times through her childhood and early teenage years (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
July 11
- Masao "Mark" Inaba was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
August 18
- Reiji Kido was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
September 21
- Eriko "Elly" Kirishima was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
October 2
- Kei "Nate" Nanjo was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
December 24
- Kazuya and Naoya Toudou (P1MC) were born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
? ??
- Shunsuke Fujii was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- The New World Order was founded after a small company led by Tatsuzou unearthed Kiyotada's head in the soon-to-be Honmaru Park, which spoke in their heads advice to control the country (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
BETWEEN 1979 AND 1998
? ??
- Tatsuzou became the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
January 1
- Hidehiko "Brown" Uesugi was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
March 3
- Yuka Ayase was born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
March ??
- Junko graduated from Seven Sisters High School and became a famous actress.
August 13
- Tamaki Uchida (SMT:If...MC) was born (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
? ??
- Yumi Shirakawa, Shinji "Charlie" Kuroi, Akira Miyamoto, Ideo Hazama, Akiko Yano, and Ryuichi Sakamoto were born (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- Chisato Kasai and Yosuke Naito were born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
? ??
- Junko and Kashihara got married (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
May ??
- Upon realizing she was pregnant, Junko retired from stardom (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
July 27
- Tatsuya Suou (P2MC) was born (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
October 25
- Miyabi Hanakouji / Kozy was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Reiko Akanezawa and Takuya Miyashiro were born (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if... / Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Tadashi Satomi was born.
BETWEEN 1981 AND 1983
? ??
- Mitsuo Shimazaki was born.
? ??
- Shinichi Yoshizawa was born.
February 14
- Jun Kurosu / Jun Kashihara was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin / Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
May 4
- Lisa Silverman was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
Between October and November
- Anna Yoshizaka was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
November 15
- Eikichi "Michel" Mishina was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Gekkoukan High School was founded.
BETWEEN 1982 AND 1984
? ??
- Masataka Amano entrusted Mr. Bunbun to Maya while he went away as a war correspondent (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Masataka died away in a war (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
BETWEEN 1982 AND 1985
? ??
- Sayoko Uehara and Noriko Kashiwagi were born (Game: Persona 4).
BETWEEN 1982 AND 1999
? ??
- Junko returned to stardom (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
? ??
- Naoya got a cold and Kazuya, in an effort to make him feel better, went with their mother to buy him manga. On the way home, Kazuya was hit by a truck and died (Manga: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Naoya began to act like Kazuya to comfort his mother. Her mental breakdown made her stay at her parents' house while Naoya was taken care of by a housekeeper and the Sonomuras (Manga: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Hiroki Sugimoto, Mami "Sheba" Shibata, and Miho "Mee-ho" Ogishima were born.
- Mayumi Yamano was born (Game: Persona 4).
BETWEEN 1983 AND 1984
? ??
- Noriko Katayama was born.
February 1
- Tohru Adachi was born (Game: Persona 4).
April ??
- Kandori began attending St. Hermelin High School (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona). He would become president of the student council.
? ??
- Chika "Chikarin" Ueda was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
BETWEEN 1984 AND 1997
? ??
- Sasaki became part of a one-hit wonder band (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). After fading to obscurity, became a record producer.
April ??
- Sudou began attending Seven Sisters High School (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- The rumors spread about Sudou made his mental state worsen (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
July 6
- Owada won his first term as a legislator.
? ??
- Akari Hoshi / Ixquic was born (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
BETWEEN 1986 AND 1989
April ??
- Saeko and Tomomi began attending St. Hermelin High School (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
? ??
- Kumi Hirose became the first victim of the Snow Queen Curse (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
BETWEEN 1986 AND 1992
? ??
- Hidehiko had a bowel movement accident that earned him the nickname of "Brown" (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Ideo and Reiko's parents got divorced. Their father kept Ideo and their mother left with Reiko (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
March ??
- Kandori graduated from St. Hermelin High School and began studying at Oxford.
BETWEEN 1987 AND 1990
? ??
- Michiko Matsudaira became another victim of the Snow Queen Curse (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
BETWEEN 1988 AND 1991
? ??
- Yuriko Yamamoto became another victim of the Snow Queen Curse (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
BETWEEN 1988 AND 1993
? ??
- Shido became a metropolitan assemblyman, beginning his career in politics (Game: Persona 5).
BETWEEN 1988 AND 1995
? ??
- Kuzunoha founded the Kuzunoha Detective Agency.
? ??
- Kashihara became a substitute father for Sudou (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Kashihara, believing that the Maiyans aliens were speaking through Sudou, wrote all the messages in the book "In Lak'ech" (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Suspecting infidelity, Junko hired detective Daisuke Todoroki to follow Kashihara (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Junko began to spread vicious rumors about her husband, weakening his hold on reality (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
March ??
- Sudou graduated from Seven Sisters High School.
- Tatsuya, Jun, Michel, and Lisa met each other in the Alaya Shrine. They began to call themselves the Masked Circle (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Maya met and befriended the Masked Circle, becoming a surrogate older sister to them (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Maya taught the Masked Circle the Persona Game (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
Between March and August
- Jun gave Tatsuya an engraved Zippo lighter, while Tatsuya gave him a silver wristwatch. The two made a promise to be friends forever (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Kashihara fell in the Seven Sisters clock tower and was crushed by the gears (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Nyarlathotep took on Kashihara's appearance and replaced him (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
April ??
- Katsuya began attending Seven Sisters High School (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
August ??
- Maya, after revealing she would be moving away, was locked inside the Alaya Shrine by Michel and Lisa. Tatsuya was locked in as well (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- The Alaya Shrine was set on fire by Sudou, who cut Tatsuya with a knife and made Maya develop pyrophobia. Tatsuya took Sudou's right eye off with his Persona (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Sudou killed and dismembered Takuya (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- Jun, Lisa, and Michel mistakenly began to believe that Maya was killed in the fire, and hid away their masks (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- The trauma made Tatsuya, Lisa, Michel, and Maya forget about the incident and about each other (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Nyarlathotep made Jun believe that Maya was killed by his friends, and began grooming him to become Joker (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
- Tatsuzou stopped the investigations of Tatsuya's father into Sudou, using his influence to discredit him and end up with Tatsuya's father leaving the police (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin / Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Tatsuzou sent Sudou to the Morimoto Sanitarium (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment). ⚪️
- Maya moved away from Sumaru City with her mother (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
? ??
- Akira Konoe was born (Game: Persona 5 Strikers).
BETWEEN 1989 AND 1992
? ??
- Tomomi became the last victim of the Snow Queen Curse, carrying a grudge against Saeko for knowing about it and not saying anything (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Principal Ooishi ordered the Snow Queen Mask to be put away (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
March ??
- Saeko graduated from St. Hermelin High School (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
February 18
- Owada won his second term as a legislator.
March 3
- Akinari Kamiki was born (Game: Persona 3).
May 8
- Mitsuru Kirijo was born (Game: Persona 3).
August 11
- Shinjiro Aragaki was born (Game: Persona 3).
Between August and September
- Mamoru Hayase was born (Game: Persona 3).
- Nozomi Suemitsu and his fraternal twin were born (Game: Persona 3).
September 22
- Akihiko Sanada was born (Game: Persona 3).
? ??
- Ulala failed a grade and had to repeat a year (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
- Naoya pierced his ear as personal proof that he was not Kazuya (Manga: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Saori Hasegawa, Ichiko Ohya, and Kayo Murakami were born (Game: Persona 3 Portable / Game: Persona 5).
- Naoya had a cold for the last time in his life (Manga: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
Between January and February
- Keisuke Hiraga was born (Game: Persona 3).
March ??
- Katsuya graduated from Seven Sisters High School and became a police officer, dropping his dream of becoming a patissier to clear his father's name (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
April ??
- Maya returned to Sumaru City to attend high school.
Between September and October
- Andre Laurent Jean Geraux / Bebe was born (Game: Persona 3).
October 19
- Yukari Takeba was born (Game: Persona 3).
Between November and December
- Kenji Tomochika was born (Game: Persona 3).
December 22
- Fuuka Yamagishi was born (Game: Persona 3).
? ??
- Ulala met Maya.
- Minato Arisato (P3MC), Rio Iwasaki, and Natsuki Moriyama were born (Game: Persona 3).
BETWEEN 1992 AND 1994
? ??
- Shinji stole someone's bike, which earned him the nickname "Charlie" (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
BETWEEN 1992 AND 2003
? ??
- Miki Sanada was born.
January 16
- Junpei Iori was born (Game: Persona 3).
Between March and April
- Yuko Nishiwaki was born (Game: Persona 3).
May 24
- Mitsuo Kubo was born (Game: Persona 4).
July 18
- Yoshida was voted into office.
- Owada won his three term as a legislator.
Between October and November
- Chihiro Fushimi was born (Game: Persona 3).
? ??
- Saki Konishi was born.
- Sae Niijima was born.
- Yoshida missed a legislative meeting to take a personal vacation, was accused of embezzling party funds, and called a voter an idiot in an open forum. This earned him the title of "No-Good Tora" (Game: Persona 5).
BETWEEN 1993 AND 1994
Between July and August
- Hidetoshi Odagiri and Kazushi Miyamoto were born (Game: Persona 3).
? ??
- Takuto Maruki was born.
April ??
- Yukki began to attend St. Hermelin High School (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
June 22
- Yosuke Hanamura was born (Game: Persona 4).
July 30
- Chie Satonaka was born (Game: Persona 4).
December 8
- Yukiko Amagi was born (Game: Persona 4).
? ??
- Kenji's sister, Yu Narukami (P4MC), Kou Ichijo, Daisuke Nagase, Ai Ebihara, and Tomoe Sayama were born.
- Kaoru and Miki ran an investigation on Tatsuzou and the Tien Tao Lien mafia for money laundering (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Tatsuzou ordered the assassination of Kaoru and Miki, with Kaoru only surviving thanks to the awakening of his Persona (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
- Kaoru changed his name to Baofu and vowed to avenge Miki (Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment).
BETWEEN 1994 AND 1996
? ??
- Hanako Ohtani and Yumi Ozawa were born.
- Kou's birth parents may have died of an unspecified sickness. Kou was placed in an orphanage (Game: Persona 4).
BETWEEN 1994 AND 1997
? ??
- Dojima saw Yu for the last time before he came to Inaba (Game: Persona 4).
? ??
- Kouetsu discovered the Plumes of Dusk, began to look into their origin, and amassed a collection for benevolent purposes (Book: Persona 3 Club).
- The Kirijo Group separated from the Nanjo Group, though they kept a close working relationship (Game: Persona 3).
- Some mean kids pulled Michel's pants down in front of Miyabi and told him she hated fat people. Out of guilt, Miyabi began to let herself go and become chubby (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin). 🟠
March ??
- After graduation, Maya began to work as a reporter for the teen magazine "Coolest" (Game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin).
April ??
- Yumi, Charlie, Miyamoto, Hazama, Akiko, and Ryuichi began attending Karukozaka High School (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- Maki, Mark, Nate, Naoya, Brown, Yuka, Chisato, and Naito began attending St. Hermelin High School (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Reiji began to attend an unnamed high school (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Elly began to attend an unnamed high school in America (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
April 27
- Naoto Shirogane was born (Game: Persona 4).
June 1
- Rise Kujikawa was born (Game: Persona 4).
? ??
- Kouetsu began to experiment with shadows to create a time manipulation device (Game: Persona 3).
- Kuzunoha passed away.
- Hazama began to face bullying at school (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- Hazama confessed his crush to Akiko, only to be rudely rejected (Game: Shin Megami Tensei: if...).
- Naoki Konishi, Ayane Matsunaga, and Sumomo Ujima were born.
BETWEEN 1995 AND 1996
January 2
- Kanami Mashita was born (Game: Persona 4: Dancing All Night).
BETWEEN 1995 AND 1997
? ??
- Michel pulled Sugimoto's pants down in middle school, causing the latter to swear revenge.
BETWEEN 1995 AND 1999
? ??
- Kouetsu became a nihilist, which was only fueled by his discovery of The Fall (Game: Persona 3). The Kirijo Group began to dedicate their efforts to bring about The Fall.
? ??
- Kandori became the head of the Mikage-cho branch of Saeki Electronics & Biological Energy Corporation / SEBEC (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Elly's twin sisters were born (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona).
- Nate met Kandori and didn't like him (Game: Megami Ibunroku Persona)
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artemis-maia · 7 years
I've been wondering about this lately so I thought I'd ask you for an interpretation - what do you think would've happened if Tatsuya didn't screw up at the end of IS? could Nyarlathotep still manage to mess up the EP world somehow even without that?
Tatsuya being the singularity boy/paradox boy is the maincatalyst for most of the chaos happening in EP and in Tatsuya’s scenario sinceNyarlathotep won’t let the opportunity slip to guilt trip him and since in theEP world the Masked Circle never met at Araya shrine Tatsuya remembering would be thetrigger for chaos like a chain reaction.
The mark on Tatsuya’s arm according to the EP World book isthe symbol of Nyarly’s challenge that started when IS Tatsuya and EP Tatsuyamerged.
However there are hints that Nyarly still has several waysto mess with the EP World even hinted in IS already.
Let’s take Sumaru Kiyotada as an example: In IS you see himmentioned at Honmaru Park as some kind of mythological founder of Sumaru.
In the EP world Nyarly uses this story for his advantage forthe rumor system since the remains of Sumaru (the head) were found.
The rumor system and people not taking information with a grain of salt as well as even the media gives Nyarlathotep so many loopholes however Tatsuya refusing to forget is pretty much the icing on the cakewhich is why Nyarly can run wild again.
In IS Nyarly even had several possibilites for plans: For examplethat both Amano Maya and Okamura Maya could have technically become the sacrifice.If Okamura wouldn’t have thrown Maya under the bus so that she herself doesn’t haveto die Nyarly’s plan wouldn’t have worked out the same way and he would havehad to solve the matter with the Grand Cross differently.
However no doubt Nyarly would still try to mess with the EP world without a doubt. In Lovecraft writings he is the only one who bothers about humans however he loves to mess with them mostly.
I guess that Nyarlathotep is like a twisted Lovecraftian version of Hermes rings true. He likes to communicate as well (see Kandori in Megami Ibunroku and Sudou hearing voices in P2).
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