#jean gabilou
eurovisionart · 1 year
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🇫🇷 Jean Gabilou - Humanahum
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444names · 2 years
american and french forenames + theological angels
Abenjay Adrone Alaudellet Aldice Aliel Alinde Alinicel Alline Alupe Alvions Aléricie Amattielis Ammark Amélik Anadries Andrede Andrie Andréli Anely Aneth Annemmael Antophsie Anuency Ançoinanda Aphari Arairane Arganne Arlia Aronjam Artalley Artris Arunitchen Aryssie Audine Aurégille Becton Benanmax Bennie Berrissie Berthuredi Berus Besie Beste Bettellenn Blathie Blelley Bobbyn Bonad Brais Bravey Bricen Caley Calianne Calte Carce Carle Carlee Caronelme Cesti Cheigindy Cheil Cheloy Cherette Chernoll Cherry Chiene Chrie Claig Clathené Clawn Clémine Colanda Corievion Couge Criena Céanue Cécinett Cédrene Céliambeu Daldie Dalfrance Danchel Danna Danne Darargia Darie Davent Davieriam Davièverie Deanda Debona Debord Dennia Denton Derrine Deste Dethiel Dindalixim Dithlex Dolaulie Dolen Domarley Domeg Domerloric Dored Dorenny Doriely Dormworiel Douille Doure Eannoé Edway Eidark Elienny Ellaured Ellie Elydiel Emuel Ennicky Ennine Enorenny Ergine Erren Essabine Eugley Eulael Everick Eviolyd Fabil Fabruby Failydia Florace Florme Flosane Flosey Floyce Frane Fremha Freta Fretty Gabil Gaytona Geloseris Gence Gendo Genna Gerle Gertard Ghamiren Gilto Giniel Gisthalis Gladiahmax Glauline Gleorret Glole Gorek Gorik Grafile Gredna Grielley Guelice Hardo Haroyane Hawre Hectorel Helianne Helicarie Hemmarda Hemmy Herney Herry Hershel Holdiesana Howaric Huanad Huelle Huria Inger Innice Iremmalval Irgine Istan Jacelen Jacorene Jamarut Jancel Jandracka Janman Jaylle Jeand Jeandard Jeande Jeandy Jeane Jeanie Jeann Jeanna Jeany Jeatie Jeatralet Jefferut Jenton Jequett Jeramélie Jessannie Jesta Jestonio Jimarlorie Jimine Jimonine Joandane Joanielmar Joanpie Jochryl Jodebobbyn Jodie Johnnience Jonalvid Josel Joselle Joëll Judine Julane Julant Juliamon Junickyl Karce Karisons Karlaneve Karose Kathel Katranyane Katte Kayton Kenry Kentin Kerrinice Kertine Kimmari Kricha Kricia Kricto Kryste Kuredus Kuren Lainah Lathle Laumel Lauredone Laurianna Lavervel Leloy Lenne Letta Lette Lichecil Lislindran Lisranie Livie Loliel Loravicia Loristi Lothance Louistemha Lucarl Lucasie Luceck Luchawnah Luchery Luciel Lucild Lucipaurth Lulise Lynel Maachane Mabiel Madrie Maelin Magne Malla Manes Manichenez Manny Mantorey Marank Marann Marbah Mared Marne Marob Marocey Maroy Martrotte Marudea Marvérène Mathawn Mathériste Matran Matrie Maudel Maurie Meddin Meriahame Merna Merrah Mertindy Micase Milissam Mille Milline Mindel Mirgaël Mithelian Munklistia Murie Nadregh Nakirany Narick Natrin Neane Nessa Nickylew Nielma Nindren Nièlexany Noline Nuelin Océath Olaul Pahrista Patacecki Pathiel Pathélia Pathérose Patsyle Pauran Paurenne Pauret Peabris Peannia Pedia Pence Pentoniel Phencise Phild Phqibathel Power Powes Poyce Prine Purafabel Purtinne Rachan Ranicie Ranie Rançois Raphilda Raqqie Raymohn Razracques Reence Renci Richan Riellenne Rinès Robbyne Rogernah Roodne Rossim Rubine Régina Rélifre Saberney Sabla Salle Samel Samine Sankatriel Sarcecia Scherri Scola Sedne Semmine Sernie Shale Sharcey Sharra Shergine Shlose Shmaris Shmel Sicarin Sidge Simadriel Sonicky Sonna Sonny Sopherut Stietty Stifforis Stinetando Stithean Stois Styrt Sustephsie Sylexandy Thane Thard Thenn Therma Thiethadia Thiter Thuadralle Tomillew Tonney Topauré Tophary Urietty Uzaphertie Vadrace Valberna Valet Valivie Valle Valphaël Verange Verre Vichrilde Vidne Vielia Virgile Vièvehol Warannette Warlavin Waymon Wight Wisann Yolis Zaphard Élari Éliffersha Élinda Érèse
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betweenthetimeandsound · 3 years
Three Minutes to Eternity: My ESC 250 (#100-99)
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#100: Jean Gabilou -- Humanahum (France 1981)
“Les femmes de naguère en étaient fières L’amour était fruit de la terre”
“The women not long ago were proud [and] love was the fruit of the earth”
We begin my top 100 of all-time with a church organ! However, this isn't the only first in Humanahum; Jean Gabilou was the first French participant of color (a whole nine years before France would have its multicultural phase in the 1990s); he was born in Tahiti, in French Polynesia.
Despite this, Humanahum is 100% French, as the composers of the 1977 winning entry wrote this piece and this won out in a national final featuring 1969 co-winner Frida Boccara, who sung a patriotic song for France.
I fell in love with this when I watched the 1981 contest for the first time. The orchestration was top-notch (especially with the harp flourishes), the build worked great, and the lyrics tell a great story. Basically, it follows a three-act structure, in that we're introduced to a man in the year 3000 where not much has changed but they lived underwater who tells a bunch of children about a planet far far away. There, they used to live happily until they killed everything because of war. If you know what they're talking about, I could say it’s one of the cleverest peace songs at Eurovision.
Of course, Jean sings this with gusto, with his backing vocalists accompanying him well. This is especially impressive considering his wife died during rehearsals back in Tahiti, and he still went with the song. He finished with a good result, but TF1 wasn't impressed with who won, and they withdrew in 1982, calling the contest a "monument to drivel".
Despite it all (including that it's the reason why I make as second ballot every ESC250), it’s not my favorite of 1981 (no matter how much I want to, haha). Had it did, I fear it would set the contest back a few years. Hence...
Personal ranking: 2nd/20 Actual ranking: 3rd/20 in Dublin
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#99: Lena Valaitis -- Johnny Blue (Germany 1981)
“Auf der alten Gitarre Die ihm jemand schenkte, Da spielte er, sie war sein Freund,”
“On the old guitar, That somebody gave him He played, it was his friend"
...this folk song takes the cake for me!
Its' really touching and sincere, and it's actually quite relatable. Curiously, I connect this lyric back with Origo (#154), as both our heroes start out as outcasts in society (though Johnny Blue focuses more on school, in this context).
Like with the church organ in Humanahum, the harmonica adds its own touches to this folk song, grounding it in the world in which Johnny Blue grows up. Here, it tells the legend of a blind boy who turns to music to get away from the bullies of his school. Over time, he becomes famous and sells out stadiums. Basically, another story in which one fights against their bullies and uses what makes them different to shine.
It's story song told well, and Lena delivers earnestly with her gentle voice. She reminds me of a schoolteacher who tries to teach her students about the lessons of life, but in a way that helps her children grasp the concepts and want to learn more. While I didn't have a teacher who guided me to my life's purpose, I'm glad to have several teachers who've I talked to, learned from, and really got something out of.
Personal ranking: 1st/20 Actual ranking: 2nd/20 in Dublin
Final Impressions of 1981: Basically, it's one of the strongest years ever, in terms of songs, production, and tight-voting. The songs were really great; I didn't find a bad one in my estimations (maybe Reggae OK, though that can be a guilty pleasure, haha), and they were all well-orchestrated. Making Your Mind Up gets a bit of a rep as a winner, because it was a surprise at the end of the voting and it was held up because of the gimmick, but it's still enjoyable.
I really liked the interval act, where Timedance used traditional Irish culture to make a good act. In hindsight, it's basically the beta version of Riverdance, but it does add a bit of charm here! Also, the voting went haywire, with several missing points and the famous "I don't have it" from the Yugoslav jury. We need this year for Eurovisionagain; it has all the right ingredients!
(On another note, why did RAI decide this was a good year to withdraw? The Sanremo winner that year, Per Elisa, is an A-tier masterpiece and would've made a great year absolutely fantastic. The combination of classical music and modern is also seen in I treni di Tozeur, sure, but it would've been cool to see Alice alone. Or because I have "vivire vivire vivire.." in my head over the last day, haha)
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eurovisionsongaday · 6 years
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vintageurovision · 2 years
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Humanahum, Jean Gabilou | France, Eurovision Song Contest 1981
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everyeurovisionsong · 9 years
France 1981
'Humanahum', performed by Jean Gabilou. Composition: Jean-Paul Cara. Lyrics: Joe Gracy.
Missing the 'storytelling concept album' rush of the late seventies (broadly speaking from 'The Six Wives Of Henry VIII' to 'Jeff Wayne's Musical Version Of The War of the Worlds'), Gabilou lays down a futuristic tale of the death of the human race. It's well hidden, but this is the classic Eurovision stable of a song asking for world peace and an end to war.
There's enough emotion and variation in Gabilou's performance to chart the emotional beats of the story, and he utterly sells his conviction on stage. There's a good forty minutes of performance in here, all smashed down into three minutes. That makes it a little bit busy on stage, and means many of the sections don't have time to breath or reach their potential, but it keeps the song rattling on at a good pace.
Emotion, storytelling, variation, yep, this is ticking a lot of my 'good song' boxes. It's missing that final spark that makes it a classic, but it's very well done.
Points: 125. Placing: 3rd.
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eurovisionsongaday · 6 years
It’s a really attention-getting title, though I admittedly don’t get it. A really solid tune, though!
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