#jukka lindström
sflow-er · 9 months
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(Satirical tweet by comedian Jukka Lindström on the Finnish government's anti-racism statement and the True Finns Party's stance on it, translation in ALT)
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neroushalvaus · 6 months
"Onko tää vaalitentti vai Downton Abbeyn aikuisviihdeversio? 'Yes, Sir Robert, that was fairly good face sitting'."
– Jukka Lindström Alexander Stubbin "face... fence sitters" -freudilaisesta
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Business daily Kauppalehti (siirryt toiseen palveluun) covered how refugees and immigrants are helping to fill gaps amid Finland's labour shortage.
KL highlighted one instance where the immigrant support organisation Startup Refugees and recruitment firm JobNord Global jointly created JobHub, an outfit that hires refugees and immigrants to work in the hospitality sector.
"We have 1,200 people nationwide who are interested in the hospitality industry. We found that many of them had gaps in their employment. We were able to get them job opportunities and interviews, but a large portion of these people were not employed, despite their interest in the sector. This was the main problem. And that's where our work together began," said Elisa Vepsäläinen, CEO of Startup Refugees.
According to Vepsäläinen, before the joint initiative with JobNord, applicants from foreign backgrounds sometimes faced obstacles—chief among them a lack of language skills.
Now, with JobHub hiring employees and entrepreneurs, many of these problems are alleviated as Startup Refugees is involved in helping immigrants and refugees acclimatise to working life.
Startup Refugees said that it challenges employers to consider which jobs really require fluency in Finnish or English. Vepsäläinen told of Ukrainians employed in another sector, as car mechanics, who spoke only passable Finnish and English. However, proof of their professional skills was sufficient and they used Google Translate to get started.
Vepsäläinen noted that many new arrivals to Finland are not fully aware of the working landscape and the requirements for finding a job. In the hospitality sector, many are unaware of the Hygiene Passport (siirryt toiseen palveluun), which is required to work in food service. Through Startup Refugees, many job seekers can complete the course in their own language.
Vepsäläinen emphasised that many refugees have a huge desire to work when they come to Finland, and that it is vital for Finland to seize this opportunity.
Sports gala roundup
Iltalehti (siirryt toiseen palveluun) covered Thursday evening's Finnish Sports Gala, which showcased the past year's athletic achievements.
Cross-country skiing superstar Iivo Niskanen—who turned 31 on the day of the gala—was named Athlete of the Year. Niskanen's marquee accomplishment last year was winning the gold medal in the 15 km Classic at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.
"This past season was the best of my career. I didn't lose once on that distance [15 km] during the whole World Cup season. I'm really happy about that," he said.
This marked the fourth time Niskanen was named Finland's athlete of the year.
Coming in second and third place respectively, were pole vaulter Vilma Murto and runner Topi Raitanen, who both won their events at the European Championships this year. Murto's achievement—a new national record—was voted the sports moment of the year.
In addition to the top award for athletes, Finland's men's national ice hockey team coach Jukka Jalonen was named Coach of the Year. Jalonen coached the Lions to victories at the Beijing Olympics and on home ice in Tampere at the IIHF World Championships.
Finland still has toilet paper
Ilta-Sanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun) covered a very popular consumer product which has become the victim of inflation—toilet paper.
Sirpa Koppinen-Lindström, Head of Purchasing and Sales at retail group Kesko, said that the price of toilet paper has risen by around 30 percent compared to half a year ago.
"Both energy and pulp prices have risen," she told IS.
Prices for toilet rolls rose especially in the autumn, according to Koppinen-Lindström.
There were indications in August of coming price hikes, and even a possible shortage, of toilet paper were coming. At that time, Metsä Tissue, a major tissue paper manufacturer, announced production stoppages.
"Production prices for tissue paper have increased due to higher material and manufacturing costs," said Jani Sillanpää, Nordic Market Manager at Metsä Tissue.
However, despite the price hike, there is currently no toilet paper shortage and none is expected.
"Availability is good, and Finnish factories have been in operation all along. There is toilet paper in Finland."
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cavaleraedits · 4 years
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like or reblog. ♡
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violetmoonlight · 6 years
HIM Challenge
The First HIM Song You Ever Heard - Join Me In Death.
The First HIM Album You Bought - And Love Said No and Love Metal (thanks to my dear angel friend Danielle Anna Sarah)
The First HIM Video You Watched - Join Me In Death maybe was 2001 via Telehit.
The First HIM Gig You Went To - CDMX, Pepsi Center, March 28, 2014, was such an amazing day!
The First Band Picture You Put On Your Wall/Screensaver - Was this banner I made with photos of Ville haha
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Your Favourite HIM Song - Impossible pick just one, so... Sleepwalking Past Hope, Join Me In Death (SWD version), For You, Our Diabolikal Rapture, The Path, And Love Said No (616 Version), Dying Song, Cyanide Sun, I've Crossed Oceans Of Wine To Find You, Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart, The 9th Circle, The Funeral Of Hearts, Love's Requiem, Heaven Tonight, Disarm Me (With Your Loneliness), Poison Girl (SWD version), This Fortress Of Tears, In Joy And Sorrow, Circle Of Fear, The Sacrament, You Are The One, Play Dead, Drawn & Quartered, Endless Dark, The Kiss Of Dawn, Love The Hardest Way, The Phantom Gate, Dark Sekret Love, W.L.S.T.D.
Your Favourite HIM Album - Again can't choose just one, my top 3:
1. Greatest Love Songs Vol. 666
2. Venus Doom and Love Metal
3. Screamworks.
Your Favourite HIM Video - The Funeral Of Hearts 💙 love it from the first time and before I know was filmed in Lapland, now I love it even more!
Your Favourite Picture Of The Band - Has to be a pic from Ville Juurikkala photoshoot, very hard to pick just one, but I love this two!
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Your Favourite HIM Member - Ville! 💗 the brain, soul and heart of HIM... I'm a very proud Valolieber lol, Linde is my other favorite member.
Your Favourite Cover - Some answer this with a HIM cover song and others with an album cover, so I'm gonna answer both.
Wicked Game (demo version), Hand Of Doom, Rebel Yell, Don't Fear The Reaper, from Ville: Lonely Road and Ikkunaprinsessa.
My favorite album cover is not from an album but from a single, It's All Tears (Drown In This Love), that photo is one of my favorites of Ville 😍 and If I had to pick my fave from all the official albums then has to be Love Metal, proudly displaying a golden Heartagram and I love all those little details who can't be captured by a camera in a picture.
Your Favourite Video That Isn’t A Music Video - My favorite interview is the one with Ville and Charlotte Roche watching his favorite videos and favorite performance is Rock Am Ring 2001.
The Number Of Time’s You Have Seen HIM Live - Only 5 😢
28.03.2014, Pepsi Center, CDMX, Mexico
04.12.2015, Carpa Astros, CDMX, Mexico
05.12.2015, Knotfest Mexico, Toluca, Mexico
01.07.2017, Tuska Festival, Helsinki, Finland
31.10.2017, Pepsi Center, CDMX, Mexico.
The Year You Discovered HIM - Late 1999, but re-discovered the band and became fan in 2012.
Name A Person You Met Through HIM - My dear friends who are the ones behind the best HIM Street Team in the world: HIMexicanTeam, Kari, Mimi, Euge, Anita and Rulito, los quiero mucho!!!
Name A Band You Discovered Through HIM - There are so many! but the ones I like are The 69 Eyes, Negative, Apocalyptica, Vanity Beach, Beastmilk, Delta Enigma, and of course Daniel Lioneye!
Name A HIM Song That Best Describes You - Dying Song or This Fortress Of Tears.
Post A Quote By A HIM Member That Makes You Laugh - Not exactly a quote, but was really funny heard Ville say "Hombres satánicos" in Mexico wonder from who or where he heard that haha
Post A Comment About The Band And What They Mean To You - Can't see myself without their music, HIM is a very important part of my life and going to love the band 'till the day I die or probably beyond, I'm grateful for every tear and laugh, for all the memories they gave me the last 5 years, some of the best days of my life were because of them 💗💗💗💗💗
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comeonerleen · 7 years
Your Sweet 666 (Pt. 2)
(Excuse the occasional screaming)
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cyanidesnow · 4 years
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HIM's VILLE VALO Is Back With 'Gothica Fennica Vol. 1' EP
March 19, 2020
ind Ville Valo has returned with what appears to be a solo project simply called VV.
Valo has just released a three-song EP called "Gothica Fennica Vol. 1". The effort, which bears a strong musical resemblance to HIM, features the following tracks: "Salute The Sanguine", "Run Away From The Sun" and "Saturnine Saturnalia".
HIM completed a farewell tour in 2017, closing the final chapter on the band's 26-year career.
At the time, Ville explained to Kerrang! magazine why the band decided to call it a day.
"We were tired of the same shit," he said. "When you've done it for a long time, at some point it doesn't taste good anymore. We started working on some stuff, it didn't sound good enough, and we didn't get the teenage buzz you're supposed get."
He also discussed the future of his artistic and musical endeavours.
"I'll be figuring out the emotions I'll be going through after the HIM period is done," he said. "That's how I experience life. I experience it through music, I'll pick up the guitar and start writing and I'm sure some of the emotions that come out of this wild ride will come through. My life is not done yet. The HIM part is done, as it is now, the chapter is closed, but the book is still unfinished…"
Formed in 1991 by Valo, guitarist Mikko "Linde" Lindström and bassist Mikko "Migé" Paananen, HIM offered the world a new take on the metal genre, which became known as "love metal" (also the title of their fourth album).
HIM in 2015 parted ways with its longtime drummer, Mika Kristian Karppinen (a.k.a. Gas Lipstick), and replaced him with Jukka "Kosmo" Kröger (formerly of HERRA YLPPÖ & IHMISET).
Last year, Valo teamed up with guitar legend Esa Pulliainen to record an album based on songs by the late, legendary Finnish singer Rauli "Badding" Somerjoki. The self-titled album by VILLE VALO & AGENTS was released in February 2019 and was followed by a short tour.
Listen here:
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I still can't believe that HIM broke up.They are my favorite band and seeing this today broke my heart into a million pieces. HIM I wish you all well and I love you so so much.Thank you,thank you so much for such beautiful music, I wont ever stop listening to it.I LOVE YOU HIM AND I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST
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arikuosmanen · 6 years
Naiset tuikkivat tykkilumihiihdoissa: tässä kaikki tulokset (Lempäälän-Vesilahden Sanomat )
Lue alkuperäinen artikkeli tältä sivulta: this site
Naisten vitosellla mentiin lujaa. LeKi:n Sanni Alatalo vetää kintereillään Hämeenlinnan Hiihtoseuran Anni Kainulainen.
Hakkarin kansallisissa vapaan tyylin tykkilumihiihdoissa lauantaina 2. joulukuuta 1 400 metrin latu oli hyvässä kunnossa. LeKi hiihdon kisoissa oli 165 hiihtäjää, lekiläisiä heistä lähes 30.
SM-tasolla kärkijoukkoon kuuluvat Hämeenlinnan Hiihtoseuran Maija Hakala ja nuorempi haastaja Anni Kainulainen olivat vetopäällä. Hakala voitti Kainulaisen puolella minuutilla. Ski Jyväskylän Emma Hämäläinen jäi puolestaan Kainulaisesta puolisen minuuttia.
LeKi:n Sanni Alatalo hiihti hyvin jääden kolmosesta vain 4,6 sekuntia. 20-vuotiaissa hallinnut Viialan Klaara Leponiemi olisi ollut yleisessä sarjassa viides. 5. heti Sanni Alatalon jälkeen.
Miesten kympillä vei odotetusti voiton Vantaan Hiihtoseuran Mikko Kuusela, mutta Pyhäjärven Pohdin Vilho Moilanen ahdisti seitsemän sekunnin erolla.
Kakkossijoja lankesi lekiläisille nuorille ja varttuneille miehille useampiakin. Ainoan sarjavoiton otti ensimmäistä kertaa LeKi:n väreissä kilpaillut M40:n Markus Välimäki, joka olisi ollut yleisessä sarjassa kolmonen.
Tykkilumihiihdot, Hakkari 2.12.2017
P8 1 km: 1) Martti Kulmala 4.42,5, 2) Väinö Koivu 5.02,6, 3) Juho Seppälä 5.25,5, 4) Antti Tuomisto 5.51,9, 5) Kevin Niittyviita 6.29,1, 6) Aleksi Kivistö 7.18,6.
T8 1 km: 1) Petra Rautiainen 5.05,9, 2) Olivia Rantakömi 8.15,1.
P10 2 km: 1) Aapeli Karislahti 7.18,3, 2) Vilho Peltotalo 7.23,1, 3) Olli Seppälä 8.01,0, 4) Joonas Kolehmainen 8.22,6, 5) Emil Ruokostenpohja 8.38,4, 6) Joona Kivistö 8.41,6, 7) Olavi Tuomisto 8.57,3, 8) Alex Skutnabb 9.00,1, 9) Toivo Koivu 9.12,0, 10) Erkka-Voitto Heinonen 9.26,7, 11) Samu Pentinniemi
10.08,0, 12) Viljami Jaalama 11.07,5.
T10 2 km: 1) Anni Rohila 7.26,0, 2) Venla Mennala 7.35,9, 3) Viivi Manninen 8.32,0, 4) Aada Ylilehto 8.38,8, 5) Kaisla Salmia 9.13,6, 6) Sara Karimäki 9.17,8, 7) Alma Peltotalo 9.25,0, 8) Nia Kytäjä 9.37,4, 9) Anna Saine 10.03,1.
P12 3 km: 1) Florian Fritzén 9.48,9, 2) Antto-Ville Heinonen 10.07,3, 3) Justus Vihinen 10.36,5, 4) Teemu Lehtilä 10.47,2, 5) Elias Ruokostenpohja 10.47,9, 6) Joel Seppälä 10.54,8, 7) Oliver Kaikkonen 11.04,0, 8) Konsta Manninen 11.04,8, 9) Kalle Kulju 11.10,0, 10) Antti Urvanta 11.18,9, 11) Otso Luodeslampi 11.21,5, 12) Arttu Formisto 11.45,9, 13) Aapo Närhi 12.05,5, 14) Henri Saunaluoma 12.14,9, 15) Arttu Remes 12.18,4, 16) Pietu Penttilä 12.30,9, 17) Jesse Sandberg 12.42,7, 18) Emil Pukkila 14.30,3.
T12 3 km: 1) Aino Aarnio 10.36,4, 2) Gisela-Mei Hakkarainen 11.01,2, 3) Ilona Rantakömi 11.08,9, 4) Matilda Saltbacka 11.09,9, 5) Amanda Saltbacka 11.37,1, 6) Karoliina Hirvelä 11.37,2, 7) Lotta Tolvanen 11.41,1, 8) Emilia Ylilehto 11.44,7, 9) Helmi Haavisto 11.46,8, 10) Anna Stenroos 11.48,3, 11) Siiri Laino 12.07,8, 12) Vilja Hujanen 12.10,9.
P14 3 km: 1) Elmeri Lehtinen 9.07,7, 2) Tomi Sandberg 9.20,4, 3) Anton Skutnabb 9.39,2, 4) Thomas Saarela 10.11,6, 5) Kosti Saine 10.14,4, 6) Eetu Mäkelä 10.34,7, 7) Tuomas Lindholm 10.38,9.
T14 3 km: 1) Nora Kytäjä 9.38,1, 2) Ada Aarnio 9.39,5, 3) Melia Palsinajärvi 9.54,7, 4) Jessica Junkkala 10.07,1, 5) Ella Noora Haapalehto 10.32,7, 6) Oona Kaikkonen 0.34,0, 7) Elice Helenius 10.36,1, 8) Riina Alarotu 10.46,8, 9) Lumi-Kukka Lahdelma 10.52,5, 10) Pauliina Koivuniemi 11.07,2, 11) Helmi Hujanen 11.16,4, 12) Lotta Sjöblom 11.23,3.
T16 3 km: 1) Nea Kytäjä 9.24,3, 2) Julia Junkkala 9.25,4, 3) Kerttu Niinimäki 9.43,3, 4) Varpu-Sofia Heinonen 9.56,6, 5) Kristiina Rantakömi 10.13,0, 6) Katri Saavalainen 10.28,2, 7) Inka Remes 11.02,1, 8) Elviira Peltonen 12.31,0.
P16 5 km: 1) Matias Hyvönen 14.07,8, 2) Samuel Suoniemi 15.02,0, 3) Atte Urvanta 15.23,3, 4) Samuli Kuusinen 15.26,9, 5) Taavi Nyström 15.28,1, 6) Tuukka Kupiainen 15.28,7, 7) Benjamin Saarela 15.53,3, 8) Juho Veikkolainen 16.22,2, 9) Samuli Jalonen 17.01,4, 10) Kalle Kokkonen 17.02,2.
N55 3 km: 1) Eila Jussila 10.44,0, 2) Sinikka Salo 13.05,8.
N18 5 km: 1) Sara Niittyviita 15.07,8, 2) Ella Levanen 16.38,3, 3) Hilma Ahonen 17.41,1, 4) Iida Kajanki 19.11,2.
N20 5 km: 1) Klaara Leponiemi 14.51,4, 2) Rebecca Ehrnrooth 15.05,5, 3) Ronja Linna 15.29,8, 4) Josefiina Latvanen 15.54,4, 5) Sonja Lahtinen 16.39,0, 6) Meri Hanska 16.56,2.
N yl. 5 km: 1) Maija Hakala 13.33,3, 2) Anni Kainulainen 14.06,5, 3) Emma Hämäläinen 14.42,8, 4) Heta Jalonen 14.46,4, 5) Sanni Alatalo 14.47,1, 6) Maria Paatero 15.02,3, 7) Eeva Ahervo 15.14,6, 8) Jenni Raivio 15.26,5, 9) Anna-Kajsa Lall 15.37,5, 10) Mari Lindström 15.46,1, 11) Sanni Lamberg 15.47,4, 12) Aira-Maarit Mantsinen 15.48,3.
N35 5 km: 1) Sirkka Ehrnrooth 15.43,0.
M18 5 km: 1) Sakari Hynynen 13.46,2, 2) Eetu Tolvanen 14.28,1, 3) Lauri Vähävihu 14.49,8, 4) Jukka Vähävihu 14.52,3, 5) Juho Syrjäläinen 14.53,4, 6) Onni-Kalle Lahdelma 14.59,6, 7) Patrik Kristian Siekkinen 15.01,4, 8) Samu Hanska 15.05,3, 9) Arttu Jaakkola 15.22,2.
M20 10 km: 1) Roope Nyström 30.27,2, 2) Joonas Nieminen 30.37,8.
M yl. 10 km: 1) Mikko Kuusela 26.58,1, 2) Vilho Moilanen 27.05,1, 3) Eetu Kurkikangas 27.48,2, 4) Tero Turunen 27.56,4, 5) Johan Salmelin 28.11,1, 6) Miika Heikkilä 28.20,6, 7) Sami Tuominen 28.46,5, 8) Konsta Kajan 29.49,7, 9) Ilmo Räisänen 31.53,4.
M35 10 km: 1) Jani Koiranen 27.01,3, 2) Esa Seppä 28.41,0.
M40 10 km: 1) Markus Välimäki 27.32,3, 2) Sami Nikkilä 29.38,4, 3) Kai Samposalo 29.47,0.
M45 5 km: 1) Marko Leppämäki 14.47,6, 2) Markus Mutikainen 18.36,4.
M50 5 km: 1) Jouni Leinonen 15.35,4.
M60 5 km: 1) Jarmo Kopra 15.26,7, 2) Leo Ukkonen 15.52,5, 3) Antti Ojala 16.35,2.
M65 3 km: 1) Sakari Nyyssönen 10.22,8.
M75 3 km: 1) Jussi Palonen 11.42,5, 2) Reijo Kauppila 12.59,3.
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cupcakecurl · 7 years
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gbhbl · 7 years
UK Tour Alert - HIM
UK Tour Alert – HIM
Goth rock band HIM, which stands for His Infernal Majesty, have announced a UK tour in December 2017. For fans of the band, and love metal, this will be the last time (in theory) that they will ever play together in the UK. HIM have officially announced that they are calling it a day and these UK dates form a section of their worldwide Farewell Tour.
Formed in 1991 in Helsinki, HIM are one of the…
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kangaske · 7 years
Noin viikon uutisten Jukka Lindström on vitsaillut poliitikkojen kustannuksella yli kolme vuotta – nyt hän arvostaa heitä entistä enemmän (Yle)
Source: http://ift.tt/2zfdkrE
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rockrevoltmagazine · 7 years
Finland’s most internationally successful band HIM are bringing their impressive 26 year career to an end on the Bang and Whimper tour. A heartbreaking and bittersweet road for dedicated HIM fans, the band has embarked on a path through 14 countries to bring love metal to their adoring audience one last time. From their beginning in 1991, HIM has gone on to enjoy tremendous success (going as far as to be the first Finnish band to ever reach Gold status in the United States), enamoring music enthusiasts all over the world for many, many years. With eight studio albums and countless exciting concerts, the time to say farewell has unfortunately come.
Father of the famous heartagram symbol and mastermind behind HIM, Ville Valo has enthralled the world with his passionate and metaphorical lyricism, partnered with exceptional musicianship that landed the band a significant spot in the history of rock music. Partnered with long-time HIM band members guitarist Mikko “Linde” Lindström, bassist Mikko “Migé” Paananen, Janne “Burton” Puurtinen, and brand new member Jukka “Kosmo” Kröger, the melodies brought forth by this impressive array of musicians have rooted itself into the deepest chambers of sentimentality. “After quarter of a century of Love and Metal intertwined we sincerely feel HIM has run its unnatural course and adieus must be said in order to make way for sights, scents and sounds yet unexplored. We completed the pattern, solved the puzzle and turned the key. Thank you.” Says frontman Ville Valo.
Senior journalist Anabel DFlux had the immense pleasure of accompanying the first week of the Bang and Whimper tour in the United States. Having photographed these Finnish lads many times over the years, it was certainly a humbling moment to capture the band’s final appearances on camera. The week began at The Van Buren in Pheonix, Arizona, before proceeding to two Los Angeles, California dates at the Wiltern Theater, and finally coming to the House of Blues in Anaheim, California. Joined by 3TEETH and CKY, the opening acts riled up the crowd before the love metal-er’s appearances.
Braving the intense heat in Arizona (quite the juxtaposition to the current snowstorm in their home country), HIM walked on to the stage to a roaring cheer. The set list for the tour runs through the band’s best-known tunes – the hits and the singles – allowing fans to reminisce on their favorite HIM music videos and memories. Although Mige said in the band’s official farewell statement “it shall not be a weepfest but a celebration of love metal in all its lovecraftian glory!”, fans found it hard to contain themselves during the performance and wept through several of their favorite songs. The emotional attachment this band wrought on those privy enough to adore the music is stronger than many anticipate.
The Van Buren Set List:
01. Buried Alive By Love 02. Heartache Every Moment 03. Your Sweet 666 04. The Kiss of Dawn 05. The Sacrament 06. Tears on Tape 07. Wings of a Butterfly 08. Gone with the Sin 09. Soul on Fire 10. Wicked Game 11. Killing Loneliness 12. Poison Girl 13. Bleed Well 14. Heartkiller 15. Join Me 16. It’s All Tears 17. In Joy and Sorrow 18. Right Here in my Arms 19. Funeral of Hearts
Encore: 20. Stigmata Diaboli 21. Pretending 22. When Love and Death Embrace
Encore 2: 23. Rebel Yell
The first night of the Los Angeles shows (a date that was added due to the enormous demand) hosted the band at the Wiltern Theater, one of the most famous theaters in all of Los Angeles for its art deco architecture (designed by Stiles O. Clements of Morgan, Walls & Clements, the city’s oldest architectural firm). It was a grand setting for the act. Night one featured fans lining up from the early hours of the morning to ensure their place at the very front of the stage, as close to the band members as they could possibly manage. The band modified The Funeral of Hearts slightly, as Ville noted on stage that they never seem to know how to begin playing that song. The end of the set list changed slightly from the Arizona date, with the band closing on moodier note with When Love and Death Embrace, rather than ending the evening with their well-known cover of Rebel Yell.  
The Wiltern Night One Set List:
01. Buried Alive By Love 02. Heartache Every Moment 03. Your Sweet 666 04. The Kiss of Dawn 05. The Sacrament 06. Tears on Tape 07. Wings of a Butterfly 08. Gone with the Sin 09. Soul on Fire 10. Wicked Game 11. Killing Loneliness 12. Poison Girl 13. Bleed Well 14. Heartkiller 15. Join Me 16. It’s All Tears 17. In Joy and Sorrow 18. Right Here in my Arms 19. Funeral of Hearts
Encore: 20. Pretending 21. Rebel Yell 22. When Love and Death Embrace
The second night of the Wiltern stop had some familiar faces, as fans eagerly jumped on the opportunity to see their favorite band perform twice. The energy was very amped for this performance, as the musicians bellowed out impressive tunes and showcased the years of exquisite talent and skill each and every one possess. New drummer Kosmo played with an especially enthusiastic flare, and keyboardist Burton really got into his instrument. The second night certainly featured a rather unexpected and comical moment, as a fan in the front row pulled the tab on a little confetti popper directly in front of vocalist Ville near the end of one of the songs, who certainly did not see that coming! The reaction left many giggling long after the show had closed.
The Wiltern Night Two Set List:
01. Buried Alive By Love 02. Heartache Every Moment 03. Your Sweet 666 04. The Kiss of Dawn 05. The Sacrament 06. Tears on Tape 07. Wings of a Butterfly 08. Gone with the Sin 09. Soul on Fire 10. Wicked Game 11. Killing Loneliness 12. Poison Girl 13. Bleed Well 14. Heartkiller 15. Join Me 16. It’s All Tears 17. In Joy and Sorrow 18. Right Here in my Arms 19. Funeral of Hearts
Encore: 20. Pretending 21. Rebel Yell 22. When Love and Death Embrace
The band’s final California performance took place at the House of Blues in Anaheim at their new location on Garden Walk. Significantly larger than the previous House of Blues, this venue certainly made room for a slew of fans. Several of the Los Angeles attendees traveled to this third California show as the opportunity was available. The band performed with a great deal of fun at this venue, with Migé and Ville getting into a little dance jive during the solo of a song. Exactly like the previous performances, Linde and Migé partnered up on stage often for the intense guitar parts, which made for some exceptionally awesome facial expressions. The encore of this show changed significantly as a fan managed to pass a sign over to the band on stage, which requested that the band’s ten minute song Sleepwalking Past Hope be played. The front man turned to his accompanying band mates and asked if they should play the song, to which everyone obliged and the melody began. The ending of Sleepwalking graciously merged into the beginning of the band’s cover of Rebel Yell, which closed off the night.
House of Blues Anaheim Set List:
01. Buried Alive By Love 02. Heartache Every Moment 03. Your Sweet 666 04. The Kiss of Dawn 05. The Sacrament 06. Tears on Tape 07. Wings of a Butterfly 08. Gone with the Sin 09. Soul on Fire 10. Wicked Game 11. Killing Loneliness 12. Poison Girl 13. Bleed Well 14. Heartkiller 15. Join Me 16. It’s All Tears 17. In Joy and Sorrow 18. Right Here in my Arms 19. Funeral of Hearts
Encore: 20. Sleepwalking Past Hope 21. Rebel Yell
A band that will be celebrated long after their end, we bid farewell to the gods of Love Metal.
HIM BANG & WHIMPER FAREWELL TOUR – WEEK 1 was originally published on RockRevolt Mag
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arikuosmanen · 7 years
Virta vie Pyynikille – Kesäteatterilla tapahtuu vielä teatterikauden jälkeenkin (Tamperelainen)
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Pyynikin kesäteatterilla alkaa keskiviikosta lauantaihin asti kestävä Virta vie Pyynikille -tapahtuma. Neljän päivän aikana on luvassa musiikkia ja stand up -esityksiä.
– Haluamme valjastaa Pyynikin kesäteatterin käyttöön vielä teatterikauden jälkeenkin. Tämän vuoden Virta vie Pyynikille tulee olemaan selkeästi teemoitettu, kertoo tapahtuman tuottaja Ilkka Kovala.
Musiikki jakautuu tapahtumassa keskiviikkoon ja torstaihin, Muistojen Bulevardi ja Grand Progressive Night -iltoihin.
– Keskiviikkona on luvassa tunteisiin vetoava ilta, kun Elina Vettenranta ja Mikael Konttinen 10-miehisen HT Combo mini Big Band instrumentaalisolisteineen esittää suosikkisävelmiä ja ikivihreitä 50-, 60- ja 70-luvuilta. Torstaina kuullaan Lasihelmipeli Plays Tabula Rasa, Utopianisti ja Pulse – The Finnish Tribute to Pink Floyd, joka soittaa Pink Floydin tunnettua Dark Side of the Moon -albumia edeltävää tuotantoa. Progressiivisen rockin ystäville on siis luvassa ilta, jota ei kannata missata, kuvailee Kovala.
Perjantaina ja lauantaina nähdään tapahtuman stand up -esitykset. Perjantaina iltaa isännöi Fredi Lilius, ja mikkiin tarttuvat Jukka Lindström, Ali Jahangiri, Riku Suokas ja André Wickström. Lauantaina vitsejä heittävät Zaani, Jaakko Saariluoma, Niko Kivelä ja Ilari Johansson.
Virta vie Pyynikille järjestetään nyt kolmatta kertaa. Viime vuoden koko viikon mittaisella tapahtumalla oli kävijöitä noin 4000, ja tämän vuoden tiiviimpään rupeamaan tavoitteena on houkutella ainakin 2000 kävijää. Ensi kesänkin neuvottelut tapahtumalle ovat jo käynnissä.
– Saa ottaa yhteyttä, naurahtaa Kovala.
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cupcakecurl · 7 years
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gbhbl · 7 years
UK Tour Alert - HIM
UK Tour Alert – HIM
Goth rock band HIM, which stands for His Infernal Majesty, have announced a UK tour in December 2017. For fans of the band, and love metal, this will be the last time (in theory) that they will ever play together in the UK. HIM have officially announced that they are calling it a day and these UK dates form a section of their worldwide Farewell Tour.
Formed in 1991 in Helsinki, HIM are one of the…
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