#janner having a hard time: what would uncle artham do
me trying to find the motivation to get through a day like:
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It has been A Week so it’s time for some silly Wingfeather Falls things!
So a while back I made a post about how after they’ve worked through some things Artham and Fiddleford are definitely going to pull pranks on people. Well I finally thought up some good ones so I might as well share them. xD
The first thing they decide to do is steal all the silverware except spoons. They leave what’s needed for the kitchen to actually function but swear all the cooks and other servants around to secrecy. A lot of these people worked at the castle back before the war and many of them remember a pair of mischievous little boys who used to pull stuff like this all the time, so they go along with it. Artham and Fiddleford act like nothing has happened and they pretend to be as surprised as everyone else when the silverware is discovered missing. Because Artham and Fidds have never done anything like this before no one suspects them immediately. Nia immediately assumes Kalmar had something to do with it, but he pleads innocent and while they eventually believe him he is not completely ruled out as a suspect. A few other people get suggested and by now Artham and Fidds are having a really hard time not giving themselves away, they are absolutely cracking up inside. Arundelle has figured it out. She makes a comment about how back when she was a kid it would have been Esben’s doing and Nia’s eyes shoot to Artham. Artham and Fidds are already running out of the room cackling.
After that the dam breaks and they start doing stuff like this occasionally. They turn all the paintings and furniture upside down one day. Another time they just move all the furniture slightly to one side so everyone runs into it. They make a maze of mirrors in the ballroom and lock everyone inside. They definitely do the thing where they put all the cups/mugs outside and, “Sure is muggy out today, Nia.” “If you’ve put all the mugs out on the lawn, I swear-” *Artham and Fidds drink tea out of bowls in unison, hiding grins*
Over the span of about a week they turn every book in the library upside down. They start in a section Janner’s not usually in and work to places he’s more likely to be. They swear the librarian to secrecy. Janner is. very confused when he finds this.
At one point they enlist Leeli’s help and try to convince everyone that Dora was a dog all along. Leeli takes care of Dora in the meantime and told the dog she picked to play along. They do this for about a week. “Where’s Dora?” “What’re you talking about? She’s right there.” “That’s one of Leeli’s dogs. Dora is a cat.” “No she ain’t, she’s always been a dog, are you feelin’ alright?” At the end of the week they switch back and act like absolutely nothing happened.
Sometimes they let Kalmar help them with their shenanigans and sometimes he gets pranked along with everyone else. At some point Kal convinces Janner to help him wage a prank war with their crazy uncles and that is a whole adventure in and of itself.
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