#just a little sadistic bully <333
daydadahlias · 9 months
Jess how does it feel to wake up every day and be one of the coolest/funniest/nicest/best humans ever ???? iconic behavior
it's crazy actually. like i open my eyes in the morning and the birds come sing on my windowsill just like they do every day and i think to myself "wow <3 these other bitches arent even close <3"
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lettheladylead · 2 years
Minima the beloved... also Adélia
Adelia De Spell first because she’s super easy: she’s been in one comic and never mentioned in any other comic ever lol
Thank you to @myrskytuuli for doing a lil scanlation of the comic way back when (link) (part 2 link) so that’s a lot less work for me. What do we know about Adelia? She’s Magica’s cousin who made a decision to stop being a witch and be a fairy instead. It’s funny to know that’s a decision someone can just make. Will Matilda or Minima make the same decision? You never know
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We also learned that the process of going from a witch to a fairy involves many trials, the last of which is trying to convert another witch into becoming a fairy. Very specific. Part of me thinks Adelia made that up ‘cause she wanted to hang out with her cousin Magica but who knows.
Anyway that’s all we know. She’s trusting and a little airheaded, but the fact that she was born a witch and gave it up as an adult is interesting. It’d be nice to see her again. Also here’s some fun images/dialogue and then I’ll get to Minima under the cut:
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“everybody knows, bitch”
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magica’s physical age fluctuates depending on the author but its fun to wonder if she’s immortal or not
anyway MINIMA TIME! Minima De Spell:
Minima is interesting. She was created specifically for DuckTales 1987, but then they never got to include her in the show, just in the one DT87 comic. But it’s funny ‘cause Magica had a number of young nieces and nephews that they could’ve used instead of making up a new one, but (shrug)
I think Minima might be the only DuckTales cartoon creation that was notable enough to become canon in the comics?? Don’t quote me on that tho
I’ll start with her DT87 comic appearance even though it has zero relevance to her characterization in the regular comics. Minima doesn’t seem to be very close to Magica, only staying with her temporarily while her mother (a sister/sister-in-law/cousin/fellow witch of Magica’s?) is busy. She befriends Webby and then tries to use Webby to get Scrooge’s dime, but then realizes she likes Webby too much to do it. It’s very cute, reminds me of Weblena.
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(hanging out on a playground jungle gym is also reminding me of weblena lol)
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(sorry for the bad quality pics i just took them with my phone ‘cause i can’t find the digital copy i thought i had of this comic)
Overall, here Minima is loyal to Webby and doesn’t care much about Magica’s life goal. She gets bullied by her peers and has magic powers but they’re not super powerful.
THENNNNNN four years after that was published, Minima made her first Topolino appearance! Funny enough, her original comic was never translated into Italian, so this was her first appearance in Italy. Also the first appearance of Magica’s not-fiancé and her granny’s apprentice, Rosolio Rhododendron. 
There was a couple of comics between 1995 and 2002 where Minima/Granny De Spell/Rosolio showed up and caused mayhem for Magica, but Minima’s presence in them is...minimal. She likes Ratface and she plays pranks and is a very silly kid. Also kind of a bit sadistic towards the poor bird. More interesting than that, Magica apparently put a spell on Granny/Minima/Rosolio where they’re trapped in some magic dimension for 77 days at a time and can only come out every 33 hours (in this screencap it says 333 but later they say 33). They’re doing really well despite this.
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Oh hey look she’s in the little witches version of the Woodchucks! Junior Witchhex Guidebook...cute. I guess there’s a lot of magic things going on in that other dimension she’s spent several years of her life in
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very philosophical child
well that’s it for officially translated comics. I was able to find 1 out of Minima’s 3 other appearances...
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Here she’s just telling Magica to stop playing videogames so much
One of the other appearances is something to do with Halloween and it includes April May and June so I’d love to find it but I really struggle to get my hands on stuff from the Netherlands lol
anyway so that’s Minima! She definitely likes to torment poor Ratface but she’s also very good at magic and she’s barely experienced any of the human world since she’s mostly trapped in a magic dimension all the time
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cinnamonest · 3 years
i love that everyone is adding on to the willing reader thing so i have one thing to add: momson diluc with mom seeing that he gets embarrassed calling her mommy in front of others so when he calls her mother she shoots back with a "thats not what you call me baby :( what happened to mama? is my little boy too grown up for that now?" just so she can watch him steam and quietly mutter out a mama while everyone looks on
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YES YES especially bc you know he doesn't wanna hurt mama's feelings so he definitely would say it to make you happy! You just think it's so cute how his little face turns nearly as red as his hair... He darts his eyes to the ground... But he wouldn't dare deny you, and deep down he loves to call you mama, it's what comes naturally really. He's Mama's boi 😤😤 ... A fact which he is relentlessly bullied for by his friends... They joke with him about it. You love your mom so much mommy's boy? Why don't you marry your mom then haha and that uh... Well he starts taking that suggestion seriously.
Also consider the inverse but with Kaeya... Less secretly sadistic mom, more a mom that's the victim of his own sadistic tendencies... But gets a lil bit embarrassed by your grown son calling you mama all the time so you might make an offhanded mutter about maybe he's too old for that...? But you're immediately stuttering and apologizing when he freezes up all shocked and even tears up a bit bc ??? :( Do you... Do you not... Like it when he says that...? He thought you did... So of course you feel horrible and immediately backtrack bc no!!! It's ok he can call you whatever he wants!! Tell him you love it and assure him he's still your sweet handsome boy <333 He's still hurt for a while but he gets reassured if you explain that you just don't want people getting the right wrong idea. He gets that... It's too early for that yet after all.
Also speaking of the mom name calling HC, Son Childe is the most shameless. Mommy all the way all the time. UNLESS he's exasperated/mad and pulls the "ugh but MOM" or needs something and "MOOOOOOOOOOM" to get your attention. But yeah definitely whimpers mommy when he's rolling his hips to get his cock deeper inside you. Also mama's boy, as our boys all are.
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