#kenna tasman
queen-scribbles · 2 years
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Eheheheh :3
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
a helping hand
Scene idea that hit me while Kenna was running Taris, she gets to sit in the “downplays injuries out of stubbornness” corner with Mallory and Tavi now. xD Technically Revanasi, in that it’s just her and Carth, but very, very pre-relationship.
“Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Hundred percent, Onasi, I’m not made of flimsiplast.” The ache settling in her shoulder may have added a bit more growl to the words than intended. Kenna hit the door controls to their ‘borrowed’ apartment with her left hand instead of her right.
From the way his eyebrow twitched, Carth noticed. “And neither was the vibroblade he hit you with,” he retorted. His blasters clattered against the table. “Just b’cause the dueling ring has dampeners to keep things shy of lethal doesn’t mean you can’t get hurt.”
“I’m aware.” She set her dualblade on the workbench. “And just ‘cause Marl packs a punch doesn’t mean he did lasting damage. I’m fine.” Or will be, she added silently.
“Fine, suit yourself,” Carth said under his breath, plunking down at the table.
Thanks, I will, Kenna thought sarcastically. She tossed her gloves toward the bed, scowling when one slipped off the edge. It took a lot of willpower to bite back the hiss of pain when she scooped it up. Her shoulder really didn’t like her right now.
The durasteel cuirass for her armor came off with a few calculated, ginger movements, but the bodysuit stymied her. Between where the closures were located and how fitted it was, she couldn’t peel it off without her bruised shoulder protesting sharply. She stood there for several seconds, trying to think of other options, but finally had to admit defeat. “...Carth?”
“Mm?” There was a faint clunk as he set down the datapad he’d been reading. 
“...Could you give me a hand?”
His chair creaked as he stood. “Sure.” It was to his credit--but a little annoying--that he didn’t gloat about being right when he crossed the apartment to join her. 
“I can’t get the sleeve off,” Kenna grumbled in answer to the unspoken question, reaching with her left hand to flick the closure tabs along her right shoulder.  “There isn’t enough space, it...” she sighed, sucking the inside of her cheek. “It hurts to move my arm that high.”
“So how can I help?” There may have been a momentary flicker of I told you in his eyes, but Carth did a very good job keeping it out of his voice. He seemed concerned more than anything.
“Leverage,” Kenna said, wriggling the opened shoulder of the bodysuit as far down her arm as it would go. “If you pull more on the sleeve, I think that’ll give me enough leeway I can get it off.” It would probably still hurt, but at least it would be doable. 
Carth nodded and worked his fingers between the navy blue cuff and her wrist. He pulled the sleeve down as Kenna maneuvered her arm up, and while her shoulder did protest, even more sharply, the difference was enough to get her arm free. She mumbled thanks and started working off the rest of the upper bodysuit, letting it hang around her waist once done. 
Carth stopped halfway through his turn toward the table, swung back, and whistled.
“That bad, huh?” she sighed. Maybe four duels with no break had been a bad call. That was another I told you so he’d get.
“Your whole right side’s one big bruise back here, from what I can see,” he confirmed.
Dammit. She pulled on the cropped hem of her undershirt, as if making that sit differently would make the bruises look not so bad. “Shoulda stopped with Ice, huh?” Kenna said glibly.
There was a beat where she could almost hear Carth debating with himself whether to be the bigger person. “You said it, not me,” he said lightly, and she snorted a laugh. “Do you...” he hesitated. “...want help?”
Kenna sighed and gingerly tested her range of motion. She didn’t want to admit it, but, “Prob’ly a good idea. Though I dunno how much good a medpac’ll be if nothing’s bleeding. Aside from the numbing agent in the kolto, I guess. They aren’t really made for bruises....”
Carth dug through their supplies for a medpac despite her hemming, and she caught him shaking his head out of the corner of her eye. “You don’t need to downplay injuries, Kenna. I know you’re tough as hell, but that doesn’t mean you’re invincible.”
She flinched slightly at the sting of the injector against the back of her bruised shoulder. “Not made of flimsiplast, either,” she reiterated through gritted teeth.
He snorted a laugh. “For me being the, uh, lobotomized Gamorrean, you’re plenty pigheaded yourself, Tasman,” he ribbed.
Kenna laughed sarcastically at the comment, but he had a point, didn’t he? Whether her reluctance to be vulnerable was pride or paranoia, there wasn’t really a point where Carth was concerned. He’d already hauled her, unconscious, from their crashed escape pod and had several days to do whatever the hell he wanted before she woke up. Including leave. And he’d taken care of her.  “You must’ve been having one hell of a nightmare...” Whatever issues he might have with trusting people, she was pretty sure she could trust him. “I’ve just had worse, is all,” she finally mumbled.
She couldn’t recall specific instances right now, but she knew she had. There were scars.
“Soldier to soldier? I know,” Carth said. “Doesn’t give a free pass to minimize anything that’s not bleeding, though.”
“Alright, alright, Mother,” Kenna snarked good-naturedly, then grinned at his long-suffering sigh. She twisted around--noting her shoulder already didn’t hurt as much--and offered a genuine smile. “All teasing aside, thanks for your help, Carth. This would’ve been a lot harder on my own.” Near-impossible, she acknowledged to herself, and she didn’t just mean dealing with her shoulder.
He gave her a crooked smile, the same one that had accompanied the words don’t get yourself in a twist over it, gorgeous and shrugged. “I’m sure you’ll return the favor many times over.”
“Planning to get yourself beat up a lot, Onasi?” she asked dryly as she sat on the edge of her bed. Now that her shoulder didn’t hurt so much, she really wanted a nap.
“Only if I have you around to save my butt,” he shot back.
“Naturally,” Kenna said with a laugh, laying down curled on her side. However teasing her tone, she meant it. They made a good team.
“Good to know.”
There was nothing but sincerity on Carth’s words, and it made her smile as she drifted off to sleep.
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
I started Kenna in Onslaught bc why not, and was delighted to find that, since she did the Corellia planet questline, she had slightly different dialogue with Savik. :D
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Just thought that was neat.
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
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Kenna is Prepared for when I get a chance to run her through Gree dailies
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
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Gotta use that abundance of Golden Certs on something. :D
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
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Kenna and Evony’s original appearances vs their SWtOR remakes bc I finally remembered to get KotOR!Kenna screenshots in her dark blue Jedi robes.
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queen-scribbles · 8 months
For the OC asks, here's a couple!
Who was your first OC you developed? What was that process like? What did you start with?
Do you have a favorite OC? What do you like most about them?
What's most important to you when exploring a new OC, or when creating a new story or situation for them?
Do you give them, like, specific meta or in-universe meanings to background things, like birthdays, favorite flowers/foods/scents, etc? What do those generally mean to your OCs?
(I need to read up on your OCs, hence these types of asks!)
Hey, thanks for the ask! And for your patience while I try to give these very good questions equally good answers
1. My first OC I developed is fuzzy. It's either Kenna Tasman(canon Revan) or Rahna Tabris (canon Warden), bc I was a latecomer to the world of RPGs and it,uh, took me a few times through KotOR before I realized you could a) talk to your companions without the game prompting and b)romance Carth, so Kenna's game and subsequent fic happened at about the same time as Rahna's. xD Started with thinking about what traits I wanted to give them and how I wanted them to interact with the world/characters around them. They're both snarky, Kenna has a terrible sense of humor, flirts via playful insults, and is such a goody two shoes it was SERIOUS cognitive dissonance to picture her as a Lord of the Sith. Rahna is outspoken, impulsive, and determined to be kind, be good despite the harsh circumstances of her growing up. They sort of developed and picked up additional tics and foibles as I played them through their respective games and started writing them. (Iirc, neither of them can cook, and they're both very quick to form friendships)
2. Obligatory caveat I love all my children and hate picking a fave, there's several in tight competition for the title etc etc, but I think I gotta go with Trinne(Amell). Largely bc she's always the first to pop in my head when people ask me this question, even if AJ or Tragen or Vica or Tavi is only milliseconds behind. I've had her for a very long time(12-13 years) and she's gotten a lot of character/personality development. I think one of the things I love the most about her is she has obvious flaws to go with her virtues. She's compassionate and smart and wants to help and not afraid to speak up for other people, but she's also stubborn and reckless and has a temper and makes snap judgments she has to undo later. Once she's your friend she's ride or die for life, she's creative, she's impulsive, she's too zeroed in on the little picture to consider larger consequences.
basically she's the most well-rounded of my characters, and also she's how I met one of my best friends, so that definitely biases me in her favor xD
3. How they interact with other characters in the world. Companions/NPCs in the case of game characters, established cast in the case of my original writing. I love character interaction(there's a reason banter and combat are my favorite things to write), so working that out is a big focus when I'm fleshing out now OCs, and then for new situations, it's how how are they going to feel and react? How are they going to interact with the people around them in reaction to the new situation? I feel like thinking of it that way really helps me focus on/flesh out their virtues/flaws/quirks.
4. Sometimes. I'll frequently make the day I created them(or in-universe equivalent) their birthday. Favorite foods etc are frequently ones I love(Tragen loves sopapillas, AJ and Kasey are coffee fiends, pretty much any of them in a modern universe/AU would love pineapple on pizza bc I do). Same with quirks; AJ and Jaaide are fans of mismatched socks bc I do that all the time. Hobbies/talents are either ones I do/have do or wish I did(a whole bunch love to read, anyone artistic/good at singing is me wishful-thinking a talent I don't have onto one of my children xD). Sometimes though it'll just strike me that due to X about their circumstances, Z hobby or talent is a perfect fit(Vesper loves to explore so of course she learned how to draw all the flowers/plants she found).
Thank you so much for your interest in my OCs! My OC page still needs a lot of fleshing out, but there are links to the tags for all my "big ones" if you want to read up on them.🥰
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
2022 Writer Summary
Okay, here we go.  Not necessarily my favorite or best piece(s) for each month, might be I tried something new, or I’m just really proud of a bit of dialogue, or feel it’s good rep for how I write a character/pairing
· January ·
"I couldn’t sleep” prompt ∙ Dragon Age∙ Harvey Cousland/Trinne Amell
“You could go get some sleep,” [Trinne] offered, then cleared her throat, flicking a nearby dandelion and watching the winged seeds dance off into the darkness.  “This one was a doozy, I don’t think I’ll be gettin’ more myself any time soon.”
Harvey shook his head. “I’m doing alright.” And I’m not leaving you alone. “It’s only another hour or so, I’ll be fine.”
This, too, had become a familiar dance over the past several months.
This smile reached her eyes and felt like an accomplishment. “Alright, Cousland, your loss.”
Unbidden ∙SWtOR ∙ Endrali Jade/Arcann Tirall
The unbidden warmth sprang back to life in his chest as he reshaped the alloy so it all matched the pieces he’d thought were too small before. It had a purpose now, beyond giving him something to do or proving the echo of his father wrong. It was for her.
“Few things are completely lost causes,” Endrali’s voice wove through his thoughts and Arcann almost smiled to himself, the golden alloy warming in his hand.
Old Habits ∙ KotOR II ∙ Evony Xara/Bao-Dur
Evony crossed her arms, concern squeezing her heart at the sight.  “You’re supposed to be resting.”
“I couldn’t sleep,” Bao-Dur said quietly, voice hoarse and as death-warmed-over as the rest of him looked. (She tried not to dwell on how near the truth that was.) He glanced down at the tools spread out on the workbench. “And you know what they say about old habits.”
Evony mustered a small smile as she nodded. “I’m glad old friends are another thing that die hard.”
(gets two bc I cannot pick between them 😅)
Favoritism · Wrath of the Righteous ∙ Etain Torren/Vikkari Damson
Sunrise arrived in full as [Etain] spoke, golden beams filtering through the trees to catch the swirling remnants of mist behind her and Vikkari would have sworn he actually saw angel’s wings. He blinked and started to dismiss it as getting caught up in the moment, before he saw her shadow, cast long and bold on the grass.
It had wings, too. [...] They were breath-taking, almost dazzling even as a suggestion made of dew and shadow. Subtle but beautiful, an aura of care and command. Awe-inspiring.
A perfect match, in his opinion, for the woman they graced.
Unbowed ∙ SWtOR ∙ Endrali Jade/Arcann Tirall
It was all he could do to keep his breathing even as her fingers ghosted over his scarred cheek, her thumb smoothing away the cut on his lip as if it never existed.
“Better?” she asked, withdrawing her hand.
You make a great many things better. “Thank you, Commander.” It came out hoarse and Arcann cleared his throat as he turned to look for his lightsaber, finally raising his hand to call it to him. It was as good a distraction as any.
For the Record ∙ Greedfall∙ Vesper de Sardet/Kurt
Kurt let her grab his wrist and steer him over to a boulder, sat without prompting so she could get a better look.  “It’s really not that bad–”
“Says the man who can’t see it, and stitched up his own bullet wound,” she said, nudging his hat out of the way.
“That was a graze.” His voice was rife with amusement on the familiar rebuttal. He slid the hat off and sat it off to the side with his sword.
“My point,” Vesper said, pausing to catch his eye, “is that your scale for ‘not that bad’ skews quite a bit from the norm. For the record.”
The corners of Kurt’s mouth pulled up in a small smile and he tipped his head in concession of that much, at least. “And you, Sweet Excellency, worry too much. For the record.”
a helping hand ∙ KotOR ∙ Kenna Tasman/Carth Onasi
“All teasing aside, thanks for your help, Carth. This would’ve been a lot harder on my own.” Near-impossible, [Kenna] acknowledged to herself, and she didn’t just mean dealing with her shoulder.
He gave her a crooked smile, the same one that had accompanied the words don’t get yourself in a twist over it, gorgeous and shrugged. “I’m sure you’ll return the favor many times over.”
“Planning to get yourself beat up a lot, Onasi?” she asked dryly as she sat on the edge of her bed. Now that her shoulder didn’t hurt so much, she really wanted a nap.
“Only if I have you around to save my butt,” he shot back.
(another twofer)
Of Warden & Pariahs ch 45 ∙ Dragon Age ∙ Trinne Amell & Harvey Cousland
Trinne was too short on sleep, too angry to play at civility. “Which he was only able to do b’cause you thought you deserved better than any other family with a mage child,” she ground out, “and tried to keep it a secret. And have apparently decided that makes everything his fault; Connor couldn't have done anything, even unintentionally, and you had good reasons, which makes you blameless. It’s not your fault, you didn’t mean for it to happen. So it had to be all Jowan’s doing and you tortured him for something that wasn’t his fault!” Ironically, the only part of this mess that wasn’t. Her fingers dug into her arms for a modicum of self-control. “In case it’s relevant in the future, arlessa, torturing a mage is a good way to wind up with an abomination, rather than whatever you were aimin’ to get from them. You’re lucky he’s tougher than he looks!”
Black Ale Chase ∙ SWtOR ∙ Eisza Merik/Bloodworthy*
“Looks like we both lost that one,” Bloodworthy commented, nodding across the table. She followed the gesture to her tipped-over shot glass, still rocking from her rush setting it down.
“I wouldn’t call it losing,” she said as she returned to her seat. “But at least it makes us even.” She winked at him.
He winked back with a smile, and Eisza couldn’t fight the answering grin as she righted her glass to wait for a refill.
Mako was gonna freak that she’d missed this.
same as always ∙ Greedfall ∙ Vesper/Kurt
[Vesper] was studying his face like she saw something of his struggle. “I told you your support means the world to me.” Her hand slid higher on his arm. “I want to support you, too.”
Kurt took an unsteady breath, thoughts full of her dogged pursuit for the truth about what happened to Reiner, of them saving Wilhelm, her putting a bullet through Rolf’s head, full of righteous fury nearly the match of Kurt’s own. Of nighttime conversations held shoulder-to-shoulder in whispers as they watched their surroundings, of her quiet–poorly concealed–indignation at the presumptions people made of him.
“You do, Vesper,” he finally murmured, voice still hoarse and heart pounding in his chest. “More than you know.”
handholding prompt 45 ∙ Wayhaven Chronicles ∙ Janine Elder/Felix Hauville
“Hey, you asked what I wanted to do, babe,” Felix pointed out, amber eyes sparkling. “Maybe gloating that I have an awesome girlfriend is on the list.”
She couldn’t help herself. Janine pressed her forehead to his, her finger tracing light patterns against his back. “Does that come before opening presents…” Kissed him briefly, lightly. “Or after?”
Felix considered for a moment, hand sliding to the back of her neck. “How ‘bout both?” he murmured with a grin as he kissed her back more deeply.
The Long Burning Torch ch 6 ∙ Shepherds of Haven ∙ Xaeryn Shrike/Red Antiqua
“Do you… want to dance?”
[Xaeryn’s] better judgment, struggling to hold years of unspoken sentiment at bay, immediately insisted it was a bad idea. She would let slip something she shouldn’t, make things awkward, lose a friend. She’d been worried about the risk of this very scenario, remember?
She did remember. She’d also never managed to tell Red Antiqua no in her life and didn’t really want to start now. Not when he was looking at her like that; all boyish grin and twinkle in his eyes. She’d been right, she wasn’t strong enough. “Sure.”
Every Minute ∙ Mass Effect ∙ Emily Shepard/Kaidan Alenko
“Emily.” Kaidan lifted his head from her shoulder and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I know my limits, sweetheart,” he murmured, squeezing her hand.
“And I know how far you used to push yourself past them,” she countered, squeezing back. “I don’t want you feeling like you have to do that-”
“I don’t,” Kaidan promised, cutting her off. “And I’m not. Trust me.” He leaned in and kissed her. “I’m not gonna let a little headache stop me from having dinner with my wife tonight.”
Tradition ∙ SWtOR ∙ Briyoni Nerai/Jonas Balkar & Vica Nerai/Theron Shan
The sweater was a darker red than the one for her sister, with black collar, hem, and cuffs. Snow-capped mountains and volcanic steam vents alternated in a pattern around the sleeves and waist, the upper portion of the chest dominated by a wampa with arms raised and a giant white pompom nose. The words ‘Hoth Stuff’ were embroidered over the steam vents to the right and left of the beast.
“Oh. My-” [Jonas’] shoulders shook trying to hold back the full force of warranted laughter. He only partially succeeded. “Briyoni, you know there’s no way in hell he’ll wear that, right? I don’t have that much blackmail material on him.”
“Vic batting her eyes and saying please might work,” Bry drawled.
*a note for Black Ale Chase, the pub dat on AO3 is n August, but both prompt fills that make it up are from July, and I am proud of my rarepair fic, so I’m counting it for July
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
WIP Whenever
tagged by @starsandskies and @valkblue, so have some Revanasi, bc KotOR still has me by the throat
Carth stopped halfway through his turn toward the table, swung back, and whistled.
“That bad, huh?” she sighed. Maybe four duels with no break had been a bad call. That was another I told you so he’d get.
“Your whole right side’s one big bruise back here, from what I can see,” he confirmed.
Dammit. She pulled on the cropped hem of her undershirt, as if making that sit differently would make the bruises look not so bad. “Shoulda stopped with Ice, huh?” Kenna said glibly.
There was a beat where she could almost hear Carth debating with himself whether to be the bigger person. “You said it, not me,” he said lightly, and she snorted a laugh. “Do you...” he hesitated. “...want help?”
Kenna sighed and gingerly tested her range of motion. “Prob’ly a good idea. Though I dunno how much good a medpac’ll be if nothing’s bleeding. Aside from the numbing agent in the kolto, I guess. They aren’t really made for bruises....”
Carth dug through their supplies for a medpac despite her hemming, and she caught him shaking his head out of the corner of her eye. “You don’t need to downplay injuries, Kenna. I know you’re tough as hell, but that doesn’t make you invincible.”
She flinched slightly at the sting of the injector against the back of her bruised shoulder. “Not made of flimsiplast, either,” she reiterated through gritted teeth.
He snorted a laugh. “For me being the, uh, lobotomized Gamorrean, you’re plenty pigheaded yourself, Tasman,” he ribbed.
Kenna laughed sarcastically at the comment, but he had a point, didn’t he? Whether her reluctance to be vulnerable was pride or paranoia, there wasn’t really a point where Carth was concerned. He’d already hauled her, unconscious, from their crashed escape pod and had several days to do whatever the hell he wanted before she woke up. Including leave. And he’d taken care of her.  “You must’ve been having one hell of a nightmare...” Whatever issues he might have with trusting people, she was pretty sure she could trust him. 
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
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Why yes, I am still super invested in my ship from a (nearly) twenty year old video game. :D I also have wonderful friends like @lupotterdraws  who will draw them being sweet together, which Kenna and Carth more than deserve. 🥰🥰
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
For the yearning prompts: i didn’t mean it like that.
Okay, I was going to fill this with Brykar, and then Kenna piped up for the first time in a LITERAL DECADE and stole it. So. Now it's Revanasi and I'll have to use Brykar for something else. xD
Once it dragged past a certain point, the monotony of hyperspace travel could test the nerves of even the most patient Jedi Master. The threshold was somewhat lower with a small ship and patchwork crew like hers.
Kenna gave up trying to fill her time with meditation after the third interruption to break up brewing arguments between crewmates. Canderous and Bastila, Mission and Juhani, then Canderous and Bastila again, prompting Kenna to exile everyone to the furthest flung corners of the Ebon Hawk from each other they could manage. The Force would be there later, if she didn't keep an eye on... inter-party relations, her ship might not be.
She specifically charged T3 with making sure Bastila stayed away from Canderous and vice versa--no matter who he had to shock--and then made her way to the cockpit. That was an instinctive destination when she wanted some peace, and she wasn't really sure why. (Well, alright, part of her had a strong suspicion.)
Kenna let out an exasperated sigh as she dropped into the co-pilot's seat. "You're a smart man for hiding away in here," she commented, more to the view outside than the man in the pilot's seat.
Carth chuckled. "That bad, huh?"
"They're acting like children," she groused, watching the black-blue-white waves of hyperspace roll over the ship.
"Some of them are children," he pointed out. "Even if they'd deny it."
Kenna twisted sideways in the the seat to smirk at him. "I will pay you twenty credits to say that to Bastila's face."
"Who says I'm talking about Bastila?"
"Oh, no one, but you know that's what she'll assume," she said with a laugh.
"That eager to get rid of me, are you?" Carth deadpanned, adjusting something with the Hawk's controls.
"Hell, no," Kenna snorted. "Who else on this tub'll let me get away with callin' them a hairless Wookiee?" Among other things.
"So you're just keeping me around 'cause I can take an insult?" He was trying to sound hurt, she could tell, but she could also see the glint of amusement in his eye.
"Oh, you have a whole bunch of uses beyond that, flyboy," she drawled in riposte.
She didn't realize how the teasing tone made it sound until Carth turned to arch a brow at her. (Were his ears red?)
"I didn't mean it like that!" Kenna huffed, neck and ears going hot. She coughed and shifted her gaze out to the rolling hyperspace, then the instrument arrays, needing to look anywhere but him. "You're, um, you're good with a blaster, and the best pilot out of the lot of us, and I appreciate you watchin' my back, and..."
"Got it," Carth said when the list trailed off, his attention likewise anywhere not her, but she could see the smile tugging at his lips. (And his ears were definitely red. Or at least pink.)
She muttered something under her breath that might've involved the words 'lobotomized Gamorrean'. She'd never tell.
He laughed. "Oh, c'mon, I know you can do better than that."
"Nah, I think I'll stick to the classics," she snarked.
"Something tried and true?"
"You could say that." Tried and true like you. After a beat she added, "All kidding aside, I wouldn't have made it this far without you, Carth. Thanks."
He nodded and she fought down the urge to reach over and sweep back that single (dashing) lock of hair that never stayed out of his face. "You're welcome, Kenna."
They lapsed into comfortable silence, enjoying the peace and quiet with smiles neither quite managed to entirely hide.
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
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Oh yeah, SWtOR!Kenna exists now, too, thanks to that Peace or Power weekly. Haven’t even gone to Kalikori yet and I’m at 10/15 missions. :P
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queen-scribbles · 3 years
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What’s this? More art from the amazing and wonderful @lupotterdraws? Yes, yes it is, because Lu’s a gem and I’m currently drowning in KotOR nostalgia, Thus, Kenna and Carth, mid-friendly debate. She may or may not be in the process of calling him a lobotomized Gamorrean *cough* again *cough* but I don’t think he minds.
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queen-scribbles · 3 years
🦋🦋🦋 for Vikkari, Matthias, and someone else who's feeling chatty!
🦋 Vikkari hardly keeps any of the things he whittles for himself. The stress relief of carving is its own reward. He likes to make things for his friends; like the crow for Ember and knight for Seelah(rose for Sosiel, pirate/sailor for Lann etc ). He keeps a few that he's really proud of for himself and the rest he likes to leave in random places--tavern bar, fencepost, hilltops--for people to find. He likes the thought of it making someone happy.
🦋 Matthias is a voracious reader. History's his favorite topic, though he does also love adventure novels. There's a little nook up in the palace attic with a window that gets light the majority of the day that was his favorite place to hide when he wants to read and be left alone(which is a lot; he's much more of an introvert than Ves). He's pretty sure no one figured it out prior to his leaving for Teer Fradee so it was his little secret. (He's wrong, his mother knew but never said a word)
🦋 Aaand Kenna's being chatty, so we'll go with her for number three. She cannot cook to save her life or the life of anyone she cares about. She is a very competent and capable person in a whole slew of other aspects, mundane or specialized, but she can, will, and has burned water so she's not allowed in a kitchen unless she’s just grabbing snacks.
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queen-scribbles · 6 years
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Kenna Tasman
Formerly known as Revan, occasionally known as Mrs. Onasi, generally known as a BAMF with a penchant for terrible jokes. (Seriously, she thought calling her future husband Hairless Wookiee, monkey-lizard, and handsome thug were A+ flirting tactics, wtf Kenna, you’re lucky he liked you, too.)
kofi donation art by @commander-sarahs-art
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
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Got a Kenna from @schoute​ and she’s ~gorgeous~
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