honeykaes · 2 years
He cups his chin for a moment in thought well, it’s a rather nice day out. Would you be interested in having a picnic with me? I can have Sara package up our food and and we can eat by Cider Lake if you’d like.
I quite like how you look next to the water he coos, tugging you softly along with him to Good Hunter hoping that a meal with you will help his mind clear a bit more
She’s laughs trying to keep up with his pace, grabbing hold of his hand tighter fearful he’ll slip away
Someone’s eager today haha…! I feel like this is just an excuse for you to see and smell the calla lilies drifting about near the lake
She can’t help but think momentarily clicking her tongue as her thoughts go elsewhere
Ah, I wish I would have known earlier. I probably would have at least baked some cookies for us to enjoy as a dessert.
She starts muttering to herself deep in thought
Hm…maybe I can bake some later when we get home depending on how I feel
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honeykaes · 2 years
he kisses you again, making sure to work your mouth open for him to kiss you deeper to hear you whimper my love, you should know by now you can do anything to your brave knight.
Kaeya holds you close, moving to nuzzle into your neck and inhale your scent that he missed so much, if anything he feels a bit emotional due to the fact that with you he feels he can let some walls down
didn’t you say you were tired? Do you want to take a nap with me?
She whimpers before leaning away, softly banging her fists on his firm chest.
I know that! But it’s easier said then done…
Hearing his response her eyes darted away, sheepishly looking down.
But…I got…distracted.
She sighs
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honeykaes · 2 years
Hey he coos, cupping your face I know I’m wonderful, but you my dear have done so much more, affected me far greater than you know he affectionately kisses your nose with a chuckle
gladly he pulls you forward to crash his lips into yours, swallowing your gasp as his hands move to your waist my beautiful Chai. I cant get enough of you.
Her lips curl into a smile, clearly satisfied with the kiss and heart fluttering from his words.
You’re such a cruel man, making me fall for you even harder than before. I didn’t think it was possible.
She brings her hand up to breed brush against his cheek and sighing, laughing at the butterflies bursting her her stomach.
Just what am I going to do with you
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honeykaes · 2 years
he chuckles, a finger going under your chin to have you look up even further you caught me, my dear he smirks and leans in to barely brush his lips against yours listen closely, I haven’t stopped thinking about you, Chai. I did miss you, I truly did. he kisses the corner of your lips, inhaling as your hands grip his shirt don’t tell me you didn’t miss me back? That would be no good at all.
Her lips quiver, eyes darting away from his gaze feeling her heart quicken in her chest and cheeks rising in heat.
O-Of course I did. I ‘lways do. You leave that sort of impression on my life, Kaeya…
She shuts her eyes, not able to take in the embarrassment anymore! She wants to cover her face badly but is unable to.
So just kiss me already, you asshole!
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honeykaes · 2 years
He wonders if you can see how his throat bobs at that….his sweet Chai….you know him so well.
he rubs his thumb across your knuckles as you walk the streets of Mondstat
I know. he chuckles softly and I love you too, my dear Chai. he says a bit too quietly, letting the breeze ruffle his hair
What do you think you’d like to eat? I think I fancy sticky honey roast today.
The corners of her lips curl up before she bites her lip trying and failing to hide the smile on her face hearing him say that.
Hmm, I figured you’d want that. I honestly will probably just get a chicken sandwich and make you eat what I can’t
She chuckles at herself and her habits.
Did you want to dine there or would you prefer taking the food and going elsewhere?
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honeykaes · 2 years
Yes of course my love he grins at you, toothy and wide as he presses a kiss to your jaw
As you both ready yourselves to go out he can’t help looking over at you, damn him and the way he hides his feelings. Puts up his walls. You’re so beautiful and all he wants to do is lay in your arms, tell you how much he adores you. His heart aches.
Shall we go, Chai? he smiles, offering his arm to you
Her heart flutters pushing the hair off her eye’s momentarily before it fell back, a nervous tick she had developed over the years. Her eyes gazed down, with his smile cemented in her memory. Every time he seems to smile, she doesn’t know what to do with herself.
Yeah, let’s go or else we’ll have to fight with all of Mondstadt to get food from Sara.
She quickly recovered weaving her hand with his noting how cold his touch is, most likely a byproduct from his cryo vision. Still, she can only squeeze his hand tighter feeling more safe and secure than ever.
She hums for a second, looking up at him as the two venture out.
…You know I love you, right?
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honeykaes · 2 years
Hm, well I’m not sorry for being a distraction he chuckles and cups your cheek to kiss you again my dearest Chai have you eaten today? Shall we have some dinner maybe? he tilts his head at you as he strokes your cheek I could also take you to Good Hunter and treat you to a meal like the wonderful lover I am, hehe
She chuckles and smile leaning in to brush her nose with his before leaning out.
Trying to seduce me with food now?
She laughs again, poking towards his stomach.
Knowing you, you probably haven’t eaten as well! So, that’s sounds like a plan! Besides, I was going to go out eventually to buy a few pastries anyway.
She weaves her hands with his, looking up.
Shall we head off, my oh so knight in shining armor?
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honeykaes · 2 years
he laughs softly, that raspiness to it that rumbles in his chest as he rubs your back, his voice low you could never hate me Chai. You love me too much. Now please look at your brave knight who has missed you so much? I’d like to give you a goodnight kiss you can hear the grin in his voice, but perhaps the thumping of his heart betrays his cockiness, he missed you so much
she lets out a soft whine before timidly looking up, a pout on her lips with a small scowl on her face still embarrassed
Fine…you’re right, but….
She lets go of his shirt placing her hands on his chest instead.
You can’t act like a tease when I can hear your heart beating so quick!
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honeykaes · 2 years
he chuckles and tuts at you of course you can, come here. he swiftly removes his jacket and sits, opening his arms for you with a grin I expect you to sleep like a baby in my arms
She bites her quivering lip, walking closer before laying her head on his chest—hiding her embarrassed face.
You’re always such a tease…
She grabs part of his shirt, pushing her embarrassed face in further.
I hate you so much…
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honeykaes · 2 years
Well then, it sounds like you need to fall asleep in my arms, doesn’t it my dear Chai? I can keep the nightmares at bay.
It seems like it. I hope you don’t mind if I rest my head on your chest and sleep just a little longer…
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