#just in case rin tries to show them to koneko
tonguetiedraven · 2 years
Rin's a tactile person and always has a hand or tail on or near somebody, but Ryuuji notices Rin focuses on him with it more than others
Get together fic?
This is adorable, and Ryuuji absolutely notices that sort of thing, and Rin absolutely drapes himself over anyone close to him (especially his boyfriend <3 )
— — ヽ(~~(・・ )ゝ — —
Bon noticed it because of how his body immediately shifted to accommodate the tail without even having to think about it. Rin shifted, and Bon moved his hand out of the way and promptly wondered why he had done that, only to realize it a second later when there was suddenly a tail on his knee where his hand had been a moment earlier.
It made him blush, and not necessarily because Rin’s tail was on him (though also not necessarily not because Rin’s tail was on him) but because it had apparently happened a lot. Enough that he’d unconsciously anticipated it. 
And just like that, he couldn’t stop noticing. 
Rin was a touchy person. Bon had figured that out within hours of the reaper incident. There had been an arm around his shoulder as they left the practice rink, and he’d been too confused about its presence to comment. Then it had been a hand on his arm to get his attention, a body in the seat next to his that always leaned against him.
Once the tail came out and the Impure King drama was over, whatever touch barrier Rin had maintained broke completely. There were hugs and highfives, arms on shoulders and punches to arms, companionable leans and legs thrown over legs, tail whacks and drapes and just… just a lot of touching. Rin did it with anyone and everyone. (Except Takara and Izumo. Takara because he was still a bit creepy and Izumo because she would punch if you tried that with her.)
And it had happened enough that he anticipated it. He moved to accommodate it without conscious thought. 
Had he noticed a few months ago, he might have just laughed a little and moved on. But it wasn’t a few months ago, and he didn’t feel much like laughing. 
He felt breathless and flushed and like his stomach was being overrun by something that felt wilder than butterflies. Whatever was going on in there was bigger than the flutter of butterfly wings. It was a crush (or possibly something more), not his first, but the first he had even considering doing something with.
And that somehow made it more terrifying.
But now Rin’s tail was on his knee, and he didn’t quite know what to do with that. He hadn’t always been aware of it before, but now he was, and his hand felt weird sitting in the space between them, and Rin’s tail was just laying there, flicking a little, and looking soft. 
“Did you have those notes, Bon?” Konekomaru asked, casually lifting his eyes from his own papers, and that was right. This was a study group.
“Of course I do!” What the hell had they been talking about? “Which ones ya need?”
Konekomaru told him, he gathered the notes together, and Rin’s tail stayed happily right where it was. Yukio was on Rin’s other side, and it suddenly struck Bon as a bit odd that the tail had moved to him. Why had he been picked over Yukio, and what could it mean?
He passed Konekomaru the notes and forced his own attention back on the passage he’d been studying. Rin’s tail flicked, and curled around his knee.
Bon didn’t get a lot of memorizing done.
— — ヽ(˘⌣˘(O . O )ゝ — —
Bon waved goodbye to Rin and ducked into his class, earlier than most his classmates (as usual) and hurried to his desk. Lunch breaks were always a bit of a wild card — there was never any telling if they’d manage to get food— but Rin had brought bentos today, and the taste was lingering in his mouth.
Kind of like the feel of the brush of Rin’s tail was lingering against his hand. Had Rin noticed that it was there?
It didn’t matter. Bon pulled his notebook out anyway and flipped three quarters of the way through it. (He’d chosen that spot because it seemed far enough back that the others wouldn’t accidentally come across it.)
Glancing around again, he confirmed no one was looking and bent towards his notebook. He noted the date and time of the incident, and filled out a brief log of the occurrence. He then pulled out his math notebook, risked another reassuring glance around, and began to jot down what had happened in his spreadsheet. (A bit further up than the logs in his other notebook. He didn’t want one being found and giving away the location of the other. The thought of either being seen was horrible, but he didn’t think he could survive both.
He was even writing them in English.
Precautions aside, there was absolutely a trend developing. Charting the readings only took a few moments, and when he was finished, he felt his heart fluttering again. 
There was no questioning the fact. He had the numbers right in front of him. Rin spent more time leaning against him, putting his arm around Bon, his tail on Bon, or his legs on Bon. More than anyone else in the group, Rin was touching Bon. It didn’t matter who else was in the group, the trend was still there. He’d occasionally have a hand on more than one person, but far more than the others, there was something on Bon.
He stared at the chart as the teacher came in the room and tried to tell himself he wasn’t blushing and that there weren’t chuchi bouncing around in his stomach. 
The teacher started to write on the board, and he flipped to the front of the notebook before noticing it was the wrong one and switching books. He felt flustered and obvious amongst the other studious students, but he could hardly corral his mind into paying attention to the material. Any time he wasn’t staring directly at the board, his mind went back to Rin’s laugh and the feel of Rin’s tail ghosting over his hand. To the taste of green tea mochi (made especially for him) and the feel of Rin’s hand squeezing his shoulder. To the warmth of a greeting hug and the feel of wanting so much he could feel the burn of it in his throat. 
He caught himself twirling his pen around in little spirals multiple times (spirals and not tails and he would die on that hill if confronted) and that had him sitting straighter and pulling a third notebook out. He put the other two away and hoped some distance from his logs might help.
It didn’t.
— — ( . ̫ .)♥(.ˬ. ) — —
Bon didn’t actually intend to do it. Not at that moment. He’d been thinking about it for what felt like ages at this point, and every time Rin smiled, it got harder and harder to not do it. Harder and harder to focus on anything that wasn’t Rin and his bright eyes. Rin and his bright spirit. Rin and the warmth he filled every room with. (Literally and figuratively.) Rin and his touchy self.
They were doing homework, of all things, and Bon still couldn’t take his eyes off Rin. It was a problem, an enormous problem. The want and longing… It was starting to leak into everything. He was getting distracted in class—Rin’s laugh was still echoing through his head and his chest was going even tighter— and he was getting distracted on his runs —enough that he’d tripped several times — and it was even slipping into moments like this. Moments when he should be studying and working, and he just couldn’t. Because Rin was chewing on the tip of his pen, and Bon couldn’t stop himself from looking, even though he knew it was a terrible idea.
“I can’t figure it out,” Rin huffed, lifting his eyes from his worksheet and looking to Konekomaru. Bon promptly dropped his own gaze back to his notebook. His sloppy notebook. Ugh. He had to focus. Something had to give, and soon.
He’d never been a coward, and clearly ignoring this wasn’t working. That left only one option, and he figured he was fifty/fifty on Rin accepting. He was fairly certain he hadn’t imagined the shift over the last few months. Fairly certain it wasn’t all in his head, what with the way Rin’s touches had lingered, the way he seemed to stare, and the way he’d simply been around more. (Though that might have also been that Bon was seeking him out more.) 
He had his data after all, and even if he’d never admit to it, he still had it, and it all pointed to the same thing. It all pointed to Rin Okumura liking him.
Rin’s tail wagged through the air as Konekomaru explained stuff, and landed on Bon’s foot. His entire body went stiff and he found his air seeming to lock itself up in his lungs, not letting any more in, and not letting any out.
Rin tilted over so their arms and legs were pressed together, babbling cheerfully about social studies, and Bon’s heart joined his lungs in panicking and went off in a wild race to make up for the lockdown in his lungs. It sounded like thunder in his ears, and there was no way it wasn’t loud enough for Rin’s sensitive ears to pick up.
Bon bolted upright, dislodging the tail and Rin. Everyone stared up at him, and his body completed its utter betrayal by making his cheeks (and ears) go hot with a blush.
“Gonna get some water,” he lied, swallowing thickly. At least his voice was on his side. It was raspy and dry. Yay.
Rin scrambled up with a big grin. “That sounds great! I’ll come too.”
Bon stomped out of the room, ignoring the snickering that followed him, and wasn’t even surprised when Rin ran after him and threw an arm over his shoulder. The fact that Bon was several inches taller didn’t seem to matter at all to him.
There was no way he was imagining this. Either Rin had never even contemplated personal space, or the boy liked him. (Possibly as much as he liked Rin.)
Those thoughts had his traitorous cheeks feeling even warmer, and he was certain his scowl did nothing to make the blush less obvious. The entire thing was getting stupid at this point, and as he glared at a couple of girls giggling and whispering about them as they passed, he decided it was time to get this out there.
Bon veered sharply to the left and towards the exit. HIs dry mouth wasn’t likely to be helped by water anyway. Not until after he had this out.
Rin, unsurprisingly, followed right after him, still with his arm awkwardly around Ryuuji’s taller shoulders. Still bouncing in his ridiculously energetic and cheerful way. Still with his tail wiggling happily under his shirt. Still making Bon’s heart flutter and his stomach fill with a wild flurry of things. (Even chuchi were seeming too tame for these things.)
Rin followed him out of the building, down the steps, and to a bench a few meters away before he seemed to realize water wasn’t their destination.
Bon broke free from Rin’s arm and plopped down on the bench. Rin followed right after him, tail breaking free from its hiding spot in Rin’s shirt to slip between the slats and curl around Bon’s back.
Rin’s arm went around the back of the bench as well to curl around Bon’s opposite bicep. 
That was it.
Bon twisted a little in his seat to face Rin. Swallowing, face going somehow redder, he stared down into Rin’s vaguely confused face, and summoned his courage. It was surprisingly hard to reach across the space between them and take Rin’s hand in his own, and he could hardly imagine how Rin did it so casually, and so damn often.
Rin’s eyes went hilariously wide and shot down to their joined hand before shooting right back up to Bon. His pupils went a bit red.
Bon swallowed again. “I, uh, got something to ask you.”
Rin nodded.
Bon had somehow, despite all the daydreaming, never actually thought of what he would say. It was a tremendous oversight, and he was mentally kicking himself now for the gross oversight. 
“I, uh… You know you… You’ve been driving me crazy.”
“Huh?” Rin’s irises twisted and flared a bit with supernatural fire. His eyes seemed to go even wider, and his cheeks bruised pink.
Bon could only laugh in a mildly desperate way. “You haven’t even noticed, have ya?”
“Noticed?” Rins’ hand squeezed his, and Rin’s tail curled all the more around Bon’s side, a bit ticklish even through his shirt.
Bon motioned to the tail with his other hand. “This stuff. The touching and grabbing and leaning. You do it all the time, and you don’t even notice, do you?”
Rin’s hair flickered with flames as his face went all the more pink. Still, he stuck out his chin defiantly and held Bon’s gaze, and ugh, Bon loved that determination. 
“So,” Bon said, leaning in a bit and squeezing the hand he was still holding, “I wanna know why. ‘Cause I kinda think… Think it might be the same reason why I always let you do it.” 
Rin’s eyes were ridiculously wide now, and he was pretty sure he had never seen Rin so surprised. Good sign or not, Bon charged forward. “Would you like to get something to eat after this? Just the two of us?”
“A date?” Rin asked every bit as hoarsely as Bon. 
Rin nodded hard, hair flickering as it flopped against his face. “Yes!”
Bon beamed as they walked back to the study session hand in hand and sat close to each other, still holding hands.
— — ♥(Ɔ ˘⌣˘)˘⌣˘ C)♥ — —
A/N: Rin finds the notebooks and Ryuuji's research — because of course he does — but Ryuuji wrote in English as an extra precaution, so Rin doesn't know what they say. Only that they have his name in them.
The doodles Rin finds are another matter entirely ;)
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Requested by anonymous
Pairing: Rin and Izumo (but that’s not the focus of this one-shot)
The physical pain was bearable. A few bullet wounds, multiple punches and kicks to the body, and being stabbed in the shoulder would have finished off most people, but Rin’s demon healing was already patching up the rougher spots. 
He could live with the physical pain. It was the emotional pain that was tearing him apart. This pain left him in a hot, feverish sweat; it left him gasping, grasping at his chest as if a part of him had been ripped out. No matter how hard he tried, the memory came back, piercing his thoughts, his every living moment, until only drug-induced sleep could save him from it.
“Yukio!” Rin called to his brother, running up next to him. “We need to get out of here. The Illuminati’s almost here. Come on, let’s go.”
Rin turned to head back, but stopped when he realized Yukio wasn’t following him. 
“Come on,” he repeated. “They’re almost here.”
“No, Rin.” Yukio pulled out his guns and stared at them. “They’re already here.”
He moved so quickly that Rin didn’t even notice the movement, until he felt a hot pain slice through his side. He collapsed to his knees, his hand instantly moving up to the wound. When he pulled it away, it was bright red with blood. His blood.
“Yukio?” Rin’s brother stood over him, gun still drawn, pointed directly at the demon’s forehead. 
“Yukio? What are you doing?” 
Instead of responding, Yukio sent a kick right into Rin’s side wound. 
The pain was hot and fast like a lightening bolt. Rin fell to his side as Yukio stood menacingly over him. The pain was making it hard for Rin to think, but he couldn’t believe Yukio was doing this.
Yukio bent down and grabbed a fistful of Rin’s hair, pulling him up so that they were eye-to-eye.
“The Illuminati has tasked me to kill you,” he stated calmly. “Will you at least put up a fight?”
Rin spit out a mouthful of blood. “What the hell, Yukio. This isn’t like you. We’re brothers.”
Yukio shook his head. “My brother died a long time ago. You’re the one who killed him.” He threw Rin down and shot another bullet, this time into Rin’s leg.
Rin muffled his scream. He reached for his sword and Yukio grimaced. “Finally going to fight back, huh?”
But instead of drawing his sword, Rin simply threw it at his brother’s feet. “You can’t be my brother. My brother would never be this stupid to join the Illuminati. And he would never turn on his friends. I refuse to fight you.”
Yukio picked up the Koma Sword and stared at it contemplatively. He removed its sheath, causing Rin’s to erupt into blue flame, which only agitated his wounds. 
“Your choice. Then I guess you never really knew me,” Yukio said, monotone, before he plunged the sword into Rin’s shoulder. The younger twin seemed unfazed by his brother’s screams of pain, twisting the blade. 
“I finally know who I am now, Rin. And I refuse to go back.” His gun was drawn again, and he placed the cool barrel agains Rin’s burning forehead. 
“Goodbye, Rin.”
Suddenly, a sword had buried itself in Yukio’s shoulder. He fell back and Rin heard shouting. It sounded like Shura. He collapsed to the ground. The last thing he saw was his brother’s bleeding form vanishing in a dark burst. Then he fainted from the pain.
Rin woke up from the nightmarish memory, tears streaming down his face. Even in sleep now, the events from his last mission haunted his shouts. Overtime he thought of Yukio turning traitor, he felt a small part of him die. Now he really had no family left.
Shura was the one who had saved him. If she had showed up any later… Rin shuddered at the thought. He had been in the hospital ever since, slowly recovering from his brutal beating.
“Good morning, Mr. Okumura,” the doctor entered the room, clipboard in hand. “you look much better today. Your demon healing has already fixed the worse of the damage. If you’re up to it, you have some visitors who would like to see you.”
Rin really didn’t feel like seeing anyone, but he nodded anyways, hastily wiping away his tears.
“I’ll send them in.”
They filed in one by one: Suguro, Shima, Konekomaru, Shura, Shiemi, and finally, Izumo.
“Hey there kid,” Shura's voice was teasing, but soft. “You’ve looked better.”
“I’ve felt better too.” Rin’s voice was thich with disuse.
Silence followed and Rin decided to simply acknowledge the elephant in the room.
“So you all know what happened?”
“Yeah.” It was Suguro who replied. “Mr. Okumura joined the Illuminati.”
“Who would’ve seen that coming?” added Shima.
“Are we really sure that’s what happened?” Shiemi’s voice was slightly frantic. “That just doesn’t seem like Yukio. There’s no way he would abandon us.”
“But it happened,” Shura said, gravely. “He had a gun to Rin’s head. I can’t think of any other explanation.”
“But what was his motive?” asked Koneko. “He must have had some kind of incentive.”
“Yeah. But what incentive would be big enough for him to try and kill his own bro-”
“Shut up! Just shut up!” Everyone was shocked into silence at Rin’s outburst. “It doesn’t matter, it just doesn’t! Yukio tried to kill me, he turned traitor, he abandoned all of us! I’ve lost the only family I had left! I would appreciate it if you would just all shut up!”
No one spoke. Suddenly, Rin felt a hand on top of his. To his surprise, it was Izumo.
“You’re right, Rin. We’re sorry. It was insensitive of us to just blatantly discuss Yukio around you like that. We’ll sort this all out soon. But you were wrong about one thing.”
Rin raised an eyebrow.
“You still have family. You have us.” She motioned to everyone in the room. “Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. We’re your family, Rin. We’ll always stay with you. You’re not alone.”
Rin felt another wave of tears come to his eyes, this time out of happiness as everyone in the room began agreeing with Kamiki.
“You’re hot headed, and you make really stupid, rash decisions, but I know you’d have my back in any fight. You’re like the annoying brother I’ve never had,” said Ryuji.
“You’re pretty chill for the son of Satan, which I think says a lot,” Shima joked.
Koneko rolled his eyes, but nodded. “Shima’s right.”
“We’ll always be together, Rin. You helped motivate me to be a better exorcist, and you’ve always been there for me. You’re one of my best friends,” Shiemi added.
“You remind me so much of your old man. He was my family, which technically makes you my family too,” Shura gently ruffled his hair.
“You see, Rin,” Izumo’s voice was gentle. “We’re your family. You never have to worry about being alone.”
The tears were slipping down Rin’s cheeks at an alarming rate. He sniffled and managed to smile through his crying. “Thanks, guys. You have no idea how much that means to me.”
It was at that moment that the doctor came back in. “I’m sorry ladies and gentlemen, but visiting hours are coming to a close. You can come back as soon as they reopen.”
Everyone said their goodbyes to Rin, gently hugging him or in Shima’s case, giving him a fist bump. Soon, it was only Rin and Izumo left in the room.
“Thanks, Kamiki.” Rin’s crying had subsided substantially. “That was really awesome of you.”
Izumo bent down and gently placed a kiss to Rin’s forehead. “Get some rest, Rin. We’ll be back to see you soon.”
And for the first time in a while, Rin relaxed back into his pillow and peacefully fell asleep.
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