#kels 2.5k celebration
beskarandblasters · 2 months
Kel’s One Year Anniversary + 2.5k Celebration!
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First of all, I just wanna say thank you so much for 2,500 followers!! It blows my mind that that many people follow me!!
I originally had this celebration planned for my one year anniversary (April 16th) but I didn’t expect to hit 2.5k so soon! So I decided to tie both milestones into this celebration!
The third season of The Mandalorian ended days after I posted my first fic. That was such a special time in my life and I look back on it so fondly, thinking of the community I found and the meaningful friendships I’ve made. So on that date I’ll be posting the first chapter of my new Din series, Stonecatcher - coming 4/16/24
Under the cut are some ways y’all can celebrate with me! I will be answering these on April 7th, on the eve of the eclipse 🌙
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You’re more than welcome to do multiple of these but please include them in separate asks 💜
🐈 Send me a picture of your pet! (I just used a cat since they’re my favorite but all types of pets are welcome!)
🤝 Shout out someone in the fandom or send a fic rec! (Self recs are always welcome)
🖼️ Request a moodboard! Just please include whether you want it to be for a fic, for your blog, for you vibe in general etc!
❓Ask me a question about one of my Din series! (Me and My Husband, Was it all a dream? What Happens on Coruscant, Apotheosis or Stonecatcher) I never saw myself as a series writer (especially for Din, I always just assumed there was nothing unique I could add to the fandom!) and to think that I’ll have five series for him just makes me so proud of myself!
The following are for mutuals only!
🎥 I’ll tell you a movie and/or a TV show I think fits your vibe!
🎶 I’ll recommend a song or album I think fits your vibe!
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics 💜
Tagging some mutuals 💜 @wannab-urs @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @catchallfangirl @hyzer34 @pr0ximamidnight @clawdee @endlessthxxghts @janaispunk @beardedjoel @chronically-ghosted @hellishjoel @hellfire-state-of-mind @pedroshotwifey @penvisions @theywhowriteandknowthings @fhatbhabie @penvisions @toxicanonymity @littlegrungegirlaf @planet-marz1 @sweetercalypso @undrthelights @alltheotps @kedsandtubesocks @lahooozaherr @ghostofaboy @ilovepedro @freelancearsonist @nostalxgic @ozarkthedog @saradika @pamasaur @wethairjoel @schnarfer
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beskarandblasters · 2 months
🖼️ I'd love to see a moodboard based off one of your favorite fics!
Congrats on the milestone, Kel!
Thank you so much!!! 🥰🤍 My favorite fic of all time is Losing My Religion by @oonajaeadira and it’s the fic that got me into writing in the first place!
So I made a moodboard for that and used some of my favorite lines from a few of the chapters 🥹
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beskarandblasters · 2 months
Congrats on 2.5k and happy anniversary, babe!!🥹 You’re so amazing, genuinely crying right now😭
As a huge film nerd, may I request ->
Hehehe ily bestie
L!!!! You’re the best ilysm !!!!
I can’t explain why I chose these but hopefully you get the vibes I was going for hehe
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beskarandblasters · 2 months
congrats on 2.5k, kel!! that’s huge!! so deserved and so happy to know you <33
may i kindly request a vibe moodboard pls?? 🤲🏼 🖼️ ily kel!! 🫶🏼
Hi Nini!! Thank you so much!! I hope you like your moodboard 🩷
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beskarandblasters · 2 months
Congratulations on the amazing milestone! 2.5K is awesome!
🖼️ Could I ask for moodboard for Inter-Agency Cooperation. I'd love to know your take on Jack and Javi's vibe.
Hi!! Thank you so much for participating!!
That fic was so so so good and i loved making this moodboard for it! I hope it fits the vibe (。◕‿◕。)
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beskarandblasters · 2 months
hi kel!! congratulations on your milestone!! 🥳🫂 can i request a 🖼️? i’m not particularly inspired so i’ll you choose whatever you think i would like, you have carte blanche!! love youuu 💗💗
Thank you Anna! I hope you like your moodboard 🩷
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beskarandblasters · 2 months
🎥 (i actually don’t have a lot of mutuals so this is exciting)
AHHHHH OKAY SO I am cheating a bit
Because this is neither a show or a movie I’m giving you but rather an internet series:
It’s Buzzfeed Unsolved! Your blog title reminds me of a quote Shane said in episode once and I feel like your humor fits the vibe of both of them! (But especially Shane)
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I’ve rewatched so many of their episodes that I’m almost certain I could quote a handful of them word for word 😭
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beskarandblasters · 2 months
Hey Kel!
Congratulations on your celebration!
Can I shout out @toomanytookas for being such a brilliant reader? They take so much time and care with their reblogs and I know that I and multiple other writers appreciate it so much!
Love, El
Thank you so much, El! 🤍
And aww I love that! I always appreciate people who leave detailed comments/reblogs 🥰
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beskarandblasters · 2 months
may i also have a 🖼️ ? dealer’s choice, i’m not picky 👀
I was feeling blue for you! 🩵💙
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beskarandblasters · 2 months
My dearest Kel!!! Congrats on 2.5k and for all the love and magic you bring into this space!
I don’t know if you’re still answering questions for your event but if you are then im sliding a 🎶 your way 🥺
And if not I totally understand and I’m just here so glad to celebrate you!!!
Here’s to more of you Kel and congrats again lovely!! 🌹💖🥹💕✨
Erika!!! Thank you so much ilysm 🥹🥹
For a song rec I’m giving you one from my favorite album of all time!!!
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beskarandblasters · 2 months
hi kel! so many congratulations for you and your amazing milestone!! you’re totally the go to din girlie (gn) and i love you for that 🖤
i have two (!!) emojis for you 🐈 (pics below) and 🖼️ (general vibe)
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you deserve the world! so much love and appreciation for you bb 🖤✨
AWWWW precious bb’s
Thank you so much for your kind words Dev! I always love seeing you on my dash and in my notifs 🥹🥹
Here’s your moodboard! I hope I got the vibes right!!
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beskarandblasters · 2 months
Congrats, Kel!!! 🎉🎉🎉
🐈 Here’s a fun picture of my cat, he’s ridiculous 🥰
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Thank you so much!!!
OMGGGGG look at the belly 🥹🥹🥹
Here’s one of my babies 🥰
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beskarandblasters · 2 months
Happy 2.5k!! I love you so fucking much, my darling bestie ❤️💕
here’s a low quality photo of BMO sleeping in a weird position
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ily bestie!
please give her all the boops from me 🤍🤍
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beskarandblasters · 2 months
hi bb congrats again… can i have a moodboard of my ✨vibes✨ please and thank u
hehe love u love u
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beskarandblasters · 2 months
Congratulations Kel!!!
This is a big ask so I totally understand if you cant fulfill it.
But I'd love a mood board for my Din fic Despoliation of the Flesh
But I understand if you can't take time to read it or even want to!
Regardless a big congrats! It takes a lot of work to reach 2.5k on Tumblr. 🖤🖤🖤
Hi!!! Thank you so much!!! First off I just wanna say I loved the fic!! It’s been on my TBR since you posted it and this gave me the push to finally go read it!!
I had so much fun making this moodboard and I hope I captured the vibes 🤍🤍
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beskarandblasters · 2 months
Congrats on 2.5 followers, that’s amazing! You’re an amazing writer, and your blog is so pretty 🩷
🐈 I am going to send a pic of my baby Cinder to spread some joy ☺️ She’s a big, squishy marshmallow!
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Hi!!! Thank you so much!!!
What a precious little baby 🥹🥹
I’ll offer you a picture of my baby Tony hehe
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