#kerrang 1610
mikeywayarchive · 3 months
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[Mar 8, 2024]
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mysilencesing · 7 years
All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us - Not a review
Yesterday remarks as one year since my favorite album came out. Being specific, it was on May 27th 2016. I’m no expert about music and it’s compositions, so I’m just going to share how this album makes me think, opening my eyes and makes me feel. Because the great music is the one that makes you feel.
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A seventh album by a British metalcore monster Architects, All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us, had make me fall deeper into metalcore. The heaviest band I have listened so far. And I never read the review of the album until like, last month. I also skip the news on any mags I’ve read. I just want to keep it clear to my acceptance. And guess what? Everything in the album hooked me real tight.
Though the tittle of the album is so dark and bleak, against all odds, this album makes me more religious (hahaha). I think the rhetoric really gets me to think that we are all hopeless and get depressed about the life. But the music and the vocal and how it finally sounds makes me feel that we have a little hope to make our life better. Every time I listen to the album I feel like endorphine flooding my blood and it elevates my mood. It’s like I loss all my anger through Sam’s voice.
Then, I lost my aunt just before they lost the guitarist, Tom Searle, for same reason: Cancer. Then, the moment of loss lead me to read the song between it lines. I started to see the album differently and more personally. Every lyrics defining life in veracity and yes, the anger voice become more make sense.
I feel like the huge theme of this record is about our mortality as a human. Where we can’t even buy any minutes anyhow. Just look at the final track of the album, Memento Mori, or Gone With The Wind. Those songs are really bleak and successfully attained a sense of our powerless feeling towards death, but these are not a song about grief. In my opinion this is a song that anticipated mortality in a powerful way. And thus, I feel like Tom is live in the song forever.
I would like to quote what Tom have said to Kerrang! (issue 1610, March 2016) about these dark times. He said “... Not only did we abandon our Gods, but they’ve abandoned us. We indulge in all the wrong things. We can’t look after our own health, nevermind the health of out planet. It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking at politics, or the environment, or the health of the race. We have a chronic depression of sorts. We don’t understand why we’re here. ...”
For me this album is the kind that will be a muse over years and decades. Moreover, now bands seems to be more soft probably they’re chasing the market. But this album is still pure and true to themselves. Like some media also highlight this phenomena “an album that challenges and progresses a genre long thought to have stagnated and embraces it’s inspirations at a time when many rock and metal bands seek to hide them in search of mainstream acceptance” - Blabbermouth.net
I have read the truest thing that Billboard wrote, said that Metalcore is aggressive, but in Architects in this state, it possesses a real healing power too. As they also point out “Watching Architects is watching a band working through their trauma with grace, taking pain and turning it into something productive, something that has the potential to be therapeutic. If they continue to focus in that energy, they could become one of the biggest bands in hard rock.”
In my words, this record heal the band itself and it also touch me to the core and heals me too. Though it still makes me think that most of us are shut our eyes and see the world in a blue chilling skies and don’t like to investigate the darker side of life, well in facts the dark is undeniable. And this record is my wake up call.
To celebrate this, my friend’s band just release their first single and you have to listen to it ‘cause I feel Architects’ atmosphere in their song. Give ‘em a shot!
And vote them here: http://www.envoletmacadam.com/en/planetrox/indonesia/semi-finalists-videos/
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callmeblake · 7 years
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Kerrang Issue # 1610
“My Chemical Romance Poster Special” Magazine Release Date: March 9th, 2016 Issue Label: March 16th, 2016
See all of these (scroll down for individuals) :)
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mikeywayarchive · 1 year
Instagram story by mikeyway
[Jan 20, 2023]
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mikeywayarchive · 1 year
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Instagram story by mikeyway
[Jan 25, 2022]
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