#kane keeps suggesting things we could do on my birthday as if we don’t live in the middle of nowhere are broke and also. it’s winter
deityofhearts · 6 months
i have at least one (1) thing to look forward to on my bday hooray
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bumbershots · 3 years
Author’s note: Hello! I’ve decided to give it a go, this is my first chaptered fic in this website. This story just occurred to me a while ago and I’ve tried my best to make some sense out of the concept which honestly is forever changing on my mind. I hope you don’t find many grammar mistakes, if you do please let me know. Enjoy! (:
Story masterlist ** Word count: 2.3K ** 
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It's been years since Harry last had to use the tube, but it's not as hard as he thinks, buying the ticket was fairly simple and soon enough he was sitting on the train comfortably. The northern line wasn't too busy, no delays were announced through the speakers, his journey to Ladbroke Grove station was going to last around thirty six minutes. He suddenly can't remember how long the ride would be on a car. Maybe it's time to start using the London Underground a bit more, contributing to saving the planet, lessen his carbon footprint. With all the aeroplanes he takes a year, he should use it from now onto the rest of his life, he thinks with a bit of guilt.
He changes to the Hammersmith and city line with ease, passing by lots of people, no one truly pays attention to him. The school girls that would usually come up to him and ask for a picture are too busy gossiping among themselves, the grown up adults that are more fond of his solo work are too immersed into their own thoughts about annoying bosses. Harry likes to blend into the crowd that's gathered now at the station and awaits for the train. In the eyes of the others, he's just another guy patiently waiting for the train to hop on and get to his destination. Even though he was on his way to meet with the team that will take care of his house renovation, a property valued approximately on £4.175 million.
The train arrives and he follows the multitude that pile into the wagon, he isn't lucky to find a seat this time but doesn't mind as he finds a good spot to lean against, the doors close just as he skips the ABBA song he doesn't feel like listening at the moment and settles for Hanson instead. He bops his head along the tune before slipping back the mobile in his pocket, eyes traveling along the passengers' faces, trying to guess what they're up to.
A group of lads wearing the Tottenham jersey discuss the latest game, one of them praising Kane's goal and regretting him missing the next match. Harry knows a thing or two about football, he even plays it regularly with his friends not so far away from his home, but he doesn't keep up with Manchester United, perhaps he can do that from now on he thinks before letting his gaze fall upon the pack getting down on Baker Street and the few ones hopping on. Most of them are tourists chatting about the Sherlock Holmes museum, the singer smiles, remembering the first time he visited it with his family, many years ago. Sometimes he longs for those days to be back, so he can do the typical touristy things with the people he loves the most once in a while or have a date without a good amount of lenses focused on his every move.
Not that he regrets being a well known musician, actor, model. It comes with a lot of perks. But he's just moving on from a breakup that might have been his fault. He's a workaholic for sure, even though he's supposed to be taking it easy, his mind can't help but keep throwing song ideas for the next album. That is why Jeff suggested the home renovation, knowing that the project will keep him busy for about three months, maybe more if the contractors up sell their ideas.
Harry makes his way out of the station in one piece and without being spotted, he checks the address again on his phone, confirming the place where the meeting will be held is within walking distance and makes his way before choosing a Pink Floyd song for the six minute walk. He pulls his coat tighter around him, relishing in the forever changing weather of the city, this time he will stay and enjoy it in full, maybe even delight in the autumn too, have his mum over for a couple of weeks, maybe he'll even stay longer and take her to the ice rink.
Just as Harry plots on where to go when his favourite person pays him a visit, he reaches the private front garden off a beautiful car-free garden square. He remembers to text Jack, who doesn't take long to appear in the distance and unlock the gate for his friend.
"You're impossibly early mate," the man greets with an amused chuckle.
"Sorry, had to take the tube because of what you said about car-free development, probably miscalculated the time." Harry admits sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck as Jack leads the way through the garden. "Is this where they filmed Notting Hill?" He wonders with another look around.
"Couple of scenes that didn't make the cut, our neighbour Mrs. Black will tell you all about it, if you happen to run into her around Hugh Grant's birthday." Harry laughs as they reach a private entrance with a well-maintained front garden adorning the forepart of the property, he follows Jack inside the home where a strong coffee scent greets them both.
The musician quickly scans the large open plan kitchen/reception room with large glass sliding patio doors to a delightful independent garden where a round table is surrounded by four mismatching chairs. He doesn't remember Jack's old place, but it certainly didn't look as the dream home they're standing in right now.
"Thanks for agreeing to do the meeting here mate," Harry's words are sincere his companion can tell, he tries to shove it off as if it's nothing, handing him the mug with coffee while he pours another one for himself, "I know it can be a handful, the NDAs too." Now he's almost blushing.
"We should be thanking you H, work from home for the next couple of months, my dream come true." Jack manages to make him laugh and feel at ease again, just before the steps of a third party come from the stairs and grow closer towards them. "Just in time, Harry this is Fernando Gonzalez, my housemate and architect of the team." He introduces the tall man to his friend and watches them shake each other's hand, "Fernando this is our client, Harry Styles."
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Mr. Styles," his voice is soft and melodic, like an aerophone instrument.
"Please call me H, all my friends do," the musician knows this is business, but he wants to have fun too, like Jeff suggested. And the guy looks way too young to be calling him Mister Styles.
"I warned you Fer, he likes to keep it easy, breezy." Jack says motioning both of them to follow his lead and sit down in their dining table that is covered with house design magazines, floor plans of Harry's home and a couple of what the pop star assumes are sketch notebooks. "Alright, tell us about your vision for this project." In all honesty, Harry doesn't know how to answer that.
He fights the urge to say that he had purchased the property knowing that not much is needed to be done to the décor. The style and the flow of the house is already lovely. After a quick glance at the plan he thinks that maybe, more room is needed and, most importantly, a new kitchen-dining-living space that would be grand enough to entertain in, but cosy enough to be the central 'hub' of his home.
"The windows, for starters, have to be replaced." He begins with a tone so confident that the pair before him don't suspect he's improvising the whole thing. "New bathrooms, perhaps from Lusso Stone, demolish an existing rear extension from the top and design and build an entirely new expansive ultra-modern one, like the one at Lou's home." Jack nods understanding what he means, "I also want a kitchen diner extension, pink granite worktops, if possible." Harry finishes before grabbing one of the magazines and starts flipping pages just to look busy.
The whole project can take six months, they let him know, through the summer and autumn. He's elated at achieving double the time he hoped for in the beginning.
"We'll send the paperwork to your team and see you next week to sign it once they approve it," Jack concludes the meeting as they all finish their coffee. "Are you busy on the nineteenth?" His friend's voice is warmer now that he's not on business mode, it makes Harry smile.
"I don't think I am, why?"
"It's Freddie's birthday, you should come, catch up with the lads," Harry nods while thinking about it, a bit unsure because it has been a while since he's seen the rest of the pack, he's not sure they'll welcome him just like that. "They're always asking about you, could be like old times, lads doing laddy stuff," the green eyed musician chuckles at that, not sure if he wants to go back to those activities of their youth.
"Sure I'll go, text me the address a few days before," his friend nods in approval to his request, "I better get going, I have to pick up my sister for dinner, see you both next week." The youngest nods and shakes Harry's hand before Jack leads the way out the house and square. The sun is setting now and the sky is a mix of pink and purple hues just as the two men bid their goodbyes until they meet again in a week's time.
Harry scolds himself for buying a one way ticket earlier instead of sorting out an Oyster card, he'll do that next time, he thinks before stepping into the train and finding a seat in the middle section of it. Led Zeppelin is a good soundtrack for his journey back home, for some reason he is craving the powerful, noisy, speedy rebellion that came with the band's songs, he loved to get so lost in the music that whatever activity he did came in second, every single time. Which is why he almost didn't get off at the King's cross stop, he hurried out of the vehicle, laughing to himself for being so immersed into the music.
The way back to the northern line was now familiar, but not as busy, he decided not to walk too fast after confirming that he had enough time to go home and take a shower before going over to Gemma's. Waiting at the platform he decides to change his playlist, again. Just as he's about to settle for Wings, out of the corner of his eye he spies what the person next to him is listening to and he stops from hitting play on his own device.
The who.
It's been ages since he heard them, three years if he is being honest. The train arrives and the girl next to him puts her phone in her coat pocket as she prepares to board the wagon, Harry does the same, but instead of training his eyes on the descending passengers, he lets them focus on her. She's wearing a nice burgundy coat, a black newsboy cap, high-waisted jeans with a blue polka dot blouse tucked underneath them. She's much shorter than he is, probably about Helene's height, he thinks as they make their way inside.
Without meaning to, he follows her and leans on the wall, across from her. She doesn't seem to notice how his stare is burning holes into her face, he's itching to ask her where did she buy the red boots she's wearing. Harry knows the moment he speaks to her, it will all go to shit. Some of the school girls sitting nearby might recognise his voice, his dimple could pop out to play and give him away too. She might also think he's a creep and kick him in the shin, leaving a nasty bruise that would heal in about a week, unlike the invisible one in his ego.
"Are you telling me, you developed a ten feet tall crush on someone you saw on the tube?" Gemma asks later that night, her fork full of linguine was stopped mid-air, making her brother roll his eyes but nod bashfully. "I'm speechless." The fork resumes its trajectory and she chews her pasta slowly.
"It happens to everyone, only because you both know that there's almost no chance to see each other again." Harry shrugs and bites a piece of bread, still feeling weird about the situation.
"Did she make eyes at you?"
"What?" He's completely taken off guard by his sister's question, his northern accent coming out and making him drop the 't' at the end.
"Yes, did you flirt with each other making eyes," Gemma's eyelashes flutter as if she was a Disney princess meeting her love interest for the first time, Harry shakes his head in denial, "what was it then?"
"I don't know! It was weird, couldn't take my eyes off of her but... she didn't even notice, I sound like a dirty man," he does, his sister agrees but the pink spots on his cheekbones tell a different story.
"I once had a crush like that, with a cashier at Waitrose," she remembers before sipping her wine, "he was nice to look at, one day he wasn't there anymore, just like that." Gemma sighed and took her younger sibling's hand on hers before adding. "If our lives were a Nicholas Sparks novel, perhaps we would be getting ready to have a date with those lovely people but..." Harry laughed and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
"How's the sunnies collaboration going?" He asked before taking the last of his gnocchi. Listening to his sister talk about things that she enjoyed was the highlight of his days, he managed to push his silly underground crush to the back of his mind.
But there was the truth of what Harry couldn't see, or say. He'd probably like to have a shot with a girl like that and if Gemma could only see her, she would agree. Agree that there might be a story around there.
Let me know if you like the story! *** Join the taglist!
Next chapter
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flyinanotherlife · 7 years
Hey! Just found your blog, love your content. Just to pick the brains of a diehard fan like yourself, what was your take away from the film as a whole? Did it answer all your questions? Give you the closure the series needed? I've only watched it once so far, but I feel like the film tied all the loose ends left by the end of the tv series but left the franchise as a whole open for a continuation; maybe a couple more films, or a reboot of the tv series (with a new gen class). Thoughts? Feelings?
*cracks knuckles*
First, thank you, lovely! I appreciate the compliment :) It’s a been a true pleasure running this page and uniting with DA fans all over the world (we are definitely the best and one of the most drama-free fandoms!!)!
So, I’ve watched the film all the way through five times now I believe, so I’ve gotten a really good chance to analyze and take it all in as best as I think I can in a concentrated amount of time. In case anyone is unaware, I made my feelings about the season 3 finale pretty clear. I was furious with the story and them taking Tara’s dream away from her again. I understand that Sam Strauss is telling this story in many ways from her own perspective because she was a dancer that broke her back and ended up writing instead, but it still boggles my mind that Tara was basically a one-in-a-million dancer and they couldn’t even answer the suspenseful question in the finale. It honestly felt like a cop out to me.
All that to be said, I believe the movie COMPLETELY restored my opinion of the resolution for all of the characters. Honestly, “this next part is pretty great” is still giving me goosebumps even after watching it five times. I think it is wonderful that they both acknowledged Tara’s struggle in not getting into the company but still “gave her a comeback” when Madeline saw that same talent that everyone else saw through the entire series. That in itself was enough vindication for me to be okay with what they did in the end of season 3. If Tara really was the most spectacular dancer, then every company should have wanted her and I’m glad she got the choice finally.
Some other wonderful moments and easter eggs we got from the film:
Ethan references/ “He got a puppy!”
Benstara pas de deux. They are partners, this needed to happen.
Maternal Miss Raine (Miss Kane now?)
Marcus+Miss Raine in general; I’m so glad he was in the film too
“They’re totally doing it” even though they totally weren’t
Both Dena and Jordan’s original music in the film (!!!!)
SL (Sammy Lieberman) Crew…bless
Abi’s true emotion and joy being friends with Tara
Honestly the heartbeat against “Say Something” still gives me chills
Ollie/Tara friendship is so understated and so important (they danced in Nutcracker together, so Tara knew him before anyone else and we never got to see that developed)
“Cue sun”
Abi+Ollie pas de deux overwhelmed every emotion in me
The film definitely gave me the closure I was looking for for sure. I have a few small issues with the film, though:
I think Kat+Ben was forced and unnecessary. I don’t hate it, I just think it was pointless.
The timeline doesn’t make sense. Its supposed to be eighteen months later, but the final dance in series 3 is 6 months after third year, so is this eighteen months after that or what? Also, Carmen (the girl who gets Abi’s solo) says she was 12 when she saw Tara perform at the prix. Tara’s birthday is in October so she should have been 17 during the internationals, which means she is five years older than Carmen (which makes sens that its been a few years to me), but if the film is at the latest 18 months after the finale (so two years after the end of third year), that would make Tara 20…then four months until her audition, so shes 20.5, that still makes Carmen 15-16? Why would the National be auditioning a 16 year old? I know this is just a small plot hole but its bothering me. In my own headcanon they are all 21+ish.
Did Abigail seriously just throw away her contract too? I don’t like the idea that every character who got one (after this serious race and competition for three years) just left in a short time. I’m hoping Abigail’s role as principle is a part time thing, honestly. Someone suggested to me that she finally found a choreographer that understood her, so that could be reasonable too.
But I think the biggest thing is that Tara really became the “glue” that Sammy told her to be 2x26. They all set out on their own dreams and accomplished great things, but Tara is the reason they all came back together. She loves each of them so much and she is creating work for them and through them. It’s truly beautiful. Sammy would be so proud, “for me its to be connected.” Can you imagine if he was still there? Gah the feels and headcanons are killing me. I definitely think they left the last moment open-ended but I don’t see any future stories coming from it. I think it did tie the academy experience up in a pretty bow like Christian said couldn’t be done in s3, but it still leaves so much open for them to keep living their dreams. I’d love to see them do more, but I’m sure that’s out of the question (well, lets talk again in another three years XD). The film was amazing and I’m so happy they closed this story in the most amazing way. 
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thepennydarling · 5 years
Happy HUUUUUMP Day, ya’ll!
Preston and I have had a VERY busy…month, actually, and it’s not slowing down anytime soon! Phew! Lots of work and things to do!
This is a VERY exciting Wednesday, if you didn’t know it!
My 27th birthday is next Thursday, May 23rd! And I am excited and a little nervous!
So I’ve teamed up to giveaway over $1,000 of giveaways with some of my favorite places to shop, my most requested items, and more! We’ve got Vermont Teddy Bear Factory, ModCloth, Unique Vintage, and more!
However, this is a SUPER exciting week (starting today!) with you all!
Let’s talk about the ruuuules!
Let me just sneak the boring stuff so we can get to the goods! Check me out on Instagram here!  I also have a selling Instagram page where I sell some of my old clothes/styles so that I don’t drown in my own wardrobe. I just listed a few new things – so check that out!
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All giveaways will take place on Instagram between 5/16 and 5/22.
Winners will be randomly selected & all be announced on 5/24.
You follow me, like the pic, & tag two besties to enter EACH post!
Each Instagram post is a DIFFERENT giveaway and will be listed in the description!
Follow the company who is sponsoring the giveaway! (they will be tagged!)
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Throughout the week there will be LOTS of opportunities for extra entries! Keep posted to my Instagram stories, blog posts, and Facebook for announcing opportunities!
For extra entries ANY day, like & follow All-In-One Company on Instagram and comment your fave animal emoji!
For double entries ANY day, like & follow the shops listed at the bottom of this page!
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  I’m kicking off this birthday week with a totally gorgeous tea party, hosted by Bigelow Tea!
Ya’ll know how much ya girl loves tea. I love it hot, iced, and spilled! Ha! So obvi, I knew I wanted to have a birthday tea party with Bigelow! I love to put peppermint tea bags in my water bottles for a refreshing twist, sleepytime tea for relaxing, or even sharing English Breakfast (Preston’s fave!) with him!
Check out Bigelow Tea on Social Media! You can check them out on Facebook here, and you can sip on over to the ‘gram to follow Bigelow here!
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This skirt was CUSTOM designed by the INCREDIBLE Rachel Gray of Wishes & Wardrobes to look like the style icon: MINNIE MOUSE for the Surprise Celebration in Disney! Rachel makes totally custom and Disney Inspired garments!
Check Wishes & Wardrobes out on social media!  Instagram & Etsy  (double bonus: her Insta is TOTALLY adorable!)
Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse don new outfits bursting with color to commemorate 90 years of magic in celebrations across Disney Parks. Beginning in January 2019 at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Calif., guests are invited to Get Your Ears On – A Mickey and Minnie Celebration. The special party will feature new entertainment and decor at Disneyland park, plus limited-time food and beverage offerings and festive merchandise available throughout the resort. (Richard Harbaugh/Disneyland Resort)
  Giveaway #1: All-in-One Company
The All-in-One Company is a wonderful company & is our sponsor of the week! They make custom onesies for ALL bodies & EVERY body. One of their motto’s is that no one is different, but everyone is unique!
They prove their commitment to that motto with everything from custom fabric type (I’m more of a jersey than a fleece gal), patterns, pockets, ears, tails, and a million other perfect details! The All-in-One Company utilizes custom sizing, suggested sizing (from newborn to 5XL). Preston & I already have PERFECT onesies (that we look adorable in, BTW!).
These onesies are the most Snuggletastic delight to grace the Darling household since Charlie! They’re handmade by the The All-in-One Company team in the UK! Find out more about their story here!
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  Giveaway #2: Harvey’s of California
For this giveaway, I’ll be gifting one of these adorable Toy Story bags featuring the Pizza Planet aliens! This Harvey’s of California signature seat belt bag is a total exclusive!
These little alien guys were my favorite characters in Toy Story growing up (and my mom’s too!), so when I saw that Harvey’s had a new line inspired by Disney’s Toy Story, I knew I HAD to have one (and Harvey’s gifted me a second one to giveaway!). Shop the rest of this line here, partner!
Check out Harvey’s on Social Media
Facebook Instagram
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  Giveaway #3: $200 ModCloth Gift Card
Ya’ll know that ModCloth are MY PEOPLE! ModCloth is actually what started my fashion obsession about five years ago! If I were Citizen Kane, ModCloth would be my rosebud. Ha!
ModCloth is a size inclusive, retro-inspired, & quirky clothing company is a total gem for finding about half my wardrobe! The total unique prints (both made in house & stockists of smaller boutique labels!) has something for every body from XXS-4X (or 0-30 approx.).
Check out ModCloth on social media here:
Facebook Instagram Twitter
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Giveaway #4: $150 Curvy Couture Intimates Gift Card
So I wear a 44G cup. (is that TMI? I don’t care). It’s a big freaking bra. it has provided a never-ending amount of stress in my life. My bras are ALWAYS expensive, ALWAYS in boring colors, ALWAYS marketed to ‘slim’ me, and always a little uncomfortable somewhere.
When I found Curvy Couture – all of their bras WERE UNDER $60 (a thing that has literally never once happened to me). with some even being under $50, available in a millions colors and fabric types, and with an EXTENSIVELY awesome size selection!
Bonus: I have a promo code: ABBY20 for 20% your whole order! Baller. (so theoretically you could get a new bra for like $35) Shop my dusty rose set here!
Check out Curvy Couture on Social Media: 
Facebook Twitter Instagram
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  Giveaway #5: $150 Unique Vintage Giveaway
This vintage inspired & size inclusive site is a RETRO dream! Unique Vintage has sizes XS-5x (with new size charts, if you haven’t checked it out!).
Unique Vintage has their site divided into ERA! How cool is that? They go from 1920’s-1970’s inspired clothing! I have pieces from almost every era-inspired line! Bonus: not only does Unique Vintage have adorable pieces & an exclusive label, but they also have exclusive collabs with brands like Disney, Barbie, & Pantone!
Check out Unique Vintage on Social Media
Facebook Twitter Instagram
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  Giveaway #6: Vermont Teddy Bear Factory Hunka Love
Ya’ll know how much I lovelovelove The Professor….aka, my SIX FOOT TEDDY BEAR! He’s such a cute and spoopy addition to our home and he came all the way from the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory to live with us!He’s so soft, comfy, and cute and definitely a conversation starter!
Vermont Teddy Bear Factory, in Burlington, Vermont, is a place that makes handcrafted bears with love and care in every stitch!
For this giveaway, I’ll be giving away a 4′ Big Hunka Love® Bear from the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory. Your new friend will be a liiiiiiittle smaller than my bear, but equally as cuddly and fun!
Check out VTB on Social Media!
Facebook Twitter Instagram
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  Giveaway #7: $150 Avenue Gift Card
Avenue is, as ya’ll know, one of my FAVE places to shop…because I like everything! I have work out gear, shoes, bras, panties, dresses, skirts, swimsuits, blouses, faux leather jackets, graphic tees and sweatshirts, jammies, and anything else you can think of!
This plus sized company has a varied selection for all different body types! Avenue goes from size 14-32 or 14-32 and is a big range for plus sized bodies!
Bonus: I wear Avenue undies literally every single day. 10/10 would recommend for a friend!
Check out Avenue on Social Media! 
Facebook Twitter Instagram
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  Extra Entries!
Follow any of these AMAZING shops who sent me some awesome and lovely birthday gifts from 5/16-5/23 for extra entries for any post!
  Parks & Recs Candle Set by C & E Craft Co.
Ya’ll know how much your girl is totally a Leslie Knope type. I identify with approximately 99% of her quirks, lines, and plots! So these AMAZING-Knope-approved candles set (like Little Sebastian, JJ’s Diner, & Treat Yo’ Self) are richly scented and long burning!
I got this set from C & E Craft Company out of Pennsylvania! Check them out on Etsy here, and follow them on their socials here: Facebook & Instagram
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  Recreational Pipes from MudHedz
These totally gorgeous, hand crafted, and adorable ceramic pipes from MudHedz are AMAZING. They are so perfect for some recreational needs and they are totally a show stopper! I got one for a friend a few years ago for Christmas and I’ve been obsessed ever since!
Check out MudHez here! Check out the pickle pipe here & the conch pipe here!
Follow MudHedz on Facebook & Etsy & Instagram
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  Go-Go Gryffindor Glitter Candle
I fought it for years, pretending to be a Ravenclaw, but I’m totally a Gryffindor. This House Pride Candle from Geeky Girl Scents. This candle has a hazelnut coffee scent, is speckled with gold glitter, and is long lasting and delightful!
I got this set from Geeky Girl Scents! Check them out on Etsy here, Facebook, & Twitter, & Instagram!
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  Check out these games from PlayMonster!
Preston & I lovelovelove board games and I was gifted a bunch of board games and now we can’t stop competing! Ha! (spoiler alert! I’m up!). Check out where to shop these here!
My faves are Utter Nonsense & The Game of Things! I am always laughing like a lunatic when I play these with our game group!
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  May the odds be ever in your favor!
Thank you to all of the wonderful sponsors, companies, friends, and family that are making this possible! Be sure to check out the rules, how to get extra entries, and be following me & checking me out on social media!
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  *This post is sponsored by the above listed companies with generous gifting as well! Thank you to all! However, all thoughts & opinions are my own!
If you are at all interested in doing a collab or working with me – please feel free to check out my new Contact Me! page! I also do social media consulting and photography, so please reach out! Let’s work together!
Follow me on Instagram: @thepennydarling
Like my Facebook page here!
Follow me on Twitter here!
Subscribe for updates!
If you’d like to donate to help me keep Penny Darling going – click here!
Comment for topics you would like to see me cover! Like to help my self esteem! What do you think so far? More fashion? More lifestyle? Do you like the mix?
Thank you for all that you do. You are truly extraordinary.
Love all you wonderful ladies (and gents!) out there!
How Very,
Birthday Week Giveaway Kick-Off! Check out the rules & what I'm giving away & how to get extra entries! Happy HUUUUUMP Day, ya'll! Preston and I have had a VERY busy...month, actually, and it's not slowing down anytime soon!
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lonerangerinspace · 7 years
Bellarke Fic Rec 2/?
[Part 1]
More Bellarke fics to share!  Need something to get through the month long break.  Lots of wonderful and creative authors in this fandom :)
Genres: Modern AU, Soulmate AU, Celebrity AU, Cannon Divergence/AU, Grounder AU, Historical/Fantasy AU
Modern AU
Better Winter Wrap It Up
Octavia drags Bellamy to a My Little Pony tournament. Bellamy is deeply upset about the whole thing, but then the girl running the tournament is really cute.
Ghost Watch: Season 3, Episode 4
“Hey guys, it’s me, Bellamy Blake, and tonight on Ghost Watch we’re going to be investigate a house owned by Clarke Griffin. Her roommates, Monty Green and Jasper Jordan, called us in to investigate their home. Now, you guys know that to prevent contamination and suggestibility, we don’t know anything about what has happened in this home or its history. But me, my sister Octavia, and our friend Nathan Miller aren’t going in blind, either. Our tech whizzes, Raven Reyes and Kyle Wick, will have our backs in the tech center.  Welcome to Ark, Virginia. Welcome to Ghost Watch.”
And Tell My Name To Distant Ages
Trying to escape her past, Clarke accidentally stirs up a friendly but determined ghost. Luckily, local historian Bellamy Blake is there to help her uncover crimes of the past and present and bring justice to those who have been wronged. And if in the process she falls for him just a little bit - well, that’s just how life goes.
omoi ga subete wo kaete yuku yo (kitto)
Inasmuch as anyone can be prepared for a magical creature to appear in front of their eyes and tell them they need to help save the world from evil, Bellamy Blake is ready for it. Which basically means he has Hulu and Crunchyroll set up on Miller’s old Wii, and his little sister really likes magical girl anime.
vulgar when brought to light, vulgar the lie
Clarke goes into policing because it’s in her blood.
Soulmate AU
I should ink my skin with your name
Prompt: “Soulmate au where when you write something on your skin with pen/marker/whatever the hell you want, it will show up on your soul mates skin as well.” Or Tattoos, assholes, greek/roman mythology and everything else that could make Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin soulmates.
Omnia Dicta Fortiora Si Dicta Latina
A soulmate au, where you get a sentence in black somewhere on your body on your 18th birthday, and at at the moment you realize you love them, your soulmate will say the sentence, and it will tingle and turn silver.  And of course Bellarke has the weirdest sentences.
Arrows of Fate
When the residents of the Ark turn 15 a silver mark appears on their bodies. One other person has that same mark. That person is their soulmate. Bellamy hasn’t found his match when he arrives on Earth, but when he notices the mark on his co-leader’s hip, he knows she’s the one. But he can’t possibly be in love with the Princess.
Cloud Diner
Clarke Griffin dreams about the same boy every night after her father’s death. He helps her through tough times and she returns the favor. There’s no way he’s real, right?  A Bellarke Soulmates AU
‘cause you color me clear
Clarke is born without a soulmark. She becomes a tattoo artist to write her own destiny across her skin.
Celebrity AU
Coming Home To You
BFF prompt fill for: “Can you please act appropriately do you know just how many of your fuck ups I’ve had to cover up last week’ Celebrity and manager AU taken from cup-of-hot-coffee’s prompt list
Clarke is a semi-famous History Channel host who is teaching her first university class on Women Warriors. The first thing she notices is the manly man sitting in the back, silent. Then he starts arguing with her and never stops. Infuriating. Particularly when she finds out that he is the brother of her old college friend. The most infuriating thing is how much she wants him, but can’t have him, because he is her student.
We Can Make It If We Take It Slow
It’s been three years since Clarke actually saw Bellamy, instead of just interacting via texts and tweets, but that’s the thing about being in a franchise: they keep coming back.
rumour has it
Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin are sleeping together. Or so say the tabloids.  (aka CO-STARS AU)
For Tonight, Let’s Just Pretend
Being on a variety show where she pretends she has a crush on Bellamy while pretending she’s not nursing an actual crush on Bellamy isn’t exactly Clarke’s best idea, but she can totally handle it. She’s an actor. It’s fine.
Cannon Divergence/AU/Post-Canon
The Post-Apocalyptic Guide to Raising a Hero
He’s not intentional - this child of theirs that everyone thinks will grow up to save the world- but he changes everything. He’s living breathing proof of those feelings they only deal with in the dark. He’s that little bit of light guiding them forward- away from the storm clouds, away from the smoke.  He’s hope- and he’s theirs.  Or, How to be Perpetual F**k-ups but Still Leave a Hell of a Legacy
Not With Haste
Post-canon: Long after they’ve saved the world, Clarke and Bellamy try to get their shit together.  (Or, how Clarke comes to realize she might need a bit more than subtlety to get her point across.)
The Homestead
Bellamy and the remainder of the original 100 are assigned a new mission - one that will hopefully cultivate peace on Earth and peace in their hearts.
these are the days that bind us
Bellamy thinks he could do this forever, like they were the only two people on the Ground, Clarke’s lips and Clarke’s knees pressed into his hips and Clarke’s bright hyper eyes closed with him, her weight canted into him like she trusts him to catch her.
Son of Lycaon
From the ground Clarke can see that Amy was right; it’s not quite a wolf, but she doesn’t know what else to call it. The teeth are wrong, its spine elongated too much- it’s the stuff of nightmares, if Clarke had any room in her dreams for more horrors.
Grounder AU
Stars In The Water, Blood On Our Hands
The Ark knows that people have survived on the ground, but they don’t know anything about them. Now, with time and oxygen running out, information on these people will be what saves their lives.  Clarke is sent down to spy on the grounders.  She’s certainly not meant to fall in love.
Facing Tempests of Dust
Clarke Griffin has grown up in the perfectly controlled environment of the Ark dome, a city created to withstand the destruction of the world outside. Now, she’s been sent out with 100 other delinquents to try to survive on their own, but she knows the truth. They weren’t sent away for their crimes, but rather to buy time for others in Ark, as the city is failing. While Clarke struggles to lead her band of teenagers, she encounters a man with strange abilities and an offer she finds hard to refuse.
Turning Puddles Into Oceans
Prompt: Grounder Clarke finding a hurt Bellamy and taking him to her village to heal him.
Before Those Hands Pulled Me From the Earth
He comes alive to the sound of scraping. Around him the earth is warm and whispering. Wake up, it tells him. She needs you.
In My Dreams We Are Always Together
100 delinquents got sent to Earth and battled for survival against the odds. They landed in Trikru territory but that is not where they stayed. After weeks of battle and war, the Sky People finally lost. They were sent to a land far away, where a group of Grounders unlike any they’ve met waited for them.
Historical/Fantasy AU
the world was born in smoke and fire (and so were we)
The crown rests heavy on top of his head, eight pounds of gold encrusted with emeralds and rubies and a thousand tons of responsibility and duty. He can feel its edge digging painfully into the skin of his forehead, can already sense some of his curls getting hopelessly tangled around the prongs. He forces himself to hold still, understanding the importance and uniqueness of this moment.  He is the first ever king not descended from royal blood. The first king to usurp the previous before his death, and banish him for crimes of inhumanity performed against his people. He is twenty-two years old, and the streets whisper his name.  “Bellamy Blake,” Marcus Kane, his mentor and first advisor, intones, “King of Polis, Lord of the Stars and Protector of the Earth, you may rise.”
Between Me and My Lord and Kin
Lady Clarke wasn’t expecting her first assignment as a knight to be taking command of a refugee camp. It’s not exactly what she had in mind, when she became a knight. Bellamy Blake, refugee tailor and pain in her ass, wasn’t what she had in mind either.  In a good way, as it turns out.
Tell Me No More Stories and I’ll Tell You No Lies
Octavia Blake steals a rose, and her brother goes to live with a beast.
anchor up to me, love
"Duty? You’ve kidnapped me from my home—"  He held up a finger. "Kindly saved your life, which you still haven’t thanked me for."  She ignored his correction.  or the pirate au no one asked for
A Scandalous Proposal
A bellarke Victorian era one-shot.  Clarke’s mother wants her to marry Lord Collins. Clarke has some other ideas…
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ricardosousalemos · 7 years
Jay Z: Reasonable Doubt
He was only going to make one album. So goes the story of Reasonable Doubt, anyway, a tale Jay Z has regaled us with at every opportunity since its release on a new and unproven independent label called Roc-A-Fella records. It was the album he made before the world was listening, with only a close crew of friends and associates at the late age of 26.  Every contributor was paid in bags of cash, piles so mountainous nobody involved could be mistaken how they were acquired. It was the valedictory statement of a drug kingpin and the commencement of a brand, a lifetime’s worth of private thoughts discharged before the true business of empire-building could begin. Grand opening; grand closing.
Shawn Carter has always been fiercely protective of his first full-length, to the degree that it sometimes feels like it belongs more to him than to us. He keeps yanking it from streaming services, as if the album is a troubled prep-school kid. He’s thrown it a series of lavish birthday parties, celebrating its 10th anniversary with a full-concert performance in 2006 and commissioning a documentary to air only on his TIDAL streaming service for its 20th. He has curated its legacy so assiduously that Reasonable Doubt seems like the one part of his story about which he remains insecure, the piece of his legacy that might blink out if he didn’t take care of it.
Perhaps he’s never forgotten its relatively inauspicious release. “Ain’t No Nigga” was a hit, for sure, and the album was certified Gold on its release; solid, but hardly world-conquering in the dynastic era CD sales. Critics were impressed, but not overly so: Mainstream and non-hip hop publications noted it was clever at times but mostly a rehash of Scarface and gangster-movie tropes. The Source gave it 4 out of 5 mics—approving, not rapturous. The smaller but more influential world of hardcore rap intelligentsia paid attention to him, but in the shadow of Biggie and Pac, Jay felt like a lesser myth. He announced the album with a statement that he was retiring and henceforth “would only be about the business.” In some alternate universe, that might’ve been it.
In Jay’s mind at least, the album certainly marked the end of an era. At this point, by his own cold-eyed accounting on the song “Politics As Usual,” he had been selling drugs for “ten years.” Along a parallel track, he had been flirting furtively with being a rapper. He linked up with Big Jaz (later Jaz-O), doing a stint as the older man's  baby-faced sidekick and kicking the triplet-time “figgity-figgity”-style flows that were sweeping New York at the time. He toured, briefly, with Big Daddy Kane, and spit some freestyles for New York hip-hop radio. He was an impressive local kid, but no one’s idea of a worldwide star.
In that murky time between his puppyish Jaz-O beginnings and his sober and assured reappearance on Reasonable Doubt, he figured some things out. First, nobody wanted to hear Jay Z excited. Composed, assured, jaded, deeply unimpressed—these were emotions he could radiate without even trying, and they were truer to his nature. Gone were the endearing attempts at dancing alongside Jaz, looking like a kid at his own bar mitzvah being coaxed onto the floor. His years selling drugs had presumably hardened him, and by the time he opened his mouth on Reasonable Doubt’s opening track, “Can’t Knock the Hustle,” he had mastered an unshakable godfather pose. It is hard to convincingly telegraph “above it all” from the bottom of the food chain, but Shawn Carter had a natural haughtiness that couldn’t be faked. “You ain’t havin’ it? Good, me either/Let’s get together and make this whole world believe us,” he barked.
He also figured out how to best wield his clear, surprisingly boyish voice. The syllable chopping disappeared and his words became musical and mellifluous. Even though his voice never rose above a conversational monotone, sailed high and glittering over the music, which sampled butter-soft soul from previous decades, blurred memories of more innocent times. These were the lyrics he’s been painstakingly stacking together in his head for years, (the “no pen, no pad” detail is another famous and well-rehearsed bit of Jay mythos), and he rolled them out, one pearly string of words after another, like he was exhaling a breath he’d been holding forever.
Lines like “By the ounce, dough accumulate like snow” were their own kind of song, and he treated each syllable with a love undetectable elsewhere in his work. On “Can I Live,” he matches the “Fs” and “Ls” in the phrase “illin’ for revenues, Rayful Edmond-like” to create an irregular little mountain-peak rhythm that echoes the stuttering “expectation for dips, we stack chips” line from earlier in the same verse. He was thinking on several levels at once—how phonetics color meaning, how multiple meanings can suggest all the stories that aren’t being told. He wanted us to feel the discomfited hum of his unquiet mind, even if we couldn’t immediately follow every stray thread. What Biggie and Pac did for self-mythologizing and hip-hop, Jay undoubtedly did for the art of close reading.
The narrative that emerges from a close reading of Reasonable Doubt remains startlingly grim; seen up close, it is a masterpiece of dissociation, a graveyard of dead emotions. From the outset, Jay Z projected surface glamor: He was the first rapper to book a flight out to St. Thomas and hop on a yacht just to film a video. He was the guy who made the “Big Pimpin’ video, putting up a million dollars for the budget. But the message behind all of this flash was always clear: It was all too late for him, and the money was just cold comfort.
This is never clearer than on “D’Evils,” maybe the bleakest, saddest song ever written about the well-worn theme of the psychic toll of drug dealing. “Shit is wicked on these mean streets” could be a boast, the prelude to some exuberant Eazy-E-style tall tales, but the next line echoes in pure psychological space: “None of my friends speak, we all trying to win.” The song’s most lurid moment of violence, and maybe the most brutal scene in all the Jay discography, occurs off-camera, so to speak, only by implication: To locate a rival, Jay kidnaps the mother of his child and stuffs bills into her mouth, force-feeding her crumpled, filthy money while she weeps as he demands information. It is a gruesome scene, but Jay the writer is uninterested in the visual; he’s drawn to the contusion it leaves on her psyche and his: “Don’t cry, it is to be/In time, I take away your miseries and make it mine,” he tells her flatly. It is a chilling promise to both end her life and carry the act with him until the end of his own.
Much later in his career, further removed from the shock of his time dealing drugs, Jay would root around in the messier, more visceral stuff of his early traumas. On “This Can’t Be Life,” he opened his heart to a former girlfriend who miscarried. On “Still Got Love For You,” from Beanie Sigel’s 2001 album The Reason, he raged at his absent father, even allowing his imperial voice to crack slightly: “I’m a mess, Dad/Still I love you no less, dad/Hope you didn’t think success would make me less mad.” But at age 26, too old to be a burgeoning rap star and far too young to be as tired as he often appeared onstage, he was still in the blast radius of his former life, and all the wounds it left on him were still open. The wide-brimmed hat concealing his eyes, the white suit and fancy cigar of the album’s cover—they were expensive gauze pads, covering a ravaged body. On “Politics As Usual,” perhaps the silkiest track on the record, he is “Cursing the very god that brought this grief to be.”  
This album’s legacy is both magnificent and lonely, an immaculate crystal chandelier gathering dust in an abandoned mansion. Every line gleams, begging you to memorize it but forbidding you from loving it. Its impact was subterranean, subliminal—Kendrick Lamar picked up on the notion of “D’evils of Lucy” as recently as 2015, with To Pimp a Butterfly. Other rappers picked up on his chilly, bored pose, but as his rapping was really too byzantine to convincingly imitate. It wasn’t until he slowed down his flow, breaking off glittering bits of mind that people could hold onto, that his influence penetrated and spread. Decades later, everyone flows like Jay Z, but not the Jay Z of Reasonable Doubt. That guy is still alone with his thoughts, learning to live with regrets.
Maybe this is why Shawn Carter the man seems to have such a wistful fondness for the album and the time it represented. It feels doomed in its melancholy that it will be misunderstood. “I hope you fools choose to listen, I drop jewels, bust it,” he rhymed on “Feelin’ It,” and then sneered, “Y’all don’t feel me,” a moment later. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy in rhyme, the sound of a guy baring his heart and freezing it in carbonite in the same breath. “Sometimes I hear myself moaning,” he adds later, after he’s let his guard down slightly to take a small hit of weed. It’s a startling moment of depersonalization, the sound of pain whistling like wind through the cracks in a fractured psyche.
One of the only other times Jay admits to smoking weed on record came years later, on The Black Album, a lifetime’s worth of accomplishments later. “I try to smoke weed to give me the fix I need /For what the game did to my pulse with no results,” he rapped ruefully on “Allure.”  The Black Album ended his most coherent, compelling, and memorable era; the hustler makes it all the way to the beloved corporate American icon and bows out on top. He had sold out Madison Square Garden, and the entire music industry knelt at his feet. Everyone felt him. But the only place he’s ever truly wanted to get back to was here.
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lifeaftermeteor · 7 years
New York, New York 206 June 20
Heero’s “birthday” had graciously landed on a Friday this time around.  Wufei had long since grown accustomed to the tradition of picking a new one every twelve months or so, a tradition Hilde had started if he remembered correctly. 
Over the years, festivities ebbed and flowed depending on other events in their lives.  In 203, Heero had disappeared for an entire day before their move to New York to do some introspection—Wufei still didn’t know where he had ended up.  A year ago Heero’s “birthday” had been in October, and the man had finally managed to convince Wufei to do the Tri-State Tough Mudder Marathon. [1]  They had trained for months and emerged at the other end high on endorphins and utterly filthy.
This year was comparatively low-impact: Wufei was the token straight friend in a gaggle of gay men.  After the sun had set, the group of them had converged on The Lighthouse—which had to have been the smallest bar Wufei had ever laid eyes on—to chart the course of the evening.  Wufei suspected it also offered some quality time with the bartender.
“I don’t know why I’m even bothering to stay open,” Darius told Heero from behind the polished bar top.  “My entire clientele is going out with you.”
“Not the entire clientele,” one of the men—Thinh if Wufei remembered correctly—argued.  “Miguel couldn’t come.”
“That’s because Miguel is in Houston on business.”
“Oh.”  A brief pause and then, “In that case, yes, your entire clientele is going out with Heero.”
Wufei chuckled with the rest of them, watching his roommate interact with Darius.  There was sincere affection there for the man serving them drinks.  He wondered about the backstory but thought perhaps it was best not to pry.
“You could close early,” Heero suggested.
Darius shook his head.  “I’d love to but got to pay the bills.”  He patted Heero’s hand, seeming to want to reassure the other man.  “You have fun for the two of us, eh?”
Heero acquiesced reluctantly but brightened when Darius winked at him.  Talk then shifted to next stops, drink specials, and—to Wufei’s surprise—chaperone duty, something which came at suggestion of Eve, the drag queen.
“Why do we need a designated sober friend?” protested the man sitting beside Wufei.  He tried to recall the name.  Kane, he thought.  The man had a punk rock, starving artist vibe.  
Eve leaned close to Heero and wrapped a thin arm around his waist while she rested her chin on his shoulder.  “Because I want this one to get well and truly obliterated for my own damn amusement and I suspect we’ll never get him home safe without at least one responsible member of this party.  And that person will not be me.”
“I’ll do it,” Wufei offered with a shrug.
“You sure?” the cop—Andrew—asked, seeming wary.  “This crew can get a bit unwieldy after a few.”
“This isn’t because he’s your subordinate, is it?” Kane asked.
“Wufei and I have a unique working relationship,” Heero interjected.
Wufei fought a smile.  “Yeah—I tell him to do things and he does them.  Usually on time.”
“What do you mean ‘usually?’” Heero demanded, glaring at him.
Wufei smirked.  To the others, he said, “I will gladly volunteer as the sober one.  I have a sneaking suspicion some of you would rather see him get into trouble, and that would be inconvenient for me, so I’m just protecting my own interests here.”
“Ah yes, self-interest.  A great motivator,” Eve teased.  Clapping her hands together, she declared, “Route determined.  Chaperone secured.  Let’s go.”  To Wufei, she added, gesturing at his untouched beer.  “I realize that’s your only one tonight, but you don’t get to savor it.  Bottom’s up.  We’ve got places to be!”
Wufei shrugged and lifted the glass.  He then exhaled, tilted his head back, and with a quick swallow poured the alcohol down his throat.  It only took a few seconds, but in that time he registered a few surprised outburst from the others and that alone was worth it.
Setting his now empty glass down, he found Heero laughing and Eve stunned.  From behind the bar, Darius nodded and said, “Nice form.  I think you just gained a few more friends.”
“I think you may have broken Eve with that display,” Andrew observed.
The drag queen flushed.  “My mind went straight into the gutter, I’ll confess,” she said.  “I have to recalibrate my earlier assessment of you.  I think you may be playing for the wrong team.”
Wufei winked at her and gestured to her half-finished martini.  “Bottom’s up,” he said, echoing Eve’s earlier words back at her, “we’ve got places to be.”
As they left the bar, Heero came up beside him.  “You don’t have to be the sober one,” he murmured.
When he looked up, Wufei found Heero’s eyes concerned.  “I know,” he told him.  “That’s why I volunteered.”  This seemed to reassure Heero and as Eve swept up beside him to hook her arm through his he didn’t resist being pulled away.
They spent the evening bar-hopping and Wufei found a new appreciation for Quatre’s patience with their own group of miscreants.  ‘Herding cats’ was indeed an apt description of his responsibilities.  Between keeping track of the lot of them and keeping his roommate hydrated, he had his work cut out for him.
“Drink this,” he instructed upon arrival at their most recent stop, pushing a tall glass of water toward Heero.  “All of it.  You’ll thank me in the morning.”  Heero rolled his eyes but did as he was told before disappearing once more out onto the dance floor.
Had that been the greatest challenge of the evening, he would have counted himself lucky.  But course it was not.  Early in the morning, they were relocating once more when Heero and Eve paused a few paces ahead of the rest of the group at the mouth of an alley.  Wufei came up beside them and was about to ask why they had stopped when a hateful catcall had hurdled up from the shadows.  Turning to look down the alley himself, he saw a cluster of four men, obviously drunk, lurking in the near-darkness.
“Let’s go,” Eve urged, tugging at Heero’s arm.  “They’re just gunning for a fight.  They don’t care who it’s with.”
For a moment, it seemed Heero was amenable to this idea...and then one of the men in the alley opened his mouth again.  In seconds, Heero had slipped free of Eve.  And then he had slipped past Wufei’s outstretched hand.  
Wufei cursed and told the others, “Stay here,” before darting after his roommate.  Some part of him registered Andrew covering the alley, his NYPD training overriding the alcohol coursing through his bloodstream.  
Catching up with Heero, Wufei jumped between him and the hecklers.  “Heero!” Wufei snapped, as he raised his hands in supplication even as Heero continued his advance toward the cluster of hecklers.  “They’re not worth it.”
“Why not?” Heero asked, sounding eerily conversational, his eyes still locked on his target over Wufei’s shoulder.  
Wufei racked his brain for any and all reasons for why this was a very bad idea, but he’d seen that look in Heero’s eyes before and knew none of those reasons would stop the impending fight: a few of the reasons ‘against’ would likely double as reasons ‘for’ in his roommate’s present mindset.  And then he said, “Think about the paperwork.”
Against all odds, Heero stopped.  He turned to look at Wufei, questions in his eyes.
Taking a deep breath, Wufei argued, “Remember who we work for.  You beat the tar out of these assholes, it will ruin the rest of our evening.  Because, regardless of how much they deserve getting their teeth kicked in, you and I will be the ones documenting everything in triplicate.”
He watched Heero’s face morph into a pained grimace.  The taunting had started up again behind Wufei, but he schooled his features and held his breath.  Heero then told the heckler, “No bullshit from you is worth a mountain of paperwork,” and spun on his heel.  He returned to Eve, who looked just as relieved as Wufei felt.  
Air escaped Wufei’s lungs with an explosive sigh as he too rejoined the group that loitered at the mouth of the alley.  He took up his position behind Heero and Eve, who were locked at the elbows, leading the group deeper into the city.  
Wufei then felt Andrew fall into step beside him.  “Why’d you stop him?” the beat cop asked quietly, honest curiosity coloring his words.  
“Because I don’t feel like logging a homicide report,” Wufei replied.  
There was a pause while Andrew tried to determine if he was joking or not.  Still unsure, he pressed, “Really?  Or…”
Wufei smirked.  “Heero is not a violent man.  Far from it.  I like to think that’s what makes him particularly dangerous—people underestimate him.  To their own detriment.”
The near-fiasco was quickly forgotten as the night wore on, much to Wufei’s...well, in truth he wasn’t sure how he felt about the collective short-term memory of his charges.  He supposed it was good for morale, but as the lone unimpaired member, the exchange in the alley had left him shaken for a good hour afterward.
He didn’t start to relax again until they’d all piled into a private room in some karaoke lounge.  For the first time in hours, the group was all in one place and would remain so until they moved on.  
Grabbing a tablet from the center table, Wufei placed an order for waters first and then began taking requests from the others for everything else.  Eve meanwhile was already skimming the music catalogue.  “You’re up, Wufei,” she told him.
“Um...what?” Wufei asked, thinking perhaps he had missed something.
Amidst the sporadic laughter and side conversations, Eve explained, “If you’re not drinking, you’re singing according to the rules that I just made up. [2]  Come on,” she encouraged.  Making a selection from the menu before her, she tossed him the second microphone.  “I’ll go first.”
To Wufei’s relief, he did recognize the song, even though Eve’s rendition warped the vowels due to her heavy New Yorker accent.  Some saccharine love song, a duet no less.  Wufei shook his head at the absurdity of the lyrics before taking a deep breath and joining in.
He vaguely registered the reverent, “Holy shit,” that came from Eve.  It was followed immediately by, “You didn’t tell us he could sing, too,” which Wufei assumed Thinh had aimed at Heero.  He glanced sidelong at his roommate and found the other man grinning widely, his mobile out and aimed directly at Wufei.
The song felt longer than Wufei remembered.  When it did finally end, his cheeks burned with delayed embarrassment even while Heero’s friends clapped him on the shoulder in appreciation.  Eve bit her lip, her eyes watching him with renewed interest.
“Clearly you’re the karaoke secret weapon,” Heero told Wufei as he climbed over Andrew and dropped into the seat beside Wufei.  
“Don’t tell the others,” Wufei implored.  “They’d have a field day.”
“Too late,” Heero replied, sounding none too apologetic about it.  “They’ll have to make do with photographic evidence, though.  I’m too drunk to figure out the video settings on my own damn phone.”
Wufei laughed and leaned back in his seat to look up at the ceiling while Thinh and Kane started in on some pop rock monstrosity.  Not a bad way to spend an evening, he thought, all things considered.
[1] The Tough Mudder is an absolutely ridiculous obstacle course/run.  Check it out.
[2] Eddie Izzard Easter Egg
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