#kit herondale x ty blackthorn x ellie harris
amchara · 2 years
Second verse, twist from the first 2/3
Kit Herondale, Ty Blackthorn, original character Ellie Harris (Kit/Ty/OFC)
Wordcount: 5,183 words
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Six months after Talking Bodies, there is a towel incident after training and Kit, Ty and Ellie have a reckoning.
Kit pressed the ‘end call’ button on his phone. He slumped against the wall, feeling its coolness across his bare back, Institute business already being pushed to the back of his mind. He looked towards the end of the hallway and the slightly ajar door. Where his boyfriend and best friend were getting it on. As he had told them to continue. After all that happened last time. 
Kit sighed. He still blamed himself, just a bit, for that situation. He wondered if he needed to be the sensible one to step in this time, before they went down the same path and ended up with regrets again. 
He started down the hallway, trepidation warring with lust.  
Less than half an hour before: Ty pushing him to his knees, the pressure on his biceps keeping him in place. Ty’s voice, deep and commanding, sending Kit to a welcome place where all he had to do was obey and allow Ty to take control.  
Earlier in the training room: Ellie, proudly grinning as she pinned him to the ground with her new-found were strength, her familiar smell of vanilla wafting above him, purple-highlighted ponytail tickling his cheeks. He had rolled her off as fast as humanly (Shadowhunterly?) possible, surreptitiously checking to make sure she hadn’t realised that he had… responded, in a way a best friend was definitely not supposed to. 
Involuntarily he let out a small groan of dismay at the fucked-up-ness of the situation, wondering why he couldn’t just turn off the feelings sometimes.
Read on Ao3
Taglist: @thechangeling @lifeofbrybooks @dontmindmyshadowhunting @kestrafagnor @chewriting @mferraz @kitheronthorn
14 notes · View notes
amchara · 2 years
Second verse, twist from the first 1/3
Kit Herondale, Ty Blackthorn, original character Ellie Harris (Kit/Ty/OFC)
Wordcount: 3,650 words
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Six months after Talking Bodies, there is a towel incident after training and Kit, Ty and Ellie have a reckoning.
“Can it be uncomplicated?” she asked frankly, her midnight-blue gaze switching between them. “I want us to be friends but-”
“But also fuck?” Ty couldn’t help but spell it out. Kit closed his eyes, almost as if beseeching a deity. But there was an amused and fond look on his face as he glanced between Ty and Ellie’s negotiation.
“Friends but also fucking, yep,” she told them solemnly but there was that hard-to-interpret smile playing on her face. “You know- for the occasional stress relief.”
Read on Ao3:
Oh hey... yeah, we're back here again. This pairing is apparently what happens when things get stressful for me and for when I need a break from writing plot. If you haven't read "Talking Bodies", this fic will probably not make much sense plotwise but hopefully you enjoy the porn part (although this chapter is, as per usual with this pairing, a lot of set up, before we get to the sex *shrugs*)
Also- heads up, this will be in three POVs - first is Ty POV, second part is Kit's POV and last part will be Ellie's POV.
Taglist: @thechangeling @lifeofbrybooks @dontmindmyshadowhunting @kestrafagnor @chewriting @mferraz @kitheronthorn
5 notes · View notes
amchara · 2 years
Weather Change (Kit/Ty)
Kit Herondale, Ty Blackthorn (Kit/Ty), original characters
Wordcount: 5,121 words (one-shot to kick off The London Files)
Rating: Teen, cw description of serious injuries
Summary: It’s been almost five years since an epic line-up of Shadowhunter heroes and their allies closed all the portals to Hell. Now, demons are scarce and the Nephilim are searching for their purpose in this new world. Centurion Ty Blackthorn has been sent to London to investigate a potential new threat, while Kit Herondale has taken up a post helping to rebuild the London Enclave. But when their first patrol goes horribly wrong, Kit and Ty realise there may be larger problems emerging in the Shadow World, drawing in not only Shadowhunters but their mundane friends and Downworlders alike…
Notes: Post-TWP established Kit/Ty. Set in the same 'verse as Effortless but you don't need to have read that story to understand this one, except to know that Ade and Ellie are Kit's school friends from Devon.
(This is the last of my Ao3 reposts before I begin posting the new fic tomorrow. This story could be considered the prologue to it, so highly recommend reading it before the new one. ;)
“I hate London,” Kit said, as they sat on a narrow, slippery ledge of a building above Commercial Road, in the city’s East End. It was drizzling lightly and despite their weather-proofed gear, he could feel the wet drops slowly inching from his neck down to the rest of his body.
Ty glanced over, giving Kit a sceptical look. “You don’t- you kept talking about how excited you were to come back and patrol with the London Institute. And have proper chocolate again. And the fact you’d be closer to Jem, Tessa and Mina. And-”
“Yeah- yeah, okay,” Kit said, interrupting. “But we’re trading hot L.A. summer weather and perfect surfing conditions,” he grumbled. “For this miserable August night.”
“So it’s just the weather then,” Ty said, with a small smile on his face. He wasn’t looking at Kit anymore but his eyes were scanning the poorly-lit street in front of him.
Kit huffed in mock outrage but he conceded the point. “Yeah, fine- it’s just the weather. I am looking forward to using that fireplace when we get back.”
After arriving by Portal earlier that morning at a hellishly early time, they had ensconced themselves in the historic Herondale townhouse on Curzon Street, with preserved decor and plush interiors. Kit had then discovered the fireplace in the corner of the room they had crashed out in for a few hours to adjust to the time difference, and Ty, being the type fascinated by fire, had also agreed they should light it once they had returned from patrol.
“How much longer do you want to wait here until we move on?” Kit asked, as he stretched his neck, shivering at the cold water inching into his ear.
“Five more minutes and then we head down to Tower Bridge,” Ty said. He took out his phone and covering it from the rain, checked something. He looked up and frowned. “But this was the most likely location, according to the reports.”
“Right- but these attacks and sightings have been reported all over London, right?”
“Concentrated in the east though,” Ty reminded him. “But not related to Jack the Ripper loca-” he stopped and straightened up on the ledge. Kit mirrored his position and looked in the same direction. With his night vision rune, Kit could see a flicker of odd, greyish-yellow light flicker at the edge of a nearby building
Ty had already started climbing down, his long limbs nimble as he made his way to the ground. Kit followed with less finesse, careful with his handholds on the slippery surfaces. He jumped the last few feet and stood beside Ty, who had already pulled out an unlit seraph blade from his belt, his face intent as he followed the willowy light as it vanished around the corner.
Kit came to stand by Ty’s shoulder. “Seraph or non-seraph weapons?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Demon attacks had dwindled in the past few years after the dimensional portals had all been sealed but Shadowhunters continued to carry seraph-created weapons regardless, for mopping up and- in Kit’s opinion, because they were the iconic Shadowhunter weapon. But they weren’t as useful as in the past and these new ‘wraith’ attacks, as the reports had called them, were unclear as to whether seraph blades worked or what weapon was best to defeat them.
Ty turned slightly and he showed the small handheld crossbow in his other hand. “Both, I think,” he said.
Kit nodded. He pulled out his own selection of adamas weapons and traditional ones.
Then they rounded the corner and prepared to fight.
Shit, Ty’s injuries were bad. Under the dim street lights, his blood looked as black as his hair as Kit lifted up his shirt. The tough gear fabric had probably prevented the worst of the damage but that wasn’t saying much, Kit thought. Ty looked down at the massive gash on his side, the glass, mud and rubble mixing with his blood and his eyes widened as he looked up at Kit. But he didn’t say anything, just kept breathing in small, shallow pants.
“Ty…” Kit gripped his hand, forcing himself to also take slow breaths as he assessed it. It looked bad, he thought, but he could tell almost immediately it wasn’t life-threatening. But having trained a bit with Tessa and Catarina in field medicine, he knew that this type of wound wasn’t one that could be healed with a few iratzes - it would required cleaning the debris out first, several salves and other steps, including blood loss runes, before even a simple healing rune could be applied.
“It’s not going to kill me,” Ty said, in a low voice, squeezing Kit’s hand back, as if to reassure him.
“No- but it’s going to be fucking unpleasant to deal with,” Kit told him. “It’s okay though- let me just figure out how to best get you help.”
Ty nodded, his face relaxing in trust as Kit pulled out some gauze from his small medical pouch on his weapons belt and gently packed the wound. Then he gave Ty a quick kiss on his forehead, amid the dark, damp tangles of hair and pulled out his phone.
He called a number but it rang through. Kit looked at his phone and frowned… one other option to try before they had to make their way to Westminster and call on the Silent Brothers. He looked over at Ty, and could see that the colour of his face had drained to an even paler alabaster and Kit knew that he was working with limited time before Ty passed out from the blood loss.
Hey, do u know if ade is working at royal london tonight? x
kit!!! thought you werent back until tomorrow! Yea i think so but im not his keeper or girlfriend so dont rely on me. Xxxxxx
Kit’s phone buzzed again.
u still on for brunch at spitalfields? i want to hear all about u and tys la exploits Xxxxx
yeah xxx
Kit clicked his screen off. He wasn’t entirely sure they would be up for a tell-all with Ellie in the morning but it was easier to say yes at the moment, given how relentless she would be otherwise.
He drew an amisso rune on Ty’s abdomen, just below the wound and giving him a reassuring squeeze on his arm. “Here’s the plan,” he said. “We’re going to head to Ade’s work and see if he can get the glass out, that way I can do proper iratzes on it.” He also quickly sketched the Silent Brothers diagnostic rune that he wasn’t supposed to know but Jem had taught him anyway. Good, no internal bleeding.
Ty’s eyes opened. “To a mundane hospital?” He sounded surprised but he let Kit help him to his feet and they started slowly making their way out of the narrow alley. Kit kept glancing upwards but it appeared the wraith had disappeared, at least for the moment.
“Yeah- it’s just a couple blocks from here,” Kit said. Or, at least, he hoped his memory was correct. He knew it was only a short way from Commercial Road.
They picked their way through small side streets lined with Victorian-era terraces, blocky modern flats, Bangladeshi fabric export businesses and fried chicken shops, guided both by Kit’s faint memory and google maps until they reached a bulky blue and grey building complex and Kit could see the sign that read: Royal London Hospital. Supporting Ty, he could feel his shallow, painful breaths and Kit suspected he had also broken or bruised some ribs when he had been thrown into the shop window.
He and Ty followed the signs to A&E around to the front of the building, skirting around the bright yellow and green ambulances and slipped through the sliding doors, two black-clad young men invisible to the eyes of the mundane patients sat around them.
Fortunately, it didn’t take too long to locate Ade. Kit could see him standing at some kind of station, his tall frame with his back to Kit, talking to other nurses and doctors. Kit was just about to figure out how he could get his attention when Ty suddenly buckled in his shoulder. Kit looked over in alarm, and could see Ty’s eyes fluttering and Kit could hear a steady drip, drip, drip of blood around Ty’s shoes.
“Kit- I uh,” Ty said weakly.
“I know, I know,” Kit scrambled to find a spot where he could lay Ty down. Most of the cubicles were occupied in the small treatment area and there weren’t many side rooms either. But then he spotted a small linen cupboard area and he hustled Ty over and had him sit on several piles of them. He hoped the mundanes wouldn’t notice the blood- while they were glamoured, their blood was not.
As Ade next walked around, Kit slashed a line through his glamour rune with his stele, and reached out, pulling Ade into the area they were hiding in. And was rewarded with a punch in the face.
“Arghh,” he said and Ade dropped his defensive boxing posture once he realized who was in front of him.
“Kit?” he said, his voice rising in disbelief and he ran his hands through his black curls as he took in his friend. Then he narrowed his eyes. “You’re bleeding. What the fuck are you doing here? Are you hurt?”
“It’s not mine, it’s Ty’s,” Kit said, and Ty, with white-faced effort, also removed his glamour.
Ade let out a small whistle as he took in the scene and the injured Shadowhunter in front of him. With a professional air, he took in Ty but his voice was sharp as he glanced over at Kit. “Why can’t you heal him?” He gestured. “With your - you know, glowy magic.”
Kit couldn’t help but wince. Even a few years on, it hurt to think about what he had had to give up in the fight to save the world. “Sorry, fresh out of it. We need your help.” He quickly outlined Ty’s injuries as Ade knelt down and looked briefly as Kit lifted up Ty’s shirt. His dark brown eyes assessed Ty and his hands were gentle as he lifted up Kit’s field bandage. Ty, who normally didn’t like anyone other than Kit and his family touching him, shuddered briefly but didn’t move otherwise, his grey eyes half-closed. Kit touched his shoulder and Ty leaned into him.
Ade sat back on his heels. “Right I need to see the patient in cubicle four but lucky for you, I’m supposed to go on my break once I finish with them.” He handed Kit a few wadded-up linens. “Use these if the bleeding continues but it looks like you’ve stopped the worst of it. At least, until I look at getting those glass fragments out.”
“Thanks, Ade,” Kit said. “I owe you.”
Despite the late hour and his tired face, Ade’s face split into a wide smile. “You do, mate- this is my first week as a junior doctor. I did not need injured Shadowhunters on my shift on top of everything else.” He clapped Kit on the shoulder as he stood. “Back soon.”
“So, by my account we probably broke about five laws tonight,” Ty said, his voice raspy and exhausted as he sat down on the narrow bed.
“So, fewer than usual,” Kit said, shrugging. “I’ll take the win. Shirt off - let me give you the necessary Marks and then we can finally sleep.”
He could see Ty’s focus on him, and knew that he wanted to talk about the way the patrol went down and why Kit hadn’t called any of the London Enclave. But that was a conversation for the morning. He deflected. “Since when are you worried about laws? Usually you’re keen to whip out the Blackthorn motto whenever we encounter a roadblock that can be solved with a good rule-breaking.”
Ty gave him a wan smile. “Not worried- I like to keep track though.”
They were Ade’s small staff accommodation room, less than a block away from the hospital.
Ade had tossed Kit his key after he had finished picking out the glass and cleaning Ty’s wound. “There’s no way Ty’s going to be in any state to travel back to your place tonight- unless,” he gave Kit a speculative look. “Unless you can teleport?”
Ty had let out a short laugh as he leaned on Kit to stand up. “Not yet.”
Kit knew he could call Tessa and ask for a Portal - but it was three am on a weekday and while he knew Tessa wouldn’t care, he didn’t want to risk waking Mina.
He had shaken his head and Ade nodded. “So use my room until I’m done with my shift. I should be finished and back around eight.”
While it might’ve been polite to refuse after all his friend was done, Kit had been both physically and mentally exhausted and a close by bed sounded like heaven.
Ade watched them go. “And you’re sure on-”
“No blood transfusions,” Ty said. “I’m not even sure our blood is compatible with yours.” Ade did a quick double take and looked like he wanted to ask questions.
“It’s fine- now that the glass is gone, I can do something about that with runes,” Kit had reassured Ade. “And we’ll be out of your hair by morning- thanks.”
Kit bit his lip as he concentrated on drawing the necessary healing runes on Ty’s torso. An agony rune - meant to heal more serious injuries - and a couple of iratzes and amisso runes. He paused and assessed Ty’s state before he drew a sanglier - a blood replacement rune. It was a powerful rune but could be dangerous if the bearer wasn’t strong enough. But given what Ade said about blood loss… kneeling in front of Ty, Kit could see that although he looked drawn, his colour was better than it had been under the bright hospital lights and his face was no longer tight with pain.
He bent down and drew the intricate rune. A hand came down on his head, and he could feel Ty stroking his hair in an absent way, hissing slightly as the Marks took effect.
Kit took a moment to just breathe, in the moonlit room. He placed a kiss on Ty’s hand and then moved to take a place beside him on the bed, slipping his arm beside him in an embrace taking care not to jostle where Ty was healing. Ty leaned his head against Kit’s.
“Lie down,” he said after a few minutes. Ty stirred against him and Kit realised he had almost fallen asleep. He didn’t protest as Kit helped him lie down, his eyes already shut by the time he hit the pillow.
Despite his exhaustion, Kit didn’t move to sleep right away. He watched Ty’s bare chest, a swirl of black marks and pale skin, rise and fall slowly. Shadows pooled in the delicate bone structure of his face and Kit was reminded of the first time he had met Ty. How beautiful.
He sighed and kicked off his boots and stripped off his gear. On Ty’s injured side, the temporary staples that Ade had put in were slowly falling out, as the skin knit back together and Kit grabbed them so Ty wouldn’t roll onto them in his sleep. He tossed them in his hand, small flashes of silver, as he attempted to put together the chaotic scene that had preceded Ty getting hurt.
The wraith, a blurry humanoid figure of greyish-yellow fire, had spotted them as soon as they had rounded the corner and had taken off with unbelievable speed. They had given chase, Ty much closer to catching up to it and Kit trying to keep up. Ty had managed to corral it in a narrow alley behind a housing estate and Kit had run around the back of the buildings, attempting to cut it off.
But between that time, something had gone badly wrong and Kit had turned up to broken glass and an alarm going off and Ty lying scarily still in the wreckage of the storefront window, and the wisps of the wraith running away.
Beside him, he could feel Ty stirring and a hand pulled him down onto the narrow bed. “Stop trying to solve it now - I’ll tell you everything in the morning,” Ty whispered in his hair, his voice thick with sleep. “Come to bed,” he said.
“All right,” Kit said, leaning down to kiss Ty’s temple and the responding happy hum from Ty helped ease some of the tightness in Kit’s chest. He curled up around Ty’s warm body, listening to the steady patter of rain against the window as he fell asleep.
Kit woke up to his phone buzzing on the side table beside him. He fumbled for it but was prevented from it by Ty’s arms tightening around him.
“No,” Ty muttered sleepily.
“Ty- I have to-,” Kit disentangled his limbs from Ty’s and attempted to reach again. But before he could, a brown hand reached up and handed it over to him.
Plucking his phone out of the air, Kit peered over the side of the bed. Ade blinked in an owlish manner from the nest of blankets on the floor. “You’re welcome,” he said, yawning widely.
Kit looked down at his phone which read: 11:37
“Shit,” he said. “Sorry- we forgot to set alarms and-”
Ade waved him off. “Don’t make a habit of it but I’ll forgive you this one time.” He grinned. “Plus, you both looked so sweet, ye mighty Shadowhunters all curled up like a couple of puppies.”
Kit fought the urge to blush. “Yeah, we’re adorable, we know,” he said. Speaking of… he turned to look over his shoulder to see Ty now awake and following the conversation. Kit sat up fully and he took a moment to check in. There were a few shadows under Ty’s eyes but he noted Kit’s look-over and he nodded.
“I’m better,” Ty said, to both Kit and Ade who had also popped up to check on his patient. Ty sat up, still bare-chested, and swung his legs down, standing up to show Ade the side that had been injured.
Ade whistled as he took in the practically-healed skin. “Incredible,” he said.
“Yeah,” Ty said, with a small smile. “Go ahead- ask the questions you want to,” he threw a glance over to Kit. “As Kit said last night, it’s not like we’re going to get in trouble for breaking a few more laws.”
“You have no idea how much I’d like to take you to a uni lab and run some tests,” Ade said, wistful. “I know that-”
Kit could see a familiar investigative gleam in Ty’s eye and interjected. “Maybe another time we can go over how we can completely smash the Clave rule of no mundane medical treatment more than we already did… but I think we had a fairly good crack at it last night and we should head out and let you sleep, Ade.”
He looked down at his phone, noting the seven new whatsapp messages he had received. “And Ty and I need to go buy some clothes that are suitable for meeting up in public with Ellie.”
“Buying clothes?” Ty looked a bit out, he generally wasn’t a fan of shopping.
“I’ll be quick,” Kit assured him, patting him on the thigh. “But we can’t go out looking like we’ve not changed from the BDSM club.”
Ade smirked as he took in Ty only in his gear trousers and the fact that Kit’s gear was currently in a pile on the floor. “I mean, you could. It’s London mate and East London at that… but do you really want to give Ellie that much ammunition? Alongside that?”
Kit was confused until Ade pointed to his hair, which had come out of its tie over the course of the night. “Oh, right,” he said, suddenly remembering that Ellie hadn’t seen his new hairstyle. He shrugged. “I mean, it’s only fitting I have the right hipster clothes to match, right?”
Ade cackled. “Truth.” Then he sobered. “Right, so you going to be all mysterious and broody demon hunters and disappear again for another six months? Or am I going to actually get an explanation this time?” he sounded disapproving.
“Nope, no radio comms silence from Faerie this time around. We’re-” he jerked his head over to Ty, with a smile. “We’re both assigned to London for the next little while. So it’ll be our base.”
“Lit,” Ade said, and he reached over to give Kit a fist bump, and offered one to Ty as well, who reciprocated after the slightest hesitation.
“Are you coming for some food too?” Ty asked, his eyes focused on Ade’s shoulder. He pulled on his gear shirt, and grabbed his airpods out of his pocket.
Ade hesitated. “I should probably sleep a bit more before tonight’s shift.”
“We’ll buy you coffee,” Ty said. “And breakfast.” Kit looked over at him, suddenly suspicious. It wasn’t that he thought Ty and Ade didn’t get along- they had met several times, in Devon and the one time Ade had visited L.A. but Ty’s voice held a note of… something else. Ty noticed his gaze and he shrugged. “We owe him.”
“Yeah, of course-” Kit said. “Anything you want at Spitalfields…”
He figured Ty would let him know what was up soon.
Being the middle of the summer and a rainy day at that, Spitalfields Market was busy, the crowds buzzing under the steel and glass roof. Kit, Ade and Ty bought their food quickly from the surrounding food stalls - a savoury crepe for Ty, some spicy noodles for Kit and a large pulled pork sandwich and black coffee for Ade - and then retreated to the outdoor tables under a covered awning to wait for Ellie.
She arrived shortly after, a whirlwind figure in a floral dress, a light denim jacket and oversized sunglasses despite the rainy day. Her hair was a deep mauve colour, with a fresh undercut on one side and swept behind her multi-pierced ear on the other.
“Kit!” She jumped on him from behind, giving him a kiss on his cheek, and Kit turned and picked her up into a hug, her vanilla and peach scent flooding his senses. He set her down and she popped her sunglasses off, to give him a severe look with her bright blue eyes. “You’ve gone full L.A. again, I see.” She reached up and felt his bun.
Kit swatted her away. “Hey, the man-bun has gone transatlantic, we saw several just in front of Liverpool Street Station alone. Plus, you know it looks good on me.”
She pursed her lips as she gave him her usual once over. “Yeah, fair. It seems to be the never ending trend… at least you haven’t gone for the scruffy facial hair too.” She grinned though, and sat down, looking across to Ty and Ade.
“Ti-bae-rius, looking gorgeous as always,” she said, winking at Ty.
Ty, who had become used to Ellie over the years, said evenly. “Hi Ellie.” And continued to eat his crepe, his eyes switching between watching the interaction in front of him, and taking in the surrounding area.
Ellie turned next to Ade. “Ade.. you look- tired as all hell,” her voice was sympathetic. “I thought you’re on nights all this week?”
Ade nodded. “Yep. But I had an interesting night when this one-” he nodded at Kit. “Dragged this one looking half dead,” he pointed at Ty, “into my A&E department last night.”
Ellie’s jaw dropped. “Ooh- that’s why you texted me!” She poked Kit. “Right- spill the tea, now!”
And Kit launched into the official reason why he and Ty were in London, explaining Ty’s new posting to the European Centurion office (Ade: “Even post-Brexit?” Ty: “I don’t think the Clave follows mundane politics that closely”), and Kit’s subsequent invitation from Evelyn Highsmith, the ancient head of the London Institute, to help rebuild the London Enclave.
Kit didn’t explain the other reason: that Ty, alongside Anush and some of the other highly specialised Centurions had been called in to investigate the recent appearance of the never-before-seen ‘wraiths’ and determine what kind of threat they posed to the Downworld and Shadowhunters.
Kit looked over at Ellie as she lit her third cigarette and blew a cloud of smoke away from the table but the wind direction had it drifting back over them. He could see Ty getting irritated from the constant smoke, and to be fair, Kit was as well. “Those things will kill you,” he said to Ellie.
“Live fast, die young- isn’t that the Shadowhunter model anyway?” Ellie said lightly, holding the cigarette up in her hand.
He gave her a look, and gave the tiniest of nods over to Ty. Ellie took the hint. “Well, to be fair I never was one anyway, so I suppose I can’t use the excuse,” she said, and she stubbed it out.
Ellie gave him a bright but brittle smile before looking away. Kit was troubled by it and mentally made a note to reach out later to her to see how she was doing. He knew from her infrequent texts that she was back studying at a London university after she had taken some time off after her mum’s death. But he wondered more about the Shadowhunters comment - Ellie, as a mundane with the Sight - had almost completed the training program at the Shadowhunters Academy a few years ago, before she left when her mother had first been diagnosed with cancer. She hadn’t returned to it and given the circumstances Kit had never pressed her on it but now he wondered if he should.
Ellie nudged him. “So… other than your boyfriend almost dying last night, what else is new with you both?”
Ty frowned at that. “Bit soon, Ellie, thanks.”
Ellie waved it off. “Let’s move on from the past, I always say- are you still listening to those true crime podcasts, Ty? Any new recommendations?”
Ty accepted the peace offering, and the conversation moved on to lighter things, as Kit caught up with his friends and Ty joined in until he grew bored of their switch to British mundane politics, and pulled out his newest book. Ade went and bought a box of sourdough donuts and they were all pleasantly full by the time Ellie jumped up, looking at her watch and saying that she had a tutorial at three and needed to leave and Ade decided he’d try to sleep for a few hours before his next shift. They left with promises to text and arrange other meetups, now that Kit and Ty were going to be based in London for the next while.
Kit sat back after they left, and enjoyed people-watching from his side of the table, while Ty nodded along, earbuds in, as he read his book. Eventually, as it so often did, Kit’s eyes were drawn back to Ty. The way his long, graceful fingers flicked through his paperback back, the way his narrow but muscular body filled out the black undershirt and jeans that Kit had bought from a trendy shop on Commercial Street, covered by the white and grey plaid shirt that matched his eyes, the same colour as the cloudy skies above.
Ty could feel Kit’s eyes on him, and he put down the book, and paused his music. He watched as Kit reached out to trace the Voyance rune on his hand. “I’m fine, you know.”
Kit let out a long breath. He had been of two minds in the morning whether they should’ve just canceled on Ellie but last night’s escapades didn’t appear to be still affecting Ty. Or he was being very good at hiding it, which had occurred in the past… but Kit didn’t think that was the case now.
“I know,” Kit said. “But we need to talk about last night with that wraith and-”
“And why you didn’t want to call the London Enclave-” Ty said. He tilted his head at Kit. “Was it to do with the fire message you got right before we went out?”
Kit wasn’t surprised Ty had mostly figured it out- and to be honest, he hadn’t intended to hide it anyway, just focus on it when they had returned from the patrol. “No, that was just a check in from Aline asking if we had made it okay and to chew me out for leaving the training room in a mess before we left.” He dug out his phone. “It was this anonymous text that says ‘the London Institute is rotting from within. Tread carefully, Herondale’.”
He handed his phone over to Ty, who read the message and then hit a few buttons, which Kit assumed was the additional tech side stuff that he was good at.
“Intriguing,” Ty said, handing back the phone. “I can try tracing it when we get back.”
Both he and Kit considered the townhouse, which had last been updated in the 1960s and didn’t have many modern conveniences, such as wifi. The few times they had stayed in the past, they had used hotspots.
“Maybe you should visit Blackthorn Hall to do it,” Kit said. “Dru and Ash are there this weekend, right?”
“Yeah,” Ty said. “Plus, Julian’s wanting us to come to dinner as soon as possible.”
“Sounds good,” Kit said, standing. They started making their way back towards the underground, idly discussing the reasons for the message - Kit suggested it had to do with the fact that he had heard there were still remnants of the Cohort that hadn’t been kicked out - before he asked Ty his initial thoughts on the wraith encounter.
“I’m not sure,” Ty said, his face serious, as they picked their way around a busker. “It had surprisingly fast reflexes when I had it cornered and its strength was also unexpected for its size.” He looked over at Kit. “I’ll be more prepared next time.”
Kit nodded. He put his hands in his pocket, hoping that Ty took his own advice. “Okay-” he sighed. “Looks like there’s a few more things we need to be aware of, now that we’re here.”
“Oh, also the fact that Ade had vampire glamour on him,” Ty said conversationally. “We should look into that too.”
Kit stopped short. “What? How could you tell?” People streamed around them into the entrance of Liverpool Street station, no one paying attention to the conversation.
Ty rolled up his sleeve, showing Kit one of his many Marks, one that Kit wasn’t familiar with. “Remember me telling you Divya and I have been working with the Spiral Labyrinth to develop a glamour-detecting rune? This is the prototype.” He looked thoughtful. “I’m fairly certain its vampire glamour… could also be warlock but that tends to have more of a windy feel than bone-chilling cold feel.”
“Right,” Kit said. “We’re fixing that one straight away.”
“Agreed,” Ty said. “But I have no doubt we’ll be able to sort it out quickly,” he said with a graceful shrug.
Kit laughed. “Yeah, it is us, after all. Holmes.”
Ty smiled at Kit. “Watson.”
Then they went underground, letting the bustle of London continue above.
New story - "Herondales Don't Fail" starts posting tomorrow!
Taglist: @dontmindmyshadowhunting @sandersgrey @of-same-steel-and-temper @thomastaircompassrose  @thechangeling @mferraz @kestrafagnor @gabtapia @alldagayships @blindbandit1515 @silvermagnolias @chaotic-halfblood-kit @fighting-god-69 @lifeofbrybooks @all-this-panic-still-no-disco @heloisacosta23 @kitheronthorn @idk-i-just-really-like-tsc @t0wergirl @immortal-enemies @ahumanbeingtryingherbest
23 notes · View notes
amchara · 3 years
Talking Bodies - Kit/Ty/OFC fic (Explicit, 1/5)
Ty has been observing their friend Ellie during her unexpected stay at the Herondale townhouse and believes he has found a solution to her problems - or at least, her problems with men. And Kit is usually up for his plans, even if this one is a bit unorthodox.
Yes, this is an Kit / Ty / OFC fic, set five years post-The Wicked Powers, while Kit and Ty are living and working in London. Ty POV. Part of my London Files ‘verse but you don’t need to have read them to read this mostly pwp story ;) Ellie is a school friend of Kit’s and has been in other stories of mine - and if you like the idea of Mari the werewolf, maybe you’d like this story? 😊)
While this chapter and the next don’t have any actual sex in it (talking and consent is important, yo) be forewarned, it’s going to get smutty from chapter three onwards, so has an overall explicit rating. Those chapters will not be posted on tumblr but will be linked to Ao3. Thanks to @dontmindmyshadowhunting for the feedback on the story so far!
Chapter One: Talking Bodies
Ty was again mulling over a problem that had been nagging at him for several months now. A problem that had just entered the kitchen from the downstairs flat that had previously been used as the servants’ quarters in the Herondale townhouse, and was padding across the cold floor in fluffy pink slippers. And hadn’t yet noticed him.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Ty!” Ellie yelped, as she turned around from where she had put on the coffeemaker. “Where the hell did you come from?”
“Upstairs,” Ty shrugged, as he sat down at the table, watching her carefully. As she finally took in what he was wearing- or wasn’t wearing, as was his case, being only clothed from the waist down. He watched as her eyes surreptitiously lingered over his shoulders and trailed down further. He lifted his arms up, in a casual move he knew showed off several muscle groups in his upper chest and her jaw moved slightly as she swallowed, trying to remain casual. Ty took another couple mental notes.
Ellie noticed his gaze and she quickly looked away, stretching for the laundry basket and launched something at him.
He grabbed the soft t-shirt - one of Kit’s - out of the air before it could hit his face.
“Put on a shirt, you’re blinding me with that glow-in-the-dark chest,” she scowled as she busied herself with putting on the kettle. But her voice held that tone that after three months of living under the same roof, Ty knew didn't actually mean she was annoyed. Well, fairly sure- but as he had confirmed the reaction he expected, he pulled on the t-shirt, just as he saw Kit come into the kitchen, all sweaty and flushed after his morning run.
“Pretty sure that’s one of mine, Ty,” he said affectionately, coming over to give him a light kiss on the mouth. “But it looks good on you.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Ty could see Ellie’s eyes snapping back to them, almost unwillingly.
“Ellie’s request,” Ty said.
Kit looked over to her. “Oh- and what pray tell, is your reason for protecting his modesty? From one of your conquests?” he teased, his eyes flickering to the open door downstairs.
“Yeah, that’s it,” she replied, a fleeting smile crossing her face. “I’m used to the Shadowhunter genes but I’m worried my one night stands might find Ty irresistible and decide to use me as an excuse to see him again, and no one wants that, believe me.” Her voice was light but Ty could see a small crease form on Kit’s brow, and Ty thought he was also recalling the incident from a few nights ago when Ellie had ejected an angry, drunk Irish guy from her bedroom and Kit and Ty had had to escort him out the front door.
But Ellie had already apologised profusely the morning after and Kit wasn’t about to give his friend more grief about it. “Very noble of you,” he said, winking at Ty. “I’d hate to add more bloodstains to my clothes defending Ty’s honour.”
He sauntered over to the counter, his face brightening as he saw the coffeemaker light go off. “Ah coffee- my love,” he stopped short as Ellie poked him in the stomach. Ty straightened up to watch the interaction.
Her eyes were glittering as she held her hand out in front of the pot. “I made this for myself, angel boy- get your own.” Kit bent his head down, close to her face, giving her his sweetest smile. “Yeah, but you’re not about to drink it all,” he said, in a wheedling tone.
“Oi- your Herondale charm does not work on me,” she informed him but Ty could see her smile widening and her breathing had sped up, just a touch and he wished he had his notebook out. But he couldn’t risk it and so he turned his attention instead to Kit’s reaction.
Kit had grabbed a coffee mug and was feinting, trying to get around as Ellie - who had been to the Academy, even if she had dropped out - put up a good defensive shield.
Despite that, they all knew Kit could have easily gotten around her, if he wanted to. He instead put down the coffee mug and grabbed her in a big hug, squishing her close to him.
“Oh my god, you smell,” she complained.
“Pour me a mug and I’ll go away,” he said, looking over to grin at Ty, who just smiled and shook his head. Originally, it had been an unwanted addition to his and Kit’s routine but now he was used to their occasional morning antics. Although they had been few and far between recently, as Ellie had retreated downstairs more often. And it did kind of remind him of chaotic mornings at the L.A. Institute.
“Go shower and I’ll put another pot on for you,” she countered.
“Deal,” Kit said, instantly letting go, although Ty could see how he subtly moved his eyes away from where Ellie’s low-cut top was peeking through her dressing gown.
After Kit left the kitchen, Ellie turned and held out a cup to him, filled with steaming tea. She always remembered.
“Thanks,” Ty said, taking it.
She sat down with her own large mug of coffee and a bowl of cereal and nodded at the pile of files he had left on the table overnight. “Busy day of work ahead?”
“Kind of,” Ty replied. “We have a few days of senior Clave members visiting so we’re preparing summaries and presentations of all the recently-closed cases.”
“Sounds important,” she said, looking over the files with a critical eye.
“It’s not really - they all get reports sent when we close them out, they just choose not to read them. It actually takes up time we could be spending working on new cases,” Ty said, trying not to let the irritation color his voice - he had promised Anush he would try to be more polite this quarterly meeting and he might as well start early before he headed to the Centurion office at Whitehall.
But he could see that Ellie had caught on. “Sounds annoying, then,” she clarified. “Do you- do you need-“ her voice suddenly went softer, shyer. “Anything I could help out with on the ground, while you’re stuck impressing the senior brass?”
Ty wished there was - she had been extremely helpful in the dragon scale smuggling case - but he had to be truthful. “No,” he said and he could see her face fall. “But if there’s anything Shadow Market related that you could help with, I’ll let you know.”
She nodded, catching his drift but she still looked sad. “Great, just let me know.”
After Ellie had left to get ready for her university classes, Ty pulled out his notebook from the middle of the pile of files and wrote down that morning’s interactions. He tapped on the table with his pencil as he thought, and then expanded further on his conclusions. He was almost entirely sure they were correct, and that he had found a course of action he was happy with.
Problem was, he still wasn’t entirely sure how Kit would react and he was key to anything progressing further. He watched as Kit returned to the kitchen table, running his hands through his still wet hair and figured now was as good a time as any to let him in on it.
“I think Ellie needs something to boost her confidence,” Ty said, without any preamble. “And find someone who appreciates her. Someone she can sleep with and not worry that they won’t call again or handle her moods.”
Kit gave him a quick look from across the table, a bit confused at Ty’s interest. “Agreed,” he said, leaning back in his chair. He grabbed at his cup of coffee, taking a big swig. “The men she’s recently been seeing have been trash.”
“Do you have a plan?” he asked casually.
Ty nodded.
Kit sat back up. “I’m in.” He nearly always was, when it came to Ty’s plans. “So we’re matchmaking Ellie? Setting her up with a nice Shadowhunter boy or girl or were you thinking more traditional - overseeing her swipe rights on Tinder?” His eyes danced as he started getting into the idea, pulling out his phone.
Ty skimmed his hands over the surface of the breakfast table. He knew what Tinder was - Dru had shown him it earlier in the summer, when Thais had briefly installed it to get over her latest heartbreak. “Maybe for step two. Step one is us sleeping with her.”
Kit choked on his coffee. “Um…” He refocused his attention on Ty, his blue eyes subtly darting over Ty’s face, as he quickly assessed Ty’s reaction.
Ty waited for him to finish. As it often was, he figured it would be easier to have Kit read him, rather than have to explain. He waited for a couple minutes and then prepared to show him his notes, if he needed to explain further.
Kit sat back. “You’re serious?” There were further questions in his voice but also, tentative interest, Ty thought.
“Yes, I am.” Ty nodded. “Don’t you think she’s attractive?”
Kit let out a brief, nervous chuckle. “Of course- but she’s also my friend. So that’s a boundary that we’ve not crossed- or at least, not since school. Plus, I’m with you.”
“You know I don’t mind. You can’t control who you find attractive,” Ty said. They had spoken about this early on in their relationship - Kit’s flirting with whoever caught his eye never bothered him. Ty knew he was the one who had Kit’s heart. Plus, he wasn’t suggesting they do this separately.
“My question- do you find her attractive?” Kit asked, his voice deliberately light. “I know you were with both girls and guys at the Scholomance but I wasn’t sure if you still…”
Ty thought back to the way that Ellie often held herself, her angry stance challenging the world, her blue eyes flashing when she and Ty had spotted the caged dragons in the London Shadow Market and how she had charged right in; how she flung her arms in casual exuberance around Kit when she came in after a night of drinking and dancing, how the dimple in her cheek deepened when she gave one of her rare smiles, her habit of tapping her fingers to her lips as she read one of her psychology journals in the library. He had spent the last three months observing her - and Ty knew one of his conclusions would be: yes; he found her attractive.
Ty shrugged. “Yeah, I do.” Kit took in this information, mulling it over, and then he looked up.
“Wait- but does she think we’re attractive?”
“Yes,” Ty said. He held out his notebook and passed it to Kit. “I’ve been making notes.”
Kit let out a quick laugh, as he flipped through the pages. “Ty- I both can and can’t believe you took notes on it.” His eyes widened and the flipping of pages slowed as he started to read more thoroughly. “I see you took notes on all of us…” he said, as he gave a lingering, inscrutable glance up at Ty before returning to read.
Ty could feel a small flush creep up from his neck. “Yeah, I did- I’m glad we offered her a place to stay until her loan money comes in, given the living arrangement with her boyfriend after they broke up. But it was strange at first. This was just a way to deal with that and well…” he rubbed the back of his neck, watching Kit. “Then it just seemed helpful to continue with it.”
Kit had let out a soft growl at the mention of Ellie’s cheating boyfriend, but his eyes softened as he looked back to Ty. “I know I’ve said this before - but I really appreciate you were willing to have her stay, given how much I know you hate disruption and she’s more my friend than yours.”
Ty watched as Kit traced his voyance rune, a familiar tic that he had when he was feeling nervous around Ty.
“She’s my friend too,” Ty said firmly, and he looked up to meet Kit’s face, eyes resting just below his cheekbone. “Especially after the past few months and the stuff around the Shadow Market case.”
Kit nodded, reassured. He handed back the notebook to Ty. “This was absolutely fascinating- I had no idea I had so many tells, especially when it comes to pre-jumping you,” he said, a smile playing on his lips and his normal cheerful manner returning. “But I’ve also realised - I didn’t need notes to know that Ellie thinks we’re both hot. Maybe it’s been less frequent recently, given everything but she’s made plenty of comments over the years on how attractive she thinks we both are. In very loud, complimentary terms- and…” he added, the smile mixing with a small wince, his eyes focused on past memories. “Sometimes in very inappropriate places.”
“The other thing is,” he said, speaking slower as if he were thinking out loud. “Is it - we wouldn’t be taking advantage of her, you know- her grief?”
“Her mother died two years ago,” Ty pointed out. He could see Kit about to protest and he continued. “I know, believe me, I know that grief doesn’t just go away…” Livvy was the unspoken word between them. “But also-” Ty searched for the words. “There comes a point when you want people to stop treating you like this fragile, broken thing. You need to start making your own decisions again and decide how you want to live… after,” he said. “And that’s partially why I think we should do it. I think she’s… stuck in that. Also stuck in that she dropped out of the Academy so she’s not exactly a mundane anymore but she’s not a Downworlder either.”
He paused, wondering if he needed to explain the other part but he thought Kit already knew about it.
Kit looked thoughtful.
“She can also always say no,” Ty pointed out logically.
“True,” Kit admitted. He grinned. “Okay, if she’s in, and you are, so am I.” He poked Ty’s arm playfully. “And to think I was going to just grab a coffee and head to the Institute. I didn’t expect to get a threesome proposition from my boyfriend over breakfast,” he said.
“What’s that?” Ellie had reappeared at the top of the stairs, now fully dressed and Kit looked over at Ty, the question in his eyes.
Ty shook his head, and mouthed. Tonight
Kit nodded, blushing slightly as he looked over at Ellie. She had her back to him as she went rummaging in the fridge and Kit snuck a glance at Ty, as if watching for his reaction.
Ty couldn’t help but find it hot that Kit was looking for his approval. His boyfriend didn’t blush that often, especially not almost five years into their relationship. He smiled into his tea. Depending on Ellie’s reaction to their proposition, this could be an intriguing dynamic to play with. His imagination began to play in full technicolor as he played possible scenarios in his head. He took a sip of his tea, and made the effort to meet Kit’s eyes.
Whatever Kit saw there made him blush even harder, and Ty’s smile grew wider.
(Chapter Two)
Hah, this has been consuming me almost my whole holiday but I will get back to the Hadestown fic soon, as I’ve almost finished this one, just doing the edits on most of the other chapters .
Tag list: @jesse-is-spiraling maybe @thechangeling for the Ty POV? But let me know if not… and let me know if you want to be added/removed.
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amchara · 3 years
Talking Bodies - Kit/Ty/OFC (Explicit, 6/6)
Ty has been observing their friend Ellie during her unexpected stay at the Herondale townhouse and believes he has found a solution to her problems - or at least, her problems with men. And Kit is usually up for his plans, even if this one is a bit unorthodox. (post TWP canon, featuring aged-up characters)
TW: swearing, sexual situations, explicit sex scenes, this chapter - intense emotions/arguments (but it ends up okay in the end)
(Chapter One) (Chapter Two) (Chapter Three) (Chapter Four) (Chapter Five)
This is a full completed story now! Thanks as always to @dontmindmyshadowhunting for the beta read! Ahaha, I definitely did not think when I started this story in August that it would end up this length...
Chapter Six: When The Dust Settles
Ellie rose first. “I need coffee. And some food,” she said, disentangling herself from the nest on the bed. They had briefly left to clean themselves up but had quickly returned to it, a warm sanctuary of body heat and quiet, peaceful exhales as the morning wore on.
Ty let out a small sound of protest as her hands withdrew from his hair. He half-made a move to pull her back down but she easily dodged him.
“You’re like a cat,” she said, her eyes crinkling as she smiled.
“I see no lie in that statement,” Kit said, blinking sleepily from the other side, his sprawled legs a comforting weight against Ty.
Ty smiled. He could think of worse things than being compared to Irene. “You’re the one with claws,” he told her, looking down and waving a hand at the faint red lines marking his chest and torso.
She let out a satisfied sigh. “Yeah- I am, and those scratches look fucking great on you.” She leaned over to give him a light kiss on his forehead and a matching one to Kit as well, before returning to hunt for something on the floor.
“Oh yeah…” she said, a huff of amusement escaping as she surveyed the torn remnants of her clothes. “That happened.”
“You still have your bra,” he reminded her, smiling.
“You can borrow a t-shirt if you want, El,” Kit said, gesturing lazily towards the top drawer on the dresser between them and the ensuite bathroom.
“Nice. Getting the full boyfriend experience,” she said, making a beeline for it. And then she grimaced, probably realising the words she had uttered aloud.
Neither he nor Kit responded immediately. In the stretch of silence that followed, it was almost as if the air became weighed down with expectations, Ty thought. Ellie closed the drawer with a loud clunk as her face grew red.
Ty felt the previous internal tension return and start to build in his body. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Kit wince, as he sat up quickly, suddenly more awake. “Maybe we should-” Kit said.
“I’ll see you downstairs later, okay?” Ellie interrupted him, pulling on one of his Stars Wars shirts and scooping up her ruined clothes. She practically ran out of the room, Ty observed with a growing dread.
Read the rest of the chapter on Ao3
(no explicit content in this chapter but it's too long for a tumblr post)
Taglist: @thechangeling @dontmindmyshadowhunting @jesse-is-spiralling @kitheronthorn @mferraz @kittyblackthonherondale @kestrafagnor
13 notes · View notes
amchara · 3 years
Talking Bodies - Kit/Ty/OFC (Explicit, 5/6)
Ty has been observing their friend Ellie during her unexpected stay at the Herondale townhouse and believes he has found a solution to her problems - or at least, her problems with men. And Kit is usually up for his plans, even if this one is a bit unorthodox. (post TWP canon)
TW: swearing, sexual situations, explicit sex scenes, this chapter - light bondage, sparring leading to sex
(Chapter One) (Chapter Two) (Chapter Three) (Chapter Four)
(I realised that the story isn't yet complete so another chapter is still to come. So if it's just in the pwp you're after, end the story here but if you're interested in the emotional fallout and aftermath of this threesome- you're in luck and stay tuned!)
Chapter Five: Dissolve Me
The sun was bright against his lids as Ty rolled over, finally stirring him out of his deep sleep. Memories flooded through him of the past twenty four hours and his eyes flew open.
He turned and could see the familiar outline of Kit beside him. His boyfriend was awake lying on his back, one arm tucked underneath his pillow, and the other stretched overhead, fingers scratching lightly on the headboard behind him.
Kit appeared lost in thought, his fine-boned jaw relaxed as he stared up at the ceiling. But his sixth sense of Ty-awareness asserted itself after a moment. “Hey,” Kit whispered, reaching out for him, as he did every morning. Ty lifted his head off the pillow, trying to organise his thoughts as they kissed, Kit’s stubble rubbing on his cheek.
Kit pulled back and his eyes were questioning. But he waited for Ty to respond.
“How are you doing?” Ty finally asked. He kept his voice low as he could see Ellie still asleep on the other side, her head the only part of her body peeking out from under the covers. She was curled up on the bed beside Kit, pooled in a patch of sunlight, mauve-coloured hair flashing brightly.
Read the rest of the chapter on Ao3
*I post teasers here but chapters 3-5 of this story will be linked on Ao3 as I’m not comfortable posting explicit sexual content on tumblr. Please be aware of the warnings if you choose to continue reading. 😊
Tag list: @thechangeling @dontmindmyshadowhunting @jesse-is-spiralling @kestrafagnor @kitheronthorn @nicotheangel17 @mferraz (just tagging some people who previously were reading)
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amchara · 3 years
Talking Bodies - Kit/Ty/OFC Fic (Explict, 4/5)
Ty has been observing their friend Ellie during her unexpected stay at the Herondale townhouse and believes he has found a solution to her problems - or at least, her problems with men. And Kit is usually up for his plans, even if this one is a bit unorthodox. (post TWP canon)
TW: swearing, sexual situations, explicit sex scenes, this chapter - rough sex (consent is asked for and given)
(Chapter One) (Chapter Two) (Chapter Three)
Chapter Four: Feel Alive (Good Grief)
Ty woke sometime in the night as a butterfly-light touch passed over his chest. Instinctively he reacted, catching the hand as he opened his eyes. In the dim light from the window, he could see Ellie’s eyes open and watching him, her mouth in a small, round ‘o’. He looked down and released her hand, and she brought it back to rest by her bare breast, her gaze considering. Ty shifted further onto his side, mirroring her position, tucking a hand under his pillow and angling it so that he could see her more clearly in the dark room. Ellie was lying in the middle of their king-size bed, which was barely large enough to fit all three of them.
“I always knew Shadowhunter reflexes were fast but it’s still unnerving,” she said.
“Vampires are faster,” Ty said, tiredness leading him automatically to the facts.
Her shoulders gave a small shake with her almost silent giggle. “Fair - but I’m not in bed with two vampires, am I?”
He shook his head. Over her shoulder he could see Kit, still asleep, his blond curls coming loose from his hair tie, his face a picture of angelic innocence. Ellie followed his gaze, turning her head to look at Kit before returning back to Ty.
“He’s gorgeous,” she said, her voice still low and appreciative.
Ty nodded.
“As are you,” Ellie said. And she reached out again but this time she paused. “May I?” she asked, her hand hovering tentatively in front of him.
Ty nodded again, and she resumed her light strokes over his chest before she moved on to trace long-faded runes on his neck, shoulders.
Read the rest of the chapter on Ao3
*I’ll continue to post teasers here but chapters 3-5 of this story will be linked on Ao3 as I’m not comfortable posting explicit sexual content on tumblr. Please be aware of the warnings if you choose to continue reading. 😊
Tag list: @thechangeling @dontmindmyshadowhunting @jesse-is-spiralling @kestrafagnor
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amchara · 3 years
Talking Bodies - Kit/Ty/OFC Fic (Explict, 3/5)
Ty has been observing their friend Ellie during her unexpected stay at the Herondale townhouse and believes he has found a solution to her problems - or at least, her problems with men. And Kit is usually up for his plans, even if this one is a bit unorthodox.
TW: swearing, sexual situations, explicit sex scenes
(Chapter One) (Chapter Two)
Chapter Three: On Fire For You
This wasn’t the first time Ellie had been in their room but it felt different as soon as they entered. Kit closed the door, and then he leaned on it, running his hands through his hair and he looked both stunned by his luck and also incredibly nervous. Ellie was looking around with wide-eyed curiosity and she kept stealing glances at Ty and occasionally Kit, as if waiting for directions.
Ty looked over to the bed and a sharp, sickening doubt started creeping in- had he gotten the wrong end of the stick again- made a miscalculation of how everyone felt or messed up again on the social norms?
His mouth dry, he cleared his throat and the sound had both Ellie and Kit snap their attention over to him, where he was standing by the bedroom lamp. “We should erm, get undressed?” he said. He had had a plan once they were undressed but hadn’t thought about that crucial step - a mistake he could barely believe he had made but he was nervous now that they had gotten this far.
Kit suddenly let out a low laugh. “Yeah, we should,” he said. A thoughtful, if calculating look crossed his face. “But I think we should make a game of it.” He straightened up, his shadow growing taller against the wall. “Never have I ever- and the winner of each round gets to choose what piece of clothing the others take off.”
Ellie looked intrigued. “Hmm,” she said. “Mundane or Shadowhunter style?”
Read the rest of the chapter on Ao3
*I’ll continue to post teasers here but the rest of this story will be linked on Ao3 as I’m not comfortable posting explicit sexual content on tumblr and this chapter is where we definitely get into that territory! Please be aware of the warnings if you choose to continue reading. 😊
(Chapter Four)
Tag list: @thechangeling @jesse-is-spiralling @dontmindmyshadowhunting
Let me know if you’d like to be added / removed from the list!
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