#jse fusion connected universe
seagsfusionshowcase · 5 years
notes about the jfcu (jacksepticeye fusion connected universe)
idk if anyone cares but here's just some notes about all my jse ego fusions
there are 15 possible fusions between the 6 of them
they all exist at the same time as their own people and not as actual fusions
are they from alternate universes??? did jack make them??? how does he feel?? where did they come from???? the world may never know
when I was just developing them as normal fusions and wanted to know how they would interact with each other, there could only be 3 fusions at a time (so like a anti/jj, a chase/marvin, and a schneep/jackie all hanging out) so now as a result I tend to have the jfcu fusions hang out in groups of 3, without any repeat fusions (so like there needs to be all 6 in a group with different combinations of fusions, so there cant be like 3 different chase fusions chillin out together (even though its entirely possible they just don't like live together) if that makes sense???? idk its an important concept)
all chase fusions have some sort of mental illness or substance abuse problem (or both) and are all exceptionally good at games (video games, board games, card games, mind games?)
all jj fusions have a pocketwatch connected to their different time powers
also they are all friends!!!! it doesn’t matter if they just met they all love each other!!!!!!!
meanwhile all the anti fusions fucking HATE each other. they all have beef and cant stand the idea of other antis running around. they all have very different goals and wants in mind, and they often get in the way of each other. theres a lot of rivalries, personal vendettas, and a LOT of puppet-stealing
the only anti fusion without a physical body is the anti/jj fusion. he is also the most stable anti fusion
the most non-evil anti fusion is chase/anti, and the most evil one is Marvin/anti
while in general all same-ego fusions are very similar (like all the schneep fusions are doctors of some kind, all the jj fusions are time-related, etc.) but Marvin’s fusions are all very different from each other. because hes a character thats so malleable and that can go different directions, and that direction changes depending on who hes with (I like to think of it as “mirroring” which is something cats do where they copy those around them lmao). so instead of all of them being magicians of some kind, they are a performer, a sorcerer, a witch doctor, a superhero, and a fucking clown
no matter what, all jj fusions are immediately susceptible to being controlled by an anti. all anti fusions (with jj/anti being the exception) need somebody to control, or need puppets in order for them to feel complete in a way. 
this also goes for schneep fusions, although to a lesser degree. if no jj’s are available Schneep’s are the second easiest to control. marvin’s are fusions that are considered important and powerful assets, and you’re considered lucky if you’ve managed to get one on your side. chase’s and Jackie’s are more considered nuisances and aren't as targeted (although chase’s are the most fun to fuck with)
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seagsfusionshowcase · 5 years
anyways here's some random facts abt the rest of the jfcu gang cause I love them
jackie and chases fusion is named Jake cause im creative. he has the biggest teen Spiderman energy out of everyone. hes pretty much the only healthy chase fusion but he is a fucking Disaster
I thought about naming chase/henrik Horrace but I fucking hated it so im still trying to decide on a first name. his last name is brodstein. hes a psychiatrist with schizophrenia. he wears converse sneakers and plays Minecraft in his free time to relax
chase and jj’s fusion is named Charlie :) hes based off that one pic of jack where hes wearing the letterman jacket and fedora and everyone called him a modern jj. I tend to see him as the protagonist in a way (like I imagine everything happening through his perspective) even tho it should definitely be chase/henrik
henrik/anti is absolutely off the shits, 100% feral energy, pure unchecked chaos. his hair sticks up everywhere cause he somehow radiates a lot of static electricity. hes actually very smart and clever, and knows way more than he lets on. I like to call him Adrik
id like everyone to take a moment to consider how fucked up of a fusion Schneep and jj would be. the amount of shit they’ve each gone through, on top of being the only two egos to be canonly violently possessed by anti. ill leave u all with that for now 
schneep/marvin is called Maverik and he is......very cursed. radiates big slav energy. he combines both egos weirdness into one condensed being. definitely very useful but like.....at what cost........
jackie and schneep is named Henry!! hes what we like to call “chaotic lawful.” he has a strict moral code but no one can figure out what the fuck it is. is 100% the ultimate mom fusion
I couldn’t really come up with any coherent names with jackie and anti so I might call him Jasper cause it sounds cool. an important thing to note about him is that he is the only anti fusion that doesn’t identify with being “evil” or “edgy,” he still sees himself as a hero. but don't let that fool you. good and evil both have extremes. he is, probably, the most dangerous fusion possible out of the jse egos. dangerous to the point where the other anti fusions are terrified of him. lets just say that physically, hes the biggest out of everyone, the most intense, and he has a very unique feature to him that makes him stand out of the other antis. 
jackie and jjs fusion is, by far, the most pure good boy out of everyone. he was a cop at one point but he was kicked off the force cause he had a very chaotic moral code and an interesting way to deal with bad guys. he does his best!! he is filled with love and determination!!! he shall stop evil at whatever cost!!! everyone loves him!!!! he is a very good boy!!! 
marvin/jackie is named Javier. he is the big brother and tries his best to take care of everyone (except for the fact that he drops off the face of the planet most of the time). hes sorta like captain marvel. thats all ill say
anti/marvin is like a combination of deceit from sanders sides and mysterio from the new spiderman movie. think about that for a bit. im very excited to really explore his character fully, he is definitely very interesting.
anti/jj is a knockoff bill cipher. thats pretty much all you need to know. also not a lot of them even know that he exists but hey. thinking about calling him jantson
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