#jenova roleplaying
celestialhighwind · 2 years
Haurchefant: Anyway, Estinen, the Azure Dragoon ❤ I was wondering if you would accept this small little token on behalf of my-- well, love, I suppose. An all-consuming passion and desire to be yours, and you, mine. If you would have me, of course.
Haurchefant is positively beaming.
Estinien: And what's that??
Haurchefant: Aha, here. These, I got from, a dear friend.
[Trade complete].
Haurchefant kneels before you.
Estinien: But.... I sleep with my feet off the bed
Haurchefant laughs at you.
Estinien: YES Haurchie.... The answer is yes, I will be yours
Haurchefant shows you his uncontainable jubilation!
Haurchefant gives you a big hug.
Haurchefant: Fantastic!
Estinien blushes uncontrollably
Haurchefant: My heart is so full!
Haurchefant: And look! the sun is rising--- still foggy though aha
Estinien: It matters not
Estinien smiles
Haurchefant smiles in warm satisfaction before you.
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aurora-daily · 1 year
We Are Walking Portals: Aurora Interviewed by Monica Uszerowicz
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Interview for BOMB Magazine by Monica Uszerowicz (January 6th, 2023).
The music artist on giving live concerts in the world of video games.
When you play Sky: Children of the Light, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) by independent game developers Thatgamecompany, the first and last sound you’ll hear is Aurora. Tapped by Thatgamecompany co-founder Jenova Chen to provide the soundtrack for two of the game’s pivotal moments, the Norwegian singer, writer, and producer becomes an invisible guide, her preternaturally sweet voice navigating players through Sky’s most poignant scenes. Sky is wondrous, an inclusive game that incentivizes touch and communication with a narrative rooted in ancestral memory, communal care, and sacrifice. In addition to its foundational storyline, Sky features themed seasonal adventures, often involving unique collaborations; the last month and a half was the “Season of Aurora.”
On December 8, Sky presented a virtual concert during which a winged avatar of Aurora led an audience of nearly four thousand players on a journey of immersive music videos, call-and-response, and storytelling. We became butterflies, fish, manta rays encircling Aurora in a kind of fey, digital mosh pit. It was unlike anything I’ve witnessed, somewhere between a virtual reality, an online concert, and a cyber-choir—a brief, charged experience of togetherness. It was repeated throughout the day for the next several weeks. Aurora, who often sings and speaks about the importance of caring for each other and the planet in the face of real grief, is an apt choice for a game that emphasizes tenderness as the antidote to loneliness.
— Monica Uszerowicz
Monica UszerowiczYou care deeply for the planet, and you speak often about the magic in this world. You’re also a bit of a gamer. Do you find magic in virtual worlds too?
Absolutely. I’ve always been a huge fan of games. I think it’s so cool to be able to live many lives and go on adventures with people. What I need from video games has changed. I’ve been gaming since I was eleven. When I was a bit younger, I found a lot of online friends and belonging in these worlds. I think I also learned most of my English from gaming. Now, I feel more at peace in my own skin, my own self, and in the world. The real world is as exciting to me as the gaming world; it’s healthy.
The themes of Sky remind me of the themes in your music. I’m curious about how you connected with Sky and came to work with them.
I connect with the soul of Sky: Children of the Light. It’s about connection and feeling at home—like you belong somewhere. I know many of the people who play Sky play it for this reason. The spiritual side of it; death, to me, is a very spiritual thing. It’s inevitable, and it colors the way we live our lives because we know it’s going to end, and that loving comes with loss. It’s just the entire soul of the game. I have a love for the people who play Sky and the creators behind it. They’re a beautiful, beautiful couple [Jenova Chen and his partner]. It’s impossible to not want to be included in what they create when you meet them. The first thing I did for them was a few years ago — the intro for the game and the ending song. I met them on tour, I think. They said hi, talked about their connection to me and how they think I would fit into this game. It was just us meeting. It was meant to be. I love them, and they love me. It’s based on nothing else: They are people, and I am people, and we like each other, and then we want to do something together. It’s very organic, this collaboration.
You’re written into the storyline as one of the ancestor spirits players get to meet. Did you design or write some of the quests that we play—set to your music—during “Season of Aurora”?
I wanted there to be someone to help in each song and chapter. There’s this reminder that you must help each other out, be good to each other, and then help yourself. I talked about what colors I think my songs have, and we chose the songs together, songs we felt had enough darkness and light. I figured out which characters and which small story fit with each song. We talked about it together and sent emails until we were happy. It’s been a very easy collaboration because we agree so much on most everything.
By the time this interview is published, you’ll have given a virtual concert in Sky.
Everyone’s going to be able to have a part in making magic. I think it’s going to be an emotional, beautiful moment for all of us. I’m very excited about it — I love the people. It’s very much about how you experience it and how it makes you feel. It’s a very individual thing, but I hope it’s going to feel like we’re a big family even though we’re all playing it from different corners of the world. I hope there will be a moment of true connection with all of us sitting in our homes and being lonely, but lonely together, which is very cool.
You’ve spoken at length about the title of your latest album, The Gods We Can Touch (2022), and the inspiration of Greek mythology. What happened in the space between your two most recent albums? What were you thinking about and researching in the quiet?
For my first album, I had space from people because I spent a lot of time alone in my house writing those songs. My second album was very full of people. It became more political because there were things I was discovering as a traveling human being, wanting to use my voice, wanting to make good warriors of light of myself and my fans. With this album, I had a break again. The biggest core of this album is playful, childish, but also divine and kind of grand. It talks a lot about religious, God-like images.
The album’s about this issue I have with modern religion, which is very modern because it hasn’t even existed for a smidgen of time. I wonder why we removed God from the earth, from ourselves, from the water, from things we could touch, and put him up in the sky far away and let him, or her, judge us for who we are. The Bible says a lot of things, and it’s up to every person who reads it to use it, hopefully in the best way they can. But when mixed with power, and the potential of having power by the way you interpret a book written by people you don’t know, there’s a lot of risk there. People have found weakness and exploited it. It’s a conundrum for the history of mankind and how we live now: what’s happening in Iran, women’s abortion rights, the way we turn against ourselves and against women again, the way that we go back and forth, in and out of progress as we please. Well, we don’t; but it seems that many of the men who rule the world choose to, and they drag us with them. It’s a complicated life, a complicated world, and this album is me just dealing with all of that, trying to remain free and playful within all the mess of how it is to be a human.
I think as long as we keep our inner child untouched as much as we can, as long as we don’t give anyone space or permission to touch what is inside of our soul, we’ll be okay. You see a lot of progress. You see people raising their voices for good for each other. There’s a lot of beauty that blossoms out of what happens in the world.
I'm glad you mentioned how important it is to maintain our inner children, that sense of self, as truthfully as we can.
The world can do a lot to us. It can hurt us in many ways. But our soul, our mind, is ours entirely, and can never be sold. It gives me strength, at least in moments, to think about what I do carry in me. We even carry the possibility of life within us, not because we should do it or have to do it, but just because we are a magical bridge between life and not existing, between new life and the world. We are walking portals. It doesn’t surprise me that the world is scared of that. It’s incredibly magical.
I do have hope for the planet, for the world, as long as we don’t get too overstimulated by the internet. As long as we remember that we do exist here together and that our ability to care goes beyond just the people we know. We are all here together. It’s a very Western-world idea to only care about your own cloud. The world is hard to understand, but luckily I can make albums and try to understand it a bit better for myself.
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azure-steel · 4 months
So I watched AC again for like the billionth time a couple of days ago, and after an in-depth conversation with @ghostofnibelheim/ @roleplay-abiogenesis2 about it I've been thinking about it a whole lot since.
Like, I know the remnants are supposed to represent the difference facets to Sephiroth's personality;
Kadaj: Ruthless, cunning and vindictive. Incredibly intelligent making him the brains of the outfit.
Yazoo: quiet yet charming. Very attractive, Cool calm and eerily collected.
Loz: strong, tunnel visioned, immature, overly emotional and sensitive due to immaturity.
At least without looking it up that's what I get from their characters. They are all very extreme representations of everything that makes Sephiroth, well... Sephiroth.
But then there's Cloud whom they refer to as their "Big Brother" and "Black Sheep" even though his relationship with Jenova and Sephiroth as a whole is vastly different. Not a remnant as such, but a clone and the first and only largely successful one at that considering that it's stated in lore that Sephiroth's DNA cannot be replicated. But like, Cloud isn't a true clone as such, he's just been brutally tampered with to hold parts of Sephiroth/Jenova inside him which is where Sephiroth's obsession with him comes from.
Reunion is the mass joining of all of Jenova's parts to make the whole and Jen!Sephiroth needs the missing pieces Cloud harbours to make that whole. I mean I'm telling you what we already know, I'm just attempting to make it all make sense again in this rambling theory we have here.
Because the Remnants lack the ability to pinpoint where they need to look for Jenova's head in the movie. They know that's their goal, and they have the knowledge to know where to look for clues, but no direct attraction to the calamity's exact location where as Sephiroth did have this instinct about him, as does Cloud to a lesser degree. He knew what to do, and where to go, Jenova's goal etc. The remnants don't and rely on other sources to tell them their next step.
But it isn't until Kadaj gets a hold of Jenova's remaining cadaver that he's able to summon Sephiroth but... Is that really him? Or is this Jenova shape shifting again and showing Cloud what he fears and hates the most? (A bit like Stephen King's IT where the creature feeds on fear and and morphs into the things that you fear the most) or is Sephiroth and Jenova so interlinked now that there's no discernable difference anymore?
Because I always struggled with this part of the story. Crisis Core showed us that Sephiroth was actually a good man, with good morals. He didn't agree with his orders and actions but felt he had no control over them. Orders were orders and he'd been so heavily indoctrinated by ShinRa from a very young age to just do as he's told when he's told to do it.
It wasn't until Genesis literally sprouted a wing and flew away that he grasped the notion that being a free man was even a possibility and planted that seed. But even then, he just talked about "quitting" and getting away rather than destroying everything. He showed little to no signs of mental instability, only that he was desperately lonely and extremely unhappy in his situation.
Nibelheim happened so very suddenly. One minute he's of sound mind and the next he's utterly insane. The descent into that insanity was so incredibly short (where no one tried to help or even attempt to relate to his better nature of which he DID have one. You did Sephiroth so fucking dirty here, Squeenix...) that I feel we're lead to believe that he just gave up after finding out the truth which gave Jenova that chance, in Sephiroth's moment of weakness, to take over. I'm sorry, but ain't NO WAY this man, so calculated in his assumptions despite how sheltered he is would suddenly just be like I'M CETRA NOW LETS KILL EVERYTHING. It makes absolutely no sense.
But again, come AC we're again being forced fed the notion that Sephiroth is the one in control, that he's so intune with Jenova that he can continue to respawn and cause devestation because the planet can't digest him when he enters the lifestream...
... Apart from the fact that it actually CAN!
See, after the fight in AC, when Kadaj returns and is dying in Clouds arms, Aerith calls to him, and he is accepted into the flow of the lifestream, which tells me that the parts which make up the remnants are actually human, not alien. These extreme facets of Sephiroth are what made him HUMAN and NOT Jenova. That the two are so closely knitted together that the lifetream cannot split them apart on its own hense why Sephiroth is constantly being rejected by the lifestream, not just because he has a strong will to survive and exact Jenova's bidding, but also because his make up is so very complex, thus giving him this pseudo immortality as it were.
I mean, Angeal never came back, maybe that was a simple case of just not wanting to? I don't know at this point.
But my point is that I believe the remnants do not have Sephiroth's reunion instinct because their make up is wholly human, because Sephiroth was actually conceived naturally and birthed to a human mother despite being tampered with in the womb. But he was still a person before the hatred and the crazy and the remnants show us that.
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project-xiii · 9 months
Holy Beans, Did I Never Actually Introduce Myself?
Hey! I am ProjectXIII, though I go by many names. You may call my any variation of XIII/13/Thirteen or Jenova, though I'll normally just label myself with a cute lil stag 𐂂! I'm 21 years old, and primarily use they/them pronouns...though to be honest, I don't much care WHAT you call me by. Just be respectful.
I've been a writer since I was a kid, but you'll notice I'm real sporadic on here. That's because I think best on paper, and I very rarely have the energy to actually make my stuff digital. So if you really wanna see stuff from me, you're going to have to ask, because my pet projects are likely rotting in a box in my room.
I love...so many different types of whump. Here's some of my all-time faves, though:
Muzzle Whump
Pet Whump (sometimes BBU)
Living Weapon Whump
NonHuman Whump
Lab Whump
Military Whump
If I'm posting a drabble, it'll probably be one of those...but I tend to write based on my whimsy. So it may not be on that list, and that a-okay. Any of my pieces not part of a larger story will be tagged as RAMbles. Whump-based, chittery things will be tagged as STFU XIII. Probably. I may post full tales on here, but you're more likely to find them on my AO3, ProjectXIII.
Other than writing, I also draw (if you haven't yet noticed), choreograph (you'll never see that), fursuit (you won't see that on Tumblr either), and am learning 3d modelling and animation. You may get to see that last one.
And I roleplay! I'm a semi-lit to novella RPer, and if you wanna get something together with me, I recommend reaching out via discord (flamingpsycho) or RPRepository (FlamingPsycho).
When I'm not partaking in 'indoor' hobbies, you can probably catch me hiking or kayaking. I love the outdoors, and being amongst the trees gives me my greatest bouts of inspiration. So if I'm not talking to you...I probably got lost in the woods again.
Anyways, I CANNOT believe that after all this time, I'd never shared who I was. So uh, yeah, that's me. Feel free to send me asks, prompts, questions...whatever. I like to talk, I love to write, I love to share what I make, I'm just very emotionally dead, plus this account is so quiet that it doesn't give me the serotonin boost. Anyways, catch y'all on the flip side!
Main Account (shhh) - @peace-love-pierogis
Personal Account - @flaming-psycho
Art Account - @thepinkostrichfoundation
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jencva · 3 months
[ We're. Not. Done. ]
I didn't disappear into the nether because of some emergency, while the situation with my self care took time. I wasn't done, nor will I be done with Jenova. Many times I've felt the need to simply put her behind me, this blog, this hobby of roleplay here. But I'm so far in now, I can't stop, and I won't. Rebirth, as expected, has inspired, moreover, empowered me to return in hopes I've re-grasped the character's portrayal, as she's never left the back of my skull. Not once. I was reminded, almost instantly, how important coming back to old hobbies is, to unwind from the every day. I so desperately missed this overwhelming nostalgia, and would like to begin again. Come back and write, make icons, be creative. So no. I'm not done. There's still so much drive in me, and thanks to Rebirth; now more than ever. SO LETS GO!
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ofgeneticperfection · 11 months
Name/Alias: Kirsti. (like in Hellraiser) But a lot of online friends have just been calling me Izzy for years.
Age group: 30′s
Pronouns: She/Her
Favorite color: Pink! Fav color scheme - Pink and Black
Favorite food: Sushi and Sashimi!!!
Tattoos/piercings?: 5 Tattoos. (Blue Butterfly (Thigh) Rose Tribal Thing xD(Back) Bloodborne Hunters Mark (back of neck) Amor Vincit Omnia (upper arm) Huge black vine w/ thorns (on my side and yes ribs KILL)  2 piercings. (Ears and naval))
Current song stuck in your head?: It was Gravitational Man by Ashbury Heights not too long ago
Pets?: None at the moment but love kitties
Favorite book?: I can’t pick one but I love the Sweet and Terrible beauty series and Shadow and Bone Series.
Do you have a 'prized possession'?: Umm...my FFVII Tarot Card Deck and OG Discs probably xD
Dream job: Singer but do I want to spend my life travelling all over and all the stuff that comes w/ it? Not really. Just love music and love to sing.
Tea or coffee?: Both 
Hobbies: Photography, Modeling, Video Games, Singing, Roleplaying xD
How long have you been role-playing? Since I was 12
Who is your most active muse: Isrieal. Been Izzy from the start.
Significance behind your url?: To Hojo Isrieal is genetic perfection, a jenova human hybrid to recreate her for himself. She is a perfect experiment and its also a line in a song from one of my favorite movies. Repo the Genetic Opera. “And what if you could have genetic perfection? Would you change who you are if you could?”
Stole From: @poeticphoenix
Tagging: YOU.
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Questions 7 and 8 for the ask the mundane meme. I'm mobile and can't copy/paste, sorry!!
Multimuse Asks || Currently Accepting!
which one of your muses has the most ships?
I am going to assume you're asking about ships I have partook in. I do not really involve myself in the fandoms I roleplay (like forums, twitter, reading fanfictions or watching videos), so I wouldn't know what people outside of my own sphere of involvement ship. Anyways with this premise...
I believe Sephiroth is the one I have written the most ships with. Which is not a lot, if you can believe it? Most of my RP partners haven't gotten to ship with me because of how slow I am in my approach to chemistry building.
With Sephiroth I have at least two ships established, which is my highest record for a single muse so far. I know, not a lot. Told you I'm Mr. Slow Burn!
what is each of your muses otps? notps?
Akihara Ren: no OTP or NOTP decided
Auron: NOTP with anybody, leave him be
Hakkai: OTP with Gojyo, NOTP with Goku, sorry, but he will cook him treats!
Cyno: Too soon for me to decide on OTP, but I am very weak on pairing him with Aether, Candace, Nilou and possibly Tighnari. Too early to decide on NOTPs.
Fushimi Niki: OTP with Kisa, as OTP as that means- NOTP with Saru and that should be a GIVEN.
Fushimi Saruhiko: SaruMi OTP forever and always, NOTP with Suoh. It gives me the heebie jeebies, please don't.
Sanzo: No OTP, but no NOTP either, really?
GLaDOS: OTP with science, NOTP with cake.
Hazel Grouse: OTP with teasing Sanzo while completely unrequited because those scenes are the best; NOTP with Sanzo because then I wouldn't get any more disgusted Sanzo reactions and where is the fun in that?
Kenshin Himura: no OTP or NOTP decided
Hisui Nagare: no OTP and definitely NOTP with Iwa he is his SON
Hope Estheim: he's a child so I don't really think about ships with him
ZEN: JuZen OTP!! Juzen OTP!! NOTP with Yoosung- and tbh... Jaehee. I'm sorry.
Iwa: Strangely OTP with Fushimi Niki, it's a personal verse in my brain and probably will never see the light of day again. NOTP with Nagare
Jet Enduro: OTP with Virginia Maxwell, who I will never find to RP with and that makes me honestly sad. NOTP with Gallows.
V: OTP with Jumin, yes, I said it. NOTP with Saeran or Saeyoung, he loves them as surrogate kids or little brothers. Also NOTP with Yoosung for the same reason.
Jumin: JUZEN OTP!! NOTP with Jaehee because that is just wrong, and NOTP with Yoosung. What do I have against poor Yoosung?
Kjat: Nothing established.
Syaoran: OTP with Sakura, obviously enough. No real NOTPs so long as age limits apply.
Yukari: no OTP or NOTP decided
Munakata: no OTP decided but DEFINITELY NOTP with Saruhiko... please don't make me do that. I will cry.
Neji: no OTP or NOTP decided, he's a child
Ran: no OTP or NOTP decided, he's a child
Red XIII: OTP with Deneh, NOTP with anyone not his species, you weirdos.
Roy Mustang: I will gloss over this guy for my own safety-
Sephiroth: Sefikura OTP as fanon as it is. NOTP with Hojo, Hollander, President ShinRa, Palmer..., NOTP with Vincent. NOTP with Jenova.
Sesshomaru: No OTPs. Definitively NOTP with Inuyasha or Rin. And I will deal with the consequences of this stance.
Squall Leonhart: No OTPs or NOTPs decided.
Totsuka: OTT with the Homra Founders, of course! No real NOTP decided.
Warrior of LightL No OTP or NOTPs decided.
That was almost painfully shameful to go through. I swear I am not anti-shipping! I just... don't really think about ships much until I am thrown into one through roleplay?
Ace problems I guess.
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childofturks · 2 years
In case you haven't seen it earlier, I've created this fan page for anyone wanting to roleplay with Jenova, or to just see not only FFVII related stuffs too. And thank you in advance for those who liked and shared the page ! <3
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picie · 2 years
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                                  𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍!!             Below are going to be my 𝙍𝙐𝙇𝙀𝙎, my 𝘼𝘽𝙊𝙐𝙏 𝙈𝙀 & 𝙒𝙊𝙍𝙆 𝙎𝘾𝙃𝙀𝘿𝙐𝙇𝙀,                   my 𝙊𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙍 𝘽𝙇𝙊𝙂𝙎, and 𝘿𝙄𝙎𝘾𝙊𝙍𝘿. Please read below the cut !! Thank you !
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   Firstly, HELLO !! My name is 𝙋𝙃𝙊𝙀𝙉𝙄𝙓™ ( You may also call me Beck ). I’m non-binary ( she/ her OR they/them ) && and I’m 27 years old. I’ve been roleplaying on Tumblr since 2009/2010. Obviously, I’ve been here... a while. If I am not here on this blog, here are the other blogs I own: 𝐙𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐀 𝐒𝐇𝐈 𝐙𝐈𝐀𝐁 - ( Original Character - Mid activity ) A titan prince who was cursed at birth, suffering from memory loss. His responsibility as a prince was to marry another titan, Ramlah, to keep the peace between royal unions, but has forgotten of her and their betrothal. Ramlah, in her anger, acted out such frustration, taking a large potted plant and smashing it over his head.  Do to this, he was under a coma. When he awoke, the damage had severed his nerves in his ears, causing him to go deaf... [ ALSO YOU CAN VISIT ZAEL’S WORLD WEBSITE HERE ] 𝙅.𝙀.𝙉.𝙊.𝙑.𝘼 - ( Canon Divergent: OF FFVII - Low Activity ) Mysterious, vengeful, all knowing. A goddess, if not more. A being who sits between life and death, if not both personified. A reaper without a cloak. She is but a deity of purity, and darkness all at once. A thing, whom ShinRa obsessed over. A woman he calls Mother. The universe unfolds before her, and she pulls the strings beyond the written story. Who is she, exactly? If not just an existing thing?                        Heaven’s Dark Harbinger.                                            The Calamity; JENOVA.
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I work at a warehouse via at GAP. INC. I have promised 35/40 hour weeks. My schedule is as follows: Sunday / Tuesday 5:30am - 3:30pm Wednesday / Saturday are my days off. 
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This is a roleplay account for a fandomless original character, PIXIE MONCLAIRE and this will also be a place to put my game screenshots as well. I ask that other personal gamer blogs/personals in general do not reblog my promos, THANK YOU ! THINGS TO CONSIDER: This blog may contain some NSFW content, which will be tagged for the safe dash. These also may include things in roleplay threads: Blood/Bleeding Violence/Fighting Death/Slaying/Killing all things will be tagged as nsfw along with the trigger via tags! FOLLOWING: I am not one of those people who expect others to follow me back if I follow them. I follow certain blogs because of the simple fact that I like their content. I’m not expecting a follow back from anyone. I won’t at all be offended if I don’t. I’m not here for a follow count… LEAVE YOUR TOXIC WASTE IN IT’S BIN: If you don’t like me, or like someone else in the fandom, or like someone in another fandom. DON’T FOLLOW ME. DON’T FOLLOW THEM. I don’t want to see anymore negative shit posts (he said/she said) splash across my dashboard. If anyone has a problem with someone; anyone take it to IM, take it to Skype, take it to Discord. Or simply just click that unfollow button. KEEP THE TOXIC WASTE OFF THE DASH! NSFW CONTENT/ THREADS: THIS IS. A GREY AREA. I am planning an older version of this muse. BUT LET ME BE CLEAR: At the end of the day, Pixie is A MINOR && ( 9 YOA ) && WANT TO STRESS THAT I DO NOT/ WILL NOT ACCEPT nsfw threads/ ships. However, if you would like to plot a ship with her older version, PLEASE PLEASE send me a DM or hit me up on Discord so that we can discuss it.  ACCEPTANCE | LIKES: Roleplay fandoms willing to follow: ღ Final Fantasy Characters (Game Series) ღ Disney Characters (Disney PIXAR) ღ Dreamworks Characters (Movies/Series) ღ Horizon, Zero Dawn Characters (Video Game) ღ Dragon Age | DAI Characters (Game Series) ღ The Witcher Characters (Game Series) ღ Open to OC Characters ღ starters I am willing to write out / give a shoutout starter posts for those whom are wanting one. Starters are always welcome from others as well. Shoutout posts, tagged, ect... ღ plotting The best kind of roleplay is a plotted one. Don’t be afraid to ask me to plot, nor will I be shy about wanting to plot with others! ღ pre relations Allowing pre-established relations between certain muses. ღ shipping Selective Shipping, I believe there has to be a sort of chemistry between the two before deciding to make them a couple, but I’m also open about odd ships/pairings as well. DISADVANTAGE | DISLIKES: ღ godmodding I control my character’s actions, I control my character’s plot-line, relations, ect. DO NOT take the reigns and control my character for me. It’s rude. I, in turn, will abide by this rule. ღ forced Forced shipping is not tolerated, forced plotting is not tolerated, forced M!A are not tolerated. ღ magic anons Not Accepting ღ anon hate Not tolerated, will be deleted and swept under the rug. Posted hate isn’t worth anyone’s time and a waste of space on the dash. ღ icons Do not steal any icons from me unless you have permission to use them. All of the icons I use are made by me, and there will be consequences if I see them being used without my permission.
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If you have any questions or want to plot with me, or even have a chat, you can add me on Discord: 𝙋𝙃𝙊𝙀𝙉𝙄𝙓 𝙌𝙐𝙀𝙀𝙉™#3229 That’s it! Thank you for taking the time to read this! Remember to drink your water, wear your seatbelt, && have fun roleplaying!  Sincerely,         𝙋𝙃𝙊𝙀𝙉𝙄𝙓™
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ghostofnibelheim · 1 year
If Jenova had another "child" (But Sephiroth is still her chosen), say younger than Sephiroth, would he be an aloof big bro or a loving one?
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//Funny that you mention that! Because I am testing this out in a variety of ways.
Obviously, if I stick to the nitty gritty canon, any "child of Jenova" would be a child of Sephiroth himself. Such were the Advent Children, for example. While crying for Mother, Kadaj and his siblings did not quite realize that the entity which had birthed them was Jenova but also Sephiroth.
This ignorance is further displayed in Dissidia Opera Omnia, where Kadaj openly refers to Sephiroth as a "detestable brother", much to Sephiroth's amusement.
I have a Kadaj partner in fact with whom I am exploring this bond. We are just started, but I am curious to see where it goes. I'd rather not speculate forward since I do not want to spoil it for myself.
At the same time, I also have a verse where Sephiroth had a biological sibling in fact! An etheropaternal twin, to be exact. And while I haven't gotten down to actually writing about it yet, I am eager and excited to work towards it. It's all there in the Four Seasons verse page.
Overall the answer is difficult to choose since this all pure fanon and greatly depends on the context in which Sephiroth and any "sibling" would come to be, as well as the sibling's personality. It's all up to the roleplay!
Dr. Saru\\
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prestonwardffxiv · 5 years
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Okay so it’s 6 in the morning and I haven’t slept, but I was looking through some screenshots and found this little gem and it melted my heart so, here you go.
If I have to melt, you all do too.
This was taken directly following the scene where Orianna and Preston finally confessed their feeling for one another and became a couple.
...Just like everyone said they would.
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celestialhighwind · 2 years
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flashingknives · 2 years
M’reyah LFRP Bio
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Half Keeper, Half Seeker. Hailing from the Peering Stones in Gyr Abania. A focused assassin who you wouldn’t want to cross paths with even on a good day.
you can find her carrd here (coming soon) and more information below the cut!
Basics –––
Name: M’reyah Velshi (meh-REY-ah vel-SHI)
Aliases: Reyah, Umbra
Age: 24/25
Race: Miqo’te, half Keeeper/half Seeker
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Marital Status: Single, never married
Appearance –––
Hair: Reddish brown
Eyes: Deep blue
Height: 5′5″ | 165 cm
Build: Lean and toned
Distinguishing Marks: Facial scars, one vertically on her right eye and a slash across her left cheek. She has many more scars hidden beneath clothing due to her line of work. The freckles dotted across her cheeks are white, the same color as the miqo’te markings she was born with.
Common Accessories: A glowing gem earring she always wears on her left ear. It is imbued with a weak healing spell, mainly just for show, but it will close small wounds if needed.
Personal –––
Profession: [REDACTED] an assassin for hire
Hobbies: collecting gems, learning magic, making friends with all the cats and dogs she comes across
Languages: Common Eorzean, Huntspeak, Thavnairian
Residence: nowhere in particular (from Gyr Abania)
Religion: none
Patron Deity: Althyk (but only if someone was asking and insistent about it)
Fears: Claustrophobia, extremely loud noises, large wounds
Canon Job: Dancer/Ninja/Gunbreaker/Red Mage mix
Relationships –––
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: M’kivoh Tia (seeker father), Nihsa Velshi (keeper) 
Siblings: M’khafu Tia, M’rezha Tia, M’kiree (sister)
Other: None worth mentioning 
Pets: Chocobo named Firelily
Traits –––
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal (to friends)
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful (religion)
Additional information –––
Smoking Habit: None
Drugs: Yes, occasionally
Alcohol: Yes, moreso than drugs, but not excessive (most of the time)
Personality –––
Positive: curious, charming (when she wants to be), dependable
Negative: abrasive, selfish, overly focused on work, bossy, no strong moral code
Neutral: independent, private
RP Hooks –––
Assassin: Are you looking to hire someone to take out competition? Or does someone not like you enough that they ordered a hit? Reyah takes any jobs that she can get and she rarely asks questions. Only seeing her target before she strikes. But she can be bribed and talked out of it if her target is resourceful enough.
Caught Red Handed: She's good at not being caught. But sometimes the miqo'te slips up. Especially if it's on the longer side of a job. Your muse could find and confront her about what's going on.
The Border: Hailing from Gyr Abania, Reyah knows the region well even if she has been away for some time. She’s snuck around the city of Ala Mhigo, slipped past the border wall between the Fringes and the Shroud while Garlean occupied. She knows hiding places and shortcuts. She would be wary of anyone else who grew up in the area, but would talk to them nonetheless.
Traveler: She’s a serial traveler. She gravitates toward warmer climates (spending quite a lot of time in Thavnair recently), but she does enjoy the cold from time to time. The warm furs and warmer food makes her happy.
I have several more ideas for her but words are difficult at the moment! More may be added, but I’m always up for plotting, which tends to lead to even more fun and interesting ideas!
Appearance (part 2) –––
While relatively tall for a miqo’te, standing at 5 fulms 5 ilms, M’reyah can seem very small at times. Especially if there’s no other reference points. Blending in with a crowd is what she does best. Unremarkable, long reddish brown hair is usually tied back into a low ponytail or braid. Her blue gaze is piercing, unsettling to nearly everyone who you would ask.
Her skin has cool and purple undertones thanks to her more prominent Keeper heritage. Though being half Seeker, her pupils aren’t quite as round as other Keepers. Angular at the top and bottom while still having a more Keeper appearance. Reyah has scars all over. Old ones across her face, newer scattered over her torso. 
M’reyah wears functional clothing. Whatever she wears is to blend in, to be unremarkable. Bright colors and loose flowing garments when she’s in Thavnair. Dark furs and leathers when visiting Ishgard. She doesn’t have a style of her own because all she’s known is to not stand out.
Other Info –––
Reyah grew up with her fathers side of the family and has never met her mother. Living at the Peering Stones with a high look out into the Fringes, and toward the wall separating her and the Shroud, she yearned for more. Exhibiting more Keeper traits, she never felt at home with the other Seekers and left at a fairly young age to find her purpose in life. 
The wild goose chase of chasing dreams lead her to becoming an assassin. She was always good at keeping to the shadows and not being seen unless she wanted to be. Reyah works with shady customers and businesses, and her morals aren’t all that straight. She works for money, and that’s all she cares for. If she gets a job that will pay rent and let her afford food, she’ll take it no questions asked. It puts her in quite a few bad situations because she doesn’t ask, but Reyah’s managed to weasel her way out of every seedy situation so far... even if they’ve left lasting scars.
M’reyah’s name is a mash of the two different Miqo’te cultural naming conventions. Her mother named her Reyah, and since she lives with her fathers family, she adopted the M prefix. Her last name is Velshi, her mothers name, to keep in tradition with Keeper culture. The “strange” name that she has only furthered how different she felt living with the Seekers of the M tribe. Even if the Nunh preached that everyone was equal, including her.
OOC Info! –––
I prefer to rp on discord but I’m down to mess around in game too! Reyah is on Jenova/Aether! 
I work most days of the week but I have evenings off so that would be around the time I would reply to the main rp, but I have time usually to just chat and talk almost all the time! I love hearing and talking about characters and plotting future events! Or just rambling about in game things!
I operate off EST so GMT -5 most of the time!
Being 21+, I would very much prefer if any partners were also 21+! 
Communication is key for any rp! I’m down for dark themes, angst, possible nsfw down the line (but only if characters click and it feels right and if it’s been talked about).
thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading about yet another miqo’te. send me a message if you’d like to rp with her! I’d love to read about your oc’s!
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wildfire-jenova · 4 years
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<Quite the mama’s boy, aren’t you Sephiroth?>
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jencva · 1 year
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▶ Hello! My name is Phoenix™. I'm 28 YOA returning with the one and only JENOVA of FFVII. Below are my rules, which can also be read on my blog. Take the time to read them, but no pressure. ▶ A WARNING FOR TRIGGERS: [NSFW] related content - this blog will contain mature content. in threads/ plots / aesthetics / ect. categories apply: ▶ blood ▶ violence ▶ t1 roleplay (sparring/fighting level) ▶ sex / nudity ▶ experimentation / body dysmorphia ▶ needles ▶ horror All things will be tagged accordingly for the safe dash and non-fans. ▶ THIS BLOG IS SEMI PRIVATE | SELECTIVE:  I will not follow everyone back. please do not take offense to this, of thing that i am disinterested in your blog/multi I believe everyone is a wonderful writer and everyone portrays their character differently with a different passion. That being said, I am just one person doing what I love to do most but also have lots of things to do, such is life. Of course I can't get to everyone, but I am grateful your following and interest in my character. ▶ FOLLOWING: I am not one of those people who expect a follow back even if I follow them/ follow you. i do read through the dash and other's threads for the story, the moments. It is the simple fact that I may like their content. so if I follow you, or take interest but it is not the same way, I will not take offense. I am not here for the follow count. ▶ NSFW PLOTTING: Mutuals' only. Person has to be of age. Chemistry is a must. I am not here to be a shipping dump, as it can be hard/ difficult to do so with Jenova. If you are interested in a ship, I would rather it be plotted out in DM's. Thanks. ▶ LIKES | ACCEPTING: ◭ final fantasy characters ◭ mcu characters (movie series) ◭ star wars characters(movie series) ◭ league of legend characters ( arcane included ) ◭ starters - i am willing to write out / give shoutout starter posts for those who are wanting one. starters are always welcome from others as well. shoutout posts, tagged, ect.
◭ plagiarism - Plagiarism; is the representation of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's own original work. plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty and a breach of journalistic ethics. This is explanatory. Don't steal my stuff and make it your own/edit it. it's illegal. it's rude. it's scummy. don't do it.
◭ godmodding - I control my character’s actions, i control my character’s plot-line, relations, ect. do not take the reins and control my character for me. It’s rude. ◭ forced - Forced shipping is not tolerated, forced plotting is not tolerated, forced m!a are not tolerated. ◭ anon hate - Not tolerated. ◭ icons - Do not steal any icons from me. All of the icons are made by me, and there will be consequences if I see them being used without consent.
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▶ If you have any questions, or would like to write/ plot outside of Tumblr. My discord is: 🌟𝙑𝙀𝙓𝘼 𝙋𝙃𝙊𝙀𝙉𝙄𝙓™#3229. Please don't hesitate to say hello & post your url so I know who you are!
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▶ My work schedule varies but I have every Monday & Wednesday off. Those days I will try my best to be here, but around 6pm MST I do 3 hour streams on twitch for fun.
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ofgeneticperfection · 3 years
Welcome to my Roleplay Blog! One OC that I’ve written for 15+ years with multi verse access. Multi para - Novella writing style.
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Final Fantasy 7 OC Isrieal- Project X:
A Jenova hybrid experiment called Project X and later assistant director for Professor Hojo. Not many know what she truly is but she masquerades as his assistant and helps run the nefarious science department. She can be a powerful ally or a manipulative enemy depending what side of hers you get on. She has a ton more detail on her character so feel free to ask me anything you need and I am willing to work with any ideas of your own, she is very versatile. Click the links below to read more about her.
Quick Glance Bio  Isrieal’s CARRD Interest Checker
Rules can be found HERE. Please read them. Search ‘Ask Meme’ or ‘Meme’ on my profile for any memes or starters  I may have posted to send in!
Thank you!
Current Plot Wishlist: Professor Hojo Vincent Valentine Aerith
Navigational Tags: Image References for Isrieal - #Project X #Comission #Aesthetic Headcannons - #HC #Headcannon Quotes/Songs - #Relevant Lyrics #Soundtrack #Quote Memes to Send- #memes
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