persimmonsimmer · 27 days
The amazingly talented @treason-and-plot sent me an ask that Tumblr decided to eat when I had the audacity to try to save a partially answered draft. Love this website. 🙃So I'm going to answer via a regular text post instead.
The ask was to list five of my sims and their best quote so far. I had to think a bit (hence my trying and failing to save my answer as a draft) because it's been a minute since I posted dialogue, but here goes!
Carl: In my experience, there always comes a time when two people who love each other have to decide whether or not they want to keep loving each other. And not just once. Every time things get hard. To me, real love isn’t finding the perfect person for you and living happily ever after. It’s choosing to keep trying.
Joanna: I’m already super smart and strong and cute, so I wouldn’t have to waste any of my wishes on things like that.
Nadya: I can’t call a vote every time I have a decision to make. But I thank you for your feedback. I’ll take it into consideration.
Leonor: I made blackberry, thyme-butternut, and spiced cranberry-walnut. Oh! And a batch of my famous eggplant bread, of course.
Jeremy: Think warm thoughts of me while I’m out there shivering my ass off.
Thank you for the ask! It was fun revisiting old posts to dig these up, and it made me miss Panorama even more. We'll be returning there soon.
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persimmonsimmer · 1 year
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The triplets’ birthday was approaching, and like their older brother it seemed there would be no party for them. They didn’t seem to mind too much. They were mostly looking forward to being too old for Trevor to boss around all the time. Once they were teens, they’d be all grown up. No one could tell them what to do.
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“Guys! What did I tell you? You’re gonna destroy your pillows.”
“Whatever. They’re Joanna’s and yours--oof. Hey, not fair!”
“Drop. Them.”
“You suck, Trevor.”
“Yeah, you’re no fun.”
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persimmonsimmer · 1 year
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James wasn’t the only Campbell sibling making moves--or trying to, at least.
Mariam and Farah were happy to hang out on the jungle gym and chat about the upcoming test, but how were you supposed to move beyond that? Justin nodded and inwardly cursed his brother for being full of shit.
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Joanna, on the other hand, was finding Iris a bit more... amenable to her attempts at flirtation.
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The trio stayed out past dark--who was going to stop them? Trevor?--but not all of their friends had such lenient parents, so eventually they headed home.
“Dude, I have got to tell you what happened with Idara--”
“Watcher, are girls all you think about now?”
“You’re just saying that cause you struck out.”
“Did not--!”
“Ha, you totally did.”
“I did not!”
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persimmonsimmer · 1 year
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“Hey, Dara.” James hoped he looked cool, in like a casual, oh-hey-i-was-just-hanging-out-here kind of way. Whatever he’d said to Justin, there was maybe a small part of him that was nervous to be talking to a girl--even a girl he’d known his whole life like Idara. It was just different now.
“Hey, James. What are you doing?” she giggled.
“What? Nothing.” James shoved his hands into his pockets. “Hey, wanna see something?”
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persimmonsimmer · 1 year
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Justin jumped. He’d been too absorbed in staring at his reflection and wondering if his hair looked OK to notice his brother’s approach.
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“Dude, I’m telling you, you’re worrying too much. We’re the only dateable guys in town. The girls are going to be falling all over us.”
“Maybe...” Justin said doubtfully.
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“I’m telling you, Justin. All the straight girls are starving for a whiff of male pheromones. They won’t be able to resist.”
“You guys are disgusting.” Joanna sniffed. “Come on, let’s go.”
“Hey! I didn’t say it,” Justin protested.
“Get over yourself, Jo,” James scoffed. “I’m not saying anything that isn’t true.”
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persimmonsimmer · 1 year
The triplets’ birthday came and went without fanfare.
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Now that she was a teen and therefore basically all grown up, Joanna was certain she had life all figured out--and what life was about was making money. She was going to be the richest person in Panorama one day, she didn’t care how. And not that she was looking to get all sappy and fall in love with the first person to bat their eyelashes her way, but having some good dance moves wouldn’t hurt a person’s chances.
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James couldn’t wait to get out there and start putting some moves on the ladies of Panorama. He had no intentions of committing to any one person any time soon--maybe never--but if he were to settle down one day, it would have to be with someone who dressed well and didn’t mind letting him be the breadwinner.
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Justin was starting to think that it was time to branch out and form some stronger relationships with people outside of his family. He hoped his future girlfriend knew how to cook; he was sick to death of grilled cheese. Even better if she was a little curvy--as long as she wasn’t too old.
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persimmonsimmer · 1 year
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Synchronized getting-dressed-for-school spins. xD
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persimmonsimmer · 1 year
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“—and he still won’t say when he’s coming back.”
“That’s cause Mom won’t let him.”
“Then why doesn’t she move out and let him—”
Needless of Trevor’s sharp warning glance, James and Joanna’s chatter went silent as the door to Anna’s room swung open.
“Hi, Mom. I made dinner,” Trevor said quickly. “Do you want some?”
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“So your father came by earlier?” Anna had tried one bite of cereal, made a face, and was now pushing the rest around the bowl with her spoon. She and Trevor were alone at the table, his younger siblings having quickly excused themselves.
He’s not my father. Trevor bit his tongue to hold the words back. “I guess. For like half an hour.”
“I see.”
Trevor spooned a few more tasteless bites into his mouth in silence as his mother continued to play with her spoon.
“Trevor… I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
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persimmonsimmer · 1 year
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“Hey. No cartwheeling in the house. I told you.”
“What? I can’t hearrrr youuuu.”
“Can you at least keep it down? I’m trying to study for my final. And Mom’s probably sleeping--”
“--can’t hearrrr youuuu...”
There was a knock at the door. Trevor’s eyes stayed fixed on the page in front of him, but his expression hardened.
The knock was repeated.
Joanna tumbled to her feet. “Wait. Is that—”
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“Hey, Jo.”
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“Justiiiin. Trevorrrr. Get out here! It’s Dad!”
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“Are you coming, Trev?”
“No.” Trevor very deliberately turned to the next page. “I’m studying.”
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persimmonsimmer · 1 year
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“You guys aren’t even dressed yet?” Trevor stopped short just inside the house in exasperation. “You have school in half an hour. I told you--”
Joanna stuck her tongue out at him. James took advantage of her distraction to shoot her with an imaginary bullet. “Got you!”
“You’re not mom. We don’t have to listen to you,” Joanna said.
“I said, got you,” James repeated. “Now you die.”
“Ugh. Whatever. Breakfast in five. Eat, don’t eat, get dressed, don’t, I don’t care. But you are going to school.”
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“Do you think Dad’ll visit after school today?” Joanna asked.
Trevor clenched his jaw. “He usually does, doesn’t he?”
“Yeah, but sometimes--”
“Finish your cereal. We’re gonna be late as is.”
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persimmonsimmer · 2 years
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“Anna. What. was. that.”
Anna’s voice sounded as though it was coming from somewhere very far away. “I... I thought it was time. I wanted to tell someone.”
“Did you ever think--”
“Dad! Mom! What happened?! We just saw Citlali running away and it looked like she was crying--” The front door opened and closed with a bang as the triplets burst inside.
“Joanna! Boys. Your rooms. Now.”
For once, the noisy trio was silenced, shocked into obeisance by Peter’s steely tone.
Peter turned back to his wife. “Did you think for a single second that maybe, just maybe, this wasn’t the way to do--whatever it is you thought you were doing tonight?”
“Did you even consider what your story might mean for Citlali, or me--or Trevor?”
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persimmonsimmer · 1 year
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“Psst, Justin, what’s the answer to number 3?”
"Don’t help him, Justin.”
“Shut up, Joanna.”
“What? It’s your fault for not doing any work yesterday. Maybe you deserve a bad grade. Like Ms. Chen says, if you cheat in school, you’re really cheating yourself.”
“Guys, I can’t concentrate.”
“Shut up, Justin,” James and Joanna said in unison.
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“Race you to school! Last one there’s a dumb loser.”
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persimmonsimmer · 2 years
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Jake’s mother had a kitchen garden that she tended to every day. The soil was rocky and poor, she said, so it took a great effort to coax the tender sprouts into mature, fruit-bearing plants. When not in the garden, she cleaned and mended things--Jake’s clothes, the neighbors’ shoes, the broken leg of a chair.
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They also kept goats. They used their milk to make cheese, which, I was surprised but not unhappy to find, agreed with my stomach. After eating their food for a while I was far from hale and hearty, but I was strong enough to help in small ways. Sometimes Jake’s mother would hand me a pile of blankets to air out, or a bowlful of shriveled beets to peel. I tried to find little ways to amuse her as we worked, making up silly stories about life Before, and even sillier ones about animals that could talk, and fairies who granted wishes. She seemed to enjoy them, for whatever they were worth.
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My father helped tend to the goats, and he often brought home fish from the nearby stream. He offered to look after the neighbor woman’s child so that she could get more work done during the day, but she refused.
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Jake did the manual labor, which was never-ending. He chopped wood for the stove, dug up roots and hauled away rocks so his mother could expand her garden, planted fence-posts to widen the goats’ enclosure. Sometimes he went hunting, sharing whatever he brought back from his trips equally with the neighbors.
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He was kind and warm, strong, generous. He brushed away our thanks, said he was only doing what was right. He said we were now a part of the community, that he was happy to help us and look after us in any way he could. After just a short while there, I believed him.
* * * * *
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“Anna.” Peter’s jaw was clenched.
So he understood. Or thought he did. She didn’t dare glance at Citlali.
“I’ve kept all of this to myself for too long. Trevor deserves to know.”
Trevor’s gaze was fixed upon the table.
“Not. like. this. Anna--”
* * * * *
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“What are they saying?” 
“I don’t know! I can’t see anything ‘cause someone keeps wobbling all around--”
“You’re too heavy!”
“I told you it’d be boring.”
“Shut up, stupid. They’ll hear you!”
“Can we please just go? James is right, this isn’t worth it. Mr. and Mrs. Fuentes-Haddad are probably wondering where we are, we’ll get in trouble--”
“Shhh! If you two would just help--”
* * * * *
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We fell in love.
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persimmonsimmer · 2 years
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“It must be difficult, raising a child all on your own.”
Citlali’s smile faltered for an instant before recovering. “In some ways, I guess it is. But I have a lot of help--I’m not really on my own. My parents help a lot, and my sisters all adore Miguel, and then there’s Hannah and Phoebe, too, of course. Really, Miguel is probably the most doted-on toddler in Panorama.”
The younger woman seemed determined to keep the dinner on a positive note, and for that Anna couldn’t blame her. But this was her opening. She plowed ahead.
“I know my condolences come far too late, but I wanted to tell you that I was very sorry to hear about what happened with Griff.”
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“Oh. Thank you.”
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“We don’t need to reopen old wounds,” Peter said, shooting Anna a look of reproach.
* * * * *
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“What are they saying?”
“I bet it’s just boring adult stuff. Like taxes. Or... inventory. Can’t we just go play? I’m bored.”
“Nuh-uh. Whatever it is, it’s something she didn’t want you guys to hear. That’s why she kicked you out. I bet it’s gonna be good.”
“Shh! Guys! I can’t see anything from down here. Someone give me a boost!”
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“Oof! You’re heavy!”
* * * * *
Anna ignored Peter. “I just wanted to... offer myself, in case you ever need someone to listen. Because I think I understand what you’ve been going through.
“...The same thing happened to me.”
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“Before we came to Panorama, my father and I wandered for a long time...”
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persimmonsimmer · 2 years
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Luckily for her, Joanna didn’t have to rely on her stupid brothers for company. She’d become friends with Mariam and Farah in school, and today they were lounging in Joanna’s room and testing each other to see who was the coolest and most grown-up.
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Mariam was the next to offer her question. “So, if you had a genie that would grant you three wishes, like in the stories, what would you wish for?”
Joanna considered. “I’m already super smart and strong and cute, so I wouldn’t have to waste any of my wishes on things like that. So I guess, like, riches. But not just a boring bag of money! No, I’d want my genie to give me my riches in rubies and cloth-of-gold, and tiaras and amethyst hairnets, spools of silver thread and jeweled hummingbird eggs and teacups of the thinnest bone china so delicate you can make out someone’s expression through the sides, and the finest lily-white lace—“ Joanna had been reading some of the medieval fairytale books in her parents’ collection and had been quite impressed by the splendor of the royal courts.
“And like, I guess health and a long life for the other two,” she finished diffidently, much less interested in either of those than in her visions of wealth and finery.
“Boring,” Mariam said. “I mean, your first wish was good, but… And also, don’t you have to be careful when dealing with genies? You have to be really specific or the genie could take ‘I want a long life’ to mean that, like, you’d live till the heat-death or total Deletion of the universe!”
“Yeah, well maybe that’s what I’d want!” Joanna stuck out her tongue.
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“I’d wish for infinite wishes,” Farah broke in.
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Joanna’s most disdainful expression could hardly convey the extent of her scorn. “Oh my Watcher, it’s like you don’t know the first thing about making wishes with genies. That’s like, the one wish that’s never allowed. How do you not know that?”
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“Oh. I don’t know. I just thought it’d be a smart first wish…”
“Whatever… Ooh, I know! For my second wish, instead of health or something stupid like that, I’d wish for no one else to be able to have any of the pretty things I had. That way I would be the most special person in the land forever and ever.”
“But you’d share your nice things with me, right?” Mariam asked.
“Psssh. Dream on. They’re mine!”
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persimmonsimmer · 2 years
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“Ow! Did you just shock me? What was that for?”
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“Ha! Your face!”
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“You’re not supposed to jump on the couch.”
“Mom’s sleeping. Who’s gonna stop me?”
“Ugh. Boys are so stupid.”
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