takearisk-x · 11 months
Firstly I love your writing so much. I am always anxiously awaiting updates on Already Gone and TPFY. What were you doing when the ideas for those stories popped up in your brain??
You’re amazing and we, as a collective fandom, adore you
omg thank you for being so sweet! my chest is all squishy!
the path from you was an incredibly gradual evolution over the span of about six months... it started in june of 2021 while i was listening to a dermot kennedy song. i was deep in my third dramione era and was lapping up any and all angst i could get my hands on. harry/ginny has always been my number one and i was falling in love with them all over again as they are frequent side characters in some fucking spectacular dramione fics. but they were never center stage. at the time i had read *some* hinny fics but never truly jumped in head first because most of what i came across was fluff and/or oneshots and i'm a multichap/slow burn kind of girl and only a few otp: true hinny fics seemed to scratch the particular itch i have for calamitous decisions resulting in a happy ending. ANYWAYS my friend @dammitgranger encouraged me to be the change i wanted to see in the world and write the damn canon divergent fic i wanted to read so badly. and boy did i ever. i picked all my favorite tropes, gave harry & ginny's some post-war suppression, and now we are here, two years later, with two spin offs, a collection of epilogues, and two sequels in the works.
if the path from you crept up on me slowly, already gone was the exact opposite. it hit me like a mack truck while i was listening to a different dermot kennedy song back in november of 2022. amnesia is like my FAVORITE TROPE (right after bodyguard lol) because we, the reader, get to fall in love with the love interest all over again. and harry potter, love interest is the kind of energy i am trying to carry with me at all times. long story short, for the months leading up to that, i had a bunch of little one shots or vignettes that were basically me trying to figure out how harry and ginny got back together in a *epilogue* compliant timeline. i had no idea if i would ever post them, it was just a writing exercise really, me trying to get to know their characters better.. but then after listening to already gone (the song) it was like *GASP* WHAT IF THEY WERE FLASHBACKS! so the premise of an amnesia timeline and a postwar timeline happening in parallel was born. at the time i also desperately needed a writing outlet that wasn't tpfy because i was stuck on chaps 12-14 and i kept trying to force something that just wasn't working so i said fuck it and i started something new. i absolutely adore already gone, for lots of reasons, but mostly because those two idiots live in my head at all times and i can pretty much sit down and write a chapter in about two days with no stress. i love it when writing is no stress. unlike the other fic *cough cough*
god this got long. i'm so sorry. thanks for the question!
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