#kim looked so sad it reduced my mental stability. but thats not enough to make me not enjoy the fuck out of it
istherewifiinhell · 2 years
You - Present a sound investment plan. Conceptualization [Godly: Failure] - If business planning were really your strong suit, you probably wouldn't be a cop. You - "You should invest in the RCM!" Kim Kitsuragi - "He should what?" Mega Rich Light-Bending Guy - "The volunteer police force? And why would I do that?" You - "Because if you don't, who will?" Mega Rich Light-Bending Guy - "I don't believe in handouts, especially for people who *volunteered* for their positions..." "Still, the idea of a privatized police force is *extremely* forward thinking. You could even say it's *ultra* ultraliberal..." "Tell me, if you could invest in the RCM, where would you direct your resources?" Half Light - Bigger guns! Large-calibre motherfuckers that leave exit wounds the size of grapefruits. Interfacing - The latest technological wonders. Esprit de Corps - Take care of the people who protect the people. You - "Pay raises for officers and generous benefits." Mega Rich Light-Bending Guy - "Hmm. I don't believe in giving anyone money for nothing, but maybe there's something to using *market incentives* to improve performance..." Kim Kitsuragi - "If I could interject: the RCM's problems are mainly *structural*. We're hamstrung by a lack of clear lines of authority, and our system of performance reviews strongly *disincentivizes* inter-precinct cooperation." Mega Rich Light-Bending Guy - "I think the lieutenant's right. Your problems run much deeper than equipment or funding. The entire org structure of the RCM needs to be redefined. You need a unified chain of command, new metrics for measuring performance that reward real *police work*. Does that sound right?" Kim Kitsuragi - "Yes, yes! That's *precisely* what we need." You - "So you'll do it?" Mega Rich Light-Bending Guy - "Hell no! Can you imagine how much work that would take? Why would I do that when I can just speculate on exotic financial derivatives from the comfort of this shipping container?" "The thing about investing is that the less work you have to do, the better. Don't over-think. That's what return on investment means." Kim Kitsuragi - The lieutenant's disappointment is palpable. It's like someone just shot his dog. [-1 Morale]
his very bad no good horrible day. failure timeline
i think thats enough talk about funding the police anyway
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