#jay plays higurashi
ihearasound · 5 months
Finished tatarigoroshi. That was so good! The anime really didn't capture this chapter at all tbh. I'm glad I played through it myself. Might be my favourite chapter so far? But we'll see
I love satoko even more now and even more confused @ people who wish everything bad at her
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ihearasound · 6 months
Tatarigoroshi spoilers
I always disliked Irie for his stupid jokes and general spineless behaviour but tatarigoroshi is taking it to a new level. The lengths he's willing to go to to not take any responsibility for the situation. Watching Satoko suffer and then go "ya it's such a shame satoshi is gone. She has it undeniably muuuch harder now that she's the only one taking the abuse. But oh well what can we do" like croak, man. Yeah it's awful the system is so fucked and child abuse goes left unchecked. But this guy has nerves of steel for ignoring what's going on so so hard
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ihearasound · 5 months
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Appreciate this woman's dedication to being an absolute menace. This woman was born a hyper aggressive troll
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ihearasound · 6 months
playing through tatarigoroshi and once again marveling at how different the experience is compared to the anime. so obvious spoilers below
One thing that I really, really enjoy is how much it drives home Oishi as this herald of bad things to come. Even before the game brought him up as Oyashiros servant, I noticed how hard the mood dropped in the VN whenever he first appeared. Every chapter makes it clearer that he's a cop first and foremost. I really enjoyed his character in the anime because he was old man who talked funny, but the VN makes his presence VERY uncomfortable. There's no wiggle room.
I also really enjoy how much this chapter is refuting everything that came before now. Rena repeatedly gets established as this emotionally very sensible girl, she is observant to the slightest changes in the air and immediately reacts in a way to preserve everyones sanity. She's super perceptive and cares so, so much. It makes me fall in love with her even more.
Shion gets now established as Satoshis girlfriend who REALLY cares, and suddenly Watanagashi doesnt make sense anymore. Shions supposed love for Keiichi is nonsensical. I love the hints it gives!
Also very much in love with Keiichis feelings for Satoko. I enjoy how ambivalent they are. He wants to be her older brother, but he knows it would just be projecting Satoshi on him. So he resolves that even if Satoshi came back and Keiichi wouldnt be her older brother anymore, they'd still be united by their love for her. He's very sensible, and cares so much. He realizes when he missteps immediately and is remorseful to the point of occasional self flagellation. I can really see how Battler is an evolution of Keiichi. And I'm also once again :/ about how much of his nuance gets lost in the anime, instead painting him as your regular shounen protagonist. I really, really enjoy him in the VN. He's a great protagonist.
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ihearasound · 1 year
Finished onikakushi hen today for the first time!! Some thoughts as an anime only finally diving into the vns. There's spoilers (ash don't look)
I now absolutely get why vn fans say to still play the vns even though the anime is solid. Its interesting how wildly different they are in their approach. The anime was really good at the horror elements, but with the vn I could instantly make out the core theme of "talk to and trust your friends". It was so sweet to see how Keiichi already starts out feeling loved. He's part of the group and the village, and everyone wants him to feel welcome. Which makes it all the more heartbreaking watching that love and trust slowly crumble away as Keiichi isolates himself more and more. At a certain point it just got really hard to read knowing the truth.
My view of Rena changed completely with the VN. I always liked her and found her interesting, but with the anime focusing on the horror so much it completely sidelined Renas caring and loving personality in favor of scary. Seeing Rena care so so much for Keiichi until the bitter end despite it all... was just really heartbreaking, and I just wanted to hug her. She saw Keiichi struggling like she did, and she reaches out over and over. When she brought Keiichi dinner I MELTED at how excited she got telling him about all the things she got him. And despite Keiichi hurting her so much, she remains steadfast and wanting to help him. It's just... one mentally ill teen wanting to help another because she knows what it's like. She's just so full of love, even though she has so many burdens with her. I totally understand now why she's everyone's favourite.
Another character whose view on got totally changed was Ooishi. In the anime I just.. kinda always filed him as old man who talks funny. When sotsugou started I felt he was surprisingly aggressive. But now I realized it was 100% in line with how he is in the VN. I'm actually shocked about the lengths he went to. Its not like his behaviour was new in any way, but only now became I fully aware how irresponsibly he acted. Every time Keiichi decided he'd trust his friends Ooishi was there to put him right back on edge. Like, basically the majority of Keiichis behaviour is solely because Ooishi keeps feeding into it. And the things he shared with this young teen?? All his speculations, Renas medical records, all this personal info... just to get an edge on the investigations... pure cop behaviour. Just wild to me how everything that went wrong in Onikakushi was thanks to him.
I was also in awe at how much Keiichi loves his friends. He held out for so so long, putting his trust in his friends over and over and over again. It was very sweet to see how important they are to him, and seeing slowly feeling more and more alienated, suddenly a total outsider hurt all the more. Even more so knowing that no matter how much he isolated himself, his friends weren't giving up on him. I can already see the entire foundation for everything to come.
Overall im really glad I played through Onikakushi and I can't wait to get to the next one after I'm back from break
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ihearasound · 2 years
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wow rena trans confirmed
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ihearasound · 2 years
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fat tits tomitake
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