#just a huge fan of shady fairy business
spilledmilkfkdies · 1 month
Hello! I’m back! Again. Thanks for answering so many of my asks. After the posts with the idea of the wizards not actually having an evil plan, I wanted to ask: if the wizards had actually been surrendering, when they stood trial, what do you think Morgana would have sentenced them to? I’ve always wondered. Thank you very much!
Hi!!! Well Ogron does say "We renounce our magic and give ourselves up to you as mere mortals." in the Cinélume dub, so maybe that? Maybe they'll give up their magic and live the rest of the days as regular humans. Which would be understandable after everything, not sure if I'm a fan though. Then again, renounce doesn't have to mean that they don't have magic anymore, just that they don't use it, right?? Maybe they'd be able to earn the use of it back after a while. For good behaviour.
But!! Might be of note that Ogron only said that knowing they wouldn't go through with it, so maybe they'd take a different route? Even if the "No more magic use" one makes a lot of sense-
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the-elf-mahat · 7 years
October Positivity
Supposed to be an ask meme but I’m doing ‘em all and you can’t stop meeeeeee!
Under the cut though because things got long and effusive.
Vampire: Tag someone of whom you've been a longtime fan. @zaderick! We haven’t interacted much but I think you’re a phenomenal writer and your ship with @leywalker-starsworn gives me so much life and inspiration. Also PIRATES. Mahat would absolutely be poking around the Black Maw looking for work if Coldwall wasn’t a thing. Zaderick’s a fantastic character; keep on doin’ you, pls.
Shoutout to @spencerdarthellin, who DOESN’T POST ENOUGH but when he does holy hell is it good. I want to read a novel you write someday, man.
Werewolf: Tag someone who is one-in-a-million and comes through when you need them. @addie-the-pirate WHY ARE YOU SO WONDERFUL OMG. It’s weird. Stahp. (only don’t stahp I love it and I love you frand).
Fairy: Tag someone who you see as an asset to the community at large. @clothespanda! You were throwing yourself into making good stuff happen for the guild even before you were an officer and you’ve only doubled down since. I really respect and admire your ability to bring people together and make neat stuff happen.
@thegreatnyehehe is a server treasure and we don’t deserve them.
Jackalope: Tag someone who picked you up when you were down. @jebweaver NEVER CHECKS HIS TUMBLR NOTIFICATIONS but w/e. When I joined Coldwall a year ago I hadn’t roleplayed as Mahat in forever, and she and I were both kinda hesitant and nervous about being around new people. You took the time to get to know ‘Hat, which helped me get to know her again, and I appreciate that enormously. Marc and ‘Hat are a couple of sassmouth shady cinnamon rolls and I love their friendship. Thanks for all the crime, nerd.
Phoenix: Tag someone who is a bright light on your dash. @rask-the-rogue is a beautiful human being and scary-talented like woah. I get excited honestly whenever I see you post something, but especially for your stories and art. You are such a lovely, genuine, warm presence, and Rask is such a delightful character in any medium. I know we both get pretty busy with real life, but I hope we get to keep writing together for a long time to come!
Banshee: Tag someone who has looked out for you. @oil-and-firebrand, thank you so much for checking in on me, and for engaging with me and ‘Hat even when we vanish off the face of Azeroth for a while. It means a lot to me. Also you’re an awesome RPer and I wanna do more stuff with you!
@addressroleplays I got your back boo, and I know you got mine. <3 Thanks for being my friend!
Griffin: Tag someone whose friendship for you is priceless. @eldricceverton, I’m really glad ‘Hat threatened Wolf with a knife that one time! It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship, IC and OOC. You’ve been so great and encouraging to talk to when I needed it. I’m a huge fan of the way you write Wolf and I have fuuun plotting with you. Probably almost as much fun as ‘Hat and Wolf have kicking each other’s teeth in at the fighting pit! Almost.
Minotaur: Tag someone who you see as a leader in some way. @enigmatic-elegance! The best guild leader money can buy (btw I bought you in a bitcoin auction a while back sooooo expecting you at my house later, wear the fireman hat). No but seriously you’re straight up amazing and I have no idea how you do half the stuff you do (friend stuff! guild stuff! fire stuff! EMT stuff! writing stuff! website stuff! RP stuff!) but I suspect witchcraft and the Inquisition has been notified.
Hellhound: Tag someone who you see as a guardian or protector in some way. @grannyshanny she attac she protec she stronk. You take care of your friends and I love it. Whether via copious salt directed at the enemies or just being a digital shoulder to cry on, you’re my favorite mama bear (in a gay way). I’m so glad our characters get to be family.
Unicorn: Tag someone who is So Good, So Pure™ @soapiewhitacre PLS ACCEPT MY LOVE for you it is both eternal and constant. You are the human personification of a hug and I feel lucky to get to spend time with you, IC or OOC.
@xerxes-jasper, I love how you play your characters and how willing you are to roll with the punches to make a good story, even when it gets Xerxes thrown in a lake. :D Xerxes is a Precious Baboo and a Good Spoop Son, and ‘Hat rolls her eye at his antics sometimes but trust me behind the keyboard I am giggling like a fiend. 
Mermaid: Tag someone who is a positive influence on you. @thebattlesheep is best sheep. You make the world brighter and happier wherever you appear. It’s a scientific fact about sheeps. Thank you for being your gorgeous self and letting me, a hat, sit on your head all the time. It’s comfy!
Bigfoot: Tag someone who seems bigger than life. @percy-dewdancer! I really hope I get to RP with you someday in game, I enjoy your writing and Percy as a character vastly. I don’t know if it’ll ever happen since as far as I can tell there’s plenty of other folks ahead of me in line, and ‘Hat doesn’t exactly go out of her way to chat up law enforcement (though since he’s not City Guard anymore WHO KNOWS, she’s less spooked by military types than cops). Either way I’ll be over here gently stalking your posts and admiring your writing skill, tenacity, leadership, and cursing vocabulary; don’t mind me.
Dragon: Tag someone who you see as really dedicated to their muse. @caterinaprimrose! HI WE’VE NEVER MET INGAME but I’m super into your aesthetic posts and in awe of your dedication and respect for a type of character that usually gets neither. Caterina is a deeply human, fleshed-out character with a shallow sparkly surface and you portray all her facets so, so well. I hope she finds happiness again, I’m rooting for her!
@high-inquisitor, you and Archelaos are pretty much the definition of dedication to my mind; he goes through a lot of changes, but you always somehow manage to keep him himself. He’s a great character who fills a lot of roles to a lot of different people, and you play him with a determination and creativity that I really admire. We don’t RP much (I might be low-key intimidated by you shhhh), but I always enjoy reading your writing when it shows up on my feed, and think your aesthetic is killer. 
That’s enough positivity for one day NOW OFF TO BURN DOWN AN ORPHANAGE.
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