#jeckol 25
theroute-20 · 1 year
well, here is part of the team of drivers, there are 8 members and they operate in their town, their team is called "las águilas de Iztaccihuatl" they have been operating for 15 years and they are the best friends they support in any difficult moment
bueno aqui parte del quipo de choferes,son 8 integrantes y operan en su pueblo ,su equipo se llama las "las águilas de Iztaccihuatl"llevan 15 años operando y son los mejores amigo se apoyan en cualquier momento difícil
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-jeckol unit °25
-pedro alias "la lola" unit ° 16
-Francisco alias "pancho-panchito" unit ° 17
-isaac....dubious information
-Eduardo alias "lalo, edu, edi, the sausage, the lunch box, the lombella, the locomotive" unit ° 21
-cärm3/0 alias "ghost" unit °7
-pedro aka "Aguilar" unit 8
-ivan aka "marucha hair" unit 1
-jeckol unidad °25
-pedro alias "la lola" unidad °16
-francisco alias "pancho-panchito" unidad °17
-isaac....dudosa información
-eduardo alias "lalo,edu,edi,la longaniza,la lonchera,la lombella,la locomotora" unidad °21
-cärm3/0 alias "ghost" unidad °7
-pedro alias "Aguilar" unidad 8
-ivan alias "cabello de marucha" unidad 1
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