#jungwon as a brother's bff trope
gyuuberryy · 6 months
fight for my way!
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pairing: best friend’s brother!heeseung x martial artist!reader x bff!jungwon, ft lee chaeyeon as your best friend
summary: you’ve harboured a huge crush on your bff’s brother, heeseung for quite a bit. each encounter with him has you stuttering and blushing like a mess much to the dismay of your best friend, jungwon. it’s summer vacation, but unfortunately you won’t have the time to relax as you battle with your newfound feelings instead of kicking someone’s ass in training for taekwondo. you certainly did not sign up for this 
genre: f2l, best friend’s brother trope, crack??, coming of age, jungwon and mc practice taekwondo
warnings: making out, fighting, angst, fluff, swearing, mc beats up someone, mentions of blood, mc is super embarrassing and a major simp teehee, flirty heeseung(as always), i know nothing about taekwondo so please excuse me if i made any mistakes related to it
note: nothing based off the drama ahaha. this was originally a txt fic, now republished as an enha one(it's edited). i wrote this like a year ago and idk why but some parts of it give off disney movie vibes💀 enjoy!!!
word count: 8.1kish
If you liked it please reblog or comment to give me your feedback! <3
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you knew it’s wrong to simp over your friends, but you couldn’t help it.
since when did yang jungwon get so hot?
you hadn’t even worn your dobok yet and you were already sweating just looking at him box with that punching bag. his arm muscles flexed and rippled deliciously, and his face which was contorted into a focused expression, glimmered under the studio lights due to the layer of sheen sweat that coated his body. a drop rolled down the bridge of his nose and was about to land on his lips when he stopped and wiped it off. the sudden change in movement brought you out of your daydream and you mentally punched yourself for drooling over one of your best friends. 
you need to stop simping over anyone who is even the slightest bit hot.
slinging your bag over your shoulder, you walked towards the locker room to get changed. shuffling through your belongings, you tried to find the plastic in which you had kept your dobok, when you were startled by the feeling of someone's hand on your back. you looked behind to see your best friend chaeyeon grinning at you. 
“you’re a bit early today.”, she stated. 
“yeah, my mom kicked me out of the house at six in the morning.” you sighed, “i was wandering around till class started.” 
chaeyeon patted your shoulder sympathetically. ever since the summer holidays for your senior year had started, your mom had been making sure you didn’t laze around the house and be productive everyday. this was the last year for your taekwondo training and then you would finally receive your black belt. so, your mom felt it was important for you to go for training. 
every. single. day.
honestly, you were a bit pissed in the beginning because you couldn’t join the rest of your school friends on their month long trip to kyoto. but, jungwon and chaeyeon were staying back as well for their training, so it wasn’t that bad. 
you wore the white jacket on top of your t-shirt and slipped your belt through the white loops. your pants were almost up your calves when chaeyeon spoke again. 
“do you wanna come over to my house in the evening? we should get started on our physics project.
you jumped in excitement at her offer, “is your brother gonna be there?” 
chaeyeon slapped your arm, “why does that matter? we have to do our work, i’m not going to sit there and watch you fangirl over him.” 
ah yes, chaeyeon's brother, lee heeseung. 
the man you were absolutely smitten with.
the perfect, handsome, smart and talented golden boy of the school.
your crush of three years.
and lately, it felt like he was reciprocating your feelings as well because he had started flirting with you back. you didn’t care if you were being delusional, you would take any chance to interact with him, which is why you were always ecstatic to visit chaeyeon’s house.
“just tell me please”, you dragged out your sentence in a whiny voice, making chaeyeon hiss at the annoying sound. 
“okay okay, he’s going to be there. he has nothing to do this week.” 
you squealed and pumped your fist in the air. chaeyeon just rolled her eyes at your actions and pulled you out of the locker room to join the training.
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you lay spread eagle on the blue foam mat. your arms felt like wet, heavy ham and the muscles in your thighs felt like they were stretched to the maximum. you really shouldn’t have skipped your warm up, but you had no idea how rigorous today’s training would be. your coach was hellbent on making sure you perfected your double roundhouse kick and only let you take a break when you got the hang of it. these were probably the most tiring four hours of your life. 
suddenly, a handsome face came into your view as the person loomed over your body and blocked the light, making you jolt up. after getting a closer look you realised it was just your best friend, jungwon. you stomped on his feet out of annoyance. 
“you startled me man.” 
“i thought you fell asleep”, he huffed at your actions “let’s go home now, my stomach is gonna digest itself if i don’t feed it anything soon.”
you rolled your eyes at his exaggeration and went towards the locker room to get your belongings.
chaeyeon had already left before you both, so you took the shorter route towards your house. usually, you both would drop her off along the way and then walk back together since you lived right next to each other. 
the walk back home was rather silent, filled with occasional slurps of the popsicles you both had bought. your walks home were usually always filled with a comfortable science accompanied by some type of snack. lately, you both had been trying to eat all the popsicle flavours of the new trending brand. so today, you both tried the cherry lime flavour and honestly, it was absolutely disgusting. you stared at the bright red and green ice on the stick and grimaced. 
“this tastes really bad”, you stuck out your tongue in disgust “especially the cherry side, it’s just frozen cough medicine.” 
jungwon shrugged his shoulders, “i kind of like it, the combination is nice.” 
you wrinkled your nose at his remark, “you have bad taste.” 
he turned to look at you with mock hurt on his face when you noticed a red stain from the popsicle on the corner of his lips. you walked up to him and  tried to rub off the insistent stain from the corner of his lips, making jungwon freeze in his spot. you looked at him to be met with his eyes already staring at your face. his face looked flushed and his eyes were wide open. his eyes.
they were so mesmerising, looking like pools of freshly brewed coffee that always held a sparkle in them. you quickly moved away when jungwon suddenly spoke up.
“w-what are you doing?”
you cleared your throat and looked away, “you had a red stain on your face.”
these types of awkward encounters had been frequenting a lot between you both lately and you felt slightly bothered by it.
he rolled his eyes and tried to play it off, “your lips are green, eat the cherry part also. you look like mike wazowski.”
“shut up.”, you muttered while wiping your lips.
you handed your half eaten popsicle to him and resumed walking. feeling disgusted by the sight of him gorging down both of the disgusting frozen treats you decided to change the topic. 
“i’m going to chaeyeon's house later to start our physics project.” 
jungwon nodded absentmindedly at that.
“hee is gonna be there too”, you sighed dreamily, making him glare at you.
“why are you still obsessed with that bastard?”
you gasped in offence, “how dare you call him that? he’s an amazing guy.”  
jungwon chucked the ice cream sticks in the nearby dustbin a bit too forcefully for your liking. every mention of heeseung’s name always riled him up. both of them were academic rivals, always competing for the top spot, which was why they were never nice to each other and always bickered. but you were not letting their issue meddle with your non-existent love life. 
“he’s annoying and not a nice guy”, jungwon walked faster making you break out into a slight jog.
“just last week i saw him walking around with a new chick.” he threw his hands in the air, “how could he do that when he just dumped his girlfriend!” 
yeah that was true. heeseung was a bit of a playboy. you weren’t surprised though, his good looks and personality had girls throwing themselves on him right and left and he just accepted it. you didn't mind, you were ready to forgive him for that.
“i don’t care, i know he would never hurt someone intentionally.” 
jungwon shook his head at your obvious lovesickness. you were too blinded by your crush to notice the possibility of getting hurt. you waved him off when you reached your driveway. 
“bye won, i have to pick an outfit for the evening.” 
jungwon didn’t bother looking at you and just simply reminded you that it wasn’t a date. but who cares? definitely not you.
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the shiny silver doorbell was waiting for you, inviting you to press it, but you just stood like a fool at chaeyeon’s doorstep. why were you getting nervous for absolutely no reason?(heeseung). it’s not like this was your first time visiting her house. 
you dismissed your worry with a nervous chuckle and smoothened your hair down one last time. the summer heat was making it frizzier by the second and you had to look your best for heeseung, which meant you had to enter the house soon. taking a deep breath, you finally pressed the doorbell. 
a few moments later, the door swung open, unveiling the most beautiful sight known to mankind—heeseung's beaming face. he gave your outfit a quick once-over, and his smile evolved into a teasing smirk. glancing down at your sage green tank top and acid-washed denim shorts, a hint of uncertainty crept in. were they not to his liking? despite your attempt at a casual look, a moment of self-doubt lingered in the air.
“what’s up?”
his voice broke you out of your dilemma. now you felt too scared to respond. taking another deep breath you tried to keep your voice steady. 
“i’m here to study with chaeyeon.” 
for some reason, his smirk grew even wider as he checked you out once again, casually leaning against the doorframe. wait, was he actually checking you out? you really sucked at this love stuff because you had absolutely no idea what was going on. were you reading into things too much?"
“studying during summer break?”
he raised his eyebrows as if reminding you to speak. you cleared your throat, “yeah we have to complete a physics project.” 
he nodded. “chaeyeon is out running errands though. she won’t be back for another hour.” 
you frowned at that information, “but she told me to come over.” heeseung shrugged his shoulders, motioning for you to come in. 
“you can wait in her room.” 
you had no choice but to agree because he had already started walking in. you sighed and mentally sent a prayer to all the gods to prevent you from embarrassing yourself further. 
suddenly, he stopped in his steps and spinned around to face you. you immediately forced your feet to stop walking to prevent crashing into him. “do you want to watch a movie with me instead?” 
your heart dropped to your toenails at his words. as much as you wanted to jump at the offer, there was no way you would survive an entire movie with him without embarrassing yourself. 
tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, you tried to look as apologetic as possible, “actually i should get started on my work, maybe another time?” 
heeseung shrugged, “yeah sure.” 
you gave him a sheepish smile and started your ascent up the stairs to chaeyeon's room. the entire time, you could feel a pair of eyes burning into your back. the outfit was a good choice. smirking to yourself, you pushed the door to chaeyeon's room open. 
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it had been over an hour and so far you had listed out all the main points and subheadings to be included in your project. you had no idea when chaeyeon would come back; every time you called her she would say that she'll be home soon. there was a lot of rush at the supermarket she had forcibly gone to with her mom. you had thought about going back home but your mom wanted you to study as much as you could and it wasn’t evening yet, so here you are. 
your face was almost going into the laptop screen because of the amount of concentration you had on finding the perfect template for your ppt. the opening of the door shortly distracted you, but you deemed that it was chaeyeon. 
"bro, what took you so long?”, you spoke in a exasperated tone “was it actually that crowded? it's not even a weekend today." you didn't bother looking behind and continued doing your work. 
you immediately stopped what you were doing as the feeling of two arms wrapping loosely around your collarbone made you stiffen up. a warm breath fanned your neck sending chills down your spine. "it’s me."
how and why were his arms wrapped around you? you weren't complaining because this was your dream come true but at the same time this was not good for your heart, which at this point was about to beat its way out of your chest. 
you rolled your chair away from his hold and stood up, almost about to trip over nothing. you were sure you looked redder than a tomato right now, but you somehow managed the courage to look up at heeseung, who was already staring back at you. his head was tilted slightly and his pink lips were scrunched up in a pout. 
brushing a non existent stand of hair away from your face, you decided to question him about his previous actions. 
"why did you do that?"
he looked at you innocently in question, as if asking you what?
"the hug, why did you just hug me out of nowhere?"
a look of realisation crossed his face and he just chuckled softly at your question. "i was pretending to be chaeyeon." he smirked, "why? don't friends hug each other?"
if he was flirting with you or friend zoning you, you had absolutely no idea. you had to change the conversation quickly. 
"why did you come up, is chaeyeon back now?"
"she's on the way now," he pointed towards the door, "i just made some rose lemonade. let's go drink that while you wait." 
you nodded and followed him down to the kitchen. you leaned against the marble counter, trying to look as calm and collected as possible while heeseung fetched the pitcher full of the pink drink. suddenly, he turned around and started walking towards you, making you instantly freeze at your spot with an awkward smile etched onto your face. he got closer and stopped once his feet were almost touching yours. giving you a dashing smile he slowly leaned forward. was he going to kiss you? 
your dream is finally coming true! you closed your eyes and puckered your lips slightly in anticipation for his to land on them. but that never happened. you opened your eyes to see a wide eyed heeseung staring back at you with two glasses in his hand. oh, he was only reaching for the glasses behind you. 
embarrassment washed over you, making your cheeks flame up in shame as heeseung chuckled. you really wanted to melt away into a big puddle of nothing right now. clearing your throat you snatched a glass from his hand and poured yourself the lemonade. heeseung watched you with an amused smile as you chugged down the entire glass in one go to cool down your burning cheeks. 
“was it that good?”
you nodded enthusiatically, “you have to send me the recipe!” 
heeseung laughed at your reaction and poured you another glass. he probably had the most beautiful laugh and you could hear it on replay for hours. you smiled dreamily at him. by now, literally everyone knew about your humongous crush on him. 
the thing was, you had horrible flirting skills and were always oblivious if someone showed interest in you. your exemplary skills in taekwondo and bubbly personality had attracted many but you ended up friendzoning them unintentionally. you only had eyes for heeseung, who was currently washing the dishes you both had drunk from. he was such boyfriend material. you stood up straight once he spoke up.
“my friend is hosting a party this friday.” he turned off the tap and wiped his hands on the kitchen towel. “i’m sure you know who jake is.” you hummed in reply. 
“you should come, it’ll be fun.” 
you were usually never interested in parties, in fact you never had the time to even think about it while juggling school and taekwondo together. but, you had a bit of free time now since school was off. and heeseung’s offer kind of seemed like he was asking you on a date? you can’t just straight up ask him that so maybe you should just go and find out. this could finally be your moment to directly confess your feelings. you were getting tired of holding them back.
“okay,” you smiled, “i’ll be there.”
heeseung’s face brightened up at your words. “that's great-”
“can i bring jungwon as well?” 
his smile dropped, but he nodded somewhat enthusiastically, which didn’t really show on his face. oh right, they hate each other. the air turned awkward at the mention of his name and you were brainstorming things to change the subject when you were saved by the doorbell. 
you immediately perked up the sound, “ah, i think chaeyeon is home.” 
heeseung gave a forced smile back, “yeah, have fun with your project. i have some work to do. i’ll see you on friday.” with that, he walked back to his room.
your face fell at his sudden change of behaviour. you knew he had no work to do this week because chaeyeon had told you so. it was kind of weird but you assumed it was probably because you mentioned jungwon. he shouldn’t dislike him so much though, afterall he was one of his sister’s closest friends. shrugging it off you walked to the door to let chaeyeon and her mom in.
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it was the day of the party and jungwon(who had agreed to attend after much of your insistence) and you stood right outside the door, waiting for someone to open it. chaeyeon had decided not to attend the party and had gone out with her other friends to the amusement park instead. you would have joined her as well because parties were not your thing and you’d rather spend your time riding roller coasters, but this was a matter of love. you had to make sacrifices for your dear heeseung .
the door opened to reveal a beaming jake, “oh hi guys!” he motioned for you both to come inside, “the drinks and snacks are over there and we’re playing games in the living room.” he patted you both on your backs. “have fun!” both of you smiled back at his warm welcome and walked inside the huge bungalow. 
the kitchen counter was lined up with all sorts of colourful sodas and delicacies. the living room stretched far and wide, making you gaze at it in awe. colourful fairy lights were strung across the ceiling, setting the people’s face aglow with multiple colours. trending pop songs blared through the speakers and you could feel the bass thump to the beat of your heart. people were spread across the entire house and some of them were gathered outside in the lawn. 
jungwon pointed at the people playing games, breaking you out of your trance.“i think they’re setting up a game of twister, let’s go join them!” 
you shook your head, “i should go find heeseung first.” 
jungwon’s jaw ticked at your words. he rolled his eyes as he spoke, “i don’t think you should do this, he’s not a good guy.” 
you frowned at his words, “how do you know? you just hate him because he is better than you in academics.” 
he grasped your shoulders and his eyes turned serious. “that’s not the problem. i’ve seen how he treats people. he may act all nice and sweet in front of you, but he’s actually really shallow.” 
he sighed at the perplexed look on your face. “he’s a walking red flag and i’ve been trying to get you to understand that for a long time.”
you remained unfazed at his words because just like he had mentioned, he always said the same thing. no matter what happened you were going to try to shoot your shot. 
flashing him a sympathetic smile, you patted his shoulder. “sorry buddy, nothing is going to stop me. unless you have feelings for me or something.” 
you snickered at your ridiculous thoughts, missing the blush that overtook jungwon’s face. he looked away at your words and shrugged his shoulders. 
“okay then, i gave you enough warnings.” rolling your eyes at this dismissive behaviour you grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the group of people setting up the game of twister. 
“calm down drama queen, let’s play this first then i can go accomplish my mission.” he sighed and accompanied you as you said.
the game was going pretty well and you were confident in your chances of winning. you were in a fairly easy position compared to others, who had their limbs twisted in all sorts of hilarious ways. especially jungwon, who was basically in an upside down table pose. you tried not to notice the way his biceps were bulging out from under his black turtleneck, but it was hard to do so. 
looking away from him, you accidentally made eye contact with heeseung who seemed to have just arrived at the party. you waved at him and motioned that you will talk to him later. he gave a bright smile and flashed a thumbs up at your actions. soon after he looked away, a girl with bright red hair walked up to him and kissed his cheek. your heart shattered at her actions. does he have a girlfriend?
he proved your assumptions incorrect when he pushed her off of him. getting a closer look, you realised it was his ex-girlfriend. she was probably just a psycho. you were planning to spy on them more, but annoyed shouts of your name brought you back to reality. 
“what are you doing? you’re the only one left to finish your move, everyone is already done.” 
apologising, you looked at the wheel that had decided your next move. looking back at the twister mat, you realised that all the good required spots were taken. the spots that were left for you were only reachable if you bent over jungwon, which meant you would be leaning over him until the next move. you had no idea why you were feeling so nervous about it though. he was your best friend after all, you were the closest to him. you’ve been together since childhood. it was stupid to feel nervous over something so trivial.
putting on a cool exterior, you leaned over him to take your position. both of your arms were placed next to his torso and your face was directly hovering over his. you were shocked to see his cheeks turn red because of the close proximity of you both. he was avoiding eye contact with you and you frowned. one nudge of your elbow brought his eyes back to yours.
deja vu hit you as you couldn’t help but get lost in his mesmerising eyes once again. that one twinkle that was always present in them no matter what, the colour of his orbs and the warmth they held every time they looked at you made you lean in closer. you were so close to each other that you could see your own reflection in his eyes. butterflies filled your stomach and you felt warm and fuzzy all over at the realisation of your close proximity with him. jungwon could now feel your warm breath on his lips, making him close his eyes in anticipation of his next move.
but instead of that, your face crashed onto the expanse of his neck with an embarrassingly loud smooch. some idiot had kicked your leg by accident, which made you lose your balance and bring down jungwon with you. you don’t know what demon possessed you to do this, but you took a big sniff and the smell of vanilla and cologne invaded your senses, making you sigh out in content. the feeling of jungwon’s body stiffening under you brought you out of your stupor and you immediately scrambled to get up. why did you act like a creep, you want to cry now.
you awkwardly rubbed the back of your neck when everyone started clearing away. the game had ended because the idiot who had tripped you had also ended up rolling down the entire mat merrily like a bowling bowl, knocking everyone down. 
that wasn't the issue right now though. were you just going to kiss your best friend? there was no way you had any sort of feelings for him. just a month ago you had given him a friendship day bracelet and told him how your friendship had to last forever or you would bite his nose off. so now why were you so curious to know what his lips felt like? you spinned around to see jungwon clutching his chest like he was a heart patient. 
trying to push away the recent embarrassing encounter into the deep, dark pits of your brain, you walked up to him and stood silently, gazing at his lips. they were a light rosy shade of pink and looked glossy due to the coat of transparent lip gloss you had applied on them before coming to the party. they looked so soft.
you were shaken out of your thoughts when jungwon flicked your forehead. you gasped and clutched your forehead in pain, “ow, what was that for?” 
jungwon smirked as he pulled you closer by your shoulders. “you seem kind of obsessed with me lately. those looks haven’t gone unnoticed by me you know.”
he raised an eyebrow cockily, “are you sure it’s not me you have a crush on?” 
you sputtered and coughed like a broken car engine at his words. how did he already guess what was going on in your mind?
shrugging his hands off of you, you gave a firm whack to his chest. “h-how can you even say that! i only have eyes for heeseung, you’re nothing compared to him.” 
jungwon snickered and just pulled you into his side, guiding you towards the table full of food you both had been eyeing. he leaned towards your ear and whispered in a low voice.
“i’m pretty sure we were about to do something else back in the game though.” 
your face burned with embarrassment. nothing can save you now, jungwon was in his cheeky mode. he was oozing with confidence and you were blushing as bright as a beet.  
you huffed in annoyance and pushed him away to speed walk towards the table. not bothering to wait for him to catch up, you picked up two humongous cupcakes, ready to stuff your mouth. suddenly, a hand came up to your shoulder making, you almost drop your food in surprise. thinking it was jungwon, you put the ugliest scowl on your face and turned around to face him. 
“what do you-” 
you paused midway through your sentence when you realised who was in front of you. it was a smiling heeseung, who looked smoking hot today. he had adorned a tight fitted black shirt with a grey patterned jacket and his hair was styled to show off his gorgeous forehead. you immediately dropped your scowl and put on your most charming smile. 
“oh hey heeseung !” 
his smile widened at your greeting but all of a sudden, his eyes turned dark when he looked at something behind you. you looked over to see jungwon standing there with two cups in his hand, his expression as cold as ice. they both were practically shooting lasers from their eyes and you could almost feel the heat from it. gulping, you looked away and tried to think of what to say.  
“i have to tell you something important.” you blurted out. heeseung  finally broke his staring contest with jungwon and smiled at you.
“sure, go ahead.” 
okay, this was the perfect time to confess your feelings.
although, for some reason you hesitated before speaking. you could not stop thinking about what happened between you and your best friend today. were you doing the right thing or should you ponder on it more? unfortunately, one raise of heeseung’s eyebrow had you spilling everything out. 
“i have a crush on you.”
is this how it feels like to have a heart attack? because suddenly it felt like you couldn’t breathe anymore and your heart was pounding erratically. maybe it wasn’t a good idea to confess if you felt this scared after it. 
before you could comprehend heeseung’s reaction to your confession, the feeling of something cold and sticky being poured over you made you scream in shock.
your mouth was hung open in shock as you turned around to see who the culprit was. it was the same girl with cherry red hair who had kissed heeseung  on the cheek before. 
“what the fuck was that for?”, you spat in anger. 
she crossed her arms with a stupid smirk painted onto her face. “you were shamelessly flirting with my boyfriend, i obviously had to do something.” you were about to retort but heeseung beat you to it.
“lena we broke up a week ago, can you stop doing things like this! i’m so sick of you.” 
lena just chuckled and shook her head frantically. pushing you out of the way, she walked up to heeseung and cupped his cheeks with her manicured hands.
“no baby, we’re just going through a bad time. we’re still very much in love with each other.” 
letting out a tired sigh, he pushed her hands away from his face. “stop being so delusional,” he looked towards you with an apologetic gaze, “why would you pour your drink over her? she’s like a sister to me. that’s not acceptable..”
this was worse than getting friendzoned, he sister zoned you. 
that too right in front of his ex. 
after you confessed your feelings for him.
you tuned out the rest of his words as anger bubbled up inside you. you knew you were not as delusional as the mosquito of a girl in front of you. heeseung had reciprocated your advances sometimes and had even initiated flirting with you. then why would he say all that?
a warm hand clasped around your forearm that was now sticky from the soda that was poured over you. jungwon pulled you towards him gently with a concerned look on his face. 
“are you okay? do you want to leave?”, your face softened at his genuine concern. 
a mischievous glint appeared in your eyes as you decided on what you were going to do. “give me five minutes jungwon, i'm going to make sure someone pays for ruining my dress.”
jungwon’s eyebrows raised as he understood what you were about to do. 
you moved towards lena who was still yapping about how much she loved heeseung, and tapped her shoulder. she pushed her tongue against her cheek when she realised it was you.
giving her a condescending smile you motioned towards your outfit that was drenched in the sticky soda. “you’re going to have to pay for the damage you did.” 
lena scoffed in disbelief, “and what makes you think i’ll do that? get lost, don’t waste my time.” 
she waved you off and turned back to heeseung . even though it was against your morals to fight with someone weaker than you, you were not going to be civil with her anymore.
grabbing a fistful of her obnoxious bright red hair, you yanked her towards you making her yelp in pain. turning her around, you repeated yourself.
“are you going to pay or not?” 
she looked at you with a crazed look in her eyes. “of course not you psycho.” she punched you weakly on the jaw making everyone around you gasp in shock. 
“you started this”, shrugging you let go of her hair and punched her smack on the nose, making her stumble backwards. a loud crack resonated throughout the room. lena shrieked in pain as her hands became red from trying to stop her nose from bleeding. one of her fake eyelashes(which was about half the length of your fingers) had fallen onto the floor due to the impact of your punch. 
you pouted mockingly, “i guess you’ll have to get a nose job again.”
wiping away the blood from her face she charged at you with her fist ready to strike, but you easily grabbed her arm making her stagger to stop. you twisted her arm around till it was painfully bent behind her back. she whimpered in pain and tapped on your arm.
“ow please, that hurts.” 
you scoffed, “this is nothing, i can do much worse if i want.” 
she looked up at heeseung  with pleading eyes, “h-heeseung please stop this psychotic bi-” 
you tightened your grip on her arm making her groan out in pain. heeseung paid no heed to her words, in fact he was watching the entire scene play out with an amused look on his face. 
you looked to your left and tilted your head at jungwon, silently asking him what to do next. he was watching you with a proud smile and nodded his head signalling you to do what you wanted. you gave him a thumbs up and returned back to your situation.
you gave her a firm kick to her shin, making her fall on her knees. she raised her free hand in defeat.
“alright i’ll pay you for the drycleaning i promise!” 
you huffed loudly and left her arm causing her to completely collapse on the floor. you nodded towards heeseung with a blank face. “you’re going to leave him alone as well.” 
she squeaked out a yes, handed you a fifty dollar bill and scurried away, probably leaving the party.
everyone else cheered loudly for you for standing up to her. you grinned and jogged over to jungwon and grabbed his hand, “how did i do?” 
his eyes held affection as he looked you over, “awesome.”
that one word of praise cheered you up instantly, much better than any amount of ice cream would have.
you both were just about to leave the driveway of jake’s house when the shout of your name made you both halt. you turned to see none other than heeseung jog towards you with a set of keys in his hands. he held them out to you and looked at you with an unreadable expression.
“i think you dropped your keys behind.” your eyes widened and you grabbed them from him, thanking him in a small voice. 
he stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked you up and down, the action making jungwon’s grip on your hand tighten. “you were really cool back there. i’m glad i got to see you in action.” 
you hummed, not knowing what to say. can he not read the room? it felt so awkward to even look at him anymore. 
he cleared his throat and his confident persona dropped for a minute as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. 
“actually, what i said back there about you being like my sister.” your head shot up at his words. “i didn’t mean any of that.” 
he looked at his feet. “i only said that to get lena off your back, but if i knew you would’ve taken care of it yourself, i never would have done that”, he trailed off in his sentence.
jungwon’s voice cut through the tense atmosphere, making you feel relieved as he questioned what you weren’t able to, “cut to the chase.”
heeseung ignored him and looked directly into your eyes. “well i don’t exactly have feelings for you right now, but i really want to make it up to you. you’re a really cool person,” he stepped closer towards you, “i want to take you out for dinner this sunday.”
you could almost feel the anger radiate off jungwon as he spat out his next words, “did you start finding her cool only because she beat your psycho ex-girlfriend up.” he scoffed, “you don’t owe her a favour, she did what was right.” your shoulders slumped at his words. is that how he actually felt?
heeseung rolled his eyes, “please don’t bring your jealousy into the middle of all this. she can make her own decisions.”
both the boys looked at you intently, waiting for you to make your decision. the urge to crawl in a hole and live there forever was extremely strong right now. you really couldn’t handle the pressure. wanting the best of both worlds, you said the first thing that came up to you.
“i’m okay with the dinner.” 
heeseung ’s face brightened up in victory whilst jungwon dropped his hand from yours in defeat. 
why was he so upset about it now? it’s not like you were going on a date with heeseung, he made it very clear he doesn’t like you. and why were you so adamant on making sure jungwon understood that?
being born as a dolphin would’ve been so much better at this point. at least you wouldn't have to deal with physics and this romance shit.
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it was the day of the dinner and you were currently lacing up your doc martens on your front porch. you had decided to wear a black skirt with a white top and a dark brown coat since it was raining today so it was a bit chilly outside, even though it was the middle of summer. you had only just finished wearing your shoes when your phone started ringing, indicating a video call from chaeyeon. 
you furrowed your brows and picked it up, “hello-”
“you absolute moron!” she screamed from the other side making you flinch. 
“what happened? since when did you start insulting me, jungwon was enough-”
“this is about him! how could you be so heartless?”, she cut you off once again. you frowned, what did you do to him? 
“stop making that face, you look like a pug,” she rolled her eyes, “why are you going out with heeseung today?”
oh so that’s what this is about.
you shook your head, “it’s not really a date, he just wanted to take me out to dinner.” 
chaeyeon's lips formed into a thin line at that. “you mean my brother, who’s basically a casanova, is taking you out to a casual dinner?” she shook her head disapprovingly, “i didn’t think you could be so clueless."
you squinted at her in confusion, “just tell me what you want to. don’t beat around the bush. there’s no time for that, he’ll be here any moment.”
pinching her nose in frustration, she let out a deep breath. “jungwon told me the full story of what happened at the party since someone else forgot to.” you gave her a guilty smile at that. chaeyeon caught a horrible flu a few days ago, so you didn’t really get the time to update her on all this.
“he likes you a lot. he’s been hopelessly in love with you since the past five years.” 
your jaw hung open at that. there’s no way your suspicions were right. jungwon actually liked you? you felt gooey and warm like a freshly baked brownie right now. you could feel the heat spread through your entire body at the idea of jungwon liking you, something which you noticed was opposite of what you felt when you were around heeseung.
“close your mouth, i can see your internal organs.” you really wanted to slap her right now because her sarcastic commentary really wasn't helping you with the whirlwind of emotions you were going through. 
you let out a deep sigh, “i really don’t know chaeyeon. i feel so happy and excited at the thought of that? but also kind of scared. he’s my best friend, you know, i don’t want to mess things up.” 
she shook her head at you with pity, “it’s too late for that, you already did.”
“what do you mean?”
“are you kidding me?”, she scoffed. “jungwon is competing in the interstate taekwondo championship today!” 
you stood up from your seat in horror, “what! why didn’t you tell me before?” 
she wiped her runny nose into her tissue and glared at you, “you’re his closest friend, i didn’t think you would forget something so important.” she sighed, “i can’t attend the fight because of my cold, but you should.” 
the honk of a car horn made you look in front to see heeseung waving at you. you mirrored his actions and looked back into your phone. “there’s still time till the fight right?”
she nodded, “kinda, it starts in thirty minutes.” 
muttering a ‘shit’, you thanked her for giving you a reality check. she only nodded and coughed into her tissue once again, “it’s up to you to pick between your amazing and sincere best friend or my brother who’s probably only interested in you for your fighting skills.”
nodding solemnly, you cut the call and stuffed your phone into your side bag. by then, heeseung had walked up to your doorstep with an umbrella in his hand. 
“are you ready to go?”
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your hands were sat on your lap as you watched the rain fall outside of the car window. you were sitting in a rather rigid manner on your seat as you listened to heeseung blabber about some olympiads he had won medals for. you felt bad because you weren’t paying any attention to what he was saying. you couldn't get jungwon off of your mind. 
the warmth he made you feel everytime he smiled and when the dimples on his cheeks showed. the way your heart fluttered when you watched him execute taekwondo moves with perfection and the way his face lit up with joy each time he was successful. the butterflies that swarmed your stomach every time you hugged him or held his hand. all of this, you had been brushing them away for so long thinking that this was a normal thing for friends. there was no way you could be more than that. but now realisation seemed to dawn upon you; you had been in love with him all along, perhaps even longer than he has been. 
looking next to you, you observed heeseung. he still made you feel nervous and excited, but you realised that this was a different kind of feeling. the kind you feel when you receive updates from your favourite celebrity. it was nothing more than a schoolgirl crush, the one where he was just good eye candy to admire. he didn’t make you feel the comfort and love you felt with jungwon. and you didn’t feel the same way about him either.
you have to see jungwon, right now.
shuffling through your bag for your phone, you frantically checked the time. you still had fifteen more minutes to go before his match started.
“heeseung can you please take me to x stadium instead? i’m so sorry, but i can’t have dinner with you today, i have to go.”
heeseung frowned, “what happened all of a sudden? is it that urgent?”
“yes it is, please turn the car around.”
he nodded, still confused. he was about to question you but stopped when he saw you hold up your phone to your ear, trying to call jungwon so you could tell him you were coming to his match. he received missed calls after missed calls from you, but he didn’t pick up any. his phone was probably with the coach.
soon, heeseung stopped the car at a red light right across the stadium. you asked him to unlock the car door and thanked him for the ride. 
his eyes widened, “are you going to walk in the rain? it’ll just take me five more minutes to make a u-turn.” 
you shook your head, “there’s no time for that, i’ll miss jungwon-”
“you’re going to see jungwon?”
“yes, i’m sorry for leaving you like this but i can’t miss out on his match. i forgot about it till today,” you sighed, “i also need to tell him something.” 
you breathed out in frustration when heeseung just stared at you blankly, not complying to your request. reaching over him you turned off the door locks. you had just stepped one leg out when he stopped you by grabbing your wrist. 
“i thought you liked me.”
you looked at him with surprise. what is he playing at? judging by the pissed off expression on his face you could conclude that he was jealous because you were ditching him for his rival. 
you gave him a small smile, “i was wrong.” 
slamming the car door shut, you dashed off into the rain and crossed the road towards the stadium entrance. you always found the main leads in movies crazy to be running in the heavy rain towards their lover, but you finally understood their situation today. a stupid smile was graced upon your features and you couldn’t wait to tell jungwon everything you felt about him.
upon entering the stadium, you immediately ran towards the direction of the changing rooms and were met with your coach standing in front of it. his eyes widened momentarily upon seeing you all soaked.
“y/n you’re here? what hap-”
“is jungwon inside?”, desperation laced your voice as you questioned him. he nodded, “yes, but he has to be out soon-”
you cut him off once again by thanking him and entered the room behind him. the slam of a door being shut, startled the man standing in front of you, making him drop the water bottle he was holding. he faced you with eyes as wide as saucers, clearly not expecting to see you here.
“you came? but what about your dinner?” 
you paced towards him and smacked his shoulder, “screw that, why didn’t you remind me of your match even if i forgot?” 
he winced as you whacked him once again, “you know this is equally important to me as much as it is to you!”
he caught your hand when you were going to hit him again. “i didn’t want to disturb your date, i know how badly you want to be with him.” 
he tried to mask the hurt on his face by putting on a small smile, but you could see it in his eyes. “this is just one match, i would have told you the results anyways, you didn’t have to-”
you cut him off by grabbing the collar of his white uniform and smashing your lips onto his. jungwon froze for a few seconds but then slowly closed his eyes and cupped your face as he kissed you back. he tilted his head to deepen the kiss and moved his lips with more fervour. the kiss soon turned messy and heated as you both let out your years of pent up feeling you couldn’t say. his lips were cushiony soft and tasted like vanilla and peppermint. your brain felt like it turned to mush as you moved your lips against his addictive ones. damn, if you knew he was such a good kisser, you would’ve asked him out yourself long ago.
your knees were about to give out from the intensity of the kiss, so he wrapped one of his hands around your waist and pulled you flush against him. when you felt like you couldn’t breathe anymore you pushed him by his chest away slightly, but he only chased your lips for more, muffling the squeal that came out from you with his lips. he pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth, then your nose, your cheeks and continued to pepper kisses all over your face, making you giggle in glee. he pulled away and held your face as if you were the most precious gem in the world. you felt your cheeks heat up as you looked at his lips which were swollen and glossy from kissing. 
“i like you so so much y/n”, his cheeks bunched up and his eyes crinkle at the corners from smiling so happily. 
you kissed the dimple that appeared on his cheek and grinned at him.
“i like you a lot, too pretty boy.”
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yeonjunszn · 2 years
— 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬 ♡
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pairing: ot7 x f!reader
genre: absolute fluff
warnings: mature language, jay’s has a minuscular amount of angst
— hey hi hello! my first actual post on this blog 🙀 i hope you enjoy bc me and my best friend literally make up hcs on the DAILY LMFAOO the plan is to turn these all into drabbles or fics hopefully, but most likely with different plots than the actual hcs under the cut.
—beta read by my 4ever partner in crime kaz <3
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lee heeseung & sharing a bed ♡
✩ the way it happens is a cute story, honestly. since the group is an uneven number of members, they asked you, a dear friend from the staff, if you’d like to go on a trip with them. you were the closest to their age, only a year or two older than heeseung, so you agree. it’d be best if they had some professional supervision anyways. they behaved like teenage boys still.
✩ when you arrived at the house they rented, the younger boys immediately sprinted to pick out rooms. jake and sunghoon decided to room together, obviously. which resulted in jungwon and jay, then ni-ki and sunoo. this left you with heeseung, who you’d always thought was attractive. but of course, since the others had already started fighting over rooms, hee suggests settling with rock paper scissors. and everyone knows the person who brings it up always loses. so the two of you end up with the smallest room— which happens to only have one bed.
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park jay & brother’s best friend ♡
✩ jay is the type of person who doesn’t have many friends, but has a few very good ones, the ones that he knows he’ll be able to trust for the rest of his life. those people are his group members and the only friend of his who stuck by his side after he became an idol. he met your brother at the end of middle school and they became extremely close from how much they related to one another. they always hung out after school, did all the usual teenage stuff.
✩ your brother introduced you to jay that same summer, right before high school started for them. you were only a year younger, so you figured you’d get along well with him too. except you got along a little too well. you both realized how far you’d fallen when it too late. jay felt horrible for telling you about leaving for idol training before telling your brother, his best friend, but he didn’t want to break your heart. he wanted to try and give you enough time to get over him so that way you’d be okay when he left. you didn’t have the heart to tell him you couldn’t, especially because he took it right with him the day he set off to follow his dreams. and you didn’t know he left his behind, right in the palm of your hand.
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sim jake & childhood bffs to lovers ♡
✩ to me, this is the only trope that fits jake. he wants to fall in love with someone he trusts and cares for on an unparalleled level, and that can only be achieved with his forever best friend. when he realizes what his true feelings are, he thinks he’s lost his damn mind, because what! he sees you as more than just a friend??
✩ you’re the one who cleaned his scrapes after he fell while playing soccer. you held his hand when his mom dragged him to doctors appointments for shots. you fixed his tie for every single formal dance you attended together. you were his number one supporter throughout his short idol training. you cheered for him back home during his time on i-land. you texted him every single day leading up to enhypen’s debut. you were the only one who believed in him when he felt the world was against him. so he wonders to himself why he freaked out so much. you’re quite literally the only person he could ever want a future with anyway.
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park sunghoon & ex lovers to lovers ♡
✩ when the relationship ended, it was very mutual. he was leaving to pursue his dreams of becoming an idol and didn’t want you to wait around for him. he didn’t see you as an obstacle or anything, god no, you were his number one fan. he just knew that he’d be away for a really long time and didn’t want you to have to deal with the stress of a long distance relationship. so you both decided to break things off and that was that.
✩ after the debut, you were the first person he texted. he’d felt so homesick and he remembered how much warmth coursed through his body whenever he was with you. he tried to pass it off as familiarity, because it’d been months since the two of you had last spoken, but the longer he received another message back from you, the deeper he got reeled in. he never fully moved on, however, he never really wanted to in the first place. you reminded him of things that made him feel safe. you kept out the cold in the winter and the heat in the summer. you’d always be his home away from home— no matter how far apart you were.
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kim sunoo & fake lovers to lovers ♡
✩ sunoo pretends to be your boyfriend only because you asked him so nicely and offered him compensation in return for his services. this guy wouldn’t leave you alone and you figured if you had someone on your arm, he’d stop pestering you. the reason you asked sunoo? you already had a teensy crush on him.
✩ it was hard not to grovel at kim sunoo’s feet. while he had a flair for the dramatics, he was one of the brightest human beings to walk the face of the earth. his aura constantly radiated comfort and shone like the sun. it was a miracle that he happened to be in your class. once the two of you started spending more time together to make your relationship more “authentic”, you began to see all the different sides of him that no one else saw. you found yourself falling more and more each day. and of course it was only fair that he did the same.
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yang jungwon & the coffee shop au ♡
✩ as the leader of an idol group, yang jungwon is not unwelcome to stress. in fact, it’s the very thing that nearly forces him to pull at the hair on his head. no less being the youngest leader amongst all the current kpop groups. having to keep his group members in check is no doubt a headache, especially with ni-ki the gremlin around. finding a small escape of sorts is sometimes his key to tranquility, and that small escape became coffee.
✩ he learns that he thinks clearer when he gets some fresh air and steps outside, away from all his worries, so he began to frequent a quaint little cafè located less than half an hour walk from the dorms. the atmosphere and the aesthetics calm him every single time, various shades of browns and beiges invading his eyesight as the scent of coffee beans waft through the space surrounding him. no one recognizes him either, with the dark sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose and the hat on his head concealing his face. another plus? the cute part-time barista who happens to be his age and doesn’t have a clue as to who enhypen or yang jungwon are.
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nishimura riki & enemies to lovers ♡
✩ ni-ki is fucking competitive. there’s no doubt in my mind that a day doesn’t go by where he’s not conjuring up new ways to better himself. and as much as you hate to admit it, he’s a really good dancer. it’s not surprising, seeing as he’s been doing this since he was a small child. he’s only gotten stronger with his skills as he’s grown older, and even now he’s only in his late teens, so he hasn’t even reached his prime yet. imagine how frustrating it is to hear that someone is trying to claim his title as ‘best dancer’ in school, especially when he’s worked so hard to earn it.
✩ it’s actually kinda silly because you aren’t trying to steal his thunder purposefully, you just happen to be very successful at doing so and it irritates him to no end. how can you even live with yourself for soaking up all this attention without remorse? how can you let all these other guys fawn over you and your near-flawless technique? the worse part of it all is the fact that he knows he’d do the same if he wasn’t so hellbent on upholding this rivalry with you. and he hates the churning feeling in his stomach he gets from watching you get giddy over executing several fouettés in a row. he hates you. but maybe just maybe, he kinda sorta likes you, too.
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© yeonjunszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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