#kazumi shou
yuzukahibiscus · 1 year
Flower Troupe siennes graduating in the next Grand Theatre musical
The following three members will graduate on October 8th, 2023.
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Wataru Hibiki (fukukumichou* – vice troupe leader)
Stage debut: 2007
Nickname: Kyon
Looks like or said to look like: Kaonaji from Spirited Away
I’m a really morning type of person so I would finish basically anything before noon. I love reading books and I love animals!
My favourite: My dog from my family home, Milk-chan ♡ Manager Corelli’s hairstyle is taken reference from Mil-chan! (If people don’t understand, it please watch the “TOP HAT” DVD!)
from Mineka Towa
Hey! Hanagumi Fukukumichou!!
I knew Kyon-san when I was still in middle school, and she’s someone too wonderful with an unchanging inclusive heart and gentleness.
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Kazumi Shou
Stage debut: 2008
Nickname: Shii-chan
Looks like or said to look like: A knife (A sharp beauty comparable to that of the knife so there’s a compliment like that.)
As someone living in the World of Dreams, I’m rather a realistic person. I hate doing meaningless things, so that sense of achievement for finishing off a meticulous schedule without any gaps, it’s the best!!
My favourite: This is a photo of me singing the national anthem by myself in the Yafuoku Dome (a sports stadium, now called Fukuoka PayPay Dome) in 2017. I’m happy to sing in the Dome that l’ve been to in primary school...then my next dream is throwing the first pitch (LOL). This is a two-shot with the mascot Herculy Hawk ♡
from Wataru Hibiki
She has good manners and she doesn’t do anything meaningless, I’ve always received help from her. When she smiles, the corners of her lip curl up and it’s so cute (LOL).
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Haruhi Urara
Stage debut: 2011
Nickname: Urara, Yukari
Looks like or said to look like: Moomin
I’ve entered the revue for 12 years. Be pure, proper, and beautiful. And also be cheerful ☺️ I will continue to work hard. Please take care of me 🌸
My favourite: On the first day of the rehearsal for “Paris in the Winter Fog”, I took a photo with 3 of our classmates. “It’s the 3 of us~” “How should we take it~?”. This is a favourite photo while we were discussing the poses 💓
from Maizuki Nagisa 
U-chan is always full of a radiance, a clarity and a gentle vibe✨ She’s very calm but also is a wonderful musumeyaku with a strong foundation ♡
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Shizuno Megumi
Stage debut: 2021
Nickname: Sacchii, Sacchan
Looks like or said to look like: Amabie
I am Shizuno Megumi. I love singing! I look forward to becoming a musumeyaku with a musumeyaku-like style. Please take care of me ✨
My favourite: My favourite sisters ♡ My youngest sister is 10 years younger than me, she’s as a cute as a doll ♡ We are very close sisters that never argue ☺️
from Sakura Saki
With a pure and honest haeart, she’s someone with a beautiful voice that you could hear anywhere! Her clear eyes captivate the audience’s hearts that you can’t take your eyes off her!
Megumi taidanned as of today, May 23rd 2023.
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raphaelly · 6 months
End of Year Zuka Tag 2023 Part 2
3. Never Say Goodbye: Which taidansha did you find the hardest for you to say goodbye to this year? 
Timewise, the first one has to be Kazumi Shou's taidan... she was one of hanagumi's best singers, both mature and cool on stage, and she brought something truly special by her presence alone. Her taidan role in Singing Loverbirds was perfect though and her funny and touching dynamic with Hoshikaze Madoka was imo the highlight of the show!
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The second one was Arisa Hitomi's, I was wishing she'd stay forever 😭 Unparalleled voice, amazing acting, and a genuinely sweet personality, it's just impossible not to love Kuracchi. She was one of those non top musumes the company allowed to shine and she truly felt like a star. To hear her sing that solo as Marie Antoinette in 1789 made me a tear up for real...
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4. Material Girl: Favourite piece of merch (most treasured Takarazuka thing you have bought yourself this year, OR if you didn’t buy anything this year, a piece of merch that is on your wish list)
I have very little merch dfjhv but this year was the first year I bought stills and bromides from QR! It took more than 2 months to arrive lmao but I'm still so happy to have all these high quality pics of my faves. And for christmas I treated myself to Madoka's photobook, it should hopefully be on its way now 👀
5. Mon Paris: Did you discover a new fav show that was not from this year? (This can be any fav show that you saw for the first time this year that was released before 2022)
I must have discovered a bunch of older shows but the one that stood out to me the most was Never Say Goodbye (2006). The Spanish Civil War and fascism at large are difficult topics, especially for a company like Takarazuka that doesn't have the best track record when it comes to handling these issues with care when so much revolves around making siennes look cool, no matter what they play. But NSG felt spot on for me. Without making any sienne play any fascist, it managed to portray the importance of resistance against fascism while still showing the difficulties of organising armed resistance without (too much) infighting. Also Wildhorn has never not made a banger, all the songs slap.
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6. Wings of the Heart: Favourite fandom memory (this could be a fun stream experience, going to the theatre with friends, all collectively freaking out about something together, anything really!)
Most probably the first (and only so far) international-friendly livestream we've had on BeyondLive for James Bond. The excitment was palpable lol and personally I was so happy to have any "official" subs at all, even if of so-so quality. They gave us some top tier memes and memories, plus the general emotions of seing Makaze Suzuho and Jun Hana taidan (my first top combi taidan!), I was happy to be a fan that day and to have this community.
7. The Final Dance (Saigo no Dansu): What was your favourite duedan of the year?
Frozen Holiday, hands down. Ayakaze Sakina and Yumeshiro Aya, and other pairs, dancing while Howl's Moving Castle's theme plays in the background, it feels magical. And with the news of saki taidanning on the next GT, it's now even more important to me.
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zukadiary · 7 months
Oshidori Utagassen / GRAND MIRAGE! ~ Flower 2023
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Ft. one of my ticket cases :D
If seeing Tsukigumi was like stepping through a portal, seeing Hanagumi was like seeing Takarazuka for the first time. My last live Hanagumi was (checks notes) uhhh... Casanova. And with the exception of a Nice Work stream that I half paid attention to, Casanova is kinda also the last Hanagumi I saw, period. Oshidori had exactly one person in common with the visible cast of Casanova, and it was Rei. So here's my unbelievably fresh eyes take!
No one is evil and no one dies!! 😭 This is a rakugo-inspired comedy based on an old movie that is readily available with English subs on YouTube, and I'd recommend watching it!
Oharu (Hoshikaze Madoka) is the daughter of Shimura Kyousai (Kazumi Shou), a rōnin turned umbrella maker. She is in love with another rōnin, Asai Reisaburou (Yuzuka Rei), who lives next door and teaches sword work to the local children, but he is being pursued by two of the town beauties, Otomi (Hoshizora Misaki) and Fujio (Mihane Ai). To make things even more difficult for Oharu, her father is obsessed with antiques, buying them even though he has little money and even when most of them eventually turn out to be fakes. A mistake puts him deeply in debt to the local lord, Minezawa Tanba-no-kami (Towaki Sea), and he is confronted with having to sell Oharu in order to pay it off. It turns out that Reisaburou, who prefers Oharu to the other two, is in possession of an extremely valuable antique; he was found with it in his basket when he was abandoned as an infant, and this means he's also the long lost oldest son of the Minezawa noble family. Everyone lives happily ever after!
Koyanagi-sensei is really the holy grail of Takarazuka in-house directors right now, in my humble opinion. This was such a good choice of adaptation, and her nihonmono comedy are always so fun and accessible. I was, frankly, jealous watching this; since I'm currently the least familiar with Hanagumi, I coveted it for my faves. But poor Rei has had quite a marred top star run (mostly due to COVID), and I'm glad she got a nearly complete run of such a fun show.
That said, Asai was unfortunately the least exciting character. This is definitely personal preference, but I don't really get fired up by the cool, quiet, aloof, handsome type in a lighthearted show, unless he's also the butt of jokes a la Daimon in Bakumatsu Taiyouden. I find Rei the most appealing in dynamic, dance-heavy performances, and Asai as a character was just too one-note for me.
OHARU, on the other hand...
Madoka will retire from Takarazuka, probably into a prolific stage career (if she wants it), and be remembered for/cast based on her high profile roles like Tess Ocean, Anastasia, and Elisabeth (shinko but still). If I were queen of the world I'd insist she be remembered for Oharu. Sometimes you watch so much Takarazuka you get the performance equivalent of nose blindness, and then out of nowhere, something like a Western guest director will jolt you awake and make you ask yourself, "What's different about this??" Madoka made an atypical acting choice! She did a weird voice! She was funny! She was adorable and charming! She stole the whole show, honestly.
Hitoko, my love. Last time I was in Japan, PRxPrince was in bow hall while On the 20th Century was in Shibuya, and I opted for OTTC, thus missing out on Hitoko entirely during that trip. That makes the last time I saw her live on stage friggin' Gaisenmon. That seems SO IMPROBABLE, but it's true. In that time, we went from MUCH too long-awaited first solo bow lead to ripe and ready for top stardom. Hitoko has a chameleon power that I think is pretty unique in Takarazuka; not only does she disappear into roles (positive), but also I truly think she could thrive in any troupe with little difficulty, and seem like she was there forever. As salty as I still am that she was stolen out from under me, she's the weft to Hanagumi's warp. Tanba-no-Kami was so fun and silly. I love finding out which new and different Hitoko I'm going to get each time, and I hope there are many many more variations to come (can't wait for Gekijou).
Other highlights:
VERY juicy (albeit old man) taidan role for Kazumi Shou. Dad is a big supporting character and she has a lot of stage time.
Shimon's presence is healing
Last time I saw Hanagumi, Mihane Ai was an unnamed ken-2 and Hoshizora Misaki was an unsorted rockette in Ocean's 11. It was funny to see the two apparent contenders for next top musumeyaku competing with the current top musumeyaku for the top star's heart. Since Hoshizora snagged the tour lead it sure seems like she's the front runner, but I have to say I personally preferred Mihane!
The curtain went up on those pastel dresses and oversized bonnets and I just giggled to myself. It was Okada-sensei alright! Especially after the fresh delight that was Kaleidoscope, it was disappointing to go back to yet another pandemic-era revue that left me struggling to remember what any of the scenes were. It was classic, and if you're both into that style and a Hanagumi fan I'm sure there were memorable moments. To me it felt like Citrus Breeze if you sucked all the nostalgia out of it.
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jimatrash · 2 years
-TRANSLATION- Hanagumi Questionnaire (No. 1 Ranking in…)
Translation is from: The Takarazuka 8 Hanagumi Special.
Translation for Madoka’s part >3 
My Japanese is not the best so, sorry if there are any errors (most likely there are…). If you are willing to correct my translation, then feel free to DM me~
(*) Marks my thoughts haha.
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-No. 1 In being Spicy (Food) Lovers-
1. Hoshikaze Madoka: 28 votes
2. Mikaze Maira: 7 votes
3. Kazumi Shou: 6 votes
 It was surprising to be chosen as first. I was wondering why everyone knows that I love spicy food? But they said, “You wrote about it in the Otome.” …I did write it (laughs).
 I like chili peppers, so I use Tabasco, Schichimi (Common Japanese Spice Mix that has 7 ingredients), Ichimi (Red Chili Pepper Powder), Chili Oil, and a lot more chili peppers that go well with my meals – It depends on the menu, but if it’s pasta, then Tabasco, of course. I pour a lot of it on, and while eating I say “Delicious! Spicy! Delicious!”.
But it seems like the acidity Tabasco has is so strong that if you put it on a rusty 10-Yen coin, It will become shiny… When I was a child, I was told that it would cause a hole in my stomach (laughs).
Sometimes I cook my own Sundubu (Korean Soft/Silken Tofu Stew), The ready-made ones aren’t spicy enough, so I buy ingredients to make authentic Sundubu. *That’s spicy enough for her hshs*
During performances, I try not to eat (spicy food) because I care about my throat. So, I feel like eating a lot more after the senshuuraku (Final performance) and before holidays. So, spicy rice is a reward for me (laughs).
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Can we please have a group hug?
Ultimate personas (all protagonists ): Of course we can hug" The group hugged Lego 13 fan.
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] KingLEAR&MACBETH2021
the show  will be running from August 5th, 2022 to August 14th, 2022 (Tokyo) @ ニッショーホール (Nissho Hall)
Yokouchi Tadashi Ikegami Kimiko Hiki Rie Nakajima Saki Gouda Masashi Katou Rai Miyamoto Taisei Chiba Kazuomi Sasaki Masahiro Inoue Kazuma Matsumura Ryuunosuke Seto Keita Higano Shou Doi Kazumi Yamane Riki Midou Kouhei Shiomi Yuuki Koyama Akito Uba Hiroshi Nomoto Hiroshi Shimojou Atomu Kobayashi Katsuya
homepage natalie
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[January] J-Actors Birthday Calendar
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♪ January 1st
◎ Harashima Motohisa 原嶋元久 1993
◎ Mizuishi Atomu 水石亜飛夢 1996
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♪ January 2nd
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♪ January 3rd
◎ Shiono Akihisa 塩野瑛久 1995
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♪ January 4th
◎ Kanda Masakazu 神田聖司 1994
◎ Wada Takuma 和田琢磨 1986
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♪ January 5th
◎ Hayashino Takeshi 林野健志 1980
◎ Koike Teppei 小池徹平 1986
◎ Mashiko Atsuki 増子敦貴 2000
◎ Murakami Kisuke 村上貴亮 1995
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♪ January 6th
◎ Akira 瑛 1997
◎ Kizu Tsubasa 木津つばさ 1998
◎ Matsumura Yuu 松村優
◎ Momiki Yoshito 籾木芳仁 1992
◎ Tanaka Suguru 田中精 1977
◎ Yokoo Rui 横尾瑠尉 1984
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♪ January 7th
◎ Ishiwatari Mashuu 石渡真修 1993
◎ Kashiwagi Souta 柏木湊太 1995
◎ Okamoto Yuuki 岡本悠紀 1989
◎ Shindou Gaku 進藤学 1980
◎ Tomita Shou 富田翔 1982
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♪ January 8th
◎ Kazunari 和成 1989
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♪ January 9th
◎ Imari Yuu 伊万里有 1988
◎ Oosumi Yuuta 大隅勇太 1995
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♪ January 10th
◎ Ishiguro Hideo 石黒英雄 1989
◎ Kiyama Haruki 丘山晴己 1985
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♪ January 11th
◎ Akazawa Ryoutarou 赤澤遼太郎 1997
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♪ January 12th
◎ Iwata Tomoki 岩田知樹 1996
◎ Kubota Hidetoshi 久保田秀敏 1987
◎ Tsujimoto Yuuki 辻本祐樹 1985
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♪ January 13th
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♪ January 14th
◎ Fuchino Yuuto 渕野右登 1995
◎ Hashimoto Atsushi 橋本淳 1987
◎ Takeda Kouhei 武田航平 1986
◎ Tamaki Hiroshi 玉木宏 1980
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♪ January 15th
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♪ January 16th
◎ Ichichi Raito 伊地智頼統 2000
◎ Jinnai Shou 陳内将 1988
◎ Utsumi Akiyoshi 内海啓貴 1995
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♪ January 17th
◎ Izaki Ryuujirou 伊崎龍次郎 1994
◎ Kanshuuji Reo 勧修寺玲旺 1998
◎ Niihara Takeshi 新原武 1981
◎ Satou Ryuuji 佐藤流司 1995
◎ Takamatsu Kouichi 鷹松宏一 1991
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♪ January 18th
◎ Ayukawa Taiyou 鮎川太陽 1991
◎ Yamagiwa Kaito 山際海斗 1995
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♪ January 19th
◎ Higano Shou 日向野祥 1991
◎ Oota Motohiro 太田基裕 1987
◎ Watanabe Aoto 渡辺��斗 1998
◎ Yamamoto Yuusuke 山���裕典 1988 
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♪ January 20th 
◎ Doi Kazumi 土井一海 1989
◎ Kubodera Akira 窪寺昭 1977
◎ Yanagihara Rin 柳原凛 1995
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♪ January 21st
◎ Miyamoto Hidemitsu 宮元英光 1992
◎ Suzuki Youta 鈴木遥太 2000
◎ Sonomura Masashi 園村将司 1998
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♪ January 22nd
◎ Nagata Akira 永田彬 1985
◎ Nukanobu Taishuu 糠信泰州 1998
◎ Sano Daiki 佐野大樹 1979
◎ Toda Shingo 戸田慎吾 1988
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♪ January 23rd
◎ Sawada Takurou 澤田拓郎 1993
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♪ January 24th
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♪ January 25th 
◎ Kitamura Ryou 北村諒 1991
◎ Kishi Kouhei 貴志晃平 1998
◎ Miyazaki Yuu 宮崎湧 1995
◎ Ozawa Ryouta 小澤亮太 1988
◎ Sugawara Takuma 菅原卓磨 1978
◎ Yamaki Toru 山木透 1995
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♪ January 26th
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♪ January 27th
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♪ January 28th
◎ Itagaki Rihito 板垣李光人 2002
◎ Katou Ken 加藤健 1997
◎ Sakamoto Kota 坂本康太 1992
◎ Yokoi Shoujirou 横井翔二郎 1991
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♪ January 29th
◎ Kaji Masaki 加治将樹 1988
◎ Mende Tomoyuki 免出知之 1985
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♪ January 30th
◎ Ara Kazuharu 荒一陽 1995
◎ Imagawa Aoi 今川碧海 1999
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♪ January 31st
◎ Igarashi Maasa 五十嵐麻朝 1985
◎ Kimisawa Yuuki 君沢ユウキ 1985
◎ Mayama Akihiro 真山明大 1988
◎ Tarumi Keisuke 夛留見啓助 1987
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loucifieri · 6 years
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So I ended up drawing the rest of the v3 kids with their fam members/ important people and naming them (based off the canon) after I drew Kaede’s twin haha gdi.....
NDRV3 HPA AU Character Design Masterlist here and background information here
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Kaede’s twin: Akamatsu Shikimi Shikimi goes to Hope’s Peak Academy as a Reserve Course student. More easygoing but just as firm and assertive as her sister. Despite being mistaken as Kaede frequently in public, she doesn’t despise her twin, even going as far as pretending to her so Kaede can take a break from the limelight. Can play the piano (as well as guitar and violin) but only at a beginner level.
Rantaro’s 2/12 sisters: Amami Youko (2nd child), Amami Misaki (1st child, 3rd partner) Youko is Rantaro’s only full sibling. She attend’s Hope’s Pass High School, Rantaro’s old high school prior to being scouted. More mature than her older bro; has a no-nonsense attitude and quite studious. Easily annoyed by Rantaro’s childish antics but worries about him a lot whenever he travels. Misaki looks up to Rantaro a lot and strongly considers him a role model. She tags along with him frequently, except during his travels and is up to date with his vlogs. She is currently in 4th grade.
Shuichi’s Uncle: Saihara Yoshio Yoshio is the younger brother of Shuichi’s father. He takes in Shuichi after his brother and his wife move overseas, leaving their son to his care. He is a private investigator of a small detective firm, and takes Shuichi as his assistant. He lets Shuichi read confidential case files and would indulge him with a meal of donuts and hot chocolate on some afternoons.
Kaito’s grandparents: Momota Shou, Momota Asuka Shou and Asuka are the parents of Kaito’s father. Kaito was left to their care when his parents died in a tragic car accident. They have a tree house in their backyard where Kaito usually played as a child and Shou would often take Kaito to an open field to stargaze at night. They were quite traditional in their beliefs, and Kaito unconsciously absorbed some of their patriarchal views.
Maki’s favorite (in the orphanage): Shimizu Reika Reika is timid and shy, and mostly didn’t play with the other kids in the orphanage. She would often trail Maki whenever she had errands, and liked clinging to her. She aspires to be a “responsible big sister” like Maki to the other kids, doing her best to conquer her social anxieties. Maki initially disliked Reika’s clinginess, but eventually develops a soft spot for her (since she was mostly well-behaved anyway).
Korekiyo’s older sister: Shinguji Miyadera Miyadera is frail and sickly. Fearful of her short lifespan, she spoils her younger brother to no end. She would frequently visit Hope’s Peak to bring him food, random knick knacks or relics she manages to get a hold of. She would often message him to ask about his well-being, which sometimes irritate Kiyo but he lets his sister be. The siblings care for each other greatly (but not to the point that it becomes incestuous).
Kokichi’s organization D.I.C.E: names confidential A group of pranksters led by Kokichi. After being alienated from his family, he forms this ragtag group of outcasts to commit trivial crimes such as harmless pranks, vandalism and petty theft. They are basically a family unit to him.
Tenko’s Aikido master: Maeda Hikaru After the death of Tenko’s mother (at the hands of own father), Tenko was adopted by Hikaru, who is a good friend of her mother’s. Hikaru owns a dojo and trains Tenko with aikido. They invent a variation of aikido that they subsequently dubbed “Neo Aikido.” Hikaru has spent most of her life in a loveless rut, and she channels her bitterness with preaching to Tenko her biased views on men. Coupled with Tenko’s bad experience with her father, she develops a close-minded negative perception of men.
Kirumi’s mother: Tojo Kazumi Kazumi is a single mother, and doesn’t actually know who Kirumi’s father is. She had been completely drunk one night at a college party, and was too inebriated to notice she’d been having sex with a man. Her girlfriend subsequently left her while her family disowned her when she decided to keep the baby. She worked hard to be able to provide for Kirumi, taking up small part-time jobs apart from a day job during her early-twenties to her late-twenties. This inspired Kirumi to take a part time job when she was old enough. Currently, she works in a bookstore.
Angie’s late grandfather: Yonaga Arell Arell took care of Angie when her parents left the island to find jobs overseas and have not returned ever since. He teaches Angie obscure traditions of their island and the religion of Atua. An artist himself, he teaches Angie how to do visual art and sculpture, even teaching her how to apply incantations to her works of art. His eccentric way of speaking was picked up by Angie. Arell contracts a deadly disease when Angie was 9 years old, and unfortunately dies after 2 years.
Tsumugi’s little brother: Shirogane Takumi Despite sharing a lot of interests with her sister (video games and anime), Takumi teases his older sister a lot. He would also often bother Tsumugi when she is sewing a costume. Their parents are often too busy at work, and with his sister’s shut-in personality, Takumi feels lonely. He secretly admires his sister for her geeky attitude and talent for making beautiful cosplays. Tsumugi finds him annoying, but nevertheless pampers him when she has time. She would also try to dress him up, even in girl’s clothings and he doesn’t mind.
Himiko’s mother: Yumeno Chiyoko Chiyoko used to be a Magician’s assistant. Now, she works as a stage director while her husband works as a stuntman. She is very outgoing and bubbly. She would always recount how her day went during dinnertime with her family. During weekends, she likes taking Himiko out for a day at the park, or watch movies. Himiko is very close with her mother as she often brings her up in conversations, although she dreads being affectionate with her in public.
Keebo’s father: Iidabashi Manabu Prof. Iidabashi is a talented robotics engineer of Future Foundation. He fathered Keebo with one of his former subordinates, who left the organization after leaving him Keebo upon his birth. Not wanting to be an absentee father since his job eats up a lot of time, Manabu homeschools Keebo until he was enrolled to Hope’s Peak, bringing him along whenever he reported to his office. He is quite overprotective of his son and is very quick to defend him.
Miu’s estranged (real) father: Keane Bellerose Keane was a French tourist visiting Japan that had a brief affair with Miu’s mother. He lost contact with the mother after leaving Japan, and never knew he fathered a child. Being an illegitimate child, Miu’s stepfather mostly neglects her while her mother is mostly away from home. Keane eventually learns about his daughter and attempts to reconnect with her.
Ryoma’s family cat: Sunny A turkish calico, named after the same breed in the game Neko Atsume. Along with Ryoma, they are the only survivors of the massacre that claimed the lives of Ryoma’s parents, two siblings and an aunt.
Gonta’s wolf family They’re wolves, Harold.
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trollsarenotwelcome · 5 years
Official Super Sentai Birthdates/Ages
This information was gathered by using the Japanese Wikipedia, the English Wikipedia, and the Power Rangers Wiki. The ages apply to when a character was first introduced and it all goes back into the Showa Era. Let me know if you want more info added or if you want me to @ you.
Hiromu Sakurada - November 29, 1991
Ryuu Tendou - May 10, 1965
Ryuuji Iwasaki - January 15, 1984
Sena Hayami - July 7, 1998
Youko Usami - August 5, 1995
Akira Shinmei - September 8 (25)
Champ - January 23 (40)
Daita Ouiwa - July 15 (23)
Garu - September 6 (35)
Hammie - September 1 (18)
Kenji Asuka - March 8 (17)
Kotarou Sakuma - May 5 (13)
Lucky - July 7 (20)
Naga Ray - July 4 (21)
Peggy Matsuyama - December 16 (18)
Raptor 283 - February 8 (25)
Shou Ronpou - September 9 (40)
Spada - May 9 (28)
Stinger - November 11 (24)
Tsurugi Outori - October 31 (~130)
Tsuyoshi Kaijou - April 4 (24)
Masato Jin - 1972
Agri - 21
Akira - 16
Ako Hayasaka - 18
Alata - 22
Ami Yuuzuki - 18
Asuna - 209
Ayase - 22
Boi - 15
Bun - 20
Burai - 32
Chisato Jougasaki - 18
Balance - 300
Dai - 22
Daigo - 24
Daigo Kiryuu - 20
Daimon Tatsumi - 21
Dan - 19
Domon - 22
Eiji Takaoka - 24
Eri - 22
Fumiya Hoshikawa - 20
Fuuka Igasaki - 17
Gai Yuuki - 25
Gaku Hoshikawa - 27
Gaku Washio - 23
Geki - 24
Gorou Hoshino - 25
Gouki - 22
Goushi - 27
Haruka - 20
Hayate - 22
Hikari - 10 (mentally)
Hikaru - 17
Hikaru Katsuragi - 20
Hiryuu Tsurugi - 24
Hokuto Dan - 22
Houka Ozu - 22
Hyde - 23
Hyuuga - 27
Ian Yorkland - 23
Jin - 23
Jiraiya - 20
Jou Ouhara - 20
Jun Yabuki - 19
Junichi Aikawa - 17
Juri Nijou - 22
Kagura - 10 (mentally)
Kai Ozu - 17
*Kai Samezu - 19
Kairi Yano - 19
Kaori Rokumeikan - 22
Kasumi Momochi - 19
Kazu - 20
Kazumi Hoshikawa - 23
Ken Hoshikawa - 25
Kenta - 21
Kenta Date - 18
Kinji Takigawa - 22
Koh - 209
Kou - 9
Kouichirou Endou - 19
Kousaku Nangou - 20
Kouta Bitou - 20
Kyousuke Jinnai - 23
Lou - 20
Mai Tsubasa - 20
Makito Ozu - 24
Masumi Inou - 21
Matoi Tatsumi - 24
Matsuri Tatsumi - 20
Megumi Misaki - 20
Mei - 18
Melt - 209
Miku Imamura - 18
Minoru Uesugi - 24
Mio - 10 (mentally)
Misao Mondou - 23
Momo Maruo - 20
Momoko - 19
Moune - 17
Nagare Tatsumi - 23
Nagi Matsuo - 16
Nanami Nono - 18
Naoki Domon - 17
Natsuki Mamiya - 19
Natsumi Shinohara - 19
Noël Takao - 26
Nobuharu Udou - 32
Raita Oushi - 22
Ranru Itsuki - 20
Rei Tachibana - 18
Remi Hoshikawa - 20
Right - 10 (mentally)
Rin - 20
Ryou - 23
Ryouga Hakua - 22
Ryouma - 22
Ryuu Hoshikawa - 22
Ryuuta Nanbara - 18
Sae Taiga - 17
Saizou - 22
Sakura Nishihori - 22
Sara - 20
Sasuke - 26
Satoru Akashi - 24
Saya - 17
Sayaka Nagisa - 20
Sayo Ouharu - 23
Seikai - 24
Shiguru Oshikiri - 24
Shingo Takasugi - 23
Shirogane - 1,062
Shirou Gou - 24
Shou Hayate - 23
Shou Tatsumi - 22
Shouhei Yokkaichi - 27
Shouji - 19
Shun Namiki - 18
Sion - 17
Souji Rippukan - 16
Souta Mogami - 23
Soutarou Ushigome - 22
Sungel - 500
Takaharu Igasaki - 20
Takeru - 23
Tametomo Imizu - 21
Tatsuya Asami - 22
Tetsuya Yano - 19
Tokachi - 10 (mentally)
Touma Yoimachi - 24
Tsuruhime - 15
Umika Hayami - 18
Urara Ozu - 20
Utsusemimaru - 29
Yakumo Katou - 19
Youko Yagami - 19
Yousuke Shiina - 19
Yousuke Shima - 18
Yusuke Amamiya - 21
Yuuji Mita - 21
Yukito Sanjou - 21
Yuuma Ouzora - 20
Yuuri - 21
Yuusaku Hayakawa - 25
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mateushonrado · 5 years
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Status Post #8045: Super Sentai 1-100
Row 1 - Goranger [Akaranger (Red): Tsuyoshi Kaijo (Naoya Makoto), Aoranger (Blue): Akira Shimnei (Hiroshi Miyauchi), Kiranger (Yellow): Daita Oiwa (Baku Hatakeyama), Momoranger (Pink): Peggy Matsuyama (Lisa Komaki) and Midoranger (Green): Kenji Asuka (Yukio Itou)] and JAKQ [Spade Ace (Red): Goro Sakurai (Yoshitaka Tanba), Dia Jack (Blue): Ryu Higashi (Tairayama Itou), Heart Queen (Pink): Karen Mizuki (Mitchi Love), Clover King (Green): Bunta Daichi (Yuusuke Kazato) and Big One (White): Sokichi Banba (Hiroshi Miyauchi)]
Row 2 - Battle Fever J [Battle Japan (Red): Masao Den (Hironori Tanioka), Battle France (Blue): Kyousuke Shida (Yuuhei Kurachi), Battle Cossack (Orange): Makoto Jin (Naoya Ban), Battle Kenya (Black): Shirou Akebono (Kenji Ohba) and Miss America (Pink): Maria Nagisa (Naomi Hagi)] and Denjiman [Denji Red: Ippei Akagi (Shinichi Yuuki), Denji Blue: Daigoro Oume (Kenji Ohba), Denji Yellow: Jun Kiyama (Eiichi Tsuyama), Denji Green: Tatsuya Midorikawa (Naoya Uchida) and Denji Pink: Akira Momoi (Akira Koizumi)]
Row 3 - Sun Vulcan [Vul Eagle (Red): Takayuki Hiba (Takayuki Godai), Vul Shark (Blue): Kin'ya Samejima (Kin'ya Sugi) and Vul Panther (Yellow): Asao Hyou (Asao Kobayashi)], Goggle-V [Goggle Red: Kenichi Akama (Ryouji Akagi), Goggle Black: Kanpei Kuroda (Jyunichi Haruta), Goggle Blue: Saburo Aoyama (Shigeki Ishii), Goggle Yellow: Futoshi Kijima (Sanpei Godai) and Goggle Pink: Miki Momozono (Megumi Ogawa)] and Dynaman (Red and Black) [Dyna Red: Hokuto Dan (Satoshi Okita) and Dyna Black: Ryuu Hoshikawa (Jyunchi Haruta)]
Row 4 - Dynaman (Blue, Yellow and Pink) [Dyna Blue: Yousuke Shima (Kouji Unogi), Dyna Yellow: Kousaku Nangou (Yuu Tokita) and Dyna Pink: Rei Tachibana (Sayoko Hagiwara)], Bioman [Red One: Shirou Gou (Ryosuke Sakamoto), Green Two: Shingo Takasugi (Naoto Ota), Blue Three: Ryuuta Nanbara (Akita Osuga), Yellow Four: Jun Yabuki (Sumiko Tanaka) and Pink Five: Hikaru Katsuragi (Michiko Makino)] and Changeman (Red and Black) [Change Dragon (Red): Hiryu Tsurugi (Haruki Hamada) and Change Griffin (Black): Shou Hayate (Kazuoki Takahashi)]
Row 5 - Changeman (Blue, White and Pink) [Change Pegasus (Blue): Yuma Ozora (Shiro Izumi), Change Mermaid (White): Sayaka Nagisa (Hiroko Nishimoto) and Change Phoenix (Pink): Mai Tsubasa (Mai Ooishi)], Flashman [Red Flash: Jin (Touta Tarumi), Green Flash: Dai (Kihachiro Uemura), Blue Flash: Bun (Yasuhiro Ishiwata), Yellow Flash: Sara Tokimura (Youko Nakamura) and Pink Flash: Lou (Mayumi Yoshida)] and Maskman (Red and Black) [Red Mask: Takeru (Ryousuke Kaizu) and Black Mask: Kenta (Koichi Kusakari)]
Row 6 - Maskman (Blue, Yellow and Pink) [Blue Mask: Akira (Issei Hirota), Yellow Mask: Haruka (Yuki Nagata) and Pink Mask: Momoko (Kanako Maeda)], Liveman [Red Falcon: Yuusuke Amamiya (Daisuke Shima), Yellow Lion: Joh Ohara (Kazuhiko Nishimura), Blue Dolphin: Megumi Misaki (Megumi Mori), Black Bison: Tetsuya Yano (Seirou Yamaguchi) and Green Sai: Jun'ichi Aikawa (Jin Kawamoto)] and Turboranger (Red and Black) [Red Turbo: Riki Honoo (Kenta Satou) and Black Turbo: Daichi Yamagata (Fumiaki Ganaha)]
Row 7 - Turboranger (Blue, Yellow and Pink) [Blue Turbo: Youhei Hama (Keiya Asakura), Yellow Turbo: Shunsuke Hino (Junichiro Katagiri) and Pink Turbo: Haruna Morikawa (Yoshiko Iwaya)], Fiveman [Five Red: Gaku Hoshikawa (Toshiya Fuji), Five Blue: Ken Hoshikawa (Kei Sindachiya), Five Black: Fumiya Hoshikawa (Ryohei Kobayashi), Five Pink: Kazumi Hoshikawa (Kazuko Miyata) and Five Yellow: Remi Hoshikawa (Ryo Narushima)] and Jetman (Red and Black) [Red Hawk: Ryu Tendo (Kotaro Tanaka) and Black Condor: Gai Yuki (Toshihide Wakamatsu)]
Row 8 - Jetman (Yellow, White and Blue) [Yellow Owl: Raita Ooishi (Tomihisa Naruse), White Swan: Kaori Rokumeikan (Rika Kishida) and Blue Swallow: Ako Hayasaka (Sayuri Uchida)], Zyuranger [Tyranno Ranger (Red): Geki (Yuta Mochizuki), Mammoth Ranger (Black): Goushi (Seiju Umon), Tricera Ranger (Blue): Dan (Hideki Fujiwara), Tiger Ranger (Yellow): Boi (Takumi Hashimoto), Ptera Ranger (Pink): Mei (Reiko Chiba) and Dragon Ranger (Green): Burai (Shiro Izumi)] and Dairanger (Red) [Ryuu Ranger (Red): Ryo (Keiichi Wada)]
Row 9 - Dairanger (Green, Blue, Yellow, Pink and White) [Shishi Ranger (Green): Daigo (Tatsuya Nomi), Tenma Ranger (Blue): Shoji (Ei Hamura), Kirin Ranger (Yellow): Kazu (Keisuke Tsuchiya), Houou Ranger (Pink): Lin (Natsuki Takahashi) and Kiba Ranger (White): Kou (Hisashi Sakai)] and Kakuranger [Ninja Red: Sasuke (Teruaki Ogawa), Ninja White: Tsuruhime (Satomi Hirose), Ninja Blue: Saizou (Hiroshi Tsuchida), Ninja Yellow: Seikai (Shu Kawai) and Ninja Black: Jiraiya (Kane Kosugi)]
Row 10 - Kakuranger (Navy) [Extra Hero (Navy): Ninjaman (Hideaki Kusaka, voiced by Kazuki Yao)], Ohranger [Oh Red: Goro Hoshino (Masaru Shishido), Oh Green: Shouhei Yokkaichi (Kunio Masaoka), Oh Blue: Yuji Mita (Masashi Goda), Oh Yellow: Juri Nijou (Ayumi Aso), Oh Pink: Momo Maruo (Tamao Sato) and King Ranger (Black): Riki (Shoji Yamaguchi)] and Carranger (Red, Blue and Green) [Red Racer: Kyosuke Jinnai (Yuji Kishi), Blue Racer: Naoki Domon (Yoshihiro Masujima) and Green Racer: Minoru Uesugi (Yoshihiro Fukuda)]
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yuzukahibiscus · 1 year
のせ様’s (No-se-sama) Documented Events (January 2023)
(Note: This was taken from “Eto-Bun” (えと文) section in January Kageki 2023. Eto-Bun is a section written by a particular sienne in each troupe to share some little stories about them or about their troupe every three months. In this cycle of January-March, Ichinose Kouki is the one writing for Flower Troupe. And I thought, why not drabble and translate a little to see what Hanako* has for us!) *Hanako is her nickname as mentioned in OTOME, a biography of all siennes in Takarazuka.
A little introduction to Ichinose Kouki for those who are unfamiliar with her.
Ichinose Kouki・一之瀬航季
Entered the Revue in 2014 as the 100th class. Her favourite roles include Oswald Vickers for "A Fairy Tale” newcomers’ performance. She was originally going to have a newcomers’ performance lead for “Haikara-san: Here Comes Miss Modern” in 2020 but it was cancelled due to the pandemic. Nevertheless, she went on Yuzuka Rei’s “Lock-On” Episode as a guest to talk about what she learnt from Rei, being Rei’s first “shinko kid” since she became Top Star. Later on in 2022, she starred in the Bow Workshop “Junjou” (or Complete Devotion) alongside with Mihane Ai as her partner. She also previously joined Minami Maito in her CAST side-A and was one of the members of Flor5. She will be performing with Minami Maito in her “One and Only” dinner show, also the final performance for Minami Maito as a Flower Troupe member before transferring to Senka.
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Hey everyone! Have you being doing well?
I am Ichinose Kouki who’s here on “Eto-Bun” for the first time! “のせ様’s Documented Events” will be the title of this time’s “Eto-Bun” corner. The parent for titling the name is my douki Honoka (Seino) ✨
Readers like you may think, “Eh!? Isn’t Ichinose’s nickname Hanako”...!
Actually, underclassmen do call me “のせ様”~. Hahaha. In Flower Troupe, we call (OG Marika Yume-san) as “Yume-sama”, (Kazumi-san) as “Shii-sama” and others by adding “-sama” to their nickname... how cool is that✨ I also want to live up cool like that! So when given this opportunity of writing for “Eto-Bun”, I have the strategy to induce the underclassmen to start calling me “のせ様” lol.
In these 3 months, I’ll be updating everyone a lot about the charms and updates of our Flower Troupe friends.
Please look forward ☘️
🌻 Intimidating “KAGEKI”
So now, now. Let’s commemorate this as my first entry!
As I start writing, I researched more about “Eto-Bun”... “Eto-Bun” has been a general corner in “Kageki” from the time of! Showa Year 43 (1968).
“What...half a century ago!?” I was surprised.
For reference, once again I opened up the “KAGEKI”s I have at my home again and when I opened the portrait photo, the thing I immediately saw was...
“Yuzuka-san is so cool! The best!”
“This angle is nice✨“
“Hey! My douki looks great too😍”
And it was so fun reading it that this time I didn’t quite want to turn the next page yet. There’s the roundtable discussion, backstage notes. Sometimes I realised there would be new corners and I familiarised myself in reading several of these (“KAGEKI”) books. And very quickly, time passed. Lol.
Has everyone had such experience before!?
I’d say this is why the charm of “KAGEKI” is intimidating.
🌻 Flower Troupe University・Starts School!
As we’re embracing the New Year in the Grand Theatre, now Flower Troupe’s in the middle of rehearsals, but actually from the start, we were arranged with quite an irregular rehearsal pattern.
To trace back the events, this happened in the next day after meeting day (*shuugobi; the day when rehearsals of performances start). As we entered the rehearsal classroom, it was like entering a school. In front of the large white board, there were long desks and long chairs aside each other. Sensei was in her seat and holding a mic, all was readily prepared...How would this start!? We thought as we stay seated. Then Koyanagi-sensei (*director of “Mayerling”) said this.
"Everyone, have you learned the way of speaking Japanese?😁”
For me, I had Japanese lessons, but was not taught specifically the way of speaking it. Then Koyanagi-sensei continued to say, “even for English, when you are admitted into the overseas drama schools, the first thing is to directly learn about the way of speaking for your mother tongue”.
Oh...! So on that day Koyanagi-sensei prepared for us Flower Troupe members a special “Acting Enhancement Lesson Club”✨! What kind of theatrical troupe is Takarazuka like? What does an actress do? She asked us many of these foundational questions...and then started picking siennes to answer🤣 lol.  Then when it comes to the situational acting class, Aoki Tsukasa was given the role of a rock singer character and Hoshikaze had to play her fan and it was a lot of fun. From the Top-san to the most junior underclassmen we’re all given an opportunity to play this, so it was exciting from start to finish...!
When we Flower Troupe members were having these lessons, it really felt like a framed memory of our school life. In a day of these lessons, (we’d be asked) “What is Takarazuka? What is a musical? What is language/words?” and once again we learnt a lot through this process. It was really interesting knowing all of such things...!!
Koyanagi-sensei said, “Everything is about conveying the “language/words”. That’s why it shouldn’t get too convoluted, but it should be enunciated word by word,” and that’s how Flower Troupe University came to an end☘️
🌻 The healing god appears!
During a weekend in the rehearsal period...
Suddenly, the healing god appeared!!
That week was a challenging time for the underclassmen, having to rehearse for both the musical and the choreography for the show (*Enchantement). Our heads felt like being in a state of sea urchin (*maybe meaning full of spikes, frustrated and headaches...) As I returned home for the week, feeling accomplished like “I’ve done it!”, several people seemed to have discover something...
As I saw the car that passed by, isn’t that Yuzuka-san’s dog Noah! Noah-kun suddenly appeared before us...✨
“Ka...Ka...Kawaii———————♡” (Cute)
Yuzuka-san held Noah-kun’s little hand and stuck its hand out of the car window and started waving it✨ Together with Yuzuka-san’s beautiful hand, we saw Noah-kun’s small hand. What-What-What an angel! As Yuzuka-san and Noah-kun waved their hands, that sent the weariness of the underclassmen away. (Besides, Ichinose is always touched by the beauty of Noah’s fluffy fur and side profile. I want to tell you...more about how touching this is) Yuzuka-san, Noah-kun, thank you for making us healed with happiness♡
I have other Yuzuka-san’s episodes I want to share, but ah~! I’m running out of pages!! Please look forward to the next entry...! This time, I’ve shared fully about the appearance of Noah-kun😁✨
Once again... Everyone, thank you for reading this first entry of my “Eto-Bun” to the end. Since we’re at the start of 2023, I’m so honoured to share with everyone my stories☘️ There’s so much I want to record document about but here I’m up at my 2 pages. From the start of the year, it would be the Flower Troupe performance. I look forward to seeing everyone in the audience.
Everyone, please be happy in 2023!
With love! From “Hanako” “(Ichi)Nose-san”.
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rider-roundup · 6 years
Hitting the edge - open
Maya laughed a bit, seeing Kazumi, Kazuki, Raito, and Mitsuki approach her. "Oh my, the second fiddles, the traitor, and the brat... Not even worth my time" she said, snapping her fingers as a familiar face walked out.
"Shou... Isn't a Hazard Smash a little under powered?" Raito asked.
"Well partner... You'll see I'm a bit past Hazard" he said, holding up a black and gold full bottle.
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zukalations · 6 years
Backstage Journal - Nana Kurara (CODE HERO)
Backstage Journal is a short Kageki feature where very young cast members write anecdotes about what’s going on behind the scenes of the productions. They’re not very deep, being full of emojis and more like blog entries than articles, but they are a good way to get to know the newest actresses in each troupe. This one is by Flower Troupe member Nana Kurara (of the 93rd Class), and was published in the January 2011 issue. CODE HERO was a 2010 side theatre show starring Asaka Manato, Misaki Rion, and Nozomi Fuuto.
Due to the nature of this feature there is the possibility of spoilers.
Backstage Journal - Nana Kurara (Code Hero)
Happy New Year, Kageki readers ✨ And now to start the first Backstage Journal of 2011!!
Although it’s still so cold, I hope these hot scoops from backstage of the Flower Troupe Bow Hall show CODE HERO will warm you up a little 💖
There’s a baby!?
One day, I was in the wings running through my lines before I made my entrance. As I did, I happened to see someone behind the counter that was part of the set...someone was crawling on all fours like a baby, hiding behind the counter. That person was Fuuto-san (Nozomi), playing Hal!! In the play, Fuuto-san has to hide behind the counter, but there is such a long time before she comes out again that apparently she crawls back out into the wings to go on standby again. Fuuto-san is usually so cool, so it was really cute to see her crawling around for her standby 💖
Big Brother’s Ginger Tea
Mayu-san (Ootori Mayu), who plays my older brother in this show, is such a kind person. The Bow Hall dressing room is cold so we were all saying ‘Ah, it’s so cold, isn’t it~’ and things like that. And then Mayu-san made ginger tea for everyone!! Ginger tea is good for the throat, and drinking it made our whole bodies feel nice and hot. Big Brother, it was so delicious. Thank you so much 🌸
They’re best friends
Maa-sama (Asaka Manato)’s character, Justin, and my big brother, were classmates in the Marine Corps Officer School.
Once, Big Brother was standing holding some home-made ginger tea, looking as if she was waiting for someone. I thought ‘I wonder who she is going to give that too~’ and watched her for a while. And then, Justin turned up. Big Brother had made the ginger tea and brought it just for Justin [kirakira] In the performance, Big Brother confesses that he had been lying all along, and they have a sad parting, but behind the scenes the two of them are best friends and get along wonderfully.
Supermodel Maa-sama
This happened before the opening of Act 2. Manase (Haruka)-san, who plays Larry, was carrying a prop satchel. And then Maa-sama arrived wearing her white uniform ✨ Maa-sama was so wonderful in this costume that it is almost impossible to put into words ✨ And then, Maa-sama borrowed Manase-san’s bag, put it on her own shoulder, and began walking down the corridor as if she was a model on the catwalk!! As expected of Maa-sama, she was able to make just an ordinary satchel look like a Prada bag - she was a dazzling supermodel ✨
So, that was Nana Kurara’s Backstage Journal. Thank you very much for reading the whole thing. I hope this new year will be wonderful for all of you 💖
Now, moving on, I’ll let you enjoy Shii-kun (Kazumi Shou)’s Backstage Journal* next. Shii-kun, Baton Touch!!
* This feature from the same issue will be posted later.
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leenaevilin · 5 years
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[Pics] 「 ツキステ。」 第8幕 「TSUKINO EMPIRE -Unleash your mind.-」(tsukisute. stage 8 ~ tsukino empire -unleash your mind.- )
main visual ↑↑↑ visuals under the cut^^
Six Gravity
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Menjou Kentarou as Mutsuki Hajime (睦月始)
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Matsuda Gaku as Yayoi Haru (弥生春)
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Takenaka Ryouhei as Uzuki Arata (卯月新)
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Jounin Tatsuki as Satsuki Aoi (皐月葵)
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Kiyama Ryuu as Shiwasu Kakeru (師走駆)
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Yokoo Rui as Kisaragi Koi (如月恋)
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TAKA as Shimotsuki Shun (霜月隼)
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Doi Kazumi as Fuzuki Kai (文月海)
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Washio Shuuto as Hazuki You (葉月陽)
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Akiba Yuusuke as Nagatsuki Yoru (長月夜)
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Satou Yuusaku as Minazuki Rui (水無月涙)
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Miyama Ryouki as Kannazuki Iku (神無月郁)
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Higano Shou as Takamura Shiki (篁志季)
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Keita Seto as Okui Tsubasa (奥井翼)
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Abe Kaisei as Sera Rikka (世良里津花)
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Kobayashi Ryou as Murase Dai (村瀬大)
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Tanaka Toshihiko as Izumi Shu (和泉柊羽)
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Nakao Kenya as Horimiya Eichi (堀宮英知)
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Yamanaka Kenta as Kuga Issei (久我壱星)
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Yamanaka Shouta as Kuga Ichiru (久我壱流)
Original Character
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Nakazawa Takanori as Nakajou Amon (仲条亜門)
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Suzuki Shoon as Kouzuki Chitose (倖月千歳)
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Isono Dai as Akino Masahiro (秋野昌弘)
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Kurita Manabu as Isha Rokka (伊車六価)
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Ishida Shuusaku as Oota Shuuhei (太田周平)
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Mitani Kenta as Ogi Ichiha (荻一破)
homepage twitter
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nogizakanoborizaka · 6 years
22. Do you go to the gym?
29. What is the worst thing you’ve ever done?
Probably cheat on a test or lie. I don’t really do “bad” things often. I mean, unless eating someone else’s snacks count.
31. 3 Favorite Boy Names
32. 3 Favorite Girl Names
Haruna (Namely due to Kancolle, not AKB)
With that being said, I’ve recently liked names like Yurina, Mai, Yuri, Yumi, Kazumi, etc for obvious reasons. 
33. Favorite Actor
This is actually really hard since I don’t watch movies..like ever. I mean, my fav seiyuus are like, Hanae Natsuki and the like... I guess they are actors? 
34. Favorite Actress
I’m not counting any of the Nogi/Keyaki members in this, as well as people like MaiMai who graduated. I’d again have to go with seiyuu’s, namely Taneda Risa, Kayano Ai and Yuuki Aoi. I also really like KanaHana and a few others. 
36. Favorite Movie
Castle in the Sky!
thank you for asking!
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ojamajonext · 4 years
Nozomi Kotake: Sakura Tange
Marika Kotake: Mai Aizawa
Sakumi Kotake: Mari Kanou
Himeko Akasaki: Hitomi Harada
Suzume and Suzumi Yada: Tomoyo Kurosawa
Annie Hisaishi: Nozomi Sasaki
Yuiko Arima: Megumi Han
Bunko Kimitaka: Aoi Yūki
Majorika/Majokiku: Naomi Nagasawa
Lala: Megumi Takamura
Majoruka: Mayumi Shou
Hehe: Hiroko Konishi
Dela: Chihiro Sakurai
Majoayumu: Fumie Mizusawa
Papa: Tomo Muranaka
Queen Hana: Ikue Otani
Pao: Mika Kanai
Mota: Yuko Kawasaki
Motamota: Yoko
Majoume: Tachibana Uko
Majomatsu: Okohira Shizuka
Majoririka: Kikuko Inoue
Majodoron: Yuka Tokumitsu
Majokoto: Urara Takano
Oyajide: Nobuaki Kanemitsu
Akatsuki/Majotake: Tomo Saeki
Fujio: Mamiko Noto
Leon: Mayumi Yamaguchi
Toru: Kazumi Okazuki
Empress/Majomalisa: Miwa Matsumoto
Emperor: Tomokazu Sugita
Magician: Emiri Katō
High Priestess: Nao Fujita
Hierophant: Ryusei Nakao
Lovers: Gackt (Romeo) Rica Matsumoto (Juliet)
Chariot: Ryōko Nagata
Strength: Kujira
Hermit: Mamoru Miyano
Wheel of Fortune: Kōichi Yamadera
Justice: Sumire Uesaka
Hanged Man: Takahiro Sakurai
Death: Miyuki Sawashiro
Temperance: Kōki Miyata
Devil: Aki Toyosaki
Sun: Shigeru Muroi
Moon: Yukari Tamura
Star: Kaya Kiyohara
Judgement: Sairi Ito
Fools: Ryo Kato
Unknown Fairy/Sasa: Sairi Fukamachi
Usa: Ayana Taketatsu
Alice Rikiishi: Misaki Kuno
Majorui: Hikari Mitsushima
Chen Guanting: Kenjiro Tsuda
Ǎizi: Mitsuo Yoshihara
0 notes