#jade starstrider
turquoisetuber 22 days
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The Amber Knight
(@kirbyoctournament heres my next bit of propaganda!!)
lore and such under cut!!!! dont wanna flood my blog with long post XD but feel free to ask her about everything!!!! shes still open to questions!!!! :D
i have mentioned that jade is a knight but here she is in all her glory(? yeah we can call it that shes beautiful)
ofc shes still rather young.. many warriors have seen her and noticed her potential. that has to mean a lot (especially since the two most notable are the two knights who have held the title of "strongest warrior in the galaxy")
she serves dreamland alongside meta knight, and being a knight has given her similar command and authority to him. she chooses not to use it often, though.
the title comes with its risks though. being a knight puts an even greater target on her back for anyone who opposes her or her loved ones.
but that wont stop our angel, will it? of course not. she's seen the horrors of dark matter a thousand times over. nothing can deter her now, scared as she may be.
as she herself said, "if i was meant to die for good, it would have happened by now."
(also going to @ ppl who i know for sure will take major interest in this that dont know most of her lore already [aka ik you guys love her :3]) @moonmacabre01 @thundermarisol @c0ffee-7 @nokk0
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nokk0 30 days
馃専 - Fal!- I didn't know you were in the tourney too!- It's nice to see you here!! I'm glad there's a friendly face..- I was gettin' pretty anxious, haha-
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Pon!? You're in the Tournament too, pon!? That's great, pon- Fal shares that anxiety, it's the very first time Fal participate in an event like this... Fal guess this is the first big performance of both, pon?
However, it's great to see you again, pon! Sorry for not visiting the caf茅 again... It looks like someone was to lazy to care, pon
In the distance, a female voice with a neutral accent shrek, annoyed by the commentary of Fal
Sue: I'm not!!! I... I was just bussy!!
But... Yeah, sorry for that...
Anyway, how have you been, do you... Have being careful, right...? Fal heard there are some... Dark... Lurking...
Prev/Next, pon
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moonmacabre01 17 days
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Hello all I'm here to tell you why to vote for @turquoisetuber's Jade in the Kirby OC Tournament!
She is a knight and a human and in the Kirby universe that counts for something
I don't think I've seen any other human ocs here, so she's unique!
Her backstory is super cool
Did I mention she's adorable
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griffs-silly-ensemble 6 months
i'm griffin, the owner of this blog!!
this blog is where i'll post all about my ocs!!
my main blog is @turquoisetuber!! i will post about ocs there as well, but this is where i'll ramble about the characters i've made!
more info under here!!
if you don't want the extra info, have a nice day!! enjoy the trip!!
i'll talk about my original story ocs AND my fandom ocs, also most likely sometimes my friends' ocs!!
oc tags (will hopefully be updated regularly):
jade starstrider
hazel starstrider
everest skybloom
vander stallard
imani asrani
isa everwinter
THE ALTS (still the main crew)
emerald starcaster
almond starcaster
evergreen welkinbud
sprocket staeltar
creed ayrne
BAD ENDING AU (impressively enough still the main crew)
goldenrod starstrider
wildfire starstrider
permafrost skybloom
dragonfruit stallard
OTHER (as in not main characters but they show up often enough to get a tag)
danny 'smoke' martinez
apollo bluster
FANDOM OCS (some of these are very loosely defined as fandom)
amber knight [Kirby]
peridot starstrider [Kirby]
FRIENDS' OCS!! (these are all ocs that are heavily associated with my own ocs [that or i just like them a lot]
cloud bluster
cyril bluster
sol bluster
magelia [i will only speak badly of him]
crash [last names to be updated]
insects of afterlife
[names tba]
mythos knight
flower crown waddle dee
antonio roode
adriano roode
trevor palazzari
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turquoisetuber 24 days
Sir Uther: Wait, your species is still extant?! How many of you are left, Jade?
馃専 - Well... The truth is my species is just as abundant as ever. We just migrated again.
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To lay it out: When my people came from the now-forgotten land, they ended up living with the Halcandran ancients for a while. When they were finally bored there, some of them moved on.
Most ended up on what's now Shiver Star鈥攐r Earth as it was before鈥攁nd... well, you know the story. They ran the planet dry of resources and had to find somewhere else.
On the other hand, some people found Planet Popstar鈥攖hat's where my three times great grandma settled. At this point most Popstar native people were already there. They welcomed my people, though. Unfortunately they couldn't stay: after all, they didn't want Popstar to suffer the same fate Shiver Star was suffering. So they left with the other humans.
And... Now we're spread through dimensions and timelines and everything else ypu could think of. Personally, I was born in a place that was kind of between dimensions, between a world where humans still live on Earth and a world humans had left to ots people鈥攂ecause of the closeness, I was able to end up on popstar when I ran away from home.
So, uh, to actually answer your question, there are billions of humans left. Just strewn about everywhere across the multiverse.
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turquoisetuber 2 months
here is my submission for the @kirbyoctournament !!
Name: Jade Starstrider
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SUMMARY: Jade is a 19 year old supposedly human girl who managed to show up in Dreamland when she was thirteen. Her survival instincts were quickly put to the test and she went from a shy and scared stranger to a well-respected knight, as well as a family member.
Personality: Jade is a fairly timid girl and doesnt like to step out of her comfort zone, even as an adult. (she only gets by because her "comfort zone" would probably be too much for someone who isnt doomed by the narrative) She's a good sister to her biological and adoptive siblings, wnd despite her quietness she manages to make a LOT of friends. Jade is very nonviolent and prefers to solve problems via talking (but this doesn't mean she can't fight if needed, because if you think she won't you'd be dead wrong)
Jade ran from home at 13 while escaping a conflict in her home world. In her frenzied panic she opened up a portal and prayed she ended up somewhere safe (which evidently didn't work)
Bandee had found her unconcious and, when she came to again, took her to meet Dedede and Meta Knight to see if they had half an idea as to what to do. Well they didn't really, so they had arranged for Jade to stick around until she found a way home.
In the meanwhile Meta Knight took her under his wing, training her. Maybe he had seen how she carried herself and it reminded him of a certain waddle dee he held dearly..
And until Jade was around 16 or 17, she stayed and adventured with her newfound family. As much as she missed her sister and brothers, she had built up a family in Dreamland, even finding a way to accept the loss of her mother with their help. But she needed to leave at some point. It was a bittersweet farewell, but it ended with a promise.
Jade wasn't done with them yet. Jade had promised that before too long she'd return, and she was never the type to break a promise.
EXTRA: i have put jade into the plots of some of the games because i CAN so i WILL, i think her most appearant (and the most fun to write) was her uh. *fabulous* experience with the dimensional mirror. because she and her dads are both doomed by the narrative!! :D
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turquoisetuber 29 days
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seems like our contestant has some long-distance supporters! of course they'd be cheering her on from the sidelines.. definitely a big confidance boost for jade!! :D
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of course she's still anxious about the contest... maybe it'll be good for her to talk to other contestants.
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asks are now open for jade!! if you're a tourney member, a tourney spectator, or just a new (or old) friendly face, shoot her a message! she'd love to hear from you!
( @kirbyoctournament heres baby's first propaganda!! )
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turquoisetuber 5 months
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"I can't explain it, sir. But... This place feels more like home than where I was born."
Character: Jade Starstrider
Age: 19
Species: Human..?
Specialties: Swordfighting, Healing, Peacemaking
Occupations: Knight, Medic
An extremely kind girl who's character shines as bright as the stars she traverses.
[meet my oc, jade!! she is one of my favoritest girls... i hope you all love her as much as i do!!!]
story summary under cut!!
Jade Starstrider was an interesting case for Dreamland. They had humans there. But they lived there or were there intentionally. Jade arrived in Dreamland with no idea where she was or why she was there. "I was running" seemed to be all she knew. Bandee didn't seem to mind the circumstances鈥攐r lack thereof. What he saw was someone in distress, and someone in distress deserves a helping hand. He led her to the castle, where he had her introduced to King Dedede and Meta Knight. She was granted a place to live. While still attempting to solve this mysterious case, Meta Knight chose to take this young girl under his wing, training her to defend herself. In her first three years of training, she showed improvement that was almost uncanny, demonstrating agility past the bounds of most normal humans. Yet they all still failed to identify just what her deal was. She remained such a mystery until a certain Halcandran seems to have cracked the code, but with such little knowledge of the ancients, besides their inventions, could they ever explain their theory..?
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nokk0 16 days
馃専 - Hi, Fal! I saw you're up and competing now, so I wanted to give you a little something!
(*she offered out a handful of pins with stars on them, or just plain ol shaped like stars*)
They're lucky stars! I had a billion of these things... I collected them when I was a kid and I had so many duplicates..- I can latch them to your scarf if you'd like!-
"Woah- Hey, you don't have tooo..."
Before Fal could say out loud a negative to the offer, Jade put two pins and lach them on his scarf. After that, she pat Fal's head
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He is delighted and happy for the gesture
"Pon... Thank you, pon!! Pon! Oh, you are participating too... Poupon... Pon! How about..."
Fal shake a bit and from his cape a lot of bric-a-brac scape from the pocket dimension. There was a commercial fire extinguisher, a cristal bottle with something similar to medicine, a fun sized scissors, sunflower seeds and a spatula, a shovel, a mop with a black ribbon, a dirty cape, books of many kinds, gem apples, a broken mask similar to Meta Knight's mask with flowers around it, a scimitar, a strange nanigata and other things. He search for a moment, before picking a little object with his tail
"Take this! As a gift, pon"
He offered a rabbit's foot and a blue gemstone
"Perhaps it doesn't look like a good idea... But this foot is actually really lucky, pon! It's a magical item that grants good luck to the owner when they're in a pinch, pon. However, it's quite unclear for Fal how it will help in battle... But this gem! The Mermaid's Tear is a noble piece of jewellery that can instantly teleport you to where the gem is, even if it's cracked in pieces. You can teleport to the pieces from any distance, pon!"
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turquoisetuber 28 days
Hi, Jade, pon!
Oh... Right, people have to sleep their 8 hours... Well, answer when you can, pon!
How have you been, pon?? Fal was curious about two things, pon
One- can you tell Fal how was being around Meta Knight and training with him, pon?
Two- For any chance, do you know about this guy, pon?
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It's important to find him, pon!
(i found interesting that Fal goes and ask this, because despite having a Photo, he acctually can't work without a name)
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馃専 - Well, surprisingly he wasn't very tough on me. It's pretty nostalgic to think about it all... When we first met, about 6 years ago, I was terrified of him. Then again, I was scared of my own shadow back then. But I was still willing to duel him. Long story short, I lost, but appearantly not quick enough to be a lost cause. He trained me for years after that, eventually knighting me...
I don't think I'll ever forget about when I won for the first time. I was 15, and... Just thinking about the pride and joy in his eyes and voice... It helps me keep on going to this day, kinda.
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And... huh. Nobody I've seen yet really matches that picture. But... Tell you what, I'll keep a real close eye out! If I see anything I'll tell you ASAP, alright?-
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turquoisetuber 21 days
guys what if my next propaganda piece is one of the terrible awful things i have done to my daughter 馃憖
here pick one
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turquoisetuber 20 days
Hello! I heard asks for Jade are open! I don't really have any questions, but Star has some words of motivation!
Star: You can do it! I know even if it's me up against you, you'll win! Even if you're up against someone else, you're gonna win! You CAN do it!
She knows that was a little much, but she hopes it's good enough to make sure Jade feels good and exited for the tournament.
馃専 - "Thanks a million, Star! Best of luck to you too! I see you're already up there in the torney by now, so... I hope you win! I'd love to go head to head with you in a bracket!"
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turquoisetuber 28 days
Jade!!! What's your opinion on Dream Land?
馃専 - Dreamland is a really, really special place to me. When I was a kid it became my home away from home once I ran away... Even now it's my safe haven. Dreamland is the place I know I can find some guidance in, thanks to my dads, and Mags, and everyone else...
It's got its problems, sure. It's far from perfect and can get pretty scary. But I would do anything to make sure it lasts. Not just because that's my duty as a Knight of Dreamland, but because it's the least I owe to everyone there.
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turquoisetuber 28 days
F: Hello! What type of sweets do you like?
馃専 - Hm... Kinda tough to pick. I'm not too picky, really... I'm a pretty big hard candy fan, though. Especially butterscotch candies. Although I also like those mini-cakes... Man, I should've brought some more snacks with me. Now I'm craving them..-
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turquoisetuber 2 months
Hey, if it鈥檚 not too late for the Kirby oc ask game, 馃馃獎馃┓馃挏馃崊 for any of your ocs?
never too late!! i'll do em for my girl jade!! (unless i answered it for jade, then i'll do it with celeste!)
stew (cant find the emoji): jade's comfort food is anything homemade, really. her mom used to make killer alfredo from scratch, so that's her go to. and based on her vibes, she would summon some kind of candy, like butterscotch or caramel :D
馃獎: jade is a skilled magician! she's a medic and has magically enhanced agility, but magolor has been teaching her how to actually cast some spells. she catches on quickly!!
馃┓: jade's moveset would be very much like meta knight's, but adding zan's agility. her friend ability would be a healing ability though, and she has one element (being bluster). she's kind of frail, so while she's a good attacker, she needs another healer on the team to be fully effective
馃挏: jade's negative trait would be her anxiety and self-doubt. she has no violent tendancies, so the best strategy in corrupting her without doing a full takeover would be ensuring that she can't bring herself to do anything.
馃崊: this one shall be celeste!! celeste would grant a new ability, the fairy ability, which gives kirby a moveset that's.. well, fairylike? at a point celeste could use abilities, as well. her favorite was ninja!
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turquoisetuber 3 months
馃崊, 馃挜, and 馃敭 for Jade, Lorenza, and Celeste respectively!
ooh!! this is awesome okay!! thank you!!
so if kirby got jade's ability he'd get a sword!! although there is a chance that if she's unarmed he would get the medic/doctor ability instead!!
lorenza's fighting style is VERY flashy, she knows she's good at fighting makes sure her opponents do as well. she's quick on her feet and rarely has to take a hit (which reminds me of a certain other oc she's related to lol)
celeste would pick the star tiara!! she'd see the stars and it'd remind her of her name, so that's what she's settling with :3
thank you for asking!!
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