jamesgardening · 4 months
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I start my gardening year at this point , first up the big jetwash to set off displaying the spring bulbs before the zippy greenhouse comes out in a few weeks time. Also did the opposite side with the edges and bird bath. All done yesterday before the heavens opened.
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How to Clean a Patio with a Pressure Washer
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Restore the beauty of your outdoor living space with these 12 pressure washing tips from Vip Carpet Cleaning London. Our jet wash cleaning specialists share expert techniques for safely and effectively cleaning any patio surface. Read more
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pebblethief · 8 months
daydreaming abt trepanation again
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aspiring-adventurer · 4 months
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I think I forgot to post this here but here
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lizseyi · 7 months
What Is Commercial Jetwashing, And How Does It Work - Nationwide Property Clean
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The chances are that you will have almost certainly heard of commercial jetwashing, and it is very much what it sounds like: a process by which a jet system is used to clean any of a range of surfaces. 
Indeed, jetwashing can be provided as a service for both residential and commercial premises. But to keep things simple, let’s focus on premises in the second category for a moment. 
Business sites can quickly become dirty, which can lead to a range of issues 
As a business owner or someone with responsibility for managing a commercial site, the chances are that you will spend a lot of your time and energy focused on your core business. This could mean that, over time, the external areas of your commercial site you are responsible for gradually accumulate dirt, debris, and staining. 
That’s not a great thing when you will be looking to make a positive impression – for example, on potential or current customers or clients who might visit your brick-and-mortar premises. 
Furthermore, such a situation can rapidly present some major health and safety issues. If, for instance, there are wooden surfaces at your commercial site, moss and algae could develop, and lead to the surface becoming slippery. 
And even if you do have some time occasionally to get on your hands and knees and carry out some cleaning of your premises (or to arrange for someone else to do it), such traditional and manual cleaning techniques might not do much to get rid of the most stubborn stains. And the use of certain chemicals in these processes could also be harmful to the environment. 
So, commercial jetwashing might sometimes be needed – but what does it involve? 
The principle behind jetwashing is simple enough: it draws upon the power of water to literally blast dirt and debris off a surface that manually applied soap and chemicals might not be able to clean effectively on their own. 
A commercial jetwashing service involves the use of specialised jetwashing equipment to deliver a narrow, high-pressure jet of water, hitting the targeted surface with an immense amount of kinetic energy. Such a combination of speed and power knocks the dust and dirt off the given building, thereby thoroughly cleaning the surface. 
It might sound so simple – a literal “point and squirt” exercise – that you may wonder whether you could just do it yourself, instead of having to hire a professional. 
However, for quite a few reasons, that might not be a great idea. 
Commercial jetwashing may sound straightforward enough, but it entails the use of specialised equipment, and presents certain health and safety issues. As we touched on above, health and safety concerns might have been part of your motivation for looking into a commercial jetwashing service in the first place. So, you will hardly want to make a decision that puts anyone at avoidable risk. 
By contrast, here at Nationwide Property Clean, we can take those risks off your hands, through our use of only suitably trained, knowledgeable, and dedicated operatives. Our professionals know all the procedures that need to be followed in order to carry out a safe and thorough jetwashing operation, and our service includes the necessary risk assessments and method statements. 
Request a quote now for well-priced and effective commercial jetwashing 
When you have your own property professionally jetwashed by Nationwide Property Clean, you are likely to be stunned by how utterly clean your buildings look; you might wonder whether you’re even looking at the same premises. 
To learn more about what the complete commercial jetwashing service can consist of, and what great value it can be, please don’t hesitate to enquire to the Nationwide team today for a quote. 
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cleanreach · 1 year
Services - Clean Reach NW Ltd
High quality window cleaning services at a reasonable price.
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hologramhitgrrrl · 1 year
i’m soso sick on the nicest sunniest warmest day of the year and i’m too sick to go out and enjoy it :(
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callsignthirsty · 2 years
Stuck in the Middle — Chapter 3 — Both
Co-written with a friend who isn't on tumblr. Pairing: Ron “Slider” Kerner x Reader x Tom “Iceman” Kazansky Summary: The one where Maverick’s sister is on a mission to give her brother a heart attack by sleeping with not one, but two of his colleagues. Word Count: 6400 Warnings: Smut, dirty talk, threesome, creampie(s) Chapter: 3/3 Read Previous Minors DNI
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Pete returned home some hours later to find you in a very… festive scarf. Unfortunately for Goose, who had opted to stay with you until Pete arrived, it had done little to hide the hickeys littering your neck. That had been an interesting night.
Little did any of you know that hickeys, unseasonal scarves, and the Iceman would be the least of your worries in the coming days.
A hop gone wrong had you and Carole scrambling to get to the hospital.
They were alive, but it had been a close thing.
Pete was released that same day after a thorough evaluation. Goose was still unconscious. As tears leaked from his eyes, you knew that your brother was blaming himself, but there was little he could’ve done to avoid flying through Ice’s jetwash — Viper had stopped by the hospital to say as much.
You spent one, then two days in the hospital. Classes continued — fly long enough and it happens, they said, but Pete wasn’t ready to go up again. Not without Goose. And on the third day, like a miracle, Goose’s eyes blinked open. “Holy shit.” His voice was scratchy from disuse.
Carole sat upright at his side. “Nick?”
“Mav, where’s my camera?” Goose croaked, ignoring his wife. “There’s an angel by my bed. The guys ‘ll never believe it if I don’t take a picture.” When a nurse entered the room, relieved tears were tracking down a laughing Carole’s face, Bradley smiling in his Uncle Mav’s arms.
On the fourth day, Goose encouraged Pete to return to class because “You can’t let Ice and that big oaf run away with our trophy. They’ll never let us live it down.” Pete had reluctantly agreed when Goose gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. “Don’t worry, honey. You’ll do great.”
Pete smiled. “Thanks, dear.”
So the summer continued: hot days spent on the tarmac and by Goose’s side. And then, graduation was just a day away. Goose, unfortunately, wouldn’t be able to attend, but he had enough points to graduate, and Pete planned on going for both of them. You, Pete knew, would be in the audience, and there lay his current predicament:
Well, more accurately: Slider. After he’d returned home from his date with Charlie, Pete got an eyeful of hickeys and Goose’s side of the story. Namely, everything had been fine until Kerner opened his big mouth and burrowed beneath Goose’s skin so that Ice could steal you away.
If Pete had any hopes of keeping you and Ice separated after the commencement ceremony, he needed Slider.
* * *
Classes wrap and Slider is cleaning out his locker when he becomes acutely aware that he's one of two people left in the room. And even though Mitchell's back is to him, years of training and locker room antics mean that Slider knows when he's being watched. But the silence grows long and goes stale to the point that he's almost convinced that Maverick isn't going to say anything — which is a surprise because Maverick always has something to say.
There it is.
"Congrats on the trophy." It must be killing Maverick to say it, and Slider smiles because, yeah, the trophy is his. It feels fucking good. But that's not what Maverick stuck around to say. It isn’t what he’s after.
Slider doesn’t want to drag this out longer than it has to be, so he gets to the point. "What do you want?"
The question hangs while Maverick takes a second to think before speaking — and isn’t that a scary thought? — when he finally spits out: “I have a proposition for you.”
"I don't swing that way."
"What? No." And Maverick spins to shoot Slider a dirty look. "I want your help keeping Ice away from my sister. At graduation."
"Why me?" The million-dollar question, though Maverick doesn't realize it.
"If you're helping me, you aren't helping him," Maverick says like it should be obvious. And, okay, yeah, that’s fair.
"What makes you so sure I'll help you?" Slider can’t tamp down the Cheshire grin at the way Maverick squirms. But besides being his pilot, Ice is his friend, and… well, they aren’t putting labels on whatever this thing is with Mitchell’s sister. "Besides, I think he's earned a little celebration." Hadn't they both? From the look on Maverick’s face, Slider would say his answer is ‘no.’
"I can pay you."
“No, you can’t.” Because even if Mav did have money, which Slider’s sure he doesn’t, his price would be too high. The trophy and a fuck? Pete Mitchell would have to be the richest man alive.
“I heard the guys say you got yourself a girl.” It’s a reach at best, but it shocks Slider into silence. Briefly, he wonders if someone had, in fact, seen the two of you in or on his car. But if that were the case, he doubts Maverick would be talking with him now. “She coming to the ceremony?” Maverick tries as Slider collects himself, trying to come off cool and collected like Ice always manages to.
“She hasn’t decided yet.” A lie. You’ll be there. You wouldn’t miss it for the world. Hadn’t let Maverick and Goose come to Fightertown without you in the first place.
Maverick smiles as if he’s got an idea. An in. “If you help me out,” he says, “you can borrow my bike.”
“Why would I—”
“Ladies love it,” Maverick insists, and Slider ignores him in favor of clearing out his locker. “Even you’d look good on a bike, Kerner,” Maverick tries again. “Everyone does.”
“Think about it,” Maverick’s voice drops as he sets the scene. “She’s clinging to you as you speed down the road. Wind in your hair. Her arms wrapped around your waist. Tight body pressed all up against your back. And the adrenaline rush—” Mav’s eyebrows raise as if he’s remembering something fondly or really trying to sell the idea “—makes for amazing sex.”
Slider can’t help the smug grin that overtakes him — ice-cold, no mistakes was never his schtick. “Is that right?”
Mav’s smiling too, his head nodding lightly like they’re on the same wavelength. And maybe they are because Slider’s thinking about it. “Mind-blowing.”
Well, if Mav insists. “Alright.”
“So you’ll do it?” Maverick seems almost surprised that it’s worked. Like he hadn’t imagined Slider was, in fact, a man who could be reasoned with.
“Yeah,” Slider confirms, zipping up his bag and knocking his locker shut one last time. “Don’t make me regret this.” He wouldn’t.
* * *
“Gentlemen,” Viper says from the podium with a proud smile. “You came here the best of the best. We made you better.” You sit near the front of the audience, smiling and clapping with everyone else as the speeches finish, and the Top Gun trophy is presented to Lt. Tom “Iceman” Kazansky and Lt. Ron “Slider” Kerner. The new nameplate shines brighter than the others, but maybe you’re biased.
As soon as you can, you’re up from your seat. You go to Pete first; give him a hug and a heartfelt congratulations. Then, when he’s distracted by another graduate asking after Goose, you slip away. You’ve successfully snuck up on Ice’s six and are seconds from giving him a congratulatory kiss when Slider moves to intercept. Time freezes for a moment, and you’re worried that Slider intends to kiss you in front of this crowd — Top Gun trophy still in the hands of the man most of his class knows you to be with. When the moment passes, however, that worry twists into deep-seated confusion.
Ice frowns. “What gives?” Because he’s never known Slider to be a cock-block.
“I’ve got orders.”
“From?” And you can see Pete smirking into his drink as Ice all but demands an answer.
“Mitchell.” You and Ice look at Slider as if he’s grown a second head. “With Mother Goose still in the hospital, he needed some help keeping the Iceman away from his baby sister.”
“And you accepted?” Ice’s jaw clenches.
“Deal’s a deal.” Ice scowls, the look wholly out of place considering the trophy still in his grasp.
“What did he offer you?” you can’t help but ask.
“Not important.” Somehow you doubt that.
The rest of the graduation party is… well, not what you’d expected or hoped for. For one, you’re still there. Every time you try to get close to Ice, either Slider or Pete gets in your way. And this is worse than Pete and Goose because Slider is intimately aware of all your evasion maneuvers — he’d helped you come up with a good number of them.
You’re positive you’re going to scream when Viper swoops in with actual orders. Jester hands envelopes to Ice, Slider, Hollywood, and Wolfman. And Pete.
Before anyone can stop you, you wrap Ice in a hug. You throw your arms around Slider next, then Pete, who can’t be mad when you’re squeezing him like this might be the last time you get to. The “be safe” you whisper into his ear means more after Goose’s accident, but you don’t have time to talk about it before they’re all whisked away.
* * *
Maverick doesn’t want to give Slider his bike when they return to Fightertown. Says he’d barely had to work for it since they’d left the graduation party early.
“A deal’s a deal, Mav,” Slider says, but it’s gentler than it would’ve been a week ago. Mav and Ice are wingmen now, so Slider’s trying to be nice. Not too nice. Not I’ll-stop-fucking-your-sister nice — and Slider supposes that’s the one that counts the most — but nice-nice.
It’s a start.
You’d received no fewer than three phone calls, so you’re not surprised to hear the motorcycle roll up to the curb. What does surprise you is Slider at your door with Pete’s keys in his hand.
“Come on,” he says as he gathers you in his arms until you can feel the solid ba-dum of his heart on your cheek. “We’re going for a ride.”
It feels strange climbing onto Pete’s Kawasaki behind Slider, but as the engine roars to life and you wrap your arms around his middle, you’re confident you’ll enjoy it while it lasts.
Slider pulls over at a roadside diner. Ice is already inside, fingers drumming against a table in the corner and Academy ring glinting in the sun when Slider holds the door open for you. He beams when he sees you and makes room beside him at the booth. It seems only fitting to sit beside him since you’d been clinging to Slider moments ago.
The three of you catch up over food and a shared milkshake. Ice and Slider tell you what they can about the mission: the tight bunks, the awful food, the budding friendship with your brother. In exchange, you give them the latest on Goose’s progress in physical therapy. It’ll be a long road to recovery, but if anyone can do it, you know it’s Goose.
When you’re ready to leave, Slider wants to take you out for a spin — after all, he’s been assured that the ladies dig a man on a bike, and he wants to test that theory.
Slider would rather swallow glass or wait in line at the DMV than admit it out loud, but Mav’s right. The warm press of you along his back, small hands clutching at his waist as the engine hums between your thighs, is something else. Ice isn’t thrilled to see him climb onto the bike with you, both sans helmet, and insists on trailing behind the bike in case something goes wrong. It won’t, but whatever makes Ice feel better, Slider supposes.
And although his tailing had started as a protective compulsion, Ice quite likes the way you look wrapped around Slider — your hair a wind-tousled mess and jacket snapping in the wind.
It’s purely coincidence when you spot Charlie’s Porsche at a stoplight; its top down and a familiar head of cropped black-brown hair behind the wheel. At first, Pete offers Slider a cheeky grin, a friendly wave, and then — out of curiosity, you’re sure — his eyes slide to the back of his bike. You can’t bring yourself to hide your face, frozen when Pete’s eyes lock on you and almost bug out of his head, his smile dropping and face ashen with sudden realization. Slider’s laughter reverberates through your chest. The light chooses that moment to turn green, and Slider takes off.
Over your shoulder, Ice honks when Pete refuses to move, a smug smile on his lips as he zips after you.
When you return to Ice and Slider’s place, you rest your cheek in the space between Slider’s shoulder blades, your own shoulders shaking as your mirth bubbles over, and soon you’re shaking from the rush of it all.
Cat’s definitely out of the bag now.
Once the door is open, Slider gets to work. By the time Ice walks in, Slider already has your back against the wall, lips taking yours in a bruising kiss as adrenaline courses through your veins. His big hands slide beneath your shirt to cup you over your bra. Damn Mav, but he’s right. And, as your fingers catch in his shirt-back and pull him closer, Slider has zero intentions of letting you go anytime soon. Not when he’s got you exactly where he wants you. Definitely not when each slide of his tongue over yours teases cute noises from the back of your throat.
Ice must be thinking something similar because he’s quick to join you. His fingers find yours tangled in Slider’s shirt to help you lift it until the RIO has to break your kiss to take the offending garment off. It’s a mistake that Ice takes full advantage of, stealing your lips in a kiss of his own.
Hands resting on your hips, Ice guides you around until he’s the one leaning against the wall. He’d wrap an arm around your waist to tug you closer, but Slider is already plastering himself to your back, so Ice settles for a deep kiss and revels in the wanton noise it earns him.
Without the sweet distraction of a kiss, Slider works your jacket down your arms and into a heap on the floor. He takes your hands in his and leads one into his hair; the other he guides down until it’s slipping under the loose hem of Ice’s shirt. Ice jolts at the skin-to-skin contact and your answering moan gets lost between the slick slide of lips and tongues. Your teeth clack against Ice’s when Slider presses his hips into yours with a sinful grind that drags his cock against the swell of your ass as he finally sucks a mark into your neck — consequences be damned. But instead of pulling him away, the hand in Slider’s hair encourages him. You tilt your head to the side and re-slot your lips against Ice’s while giving Slider more room to work a deep bruise into smooth skin.
One of Ice’s hands cradles the back of your head, his lips working insistently against yours as your hand trails fire over his abs and up to his chest. Perfect teeth catch on your bottom lip and you break apart panting, but then Ice pulls you back for more greedy kisses. His other hand grabs one of your belt loops and uses it to pull your hips away from Slider’s so they’re flush with his own.
While Ice keeps your mouth occupied, Slider’s hands return to the thin material of your bra. He’s growing more impatient with each of your whimpers, the steady roll of Ice’s hips pushing your ass back against his erection which, to Slider’s exasperation, is still trapped uncomfortably beneath the rough denim of his pants. With a barely-there nip that erupts goosebumps across your shoulders, Slider rucks your shirt up until it’s bunched beneath your arm, but Ice refuses to stop kissing you — whether because he’s a greedy bastard or because he’s skeptical that Slider will steal your lips away the way Ice had was anyone’s guess.
The sharp rip of tearing fabric wrenches your lips from Ice faster than anything else Slider could’ve thought up, your nipples pebbling as cold air assaults your heated skin. “Hey!” you scold as the fabric falls limp to the floor.
“I’ll buy you a new one,” Slider promises as he unhooks your bra with deft fingers and grabs your chin to pull you in, licking at your lips before taking them in another harsh kiss. You let yourself be turned from Ice to chase the feeling of Slider’s lips claiming yours. Behind you, Ice flings your bra to the side and hastily removes his own shirt.
Slider may be driving, what with the way he has both you and Ice trapped against the wall, but Ice is far from passive. The two join forces in an all-out assault on you from both sides. Hands bumping as they knead and tease and take you apart piece by delicious piece. Teeth scraping against your collarbone. Your nipples pebbling between calloused fingers. Chests heaving. Lips smacking. The sweet friction of denim dragging over denim as you all move together. Sighs, growls, and groans lost between teeth and tongues. The mixing taste of them on your tongue as they push and pull, give and take.
You shiver, moaning into Ice’s mouth as he plays with your tits. Not to be ignored, Slider shoves a hand down the front of your jeans, two fingers working deep into your dripping cunt. Then Slider’s fingers are gone, and before you can say something in protest, you squeal as he throws you over his shoulder. “Ron!” you giggle, another excited shout leaving you as one of Slider’s hands lands playfully on your ass and he turns to bite at your hip just above the line of your jeans as he moves the party to the bedroom.
Slider throws you onto the bed, and you bounce before settling tousled among the pillows. Your thighs fall open in a wanton display, and you crook a finger to reel Slider in until he’s licking a path from your open zipper and up to nibble at your jaw until he’s stretched over you. You moan at how he fits so snugly between your legs and his chest rubs against your own.
“How do you want to do this?” Ice asks, leaning against the doorframe, his arms flexing none-too-subtly when your eyes find him over Slider’s shoulder. He’s a sight to behold — cheeks a slight, breathless pink, arms crossed beneath his chest, belt buckle weighing down the open flap of his pants to reveal more smooth skin and the tented white of his briefs. You lose sight of him when Slider turns his head.
“You can take her mouth since you’ve been hogging it all night.” Slider kisses your cheek, his dark eyes on your as he crawls back down your body. “I’ve been thinking about this pussy for days.”
Ice crosses the room with unhurried steps, long fingers caressing your jaw. “Is that what you want?” he asks, thumb tracing your full bottom lip while Slider mouths at your hip bones. The RIO’s hands slowly pull your jeans and panties down to savor the moment. You bite your lip, briefly catching Ice’s thumb before he pulls it back. A flush of heat travels through you as Slider’s eyes meet your own and he presses a final kiss to your hip bones before he ventures lower.
When you nod, Ice pulls his cock free, eyes never leaving yours as he pumps himself lazily and kicks the rest of his clothes all the way off. Opposite him, Slider grips your leg behind the knee and raises it, revealing the diamond of your cunt. You keen, fingers threading through Slider’s hair and hips jerking as his tongue drags over your core. Lightly stubbled cheeks rub against your sensitive thighs and set them aflame as Slider’s eyes blow wide, his breath fanning over your clit before he gets to work.
Not to be forgotten, Ice’s fingers return to your jaw, light but with enough pressure to turn you back to him. His cock hangs heavy between his thighs as the bed dips to accommodate him. As he rubs the head across the seam of your lips, Slider pushes his tongue against your slick folds with a groan. You’re buzzing, jaw falling open with a sweet noise, and Ice gives into the temptation to tap his cock to your tongue before pulling back and smearing saliva and precum across your cheek.
Unprompted, you take the tip between your lips, tonguing at the slit to savor Ice’s taste before trying to work more of him into your mouth. Slider watches from between your thighs as Ice lets out a low groan, his hand falling into your hair as you work his cock in and out of your mouth. All the while, Slider’s tongue continues to fuck into you, a finger coming to rub spit and arousal into your clit until you’re trembling, hips seeking out the slick press. Slider slips a finger into you alongside his tongue, reveling in the way that Ice’s cock slips from between your lips as you unabashedly moan, thoroughly distracted from your current task.
Distantly, Slider thinks that the real surprise isn’t that Hollywood and Wolf had heard you; it’s that it took them so long.
Ice brings one of your hands up to fist around his cock, his eyes glued to Slider as he continues to wring more wanton cries from you.
Slider smacks his lips. “She tastes good.”
“Yeah?” Ice’s Adam’s apple bobs.
Slider takes another lick that’s purely for show, his chin covered in your juices. “Sweetest pussy there ever was.” Ice groans as he imagines it, cock twitching as he thrusts into your fist, and Slider ducks down to suck on your clit before he asks: “Want a taste?”
“Fuck yes.”
Slider stands back and practically rips his pants off while Ice takes his place between your thighs. Ice throws your legs over his shoulders before diving in and drinking his fill. He groans as the tang of your sex explodes across his tongue, your heels digging into his back. Slurps at your dripping cunt with a fervor that makes your back arch off the bed.
“Please,” you cry.
“What do you want, sweetheart,” Slider asks, suddenly at your side and taking one of your nipples into his hot mouth.
You whine, arching up into Slider and down against Ice’s face. “Fuck me. Please.”
“Well, when you ask so pretty.”
“Don’t worry, baby,” Ice soothes. He scrambles up, already running the leaking tip of his cock through your spit-slick folds. “I’ll fuck you real good.”
Slider raises a brow. “Why do you get to fuck her first?”
“Because I’m here.”
For a moment, you’re worried they’re going to break into rock, paper, scissors. Slider looks ready to get up and do something about Ice taking advantage of his generosity — he’d said Ice could have your mouth, dammit. But before he does, or you can whine for someone to hurry up and fuck you already, Ice’s hand settles on the curve of your waist, and he pushes in. You groan. Slider drops back against the bed and rolls his eyes. He shouldn’t be surprised; Ice always gets what he wants.
As the jut of Ice’s hips settle against you, Slider takes your lips in another kiss, his hands kneading at your tits. It isn’t his first choice, but Slider can be content with this — swallowing your needy moans, tracing the outline of your lips with his tongue. Making up for the time he’s lost with your mouth to Ice’s greed.
Each rock of Ice’s hips causes your tits to jump the slightest bit within Slider’s large palms and against his tongue as he sucks on a perky bud and applies gentle pressure with his teeth. Before his lips find yours again, his hand trails up your chest and applies gentle pressure to your neck. You shiver, arching into the touch. Slider loves the dazed expression, the slack ‘o’ of your spit-glazed lips when you wear his hand like a necklace, and your eyes brim with rampant desire. He dives in to leave a mark just below your jaw, reveling in the way that you dig your nails into his hair and the way your head is thrown back, and the way you must be clenching around Ice from the strained “fuck” he hears coming from the foot of the bed.
Slider lets out his own punched-out “fuck” when your hand wraps around his cock and strokes. It’s uncoordinated with the way Ice is trying to take you apart and awkward due to the angle, but that’s more than fine. Slider needs something to take the edge off, and your touch is just that. He doesn’t want to finish in your hand. Not tonight.
You bring your lips to Slider’s and let him take the lead while Ice turns his attention to your legs. He lifts one up to his shoulder, and you hum into your kiss at the stretch. Progressively sloppier kisses are pressed from your ankle up your calf. Ice’s new angle has him sinking deeper into you, but he keeps his thrusts slow, the cadence so different from the one you’d had on the beach, but one that — if kept up — he knows will have your legs shaking, back arching, nails scratching. Especially if he keeps hitting that spot.
As it is, your cunt is clenching around him with each forward shove of his hips into yours. Squeezing around him as if to keep him inside of you. Milking him.
With a curse, Ice pulls out, and you break from Slider to whine at the sudden empty feeling. Ice gropes at your hip and offers it a pat before he’s encouraging you to roll over. As you move to accommodate the change in position, Slider grabs you, and you yelp as he manhandles you onto your knees.
“Hey,” Ice says.
Slider just turns you so you’re facing Ice and enters you with a harsh snap of his hips. “My turn.” You want to chastise them, tell them to play nice, but all that comes out is a pathetic mewl. Slider’s smile is haughty. “Still so tight even after Ice fucked you,” he groans as your walls suck him in. Your jaw falls slack, and a pleasured noise tumbles free into the night. When Slider has you screaming, one of his hands fists in your hair. “Come on,” he growls. “Open that pretty little mouth for Ice.” And you do, tongue lolling out over your bottom lip as you look up from beneath thick lashes.
Every time Slider’s hips crash into yours, you’re pushed further down Ice’s cock. Your taste is heavy on his skin, an intoxicating mixture of tang and his musk. Sweet. Salty. You suck more vigorously, hollowing your cheeks as your head swims. When Ice’s hips jerk forward and his cock tickles the back of your throat, you moan long and low. The vibration pulls a shiver from Ice, his fingers whispering across your flushed cheeks and attempting to card through your hair where Slider has it pulled tight.
When Slider nails your sweet spot, you pull off of Ice. “Ah, fuck!”
“That’s right, sweetheart,” Slider preens, releasing your hair to smack your ass. “Want you to let everyone know who’s making you feel this good.” He holds your hips still and grinds torturously into you when you don’t comply.
“God, Ron,” you gasp. “Don’t stop!”
“That’s it, baby,” Slider says. You bite your lip self-consciously, wanting to keep your pleasure from the ears of any passersby.
Ice thumbs your lip free of your teeth. Rubs over the indents left behind until you let out another pathetic whine. “Don’t hold back,” he murmurs. “It’s okay. We want to hear you. Everyone already knows.”
Slider’s hips slam forward. “Now let them all know how good you feel.”
Ice catches you as your arms give out and lifts you up until you’re clutching his shoulders. You kiss him desperately as Slider picks up the pace, the clap of skin on skin filling the bedroom. Slider buries himself in your neck to leave another bruise as you cling to Ice. Your kisses are less lips and more teeth and tongues now, but you couldn’t care less. Ice’s palms caress your sides while Slider’s hands anchor themselves on your hips to pull you back against him with each increasingly desperate thrust. The kisses Ice gives you do little to shut you up at this point, to neither man’s disappointment. You’re stuck between them. Nowhere to go. Nowhere to hide. Nowhere you’d rather be when Ice’s hand leaves your side to play with your clit, delicately circles it as Slider continues to hammer into you.
In the end, that’s what does you in, your head thrown back against Slider’s shoulder as both men work together to take you apart.
Distantly, you’re aware of Slider’s grip tightening enough to bruise, the stutter of his hips, and the garbled curses as he presses tight between your quivering thighs and cums.
Gentle fingers turn your head to the side, and Slider captures your lips in a kiss. Simple. Passionate. His tongue rolls over yours as his hands smooth over your hip bones and down your thighs. He shakes as he soaks in the closeness, your highs still crashing through you.
He pulls you with him as he half lays back against the headboard, cum dribbling from your cunt as his spent cock slips free. You melt back against his broad chest and hum as you settle against him. Slider feels warm, and you still tingle everywhere he touches you.
The bed dips as Ice crawls forward until he’s knelt between your knees, his hands planted against the duvet on either side of Slider’s thighs. “You still up for round two?” Your pussy pulses at the thought, more of Slider’s cum trailing down the crack of your ass. Ice gathers the cum on his middle and ring finger and pushes it back into you with a wet squelch. You can’t help but clench around his long fingers, back arching when one of Slider’s hands presses flat against your lower abdomen and encourages more of his pearly essence to leak out around Ice’s fingers, both of them entranced by the sight.
“Words, baby,” Slider whispers breathless and sated against your ear. “You need him to fuck you?” Ice closes his eyes and groans, his cock twitching red and heavy where it leaks against your thigh. “Need Ice to fill up that pretty pussy?”
“She’s already so full.”
“I can take it.” Your legs circle Ice’s trim waist and drag him closer still. You feel hot as you imagine him spilling within you. Being so full of Ice and Slider both that you can’t possibly keep it all inside. “I want it.”
That’s all that Ice needs to hear. He wastes no time sinking into you right up to the hilt with a sinful groan. Trembles when you cry out, soft and exquisite, your eyes already blissed out but your cunt still so wet and needy, gripping him tight as if you were the one who hadn’t cum mere minutes ago.
Each rock drives you into Slider’s chest. Not to be left out, the RIO’s arms lazily snake around to cup your breasts and tweak your nipples, his lips subdued but no less sizzling as they skim over the marks he left on you earlier.
Ice leans close, his glacial eyes dark and blown wide, lids at half-mast. He catches your bottom lip between his teeth and worries at it until you gasp, releasing it with a slick pop. “Tom.” It’s not a scream like earlier, more a frantic, heady pant, your voice rough as it washes over Ice in all the right ways. It tingles low in his spine and raises goosebumps along his arms until his shoulders bunch with the feeling.
You arch up, away from Slider’s chest but into fingers clamped over your nipples as Ice’s rhythm falters. The wet clapping of your sex is loud between your ears compared to the heavy sighs and the continuous squeak of old bed springs.
Ice gulps. “You’re so sensitive.” It’s true. Every touch feels like fire. Like straight electricity. Like pleasedon’tletgodon’tstop! and Ice’s dentist won’t be pleased with how he’s clenching his jaw. Drawing in ragged breaths and grinding his teeth to make this last even the slightest bit longer. But you’re right there with him.
Slider’s calloused fingers tap against your clit, and you’re gone. A silent scream passes your lips as you pull tight like a bow and release, and Ice snaps with you.
The three of you lie together in a pile of sweaty limbs. Cum and arousal leak thickly down your thigh and onto the bed. Despite the mess, none of you are willing to move. This is the most comfortable you’ve been in weeks. Floating somewhere high above the bed. Ice is your blanket, and Slider your pillow. At least for a couple blissful minutes.
“Alright,” Slider says, nudging none too gently at Ice’s shoulder, “get off. You’re heavy.”
Instead of telling Slider to go fuck himself, Ice rolls his shoulders and peels himself off of you. He marvels at the mess they’ve made between your legs, then moves to get off the bed and start the shower.
The shower, it turns out, is a waste.
You don’t get much sleep that night.
* * *
After breakfast, Ice helps you into his car and drives you to the hospital while Slider wheels Pete’s bike to his housing assignment just a couple doors down. Ice pulls the car to a smooth stop right in front of the visitor’s entrance. He gives you a sweet kiss on the lips, then leans up to place one on your forehead. You breathe him in — spearmint, sunscreen, aftershave.
“Will we see you tonight?” You shrug, resting your forehead against Ice’s shoulder as his hand gently massages the back of your neck. “I’m just a call away if you need me to pick you up.”
“I know,” you say, giving Ice a quick peck before opening the car door and stepping out.
As you get closer to your destination, you become increasingly aware that you’re wearing yesterday’s clothes and one of Slider’s definitely-too-big-for-you shirts. But that doesn’t stop you from slipping into Goose’s room with a knock.
“Look who decided to show up.” Pete’s arms are crossed over his chest, brows furrowed in his patent big brother scowl, but Carole is smiling where she sits at her husband’s bedside, Bradley sitting on his lap. When you don’t say anything, Pete continues: “You didn’t come home last night.”
Goose turns to you, wide-eyed and head bobbing, before falling back against his stacked pillows. They must have already given him his post-PT drugs. “Wait, where were you, then?” Pete glares at his best friend; it takes a minute for Goose's drug-addled mind to catch up. “Oh.” Goose covers Bradley’s ears, then loudly whispers to his wife, “She was having sex with The Iceman.”
“Thank you, Goose,” Pete bites in frustrated exasperation while Carole giggles.
“He wouldn’t have found out if she wore the scarf I bought her,” Goose insists before turning back to you. “Did you show Carole the scarf?” Back to his wife. “It’s a great scarf, hun.” Great was a relative term. He’d bought it from a 7-Eleven.
Carole nods, Goose dopily nodding along with her. “I bet it is.”
“Can we talk about literally anything else?” Pete asks, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Eventually, you’ll have to accept that this is a thing, Pete,” you say. It comes out strong, but internally you’re a quivering mess. You love your brother, but you can’t live your life for him; you have to live it for yourself.
Pete sighs. “I know, it’s just… a lot.” And... yeah.
“I know,” you say. Because it is a lot, and that’s okay. It can be a lot. You just need him to be okay with it. Okay with you.
“It’s just…” Pete shakes his head. “Kerner? Really? Ice, I get, but Slider?” Your cheeks heat, but you refuse to look away even if you’re sure the floor looks incredibly interesting right about now.
“Oh my god,” Goose gasps. “Carole?”
“Yes, honey?”
“Did you know she was sleeping with Slider, too?”
Carole grins, shaking her head. “No.”
Pete sighs. “What, Goose?”
“Did you know—”
“I’m the one who just told you.” You can’t help but smile at your brother’s displeasure.
“So when we were keeping her away from Ice… was she just off with Slider?”
Pete’s head whips from Goose to you, and this time you give into temptation and study the floor. “Well, we Mitchells aren’t exactly known for our good decisions, are we?” you mumble. Pete can’t help but laugh at that.
“No, we’re not.” And with that, some of the tension bleeds out of the room.
Until Goose bolts upright, almost knocking Bradley from his lap. “We’re at a hospital.” Everyone gives Goose a confused look. He’s known he’s been at the hospital since he woke up — had the doctors switched up his meds? But Goose is staring intently at you now. “Do you need to take a pregnancy test? The nurses gave me this button that I can push to bring them in and– Mav, you okay?”
Pete does not look okay. His face is ashen, eyes wide but unseeing as he slowly slides down the hospital wall.
“Goose, dear,” Carole says with a hand on her husband’s arm as she watches Pete with a careful eye, “you can press the button now.”
“Ahh yisss,” Goose slurs, hugging Bradley close and spamming the nurse-call button.
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jamesgardening · 4 months
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First day off on half term this week. started today about 11am removing most of the smaller containers then jetwashed the patio and steps. A little break for lunch then brought all the pots back in jetwashed those and then a wash of the patio windows.
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How to Jet Wash a Patio – Tips from the Professional Jet wash Cleaning Experts
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Over time, patio stones become stained from weather, mildew, oils, rust, and everyday use. Jet wash cleaning uses powerful sprayers to restore the look of patios…Read more
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redfurrycat · 5 months
🤠💔💞🐓Getting Back Together (Part One) Fic Recs🐓💞💔🤠
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: Andthentheybow, Aphroditedany, Astronomical_light, Boobooblue, Cedricslove, Charlie_mou, Cloudburst, Cloudsandstarss, Dalearden, DancingDisaster, Davidbyrne, Drh0rrible, Earthangel_44, FabuMazX, Ginnydear, Greenstuff, Haridwar, Indybob, Iridescent, Kidfromspace, LaceyAmethyst, Local_troubled_writer, Lyonet, Megs_m, Miraculousmultifan, Multifandommonster, Notchka88, Percyjacksonfan3, Piper__b, Ravens_Words, Soisserieux, Takingovermidnight, Tearsricochets, Thewonderzebra, Welcome_to_the_Badlands, Writteninwaves, Zaskiaz.
> Getting Back Together (Part Two)
the beginning, and the middle (not the end) by cloudburst {T}
But hell, he wasn’t about to tell his fellow pilots the good news that Hangman had finally settled down – in a manner of speaking – and finally met the one. That last part not being an exaggeration had him turning mid-air, flown through the jetwash, unrecoverable spin. He couldn’t pull the fucking eject.
If I Go on With You (By My Side) by piper__b {T}
Did Hangman want to continue what they had together? If they even did continue, could it be like the early days? Of course, it couldn’t. They weren’t irresponsible adults anymore. They weren’t looking for someone to relieve stress with. Rooster was in love and he hoped Hangman was too. You can’t go back to “meaningless” hookups after you realize you love watching them smile and you spend every minute you can to make them laugh because it fills your chest with warmth. You can’t go back after you realize that simple touches like holding hands, or kisses pressed to the crown of their head, is the highlight of your day sometimes.
I won't let go 'til the end by cedricslove {E}
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Bradley asked in a gentle tone, hands softly rubbing his shoulders. “Nothing,” he said, unwillingly tensing at his own response, knowing it would give him away. Bradley sighed, “Why do you always do this? You shut me out.” Re-telling of Rooster and Hangman's relationship from Hangman's perspective
higher further faster, baby by lyonet {E}
The thing about Bradley Bradshaw – seriously, what kind of sadist gives their kid a name like that – is that he’s good, he’s really good, but he could be better and that just pisses Jake off. What can he say, he’s a judgy kind of guy, he gets it from his mother. Put that together with the dumb moustache, the sad puppy eyes, the way Bradley reacts to every single jab Jake tosses his way, and, well – was he expecting Jake to be capable of leaving him in peace? Probably not.
Men Like Us by DancingDisaster
Men Like Us {M}
Seresin men love with reckless abandon. It’s put every man before him in the ground. Jake refuses to be buried. He flies like he has nothing left to lose (he doesn’t), a one man army (he is), leaving everyone else in the dust (so they don’t leave him). Admiral Kazansky claps him on the shoulder, says he expects great things from him, and Jake’s smile is feral as the rest of his flight school cohort looks on in disbelief. Hangman, they all say, like Jake’s entire personality was a long con, and he ranks first in class. Rooster doesn’t look at all. (They've got history spanning the better part of a decade and they are absolutely, positively not over it.)
Bowerbirds And Other Mating Displays {T}
“Why does Seresin keep calling you Bowerbird, Bradshaw?” Mickey asks a few days later during their break between training hops. Natasha laughs so hard coffee almost comes out of her nose. Or— It starts, as many poor decisions do, with a trip to Target.
Golden by Welcome_to_the_Badlands {T}
The only thing running through Jake's head was what if. What if he hadn’t reached them in time? What if they had fallen in the ocean, only miles from where Jake had been waiting in his plane on standby? What if Rooster had died not knowing that Jake still loved him so much Jake could barely breathe?
this is why we can't have nice things (darling) by kidfromspace {T}
The events of Top Gun: Maverick except Hangman and Rooster are bitter exes. And then more.
You Broke My Will, But What a Thrill by soisserieux {_}
Bradley shrugs. “No one there knows about us yet. We didn’t really get together until after we graduated, and I don’t know about you, but I haven’t really mentioned to anyone that I’m dating the Jake Seresin.” “Are you trying to decide how to tell them?” Jake asks. Bradley settles back into his chair. “Actually, I was considering what would happen if we didn’t.” “If we didn’t tell them?” A mischievous grin appears on Bradley’s face, and holy shit, that’s another one of Jake’s favorite expressions. “I was thinking about challenging you to a competition.” Jake grins. “I’m listening.”
if someone was going to break me (I’d want it to be you) by tearsricochets {T}
There’s a kiss being placed on his neck, and he sighs when he realizes it was right on one of the multiple marks Bradley had littered him with that evening. “Should I leave?” he asks, while tightening his arms around his waist. (‘Should I leave?’ he asks. Like Jake would ever make him leave. No, that’s Jake’s job.) He doesn’t say that, instead answering: “Ask again in five.” Because he’s weak, and he’s always got to have an escape route planned, a way out of the hole he’s dug for himself once again.
the moon may be high by multifandommonster {T}
The chance to try again, Jake thinks. For all of them— for Bradley and Jake, for him and Natasha, the chance to do it better in the wake of almost losing each other without ever clearing the air. The chance to be better, to want to be better— for Jake to never leave them behind, and for them to stick with him through the mud. His eyes find Bradley’s again and he’s shocked to see the sheen of tears, the strain it must take to hold eye contact despite the vulnerability. He left you, his brain supplies. But he might never do it again.
One More Miracle by FabuMazX {G}
Bradley sees the exact moment that he reads his mind and his smile falls. Jake’s brow furrows slightly and Bradley sees him swallow. It’s not until Payback brushes past his shoulder that Jake blinks, breaking the line between them; then he’s gone, pushing through the crowd towards the door while the others stare and call after him in a confused cluster. So maybe he needs one more miracle. - It takes a suicide mission for Bradley to realise he's not ready to give up on them. Now he just has to convince Jake. That's miracle number one.
Take My Hand and Hold On Forever by Earthangel_44 {E}
It happens again like clockwork. Every new achievement or award that Jake gets pinned to his chest. Every time he went to Afghanistan or flew with the F-151, Jake calls Bradley. Every COMM he receives or shiny new ribbon that is placed on his chest, Jake called Bradley. Or: Jake gets a lot of awards and Bradley rewards him for his good flying.
I Hate The Way I Sleep Better With You by FabuMazX {T}
5 Times Rooster and Hangman help each other through nightmares +1 time they help somebody else.
epic skill displays and their aftercare by boobooblue {T}
So, the plan. The plan consisted of impressing Rooster with his Upgraded Epic Pool Skills™️.
watching, waiting, still anticipating love by iridescent {T}
Bradley’s fingers caress the keys deftly, coaxing a bittersweet melody from the depths of the piano’s body. Then he starts singing, a few lines here and there almost like an afterthought. His voice is low and husky, lends itself naturally to this sort of soppy and overly sentimental love song. He doesn’t seem to notice Jake being there at all. Despite himself, Jake is transfixed. (Or, three distinct episodes in their lives where Bradley plays the piano and Jake listens.)
no need to pray, no need to speak by dalearden {T}
Taking the very last moment he has, Bradley closes in again on Jake but this time it’s so he can rest his forehead against the man who has been his lover and his rival all at once, his heart doing jumping jacks in his chest as he tries to have one more chance to just breathe. Jake matches him, beat for beat, and Bradley has to close his eyes against the tidal wave of overwhelming sorrow that makes him feel, pressing a hand to Jake’s chest as he murmurs a promise he knows he can’t keep but which he feels he has to make all the same because what if, what if…
still got that old time feeling by haridwar {E}
This was where Bradley’s head had been stuck for the entirety of his trip home. Flying in to San Diego from overseas had given him ample opportunity to overthink. Not about his impromptu homecoming though, or the fact that he would be stopping by his childhood home for the first time in well over a decade, or what it would be like to retrace his steps through Top Gun again like the first time around wasn’t difficult enough. No. His mind was stuck inexplicably upon Jake goddamn Seresin, and his goddamn stupid handsome face, and the fact that he still had way too many feelings for a guy who had walked out on him without so much as a backward glance. Or: yet another retelling of TG:M which covers some of the hangster subtext Tom Cruise neglected to include in his movie
maybe the miles can make up for the things you lack (are you ready to start?) by davidbyrne {M}
“Are you sure you want to do that? With me?” There are a million things Rooster could say in response. He could tell him about how the idea of getting a plane, even a commercial one, still makes his blood buzz in the most uncomfortable way, even after all these months. He could tell him about how, when his mom died, she told him to see the world and he hasn’t even been able to see America, except through Navy-mandated stations. He could retract his offer right now, say he’s actually not sure and doesn’t want to spend three months of his life with his ex. He could tell Jake he loves him, still loves him, and beg him to love him back just the same. He says none of that. Instead, he says, “I’d go anywhere with you, Jake. You know that.” Or three months, 48 states, two men, and their emotional baggage
Slow Ride by Earthangel_44 {E}
“Name it, baby.” Bradley’s voice isn’t even recognizable with how low it’s dropped and Jake’s eyes dilate. The flush slowly moves below the collar of his shirt and Bradley’s eyes follow it. “We go by my rules.” Jake says back. His voice lost the authoritative bite and Bradley smirks. “Which are?” Jake swallows thickly and his gaze drags down Bradley’s body. “You have to beg to fuck me.”
Training Montage by drh0rrible {E}
No matter where in the world you found yourself stationed, Navy bars were all the same. It was a comfort really, a nice bit of stability in a life defined by chaos. It starts in a Navy bar, and then another one, and another one. A one night stand, to half a relationship, to exes, to maybe something again. Another history of Rooster and Hangman.
why’d you wait so long (to tell me you need me) by thewonderzebra {E}
“Can you promise me something?” Jake calls into the darkness. Bradley tries to keep his muscles from tensing up at the thought of the broken promises he’s weathered in his lifetime. He slips his hands under the shirt Jake is wearing, palms and fingertips on warm, soft skin acting as a grounding mechanism. “That’s dangerous,” he warns. He knows he would do anything, say anything if it means never losing Jake again. But in their profession, promises are never a guarantee of permanence. Still, Jake seems aware of the danger and is determined to forge ahead, fearless as ever. “Promise me that we’re forever.” OR A retelling of TG:M explaining the background of Jake and Bradley’s relationship, and how it comes to evolve.
wish I knew how to hold you by Ravens_Words {T}
Bradley bullies Jake's flight information out of Javy, and it's much easier than he thought it would be. Probably because he doesn't want his best friend to be alone. "Bradshaw," Javy says before he hangs up, "you- I know he doesn't make it easy, but take care of him, will you?" He hesitates, takes a deep breath, "sure." For the first time, he wonders if he made a mistake, bit off more than he can chew. Jake goes back home, Bradley goes with him. It goes about as well as one can expect.
flames look beautiful (if you forget what they can do) by Ravens_Words {T}
Bradley Bradshaw returns to consciousness with a gasp, hand going to his side, where a searing pain makes itself known. "-ster, hey," Jake snaps, holds his face in both hands and forces him to look his way, "breathe." Bradley does as he's told, as painful as it is, and his vision clears somewhat. Jake's crouched beside him, concern etched on his face, and what happened comes back to him in flashes. The mission going sideways at every possible turn, seeing Jake's plane get shot down in the sky, the less than smooth emergency landing in the woods that followed.
we are tonight, we are forever by thewonderzebra {E}
Jake Seresin is the master of acting aloof, but when it comes down to it, Bradley can read him like an open book, seeing through every wall Jake puts up, through to his vulnerable soul. And right now, the book that is Hangman is all but screaming ‘come and get me’. OR An interlude in the Hard Deck, set during TG:M.
you can't be gone by writteninwaves {G}
It was like they were on a tightrope, carefully tugging on each ends and hoping they won’t fall. No parachutes, no safety nets. Two single pilots. Only thing they had was each other. Together, an unstoppable force. Bradley and Jake, their messes, fights and love, as told through Taylor Swift's 'Haunted'.
all of these games we play (I can't even keep 'em all straight) by tearsricochets {T}
He knows, theoretically, Jake wants some kind of reaction out of him. He’d seen it in the look he’d given Bradley right before accepting the man's invitation, but he also knows that he’s sick of the one having to make all the big emotional moves. He opens his mouth to tell Tasha as much, but stops when he sees a girl at the bar looking at him. She’s a curvy blonde, someone who looks like she was in a sorority in college. Her hair is perfectly curled, and her lips are a dark red color. She’s giving him a very long once-over, and when she meets his eyes again she smiles coyly. (Look, you don’t need to tell him it’s a bad plan, okay? He knows.) (Natasha does not care.) Because she knows the second she follows his eyeline what he’s going to do, and immediately opens her mouth to protest. “Do not do what I think you are about to Bradshaw.” He turns to look at her, the new gaze burning his skin. “Why not? He can play games but I can’t? Please, Tasha, give me a reason not to and I’ll leave it alone. Jesus, tell me what we are doing, at this point that would be just as great.” OR: the one in which they play many games, and then the one time they don’t.
we don’t know how to rhyme (but damn we try) by zaskiaz {T}
Bradley sighs and turns to greet his date, an automatic, if not bland smile plastered on his face. It’s when he makes eye contact with the person that his smile falters and falls as if it was never there to begin with. “You gotta be shitting me,” he breathes, disbelieving, at the same time Hangman hisses, “Oh, fuck no. or, the blind date but they are exes au
miles to go by Notchka88 {M}
Truth be told, Bradley hadn’t been expecting to be team leader. Given Maverick’s continued criticism of his flying and the shit Bradley had said to him—it had startled him to be Maverick’s choice. It had startled Hangman too, judging by the way his jaw had tightened and how he’d looked away, avoiding Bradley’s eyes during the briefing. Bradley should have been ready for Hangman’s reaction after everything that had happened between them, but it had still stung. (AU Canon Divergence where Rooster is Dagger One, Hangman is Dagger Two, and the mission goes as badly as in the movie. When Rooster is shot down, it's Hangman who follows after him.)
gonna let it burn, burn, burn by dalearden {M}
"Bradley still doesn’t really know how it had gone so spectacularly wrong between them but he thinks he might be getting an idea, experiencing now what love seems to mean for Jake Seresin, that it’s basically on the same level as deity worship and it’s all so much, so intense, nearly too much to bear to be on the receiving end of. He can’t begin to what it must be like to feel it if receiving it is like this."
slipped from my fingertips by astronomical_light {M}
“So tell me, Rooster,” Jake says from beside him. Bradley turns and takes him in, the way he’s leaning on his elbow on the bar, chest open towards Bradley as he mindlessly swivels his lower body on the barstool. “Why haven’t you settled yourself down yet?”
Always by greenstuff {E}
Jake meets Bradley for the first time when they're eighteen. This is the story about how they fall in love, break up, and then spend years finding their way back to each other. A modern Persuasion, if you squint a bit.
got to get your lovin' (one more time) by Percyjacksonfan3 {E}
When the first opening for an assignment comes his way he grasps it with both hands. It’s long, it’s far away, and it’s a distraction. It’s that mission that he gets his first and so far only kill, marking him as the only Navy pilot in active duty to have one. A couple of the TOPGUN graduates text him congratulations when they hear. A couple of them don’t. Jake grits his teeth and moves on. It's the backstory breakup fic that I couldn't not write after watching this movie, along with these two figuring themselves out after the events of Maverick to realize they actually did belong together all along. Also Phoenix and Coyote are the best friends two disasters like Rooster and Hangman could ask for, and I love them.
I bet you think about me by miraculousmultifan {T}
Hangman could admit to himself that, although he understood the gesture for what it was, he really didn’t want to attend Bradshaw’s stupid fucking wedding. And he was actually lying about that whole “understanding the gesture” thing. He didn’t understand. It felt more like a “Fuck you!” from Rooster to invite him to the wedding like he didn’t know damn well that Hangman would just be imagining himself beside him. And of course, he didn’t have a plus one because all their other friends were taking their own dates. *** Rooster is getting married, and against his better judgment, Hangman attends the rehearsal dinner with the rest of the Daggers. It goes about how he expected, if maybe a little better?
Left Hanging by takingovermidnight {T}
When Jake Seresin adopts the attitude that later earns him his "Hangman" call sign, Bradley Bradshaw cannot help but feel somewhat responsible.
this love came back to me by miraculousmultifan {M}
"this love is good, this love is bad, this love is alive back from the dead" *** During the mission, Jake and Bradley reminisce on what they had and what they could have had. Until they end up having it after all.
another perfect night to spend wide awake by andthentheybow {T}
After the mission, the team arrives back on land for a week-long leave while the brass decides what to do with them. Two days after they’ve landed, no one has seen Rooster other than Maverick, who’s scarce himself. Hangman and Phoenix decide to do something about it.
'cause you never gave a warning sign by LaceyAmethyst {M}
“Hangman, it’s on fire,” he screamed. “Don’t—” But it was too late. “Throttling up.” “NO!” Bradley screamed, seeing Jake’s right engine blow. His plane started falling, and Bradley couldn’t keep the words in anymore. “JAKE! NO! JAKE!" -- Bradley and Jake broke up in Lemoore, and a year later they’re assigned to the Dagger Squad mission. Bradley thinks he’s got his heart under control, thinks he can handle Jake looking at him like he’s a stranger, like they didn’t mean the world to each-other once. But then a bird strike hits Jake’s plane, and Bradley proceeds to Lose His Fucking Shit.
a dead love's buried beneath the dirt by Ravens_Words {T}
Jake is looking up at the ceiling, trying to find shapes in the mold that litters the walls, when two men walk in. They're wearing masks, and walk towards him with purpose. One of them steps around the chair Jake's in, and the other takes out his phone. He's strapped to the chair with some sort of belt around his chest, his arms are bound to the chair's, and so are his legs, so he can't really move to see what the guy behind him is doing, and against his will, his heart rate skyrockets. A hand darts out from behind, wraps around his neck so tightly he sees stars, and the tip of a knife breaks the skin as it's pressed into his throat. "Admiral Seresin," the man behind the camera says, and Jake's heart sinks right down to his toes, "you have exactly 48 hours to give us back our money, and our shipment, or your son dies."
I never stopped loving you by cloudsandstarss {T}
Jake's been enjoying his vacation, when he gets a call from Bradley.
slow down (you're doing fine) by charlie_mou {M}
"But have you ever thought about what happened after?" Suddenly, Jake felt like the tone alarm was going off and he was stuck in the cockpit with the hydraulics out. "After?" "His dad died before he even turned three. His mom died a week after he turned nine. Have you thought about what happened after?" Or, Seven years after their break up, Jake and Bradley are finally about to admit why it happened. But instead of resolving whatever there is between them, Bradley starts giving Jake heart attacks while in the sky - and Jake has a feeling it's all about more than flying. Going to Maverick for advice might just clear things up for him. (or, I heard 'slow ride' and 'waiting for the right moment' and made it into a backstory for all of Rooster's issues)
As We Go by megs_m {T}
Rebuilding is so much harder than tearing down. He's sure there is something profound about that-but he's too exhausted to care. There’s a maelstrom of conflicting emotions running through him. Elation, guilt, fear, hope, terror, and longing. He feels like he’s seconds from being ripped apart - the different forces are too much for his broken self - he’s already held together with duct tape and hope - he can’t possibly withstand this too.
With His Head Held High by dalearden {T}
Jake was born and raised in Texas and he knows a thing or two about guns. When Hard Deck is raided by a band of thugs and all inside taken hostage, Jake gets his hands on a rifle that Penny keeps under the counter and shows them exactly why they shouldn’t mess up with his Team. And Rooster may or may not get hard by seeing how precise Jake’s aim is.
When The Sky Falls by Welcome_to_the_Badlands {G}
“No one has called me that in a year and a half, and the one time someone did, he almost got a broken nose,” Bradley says, his face still buried in Jake’s chest. Jake sucks in a sharp breath but doesn't say anything. “No one has touched me in about that long either,” Bradley adds after a few seconds.
images of broken light by dalearden {E}
The tears fall freely this time before he can stop them and when Bradley brushes the wetness away for him with the callused pads of his fingers, Jake can feel something in him break. “Come back,” he whispers, a secret plea for Bradley’s ears only. “Whatever happens out there just…please come back.” Bradley’s eyes pool with sorrow, like he already knows what’s going to happen and can’t stop it even if he wanted to but he kisses Jake and breathes a promise they both know can’t be kept into him anyway.
touch you like I do by ginnydear {E}
But now, I have finally seen the end. by Aphroditedany {G}
Sometimes, it's simply love.
if honesty means telling you the truth (I’m still in love with you) by local_troubled_writer {E}
Bradley “I got sent on a suicide mission” Bradshaw and Jake “and I took the ‘suicide’ part personally” Seresin. Aka, the one where they go on the impossible mission, somehow make it out alive and someone confessed some feelings.
riding on waves by writteninwaves {G}
“Maybe in a few years, we’ll be in the same place somehow. If you still want to try then, come find me there. In that somewhere…” Bradley loves the skies and the sea. He loves Jake too but it takes him a while to learn how to love being on the ground for himself, and stop running away. Soft introspective Bradley feels + drives + rain + actual crying that happens in the bronco
We're Better Together by indybob {T}
In the aftermath of the mission, Jake stays the night at Bradley’s to make sure he settles in with the minor injuries he sustained. A nightmare, a late-night conversation, lots of tears, and closure ensue. Or: The mission makes Jake and Bradley realize that they’re still in love and that life is too short to not try again.
from this day to the ending of the world by dalearden {_}
Jake flies the mission instead of Maverick and takes the hit meant for Bradley. The two pilots find themselves stranded in enemy territory battling against the willderness and, in Jake's case, a bullet wound from the guns of a fifth gen fighter. It's the worst possible time for Bradley to realize just how deep his feelings for Jake really run.
I’ve been loving you for quite some time by dalearden {E}
After surviving the impossible, Jake is back where he belongs...being worshipped in Bradley's bed. (A little porny follow-up to my previous story from this day to the ending of the world.)
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bullet-prooflove · 1 month
Cursed: Jack Hodgson x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @caffeinatedwoman @aiko24k @hufflepuffgirl
Sequel to The Backseat
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Jack’s car is cursed.
He knows this because it is not the first time he has delivered a baby in the back seat. The only difference is right now it’s his son you’re giving birth to, in the exact same place the two of you conceived him.
“This is getting bloody ridiculous.” He mutters as he tucks the exact same blanket over your legs for modesty purposes.
He’d pulled over near the jetwash of a Shell Service Station when he’d realised you wouldn’t be making it to the hospital. The paramedics are on route but already he can see the baby’s head crowning.
You laugh breathlessly in response to his words before you grip the back of the seat tightly in your hand.
“You’re the one that wanted to fuck me in the backseat.” You remind him as you grind your teeth together.
“Aye, you were wearing that dress, it was Saint Paddy’s day…”
He hadn’t been able to keep his hands off you, there’d been a little drinking, a little wildness, which is what led to sonny boy here.
“I’m gonna need you to start pushing now, love.” He says, shifting so that he’s in position for the baby’s appearance. “He’s ready to meet us.”
You deliver a healthy baby boy, one that has the lungs of a champion.
“I can’t believe we made something so beautiful.” He murmurs as he wraps his son in the confines of his jacket and hands him to you. The baby grumbles at the shift in motion before he settles against your chest. It’s the most perfect thing that Jack has ever seen.
“What do you say next time we do this properly?” He says as he rearranges the blanket over you lower half. “In a hospital with mood music, aromatherapy, we actually stick to the birth plan…”
“Oh we’re not doing this again.” You tell him, your lips brushing over the baby’s forehead. “I am closed for business.”
“We’ll see.” Jack says as he pats the backseat with his palm. “This backseat though, it probably has other ideas.”
Love Jack? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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abliafina-18782 · 11 months
For this ... icemav and no. 10 🥰
Thank you darling for the ask💕 Sorry about the angst🤭
Send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss:
Maverick was packing again. It seemed like his life had become an endless stream of packing. Packing to move to another foster family, packing to join the Navy, packing the rest of his best friend's belongings so his grieving wife didn't have to. Maverick had seen more carton boxes in his days than welcoming homes. At least now, all he had left to pack was his locker in the changing rooms.
It wasn't much. A spare towel, some underwear, a forgotten white t-shirt, and toiletries. Maverick had it packed up and ready to go within minutes, and yet, he couldn't find it within himself to leave. His locker stared back at him, empty like he was on the inside.
Everyone's telling him to get over it, thinking he can fly a plane like the jetwash never happened. Viper, Charlie, and even Carole, all told him the same thing. That he needs to let go, how Goose would've kept flying if it was Maverick who died in the accident.
They were right, of course. Maverick knew somewhere deep in his soul that Goose would've kept going. But things were different with Goose. He would've had to keep flying no matter what, he had a family to support, a family waiting for him at home. Things Maverick didn't have.
It didn't matter if Goose would've flown without him because it didn't change the fact that he was dead.
Maverick checked his locker again. Nothing was left in it, and yet he went about cleaning it as if expecting another towel to pop up. Packing was something Maverick knew like the back of his hand. It was simple, methodical like a game of Tetris. Rearranging his bag helped him forget going through Goose's belongings. It helped him forget the tears in Carole's eyes and the confused ones in Bradley's.
The kid would never see his father again and it was all Maverick's fault. He didn't deserve to keep flying, not when he'd robbed a child of his father. Quitting was the only thing right thing to do, there was nothing left for him at Top Gun.
If he'd heard Iceman come in he probably would've left. He didn't turn around, because if he looked Iceman in the eyes he was afraid he might crumble. The last thing Maverick needed was to be told again to get back up on the horse.
"I'm sorry about Goose," Iceman said, "Everybody liked him."
His tone was something Maverick hadn't expected at all. Tight and restrained, like Iceman didn't know what to say.
"I'm sorry."
Iceman turned to leave, but he only made it a few steps before Maverick stopped him. He wasn’t sure exactly when he moved, one minute he was in front of his locker and the next he was clutching onto Iceman’s wrist. Everyone had given Maverick the obligatory condolences, a simple ‘sorry’ and a pat on the back before continuing to the next hop. 
Iceman, however, he… He seemed to mean it, he wasn’t telling Maverick what to do. Ice had known Goose from the academy, a constant among his peers even if they weren’t close friends. Something inside of Maverick snapped from hearing Iceman’s words. 
Flying by the seat of his pants like he always did, Maverick leaned up and pulled Iceman down for a burning kiss. He felt Iceman tense up and for a moment he was afraid Iceman would shove him away, except he didn't.
They shouldn’t be doing this. Someone could walk in at any minute but Maverick didn’t care. He was quitting anyways, he could indulge in the one thing he had wanted since the O’Club. 
Iceman cradled his face, slender fingers cupping Maverick’s neck, and the next second he was pushed up against the lockers. 
It wasn’t the most elegant kiss, in fact, there was nothing elegant about it at all. It was lips sliding against lips in a demanding fervor. The way Iceman kissed was the very opposite of what had earned him his callsign, nothing but warm, raw, emotion.
Emotions that begged Maverick to stay.
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film-in-my-soul · 6 months
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Of Fighters and Fighter Pilots | 652 | strawberryspitt
Summary: "Bradley knows the entire team thinks it’s unhealthy. They just don’t get it, not yet."
Field Day | 810 | xo_em / @jakeseresins
Summary: “Where are you taking me?” Bradley exclaims as Jake pulls him along by the hand. “You said you wanted to do Texas things,” Jake laughs. “So I’m showing you a Texas thing.”
We Could Try | 1,072 | xo_em / @jakeseresins
Summary: “Jake, what the hell. It’s like four in the morning-“
rose quartz | 1,100 | levivi
Summary: He inspects his boyfriend carefully. Bradley looks nervous, probably unnoticeable to anyone else, but Jake’s not just anyone else. He can see it in his eyes, in the slight tremor of his fingers splayed over his thighs. His heart squeezes.
all the things i wish i had told you | 1,118 | dames_for_jamesbarnes / @qvid-pro-qvo
Summary: “It’s not like you, to turn in early,” Bradley counters. Hangman stops again, turns and glares, brow furrowed deep. “Been a long time since you could claim to know me, right, Bradshaw?” Bradley and Jake have a past. Bradley wants a future.
Bleeding Hearts Beat Too Fast | 1,136 | theincredibleprincess
Summary: When he looks at the scene before him, Bradley sees a part of himself that he had tried to destroy a long time ago. After an unlikely candidate helps Jake through a bad situation, they get to discussing fathers- the best that ever died and the worst that ever lived.
if someone was going to break me (i’d want it to be you) | 1,162 | tearsricochets
Summary: There’s a kiss being placed on his neck, and he sighs when he realizes it was right on one of the multiple marks Bradley had littered him with that evening. “Should I leave?” he asks, while tightening his arms around his waist. (‘Should I leave?’ he asks. Like Jake would ever make him leave. No, that’s Jake’s job.) He doesn’t say that, instead answering: “Ask again in five.” Because he’s weak, and he’s always got to have an escape route planned, a way out of the hole he’s dug for himself once again.
Please see below for more recommendations!
I Could Be (Someone) | 1,226 | xo_em / @jakeseresins
Summary: “Why are you leaving?” Bradley demands breathlessly, his face positively flushed from the argument they’re currently embroiled in.
Wintersong | 1,320 | xo_em / @jakeseresins
Summary: It had been noisy, this trip, in the best way. All of them gathered together up in the mountains for the holiday, forgoing their normal family obligations in order to nurture this small and fragile family that they’d chosen for themselves.
A Sip of Eternity | 1,360 | xo_em / @jakeseresins
Summary: He knows if he just asked, Jake would give him anything.
the beginning, and the middle (not the end) | 1,405 | cloudburst
Summary: But hell, he wasn’t about to tell his fellow pilots the good news that Hangman had finally settled down – in a manner of speaking – and finally met the one. That last part not being an exaggeration had him turning mid-air, flown through the jetwash, unrecoverable spin. He couldn’t pull the fucking eject.
coming up for air | 1,472 | vannral / @vannral
Summary: "The horizon blurs into blue and bone white. It’s so light it burns Jake’s eyes. The entire cockpit is eerily silent, except for the thundering in his ears. ’fly, fucking fly like your life depends on it – fly FASTER, THEY’RE GONNA DIE – !’" In which Jake shares a room with Rooster on the carrier, he has a nightmare about not reaching Mav and Rooster in time, and Rooster comforts him. And ends up sharing the bed.
no need to pray, no need to speak | 1,491 | dalearden / @dale-arden
Summary: Taking the very last moment he has, Bradley closes in again on Jake but this time it’s so he can rest his forehead against the man who has been his lover and his rival all at once, his heart doing jumping jacks in his chest as he tries to have one more chance to just breathe. Jake matches him, beat for beat, and Bradley has to close his eyes against the tidal wave of overwhelming sorrow that makes him feel, pressing a hand to Jake’s chest as he murmurs a promise he knows he can’t keep but which he feels he has to make all the same because what if, what if…
All the Sky Above | 1,574 | xo_em / @jakeseresins
Summary: It’s Maverick who calls him, waking him from a dead sleep at 11:28 pm on a Tuesday night, to tell him that Jake has flipped his car on the freeway.
With His Head Held High | 1,762 | dalearden / @dale-arden
Summary: Jake was born and raised in Texas and he knows a thing or two about guns. When Hard Deck is raided by a band of thugs and all inside taken hostage, Jake gets his hands on a rifle that Penny keeps under the counter and shows them exactly why they shouldn’t mess up with his Team. And Rooster may or may not get hard by seeing how precise Jake’s aim is.
Perpetuatin' Prophesy | 1,775 | ForASecondThereWedWon / @forasecondtherewedwon
Summary: Rooster blinks at him. “My socks are wet,” he says. Or, Rooster and Maverick bail out of the F-14. Jake finds them in the water.
this world is only gonna break your heart | 1,817 | youlookgood / @sereshavv
Summary: And maybe it's that tether pulling him along again. Maybe it's the fact that in the morning, when he puts on that helmet with H_NGM_N printed across the front, he'll be thinking about how appropriate it all is that the tether holding him to Rooster might just be his noose. But he's a twisted up mess inside, and he could never wish for a universe in which he didn't love Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw with his entire being. Their game has always been a wicked one, and now it's dead ash by Jake's own hands. Maybe his dreams are true. Maybe the world really is on fire.
still waters | 2,012 | Notchka88
Summary: Rooster is an even-keeled, laidback kind of guy. Except when it comes to Hangman, maybe especially then. In which someone mouths off to Hangman and Rooster loses it.
Feel the Heat, See the Light | 2,173 | ForASecondThereWedWon / @forasecondtherewedwon
Summary: “How long do you think we can do this?” Jake wonders aloud. Make the tension last? Bradley silently guesses. Stick to our respective sides of the bed? Pretend the fact that we took off across state lines, just the two of us, is something we can go forever without acknowledging?
cancel out the darkness I inherited from dad | 2,174 | multifandommonster / @mitthrawnu
Summary: “Don’t say that shit,” he whispers, void of any kind of venom. It's a shameful, humiliating emotion. “Don’t say that, Bradshaw, not– it’s not funny.” “Okay,” Bradley replies, oddly calm. Closer again, Jake notices. “I won’t, Jake. I know you don’t regret it.”
angel, can't you see who's in front of you? | 2,185 | dames_for_jamesbarnes / @qvid-pro-qvo
Summary: “What about yours?” he finally asks, nodding to them. Seresin blinks, cocks his head, and Bradley gestures with an open hand. “Your wings.” The other man blinks. Raises a brow. “I’ll show you mine because you showed me yours type of thing?”  Bradley snorts. “Something like that,” he admits, raising his brow right back. Bradley and Jake accidentally find each other after the Mission. And maybe realize that even though they've flown together, they've never really seen each other.
(how good it is) to be your lover today | 2,464 | multifandommonster / @mitthrawnu
Summary: He doesn’t have an extensive morning routine; his pales in comparison to Jake’s several-step process to keep his skin young, Rooster, some of us don’t want sunspots by age forty, but Bradley just laughs. Jake’s gotten him to use moisturizer and sunscreen, that’s as far as he intends to go. He’ll wear his age the way his dad should’ve been able to.
my stubborn pride laying on the floor | 2,751 | multifandommonster / @mitthrawnu
Summary: He didn’t consider the reality, he didn’t really think at all– now he’s shaking against the sink in their locker room, vision blurring with tears as he tries to steady his hand. “C’mon,” he murmurs, shaking his head in an attempt to clear the fog settling into his awareness. “C’mon, fuck–” “As I live and breathe,” a voice interrupts, and Bradley nearly drops the needle with the sigh that makes its way out of him.
i'm just gonna call you mine | 2,869 | ginnydear
Summary: “Oh, you better watch it there, sugar, because I feel an unnecessary roughness penalty in my future,” Rooster replies, watching as Hangman’s dimples appear. He salutes Rooster. “You’re on, sweetcheeks.” it starts with a sarcastic sweetcheeks. (or, five moments from within canon and one from shortly thereafter)
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in sickness and in health | 3,063 | res_judicata / @res-judicatas
Summary: “I want a small wedding,” Jake mentions casually as he brews the coffee. Bradley hums in acknowledgement as he scrambles the eggs, “that’s fine with me,” he slides the chopped tomatoes into the hot pan with a sizzle, “so, that would be your extended family, Mav, Ice, the peanut gallery, maybe a handful of our academy buddies-” “No,” Jake shakes his head, “bare minimum,” his voice is suddenly serious, “it’s not a spectacle, you know, all that matters really is that you’re there,” a rueful tilt to his lips, “and I’m there.” He clicks his tongue, "and someone who can make it official... that’s all I need.”
Grit Your Teeth Another Time | 3,323 | Thee_Maxwell
Summary: Hospitals and death weren’t strangers to Bradley Bradshaw, and they always seemed to go hand-in-hand. So he wasn’t particularly thrilled to find himself under watch in the medbay of the aircraft carrier. Or It hits Bradley what almost happened on the mission (and Jake helps him feel better).
Take Him Off Your Hands | 3,554 | electricghosts
Summary: Bradley got orders to Texas while his friends were stationed on the other side of the world. He also never wanted to speak to Maverick again; he was completely and utterly alone. After four long months of moping around and feeling sorry for himself, he finally goes out to have a beer and is greeted by a group of partiers with funny nicknames. One in particular sticks out; an overconfident blonde in a ten-gallon hat by the name of Hangman. Liquid courage and channeling his late father’s charm might just be the key for Bradley to land himself a cowboy.
cowboy, take me away | 3,668 | ginnydear
Summary: jake has a cowboy hat he doesn't just let anyone wear. bradley takes that as a challenge.
never had a heart to mend | 3,735 | un_familiar
Summary: Bradley won’t stop looking at him with concern, laying kisses on his bare back and asking softly, “Are you okay,” until Jake wants to scream You know what you’re fucking doing to me, but he can’t or he won’t and he’s never felt this helpless in his life. The best he can manage is a soft, “Just tired,” turning back into Bradley’s embrace and thinking God, just let me keep this.
Life in Technicolor | 3,933 | AnadoraBlack / @anadorablack
Summary: “Hey Mav?” “Mmh?” They are sitting on the beach outside their house, feet buried in warm sand as they are watching the sun set. Bradley is leaning on his godfather’s shoulder, trying to imagine what it would be like to see something else than all the – admittedly lovely – shades of grey that make up his world. “When do you think I’ll get my colours?” Mav wraps an arm around his shoulders affectionately. “I only got mine when I was twenty-three, you know. You’ve got time, you’re only fourteen, kiddo…” The brown-haired teenager at his side shrugs again. He doesn’t want to admit that he’s anxious to know what it feels like. To get one’s colours. To find one’s soulmate.
Can't take my eyes off of you | 3,976 | FlowersOnMyMind / @flowersonmymind1016
Summary: An Alpha at the Hard Deck won't leave Rooster alone. Hangman steps in. Oh, and did I mention that Hangman is close to his rut?
5 Times Hangman Took Care of His Team + 1 Time Someone Took Care Of Him | 4,016 | dalearden / @dale-arden
Summary: The Daggers and the rest of the Team stay together for the long leave post mission. That includes Hangman although he is still treated a bit as an outsider. They get into all kind of crazy shit and Rooster starts to notice things. That Jake is the one who starts cleaning after drunk Payback threw up all over the bathroom and knows exactly what cleaning products will do the trick. That when Fritz is arrested for disturbance, he knows how to talk to the cops to get him released. That he can patch Fanboy like a professional medic after the guy got into a fight. That he can cook a meal from nothing, mend clothes and knows everything about meds. Turns out Jake had to take care for his family as the only responsible person since he was 5 years old. First his alcoholic parents and then his dying grandmother. Jake won’t let anyone in, but he will take care of them as much as he can. Rooster wants to change it.
The Way to a Man's Heart | 4,028 | dalearden / @dale-arden
Summary: Jake Seresin is a pilot, currently on medical leave from Naval duty as he recovers from injuries sustatined in an ejection during a training exercise. He's grumpy and bored when he takes a chance on a random coffee shop on a rainy afternoon and meets one Bradley Bradshaw, manager and possibly world's best barista. Bradley wastes no time taking such a pretty broken bird under his wing, winning Jake over through pastries and charm and also by being insanely hot. Then therer's an attempted robbery on the premises, and everything accelerates.
Pressed Sunflowers | 4,030 | Sceld
Summary: His smug expression is the final nail in the coffin for Jake, who is doing a fucking terrible job at hiding his outright shock. “You’re… Good at that,” he says slowly, pretending it’s not doing something for him. or; Jake spends the night at Bradley's place and learns more than he anticipated.
wish I knew how to hold you | 4,661 | Ravens_Words
Summary: Bradley bullies Jake's flight information out of Javy, and it's much easier than he thought it would be. Probably because he doesn't want his best friend to be alone. "Bradshaw," Javy says before he hangs up, "you- I know he doesn't make it easy, but take care of him, will you?" He hesitates, takes a deep breath, "sure." For the first time, he wonders if he made a mistake, bit off more than he can chew. Jake goes back home, Bradley goes with him. It goes about as well as one can expect.
we're not finished here | 4,991 | haridwar
Summary: Jake finds out Maverick has a son in the middle of dogfight football.
in five years time | 5,178 | ginnydear
Summary: Jake’s been planning his five year anniversary gift for Bradley since the day after their four year anniversary.
Taking The Long Way 'Round | 5,278 | DancingDisaster / @dancingdisasterisms
Summary: This probably wouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, but he and Seresin hadn’t exactly hit it off when they first met. That said, they did hit it off eventually, and they did it with a bang so resounding it probably should’ve devolved into a fist fight. By the end of the week, Bradley realized there was one small potential problem with the first close friendship he’d managed in years: he thought Jake was beautiful. Well fuck. “It’s not like he doesn’t know, Javy.” “I think you’re underestimating Bradshaw’s tendency towards obliviousness here, Jake.”
i'm coming back to his side to put it right | 5,455 | emozionedapoco
Summary: He can shoot enemy airplanes out of the sky but he can’t for the life of him find some fucking t-shirts. Yeah, that’s doing wonders for his ego. His eyes catch something on a rack near a wall. They’re not t-shirts but shirts and he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s noticed them for, but he gets closer anyway. His instincts usually serve him well.
i come from where the rivers meet the sea | 5,864 | luciferinasundaysuit / @vinnylecavaliers
Summary: Phoenix pinches the bridge of her nose. “One night. One night without whatever all this is. My kingdom for one night.” “There’s no all this!” Rooster protests. Like a liar. Hangman takes his arm back, slides off his chair and goes back to the dart board. Rooster tries not to feel cold. “Of course not, Rooster,” Hangman says, just short of condescendingly. “I could never bring a yankee home, and I respect you too much to hit it and quit it.”
watching, waiting, still anticipating love | 5,861 | iridescent
Summary: Bradley’s fingers caress the keys deftly, coaxing a bittersweet melody from the depths of the piano’s body. Then he starts singing, a few lines here and there almost like an afterthought. His voice is low and husky, lends itself naturally to this sort of soppy and overly sentimental love song. He doesn’t seem to notice Jake being there at all. Despite himself, Jake is transfixed.
But Here I Am, Loving You More Than You’ll Ever Know | 5,872 | thatsquirrelfromiceage
Summary: The sound of Rooster’s voice may as well be another explosion, another heavy breath set free from the bottom of his stomach. It’s the moment he begins to understand what his mother wanted when she clutched and prayed to her rosary beads every night. Another reminder that he’s coming home. He’s coming home.
my heart is out, my guard is down | 5,886 | blood_mocha_latte / @blood-mocha-latte
Summary: “Hey!” He yells, giving Seresin what he hopes is a suave ‘yep, ‘tis I, your saviour’ look. Judging by the look on the other man's face, he fails. “Are you alright?” Hangman shouts back, stumbling even closer. Bradley scrubs a hand down his face, stepping towards him. “Yeah! Are you–” Seresin shoves him into the snowbank with his good hand, face screwed up in what seems to be an odd mixture of worry and anger. “What the fuck were you thinking?!” He’s still yelling, but his voice cracks on the last word and he coughs, spitting concerningly black spit to the side. “I died for you, moron!” He’s still angry but his voice is shaky, and quiet, and Bradley thinks rather disjointedly that he doesn’t think he’s ever seen Hangman actually distressed before.
the blond devil before me | 6,174 | closet_monster
Summary: Bradley Bradshaw had a type, and Hangman had always wanted to be it.
On This Day, This Accursed Day | 6,452 | Sceld
Summary: “Bradshaw,” Jake says with a grin. Rooster groans. “As I live and breathe.” “Hangman,” Rooster replies loftily, “You look…” He pauses for a second too long as his eyes stall on Jake’s shirt. “My eyes are up here, Rooster,” Jake teases, grateful the way his heart is pounding doesn’t transfer to his voice.
Master Reclist · Personal Masterlist · Blog Nav.
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carousel-crows · 1 year
icemav and sharing the bed for your prompt ask? < 3
Yeah, of course!
Prompt: One Bed
⚠️ tw: panic attacks, implied sex⚠️
“What do you mean we only have two rooms?” Ice tried to be polite, but was quickly losing patience.
The receptionist smiled fakely. “I'm sorry, sir. It's just that. There are only two rooms available at this time.”
Ice, Maverick, Slider, and Goose had been sent to a conference by Jester and Viper. They were told there would be rooms available for each of them. Apparently not. Mav and Goose hadn't shown up yet.
“It's alright, ma’am. It isn't your fault.” Slider butts in graciously.
Her smile seemed more genuine now. “Here are your keys. Enjoy your stay.” 
“Thank you.”
The two walk towards the elevator. Ice hands Slider the other key. Just as the elevator doors open, Mav and Goose come barreling into the hotel. Nick tosses his bag to Mav, who catches it and rushes to the elevator. Goose grins at them and goes to sign in. The doors close. They stand there silently. It's awkward, but none of them make any effort to converse.
The elevator finally hit their floor with a gratifying ding. The two rooms were only a couple doors apart. Mav went towards one, Slider and himself towards the other. Ice unlocked the door with a sigh before freezing in the doorway.
There's only one bed.
“Are you fucking serious, man? Only one?”
“It's fine. It's only two nights.”
“You better not wake me up at the asscrack of dawn.”
“No promises.”
The boys had gone out for a drink. 
Things had gotten….. 
……out of hand.
Slider and Goose had gotten more than a little drunk. They were also very bad at hiding their horniness for each other. Without Carole to calm them down, they were insatiable. They didn't usually room together for that reason, but it seemed that tonight was an exception. Mav and Ice had to physically separate the two in the hotel lobby.
Ice unlocked his door and slapped the key onto the nearest table. He grabbed his bag and all but ran out of the room. He had no intention of getting in Nick and Ron’s way. Mav watched from outside the door, barely holding in laughter. 
“By god, those two are like rabbits without Carole.”
Maverick barks a laugh. “Oh man, you don't want to know. Sometimes I have to watch Bradley overnight when they get home. It's awful.”
“The amount of times I've had to lecture him about making out in the locker room is ridiculous.”
Mav opened the door and shucked off his bomber jacket. Ice set his bag down near the wall and took out his toothbrush and some sweats. He swiftly headed for the bathroom. 
As he was preparing for bed, he heard Mav clear his throat from the main room. “I can take the floor. You're an old man and need the bed more.”
Ice scoffed as he tied the drawstring to his pants. “First of all, I am not that much older than you. More importantly, there's enough space on that bed for the both of us.”
“I don't want to make you uncomfortable.”
He flicked off the bathroom light and pulled off his tee, leaving him in only his tank top. “You won't. It's only for a couple nights.”
Maverick sighed but didn't argue further. He trotted into the bathroom to change. Ice pretended not to see a pink flush on Mav’s cheeks. Just drunk.
He sat on one side of the bed, hoping he wouldn't have to deal with anything….. awkward in the morning.
Ice had dozed off pretty quickly. He slept peacefully. And he was so beautiful.
Maverick wasn't as lucky. 
Hop 31. Flying into a jetwash. Going into a flatspin and losing control of the plane. Ejecting. 
Nick was lucky to be alive, and more so to still be flying. He'd been in a coma for almost two months. 
His fault. He almost cost his best friend his life. He would've left Carole a widow, left Bradley fatherless.
Pete woke up in a cold sweat, tears streaming down his face. He sat up, trying to breathe. Ice stirred, and he cursed himself for not being quieter.
“Mav?” Ice asked blearily, “Are you okay?”
“I'm Fine.” He failed to hide the distress in his voice. 
Tom sat up, brows furrowed. “What's wrong?”
“It —” Mav sighed. “It was just a nightmare. I'm fine.”
Ice was silent for a moment. 
“Was it Hop 31?”
Damn it. “Yes.”
Ice wrapped him in a tight hug. Mav froze, but it was only for a second. He buried his head into Ice’s chest, trying to stop crying. Ice slowly laid them back down, not breaking the hug. They laid like that for a while, silent and calming.
“Pete? You know it wasn't your fault, right?”
“I was the one steering the plane. I'm responsible for my RIO.”
“But it wasn't your fault. It was my jetwash. And it was an accident.”
“It's still my responsibility.”
“People care about you, Pete. We want you to be happy. No one blames you.”
“You care about me?”
Tom readjusted to look Pete in the eyes. “You have no idea.”
“Then give me an idea.”
Tom hesitated. “I don't know if you'll take this the wrong way, but I really care about you. I love you so much. I want you to be happy.”
Pete froze.
“You love me?”
“I do.”
“I think I love you too.”
Ice stares at him, searching. Then he leans forward and presses his lips to Pete's. He responds instantly, reaching up to rake hands through Tom’s hair. They kiss the way they fly. Ebbing and flowing, giving and taking. 
And god, it's perfect. 
They break apart, Pete smiling as bright as the sun. Ice watches him lovingly. He pecks s kiss to Mav's hair before resting his chin on it. Mav nestles deeper into the hug, attaching himself to Tom like a koala. Tom couldn't bring himself to care. He waited and listened as Pete's breathing evened out. I love you, Pete Mitchell. I love you I love you I love you.
They were woken up by banging on their door. Ice didn't want to move. 
“Go away, we're sleeping.”
“Get up, freaks! Stop banging your boytoy and come on!” Slider yelled from outside.
Pete stirred and Ice wanted to burn a hole in the door. “What's going on?” He was so cute when he was sleepy.
“Slider's about to get castrated.”
“Oh. Loser.” He buried his head deeper into Tom’s chest.
He could hear Goose’s laughter from outside. He sighed and kissed Pete's hair. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
“We have to get up.”
“Don't wanna.”
“I know, but Slider is gonna break down the door if we don't, and I don't want to pay that fee.”
Pete sighed and unhooked himself from Tom. He pressed a kiss to his cheek before sliding off the bed to go open the door.
Tom stared as Pete sauntered to the door, unashamed. He was gonna kill Slider for ruining his morning, but maybe he'd thank him for being the reason it happened in the first place. 
Nah, he'd just kick his ass.
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