#just taking in the new year slowly with lots of rests rn! thankyou anon im glad my works have made you happy!
rinablet · 2 years
I saw on twt that you made some daisuga art for the server and I’m so curious what it is since I’m not on the server but I understand if you aren’t comfortable sharing it outside the server 😭 anyway I want to say your art has made me happy and I hope you get lots of rest!
thankyou so much anon! it's an ns/fw fanart gift for my friend jared whose birthday was last friday! it's based on his smutfic which had been how we met dfjlskj
i'm so very new at drawing sexc things so i'm not yet comfortable posting that kind of fanart to a wider audience but maybe someday i'll post a privatter or a poipiku link to my twitter :D
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