#jared and cirie having issues
sophfandoms53 · 9 months
So its looking like the house is slowly but surely imploding on itself
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etceteria · 9 months
the reason cirie's game is quite successful this year so far is that the other "side" hasnt been able to get damn organised for their lives. cirie has her core of the onion with jared, then felicia and izzy protecting her, then the outside alliances. i know we joke about the "fields family" but her core is, for the most part, way, way tighter than any other group in the house maybe except cameron/red, but the issue with that is (and even cory and america) is that theyre just a pair and so have much less power than a foursome that has loose ties with a handful of other players also.
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whoblewboobear · 8 months
I am glad you said something I was going tomorrow say something similar this afternoon. Cirie is not a bad player but her game is not what her fans are making it out to be. She is not even the one keeping herself off the block this week. Where is the mist they mentioned? It is lacklustre and not the slam dunk win they are trying to sell.
Agreed. All season I’ve wanted to see more from her and it just kind of went no where. She’s good at repositioning herself and has laid low post Izzy and Jared but at the same time, she became less of a threat to the house without them so they overlook her anyway. But it’s like… of course they’re overlooking her with two duos right there. So can we really credit that as a move or as the nature of the house rn?
I think my issue is that I don’t mind a passive player in bb but at some point there has to be something else we (everyone in the house and us as the audience) can point to and say “that’s was a great move that benefited her game!” And I don’t think I’ve personally seen that from her so I’d love to hear her talk more about it. If she makes it to final two I think her answers and speech could provide some clarity.
When I think of the first half of this game, she had all the control and fumbled it by targeting people that could’ve shielded her core three and gave it up on a whim. Which was fun to watch but it ended up biting her in the butt now. She did recover Felicia but planting the seeds against her so early and almost out of nowhere was.. an unnecessary choice. It’s a miracle that she got her back on her side.
I just can’t call her a good player when she came in with a huge advantage of having Jared there (which became a huge disadvantage and was frustrating to watch,) had a super fan willing to die on the cross for her (completely unintentional,) and made a bunch of messy alliances just for it to get out (moves she had complete control over).
This house is full of messy gameplay and full of people that can’t lie or keep secret for more than five seconds. She can, so she has that going for her and outwardly it seems more impressive.
It’s like when a queen from drag race goes on all stars and I didn’t watch their season so I just.. have nothing to go on until I see how well they do or don’t do on the current season. That’s the camp I land in with Cirie. I don’t doubt that she’s a god tier survivor player but that doesn’t and hasn’t guaranteed that she’s also a great bb player and she doesn’t have to be. I feel like a lot of her fans can’t take her bb game for face value and admit that’s it’s just fine. Also the stan wars this season are insufferable so some of that plays into how I feel about her just like the people that don’t like Cory & America bc of the shippers.
But overall Idk if complaining about it is me just being over this season or if I’m harping on shit that doesn’t matter but it’s day fucking whatever of this long ass season and I desperately hope we get a good winner out of this cast bc it has to be worth it or Mr. CBS is gonna get it.
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zendyval · 9 months
I think as of right now Cameron is planning to put up Jag and Blue. To me those are boring noms and I don’t want Jag to leave just quite yet. I think he has a lot to prove and was unfortunately aligned very early on with people who had terrible reads in the house. If Jag were to win veto I hope Cameron puts up Jared as replacement but the only issue with that is that Jared would have the votes to stay because there’s really no scenario where the house keeps Blue over him (sigh). Also another thing I was thinking about is this new twist we get the chance to vote on. I’m refraining to vote Cirie for it because like you said she would sacrifice her game for Jared and that’s no fun. I’m going to give some votes to Meme and Cory I think.
I think that is his initial plan and don't doubt that, but there are lots of people in the house who can blow up yet or get in his ear or tell him things he doesn't know.
I need Jared to go in a double elimination or something where it happens so fast that Cirie can't either protect him or fall on the sword for him. TBH, I would have been more interested in watching her play without that aspect. Also I feel like Jared is about five seconds away from telling everyone and I swear Cory also figured it out.
Yes, I don't know what powers do but I'd like to see Meme, Cory or America get power.
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sophfandoms53 · 9 months
I agree I wish people could view things with more neutrality because it would greatly improve the type of gameplay that we see but It feels sometimes like the fandom has these unrealistic borderline double standard expectations for how houseguests should act. There is so much negativity and hate around things like players getting frustrated if someone is making a move that will negatively impact them, or crying when someone they like gets voted out, or venting and shit talking other houseguests who are getting on their nerves. There is anger if players make up lies about their faves but also anger if people in the house get mad about people lying because lying is part of the game. I could go on but I won’t bore you any further lol. but the fandom who isn’t even competing couldn’t stop doing any of those things if their life depended on it so it’s like why then do those same people insist that the ones actually playing the high stress game for a life changing amount of money should are bad and wrong and silly for being emotional when things aren’t going their way.
Omg im so sorry for responding late to this 😭
I am answering this now bc i still think its kinda relevant especially when it comes to how people talk about Cirie or Cory’s game recently.
You can’t appreciate or criticize how either of them play without someone trying to bash them or misinterpreting how they’re playing for the sake of wanting to feel valid for disliking them.
I really like Cirie and Cory as players and people but I’m not gonna act like they’re flawless in every way or that their strategies don’t have issues. They for sure do, Cory’s been cracking a lot recently especially with Jared treating him the way he has. And Cirie and Izzy spiral every hour and change plans constantly, its a disaster in there LMAO
But they’re also just trying to play the game and their moves don’t need to be over analyzed with some deeper motivation behind it bc they’re going after someone or they aren’t working with someone you personally favor.
Full disclosure though, you’re allowed to dislike any houseguest for any reason. It doesn’t have to be this essay of reasons or you searching for evidence so you feel valid about it. That’s kinda the problem with ppl here and on twitter, they wanna feel validated for not vibing with a houseguest so they constantly misinterpret things that arent that big a deal and want ppl to agree with them. And its kinda not necessary imo.
I think we’re just so used to disliking a majority of the hgs that people don’t know what to do with a cast that’s messy all around as people and players but are overall decent (cameron, red, and jared suck tho lemme be clear they are not part of what im talking about), so some people wanna just hate so they reach to the most extremes because that’s what we’ve come to expect. But humans don’t work in such a good or bad way, and i think this season is a reminder that people are messy and complex but aren’t bad.
It’s hard for players to truly play BB and it’s hard as a viewer to talk about gameplay bc of this “this or that” lense ppl watch the game through.
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