#keithia the half elf ranger
islanderscaper · 5 years
Incorrect WTHTI Quotes
Whisper: What’s the easiest way to steal a man’s wallet?
Isao: Knife to the throat?
Adoraor: Crossbow to the back?
Keithia: Poison in his cup?
Oriana: You’re all horrible.
Whisper: The easiest way to steal a man’s wallet is to tell him you’re going to steal his watch. You take his attention and direct it where you want it to go.
(Source - Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo)
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islanderscaper · 5 years
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Keithia - Whisper - Oriana // Land - Sea - Sky
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islanderscaper · 5 years
Angsty Asks: 2, 3, 5, 15, 22 for Thia
2. What would break Keitha beyond repair? Has it happened?
Losing or being abandoned by the people she loves. Oriana’s betrayal and death are currently hitting her very hard. She’s barely managing to hold it together so that she can help her friends through their shared grief and try to figure out what happens now, but she is devastated. Losing anyone else would destroy her. 
3. What is Keithia’s worst memory?
She has built up a few bad memories. Being attacked by death butterflies, being assassinated in the demiplane, being eaten by the remorhaz. For a while now, she’d have said that the demiplane was definitely the worst. 
Now? Now it might be replaced with seeing Shade standing in the foyer with Oriana’s dead body. 
5. Keithia is facing her worst enemy. Who/what is it?
Probably Quandry, the man responsible for the Zoo of death. If not him, whoever sent her to the demiplane. Or whoever has been manipulating her through her sister. 
15. How far would Keithia go to protect her loved ones?
As far as she has to. She has killed for these people before, and she’d do it again if she had to. She would give up everything and do anything to keep them safe. 
To borrow a phrase from another D&D campaign, she’d break the world for them. 
22. What is Keithia the most guilty about?
Right now? Definitely arguing with Oriana the way she did. She spent the last day that she had with the woman she considered a sister fighting with her and she hates the fact that is her last memory. 
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islanderscaper · 5 years
Sentence Starters: "Do you want me to leave?" for Thia
Everything was almost too quiet. From what they could see, they were the only people around. All around them, the smell of smoke hung heavy in the air and structures lay in crumbling ruins. Just as they had done with Shrim’s camp, the giants had done a good job of leaving this city decimated in their wake for reasons no one in the Susurrus Society could even begin to imagine. 
Frankly, the reasoning wasn’t Keithia’s primary concern at the moment anyway. As the party spread out to investigate, her eyes searched out one figure, alternating between seeming frozen and wandering aimlessly.  
“Isao?” She called softly, slowly walking up beside him. If the monk heard her, he didn’t make any indication. The thousand yard stare on his face was one that Thia knew she had mirrored on many occasions. Knowing what she alone knew about him, she couldn’t ignore it, particularly not when she knew just how much memories could affect you.
After a few months of no response, Thia slowly reached to put one of her hands on his shoulder, the other one reaching for his hand. “Hey.” She breathed, squeezing his hand gently. “I can only imagine what you’re remembering, but I know how much memories can suck. You’re not there though, okay? You’re not there and you’re not alone. All of your friends are here. I’m right here. You’re okay and we’re going to go find those fire giants and make sure they can’t keep doing this. I promise.” 
She fell into silence again, waiting another few moments as she got no response. “Do you want me to leave?” She finally asked, shifting slightly away from him. 
“No.” Isao surprised her by finally speaking, reaching the hand Thia wasn’t holding up to rest over the one she had on his shoulder. “Please, don’t. This – this is helping…Thank you…”
Keithia smiled, leaning back towards him slightly and giving his hand another squeeze. “You’re welcome.”
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islanderscaper · 5 years
Kiss Prompt 11: Thia and Isao
when one stops the kiss to whisper “I’m sorry, are you sure you-” and they answer by kissing them more
“Why are you mad at me?”
“I’m not mad at you.” 
Despite knowing that Isao could overtake her in the blink of an eye, Keithia still tried to stay a few steps away from him, arms crossed in front of her and Irusan following at her heels, still carrying an air of concern to him as he sensed the tension and agitation that the ranger was feeling. In this moment, all she wanted was to get far away from her sister’s keep, from the staff calling her ‘Lady’ over and over again, and from the monk following after her with a look of confusion on his face. Though part of her appreciated that he had come right to check on her in the morning and realized that at least some of how she was feeling right now was her fault, considering she had told him to go and have fun last night, she still couldn’t quite bring herself to look at him. 
“Are you sure? Because you seem a bit upset with me, at least.” 
Thia picked up her pace slightly, appreciating that he was at least letting her keep these few steps between them, even though he was still following her. “I shouldn’t be.” She muttered, silently cursing herself and her consistently overwhelming emotions. 
“But you are.” 
Thia stopped walking, giving a slight shrug of her shoulders as she heard Isao also stop a few steps behind her. “Maybe.” She replied. “Still shouldn’t be though.” 
Thia stayed still, biting her lip and letting her arms fall tensely to her sides. She doesn’t know how to answer that question. How to tell her she’s upset that he left with everyone else. That he chose to spend the night in a brothel rather than with her. Not that she thought she would have been the better choice, not when she probably needed a babysitter more than anything else right now. She had told him to go. She didn’t have the right to be upset. 
“Thia –?”
He uses her nickname. The one that normally only comes from Whisper. She can’t ignore him when he does that, even though the words still won’t come. The only response that occurs to her is an impulsive one and she doesn’t allow herself to think about it past that, or else she would absolutely talk herself out of it in a second. 
Every movement Keithia made in the next couple of moments was fluid and quick, turning around, closing the space between them, cupping his face gently between her hands, and pressing her lips against his before she had a chance to really process what she was doing. 
She expected he would pull away almost immediately. Or else, just linger gently the way he had the last time. Polite and not wanting to hurt her feelings, she was sure. In this, Thia would ultimately prove to be wrong as Isao’s hands found their way to her waist, pulling her slightly closer as he returned the kiss.
Keithia couldn’t say how long they actually stayed like that, though it probably wasn’t too long before Isao pulled back slightly, Thia’s face turning red as he did so.
“I’m sorry,” Isao whispered, still holding onto her. “Are you sure you –”
 Thia gave a slight smile, letting the impulse take over as she leaned into kiss him once again as a response, letting herself forget where they were and everything else around her as she did so.
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islanderscaper · 5 years
"I'm sick of being USELESS." Whisper & Thia
Ever since they had gotten back to the keep, Thia had seemed to be avoiding everyone. As soon as she had gotten the chance, she had headed out towards the now completed training yard. Though disappointed that there was not really any hunting for her to do right now, she could still at least take a few shots. Oriana had done well in designing this place. The array of targets was perfectly suited to what she needed. Which, right now, was just an opportunity to go through the motions. To make one almost impossible shot after the other until she felt like she had her own skills back under control once again. 
Every motion of every shot was fluid and seemingly without thought, the actions ingrained in her muscle memory after years of honing the skills to a point that many would find unbelievable.
She was, to borrow a phrase from Whisper, The Best At Archery. 
So why didn’t it feel that way lately?
As she landed another shot directly in the center of a particularly far away target, she became aware of the sound of footsteps behind her, hesitating a moment as she drew another shot back until she could asses whether the person approaching was a friend or not. 
“You’ve been out here for hours now.” Whisper said, remaining a few paces behind Keithia as she watched another shot pierce through one of the targets perfectly. “Are you planning to come back up to the keep and, you know, eat or sleep at any time.”
“I have my rations.” Keithia replied matter of factly as she prepared another shot. “And I’m not tired.”
“You still need to stop at some point.”
“Not yet, I don’t.” 
Another shot left Keithia’s bow, landing immediately beside one of her previous arrows in the bullseye. Another quick motion, and a third one landed there as well. In this time, neither of them spoke. Keithia continued to shoot while Whisper lingered behind her, seemingly just watching. 
“Why are you doing this?” Whisper asked. “I know practice is a good thing, but you’re already an incredible archer. You don’t exactly need to train the same way that most people do.”
“Certainly hasn’t seemed like that lately, has it?” Thia asked in a monotone voice, lining up yet another shot. 
“Thia, what are you talking about?”
“I need to make sure.” This continued, not exactly answering the question. Her voice wavered a bit as she prepared another shot. “I need to make sure that I haven’t forgotten. I need to make sure that I can still do this.”
“Why wouldn’t you be able to?”
“I don’t know.” Thia held her form, feeling her hands also being to shake along with her voice as her focus began to slip. “But I haven’t been doing so well lately.”
She forced herself to focus once again, trying to regain her composure as she lined it up and let the arrow go, watching as it landed a couple of rings away from the bullseye.
“I missed a shot against those bone devils.” She said, preparing another shot that landed closer to the center than the previous one. “I walked blindly into a giant’s trap.” Another one, further down the target. “I was nearly killed by a giant worm.” Another one, this time a bit further to the side as her shots were becoming more erratic. “I’m supposed to be better at this stuff!”
“Thia…” Whisper started, taking a few steps towards her and reaching out as if to grab her shoulder.
“I’m sick of being USELESS!” Thia shouted, letting her bow and the arrow she now held in her hand fall to her sides. 
“Hey. Stop that.” Whisper said, grabbing Thia by the shoulder and turning her around to face her. “Listen to me: you are not and never have been useless. Everyone has off days sometimes and we all walked into that trap.”
“Giants aren’t your thing though, Whisper. They’re supposed to be mine.”
“True.” Whisper hummed, keeping her eyes focused on Thia’s face. “But you know what’s supposed to be my thing? Magic. And what have I done with it lately? I didn’t sense the entrance to the demiplane. I didn’t sense the sleep spell being putting on us. I didn’t realize there was an anti-magic field in that castle. I was completely useless fighting giants. I couldn’t even use magic to figure out who made that labyrinth!” As she spoke, Whisper’s tone took on an uncharacteristic shake, almost matching Thia’s own. “If anyone has been useless lately, it’s me.”
“Whisper, you’re not useless.” 
“Damn right I’m not.” Whisper muttered, almost as if she were reminding both of them of that fact. “And neither are you, so don’t let me hear you say that again, okay?”
Thia nodded slowly. “Okay.”
“Great!” The characteristic grin returned to Whisper’s face as she patted Thia’s shoulder and then turned back towards the keep. “Now come on! Oriana’s making dinner and I think we both need something to eat.”
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islanderscaper · 5 years
Character Headcanons: Thia
1: sexuality headcanon
Thia is demisexual and panromantic. However, sexuality and romance are still quite new to her. Interacting with people in general is still quite new to her and any feelings she has for other people are still confusing and something she is trying to figure out.
2: otp
I have two. Keithia x Isao or Keithia x Whisper
3: brotp
Again, I’ll give you two. Keithia & Whisper and Keithia & Twiggy
4: notp
Non-Platonic Keithia & Twiggy. That boy is like her brother and there’s no other way she could possibly see him.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Thia is less defined by needing to find her biological family now than she used to be. She’s still curious to figure out what is going on with her, but she feels like she has found what she was looking for in her family with the party now.
6: one way in which I relate to this character
We are both painfully shy and extremely anxious. A lot of Keithia’s anxiety comes from channeling my own quite a bit. 
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Almost any time she has to try to interact in any sort of social setting. She is the worst at dealing with people. 
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Absolutely a cinnamon roll. 
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islanderscaper · 6 years
"Ever wonder if the world would be better off without you?" Whisper & Thia
The question seemed to catch Whisper off guard, and Keithia couldn’t really blame her for that. It was somewhat out of no where. Awkward words spoken into an already awkward silence created by her inability (or unwillingness) to really discuss what had been keeping her up. 
“No.” The tiefling answered, propping herself up slightly beside Keithia. “Why would I ever think that? Come on, you’ve met me. The world would be a terrible place without me.” 
In spite of her low mood at the moment, Keithia smiled a bit at that statement. She was always amused by Whisper’s ego, even if she didn’t always entirely agree with the statements that it brought forward. 
For a moment, everything was quiet again. The two girls side by side as Keithia stared up at the canopy above her bed and Whisper seemed to stare at her. 
“Why do you ask?” Whisper sad, breaking the silence again. “You don’t think that about your self, do you?”
Keithia shrugged, not looking back at her friend. She didn’t think that, not really. But she didn’t think the world would necessarily be much worse either.
“I don’t think the world would notice much if I weren’t in it.” 
The nature of Keithia’s life had practically ingrained this belief into her. She had been raised to disappear. To make little impact on anyone or anyplace. Even though she had pretty well given that lifestyle up, it was still easy to believe at times that she had no real importance. 
“Oh, Thia…” Whisper cooed softly, reaching for one of Keithia’s hands. “That’s not true.”
That was pretty much what Keithia had expected Whisper might say. It was sweet, even if she wasn’t entirely sure she believed it. Something which her continued silence probably conveyed. Yet she didn’t pull her hand away. She appreciated the comfort, even if she wasn’t sure she could accept it. 
“I’d notice if you weren’t here.” Whisper persisted. “And probably a lot of other people would to. I’d drown a lot more people without you around.” 
Thia doesn’t have to look to know that there’s a wicked, fanged grin on Whisper’s face. They’ve spent enough time together now that she just knows it would be there and it make her laugh. 
“See, you know it’s true.” Whisper nudged her slightly, giving her hand another squeeze. “Now try to get some sleep. I’ll be here if the nightmares come back.”
“I promise.”
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islanderscaper · 6 years
5 sentence fics: Keithia and Chealyn, frantic
The fact that Chealyn always seemed to watch Keithia’s outbursts so calmly – possibly even with a hint of amusement – was even more frustrating than their enigmatic relationship was to begin with. 
“Why are you just smiling like that?” Thia cried frantically, watching her sister’s expression with anxiety and irritation. 
“You need to have patience, Baby Sister.” Chealyn replied, reaching for Thia’s hand only the have it pulled away. “It’s not time yet.”
Keithia hated that answer as much as ever, but no amount of frantic pleading ever seemed to get any more out of her. 
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islanderscaper · 6 years
thia & isao: encircle
Kethia was trying not to make the frantic expression on her face too obvious, but the more this guy seemed to follow her around and the more neither Chealyn nor Whisper were nowhere to be seen, the more anxious she grew. She was almost prepared to turn and flee the ballroom - flee the castle, if she had to – when she felt his hand grab onto her’s. 
“Come on, Keithia, dance with me.” 
Relieved though she was to hear a familiar voice and allow herself to be led to the dancefloor and lost in the crowd, the realization of who it belonged to still make her cheeks turn pink. 
“Thank you.” She breathed, forcing herself to meet his eyes as Isao’s arm encircled her waist. 
“Don’t mention it,” he replied, a smirk that fit the still slightly tense air between them appearing on his face. “You looked like you needed help.”
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islanderscaper · 6 years
Get to know a character: 3, 13, 21, 40, 48 for Keithia, 12, 18, 28, 35, 49 for Araseli, 1, 15, 20, 33, 50 for Caela and 2, 14, 19, 30, 44 for Skylar.
03. What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves?
Probably her hair. She’s always been pretty fond of the color of it. It is, in many ways, probably the most noticeable thing about her and stands out among all the greens and browns that she tends to wear.
13. What are your character’s sleeping habits? Heavy or light sleeper? Blanket stealer? One that always rolls onto the floor? Pushes their lover onto the floor? Sleep talker or walker?
She’s fairly light sleeper, but not necessarily restless (unless her nightmares have gotten really bad). She stays pretty still through the night and prefers to sleep curled up next to her cat.
21. What is one of your character’s biggest fears? How would they react when dealing with this fear?
The more tame and somewhat ridiculous of her two more prominent fears is butterflies. She can handle them fine once she has made sure that they aren’t like the Death Butterflies that attacked her in the dragon’s cave. 
Her bigger fear right now is dying, particularly by her friends’ hands, and she isn’t sure if or how she could possibly handle it. 
She’s also a bit afraid of being stuck in any really closed space, especially if there isn’t any obvious way out. She needs to be reassured a bit that it is safe and see that Irusan is unbothered by it (he is the best emotional support panther)
40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others?
Not really? Thia is pretty boring in general. She doesn’t exactly have many hobbies and certainly none that she feels guilty or embarrassed for.
48. Is there anything in particular that would ignite your character’s jealousy? Or does your character not get envious?
She can get jealous, not that she’s likely to admit it. It doesn’t happen often, but something like, say, watching a certain someone makeout with other people will get her suddenly very interested in rebraiding her hair or studying a very interesting spot on the ceiling. 
12. Is there some particular talent, skill, or attribute that they simply could not give up?
Araseli could never give up her magic. It’s intrinsically who she is and she is too proud of it to ever go without it.
18. What kind of home would they want to live in? Where would they place this abode?
Araseli would like to have a large castle or mansion situated somewhere she can overlook people under her rule. Ideally, she’d like her family home back, but she’s no quite prepared to take it yet. 
28. If your character became a celebrity, what would they be famous for?
She wants to be famous for being nobility, but otherwise she could probably make a living as an actress or other performer.
35. Is your character afraid of death? If they got to choose how to die, how would they want to go?
She wasn’t for a long time and she still isn’t, really. She’s more irritated by the whole idea generally. If she got to choose, she would probably die old and with a lot of power after a lengthy reign over whatever territory she had. 
49. What is something that your character has nightmares about? Are these frequent? Do they heavily affect your character’s mood?
Araseli doesn’t really have nightmares often. When she does, they are about the night she left her home and all they every really do is make her angry and more determined than usual. 
01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?
I actually had to look it up and apparently it means ‘slender’. It wasn’t really chosen for any reason. Originally our high school game was just a one shot that we weren’t given much information on beforehand, so we were building characters on the spot. Caela was just a pretty sounding name that popped into my head, so I rolled with it. 
15. Is there a certain person in this world that they cannot stand? The very mention of this person’s name makes them tremble with anger or fear.
I don’t think so, no. She’s had petty teenager grudges against people before, but never anyone that she absolutely hates. She lives the righteous anger and revenge to Celandine for the most part. 
20. Does your character like animals? What are some of their favorite animals? Would they want pets? 
She does. Not as much as Onion, but animals are fine by her. She likes dogs and most birds, but particularly hunting birds like owls or hawks. She also loves fish and has a home aquarium of various unique looking ones. 
33. If your character wanted to be alone, where would they go?
Probably just up to her room. Her parents likely wouldn’t bother her much if she really seemed like she wanted to be alone.
50. If your character confessed love to their crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc, what would they say?
There probably wouldn’t be a whole lot of words said. Some stammering before just blurting it out and then looking exceptionally embarrassed would be more Caela’s MO. 
02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness?
Despite how sure of it she is, Skylar’s biggest insecurity is probably her intelligence. She knows she’s not nearly as naturally intelligent as her reputation makes her out to be and though she thinks she is very knowledgeable, she can get perhaps obviously insecure when other people successfully challenge her intelligence.
14. Do they live alone or with family? How do they feel about their family/roommates?
Currently, Skylar is travelling so she doesn’t really live anywhere. She has companions in Esther and Tommy though. While she was at school, she lived in student housing with roommate that she got along with, but wasn’t really close to. Prior to that, she lived in an inn run by her parents in a trading village. 
19. Would your character be the kind to get into fights? (physical or verbal) Would they be a good fighter or cave in rather easily?
Not normally. She’d be more likely to try and de-escalate things first if she can. However, if that’s not an option, she will start using some of her magic or her dagger to defend herself. 
30. When it comes to the arts (music, film, theater, etc), what does your character like?
Books the most of any form of the arts. She loves reading and searching for written information. She does also enjoy theater performances though.
44. Is there a particular event that would emotionally devastate your character?
Failure in her main goals, maybe. Being caught and persecuted for the subterfuge she does in her work and bringing her like minded faction down with her. Being known for that forever more than anything else. Though she disagrees with the political structure within the church at times, she is far from heretical and would be very hurt to ever be painted as such.
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islanderscaper · 6 years
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D&d Instagrams: Keithia
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islanderscaper · 6 years
Relationship asks: 🤗 💍💑🔮 for Thia, 💚💕🤐⚔ for Skylar.
🤗Are they physically affectionate?
If she’s comfortable with someone, then definitely. It may take her a while to get there, but after a while she becomes very affectionate. For instance, she and Whisper can be pretty huggy with each other and Thia id more willing now to share her personal space with Whisper than she has been with anyone else in a long time.
💍Would they ever get married? 
I think she’d like to someday, with the right person. Her life right now is a bit too chaotic to think about her ideal future too much, but she’d like the idea of creating the family she wasn’t allowed to have as a child.
👫Do they display affection in public? What about in private? 
Probably not so much in public. Around her friends, sure, but not so much around people that she doesn’t know. In private and with people she is comfortable with though, sure. 
🔮Do they believe in soul mates? 
To an extent, maybe. She kind of believes that there are people you are just meant to meet and people that are maybe just destined to be important to you, but the concept of fate and soulmates are also a bit confusing to her. She isn’t really sure to what lengths she believes in them.
💚Are they prone to jealousy? 
She probably wouldn’t admit it, but perhaps a little bit. Not in a dramatic sort of way, but she’d be likely to over analyze a situation to the point of being bothered by it and, yeah, jealous. 
💕Are they open to threesomes or a polyamorous relationship? 
I’m not sure I can really say for sure yet. She’s not against them, but I don’t know if she would consider it for herself. She probably hasn’t even thought much about whether she would or not. 
🤐Would they ever confess their feelings first? 
She might, if she could work up the courage. She likes to try and be open with people around her as much as she can be, so as long as she didn’t psyche herself out about it, she probably could.
⚔️ Are they protective of their partner? 
Skylar is pretty protective of most people in general, especially those around her or those she cares about, so yes. She would be. 
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islanderscaper · 6 years
Random OC questions: 2, 7, 18, 19, 30, for Thia, 4, 6, 9, 23, 33, for Caela, 1, 10, 25, 26, 34 for Skylar.
2. If they were to encounter a bear, what would they do?
That would probably depend on how the bear was acting. If it was just going about its business, she’d probably watch it for a while. Maybe try to approach it if it seemed receptive to her getting closer. If it were behaving more aggressively, she might try to calm it down. If it couldn’t be calmed, she would regretfully have to try to attack to. 
7. If they had the chance to kill someone without being caught, would they? If so, who would it be?
If she had enough reason to want to kill someone, then possibly. She would have to see them as enough of a threat to feel killing them was necessary though. Right now, the only person she’d likely take that chance over would be whoever sent her to be killed in that dreamworld.
18. How many different knots can they tie?
Quite a few. Mostly different knots that she finds useful for hunting. It was one of the skills that Aasim spent a lot of time teaching her before he began teaching her archery. 
19. Would they stop to look at pretty flowers?
If she wasn’t in a hurry for anything? Definitely. The affinity might not be as strong as that for animals, but she definitely has one for plants as well and has always loved looking at and collecting flowers when she’s able to.
30. Your oc is scuba diving and comes across a mermaid, what happens next?
She would probably be very intrigued by them and would probably want to try to befriend them, if they seemed non-threatening. The only person she knows that can live under water is Whisper and she would probably be very fascinated to meet anyone else that can do it.
4. It’s a sunny day outside, what is their reaction?
Bright and excited, eager to just grab her friends and get outside to find something to do. Probably end up hanging around the park and enjoying the sun for a good part of the day. 
6. Oh no, your oc is hungry and no money, what do they do?
Usually, this isn’t much of a problem. Even if Caela is a little bit short on money, the Lunch Bunch are pretty good about helping each other out with things like that and knowing that they’ll be able to pay each other back, if they even expect each other to in the first place.
9. What would their username be on tumblr?
I’m going to have to give you credit for this one, Kori, because cae-la-vie is just too perfect for her.
23. Would they much rather banter back and forth with friends or talk about philosophy?
Banter. Definitely. Philosophy is a bit out of Caela’s high school student understanding still, but bantering with her friends is always easy and usually fun.
33. Your OC accidentally dyed their hair purple, now what?
Honestly, she’d probably just roll with it. It would eventually grow back out to blonde and she could totally pull off purple hair for a little while. Plus, it would definitely be a pretty different look. She’d probably think is was quite a fun little accident.
1. Would your OC ever accessorize with a cape?
A cloak, yes, but probably not a cape. They’re a bit impractical in her eyes. She needs to be able to move easily and freely and doesn’t want to be wearing anything that could easily get caught on things or get in her way. 
10. What is their 3rd favourite colour?
Her third favourite color is gold. It’s a bit flashier than what she normally likes, but she does like the shine to the color and the way it seems to compliment so many things. That, and it’s the color of her medallion that always reminds her of the work she loves to do.
25. They see a magical wand, do they touch it?
Probably, yes. It may be a bit reckless, but her curiosity and desire to study it would almost immediately take over as soon as she saw it, much to the concern of Maggie and fear of Tommy, I assume. 
26. If a skeleton talked to them, would they be scared?
She would probably be way more fascinated than scared. First thing she would do would be to cast detect evil & good to determine whether it was something she needed to get rid of immediately, but then if she did not, she would probably be asking it all sorts of questions and trying to determine why it was talking and how it got there and just generally studying the entire situation very quickly.
34. What would your OC’s reaction be if there was a giant dog that came to them with a huge bone as the dog wags their tail in excitement?
She might be a bit confused as to where it came from and why it ran directly to her, but she’d also probably be a bit charmed and willing to play with it. Though she would definitely be curious as to where the bone came from.
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