#kawaboru fanfiction
kawa-boru · 4 years
KanaTyy collaboration
KawaBoru Week: Day Two
Prompts: First Kiss
Rating: M
Work count: 5,600
First Base
They met through a mutual friend, Inojin, who had brought the two together since he felt certain Kawaki and Boruto would hit it off. They did, the two became fast friends and began hanging out on a regular basis. It wasn’t unusual for the pair to wind up on the phone, talking about nothing for who knows how long, or for them to go out together, not even thinking most of the time about inviting their other friends. They became friends at sixteen, and over the years that friendship had formed a strong bond between them—and also a mutual attraction that scared both of them greatly.
Kawaki was seventeen the first time he really looked at Boruto and thought, oh. He was cute and thoughtful, a bit of a brat too, but an adorable one. He was strong willed and determined whenever he set his mind to something. He was a good friend, always there to lend an ear, always there to make him smile even if it was the last thing he wanted to do at the time.
A year later was when the truth fell upon him with crushing force. Kawaki definitely had a crush on Boruto… but he’s never had a crush on anyone! And Boruto was like his best friend. He couldn’t exactly just change their whole relationship and ruin things for his own selfish desires. After all, he really just wanted to keep Boruto in his life. They were nineteen now and closer than ever, sometimes even staying the night with each other. It was awkward for Kawaki, but he always loved every second of it.
Boruto was always happiest when he was with Kawaki and stuck with him as if they were glued to the hip. He had always admired how his friend never cared what others thought, how he went for the things he wanted in life and wasn’t afraid to try. He pushed Boruto to take chances when he was afraid to and believe in himself when others didn’t. The blond knew he would never find another friend, never share such a connection and bond with someone. That made it even harder to come to terms with his feelings.
He noticed the boy that grew into a young man, the body and spirit that matured at a faster rate than he did. Boruto was drawn in and before he knew it he was caught. He wanted more than what they had despite being well aware that what they had was great. Their friendship was one of the most important things in the world to him, but the slight color in his cheeks and almost inaudible trimer in his voice could give him away. His feelings kept growing without a place to go because how could he confess? What would happen to them afterwards?
It wasn’t ever just Boruto or just Kawaki, now it was Boruto and Kawaki because they were two peas in a pod. He couldn’t lose his other half. They were together more than they were apart and there was a comfortability between them that couldn’t be shaken no matter how strongly they secretly pined for each other. A relationship between the two seemed impossible. It was too risky and neither of them were willing to lose the other over their uncontrollable feelings.
Kawaki kept silent about his affections, never speaking to anyone about his true feelings for his best friend. It wasn’t easy holding it all in, but he managed for the sake of both of them. He’d been lucky that Boruto hadn’t taken an interest in anyone, because Kawaki truthfully had no idea how he would react to that.
Today was Saturday and every Saturday Kawaki and Boruto always went to their local baseball field late in the afternoon to play together. Sometimes their other friends would join, but most of the time it ended up being just the two of them. Like today. Nobody else was at the field when they arrived and Kawaki carried his ball bag as they made their way onto the field. He dropped the bag and knelt down to unzip it.
“You want to bat first?” Kawaki asked as he pulled the bat out.
Boruto set his bag down as well with a wide grin. “Oh no, I’m pitching first and striking your ass out.”
“I’m your dreams.” Kawaki scoffed, standing up with his bat in hand. “We can throw a bit to warm up first if you want.”
The blond went into his bag to grab his glove, shrugging. “Sure. Just don’t get psyched out.” He teased.
“Worry about yourself.” Kawaki rolled his eyes and left his bat next to his bag to get his glove and a ball instead.
Boruto laughed as he jogged onto the field, leaving some space between them. “I’m feeling good today, in top form.” He said and waited for the other man.
Kawaki got his glove on his left hand as he positioned himself across from Boruto. “You always say that shit.”
“That’s right, so prepare yourself. I bring it every time.” Boruto told him and slipped on his glove, hitting it with his fist a few times to show he was ready.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” Kawaki rolled his eyes, but there was a small smile on his face as he prepared to throw the ball. “Here goes, make sure to protect yourself.”
“I got this!” Boruto had long been used to his heavy and hard throws.
Kawaki shook his head at Boruto’s enthusiasm that didn’t often wane. When he threw the ball for the first time, he didn’t use too much strength. He would work his way up to it. The blond could tell he was holding back when he caught it, but didn’t comment on the fact. It was a warm up after all. Boruto threw the ball back with an easy swing as well to start things off with.
When he caught the ball, Kawaki threw it right back without wasting a second, using a little more force this time. Boruto caught it with ease and Kawaki backed up a few feet so his next throw would have to be farther. The blond adjusted his stance and had to back up a step because of the height difference as he caught it. Keeping up the momentum, Boruto tossed the ball a second later and added more force to increase its speed.
It was aimed perfectly and Kawaki grinned after he caught it. “Nice!”
“I learned from the best!” Boruto smiled, his heart fluttering at the praise. He just couldn’t help it when Kawaki looked at him like that.
“Damn right you did.” Kawaki laughed and threw the ball again, a little faster just because. “I’m ready to bat.”
Boruto caught it, thinking of the old days when Kawaki first taught him to play. He had struggled so much then and had come so far since. “Alright, let’s do this.” Now he could really give his friend a run for his money.
The blond went over to stand on the mound as the dark haired man exchanged his glove for his bat. Once he had it, Kawaki went to his post and stretched his arms, shaking them out before holding his bat at the ready. He bent his knees, taking the perfect stance and then turned his head to look at Boruto and wait. Boruto was distracted by the way his arms flexed just like he was at the beginning of every game. He caught himself though and hoped his friend didn’t notice. Winding his arm up, he bounced on his feet a few times before turning to his side.
Boruto stared Kawaki down and spun the ball in his hand as he calmed his mind. Then he lifted his leg for leverage and threw a heated curve ball to kick the game off with. Kawaki was admittingly impressed by the speed and precision of the pitch. Hitting the ball so that it wouldn’t go far and Boruto would be able to get it without too much trouble, Kawaki laughed.
“You keep getting better.” He called as Boruto jogged a few feet to the side to catch it. They never worried about running bases when it was just the two of them, they were just having fun and spending time together. They both liked doing that a lot. “Don’t take it easy on me now.”
“Don’t worry, I’m just getting started.” Boruto smiled as he got back on the mound. “You ready for me?” It was time to take things up a notch.
“Been ready.” Kawaki smirked, eyes locked on the ball in Boruto’s hands.
The blond chuckled and got back into his stance, preparing to throw a fastball. He took a little longer than he needed to to make Kawaki wait for it and then let the ball fly. The ball flew so quickly, everything happened in an instant, but Kawaki made contact by only bunting the ball so that Boruto could get to it easily.
“Damn, Boruto. You keep surprising me.”
He caught the ball after a few steps and was only a little disappointed that his friend hit it as if it was child’s play. “I can say the same Mr. Pro baseball player. You’re really not holding back today.” The taller man had practically swatted that fast ball to the side.
“Yeah, well… you’ve gotten a lot better. So, I have to take things seriously.” Kawaki mused, getting back into position for another go. “You don’t hold back either.”
“Of course not, I’m trying to take your ass down.” Boruto grinned and started winding up again.
For the next few hours, the two played their hearts out—laughing and teasing and enjoying the sport and each other’s company. It wasn’t late, but the pair had worked up a hunger and when Boruto suggested they go for food, Kawaki agreed. They went for burgers at Boruto’s favorite place and then went their separate ways after.
It was the following day that Kawaki secured tickets to go see a game played by their favorite team—only one of the things they had in common. It was a last minute purchase only thanks to another friend going to though a breakup and no longer needing the tickets. The place was sold out and once Kawaki got his hands on the pair of tickets, he was itching to tell Boruto.
He wouldn’t though. He would wait and make it a surprise.
The day of the game was the following weekend. Kawaki and Boruto had seen each other many times since then, but somehow Kawaki had been able to keep the surprise a secret. He didn’t call Boruto about it until the morning of. It was early for him, but he woke up in a great mood and called the blond right after his shower—he hadn’t even gotten dressed yet.
“Hey, Kawaki.” Boruto yawned, sounding half asleep.
“Get dressed.” Kawaki said with a smirk.
“We going somewhere?” The blond asked curiously as he sat up and ran a hand through his messy hair. “How much time do I have before you get here?”
“Half an hour. I just got out of the shower, so, soon as I get dressed, I’m heading over.”
Boruto mentally thanked him for the image, having been blessed by the sight a few times over the years. “Hmm, okay. What should I wear?” They could be going to a wide range of places judging from past experiences.
“Something casual and comfortable. I’ll be in jeans and my favorite jersey. You could wear one of yours, or a T-shirt.” Kawaki said as he padded over to his dresser and opened his underwear drawer, grabbing a black pair of briefs.
“Casual and comfy, got it.” He stretched before plopping back down on his bed. “How long are you gonna keep me out this time?” He asked fondly, a part of him wishing their almost dates were real dates. Kawaki was the perfect doting boyfriend.
“All day. Hurry up, no taking all day in the shower. You better be ready when I get there. I want to have breakfast first.”
The order made Boruto smile and he vaguely wondered just how many meals the pair have had together. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be bright eyed and bushy tailed.”
“Better be. See you in twenty.” Kawaki said before ending the call and stepping into his briefs. It wouldn’t take him long to get there and he couldn’t wait to surprise his crush.
The blond half rolled his eyes, noting the time was suddenly decreased by ten minutes. He rolled out of bed and headed for the shower. Kawaki never played around, so he knew he needed to hurry.
Kawaki arrived before the twenty minutes were up, getting out of his car and jogging up to Boruto’s apartment. He turned the doorknob when he reached it and scowled at finding it unlocked. He’d chided Boruto too many times about not being more safe when he was alone.
Storming through the apartment, Kawaki muttered one curse after the next on his way to the blond’s bedroom and slammed the door open, making him scream and chunk the shirt in his hand across the room. He was in only a pair of briefs. And they were pink. Kawaki’s grey eyes zeroed in on the pale pink fabric covering his crotch and cocked a brow. He knew well that his friend’s favorite color was pink, but he still wanted to tease him.
“Pink?” He asked, cocking his head to the side as his eyes gleamed mischievously.
Oh, Boruto was the cutest thing he ever saw, hands covering his crotch as best as he could, smooth tanned skin on full display, along with his toned, lean muscle. Kawaki would never get tired of seeing that body. He truly wasn’t rewarded with it enough.
“Fuck you, pink is the best color there is!” Boruto squeaked furiously with heated cheeks, removing one of his hands from his groin to throw a pillow at Kawaki.
Kawaki chuckled as he caught the pillow and then tossed it on the bed. “Fuck me, you say?” He asked tauntingly, sometimes liking to see how far he could go with a little teasing. He was crazy about Boruto after all. “Damn, that’s pretty forward of you.”
“You know what I meant!” Boruto huffed, retrieving his shirt and avoiding the other man’s gaze. It was too early for him to be thinking about fucking and Kawaki in the same sentence. “Besides, you couldn’t resist all this anyway.” He said, or so he wished.
“So cocky. I love it.” Kawaki snickered. “And who knows, maybe you’re right.”
“I’m always right.” Boruto stated smugly as he slid his shirt on. The quicker his choice of underwear was out of sight the better and the shirt was just low enough to accomplish that.
Kawaki couldn’t stand how adorable he was. “Whatever. Why the hell wasn't your door locked?”
“Because the only person who doesn’t knock first is you.” Boruto said pointedly with his hands on his hips. Not a moment later he realized how that sounded, blushing hard as he tried to backpedal. “I mean . . . knock like everyone else, bastard. Show some manners.”
Kawaki blinked at him impassively. “If the door had been locked, I would’ve knocked. But it wasn’t. I could have been a burglar or worse… a rapist.”
Boruto had heard this speech many times and he knew his friend was right, but some days he honestly couldn’t be bothered and the building was secure enough. “I have safety measures.” He reminded as he went to grab some jeans. “If any intruder tries anything, they’ll get one hell of a concussion from my bat.”
“If you had a chance to get to it. I caught you completely off guard. Just imagine the shit I could’ve done to you.”
His words had the opposite effect on Boruto than their intended purpose. Kawaki doing whatever naughty things he wanted to him? It was one of the blond’s wet dreams. “Uh huh.”
“Boruto.” Kawaki growled. “Don’t take this lightly. You need to be careful. I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“Okay, okay. Calm down oh protector.” Boruto said, finding a pair of jeans that complemented his shirt. “Careful is my middle name.”
“What a crock of shit.” Kawaki scoffed and crossed his arms, watching the blond’s every move. “I may just have to scare you one day and show you what could happen.”
Boruto looked over his shoulder to glare at him. “That’s not funny and you wouldn’t be able to hide your identity anyway. I would recognize that body anywhere.”
Kawaki’s pierced brow arched and he stared at Boruto in surprise and curiosity. “Yeah right. There are loads of guys with my body type.”
“Name one.”
“Shit, I didn’t say someone I knew!” Kawaki dropped his hands to his sides and glared at him. “There are a lot though and you know it. Besides, you don’t know my body.”
Boruto shook his head and stepped into his pants. “Please. After all the time we spend together, if I didn’t recognize you then I would be the dumbest human being on the planet.” He would recognise the way he smelled, the way his hands felt on his skin . . . there were hundreds of factors and small details that would give Kawaki away. Things that only Boruto noticed about him. “I know you better than anyone else.”
“Maybe that’s true. My face is one thing, but my body is completely different. If I had a mask on and came at you fully clothed, you wouldn’t know.” It would be impossible. He could think, but he couldn’t be certain.
“You can doubt all you want, but it's the truth.” Boruto declared as he buttoned and zipped his jeans. “And if, as in the biggest if in history, you did manage to fool me you would feel like shit for scaring me.”
Kawaki hummed. “I would hate it, but if it scared some sense into you, I would suffer through it. Better you scared and hating me than hurt.”
“Do you always have to put me before yourself?” Boruto asked, but he knew the answer.
“You’re a cinnamon roll, so I kind of have to.” Kawaki smiled at him and then walked towards the door. “You’re too slow, I’m leaving your ass.”
“I would’ve been ready faster if you had let me change in peace.” The blond pouted and quickly searched for his socks and shoes. “Just give me a sec, Kawaki.”
“Relax, Boruto. I wouldn’t really leave you. I have a surprise for you, so I can’t just go alone.”
The pout dropped the second he heard the word surprise. “Oh yeah? What is it?”
“A surprise.” Kawaki answered coolly, knowing that was going to drive Boruto mad.
Smartass. “Obviously, but what is it? Tell me, tell me.” Boruto grinned excidely as he finished getting ready.
“Not a chance. No matter how cute you are.” Kawaki smirked. “You’ll find out soon enough.”
Boruto would never get used to being called cute and wished more than ever it was platonic. “Come ooooon, you know you want to.”
“Of course I do. But I won’t.” He mused as he stepped out of the bedroom, walking away. “I’ll be by the door. Hurry your ass up.”
“I’m ready!” Boruto protested and grabbed his ball cap before following the taller man out. “What’s the big deal? It's still a surprise if you tell me now. Please please please please please pleeeease.” He whined, not at all above the act when it concerned his crush.
Kawaki opened the door and walked out, waiting for Boruto to join him before he locked the door, having swiped the blond’s keys on his way out. “You’re cute when you beg, but I’m still not giving in.”
“At least give me a hint.” He tried to bargain, heart fluttering at being called cute again.
“Alright, you ready?” When Boruto nodded excitedly, Kawaki leaned down to whisper at his ear, “you’re going to love it.”
Boruto clicked his tongue and tried not to be too obvious at how much he liked the action. “That’s not a hint.”
Kawaki straightened himself, grabbed Boruto by his wrist and started tugging him along. “Totally is.”
“Totally is not. I love doing anything with you so it hardly narrows it down.” Boruto told him.
“If you know you’ll love it, why do you need to know now? Let me surprise you… but it’s cool for you to be excited.” They made it to the car and got in, Kawaki wasting no time in getting it started. “But I will tell you, we’re going for breakfast.”
He already said that before and Boruto knew there was more to it than that, but he relented since his friend did have a point. He would enjoy it no matter what. “I want bacon.”
“And pancakes?” Kawaki smiled. “I want orange juice and toast.”
Boruto wrinkled his nose, his own smile still shining through. “You and that nasty toast.” He put butter on anything else, why not toast where it belonged?
“Fuck off, toast is good and filling.” He argued. “Maybe you should try it.”
“I’ll pass.”
Breakfast went smoothly and uneventfully for the most part, the two of them just exchanging small talk while they ate. Kawaki made sure to have his fill of toast which Boruto frowned upon. Boruto was still curious of where else his friend was taking him, but Kawaki wasn’t going to give in and tell him. The reveal only came when they turned off the interstate and the stadium that was home to their home professional team came into view.
“You didn’t!” Boruto exclaimed the second he realized what was going on, a huge smile on his face.
“I did.” Kawaki grinned, loving how excited he got right away. “Surprise.”
Boruto didn’t care if the taller man was driving, he leaned over and tightly hugged him away. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
It wasn’t rare that Boruto’s excitement would lead to him embracing Kawaki, but it wasn’t often either and it was difficult not to like it more than he should have. “You’re welcome… it’s not that big of a deal.”
The blond leaned back and scoffed. “It’s a mega deal and you know it. Seriously, how did you get your hands on some tickets? They were sold out!”
“Maybe I got a little lucky.” Kawaki mused. “It’s our first time here and I didn’t think we’d make it, but we did.”
“Because of you.” Boruto stated happily, practically bouncing in his seat. Things like this were part of the reason he fell for his best friend. Big or small, Kawaki would always do things that made him happy, things that seemed impossible. He only wished he could show his thanks properly without hiding his feelings.
Kawaki hummed, hating the feeling of his ears heating up. “Well I’ve always wanted to bring you.” The admission came out softly as Kawaki searched for a spot to park in.
Boruto didn’t know the gravity of that confession nor did Kawaki know how much the blond wanted to come here with him. The pair got out of the car once they were parked and made their way inside to find their seats. Kawaki wasn’t walking fast enough for the shorter man, so he took hold of his arm and started dragging him through the parking lot.
“Damn, Boruto. What’s your rush?” Kawaki laughed as he let his best friend lead him along. Their tickets were checked and they were given directions to their seat before Boruto was dragging him off again. “Yo, calm down,” he continued to laugh. “Let’s at least grab a drink before we go to our seats.”
“Sorry.” Boruto grinned and slowed his roll. “Yeah, let’s get drinks first.”
“Yeah.” Kawaki nodded, smiling happily as he pulled his arm free from his friend to wrap it around his shoulder instead. They walked with Kawaki basically cradling Boruto to his chest and it had the boy’s face in a constant state of heat and flushed color. “You want soda?” He asked once they were finally at the refreshment stand.
“Water.” Boruto decided, though he usually would have gone with soda. He knew he would work up a sweat cheering his ass off today so water would be better. “Got to stay hydrated.”
“Good choice.” It was unexpected for him to pass up his soda, but Kawaki was glad he did. He bought a water and a gatorade for himself and then they left in search of their seats.
The place was crowded, but it only took a few minutes for them to find their place and get settled in. Boruto kept shifting in his seat, unable to keep still and Kawaki couldn’t help but be amused at how adorable he was when he was so happy.
As the game began, the pair became immediately pulled in, cheering for their team and discussing different outcomes they expected each play. They weren’t always right, but it was fun messing around and even though it was hot and humid, they were both having a blast. They’d always been passionate about baseball and had been to many games—but they all paled in comparison to this professional game. These players were amazing, even watching them on TV felt dull compared to the real event.
Their team was leading every inning and both Boruto and Kawaki were hyped up, exchanging grins and laughs and jumping up every time the ball went flying. It was a lot of fun, the best not date they’d ever had, but neither of them could have been prepared for the surprise that awaited them this game.
Kawaki hadn’t been paying much attention to the screen when the breaks were happening. The current break had barely begun and he had picked up his drink for a swallow when he heard Boruto cooing next to him. This brought about curiosity that led to Kawaki glancing at him, seeing his bright blue eyes locked on one of the large projection screens. Kawaki followed his gaze, seeing it was in the middle of a ‘kiss cam’ that kept alternating through different couples.
Boruto was really enjoying it, obviously such a romantic, but Kawaki wasn’t really interested. He just started drinking his gatorade again when he and Boruto suddenly appeared on the screen. This had him nearly inhaling his drink and coughing violently as he lowered it to his cup holder, unable to believe this was happening.
Meanwhile the blond’s jaw dropped and his face turned beet red. His heart took off along with his ability to speak and he chanced a glance at Kawaki. They didn’t have to kiss, of course not . . . it was just that cute little camera thing that baseball games had . . . but Boruto wanted to. This was the perfect excuse, the perfect chance to kiss his first love. He couldn’t let it pass him by and he had to act quickly before the cam moved on.
Boruto turned towards him and cupped either side of his jaw with both hands before pulling Kawaki into a kiss. There was no time for Kawaki to react anymore than meeting that kiss so willingly. He’d been craving this for too long now and he wasn’t willing to let the opportunity pass him by. There was no further hesitation from either of them—no holding back. Kawaki felt himself slipping, heart skipping a beat and mind reeling as his lips molded so perfectly against Boruto’s.
Not in a millions years did Boruto expected the other man to kiss back so passionately and regardless of the reason, he wanted more of it. For once in his life he wanted to express just how much he cared for Kawaki and soak up the sweet bliss of kissing the man of his dreams. Everyone else in the kiss cam had exchanged only chaste little pecks, but not them. In mere seconds, Kawaki had a firm grip on his blond locks, tipping his head back and working his lips apart with his own.
Boruto gladly parted them and was the first to slip his tongue into the mix, greedily tasting Kawaki’s mouth. A soft moan hummed in his throat and he wrapped his arms around Kawaki’s neck. Boruto was on cloud nine, on top of the world and pushing as much unspoken love into the kiss as he could manage.
Kawaki couldn’t breathe, but he didn’t give a damn. This was a dream come true for him and once they parted, it would be back to reality. He wasn’t ready to accept that. There was always a little ember of hope inside of him and that had sparked into a roaring flame at the fact that Boruto had initiated this kiss and he was as into it as Kawaki was.
Maybe… maybe he felt the same way.
The screaming crowd around them fell on deaf ears as the two were completely lost in each other, a deep groan of satisfaction forming in Kawaki’s throat. Their heated breaths mingled as their tongues circled and danced with one another. After each little lick, their lips met in warm and perfect caresses. Time was long lost to them, as was the game and the thousands of people around them. Nothing else existed besides them and this kiss.
Boruto was also getting that glimmer of hope that his feelings weren’t unrequited, but the main thing on his mind at the moment was kissing Kawaki senseless. He didn’t want it to end and couldn’t care less if he was human and needed air. Air could go fuck itself, he had a thirst to quench. This was the best moment of his life and he would live it to the fullest. The blond took it a step further to have even more of Kawaki, awkwardly maneuvering himself until he was seated in the other man’s lap.
Then he got on his knees so he could be the one to tilt Kawaki’s head back, deepening the kiss with renewed vigor and glee. This was absolutely unbelievable, Kawaki was so high off this kiss he didn’t know how to handle himself. Boruto was taking so much initiative, clambering on top of him like that. There was no mistaking it.
He wanted him too.
His arms wound around Boruto’s slim waist, holding him tight as he caught the blond’s lower lip between his teeth at feeling a dangerously familiar pull in his groin. He never wanted it to end, but if it didn’t, he was going to be in trouble. Boruto gasped into his mouth at the action and his heart burst with joy as his stomach flooded with arousal. If he wasn’t so happy he would cry, Kawaki did feel the same way. There was no faking it with his actions and Boruto wanted to question him endlessly, but his mouth was busy.
He answered Kawaki’s teasing nip with a tingling scratch down his scalp. There was no chance in hell he wasn’t getting a home run tonight.
It was so good, but also too much. For them to be in public, going at each other like a couple of starving beasts just wasn’t going to do. Kawaki brought his hands back to grip onto his hips, pushing him down and forcing his lips away. It was awful having to put an end to it, but it was for their own well being.
“Holy hell.” Kawaki panted, staring around his best friend who looked as dazed as he felt.
“Hmm . . . fuck you for not kissing me sooner.” Boruto said with a shit eating grin, not really minding that he had been the one to make the first move.
Kawaki scoffed, feeling heat running all the way down his neck. “Don’t you try to pin this on me, you little shit.”
“I can and I will.” Boruto said before touching their noses together. “But maybe I should have kissed you sooner.”
“Well, after this game, I’ll kiss you fucking crazy.” Kawaki promised, nudging Boruto’s nose with his own. “But if you want to stay and watch this game, you better get in your own seat.”
Boruto laughed and moved back over, but held onto his best friend's hand. “To be honest I can’t bring myself to care about the game right now . . . because I’ve already won.”
“You’re right. Fuck this game.” Kawaki got up on his feet and snatched Boruto up along with him, pulling him behind him with hurried steps. “I’m gonna kiss you senseless.”
Boruto licked his lips in anticipation, knowing they would talk and confess properly later, but excited to make out more before then. “Give me your best shot.”
Tyy: Friends to lovers? Yes, please! I’m so soft for this trope and ahhh, kawaboru is too cute for me. Having them struggle with mutual pining is really difficult for me, but it’s certainly worth it. The kiss cam was too good to pass up. I loved every second of writing this!
Kana: The whole time I was like ‘just kiss already!’ and when they finally did, they didn’t want to stop. It was fun giving them a baseball theme and I loved how soft they were for each other despite trying to hide their feelings. Writing this was a blast and any future kiss cam will probably end the same way for them, hahaha.
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lovenahunneggt · 3 years
Tumblr media
KawaBoru: Nadie como tú - Lo que no se quiere aceptar (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/959824972-kawaboru-nadie-como-t%C3%BA-lo-que-no-se-quiere-aceptar?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading Boruto comienza a darse cuenta de lo que está sintiendo por Kawaki, aquel misterioso y agresivo chico que había sido aceptado en la Aldea. Pero aparentemente, éste sólo muestra desinterés en él. Nota: - Pareja principal: Kawaki x Boruto - Mundo Ninja -Romance -Los personajes no me pertencen. La historia, sí. 🦂 Sasorito 🦂
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kawaboruweek · 3 years
Hello everyone! ♡
We are pleased to announce another event for KawaBoru!
KawaBoru Week 2021 is a week-long event dedicated to celebrating the bond/relationship between Kawaki and Boruto Uzumaki!
The dates for this event are set for the first week of April: April 1st - 7th.
General Rules/Guidelines:
This is a hate free event! We want everyone to have fun and share content to spread love for this ship!
Content allowed for this event includes but is not limited to:
NSFW content is allowed, just be sure to put it under the cut with the read-more function. (This function should also be used for all fanfics.) Characters must be depicted as 18+ for NSFW content.
Prompts are open to interpretation.
Make sure to tag your work with the tags #kawaboruweek21, #kawaboruweek, and #kawaboruweek21d1 and so on for the respective days your work represents within the first five tags. Anything featuring NSFW content should be tagged accordingly with #ns-fw.
Late submissions are acceptable and will still be reblogged~
This event will also be on Twitter @kawaboruweek
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kyvir · 5 years
Ok then, what about kawaboru? Anything great that you can offer?
Sure! You can check out my yaoi FanFiction profile here! There are also a couple collabs of mine you can find on Kana’s page, here! There are one shots and quite a few multis and plenty more to come! If you don’t want to jump into a chapter fic, I recommend this one shot! I hope you will enjoy KawaBoru and if you do, feel free to request more of them—I love prompts! If you have any questions, you’re more than welcome to DM me. 🥰💞
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kawa-boru · 4 years
KawaBoru Week: Day One
Prompt: Pranks | Accidents | Glue
Rating: K
Work count: 900
April fools day was the perfect day for Boruto to pull a prank on Kawaki. 
Sure he was pranking him often and didn’t need a specific day to go for it, but at least he had an excuse. 
Boruto had been imagining this prank for weeks. As he held a tube of super fast acting glue in one hand and a fox tail in the other, he envisioned Kawaki walking around with it attached to him and giggled. It was going to be the best thing his blue eyes had ever had the pleasure of taking in. 
Skipping his way through his home, Boruto hummed happy tunes to himself, the picture of fox Kawaki still in his mind. It would have been even better if he could pull off adding a set of ears as well, but Boruto would have to settle for the tail. At least the glue worked instantly because he knew as soon as he got the tail in place, he would have to run for his life. 
As usual, Kawaki was minding his own business. He was standing outside on the front steps and as soon as Boruto spotted him, he stopped in his tracks, hiding behind the door frame and snickering quietly. Kawaki was completely oblivious, it seemed Boruto would be able to pull the prank off after all. 
Springing back into action, Boruto ran towards him with a big, excited grin on his face. Kawaki still wasn’t paying him any attention, always ignoring Boruto’s shenanigans unless he got sucked into them. However, when Boruto suddenly lost his footing, Kawaki turned to look at him and noticed he was about to get a tube to the face. 
“Boruto!” Kawaki scoffed, hurriedly raising his hand to swat Boruto’s hand away. 
He failed miserably though. Everything happened so quickly. One instant he was trying to protect himself and the next there was a collision of their bodies and an explosion from the tube of glue. 
When Kawaki had moved to slap the tube away, his hand pressed against it and Boruto’s hand instead, the pressure enough to pop the loose top off. Their heads collided as well, dazing both of them momentarily. While Boruto groaned in pain, the fox tail flung to the side and long forgotten, Kawaki tried to sit up and separate himself from the blond. Unfortunately for him, when he moved, Boruto did as well. 
The glue had coated his and Boruto’s hair and that one moment of them being still and trying to recover from their impact was long enough for the adhesive to do its job. It was hard to believe, but now suddenly he and Boruto were stuck together.
Kawaki was angry, he was frustrated, but most of all he wasn’t surprised. Boruto was always pulling little stunts like this. With a deep, annoyed sigh, Kawaki tried his best to scowl at the boy. It was difficult to pull off considering the angle they were stuck in and every time either of them moved their heads, it pulled their hair to the point of pain. 
Boruto was also taking a moment to try and compose himself, body shifting to try and get in a more comfortable position without getting closer to Kawaki. That was just impossible though. He knew Kawaki was annoyed and Boruto didn’t know of a way to save himself from this situation. But he did know he couldn’t have Kawaki just snatching away from him like he was likely to do. 
“Listen to me, Kawaki… if we break away from each other… we will be bald.” 
That was a horrifying thought for Boruto. His hair was a thick mess, but he loved it. It was one of his signature looks. Kawaki could pull off a shaved head—Kawaki could pull off anything—but Boruto didn’t even want to imagine what he’d look like. 
Kawaki sighed again, not knowing if Boruto just wanted to be stuck to him or if they really would lose their hair. It did seem risky so he didn’t move, he just stared at the blond in disappointment. 
“What do you think you should do first then?” Kawaki pressed. Boruto was the one who had gotten them into the predicament and he was going to get them out of it no matter what. 
Boruto fiddled with his fingers, blue eyes looking around at any and everything other than Kawaki. “Um… I’m sorry.” He mumbled, cheeks heating with a light blush. Apologizing was the best thing to do since he didn’t know what else they were going to do.
For now, they worked together to get on their knees and grab the glue, reading the tube in order to find out how to get themselves free. It wasn’t going to be an easy task without them losing a lot of hair in the process, but Boruto couldn’t say he really minded being so close to the taller boy. 
Maybe this was even better than getting to see him with the fox tail.
Maybe, but maybe not. Just because things had taken an unexpected turn this time didn’t mean Boruto would be giving up. 
Whether it was later that day, or the next day—or even the day after that…
Boruto would manage to get that foxtail on Kawaki one way or another. 
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kawa-boru · 4 years
KawaBoru Week: Day Six
Prompt: Training
Rating: K
Word count: 620
Fanart by @ posoposocha-han on Twitter!
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“This the best you can do?”
Boruto grunted, wanting to snap back a retort, but was far too busy struggling to support his and Kawaki’s weight.
Training with Kawaki never failed to get under Boruto’s skin. Of course, he admired the taller boy for his strength and because he was just so cool.
Currently, Boruto was holding himself in a push up position, arms wobbling, sweat dripping down his forehead and cheek, pooling at his chin before falling to the ground below him. Kawaki was so heavy and it didn’t matter if he was lowering himself or pushing back up, it was hard.
What made it all the more annoying was that Kawaki was just sitting there on his back, snacking on chocolate without a care in the world. It was infuriating, but it only made Boruto want to try harder and harder.
The blond only got so far before collapsing on the ground, the impact causing dust to fly up from the dirt all around him. Kawaki had saved himself, hopping to his feet and away from all the stirred up sand, protecting his chocolate bar. He took another small bite and chewed as he stared down at Boruto impassively.
“You only managed five,” He commented after he swallowed and Boruto felt his brows twitching. “Well, it was more than I was expecting.”
“I’d like to see you do better!” Boruto finally jerked his head up from the ground to shout back at Kawaki, gritting his teeth and glaring daggers at the other boy.
Kawaki blinked after him once, unaffected by his attitude. “I don’t have a problem showing you…” he said and Boruto opened his mouth to start yelling again but then Kawaki added, “after I finish my chocolate.”
Boruto clamped his mouth shut and got to his feet, dusting off his clothes before crossing his arms and waiting. He watched Kawaki eat his precious chocolate—taking his time because, of course, he was in no rush. Boruto was so annoyed he couldn’t stand still and he just wanted to prove to Kawaki how difficult it was.
“Are you done yet?” Boruto scoffed when Kawaki finished the last of the chocolate bar, but he still took his time, licking the tip of his index finger and then his thumb.
“Why are you so antsy? Chill.”
“Chill?” Boruto whispered, shocked that Kawaki dared to say such a thing to him. “Chill?!”
“Yeah. Chill.” Kawaki sighed and got down on the ground, situating himself in the push up position. “Well, come on. Don’t rush me only to keep me waiting.”
Grumbling his annoyance under his breath, Boruto walked over and plopped himself down on Kawaki’s back. He was purposely rough in his movements, but his jaw tended as Kawaki didn’t so much as budge under the added weight.
As if to rub salt into the wound, Kawaki slowly began to do his work out, never once faltering. His arms weren’t trembling as Boruto’s had, he wasn’t gasping for breath, he wasn’t even sweating. He managed the first five push ups with ease, and then another five.
Then another.
Boruto was stuck between pouting and scowling at the back of Kawaki’s head. “Don’t think you’re special just because… because… you’re a beast.”
Kawaki paused, looking back over his shoulder before turning his head back straight and resuming his workout. “Never said I was.”
Being angry and bitter was just so easy, but Boruto was also impressed with Kawaki’s strength and his stupid cool attitude. He was happy and proud just as much as he was irked over it all. Even if he sulked, he would be anticipating much more training with Kawaki.
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kawa-boru · 4 years
KanaTyy collaboration
KawaBoru Week: Day Four
Prompts: Rainy Day
Rating: T (language)
Work count: 1,900
Stormy Day
I was dead, I was so dead. Kawaki was going to have my ass and not in a good way. I had thought there was still time to make it to the store and back, but I was wrong. It had really come out of nowhere, completely unexpected. The past week had been nothing but sunshine and humidity. The forecast was suddenly predicting a severe thunderstorm for the afternoon and through the night. We were running low on food and I moved my trip to the grocery store to this morning, but it came sooner than they thought.
I had just finished loading up the cart when I passed a window and saw how dark the sky had gotten, filled with angry clouds. I cursed under my breath and quickly went to the self checkout line. I was the only person there at the twenty-four hour store and that did nothing to calm my nerves. By the time I had everything bagged and paid for, it was raining. All I could do was load the trunk up as fast as I could and hoped I made it home before it got ugly. Needless to say, that didn’t happen—it didn’t give a fuck about me and got ugly when I was halfway there.
The rain was coming down hard and I couldn’t even hear the car over the sound of it. A few stragglers were on the road as well, having been caught just like me, but they soon went in a different direction. Lightning flashed in the sky and the roar of thunder followed seconds later. It was getting near impossible to see and I held one hand above the emergency break as I drove under the large overhang down hill. Kawaki was still sleeping when I had left and if he found out I was out here in this shit, well pissed would be an understatement for how he’d be feeling.
All I wanted was to get food, be prepared so we wouldn’t starve during the storm and I had to get right in the thick of it. Things took a turn for the worst when I reached the bottom of the hill to find it completely flooded.
“Damn it!” There wasn’t another way around and I had no choice but to turn around.
I went back up the hill and over, driving down to the other side where I came from. It had flooded as well in that short amount of time and I was completely blocked in. I left with no other choice but to travel up the hill once more away from the rising water.
“Great. Now I’m stuck.” I groaned in frustration, now parked at the top underneath the overhang.
I wasn’t in that much danger up here and flooding shouldn’t be a problem, but it wasn’t safe either. I pulled out my phone and tried not to let the fear grow. There was no sense in worrying, it was best to stay put and wait it out. All day . . . and into the night. I furrowed my brow and looked out the window, only under the overhang visible. I couldn’t remember the last time I saw it storm like this and I knew that I needed to call Kawaki. I had to let him know I was alright and I needed to know he was too. Of course the house was pretty safe, but flooding could be a problem if the water rose too high. Thunder sounded again and I jumped when my phone vibrated at the same time, Kawaki’s name popping up on the screen.
“I’m okay.” I said as I answered the call.
“Where the fuck are you?” He growled, just as angry sounding as I assumed he would be. He then proceeded to grumble one curse after the next about my claim to being okay, voice muffled. I could tell he was smoking. “Boruto. Where. The fuck. Are you?”
“Well, you see . . . I’m in the car.” I said reluctantly. “Under the overhang . . . on the hill. Possibly stuck . . .”
“That’s real fucking nice.” He muttered after exhaling loudly. “Do I even want to know why you left?”
My reason was valid. “To prevent us from starving.”
“Damn asshole.” He sighed in exasperation and then the sound of something ruffling around washed out his next words, until it cleared. “Ten minutes.”
“What? I didn’t catch all of that.” Ten minutes for what?
The call ended before I got a response and I hoped I hadn’t lost connection. I wasn’t sure what to do next, but at least Kawaki was safe and he knew I was alright. The rain wasn’t showing any signs of stopping and I dreaded being stuck up here until tomorrow. The wind was louder than the rainfall and after a while, it almost drowned it out completely. I tried my phone and looked at the updates the news stations were sending out, hoping that I could catch a break. I got absorbed in the task and jumped when something tapped the driver side window. My phone fell to the floorboard and my heart felt like it would beat out of my chest.
“Kawaki!” I gasped, getting out of the car and shivering from the wind. “Are you crazy, being out in this weather?! How did you get up here?”
“Idiot.” He huffed and laid his jacket over my head. “Let’s go.”
“Go?” I questioned, but turned around to open the car door. I cut the engine and held the jacket closer to my body. “Where are we going?” How are we going?
“Home.” He ground out loud enough that I could hear him over the storm, hurrying me up by pulling me back and slamming the car door.
“Wait!” I insisted when I spotted a familiar truck. “I have to grab some things!”
I quickly took a few bags from the trunk and then followed him over to Iwabe’s truck. I squeezed in the middle while Kawaki took the passenger side, holding the bags in his lap. He was completely soaked and I worried he was going to get a cold. I huddled close to him and rested my head on his shoulder, not giving a fuck about the water. If I was cold then I knew he had to be freezing and I still couldn’t believe he came out here to get me. He was so reckless, but I was glad he was with me now.
“This is ridiculous.” Iwabe snorted, leaning up in his seat as he tried to see the road through the torrential downpour. “Better slow down.”
“Wreck us and I’ll kill your ass.” Kawaki threatened.
A smile found my lips despite the situation and Iwabe did his best as he drove out of the overhang and down the hill. “Is the neighborhood flooded too?”
“The shoulders are. We’re safe moving through the middle of the street.”
I hummed and peered out the window, thankful that the truck stood a better chance than my car did. It was a bit sketchy, but we made it through the water and back onto the road. It was a slow and steady drive to the house and I was grateful Iwabe was willing to go through all this. I told him as much when he parked in our driveway and he just waved me off, saying that was what friends were for. I tried to persuade him to stay rather than stay out in the storm, but he told me it wouldn’t be difficult to get home.
I sighed and left it at that, thanking him again before Kawaki and I made a break for it. I set the bags down once I was inside and Kawaki closed the door behind us. It was good to be home. After hanging his jacket, I turned to Kawaki and started pulling at his shirt.
“Alright, strip.” I ordered. “We need to get you warm and dry.”
“Worry about your damn self. I’m fine.” He glared at me but peeled his shirt off anyway. His skin was covered in chill bumps.
“I’ll do whatever the hell I want.” I grinned and popped open the button of his pants, not hesitating to pull down the zipper.
“You need to be stripping yourself, not me.” He told me though he didn’t sound as if he was convinced by his words.
I wrapped my arms around his waist and hooked my fingers in his belt loops. “But I like stripping you.” I said cheekily. “We’ll get nice and dry and then I’ll make us something to eat.”
“We won’t starve at least.” He mumbled, shaking his head at me. “You do realize you could have gotten in a bad accident out there, right?”
I pulled his pants down along with his underwear and collected his wet clothes after he stepped out of them. “I know. I’m sorry, Ki. I was trying to think ahead, but the storm hit sooner than they said it would.”
“You had no business leaving to begin with. We have bread.”
“I’m not eating your butterless toast.” I said and led the way upstairs, his clothes over my arm. “And your stomach wouldn’t last all night on just that alone.”
“I’d much rather go hungry than have something happen to your cinnamon roll ass.” He grumbled behind me.
I pushed open the door to our bedroom and then went into the bathroom to hang up the wet fabric. “I get that . . . and I would feel the same if it had been you out there.”
“You don’t get it. You don’t leave this fucking house like that when you know a storm is coming. No matter how much time you think you have.”
I wanted to argue, but knew I couldn’t because he was right. It wasn’t worth the chance. I grabbed a towel out of the closet and started drying him, trying not to pout.
“I hate when you do that shit. Okay. O fucking Kay. You are so damn hard headed.” He huffed, shaking his head.
“How am I being hard headed? I’m agreeing with you!” I protested. Honestly, when he got mad he only focused on what he wanted and what he was saying. My words went in one ear and out the other unless they were an insult or opposing him.
“I can’t even look at you right now.” He mumbled, glaring at me all the while.
I got on the step stool to dry his hair next and shook my head. “I said I was sorry, alright?” I already felt bad and his mood was making me feel worse.
“I don’t want you to be sorry. I want you to be smart.”
I sighed, resting my arms on his shoulders and staring down at his collarbone as another clap of thunder sounded. “And I was dumb.”
“As fuck. You ever make me wake up in a storm and you be gone again and I’ll kick your ass.” He said and then sighed as well, moving his arms around my waist and hugging me to him. “I was scared.”
I snuggled into his embrace and raked my fingers through his hair. “I won’t do it again. I promise.”
“Damn right you won’t. I forbid it.” He told me, voice toned down. “Now we need to get you naked.”
I laughed and gave a thoughtful kiss to his jaw. “Of course.”
I couldn’t deny that the best place to be during a storm was in bed with the man that held my safety above everything else. I was lucky to have someone who loved me so much, someone that would always come to my rescue. Kawaki was my hero.
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kawa-boru · 4 years
KanaTyy collaboration
KawaBoru Week: Day One
Prompt: Pranks
Rating: T (for language)
Work count: 4,700
Boruto yawned as his history teacher dragged on about some ancient psycho queen. No matter what the topic was or what time period they covered, history in general was just so boring to him. He would rather be out in the world making his own history than hearing about a crazy woman that got off on other people’s pain. The blond couldn’t even be bothered to take notes, his cheek resting in his hand as he fought to stay awake. A light snore from right beside him revealed that Kawaki had long given up that battle. He was out cold and probably dreaming about something way more interesting than this.
It was unfair, that bastard had left Boruto to suffer alone while he got some shut eye. Wanting to teach him a lesson, an old school prank crossed his mind. He dug into his pencil pouch until he found his black sharpie. It was time to turn history class into art class and the blond was feeling inspired. There was no waking Kawaki once he was out, not until he was good and ready to get up. Boruto took advantage of the fact and reached over to start doodling on his boyfriend’s face. By the time class was over, his masterpiece was complete and looking utterly ridiculous. It was difficult not to burst into laughter right then and there.
Kawaki woke up and palmed his face, it felt a little tingly, as if it had been tickled with something light like a feather. Class was finally over, so he leaned over to grab his bag and then got to his feet, though not before he noticed Boruto snickering. The blond was still in his desk, covering up his face and trying to contain his laughter. The way he was avoiding Kawaki’s general direction was enough for him to know Boruto had done something that was going to make him mad. It wouldn’t be the first time.
“What the hell did you do this time?” Kawaki asked, slamming his palm down on Boruto’s desk and leaning over him threateningly.
The action only caused the blond to shake harder, soon laughing uncontrollably. “I-I can’t, hahaha, fuck, don’t look at me!”
Kawaki moved his free hand to grab Boruto by the scruff of his shirt and yanked him until he was forced to look at him. “I’m not playing around, Boruto.”
“I know, I know, but . . .” He trailed off, chuckling. It was just too good. “It’s impossible to take you seriously like that.”
“Like what?” Kawaki hissed, leaning even closer. So close that their noses nearly touched.
Boruto grinned at him before closing the distance, placing a quick peck on his lips. “Nothing, dear. I was only making sure you had your face mask on while you got your beauty rest.”
After shoving Boruto away with a growl, Kawaki dug his phone out of his pocket and checked himself with his camera. The sight he was met with had his blood running cold and his head twitched as he turned to look back at Boruto who was already running out of the classroom.
Payback was going to be so sweet.
Kawaki had no choice but to leave school after finding out Boruto had drawn all over his face. He didn’t want to be seen at all, so he went straight home and scrubbed his face until it was raw and he had to take a break. He still hadn’t gotten the marker off completely, which only irritated him more. While he was furious, he was also bound and determined to get his boyfriend back for his little stunt. So he fumed and brooded until he decided what he was going to do.
Luckily for him, his boyfriend was soft to a fault. Even if he was a little devil at the same time. Kawaki knew just how to play him, and he planned to do something to get the blond really really upset. It wouldn’t be hard, but if he could do well enough, he could effectively end the prank war before it really began. This wasn’t the first time they had gone at each other, though it had been a while.
Kawaki could be a little ruthless when he was feeling petty and even though Boruto should have known better, he was sure he’d overreact and not think things through properly. So he sent him a text, which held the prank itself. It was simple, two words to start it off, but they were harsh enough to hopefully get his point across.
‘I’m done.’
‘With what? Pouting? Come on, you have to admit it was funny.’ Boruto responded seconds later.
Kawaki laughed, because it was funny. Not getting his face marked all over, but the turmoil his boyfriend was about to experience.
‘I’m done with you.’ He texted back after a couple moments, wanting to make him wait for it.
‘??? What? You’re not really that mad about it, right? It was just a prank.’
Kawaki could feel his panic already. ‘Not mad. Just done. I’m going through your shit now, I’ll drop everything off with you tomorrow.’
The next response wasn’t as quick as the others. ‘Quit messing around, you don’t mean that . . . do you?’
He almost felt bad, he almost gave in right then and told Boruto he was just kidding. Instead, he kept at it. ‘Yeah. I do. I’m done. I’ll have your things to you by noon tomorrow. I’d appreciate it if you could pack my things up too. I want my hoodie back.’
‘Wait a second, I didn’t mean it! :( Kawaki, we can talk this out.’
Kawaki didn’t respond. If he wanted to make it seem real, he had to play the part and he couldn’t sit around texting him. So, he went around his room and really started packing up everything he had of Boruto’s. There were some of his clothes here and there, lots of notes he’d given Kawaki over the years, pictures and keepsakes and gifts. Everything, he packed it up.
‘Don’t ignore me, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again, honest.’
When Kawaki noticed the other text, he decided to reply. Just a quick, ‘It’s too late. It’s over.’ and then he returned to packing everything away. He was going all out to pull this off.
The next day Boruto was waiting for Kawaki to arrive, having gotten himself all worked up. He tuned out his sister’s constant questioning and kept trying to get another response from Kawaki, but he had stopped answering altogether yesterday. Breaking up over a prank? He just couldn’t believe it and yet the bastard had talked about taking his hoodie back. The hoodie that the blond had finally stolen after many attempts, the one that he couldn’t wait to wear during fall and when it got cold. It was his favorite one and there was no way he was giving it back.
In fact, there was no way he was going to let Kawaki break up with him. Especially not over a fucking sharpie. Despite knowing how the other boy felt about him there was still a voice of doubt. Maybe this was the last straw, maybe he really was tired of dealing with him. Boruto was beyond nervous and he hadn’t packed a single thing. He refused to because that meant he was accepting that they were finished. He jumped from the couch when he heard a car pull into the driveway and went out the front door, blue eyes widening at the sight of his things in Kawaki’s backseat. He was really trying to give them back to him . . .
Kawaki got out of his car, slamming the door shut and purposely avoiding the sight of the blond who was now outside. He opened the rear door and grabbed the box he had and the few bags, able to carry everything at once. After closing the door, he schooled his features and made his way over to Boruto. Boruto didn’t like the look on his face at all and it hit him like a punch to the gut. The air of indifference made it feel too real and for a moment he was frozen still from the shock of it all.
“Don’t you dare bring those in my house.” He told him, blocking his way. “I’m not taking them.”
“Yes you are. I can carry them in and get mine in return.” Kawaki said, brushing past the blond’s smaller frame easily and heading towards the door.
“No, wait! Don’t do this.” Boruto pleaded and hurried after him. “I don’t want to be over, please just stop and listen, okay?”
Kawaki almost smiled, but he fought the urge and turned around to glare at his panicked boyfriend. “Go ahead, talk, Boruto. It won’t get you anywhere.”
The blond nearly flinched at the glare and swallowed hard. “If I had known it would have made you this upset then I never would have done it.” He had never gotten this angry before, enough to want to end things with him. They had pranked each other plenty of times. “Give me one more chance, I-I’ll do better. I can prove it to you.”
“Prove it? How?” Kawaki pressed, already ready to tell Boruto it was all a prank.
“I promise not to mess with you anymore.” Boruto started off with, but that wouldn’t be enough. Kawaki was really mad at him. “I’ll make you lunch everyday, I won’t bother you when you’re studying . . . and . . . and I’ll even stop dragging you to that burger place every weekend!”
Nothing or nobody could come close to rivaling Boruto’s cuteness. He was so adorable that the taller boy couldn’t prevent himself from smiling any longer. “So, no more pranks? Lunch everyday and you’ll stop being annoying? Wow… I don’t know… I think I’d kind of miss going to your favorite burger place every weekend…”
Boruto was thrown off by the sudden change in mood, but wanted to take it as success. “Then . . . then what?” Would he give him another chance?
“I was just fucking with you. Karma is a bitch, huh?” Kawaki smirked.
He was . . . but he . . . it was all a . . . “Huh?”
“It was just a prank.”
Boruto was stunned into silence for a few seconds, hoping he had heard wrong. “ . . . . excuse me?”
“You heard me. I didn’t stutter.” Kawaki huffed and walked past Boruto again, on his way to his car.
“You . . . you . . . you bastard!” The blond yelled. “What the hell is wrong with you?!”
Kawaki snorted as he opened the back door and returned all the items inside. He closed it again and reached for the door handle to the driver door. “See you.”
Boruto’s jaw dropped. After all that he had the nerve to just drive away? Oh no, no no no. He needed to sit down before he hurt himself, he was so ticked. He watched as the other boy backed out of the driveway and then turned on his heel to go back inside. If that was how Kawaki wanted to play it then fine, so be it. He wasn’t going to let him get away with a stunt like that.
When Kawaki made it back home, he returned all of Boruto’s things to their rightful places. His phone was dry, which meant Boruto was more than likely still pouting over the revelation. It amused Kawaki to no end and he didn’t even feel bad. It was all worth it as long as Boruto didn’t try anything like that again. Kawaki could be drastic if he ever wanted to be--though Boruto was the one who’d made the word all that it was.
After a few hours, Kawaki took a shower and then decided to send a few pictures to his boyfriend in hopes of cheering him up. He couldn’t sulk forever and Kawaki was hoping to see him again that night, so he hoped Boruto would act right. Boruto didn’t take long at all to open the messages, but he didn’t send a response. If he wanted to be a big baby, Kawaki would make him regret it. He tossed his phone on his bed and went into his closet, grabbing a pair of jeans and his favorite black vest. He got dressed and ready, stepping into his boots when he finally prepared to leave his home.
Once he was in his car, he took another picture of himself, making sure to show off his open vest. ‘Wanted to take you out. I’ll take myself instead.’ He sent the message with a tongue emoji at the end and waited.
‘Good, I hope you get used to it.’
Kawaki rolled his eyes and set his phone down to get on the road. He thought he would pick up Boruto, go to Thunder Burger and spend the rest of their Saturday together. He supposed he couldn’t really blame his boyfriend for being upset, but Kawaki knew him well enough to know that he would still be upset later in the night, possibly even more so than he was currently.
He ended up at Iwabe’s, a safe enough place, though his friend was older, a few years older, and he normally had things going on at all ours of the day and night. Kawaki wasn’t surprised when he arrived to find several other people already there, socializing. Iwabe made his way over to him just a few seconds after he walked through the door.
“Where’s Boruto?” He asked instead of greeting Kawaki properly.
Kawaki shrugged a shoulder. “Didn’t want to hang out with me tonight. I pissed him off a bit.”
“Really? On a Saturday? Damn…” Iwabe sounded impressed. “I don’t think it will help that you know who is here.”
Oh. “No, it probably wouldn’t.” Kawaki chuckled, already knowing who he was referring to. If Kawaki was smart, he would turn around and leave right then… but he wasn’t. “Oh well, it’s his own fault. Besides, I’m not doing anything wrong.”
“It’s not you I’m worried about.” Iwabe muttered and Kawaki rolled his eyes. It wasn’t like he wouldn’t defend his relationship or put anyone in their place who dared try to intervene or cause any problems.
Still, it was risky. So, just to be safe, he texted Boruto along with sending a picture of himself. ‘Came by Iwabe’s.’ He sent, deciding to break it to him slowly. When no reply came though, he followed with, ‘Inojin’s here…’
‘I see how it is . . . well go ahead, dig yourself into a dipper hole. I wonder how far you’ll get before you can’t get out of it.’
Kawaki huffed at the message, not liking it one bit. ‘Don’t go threatening me. I tried to spend my night with you instead, but you acted like a little prick. Bye.’
‘Me?! You’re the one who faked a break up, you dick! Mission fucking acomplished, I won’t be pranking you anymore.’
‘Damn right you won’t.’ Kawaki replied, frowning in annoyance. ‘I’m not arguing with you and I’m not sitting home bored on a Saturday night.’
‘Fine, I’ll leave you to your fun.’
Returning his phone to his pocket, Kawaki turned back to Iwabe with a sigh. “I’m going home.”
“What? You just got here?” Iwabe frowned.
“Bye.” Kawaki called, already on his way out. Boruto really knew how to make him feel like shit so even though he didn’t want to, he would go home and be bored all night. Maybe he’d go to sleep early.
Boruto was already in bed, staring daggers at his phone. Kawaki was so stupid. He was really going to hang out with Inojin, knowing how Boruto felt about that handsy flirter? It made him sick. Deep down he knew Kawaki would never cheat on him or anything like that. Even still, his boyfriend wasn’t careful enough and knew how to piss him off. The bastard just didn’t get it. The blond understood the whole point was to put a stop to their pranking altogether before it turned into a big mess. Again. They both could get carried away.
However a sharpie wasn’t nearly in the same league with what he had done, he crossed a line and Boruto wasn’t going to let him sweep it under the rug. He got the message loud and clear. No more pranks, period. Now it was time for Kawaki to learn not to joke about their relationship. Boruto wasn’t going to fall for his seduction or his attempts to make him jealous and lonely. Thinking he was actually done with him, it hurt. It was scary to think they could fall apart over something so idotic and having Kawaki act like that towards him was his worst nightmare.
The blond liked him more than he had ever liked anyone, but it irritated him when he tried to use his own anger against him. When he tried to make him give in and get over it because he wanted him to. Yeah, he was mad alright, but he was serious too. He was going to pout and sulk all he wanted and there was nothing the other boy could do about it. He went to sleep that night, sticking to his resolve and not giving into his urge to go to Iwabe’s party. He would wait and see what their relationship meant to Kawaki.
When Kawaki woke up the following morning, he was still groggy from sleeping too much and didn’t want to get out of bed. He did though, checking his phone which had no messages from Boruto before he went to take a shower. After his shower, he dressed in a pair of shorts and played some music on his phone as he wandered through his home, heading for the kitchen. He couldn’t believe Boruto hadn’t texted or called or anything. It really pissed him off.
While he ate some simple toast, Kawaki sent him a text. ‘Still ignoring me and acting like a baby?’
‘That’s right.’
Kawaki scoffed and shook his head to himself as he chewed a bite of bread. ‘You ruined date night. Thanks a lot.’
‘You’re welcome.’
Kawaki scowled at his response and set his phone down, rolling his eyes. He would not follow that up with any response. If Boruto wanted to pout and act childish, then he would let him.
‘ . . . . did you have fun last night?”
‘Yep.’ Kawaki replied as soon as he read the text, annoyed that Boruto had the audacity to ask him such a thing.
Having nothing to say to that, Kawaki finished up his toast and then walked into the living room, realizing by now that he was alone at home. That was nothing unusual. He sat on the couch and turned on the tv, but kept the volume down since he wasn’t really going to watch it. He was far more interested in his music. Now he had a whole day to do nothing and all thanks to a stupid prank war.
Boruto was in a similar state, holding up in his room and watching romcoms in his boyfriend’s hoodie. So he had fun hanging out with Inojin? The blond wanted to punch something. Not only that, but it seemed that Kawaki couldn't care less. This was the worst weekend ever. The pair continued to be stubborn and ignore each other until they were right back where they started. Sitting in his desk, the blond tried to mentally prepared himself for whatever his history teacher had planned for the day. He pointingly didn’t look at the desk right beside him and for once in his life had the intention of taking notes.
Kawaki was watching Boruto blatantly ignore his existence until he began to wonder if they actually had broken up without ever coming to the decision aloud. Maybe he had taken things too far, but Boruto started it and he shouldn’t have been acting like this. They should have spent their Saturday together, going for burgers and hanging out until midnight as they usually did. However, that hadn’t happened. Kawaki had been in bed before nine and that had never happened in his life. Boruto didn’t even text him, he was bothered, but he was being silent and that wasn’t like him at all. He wasn’t falling for any of Kawaki’s moves and Kawaki didn’t like that one bit.
He wanted to call Boruto out, right in the middle of class because it was eating him alive. He wouldn’t though. Not a chance. Despite his determination in the beginning, Boruto couldn’t fake interest in what the teacher was saying. His paper was as blank as always and he inwardly groaned. He curiously looked over at Kawaki to see how he was holding up, but cursed himself for giving in and turned back around soon after. He was still upset even if he did miss his stupid face. Those eyes weren’t going to work on him, no way. The blond started moving his hand to make himself write something only to end up drawing in his notebook.
By the time class came to an end, Kawaki was furious. Just who did Boruto think he was? Ignoring him? Ha! It was completely laughable and yet, Kawaki wasn’t laughing. He was torn between losing his mind and unleashing his frustration out on his maybe boyfriend, or storming off and never speaking to him again. The decision to confront the blond seemed to be the best route to take.
“I’m not joking anymore with you. Now I’m really pissed.” Kawaki snapped at him as soon as they were in the hallway. Boruto had tried to just walk away but Kawaki wasn’t having it. He’d been quick to grab his wrist and pin him up against the nearest lockers.
“But not the least bit guilty.” Boruto said, but didn’t try to break free. He knew he wouldn’t be able to.
“I can see that you’re not.” Kawaki huffed. “You should be apologizing already.”
“Me?” He had lost his mind. “For what?”
“For ruining our whole weekend, asshole! For ignoring me! Hell, the list goes on…”
Boruto narrowed his eyes at him. “You’re the one that was being a jerk and then drove away as if nothing happened! So what, it’s only a problem if you’re the one who’s angry?”
“I planned to go back and pick you up, you idiot.” Kawaki growled, glaring down at the blond. “Once the pranks were over, you should have let them go, but you didn’t. I guess it doesn’t matter, since you had a great time.” They weren’t getting anywhere and Kawaki was only becoming more frustrated by the second, so he forced himself to take a step back and distance himself. Maybe they just needed some time.
“I did let them go, what do you think this is? What do you think I’ve been doing?” Boruto asked, having to spell it out for him. “This isn’t some fucking prank. You’re not allowed to say we’re over no matter what. I don’t care if it’s a joke, I don’t care if you’re trying to teach me a lesson. I don’t want to hear you say it . . .”
“At least I wasn’t serious. I could have been—after what you did to me in public. And now, look at us. What the hell is this?”
Boruto didn’t have to look around, he could feel the stares and the judgement. But that wasn’t important. “I thought you were and that’s my point . . . it wasn’t funny at all . . . and I already said sorry. I’m sorry.” He said, though perhaps they had caused enough of a scene for the day and he was done arguing. That’s not what he wanted. In the end, he started walking away so he wouldn’t have people gawking at him.
The look on Kawaki’s face as he followed Boruto was enough to have other people scurrying along and minding their own business like they should have been doing to start with. He walked next to his boyfriend for a few minutes and eventually sighed.
“I’m sorry too, Boruto. It wasn’t easy for me to go through with that prank, but you almost act as if you wish it were true. If we’re not going to be together then are we really even together at all?”
“Of course I don’t wish it were true.” The blond told him, holding his books to his chest. “But I didn’t want you to think something like that was okay . . . I didn’t want you to brush me off. I want to be together, but I want you to understand my feelings too.”
“I understand all of that. But what about my feelings?” Kawaki asked, speaking a little softer now. “I missed you all weekend and you didn’t even care.”
That was how Boruto had wanted it to seem. “I did care and I missed you too. I don’t ever like being mad at you, Kawaki, and I couldn’t even ignore you properly either. I still gave in and looked at every text message and responded to most of them.” He said and then added under his breath, “not to mention that party . . .”
“What party?”
“The one where you had fun at. With Iwabe and . . . and him.”
Kawaki snorted and shoved Boruto with his elbow as they walked down the hall. “You’re so stupid. I never even saw him and I left right after you texted me that last time…”
Blue eyes looked up at him. “Really?”
“Really.” Kawaki sighed again. “I was hoping to coax you into meeting me so we could do something together… but that was a major fail.”
“I thought you just wanted to pretend like it never happened.” Boruto confessed and laid it all out there. “Like the prank didn’t hurt my feelings. . .”
“I know it did.” Kawaki smiled and wrapped his arm around Boruto’s neck. “I’m sorry, but you should blame yourself. You think I’d ever leave you—let somebody else have you? Not ever.”
Boruto blushed at his words, looking away again. “It’s not my fault you were putting on some Broadway performance. Trying to take my hoodie . . .”
That made Kawaki laugh. “My hoodie.” He corrected. “If it was yours, you probably wouldn’t even care.”
“It’s my hoodie that was given to me by you after I stole it.” Boruto said, getting the facts straight.
“Did I ever say that you could have it though?” Kawaki asked, cocking a brow.
“Maybe not in words,” the blond admitted as they stopped around a corner, “but yes. Definite yes.”
Kawaki hummed, knowing he had never agreed to it, but was unable to take it away from him either—even if it was so big on him. Kawaki liked it. “You’re right. Since you’re so cute, I may even give you another one.”
Boruto was quick to jump on the offer. “I want the blue one.”
“Then it’s yours.”
Boruto grinned, stepping forwards to lean his head against Kawaki’s chest. “In return, I’ll make you lunch everyday and only bother you sometimes while you’re studying, but we have to go to Thunder Burger and . . . and I’ll give you a free favor.”
“Boruto, you’re full of shit. I’ve heard all of this before. Except… this favor, I’ll believe it when I see it. Thunder Burger is a given and you know it. You’ll never let me study in peace if you’re around and I’d be lucky to get lunch once.”
“Wow. No faith whatsoever.” He rolled his eyes, but was still grinning. “It’s totally different from what I’ve said before, Kawaki. And I’ll show you, just you wait.” He was going to make him so many boxed lunches that he would get sick of them. “As for the favor, name it. Any time, any place, anywhere.”
Smiling fondly, Kawaki ruffled Boruto’s hair. “Alright then, I’m looking forward to it.”
Tyy: Kawaki and Boruto are ridiculous, but I love them. Had a lot of fun writing this! I can’t imagine these two pranking each other a lot more. It was funny and dramatic, kept me rolling my eyes and laughing. Don’t write high school kawaboru often, so it was also refreshing! XD
Kana: High school idiots still working out their relationship and each other. The smallest things turned into the biggest problems in their little world just like it does for other people at their age. It was fun, but frustrating too because they were both so hard headed, hahaha. They were troublesome, but still cute and perfect for each other.
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kawa-boru · 4 years
KanaTyy collaboration
KawaBoru Week: Day Seven
Prompt: Free Day
Rating: M
Word count: 2,800
I wasn’t a jealous person. Possessive, yes. Easily pissed off, hell yeah. Jealous? No. It was a stupid emotion that I didn’t have time for and I was always confident enough to know that if I was with somebody, they didn’t want anyone else. That especially went for Boruto.
He was crazy about me. Nobody could get him off like me. I didn’t know why, but the guy loved me and some fucking how, he made me soft. Only him. A lot of shit annoyed me, but I always knew he wasn’t going anywhere. He wanted me too much, nobody else would ever measure up to what I could give him, he wasn’t about to be flirting with anybody else and nobody else would dare try to flirt with him because they already knew. Everybody knew. His cinnamon roll ass was mine.
It had been a year since he had been mine and I’d be damned if anybody even thought about trying to change that. I wasn’t jealous. No, just possessive as fuck. What was mine, was just that. Mine. Nobody had ever tried to take that from me, nobody but myself. I never felt threatened, most of the time amused if somebody made a pass at Boruto, because I knew he couldn’t stand it. At least until today.
I’d cut my last class, smoking the entire time with Iwabe in his truck. We were laughing our asses off over nothing, having a good time by ourselves as we waited for Boruto to finish his class so I could ride home with him. It was a rainy day, so we’d came to school in his car instead of walking. It was a normal day, a good day. Miraculously Boruto and I hadn’t had a single argument about anything and I was looking forward to getting home with him, but my good mood descentigrated from the instant I saw some guy pull up and park beside his car.
It was suspicious as fuck because he got out of his car and walked around Boruto’s for a moment until he leaned against the drivers side as if he belonged there. I hit the joint between my fingers as I watched him, wondering who the fuck he thought he was.
“Oh shit,” Iwabe snorted as he watched along with me. “I really feel like I need to drive you home right now.”
“Move this fucking truck and I’ll kill you.” I promised, not sparing him a glance.
“If you get your ass locked up, I’m not bailing you out.” He huffed and I rolled my eyes as I hit the joint again before passing it to him, leaning forward a bit when the guy turned his head towards the school.
My eyes followed, finding Boruto walking his way over there with a confused look on his face. My leg started bouncing as I waited to see what was going to transpire between them and I took the joint back from Iwabe when Boruto stopped a few feet away from the guy.
“Hey! I wasn’t passing it.” Iwabe complained.
“Shut the hell up, I’m trying to see!” I growled, eyes narrowing on this stranger who was now taking a step away from the car, towards Boruto.
The guy was the first to speak and Boruto looked like he didn’t know what to say, crossing his arms over his chest and looking away from the bastard—whoever he was. I could tell Boruto was uncomfortable and I didn’t like it. I hit the joint several more times when he took another step closer. He was too fucking close.
“Damn it, Kawaki, chill. You’re working yourself up for nothing.” Iwabe groaned and I had half a mind to knock him the hell out, but I was too focused on watching the interaction a few parking spots away to do anything.
Boruto finally said something back and he didn’t look happy, his face showing a mixture of annoyance and unease. He even looked somewhat depressed. Who the hell was this guy and what the fuck was he doing with my cinnamon roll?
It looked like Boruto was telling him off, his temper finally flaring. This relaxed me and I sighed in relief as he stormed by the guy, but then suddenly, the bastard grabbed Boruto by the shoulders, spun him around and pinned him down against his car. I was out of the truck before Iwabe could do anything, ignoring his cursing as I moved around the truck and headed over.
Nobody was going to be touching him, much less slinging him around like that, unless it was me. I hadn’t been so livid in a long, long time. The smug look on the son of a bitch’s face only made it worse. Before I could make it over there, Boruto kneed the guy in the groin, knocking him back off of him right at the same time Iwabe caught up to me, hooking his arms around me.
“You might as well let me the fuck go.” I spat, his hold on me slowing me down but not stopping me.
Boruto noticed me approaching, his eyes widening before he hissed something at the guy.
“Boruto, shit, help me.” Iwabe huffed, struggling to hold me back.
“Me?” He questioned, voice higher pitched than normal. “Damn it. Ki, um, well . . . you see . . . let’s not get drastic.”
“Too fucking late.” I growled, shoving Iwabe off of me as I stared at the bastard. He wasn’t moving, because he obviously didn’t know the world of hurt he was about to experience.
“Wait!” Boruto pleaded and blocked my path.
I stopped in my tracks, nostrils flaring as I looked down at him. “Don’t tell me to fucking wait, asshole. I’m about to fuck this guy up.” Said guy was just watching silently, completely oblivious.
“Right. And he deserves it, but this isn’t a good place to be opening cans of whip ass.” He told me and then added, “Though I wouldn’t object to a good right hook.”
“Outta my way,” I scoffed, moving him aside and walking closer to the guy. I snatched him closer to me by the scruff of his shirt and scowled down at him. “Who the fuck are you anyway?”
Finally the man snapped out of his bystander gaze, narrowing his eyes as he looked up at me. “I’m Boruto’s boyfriend, who the fuck are you?” He asked, yanking his shirt out of my grasp.
“Ex boyfriend you fucking bastard!” Boruto quickly corrected.
I had to just stand where I was, totally taken aback. Boyfriend? “The fuck?”
The guy looked smug for a second before he turned his attention back to Boruto. “Anyway, back to what I was saying. I want you to come back to me.”
“Dude, I just told you no!” Boruto growled. “I can’t believe you came all the way out here for this. Are you seriously coming at me with this shit? We’re over. We’ve been over and that’s how it’s gonna stay. End of story.”
“You’re goddamn right it is.” I snapped. “He’s mine you piece of shit, so leave now before I really do kill your ass.”
Boruto smiled at that, but hid it almost instantly. “He’s not messing around. Just go. We’re done here.”
“Oh, I get it.” The man chuckled. “You think you’re too good for me now? Selling yourself out to this giant. Well it’s not over until I say it's over.” He looked at me. “Go ahead with your death threats, I’ll be glad to give Boruto a warm bed to come home to while you’re in jail. Bitch.”
“Oh hell . . . you’re an idiot.” Boruto breathed in shock. “Iwabe . . . we should leave.”
“I’m with you, dude. Come with me.”
I paid no attention to Iwabe pulling Boruto away, too busy staring down the dead meat in front of me. I was going to let him go, mainly because Boruto wanted me to, but there wasn’t a chance in hell I wasn’t going to kick his ass now. He was one brave soul, that much I would give him, because he wasn’t running from me. It was honestly amusing, enough that I laughed darkly.
“You must be on some good shit if you think for even a second that you could have him. You think jail scares me, that I think you have a chance with him even then? You’re a goddamn fool. You can have me arrested, like the pussy you are, it won’t matter. I’ll get out and Boruto will be waiting on me. You ain’t shit, one hit and you’ll be down for the fucking count, like the zero you are.”
The guy pulled his shoulders back, trying to look bigger than he really was. “I’m no pushover. You think I’m scared just because you’re bigger than me? Ha. Just fucking try it.”
How Boruto could have ever had anything to do with a bastard like him was beyond me, but I wasn’t about to listen to another word out of his big fucking mouth. It had been over a year since I’d sent anyone to the hospital and I did rather enjoy living my peaceful life with my cinnamon roll, but nobody was going to touch him, or try to have his ass because he was mine. Only mine.
I was surprised yet again when the little prick swung at me, but it was a sad attempt and my reflexes were quick. I grabbed his wrist and snatched him down, kneed him right in the stomach and knocked the breath out of him. He fell onto his hands and knees, wheezing and I grabbed him by his hair, throwing him back onto his back.
“Well, well. You look even more like a pussy now. I believe the only bitch here is you. Bitch.” I smirked down at him, the amused anger inside of me unlike anything I’d felt before. It was usually one or the other, so the mixture was strange.
I knelt down beside him, slapping him so hard his face swole instantly.
“Definitely a bitch.” I grinned at the blood seeping from his mouth and nose. “You gonna do something or just lay there and bleed?”
“Fuck . . you . . .”
“Fuck like me and you’ll be second best.” I told him before grabbing him by his throat and pulling him back to his feet. I settled him on his feet, releasing him to pat his face roughly. “You good man? You alright? I’ll give you a chance to breathe.”
He wobbled a bit, but breathed a sigh of relief at thinking it was over. I just waited for him to steady himself and then I punched him right across his jaw, knocking him back down and unconscious.
“Well shit.” I rolled my eyes and spit on his face before turning on my heel to look for Boruto. Oh I have a few bones to pick with his cinnamon roll ass.
He was with Iwabe in his truck and I walked over slowly before opening the passenger door.
“So . . . that happened. Feel better?” He asked, slightly wincing at his own words.
“Get the fuck out.”
Boruto removed himself from the truck and tossed Iwabe a look before he took out his keys, heading to his car. I followed him, keeping quiet as I got in the car and waited for him to get behind the wheel. Knowing it was in our best interest to keep our mouths shut until we made it home, that’s what we did. I brooded silently all the way and as soon as we walked inside, I went for my box.
“I don’t think so.” I muttered when Boruto went to walk out of the living room. “Park that ass right here.” I told him, pointing to the couch next to me.
He hesitated for a moment, but wisely came over and sat down. “Alright, let me have it.” He sighed and turned his body towards me, crossing his legs underneath him.
Not having time to roll anything, I packed a bowl in record time and hit it as if my life depended on it, savoring the way the smoke filled my lungs. I exhaled slowly and stared at my bowl before grumbling, “What the fuck? What the fuck, asshole?!”
Boruto yelped, not expecting me to raise my voice so soon. “Hey, it’s not like I invited him or anything. I never wanted to see that bastard again.”
“Who the fuck do you think you are seeing his ass to begin with?” I snapped.
“Well it was before I met you!” He huffed and crossed his arms. “We dated in high school. I thought he was cool, but as more time passed, I realized how much of a jerk he was. I’m surprised he wanted to get back together after I dumped his ass and his oh so important image went to shit.”
“You’re really pissing me off. Shit.” I hit my bowl again, hoping it would help.
Boruto stared at the bowl, continuing to pout. “Didn’t you let out all your anger on him? What are you mad at me for?” He asked and then mumbled quietly, “You even grabbed his throat.”
“I can’t fucking stand you right now. Mention him one more fucking time, I dare you.” I said, so mad I couldn’t even pack my bowl fast enough. “You’re over here having boyfriends and shit and then worry about me grabbing his throat.”
“Cause you’re only supposed to do that to me!” He exclaimed with a blush.
Damn idiot. “Yeah, well you’re not supposed to be having boyfriends either so shit, guess we're even.”
Boruto shook his head, but let it go. “Fine. I guess so.”
“Were there others? Or was he the only one?” I asked even though I wasn’t sure I wanted to know the answer.
He bit his lip and shifted his gaze as far from me as possible.
“Excuse me, I asked you a fucking question.” I hissed, hand itching to grab his ass, but I wouldn’t. He doesn’t deserve it.
“You’ll get even more worked up if I answer.” He said and then winced.
“That many?” I was astounded. I was wounded. I was fucking mortified. I couldn’t even finish packing the bowl. I had to set it down, feeling faint.
Boruto tried to smooth it over, knowing he couldn’t take it back. “It wasn’t that many . . . just . . . maybe . . . alright, there were four others.” He admitted and got to his feet. “But like I said, it was before I met you! It’s in the past and . . . uh, good talk. I’ll get dinner going.”
“That many.” I repeated, laying my hand over my chest as I feared a heart attack coming. “Shit.” I had to lay down and breathe or else I was going to die.
“Oh my god, you make it sound like I slept with the whole football team or something.” He grumbled and was quick to make his exit towards the kitchen.
That didn’t settle well with me. The whole football team? Oh hell no. I forced myself up, storming after him. I caught him before he got far, pinning him against the wall with a tight hold on his throat. “You’re mine.”
He stood still, swallowing hard. “Yeah . . . I am.”
“It pisses me off so bad, just thinking about you being with anyone else. I should have fucking killed him.”
“This is a first . . . seeing you like this.” He said, hand coming up to grab my wrist. “I have to say, seeing you jealous for a change . . . I like it.” He smiled cheekily.
“I’m not fucking jealous, asshole. I’m livid. Nobody else can have you or should have. There should be no before you met me. What the fuck is that?”
Boruto kept smiling, seeming to be enjoying himself. “Yes, go on.”
“I should kick your ass, right here and now.” I growled and held his throat tighter.
His fingers twitched around my wrist, his pulse picking up. “You didn’t do it when I first moved in, so I doubt you’ll do it now.”
If only I wasn’t so damn crazy about his cinnamon roll ass. “I hate you.”
“I love you too.”
I rolled my eyes, forcing my hand away from him before I got any more heated. “Cook your stupid food and hurry up so I can make you forget about this before shit.”
Boruto’s eyes lit up. “I mean . . . I could always cook after.”
“No. You won’t be getting out of bed. Promise.” I muttered, walking back into the living room to finally smoke for real.
I sat down and started rolling a joint, still pissed about the whole situation, but I knew the best way to take my frustrations out would be in bed, with my infuriating cinnamon roll. This shit wouldn’t be happening again, I would make sure of it.
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kawa-boru · 5 years
KawaBoru—Rated M
Being in high school wasn’t so bad, but it wasn’t great either. While I had to keep my grades high in hopes of receiving a scholarship so I could get into college, I still wanted to do things any teenage boy would want to do. So I needed to make money, but making money meant working, and working meant I didn’t have much time to do what I wanted to do.
Gardening was something easy to do, and many people didn’t like to do it for themselves and they had no problem paying me to do it. After a year, I’d gotten pretty good and I actually enjoyed the work. I had enough yards to do to keep me enough money for anything I wanted, especially since securing my newest addition.
The place was owned by some guy that was in college and he’d found me one day while I was working for someone else. It happened like that often and I was always happy to take on more work. But his place was huge and I had to dedicate my saturdays to working only for him.
I didn’t mind though, he paid me really well and I may have had a little crush on him anyway. I didn’t think he was into guys, which was disappointing but that didn’t keep me from admiring him any chance I got. Even if he was into guys, he probably wouldn’t like me—I was younger… still in high school. I couldn’t keep up with him. But I wished I could.
Summer would be here before I knew it, but even these days early into spring were hot. It was strange that I actually looked forward to going to his place on Saturdays, because I wanted to see him. I really wished he would notice me.
His name was Kawaki and every inch of him was so sexy that I was all too often distracted from my work. Most Saturdays he had friends over, sometimes they went swimming in his pool, but they played basketball more than anything. I wondered if he played for his school, because he was really good.
I never got a chance to ask, but it didn’t really matter. As long as I could watch him play at home I was more than content. Just as I was today.
Trimming the hedges around the back of the house, my eyes kept drifting over to him. For once none of his friends were over, he was on the court playing basketball by himself. I was less trimming and more staring at him, mesmerized by his tan, inked skin that was covered in sweat and also by the way his muscles flexed with every movement.
So much running, and how anyone could look so irresistible just by shooting a basketball towards the goal was beyond me. I was near drooling by the time he left the ball on the bench on the side of the court and looked over at me.
My heart started pounding and I was quick to make it look like I was doing something. He was coming over. God, I couldn’t believe he was coming over, but he was and I held my breath and looked up at him when he stopped right next to me.
“It’s hot as hell today. Come inside and take a break.”
Today was indeed hot, but he’d never invited me in for a break before and I wasn’t sure what to think. I actually had a lot of work to do still, because I’d been watching him for so long, but I didn’t want to turn down the offer, so I nodded and followed him inside through the back patio and through the sliding glass door.
From the outside alone I’d figured the inside of his home was really nice, but I was impressed by how clean and modern it was. As far as I knew, he lived alone and I wasn’t sure what kind of work he did, but he had to be pretty loaded to have such a nice place. It seems even bigger on the inside, I thought as I followed Kawaki into the kitchen.
He was so tall and built, absolutely perfect. His hair stayed freshly cut, the undercut always short and neat while the top was much longer. His ears were pierced, a pair of studs in them at all times and his right brow was pierced too, two hoops just on the corner. His tattoos were everywhere, but it surprised me that he had one under his left eye, high on his cheekbone—the roman numeral nine. I wondered what it was for.
Kawaki went to the refrigerator and grabbed two bottles of water, passing one to me. I took it, unable to keep my eyes from trailing down his exposed torso. It was cold in his house and there were chill bumps all over his skin now. I wanted to touch him. Just one time and I’d be happy.
“How old are you?” He asked and I looked up into his grey eyes, my face heating at the way he looked at me. It was just a thoughtful look, but god he was beautiful.
“I-I… sixteen.” I stammered and was so embarrassed by getting so flustered that my blush deepened and I couldn’t help but look down at the floor. Anywhere except that face.
“Hm. Too young to be giving me those eyes.” He muttered and I bit my lip, holding tighter to the bottle of water in my hand.
I didn’t know what he meant by that, at all, but I didn’t like it. “I’m not too young for anything.” I huffed, cheeks puffing out as I pouted.
He came closer, close enough to steal my breath away and I tried to remain calm but that flew out the window as soon as he grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled, forcing my head back—forcing me to look up at him.
My heart completely stopped and I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think. All I could do was stare up at him in shock. Kawaki went from looking so serious, to amused—smiling as if his day had just been made.
“You’re still a baby. Way too young for me.” He said, his hand releasing my hair and sliding down the back of my neck, around to my collar bone. His thumb ran up my throat slowly and I swallowed hard. “It’s too bad.”
Then he removed his hand and stepped around me, walking to the living room. I finally breathed, trying to come to terms with what he just said and with the way his hand felt on me. But I was angry. I was so angry. He thought I was a baby?
“Hey!” I went after him, glaring down on him as he sat on the couch. “I’m not a baby! And I meant to say I’ll be seventeen next week on the twenty seventh. Besides, I can do whatever I want.”
He chuckled as I put my hands on my hips and leaned back on the couch in nothing but those basketball shorts and just… god he was so hot.
“How old are you anyway?” I asked nervously. I really didn’t know anything about him. I assumed he was in college, but I didn't know for how long. By his size and features, it was near impossible to gauge his age. I figured he was around his early twenties.
“Nineteen.” He answered simply and I gasped. “Don’t be so surprised.”
“I’m not! I’m not surprised… I’m mad! You’re only two years older than me and you call me a baby!”
His face softened as he smiled and it melted me. I couldn’t stand it. He was way too much for my heart. “You look like a baby. So cute.”
My blue eyes widened and the back of my neck burned. “You… you think I’m cute?”
“Yeah. I think you’re real fucking cute.” He admitted with a smirk and patted the couch next to him.
I quickly took the seat, not willing to miss the invitation. He thinks I’m real fucking cute. I knew I would never get over those words and while usually, when my mom or sister would call me that I would get offended—hearing Kawaki say it really set my heart a flutter. It was suddenly hotter in his house than it was outside.
“So you like me.” He stated instead of asking and I blushed yet again. “That’s okay because I like you too… but there’s no point in you getting involved with me.”
My face fell and I stared at the water bottle in my hands as I thought over those words. “Why not?” I asked quietly, wanting to understand.
“Because I don’t have time for a relationship. I’ve already declared my eligibility for the upcoming NBA draft in June.”
“What?” I was taken aback for a moment, even if I had watched him play and knew that he was good, I had no idea that he was passionate enough about basketball to try and go pro.
“You can bet your sweet ass I’ll be picked so I’ll be traveling a lot. And I have no way of knowing which team I’ll end up on either. In short, if you just wanted to hook up that would be one thing… but I can’t have you falling in love with me and shit.”
And he knew as well as I did… that I would most likely be unable to just hook up with him and not catch feelings. I’d never been in a relationship before and I’d only had sex once. It was awful, but I knew the guy just didn’t know what he was doing—much like me. I wanted to try it again. If I could have sex with Kawaki… and have nothing more, that would be okay. As long as I knew what I was getting into.
“I want to try it.” I told him bravely, glancing at him while trying to fight off the anxiety I felt. “I mean… I want to hook up. I’m not going to fall for you.”
“How can you be so sure?” He asked, leaning dangerously close and without thinking about it, I backed away. This didn’t deter him though, he crawled over me and I wound up on my back, his hips pressing down on mine.
I felt faint, unable to handle his face being so close to mine—and definitely not his weight on my groin. I feared he would notice how strongly and rapidly my heart was beating, at least until I realized I had something much more worrisome I didn’t want him to notice.
Crap crap crap. Why now?
“Damn, Boruto.” He grinned, grinding down on me as a means to let me know he hadn’t missed it and I almost wanted to die. Almost.
“J-just pretend you didn’t feel that a-and get off.” I whispered, not wanting him on me when I was dirty and sweaty. It was hot on him, but not me.
“I thought you wanted me.” He hummed, amused and his only movement was to grind against me more firmly.
I let out a noise that was between a squeal and a whimper, which left me feeling even more mortified. He was so hot that it aroused me just looking at him, but I couldn’t look away. My eyes greedily took him in, that absolutely gorgeous face that inched closer to me steadily. My breathing picked up as his head moved next to mine and I stiffened when I felt his breath on my ear. It caused my whole body to shudder and my cock to harden even more under his weight.
“Kawaki,” I gasped and the soft breath he pulled in told me that he liked my reaction.
“You really want me, don't you?” His voice was so husky, lips right at my ear and I just couldn’t handle it.
His hips moved again, starting a steady rhythm and his teeth tugged on my earlobe. His large body over me only heightened everything else I was feeling. I knew I’d never been so consumed with desire in my life. The way he grinded on me felt better than my own hand full on stroking my cock and at this rate…
“If I fucked you, you would never be able to forget it.” He told me with all the confidence in the world.
His voice was so sexy and he never stopped grinding, soon I could feel his own erection moving against mine and his thin, loose shorts didn’t contain it nearly as well as my jeans did mine. It felt like heaven and I was so easily lost in the moment, hands clinging to his arms as his teeth nibbled at my neck. His hand went to my ear, fingers ghosting around the shell and then his thumb and index finger took a hold of it right above my earlobe and he pulled gently. At the same time, his lips pressed an open mouthed kiss to my neck and then sucked the spot, all while his cock rubbed against mine.
It was too much, more than enough to drive me crazy—and even enough to make me come. I breathed heavily, unable to hold back the moan that fell from my lips as I came in my pants, thrusting up against him through the intense sensation. Kawaki’s lips smacked as he pulled away from my neck and stared down at me with an incredulous look.
The desire in his grey eyes was so raw I feared I would get lost in them. I was hot, still trying to catch my breath and so overcome with pleasure that I couldn’t even be bothered by the fact that I’d just came like I had. There was no time to be embarrassed right away, not when he looked at me like that and he was so sexy I wanted him more than anything.
“So quick… I didn’t know you’d be so easy to please, Boruto.” He smiled at me, his words not harsh or judgemental. My breathing finally started to calm, a high unlike any I’d ever felt having washed over me. His hand laid over my chest, right above my heavily beating heart. “I like you a lot more now.”
“But… but I…”
“So fucking cute.” He sighed, eyes falling to his hand on my chest that slid up to my collar. I never ever thought I’d get to see such a look of admiration in his eyes, not for me. “I’ll take care of you, okay?”
I nodded slowly as he got off of me and my eyes betrayed me, quickly moving below his waist. He was so hard and wasn’t bothering to hide it. I sat up, fighting off the daze I was in. Kawaki was going to have sex with me now. I wanted it. I really wanted it.
“Come on.” He offered me his hand and I took it happily, getting up and following him through his home until we reached his bedroom.
It was as clean as the rest of the place, very neat and modern. Lots of black and grey. But he didn’t stop there, he pulled me into his bathroom and released me to get the shower started. Getting in the shower with him and seeing him naked… god it was as if every dream I ever had was coming true in a matter of minutes. Or so I thought.
“Get cleaned up. I’ll get you something to wear.”
My brows furrowed and I shifted my feet as I looked at him, confused. “What… But…”
“No buts. Get in the shower.”
He left the bathroom, leaving me no room to argue about it. I stripped and got in the shower, taking my time in washing myself. It did make sense for me to get cleaned up first, I had been working for hours and then came in my pants. There was no reason to feel down about it, he wanted me. I knew he did. So, I just knew that when I got out of the shower, I was going to be able to have Kawaki.
When I finished showering, there was a pair of black basketball shorts, grey briefs and a white tank top sitting on the sink. They were folded so neatly and I wondered if he always took such care of everything as I got dressed. The tank top fit well enough, the shorts did too but they were so long on me, though so so comfortable.
He was in his room when I walked in there, straightening up with his hands on the waistband of a clean pair of basketball shorts—just having pulled them up. His hair was damp and I could tell that he’d taken his own shower, more so from the smell of him than the wetness of his hair.
So now…
“It’s not happening… not today.” He said softly, but I still couldn’t hide my disappointment. “Don’t start with the buts. If you want it to happen, come see me after your birthday. Before then, it’s not happening.”
That had really made me sulk, but I could tell I wouldn’t get anywhere by arguing with him about it, so I just told him I understood and left. He told me not to work anymore for the day so I just gathered all my things and made my way home. Himawari questioned me about the clothes I wore and I really didn’t want to deal with her. My sister was a sweetheart and I adored her, but she had a way of prying that really irked me sometimes.
For my birthday, my parents took me out to eat at my favorite restaurant and then my friends kidnapped me, surprising me with a party unlike any I’d ever been to before. Shikadai was my best friend, and he was the culprit. His parents just so happened to be away for the weekend and he’d managed to gather a large crowd and alcohol too. I’d only drank once before and knew that drinking underage wasn’t good for many different reasons, but I still agreed to have a few drinks for my birthday.
It didn’t end well at all. I don’t know if I drank too much, drank the wrong thing or what but I ended up really feeling the alcohol and after that—one of the girls that was at the party came onto me and I almost let myself believe that I could do it… but I couldn’t. I wound up running from the party, desperate to get away. The night air was surprisingly hot and I was so miserable as I walked down the street, not even sure where I was going. I hadn’t said anything to anyone and I knew it wasn’t very wise of me to just run off like that, but I’d felt like it was my only choice.
After a little while a car slowed next to where I was walking and fearfully, I glanced over as the window rolled down. The guy driving wasn’t someone I recognized.
“Hey, aren’t you Kawaki’s lawn boy?”
This guy knows Kawaki?... He knows me?
“Gardener.” I corrected and stopped walking.
“Need a ride, dude?”
Against my better judgement, I nodded and got in the car with him. “You can just take me to the park or something. I can’t go home right now.”
“Oh well, you can just come with me if you can’t go home.” He said with a smile. “I’m Iwabe by the way.”
My stomach was unsettled, I even felt a bit nauseous from being in the car so I never responded. I was busy trying to sober up until the car pulled to a stop and Iwabe cut the engine. He swatted my arm with the back of his hand and urged me to get out. I did so, but had immediate regrets upon seeing we were at Kawaki’s place.
“What are we doing here?” I asked, unsure about facing him now when it had been a while. Since the incident inside his home, I had only been back once and he hadn’t been home while I did my work.
“I was on my way here to talk to Kawaki for a minute. You might as well walk inside. He won’t care.”
I wasn’t so sure, but I didn’t need to be convinced further. I followed Iwabe to the door, surprised that he just let himself in, but I said nothing—just walked in behind him. Everything was a little hazy and I stopped once we were inside, feeling like I needed just a moment to collect myself.
“Whoa, you alright man?” Iwabe asked, arms wrapping around me to hold me upright. I’d started wobbling and probably would have fallen had it not been for him moving to help support me.
“Sorry, I…”
“What the hell?” Kawaki’s voice boomed and though my brows raised, my head was so heavy I didn’t even attempt to raise it to look for him.
“Yo. I’m just giving him a ride.”
“Boruto. Have you been drinking?” Kawaki demanded and I groaned when I was snatched out of lwabe’s grasp and tugged until I hit what felt like a brick wall.
“Where did you find him?” Kawaki snapped, holding me tight against himself.
“He was walking down the street so I offered him a ride. That’s it. Why are you so pissed?”
“Go to my room.” Kawaki told me, giving me a little push.
He sounded so mad and he and Iwabe were arguing as I wandered through the house. It took me a few minutes to find his room in the dark and the nausea hit me as soon as I was through the door. Thankfully the bathroom wasn’t far and I made it to the toilet in just enough time to puke without making a mess. If I wouldn’t have been so intoxicated, I would have been humiliated but there was no room for those feelings, even after I started dry heaving—and even after that finally passed.
Collapsing on the floor, breathless and hot, I groaned in misery. The cold floor felt good so I rolled onto my side and laid my hot cheek on it. The room was spinning and I felt horrible. I’ll never drink again. Ever.
On the verge of passing out, I was too dazed to catch anything Kawaki said to me when he found me in the bathroom, but I was well aware of him. He wiped my face with a cold, wet washcloth and at the time, it was the best feeling I’d ever had. I didn’t remember anything after that—until I woke up in his bed.
Kawaki wasn’t in the room, but his scent was everywhere and it didn’t take me long to remember how I’d gotten to his house. How I’d ended up in his bed was another matter entirely.
It was hard to believe that I didn’t feel like crap, but I wasn’t going to complain about it. Pushing the cover off of me, I found that I’d been changed. I was shirtless and wearing a pair of his shorts. They were so comfy, I’d already gotten attached to the other pair I’d gotten from him.
When I didn’t find him anywhere inside, I let myself out the back door and heard the familiar sound of the basketball being dribbled on the court. While I worried he may be playing with some of his friends, I found him alone. It was late morning and not as hot as it had been recently. It actually felt really good outside, yet he was still sweating. I loved watching him, so that’s what I did until he spotted me and quit playing.
Feeling nervous, I looked at the ground as he walked over to me. He seemed so mad last night when I came with Iwabe. I didn’t really know what to say, but I figured an apology would be best.
“I’m sorry I ended up here last night… I didn’t mean to. I don’t want you to be angry with me.”
“You have a blatant disregard for your own safety. You could have been hurt last night, or worse. I’m glad you ended up here and are okay. Why did you drink though? You’re way too young for that.”
I frowned at him, feeling uneasy with the way his eyes stayed on my face—his expression so impassive. It was hard to tell if he was actually mad or not and while I didn’t want to say the wrong thing, I didn’t want him treating me like a kid either.
“I’m old enough to support myself you know. If I want to drink, I’ll drink. If I want to fuck, I’ll fuck. Nobody is going to stop me.”
“Hm.” Kawaki tried to tone down his amusement, but after a few seconds he laughed loudly. Even his grey eyes brightened and he looked so genuinely happy that my stomach flopped. “You’re naive, Boruto. And alcohol won’t get you very far in life. Not at your age, mine, or any.”
“It’s not like I’m an alcoholic, Kawaki, gosh. It was only the second time I’ve ever drank in my life and the only reason I did is because of my friends throwing me this stupid party that I wish I’d never gone to. I never want to drink again. But… if I change my mind, then I’ll drink because I can.”
“Well shit. You didn’t need to go on a rant. I’m not your keeper. I don’t care what you do.” Kawaki sighed, running his hand through his hair. His words didn’t match his expression. I felt bad then because I could tell he was worried about me—even if I didn’t understand it.
“I’m sorry… and I’m okay. Really, I’m a smart guy. I made a mistake last night but you don’t need to worry about me.” I said, watching him carefully.
“I’m not worried about you.” He lied quickly, not looking at me until the words were already in the air. “Let’s just go inside. I’ll make you breakfast.”
Kawaki will make me breakfast? “R-really?” I blinked at his back as he walked towards his back door and when I realized he wasn’t going to answer, I hurried after him.
Learning new things about him was nice. He really loved basketball, he kept his house clean and he could cook. I’d been impressed just watching him move around in his kitchen, but it didn’t really hit me until I tasted his cooking. It was delicious. Just as good as my moms. At his age and by his looks, I would have never expected he was such an organized person, but he was. The more I learned about him, the more I liked him.
Claiming he’d already eaten breakfast earlier that morning, he didn’t eat with me. Instead he went and had a shower while I ate and I was glad I had enough time to wash my dishes and clean up after myself before he returned. I stood silently by the counter as he walked over, dressed in a white tanktop and his usual basketball shorts. He was also wearing a pair of black and white Nikes that looked good with his shorts. He was so hot… and I wasn’t sixteen anymore.
“I’ll give you a ride home.” He told me as he grabbed some keys that were hanging up in the kitchen.
My face fell, lips frowning and brows furrowing. “But…” This wasn’t right. “But…”
“But?” His head turned to me and then he walked over, looking down at me curiously. “But what?”
Knowing all my blood rushed to my cheeks, I quickly turned my face away from him, knowing he wouldn’t miss the blush anyway. “But I thought…”
“What did you think?” He prompted patiently, calmly.
My feet shifted and I stared at the floor for a few seconds before saying, “I thought we were… that we could… I mean, you said…”
“Whoa, dude.” He chuckled and laid his hand on my shoulder. “Relax. If you want to fuck, all you need to do is ask.”
Ask? “I want… yeah I want to.”
“Want to what?” He asked, determined to get me to say it. My blush only worsened.
How embarrassing.
“Wow that’s adorable.” He hummed, dropped his keys on the counter and then was towering over me—arms winding around my waist and pulling me flush against him.
Instantly, my heart was pounding. Holding onto his arms, I sucked in a broken breath as his lips inched towards mine. The thought alone of Kawaki kissing me had me melting, and when his lips touched mine I was at a loss—unable to think or move at the foreign and very welcome sensation.
I didn’t have much experience in kissing, but that didn’t seem to be the case for Kawaki. His lips moved against mine so knowingly, it made it seem like I knew what I was doing. When his tongue ran between my lips, I gasped and Kawaki jumped on the opportunity as if he’d been expecting it—slipping his tongue into my mouth and finding mine.
The initial feeling of his tongue sliding across mine had my knees buckling—I was certain if it hadn’t been for him holding me so securely, I would have crumbled onto the floor. By then, I wasn’t coherent enough to even try and kiss him back, but he seemed unbothered by it. He still kissed me, so softly it was touching at times and then so hard it was bruising. I whimpered against his lips and then groaned when he took my bottom lip between his teeth.
(You can read the full version on my FanFiction.Net account @ tyytyys yaoi)
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kawaboruweek · 4 years
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Hello everyone! ♡
We are pleased to announce the first ever kawaboru week.
KawaBoru Week 2020 is a week long event dedicated to celebrating the bond/relationship between Kawaki and Boruto Uzumaki!
The dates for this event are set for the first week of April: April 1st - 7th.
General Rules/Guidelines:
This is a hate free event! We want everyone to have fun and share content to spread love for this ship!
Content allowed for this event includes but is not limited to:
NSFW content is allowed, just be sure to put it under the cut with the read-more function. (This function should also be used for all fanfics.) Characters must be aged up for nsfw content.
Make sure to tag your work with the tags #kawaboruweek20 #kawaboruweek within the first five tags. Anything featuring nsfw content should be tagged accordingly with #ns-fw.
Late submissions are acceptable and will still be reblogged~
This event will also be on Twitter @kawaboruweek
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kawa-boru · 4 years
The KawaBoru discord server is open. We’re there to share fanart, FanFiction and discuss our OTP with fellow shippers. 🥰 Feel free to DM if you’re interested in joining us and I’ll send an invite! 🖤💖 IX 🔩
There is some content shared exclusively on the server~ 🤫
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kawa-boru · 5 years
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kawa-boru · 5 years
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