#jense is way too good at voice acting got me blushing and shit
skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
The energy of the Tooned episode with Jense and Nando is certainly something, my god 😳
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hornsbeforehalos · 7 years
Anytime, Sweetheart: Part 14
Pairing: JDM x OFC, 
Features: Ackles & Padalecki Families, R2, Misha Collins & Vicky Vantoch, Norman Reedus, Andrew Lincoln, Kim Rhodes, Briana Buckmaster, Ruth Connell, Corey Taylor and other cast members & OFCs* *THIS IS AN RPF FIC**
Series Masterlist Summary: (I’m horrible at summaries, but let me try): Kylin Ackles runs to her brother’s house after leaving her abusive boyfriend of 3 years, where she meets Jeffrey. Events unfold that bring them together, as well as push them apart.  Warnings: Emotional abuse, Physical Violence, mentions of rape, cursing, drinking, recreational drug use (weed), Strip Club, RPF, NSFW**, GIFs, implied smut, Age Difference, Slow burn, Emotional rollercoaster, poorly written smutt, etc… 18+ please
(A/N: This is strictly a work of fiction that I came up with off the top of my head. For fictional purposes his S/O & Son are not mentioned. I love him and his little family, though, so no hate intended. This is the first time posting anything on Tumblr, but I couldn’t get it out of my head since my ao3 fic is currently on hiatus because writers block. Feedback is appreciated. unbetaed, all mistakes are mine.)**THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS DESCRIPTION OF SUICIDE. PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE EASILY TRIGGERED***
TAGS: @jml509 @jesbakescookies @daddy-kink-confirmed @wayward-mirage @aquivercactus @xagateophobiax @sorenmarie87 @missghoul18 @jdmfanfiction @jeffreydeanneganstrash @mkate-writes-things @srj1990
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   The next morning when I woke up I was greeted with warm hands and a strong chest pressed against me. Smiling, I rolled over and opened my eyes, expecting to see Robbie.
   It was not Robbie. My mouth dropped open but he put his fingertips to my lips to silence me before I could speak.
   "I'm not going to say I told you so. I'm just going to say I love you and I'm here if you need anything."
   Tears welled up immediately as the numbness I had been feeling slipped. He held the back of my head and dipped my face into his cotton covered chest and I melted into him, feeling safe in my best friend's arms.
   Rob appeared in the door way with a cup of coffee and a smile a moment later. He sat the mug down on his nightstand and crawled into bed beside me as I rolled over and Misha placed his head on my chest. Rob did the same on the other side.
   "Ya'll are so fucking gay." I chuckled, looking down at the men wrapped around me.
   "Only for you." Misha grinned, eyes twinkling up at me before looking to Rob and wagging his eyebrows.
   Rob blushed and nuzzled his face into my shirt as he tightened his grip around my waist, "You two are ridiculous."
   "So I was thinking, Kylin...since you're back and all..." Misha started, eyes trailing down my stomach and legs before floating out the window innocently.
"Spit it out, Mishka." I hissed.
I sighed and rolled my eyes. Of course. "You have to apologize first."
   He opened his mouth to begin to protest but Robbie smacked him on the arm in warning.
   "Okay, okay! I was a little bit of a douche bag. I'm sorry." He admitted, nuzzling back into my hair on his side and pressing closer against me. Both of the men clinging to me were in sweat pants, and not a whole lot was left to the imagination as they rutted against my bare thighs. Ignoring the involuntary heat between my legs with a sigh, I made a move to sit up.
   "You two are the ridiculous ones." I squirmed away from them to the edge of the bed and got up to search for pants, undies on full display.
   "Are you okay?" Misha's tone shifted to seriousness as he adjusted himself to sit upright on the bed beside Rob. Rob looked down at his hands before back up to me.
   "You did this, Benedict?" I inquired, waving a pair of shorts in Misha's direction, eyes squinting.
   "Yes." He peeped, guilt spreading quickly across his face. I rolled my eyes and groaned.
   "Look, I don't want any one to fucking pity me, okay. I put myself in that fucked up position, both of them. I didn't fucking expect either one of them. It was no one's fault but my own that I didn't listen to you. He fucking had me fooled, dude." I leaned back against the dresser, hands on the edges still holding onto the shorts that I was trying to put on, "Hell, I'm lucky Jeffrey even showed up when he did. I don't know what would have..." I trailed off, eyes wandering as I fought against my tear ducts.
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   "Babe, I should have told you straight up what I found out. I talked to Jeffrey about it, and he said he was handling it, but something didn't sit right. I didn't know for sure so I didn't want to say anything before I could confirm." Misha sighed, forearm resting on his raised knee as he moved his eyes out of the window.
   I sighed, and moved to put on my shorts, once they were pulled up and fastened, I apologized, "I'm sorry I called you spoiled."
   This made both men laugh and shake their heads as they moved out of the bed on opposite sides. They moved around and engulfed me in a tangle of arms. Misha leaned down and nuzzled against my ear, "It's you that's spoiled, Missy."
   "Always have been, always will be." I quipped in a squeak as Rob's arms squeezed a little too tight around my bruised ribs.
   I moved away from them when the sound of a knock could be heard screaming through the halls, followed by the echo of the doorbell. Rob moved to answer it as I pulled my hair into a ratted bun and rubbed my eyes.
   "Kylin?!" I could hear Jared's voice boom through the house followed by his stomping footsteps.
   "Jesus Christ" I mumbled with rolled eyes, reaching for the forgotten coffee Rob had brought me.
  "Holy fuck, Kay, are you okay?" he instantly jerked me up by the biceps in a crushing hug before pushing me away to search me for damage.
   "Dude, did Supernatural shut the fuck down or something? God damn go to fucking work!" I pushed away completely from Jared in a huff and moved past Rob in the doorway. I made quick work of the steps and found my purse before pushing open the back door and throwing myself on the patio lounge chair and lighting a cigarette.
   By the time I got the first drag out the door threw itself open and out stormed the three men insistent on taking care of me.
"Fucking hell, men! Leave me be! I'm fine."
   "Kylin, we both know that's not true." Jared prodded, crossing his arms and looking down at me.
   Rob joined me on chair and wrapped a shoulder around me as I inhaled the nicotine again, worrying the ashes to the concrete, "You're not reacting the typical way you do, hon. We're kinda worried about you."
   "And you three are the poster boys for mental fucking health? Christ, Rob, you pop so many fucking Xanax I'm surprised you can fucking see straight. Misha is the biggest fucking narcissistic ass hole I've ever met in my life. And don't even get me started on you, Jared Tristan Padalecki, you overgrown nutcase!" I heaved myself out of Rob's arms and tossed the cigarette away from me before huffing into the house and to the bathroom and slamming the door.
   "Look, guys, I'm fine, really. For now anyway. I get it, I'm acting weird or whatever. Maybe I'm desensitizing myself, who knows. Just let me deal with this myself, please?" I pleaded as I flipped the pancakes in Rob's kitchen, looking over to the bar where the three men sat with their coffee and teas.
   "Come to Vancouver with us." Jared insisted, reaching for the plate I handed him.
   I sighed while placing one hand on my hip and the other rubbing my forehead, "I don't know, Jare, You know I hate that place."
   "Come onnnn, pleaseeeeee." Misha whined, swinging his shoulders for good measure, earning him an eye roll from me and Rob.
   "You could stay here with me?" Rob piped in quietly, sweet and hopeful expression on his face.
   I smiled back, but gave him a knowing look. He chuckled and looked down at his mug, "Can't blame a man for trying."
   "I wish I could go back to my fucking house." I confessed, taking a sip out of my cup of hazelnut goodness.
   "Just come back with us, Kay. Please. Jensen's worried fucking sick, Douche bag knows where you live, knows you're in the city. It's the safest. We have to keep you safe until we figure out how to handle this creep." Jared begged, hands in the praying formation.
 I cringed, knowing he was being logical. I didn't feel like being logical though.
"I could go back to Dallas..."
   I was met with three sets of disapproving eyes and groans. I surrendered, not having the emotional capability to continue my argument, "Fine, but Jared's paying for my plane ticket."
   The disappointment on Rob's face was evident, but I knew he understood. Him and Mollie would be back together in no time per usual anyway. I just hoped she wouldn't be too pissed about me borrowing her husband for my comfort like she had in the past given the circumstances.
   It had been 3 weeks with me back shlepping cups of tea and following Misha around like a chicken with my head cut on the set of Supernatural when Jensen told me they were bringing John Winchester back to the show for a one-episode guest appearance.
"I'm going home." I stated simply.
"And where the fuck is that?" Jensen quizzed, annoyed look on his face.
"I don't know, Jense. I can't be here. I can't fucking see-"
   "Me?" the deep drawl sank it's way into my soul before I even had the chance to anticipate it.
'Of fucking course they would do this shit to me.'
   "Yes, you. " I hissed, spinning around to face the voice. My throat caught my breath as he looked at me from his place at the door way of Jensen's trailer. I lied, "I fucking hate you."
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   "Not my favorite person in the world either, sweet pea. But here I am." he spread his arms wide in gesture, selfish smirk playing on his lips.
   "How the fuck are you supposed to play John again anyway? You're not even fat anymore." What meant to sound like an insult actually came out more of a compliment, earning me a chuckle from the man who moved further into the area.
   "One, I was never fat to begin with. And two, with class, sweetheart, with class. Something you should learn about." He snickered as his eyes trailed over the love bruises and bite marks adorning my neck. Rob was in town working as well with Chuck being in the episode, and we had spent the weekend held up in my tiny apartment 'passing time.'
   "Because you don't need a lesson yourself. How's Tanya?" I jabbed, stepping closer to him. Jensen sighed from the couch and reached for my hand, attempting to pull me back.
"Kylin," Jensen warned.
   The expression on Jeffrey's face shifted before his eyes flicked down to Jensen where he sat on the couch and then back to me, "You didn't tell her, Jay?"
Another sigh from my brother, "Figured that's something you should do."
   I ripped my hand away from Jensen and turned to look between the two men, then to Misha at his place beside Jensen as I crossed my arms and furrowed my brow, "What the fuck are ya'll talking about?"
   "She killed herself, Kylin." Jeffrey said lowly, voice laced with embarrassment and shame, "The night I saved you."
   The hair on the back of my neck stood on end, and I inhaled deeply as my brain registered his words. I exhaled loudly before speaking again. The guilt tried to creep its way in, but I wouldn't allow it. Instead, something else snapped and a grin appeared on my face as my eyes twinkled, "Good fucking riddance."
   It was like a blow to the whole room. Jensen instantly stood from his spot and grabbed my arm to turn me towards him, "You don't mean that, sis. You know you don't."
   His eyes searched mine for a second and my grin got bigger, warping into a full fledged beaming smile as I turned to face Jeffrey again, "Of course I do. Fucking whore had it coming. Tell me, Mr. J, did you go to her funeral? Did you weep?" A psychotic chuckle fluttered out of my mouth before I could stop it, "Do you miss your mistress?"
   "Alright, that's enough." Misha hissed, standing up and moving between Jeffrey and I. He looked down at me with dominating eyes, one eye brow raised suggestively, "The fuck are you doing, Ky?"
   "What am I doing? What am I doing?" I scoffed, tilting my head with a jerk as I peered up at him, "The fuck are you doing, Dmitri?"
   I didn't give them the time to answer before storming out, pushing my shoulder against Jeffrey's arm to move him out of my way upon exit. He followed me, naturally, and reached for my hand to slow me down. I twisted out of his grasp and slapped him across the face with my other hand before he grabbed me by both of my wrists and jerked me to him.
   "You have hit me more times than I should have allowed, little girl. That will be the last fucking time, do you understand me?" He growled through gritted teeth, staring down at me with pure anger flitting through his already dark eyes. His breath was lingering on my face, and I couldn't help but want to lean in just a little bit further...
"Do you...understand..." he growled out again.
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  My eyes flicked back up from his lips to his eyes, wondering at him in amazement at how he could suddenly send my whole world crashing down around me. His blackened eyes scowling at me as he held me to him, practically lifting me off my feet as he held me still.
"Yes sir." I whimpered against my will, and he loosened his grip and pushed me out of his arms with a grunt and a huff. He kept his hand around my wrist and began to lead me towards the guest trailers.
  "You're gonna come with me and you're gonna listen to me, ya hear?" He instructed, to which I just nodded my head with my eyes forward.
   He opened the door to the trailer for me and I entered, quickly finding a seat at the far end of the sofa. He sat on the opposite end and turned towards me.
   "Alright. I know I fucked up, doll. I know I did, and I feel terrible about it. I haven't had a good night since you left." He started, breathing deeply to fight against the tears I saw forming in the corners of his eye, "I should have been honest with you from the get go, but I didn't want you to flip out the way I know you would."
   "My boyfriend is keeping some bitch secret at his house while leaving me alone constantly while I cook and clean for him and his friend. And you fucked her. You fucked her and then came back and slept in the same bed with me." Anger started to seethe through me, and Jeffrey could tell. He raised a hand to stop me before I could continue.
   "I never slept with her, baby girl. Never. She was insane and delusional. I didn't know what to do with her but I didn't want her to kill herself." He looked towards the other side of the room as he scrubbed his face and beard, "I was looking for help for her, but then all that shit happened and she just showed the fuck up. You left. I knew I had to explain it to you but you never gave me the chance and then when I found you like...that...." He trailed off, eyes flitting across my neck once more, "And all that other shit happened...I almost killed that man for touching you. I saw the blood, and the other and I almost pulled that trigger right there."
He was sobbing now, and it took everything in me not to want to comfort him.
   "Then when I dropped you at Rob's I realized where half of those fucking marks came from, I wanted to stomp his fucking head in, but the hell, I couldn't blame the guy. I just wish it would have meant more to you for it to be with me."
   "It was supposed to be with you, but I wanted it to be with someone who I knew loved me."
   He scoffed, pulling his head back slightly in offence, "I loved you with all of my fucking soul, woman. I still fucking do."
It was my turn to huff, "Whatever."
   He ignored me, and continued, "I was so pissed when I got back to Georgia that all I wanted to do was forget about you. I was gonna take her, keep her, and forget about everything else...But then I found her."
   "Sorry to ruin your dream." I mumbled, looking away from him with sarcastically raised brows.
   "Jesus Christ." he huffed, shaking his head in amazement before squinting, "Will you shut the fuck up?"
"Of course not."
   I smirked at him as I watched him light a cigarette. Figuring I still hadn’t given him enough shit, I reached forward and snatched the pack from his hand and pulled one out for myself before leaning back on the couch and draping my legs across his lap.
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   "We always end up on a couch, you know," I teased, suggestive eyebrows wagging themselves naturally as I raised the cancer stick to my lips. Jeff rolled his eyes at me but clasped his big hands around my tiny ankles. Probably a defensive notion, I really did have the perfect angle to kick him in the nuts.
   "I found her in the bathtub, all bloody from her slitting her wrists, and all I could picture was what you would look like if I hadn't made it to you in time." He looked down at his hands and began rubbing gentle circles into my skin as his tears began to fall again, "How I was so fucking stupid."
I stayed silent as I took another drag.
   "I'm gonna get you back, Kylin. I swear to you that. I know I hurt you and I know I lied but I will make you trust me again. I swear it." He nodded his head with the promise before shifting his head back to me, "I swear."
   I stared at him in awe, unsure of what to say before he grabbed my free hand and pulled me to sit up closer to him. He stomped his cigarette out in the ashtray on the coffee table before gripping both of his hands into my hair and pulling me against his mouth. I whimpered in protest, but it soon turned into a whimper of need as the killing fields that was the scruff on his face came in contact iwth my skin. I was lost all over again for a second as he parted my lips with his tongue and sank into me, my free hand moving to pull him closer by the collar of his shirt. He slipped one hand around to gently hold my jaw while his mouth worked against mine. We stayed like that for a  while, just kissing, and he had just made the move to crawl on top of me when there was a loud rapping a the door.
   "5 minutes on set, Jeff!" the helper called out. Jeff called back to the man with a grunt before pulling off of me.
   "Fuck me." Jeffrey hissed in annoyance as he adjusted himself in his pants. I re positioned myself as well before standing, making sure my shirt was arranged and my bra wasn't showing too bad.
   "Fucking Christ" I murmured, checking my reflection of smeared khol in the mirror by the door, "I look like shit."
   "Impossible." he contested, shaking a finger at me as he ran his other hand through his hair, "Always fucking perfect."
   I smiled, using the end of my hoodie's sleeve to wipe under my eyes, "Thanks, Jeff."
He smiled back brighter at me, excited to say the words, "Anytime, Sweetheart."
   Rob caught up to us as we got close to the set. Jeff and I had been walking side by side, but far enough apart not to make it awkward. Of course, Robbie instantly knew what was up and his eyebrows quickly rose to his hair line as he looked at my kiss swollen lips and smeared eyeliner. Throwing his arm over my shoulder and pulling me slightly away while adjusting his glasses with his other hand and leaning closer to my ear, he whispered, "Back at it again already, huh?"
   "Don't start with me, Benedict," I glared up at him while wrapping my own arm around his waist, "Not a fucking word."
   He rolled his eyes with a knowing smirk but nodded none the less. I looked back to the left to see Jeffrey staring at me intently before giving me a sad smile as we approached where we needed to be.
   "Everything okay now?" Jensen asked, looking between me and Jeffrey with raised hands, ready to get the scene started.
   "Everything's peachy, bubs. Sorry. Get to work!" I promised with a grin before kissing Rob on the cheek and skipping over to my usual spot in Misha's cast chair.
   Misha soon joined me, standing behind me where I sat playing on my phone. He put his hands on my shoulders and gently messaged them before leaning down to whisper in my ear, "You okay now, little demon child?"
   "Not really," I admitted with a sigh. I leaned over a little bit to the side so I could crane my neck to look at him, "This is all so fucking ridiculous."
   "We all saw that little tantrum you pulled outside, and his reaction. And yours. You need to be careful, you know."
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   "I'm not trying to not be careful, Mish, I'm not trying to do anything." I mumbled, eyes returning to where Rob and Jeff were speaking their lines. There was obviously a weird tension there, but somehow the two actors didn't let it show through to the camera.
   "This week is going to be difficult, you know. But at least we have a convention this weekend." Misha sighed, kneading my shoulders a little firmer as I rolled my head into his belly behind me. I groaned at the idea of having to be surrounded by people, even though I knew how much Misha loved them.
   "Fucking Iowa." I grunted, rolling my eyes. If only I had known then what I know now.
   Misha was 100% correct about the week being difficult. I didn't know how I felt about what Jeffrey had said to me, or the kiss that we had shared in the trailer. Robbie obviously knew something was up, and pulled back the reigns on our displays of affections. He still cuddled with me at night, but I guess it was really a silent decision between the both of us to not make a move to be intimate again. I absolutely adored the man, loved him, even, and I knew he felt the same way about me. I also knew though that he loved his wife, and no one could ever take her place in his heart. He would wait a hundred years if it meant for him to be with her again.
   I completely avoided Jeffrey at all costs, for also obvious reasons. I knew the affect he had on me, that I didn't stand a chance of standing my ground and keeping my distance from him. My heart was still broken, and I knew I wasn't thinking clearly when it came to him. No matter how much my heart stuttered when he touched me or my breath got caught in my throat when he smiled, he broke me almost just as much as Anthony did. It was going to take more than some sweet words and a stolen kiss for me to crumble.
   "Why won't you just fuckin' talk to me, girl?" He begged, trailing behind me one morning as I was bringing Misha his cup of tea and something to eat for breakfast. He had gotten here earlier than usual, and I wasn't able to dodge him for once. It was Friday, and we were all scheduled to fly out that evening. Jeffrey would be going back to Georgia to continue The Walking Dead, the rest of us to Des Moines for the weekend.
   "Because I don't want to talk to you, Jeffrey." I replied simply, looking back as I quickened my pace.
"How am I supposed to fix this if you won't talk to me?"
   I stopped quickly and turned to face him, him slamming on his own heels to keep from knocking into me, "Maybe I'm not ready for you to fix it? Ever think that this is not a decision for you to make?"
   His shoulders fell in exasperation, his eyes flicking from mine to look up as his head tilted so he could gather his thoughts. He brought his hands to his hips with a sigh and bowed his head, shaking it slightly, "Will you ever be?"
'Good question'
     I truly didn't know. I loved this man, I knew I did. I knew I would probably forever. Even at that moment, his presence bewildered me and it was hard for me to stay focused. I had to constantly remind myself that I couldn't give in to him or he would see it as something that I didn't have  a problem with. I had to stand my ground.
   "You're just going to try and find out, I guess. Not yet though, Jeff. I have my own healing to do."
"You mean with Rob?" He scoffed, shaking his head.
   "Wow, really working your case there, Mr. Morgan." I started back off towards Misha, not caring if Jeff followed at that point.
He didn't follow.
   I was dipping and dodging through the sea of people with a cup of hot coffee in one hand and Misha's stupid tea in the other, attempting to get to him before it was time for his autographs. We had been up since we landed at the airport at 4 am after a layover and as per usual for our arrivals only had minimal time to make our selves presentable. I threw Misha together an assemble that wouldn't make Jensen cringe or Jared make fun of him after getting out of the shower and then set about making myself look human.
   I had let my hair hang down my waist in waves, throwing on my usual makeup of dark eyeliner, black eye shadow, and lashes. Feeling moody, I lined my lips in the same kohl liner and filled them in with my matte black lipstick. Knowing I'd be running around everywhere today and that it was probably going to be cold as shit, I wore my tight black tights with my comfy converse, finalizing everything with my newest Cannibal Corpse t shirt.
   I was regretting my fucking life the moment I side stepped forward and slammed into a very broad, very firm chest, coffee and tea flying everywhere.
"Jesus Christ." I hissed as the scalding liquid felt like it was melting my hands.
   Thankfully nothing got on either of our clothing except our shoes, which I noticed were matching as I raised my eyes over the dark jeans and black t-shirt, up to the poor man's face.
   "I am so sor- Wow, holy shit you are fucking beautiful." The man said, smiling at me and sliding his sunglasses down his nose to make eye contact. My eyeballs almost popped out of their fucking sockets.
   "You're fucking Cor-" I started, but the man instantly held his finger up to his lips to silence me as he looked around. ‘I thought he’d be taller.’
   "Shhhh," he grinned with a wink, "Sorry about your coffee, let me get you another one?"
'I wish I had the fucking time.'
   "Eerr, sorry, I don't have the time, I'm in a rush as it was, now my boss is gonna bitch at me as it is, " I laughed nervously, shaking my head.
   "Well, maybe I'll see you around then," He winked again, licking his lips in a way that made my mouth dry.
'Jesus Christ, Kylin, calm the fuck down.'
   "Y-Y-Yeah," I replied, small nervous smile playing over my face as he pulled me into a small hug before waving while walking away.
'Who's fucking life is this?!'
   It was my life, apparently, and it seemed to keep getting weirder and fucking weirder.
   I was in my usual spot behind Misha while he was signing his autos and doing his thing, ignoring the few whispers that creeped past him about me when the fans noticed my presence behind him.
   "I heard her and Jeff broke up. She went crazy at The Walking Dead set or something, bitch is apparently psychotic."
   I rolled my eyes and continued to work on my laptop behind me when his voice broke through and Misha turned to me with a knowing smirk adorning his face.
   "Kylin, look what it is, my tea from this morning." Misha teased, holding up a lidded cup for me to see. My eyes instantly widened as I past him to the man on the other side of the table who stood there extending another cup in my direction.
   I sat the laptop in the chair beside me and nervously stood up, taking the cup from his hands and stuttering out a "Thank you."
"Anytime, Sweetheart" he smiled with a nod.
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'Oh no he just fucking didn't.'
   "Hey, I know where I've seen you before, you're from Stone Sour, aren't you?" Misha inturrpted our eye contact, and Corey Taylor turned to look at him.
"Yeah man. I love the show."
   "That's fucking awesome, dude. Kylin here got me into some of your music. She's always subjecting me to weird shit."
   "Dmitri!" I scolded, face burning red as I brought my hands to cover my embarrasment.
   Ignoring me, he continued his prods when he noticed the Gold Pass dangling from the other manm's neck, "You coming to the concert tonight?"
   "Wouldn't miss it." Corey answered, nodding his head as his eyes flicked back to mine.
"Good, because Kylin here is gonna be singing."
"No I'm fucking no-"
   "Yes you are." It was Rob who had came up behind me to wrap his arms around my waist and place his chin on my shoulder as he lifted me off my feet slightly.
   "You sing?" Corey's eyebrows lifted in surprise. My face got impossibly hotter. Vermillion, you could say.
   "Like a fucking angel." Rob commented, squeezing me a bit more before letting go, "Her voice will make you fall in love with her."
   I moved one hand away from my chest to turn and smack his chest, and he retorted with his own smack to my ass before making his way past us to where Billy Moran had called him over.
"Now that's something I'll definitely have to see."
   "Now this next song is for the lovely and ever talented Mark Sheppard, who we definitely still mourn for." Rob said as he introduced the next set. Mark sat behind the drums and gave a laugh as he clicked his drum sticks together. I walked on to the stage in my tight black dress to stand beside Robbie, who wrapped his free arm around me and kissed my cheek before speaking again, "Kylin here's gonna sing it for me, because well, it's a girl's song. But I hope you like it."
   "Makes me think of you, Sheppy." I giggled as Rob started the Louden Swain version of my favorite Halsey song.
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   I held the microphone in it's place on the stand, swaying my hips back and forth with the time of the beat that Mark was playing.
‘My demons are begging me to open up my mouth I need them, mechanically make the words come out They fight me, vigorous and angry, watch them pounce Ignite me, licking up the flames they bring about’
   I turned back towards Mark, smiling and pointing at him with a smile as I continued,
‘I sold my soul to a three-piece And he told me I was holy He's got me down on both knees But it's the devil that's tryna’
   I turned back to the crowd and scanned the fans, quickly able to find Corey's unmistakable face past the bright lights.
‘Hold me down, hold me down Sneaking out the back door, make no sound Knock me out, knock me out Saying that I want more, this is what I live for’
   Briana soon joined me on stage and I let her take over the rest of the second verse as the rest of the cast crowded onto the stage. I made my way over to Jared, motioning him to Corey silently. He beamed when he recognized him and instantly made his way back behind stage to retrieve him to join us.
   You would have thought Corey Taylor was a fan boy or something the way his eyes widened and he looked up at Jared when he finally approached him. He nodded vigorously at something Jay said, then followed him back to the back stage area before climbing up with the rest of us. 
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   "Corey fucking Taylor everyone!" Jared bellowed into a mic, throwing his arm around Corey's shoulder as he stood there star-struck. If only he knew how much Jared was probably pissing himself. The crowd errupted, equally freaking, and Corey shook his head and lifted the mic that had been handed to him
   "Holy fuckingg shit, guys. This is fucking amazing." He beamed, eyes glancing over the stage and landing on me, "I should spill cups of coffee more often."
   Everyone laughed as the band died down and Misha retold the story of the autographs earlier, my ears darkening at my own embarrasment.
   "I'm a fucking clutz" I commented, shaking my head with my hand on my forehead.
   "A cute one, though." Corey commented in the microphone, earning a bout of 'oooohs' trailing through the audience.
  "She is, isn't she." Rob cooed, a bite to his voice that only I could hear. I tilted my head in his direction and gave him a look at which he rolled his eyes to me.
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   Richard and Rob ended the concert and said their salutations as everyone piled back into the backstage area and headed for the green room. I was walking with Jared and Corey when Jensen approached us from behind.
   "Hey man, we're all going out for drinks in a minute, you wanna join us?" Jensen asked Corey, who's eyes immediately went wide.
   "Really? Fuck yeah, dude." Corey replied ecstatically, irises twinkling as he looked from Jensen to me, "You coming?"
   "Of course the little sister is coming, she's gotta make sure our drunk asses make it back." Jared chuckled, throwing a huge arm around my waist and pulling me to his side. Corey's eyes went wide again in realization of who I was.
   "Holy fucking shit, I thought you looked so familiar. Aren't you dating Negan? I love that dude, man." My world came tumbling down as my eyes shifted to my feet and I felt Jared's fingers dig a little further into my side for comfort. I gave a little smile before replying, "We're not dating anymore. Just kinda friends now."
   His face fell for a moment but something else replaced the expression shortly after, "Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart. That shit sucks."
   I gave him another small smile and a nod, Thankful that Jared knew me well enough to direct the conversation elsewhere, "So where's the best bar to go to around here, man?"
   We ended up at a dark little restaurant that was quiet and secluded, save for our bellows and booms of laughter that filled the small vicinity. We had taken up most of the space, the servers pushing together 3 long tables to accommodate all of us. I was sitting between Rob and Corey, shifting my conversation between the two of them as we all chatted and drank. Corey was fucking hilarious, his sillyness fitting in perfectly with everyone as we down drink after drink. Robbie was obviously feeling the shots he was attempting to match me, and soon was giggly and flirting with both myself and Bri who sat beside him, supplying amusement to me and Corey as he nuzzled against Bri's shoulder.
   "He's such a fucking lush." I commented to Corey, watching Robbie's sloppy face before poking him in the shoulder, "You're gonna make me jelly, Benedict."
   "Pfffft, please, girl, you know you can get this dick anytime you want." He joked drunkenly, forcing Bri and Rich to both bust out laughing. Corey chuckled a bit, mostly confused, and I had to explain to him.
  "Robbie and I have a... close friendship." I giggled in embarrassment, to which Corey nodded in acceptance while taking a sip of the scotch he had ordered.
   Rob slipped his head from it's resting place on Briana and sloshed towards me, chin digging into my shoulder now as he leaned against my back, "She's super good in bed, bro."
   "Jesus Christ, Bob-o, control yourself." Rich barked from his place before standing up and approaching the man, "Ky, can you help me get this shlep some water or something?"
   I nodded and excused myself from the table to follow Rich to the bar. While we were waiting on the bar tender to acknowledge us he turned to me, "What the fuck are you doing, Kay?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." I responded, genuinely confused.
   "With Robbie." he answered before asking the bartender for a water bottle and another round of shots for the rest of us who could actually contain themselves.
   "What we always do, Rich. He's already been talking to Mollie again." I shrugged.
"And Jeffrey?" he raised his eyebrows at me.
   "I don't know what you're expecting from me on that one, Rich, because I honestly don't even fucking know myself." I sighed, feeling the defeat seep through me.
   "And now this guy?" He said, quirking an eyebrow while nodding towards the table.
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   "Having fun, Richard. I just met the man and he's one of my idols. I'm trying not to fan girl right now."
   He laughed, accepting my answer while grabbing the water as I helped with the shots before walking back over to the table.
   A couple hours later and it was time to head home. We were standing out side the restaurant waiting on Cliff to pull the car around and Corey's cab to come through. Jared had to actually throw Robbie over his shoulder as the man had passed out like gorilla and refused to wake up. I laughed to myself at the thought of the hangover he was going to have to endure the next day during his early morning photo ops.
   "It was really nice to meet you, Kylin. I definitely had the ultimate fan experience tonight." Corey smiled down at me.
   "Ha! Me as well, thank you!" I beamed nervously.
He held out his phone for me with a questioned expression on his face, dial pad pulled up on the screen, "Mind if I..."
   My eyes twinkled and my heart started pounding in my chest as I reached a shaky hand for the phone, "Sure."
   I typed my number in for him and he pressed the call button, my phone vibrating in my purse before I pulled it out and saved his name in my own contact list.
   "Mind if I call or text you? We're doing a show in Vancouver soon, maybe you can come out?" Corey suggested, hopefulness in his voice as he leaned against the brick wall behind us.
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'Holy fucking shit.'
   "Y-Y-Yeah, sure, that w-w-would be awesome." I replied as the yellow taxi cab pulled up and honked its horn.
   "Well, thanks for the amazing time, Ms. Ackles. Talk to you soon." he hesitated for a moment, then curled an arm around my hip and dipped me in for a hug.
   "No, thank you, Mr. Taylor." I smiled brightly up at him, butterflies dancing in my chest as he stepped towards the car.
He smirked, then killed me, "Anytime, Sweetheart."
If he only knew what those fucking words meant to me.
part 15 will be released 9/9/17!
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