#just a small little shugod
t-u-i-t-c · 10 months
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tarantula abyss <3
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sonia-kate · 8 months
Timeline in King-Ohger (part 1)
So, I've watched Zeo Agito's review of recent King-Ohger episodes and he pointed out how Jerami's mom killing Daigorg kinda messes up the timeline, so I decided to try to piece it back together, especially that King-Ohger has been pretty consistent so far
What do we know?
Jerami's mum - Nephilia - died after she defeated Daigorg. Jerami was just a kid then
Daigorg was a general that lead Dethnarak's faction to victory during Bugnarok's civil war
Dethnarak doesn't know the reason why the war between humans and Bugnarok started 2000 years ago
Jerami considers himself to be an elder in relation to Dethnarak
Jerami's dad came to Earth together with the colonists who came to Chikyuu from Earth
Human and Bugnarok war took place when first kings, like Jerami's dad and Rainol Hastie were still around
Bugnarok's civil war took place 1000 or 100 years ago, according to Jerami
Dethnarak genuinely believed Jerami's prophecy
Murals that Jerami made were inspired by his father's work, and the latter made a similar mural back on Earth
According to Himeno's research when she was treating Gerojim, Bugnarok DNA is very similar to human DNA and this very same episode implies that Bugnarok people evolved from humans because they were eating Shugod souls
Jerami is approximately 2000 years old, as confirmed by N'kosopa's lie detector
Trying to put it together
First thing that catches the attention would be the Bugnarok's civil war. According to Jerami, it took place 1000 or 100 years ago, but from recent flashback we learn he was a small kid back then
We also know that Jerami was born around the time of the human-Bugnarok war because not only he mentioned his parents meeting then, but his father was also one of the first colonists and one of the would-be first kings and humans can't live for ages (unlike Bugnarok). On top of it, Jerami confirms his age to be approximately 2000 years during the lie detector test
So, during civil war, Jerami would have to be around 1000-1900 years old, if we take into the account time-stamps given by him. Of course, he could be one of those slow-aging species, like Baby Yoda* who was still a baby despite being 50 years old
But, we also know that Dethnarak is younger than Jerami, since he doesn't know the reason behind the human-Bugnarok war and he genuinely believed Jerami's prophecy. It suggests that the mural and the prophecy were created before Dethnarak came to life, or else he would have known it was Jerami's work making it less credible as a prophecy of the future
Also, if Bugnarok people live so long because they age slowly and if that feat comes from Jerami's mum side of genepool (because the humans age and live as long as we do), and if on top of that we'd take into account that Dethnarak is younger than Jerami, then we'd need to conclude with Dethnarak waging wars within the kingdom as a little kid. If so, no wonder that Daigorg was the star there and not the Dethnarak himself but I don't really think that would be the case here
But as we've learned before, Jerami isn't a very reliable narrator. In fact, not much of what he says can be taken at face value, as he'd rather hide the true meaning between the lines. For example, in fairytales, there's often a phrase "beyond seven mountain, beyond seven forests" used. Of course, this phrase doesn't mean literally 7 mountains and 7 forests, it's only used to picture a very long distance. I believe that very similarly is with this 100 or 1000 years. Jerami doesn't remember the exact time, but he's letting us know that it was very long ago, that exact date doesn't matter in this story (as his primary intention was to warn Racules about Daigorg, so getting into too much detail wouldn't be very helpful)
Though, we can note that 100-1000 years points to a certain period of time. Earlier than 100 years suggests that most likely no human who lived during that time is alive anymore. 1000 years makes it certain that the Bugnarok civil war took place after the Bugnarok were banished under the ground in the human-Bugnarok war
Another part is that he mentioned that Dethnarak's faction was led to victory thanks to Daigorg. But given that Dethnarak is supposed to be younger than Jerami, it's rather doubtful a child would lead a faction. This leads me to consider that this part was just another one of Jerami's mental shortcuts. The faction that won, is definitely the faction associated with Dethnarak, but it's very likely that it wasn't Dethnarak who led it during the civil war but one of his ancestors. Then, said ancestor would win the right to rule the Bugnarok, and Dethnarak would inherit it from them. After all, it's Dethnarak VIII, so if we skip the part that "8th" in Japanese sounds suspiciously similar to "Hastie" and we assume it's just a regular ordinal number, it would mean that there used to be 7 other Dethnaraks in the linage and that's not counting the possibility of the family members with different names
One could say that the previous Dethnaraks could have ruled long before the human-Bugnarok war, let alone Bugnarok civil war, but so far, we had it implied that Bugnarok evolved from humans who ate shugod souls. And humans themselves came from Earth in a spaceship. I don't know how would so many people evolve so quickly, though. My guess would be that there was an accident that mutated many people at once. That would also explain why would others frown upon Jerami's dad relationship with a Bugnarok woman, despite Bugnarok being human not so long ago - they were most likely avoided as if they were contaminated or leprous
Speaking of, we've learned that Jerami and Dethnarak are related. If we assume that Dethanarak the VIII we saw in the show was not around during the Bugnarok civil war and rather was his ancestor, said ancestor would most likely be a sibling or a cousin of Nephilia - Jerami's mum. Unless the families got connected later down the bloodline, of course, because that's also a possibility
It's quite a long stuff and I don't know when will I finish it, because there are still things I didn't touch in here, but I don't really feel like finishing it rght now so I decided to just post what I had.
*I know it's not real Yoda!
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tokuteasings · 1 year
Believe Me When I Say: “I will stay beside you.”
Himeno angst
That’s it.
That’s the entire fic
Warnings: Spoilers for ep 7. GN reader, angst because I loVE myself. Romantic relationship. Self-esteem issues, just a bit. Kinda sort hurt comfort but man...I like angst :DDDD
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It is unbecoming of her, uncouth, and unwelcome. 
The poison slipping into her brain’s grey matter, how it clings on to each of the neurons just to trickle down into this spiraling ravine known only as the heart.
And shrivel it up from the inside out. 
They are beautiful at all times of the day, all times of the era, all times of eternity. Himeno states  they’re in are in similar positions, incomparable. Even when her dearest puts themselves down, she shushes them with lace to their adorable little lips. She cups their chin, directs them towards her and blooms a smile. 
“To me, my dear heart, you are perfect. And I will say that as many times as I must.”
But when her beloved is within the clutches of the Sandman, who grips them with talons that dig further and further - chaining them to become that lost royal within the caravan of thorns...
How could she not want to brave the world for them? To slay the dragon of pestilence that holds them hostage.
But as the wrinkles form upon her pretty little fairy face, fair and true. Her hands - so steady, surgical and dainty - are besieged by tremors. Between the crevices of painted nails and disgustingly sweat palms are her beloved’s hand.
The pulse is steady; weak but beats. 
But they won’t wake up.
No matter how hard true love’s kiss and true love’s words she utters, her beloved is in the clutches of plague. Somewhere she cannot follow.
How many days has it been?
How many sleepless nights has the queen spent by their side? Praying to the ShuGods for an answer, or whomever that will listen to her. 
Never had she felt so helpless, not since all of those years ago; the fury of the gods raining down upon her poor undeserving soul. 
There is a twitch, a shake, a rumble, from the hand between her own. Her eyes widen, a clammy hand reaching up towards their forehead. She runs her hand over their face, then down to their chest, keeping a close eye on the rise and fall. “Please...please, wake up.”
The sonnet to the gods is answered soon after, their fingers twitch and their eyes open. Their hues are the most gorgeous shade of color and the queen wishes to never stop gazing into that mirror. “My love?”
They let out a small groan of pain, their hand weakly grips hers. “Himeno...?”
She lets out a small hoarse little cry of joy, pressing a kiss to the fingers she held and whispers, “How are you? You’ve been out for a week since the Bugnarok attack...” she hesitates, using a hand to wipe away her tears. “I...I almost lost you.”
But they let out a hoarse chuckle, “But you didn’t...and that’s what matters.”
“What matters is that you are here with me. Right here, right now.” Himeno repeats, joy singing within her chest. “And I wouldn’t want to be by anyone else’s side.”
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