#khalil hamra
garadinervi · 5 months
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A 'cultural genocide': Which of Gaza’s heritage sites have been destroyed? / Heritage sites destroyes in Gaza, by Indlieb Farazi Saber, «Al Jazeera», January 14, 2024
(image: Al Qarara Cultural Museum متحف القرارة الثقافي, Khan Yunis, Southern Gaza Strip, July 17, 2019. AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)
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yurekbali · 1 year
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Öfkeden ve acıdan yanarak bir yandan adım adım olup bitenleri izliyor bir yandan da uzaktan neler yapabiliriz, yediğimizden uyuduğumuzdan daha az nasıl utanabiliriz diye uğraşıyoruz. Üç gündür çok yazıldı çizildi. Tarihsel bir felaketle karşı karşıyayız. Art arda iki büyük deprem ve on farklı bölgeye yayılmış, şehirleri yok etmiş bir yıkım. Akıldan, bilimden, teknolojiden, erdemli siyasetçilerden ve her ne yapıyorsa etiğe uygun yapan insanlardan yoksun olmanın bedelini ödüyoruz. Yozlaşma ve çürüme öyle büyük, öyle uzun zamandır var ki üstüne bir de devletin ve kurumların çöküşü ile gelen organizasyon sorunları eklenince afetlerde görmeye alışkın olduğumuz hizmetler bile aksadı. Masum insanlar, büyük mağduriyet içindeki bu halk böyle terk edilmeyi hak etmemişti. Kendi yaramızı kendimiz sarıyoruz yine. İmam Hatip ve İlahiyat mezunu, tasavvuf yüksek lisansı yapmış afetlere müdahale müdürümüz afetlerle çok da ilgili olmadığından organizasyonu yine deneyimli, bildik isimler ve STK’lar yapıyor. Herkes tek yürek olmuş çabalıyor. Büyük kısmı fay hatları üzerinde olan bu şehirlerde bir daha asla benzer bir yapı stoku yükselmemeli. Yatay mimari, çelik konstrüksiyon, sekiz dokuz şiddetinde depreme dayanıklı özel teknolojiler kullanılmalı. Konunun uzmanı değilim, uzmanları bilir. Bu ülkeye, bizim ekonomik koşullarımıza uygun bir depreme göre yapı rejimi ortaya çıkarılmak zorunda. Aynı rant çevrelerine asla yol verilmemeli buralarda. Yoksulluğun sonuçlarını görüyoruz. Hepimizi yeniden politize etmesi gerek bu depremin. İşçi hareketine/partisine, yeşiller hareketine/partisine destek verebilir, üye olabiliriz. Siyasetin iyiden doğrudan yana bir şekle, kıvama girmesi için daha politik yaşamaya odaklanmamız gerektiğini derinden hissediyorum. Nitelikli eğitim ve siyasi katılım için çabalamalı. Geleneksel siyasetin bize asla sağlıklı kaliteli barınma hizmeti vermeyeceğini, asla çağdaş akılcı ve barışçıl bir dünya kurmayacağını idrak etme vakti. Yeni binalar, güya deprem sözleşmesine göre yapılmış binalar çöktü. Bazıları sahtekârlık nedeniyle bazıları zemin çürük olduğu için. Ölümden sonra yaşam olabilir olmayabilir ama doğumdan sonra iyi bir yaşam olmalı. O bebekler, çocuklar, o çaresiz insanlar bunu hak etmiyor. Değerliyiz ve değerli olduğumuz bir dünyayı kurmak zorundayız. - Nilay Özer (8 Şubat 2023) - Fotoğraf: Khalil Hamra (Nurdağı, Gaziantep, 7 Şubat 2023)
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divinum-pacis · 2 years
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2019: A Palestinian girl attends prayers to mark the first day of Eid al-Adha in Gaza City. [Khalil Hamra/AP Photo]
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translations2 · 7 months
짓도, 투픽 하다드
- Toufic Haddad
- In A Map of Absence: An Anthology of Palestinian Writing on the Nakba. Edited by Atef Alshaer
seventy-nine years ago my father’s father smiled
it was a boy and he was the first
and as these things go you smile and thank god give fenugreek sweets to the mother to strengthen her blood
there, across the street he sat a young father
‘Toufic Khalil Haddad’ hung on his door
perhaps I imagined him cadastral maps and compass measuring distances between here and eternity
across the street he looked out to the cemetery …
who knows what people think when they look to cemeteries
during lunch he’d walk through find some shade in the scent of the dry pine needles to think plan
how he would build on the plot in Ard al-Hamra
how the Mutran school fees would be paid
how he could avoid knowing then what we all know now
* * *
spring sun in Jerusalem is exquisite
and I close my eyes and sigh
shake my head
* * *
when my father finally told me about the day
that spring day
when the car pulled up, and the suitcases were put in
I understood what he was doing
I understood about the graveyard and the breath you breathe when things you should have known are finally known
* * *
every life has a story or so they say
and I never knew yours
it was there buried in a shallow grave with no flowers
that horrible anonymous way precious things crush and disappear
I would like to believe there is a transcript
where everything is written
and everything returns
and all wounds sewn shut heal even if they scar
because small things matter but I am too old for stories
and history, too long for exception   there are only graves
graves you must find graves you must mind
- 투피크 하다드
- 발췌: A Map of Absence: An Anthology of Palestinian Writing on the Nakba.
칠십구년 전 아빠의 아빠가 미소를 지었다
아들이 태어났고 첫 아이였고
그런 일이 있을 때면 으레 그러듯 미소를 짓고 신께 감사하고 아이 엄마에게 피가 강해지도록 페누그릭 사탕을 먹이고
거기, 길 건너에 앉았다 젊은 아빠가 되어
'투픽 칼릴 하다드' 이름이 문에 걸렸다
어쩌면 상상컨대 그는 지적도와 컴퍼스로 측정했을지도 이곳과 영원 그 사이 간격들을
길 건너 묘지를 지켜보았다...
묘지를 보며 사람들이 무슨 생각을 하는지 어찌 알겠어?
어쩌면 그는
점심시간에 그늘을 찾아 걸어들어가 마른 솔잎 향 속에서 생각하고 계획했을지도
어떻게 아르드 알 함라의 작은 땅덩이에 집을 지을지
어떻게 무트란 학교 등록금을 낼 수 있을지
어떻게 지금 우리가 아는 모든 것들을 아는 것을 피할 수 있을지
* * *
예루살렘의 봄 햇볕은 눈부시다
나는 눈을 감고 한숨을 쉬고
고개를 가로젓는다
* * *
아빠가 그날에 대해 내게 마침내 말해주었을 때
그 봄날에 대해
차를 세워, 여행 가방을 싣던 날
나는 이해했다 그가 무엇을 했던 것인지
나는 이해했다 묘지를 그리고 마침내 알아야 할 것들을 알았을 때 그때서야 쉬는 숨을
* * *
모든 생은 이야기를 지니고 있다 그렇게들 말한다지
그리고 나는 당신의 이야기를 한 번도 듣지 못했다
당신의 이야기는 거기에 묻혀있었다 꽃이 없는 얕은 무덤에
소중한 것들이 부서지고 또 사라지는 그 끔찍한 익명의 방식
이렇게 믿고 싶다 남겨진 기록이 있다고
모든 것이 쓰여있는 그런 곳이
모든 것이 돌아오는 그런 곳이
모든 상처가 꿰매어 닫히고 낫고 흉터가 남더라도
왜냐하면 작은 것들이 중요하니까 하지만 나는 이야기를 듣기엔 나이가 많아
그리고 역사는, 너무 길어 예외가 있기에는  
무덤들만 있다
당신이 찾아야만 하는 무덤들이 당신이 돌봐야만 하는 무덤들이
*옮긴이 주: Jiddo 짓도--아랍어로 조부를 부르는 호칭. 구글 검색에 따르면 쿨한 할아버지를 '짓도'라 부른다고도 하며, 옮긴이의 친구 B에 따르면 할아버지를 부르는 호칭 중 귀여운 호칭이라고 한다.
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mariamsayeddd · 1 year
Mariam Sayed
JRMC 2230
Assignment 1
Khalik Allah is an American photographer and filmmaker, born and raised in New York City. He primarily shoots portrait and documentary style photographs. His photos aim to highlight and shed light on underprivileged New Yorkers, whose lives are tainted by crime, poverty, drug use, and other obstacles. Below are a few of his photographs that showcase these topics. 
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Difficult Schools- 125th & Lexington, Khalik Allah
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Another Dawn- 125th & Lexington, Khalik Allah
While his photographs may be a bit jarring at times, as they do exhibit “taboo” topics, I think that exhibiting or shedding light on drug use and creating a sense of sympathy within the viewers. As previously mentioned, Khalik Allah primarily photographs rougher areas that are heavily affected by drugs and crime. In my opinion, his photography manages to bring understanding and humanize his subjects very well. The images convey a sense of loneliness and sympathy within the viewer, as opposed to feeling hostile or disgusted by the subjects. Helping these communities wouldn’t be possible if people didn’t feel sympathetic towards them, so I think Khalik’s photography may have indirectly led to some change within these communities. 
Khalik Allah states that his mission is to “extend the light into people’s lives”. In other words, he wants his photography to change the lives of the people he photographs. This raises the question, can photography actually change any of these people’s lives? According to Michelle Bogre, professor of photography at Parsons University, photography can be used as a  medium of activism (Bogre 14). Photography can be used to shed light on social injustices, and spread awareness surrounding the subjects being photographed. This parallels what Khalik said in the documentary, regarding how photography has the power to “make knowledge born”, as photography has the power to educate people on issues that aren’t necessarily relevant to them,  I think that this works well when photographers photograph areas of society that aren’t talked about enough, such as underprivileged areas. People tend to shy away from these realities and pretend like they don’t exist, but it’s hard to pretend something doesn’t exist when you see it right in front of you. 
Photography also helps us contextualize issues that are half-way across the world (Carey). When you don’t see photographs of war casualties, natural disasters, and crimes, it’s harder to form this sense of sympathy and actually want things to change. This is why photojournalism is extremely important, especially in our day and age. For example, the recent earthquake in Turkey and Syria caused around 20,000 deaths (Holmes). Photographs of the casualties and of the repercussions of the earthquake were all over social media. 
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(AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)
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(OSV News photo/Umit Bektas, Reuters)
These photographs incite a sense of urgency within the viewer, which does lead to an increase in donations and aid being sent to the people affected (Salazar 2). Therefore, it’s fair to say that photography does in fact change people’s lives. 
While photographs like Khalik’s and like the ones pictured above do incite change, it is important to discuss the ethical issues regarding photographs like these. A lot of the time, Khalik photographs people when they’re on drugs, so they aren’t necessarily aware of what’s going on, therefore they can’t consent to having their picture taken. I think it would be more ethical to photograph these people when they’re sober, so they can actually give consent as to whether or not they want their picture taken. 
I think that photography does have the ability to change the world, as it gives the audience a sense of sympathy and understanding surrounding topics that aren’t directly related to them. Through this understanding, people begin to want to do something about these issues, whether that’s through donations or other forms of help.
Alex Holmes, Ziad Jaber and Aina J. Khan. “Anger Grows in Turkey as Earthquake Death Toll Passes 20,000 and Rescue Hopes Dwindle.” CNBC. CNBC, February 9, 2023. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/09/plight-of-homeless-deepens-as-turkey-syria-earthquake-death-toll-rises.html.
Allah, Khalik. Another Dawn. Photograph.
Allah, Khalik. Difficult Schools. Photograph.
Bogre, Michelle. Photography as Activism: Images for Social Change. London: Routledge, 2017.
Burakoff, Maddie. “What to Know about the Big Quake That Hit Turkey and Syria.” AP NEWS. Associated Press, February 7, 2023. https://apnews.com/article/turkey-earthquake-science-explainer-67ca711fbed2c39b1ca37d1bd9c4fd27.
Carey, Peter West. “Can Your Photography Change the World?” Digital Photography School, August 4, 2021. https://digital-photography-school.com/can-your-photography-change-the-world/.
News, ByOSV. “'a Crisis within Multiple Crises': Amid Ongoing Civil War, Syrians Face Mass Casualties from 7.8-Magnitude Quake - OSV News.” OSV News -, February 10, 2023. https://www.catholicnews.com/2023/02/07/a-crisis-within-multiple-crises-amid-ongoing-civil-war-syrians-face-mass-casualties-from-7-8-magnitude-quake/.
Salazar, Gabby, João Neves, Vasco Alves, Bruno Silva, and Diogo Veríssimo. “Picturing Donations: Do Images Influence Conservation Fundraising?” PLOS ONE. Public Library of Science. Accessed February 12, 2023. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0251882. 
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gungieblog · 2 years
Russian men join exodus, fearing call-up to fight in Ukraine
By KHALIL HAMRA and MEHMET GUZEL21 minutes ago
ISTANBUL (AP) — Military-aged men fled Russia in droves Friday, filling planes and causing traffic jams at border crossings to avoid being rounded up to fight in Ukraine following the Kremlin’s partial military mobilization.
Queues stretching for 10 kilometers (6 miles) formed on a road leading to the southern border with Georgia, according to Yandex Maps, a Russian online map service.
The lines of cars were so long at the border with Kazakhstan that some people abandoned their vehicles and proceeded on foot — just as some Ukrainians did after Russia invaded their country on Feb. 24.
Meanwhile, dozens of flights out of Russia — with tickets sold at sky-high prices — carried men to international destinations such as Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Serbia, where Russians don’t need visas.
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israelseen1 · 4 months
Tsvi Bisk - The Refugee Racket
A Palestinian woman stands outside UNRWA headquarters in Gaza City. (AP/Khalil Hamra) Tsvi Bisk – The Refugee Racket The War of Return: How Western Indulgence of the Palestinian Dream Has Obstructed the Path to Peace, by Adi Schwartz & Einat Wilf, (All Points Press, 2020)   The War of Return should be on every Jewish bookshelf. You should buy it, read it, give it to your friends as a present, and…
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elizabethskipp · 4 months
CE 2024, 02, 17: Protest in Istanbul, Turkey
People protest in support of Palestinians in Gaza during a protest rally in Istanbul, Turkey, Saturday, 17 February 2024, AP Photo/Khalil Hamra
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anshraa99 · 1 year
Manchester City vs. Inter Milan Score Updates: Live News
June 10, 2023, 1:40 p.m. ET June 10, 2023, 1:40 p.m. ET Credit…Khalil Hamra/Associated Press Consider this a pre-emptive apology. Yes, we will be referring to Manchester City’s opponent in the Champions League final as Inter Milan. Yes, we know that is not what the team is called. The issue of Inter’s nomenclature has always been a complex one. The club’s full title, F.C. Internazionale Milano,…
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aqsaa8685 · 1 year
Manchester City vs. Inter Milan Score Updates: Live News
June 10, 2023, 1:40 p.m. ET June 10, 2023, 1:40 p.m. ET Credit…Khalil Hamra/Associated Press Consider this a pre-emptive apology. Yes, we will be referring to Manchester City’s opponent in the Champions League final as Inter Milan. Yes, we know that is not what the team is called. The issue of Inter’s nomenclature has always been a complex one. The club’s full title, F.C. Internazionale Milano,…
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ansraali · 1 year
Manchester City vs. Inter Milan Score Updates: Live News
June 10, 2023, 1:40 p.m. ET June 10, 2023, 1:40 p.m. ET Credit…Khalil Hamra/Associated Press Consider this a pre-emptive apology. Yes, we will be referring to Manchester City’s opponent in the Champions League final as Inter Milan. Yes, we know that is not what the team is called. The issue of Inter’s nomenclature has always been a complex one. The club’s full title, F.C. Internazionale Milano,…
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amdia80 · 1 year
Manchester City vs. Inter Milan Score Updates: Live News
June 10, 2023, 1:40 p.m. ET June 10, 2023, 1:40 p.m. ET Credit…Khalil Hamra/Associated Press Consider this a pre-emptive apology. Yes, we will be referring to Manchester City’s opponent in the Champions League final as Inter Milan. Yes, we know that is not what the team is called. The issue of Inter’s nomenclature has always been a complex one. The club’s full title, F.C. Internazionale Milano,…
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iqrakanjri7878 · 1 year
Manchester City vs. Inter Milan Score Updates: Live News
June 10, 2023, 1:40 p.m. ET June 10, 2023, 1:40 p.m. ET Credit…Khalil Hamra/Associated Press Consider this a pre-emptive apology. Yes, we will be referring to Manchester City’s opponent in the Champions League final as Inter Milan. Yes, we know that is not what the team is called. The issue of Inter’s nomenclature has always been a complex one. The club’s full title, F.C. Internazionale Milano,…
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divinum-pacis · 1 year
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June 2023: Muslims attend prayers on the first day of Eid al-Adha, outside the iconic Hagia Sophia mosque in the historic Sultan Ahmet district of Istanbul. [Khalil Hamra/AP Photo]
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iqra8482 · 1 year
Manchester City vs. Inter Milan Score Updates: Live News
June 10, 2023, 1:40 p.m. ET June 10, 2023, 1:40 p.m. ET Credit…Khalil Hamra/Associated Press Consider this a pre-emptive apology. Yes, we will be referring to Manchester City’s opponent in the Champions League final as Inter Milan. Yes, we know that is not what the team is called. The issue of Inter’s nomenclature has always been a complex one. The club’s full title, F.C. Internazionale Milano,…
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stnews24 · 1 year
Erdogan built vast power for 20 years, but he may lose Sunday : NPR
A poster of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, left, on a truck near an election poster of presidential candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu in Istanbul, Turkey, May 8. Khalil Hamra/AP hide caption toggle caption Khalil Hamra/AP A poster of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, left, on a truck near an election poster of presidential candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu in Istanbul, Turkey, May 8. Khalil…
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