#ive walked away and come back to the cup and taken a whiff and it is Clear as Day.
shannananan · 4 months
you know those hyper specific candles that are like "the smell of grandmother's kitchen when you are a wee child and the innocence of youth hasn't shattered yet" and you go yes, candle, you are correct.
I just made chamomile tea with echinacea extract for my cold and took a whiff and my brain immediately transported me to "the smell of being in Grade 4 and reading a Dear Canada book for your spring book report that you definitely forgot about until the week it is due."
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magnoliasinbloom · 5 years
AO3 :: Previously
Chapter 19
The rest of the summer month passed in a blur. Time breezed through July, while I plodded, feeling heavier and clumsier each day. In preparation for nursing school, I contacted my future teachers, explaining about my pregnancy and due-date, and requesting some leniency in my attendance for the first few weeks. They were all impressed at my commitment to the program and agreed to email me assignments.
I registered for courses, and Jamie helped me navigate the admission process and University of Glasgow campus. We would be back to school in September together—and I’d have my baby. I made dinner for him often at home, in thanks, navigating the kitchen with my huge stomach before me.
On a Sunday morning, I sat in the rocking chair in my room, nestled comfortably with a couple of pillows behind my back. I was preparing for classes, doing some assigned reading when a sharp pain stabbed my lower back. It wasn’t like anything I’d felt before. It was hot, but stung like an ice pick. Instantly, I was afraid. It couldn’t be time yet.
I turned to the calendar on my mobile. August 13.
Alright. So it was mid-August, quite literally. It was certainly possible that I was going into labor. I was having contractions. Who was at home to help me? Dad was shopping for groceries but Mum was here. I tried to stand up, gripping the rocking chair when I was pierced through with the spiked pain. I limped to my bedroom doorway, afraid to trigger more contractions with my movements.
“Mum?” I called out. I was breathing heavily.
“Yes, love?” she answered from the kitchen.
“I think I’m in labor!” I yelled back. As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I felt a trickling down my legs. I realized my water broke, just like the pregnancy books had said. Alright, hold it together now, Beauchamp.
There was a moment of dead silence from below. Then Mum came thundering up the stairs and saw me, clinging to the doorframe. “Oh God. Oh my God. Okay. Let’s go.” I’d never seen my mother so flustered before. I almost smiled, before a small contraction made me cringe. “Please get my bag, the one I packed. It’s in the closet.” Mum hurried to get it, clutching the bag in one hand. She let me lean on her for support, like a crutch. We walked slowly down the stairs, occasional pains making me yelp. Mum winced every time I did.
She grabbed the car keys and I sat myself gingerly. The maternity dress I was wearing was immediately soaked from the back. I was getting the seat wet too, but Mum didn’t care. The pain was now like hot nails being driven through my spine. I was gasping for air, practically hyperventilating. It helped dull the ache. We made it to the Princess Royal Maternity Hospital in record time. From the car park, Mum called my dad, whom we caught driving home from the market.
“Mum?” I huffed. She turned to me, concerned. “Call Jamie, please.” He told us he would head to the hospital immediately, and that he would also tell his parents.
When we arrived to Admissions, I was about to tell the nurse, “I think I can walk,” when I doubled over as another contraction hit. I was hastily put in a wheelchair. My hair was matted, my legs still wet from my water breaking. Not pretty at all.
Mum remained in the lobby to fill out paperwork while the nurse accompanied me as I was wheeled into the labor ward. I chose to wear the hospital gown, and the nurse helped me change. She indicated the midwife would be in shortly to examine me. I climbed carefully onto the bed. The nurse set up an IV next to the bed.
Not fifteen minutes had passed when Mum was back, with Dad in tow. He had turned the car around and sped to the hospital. My father looked nervous, which only increased as I cried out whenever I felt a contraction. He stepped out of the room when the midwife and nurses came to check up on me. They took my temperature, pulse, and blood pressure. They checked the baby’s heartbeat, and felt around my belly for her position. There was a brief uncomfortable moment when the midwife checked how dilated I was.
“You’re quite advanced for your first delivery. Seems it’s going to be a quick birth. Lucky.” The midwife flashed a smile as I lowered my legs back on the bed. Her nametag read Gillian. She had a soft Scottish burr similar to Jamie’s. Mum sat on a chair next to me, holding my hand.
My father came back in, followed by a breathless Jamie. Something in me relaxed when I saw him, and I smiled. It suddenly struck me how worried he looked, anxious and pale. Almost like a first-time father. I quickly pushed that thought out of my head.
“How are ye, Sassenach?” Jamie came to stand next to the bed, hands on the rails.
“Oh, you know.” I concentrated on my breathing. I didn’t want to scare him. “Just having a baby. The pain is bloody awful, but I bet the food here is good.” He cracked a smile.
“Me mam’s outside. She didna want to crowd ye.” I noticed his Scottish accent thickening—it always did in times of stress.
“Your mum? Never. But I think maybe I’ll say hello later.” I clenched my teeth, feeling another contraction coming. He looked to me helplessly as I grabbed the bed rail but refused to cry out.
“Is it too bad?” Jamie asked apprehensively. “How far along are you?”
“Advanced, the midwife said. Hell if I know what that means. Can they give me something for the pain?”
“I’ll ask.” Jamie turned to the door. Before he left, he whispered in my mum’s ear, who ducked out and came back with a cup of crushed ice.
While he was gone, the contractions kicked up a notch—or maybe five. Mum told me to take her hand and squeeze through the pain. I feared I would break her hand. When Jamie finally returned with Gillian, I nearly wept with gratitude. She conceded that I could have a whiff of gas to ease the pain. The tank was set up beside me, and after the first deep inhale I began to feel its effects. My dad and Jamie left for the waiting room. I relaxed a bit, and asked my mum to help me walk around for a bit. I alternated between panting for breath and doses of gas. The contractions came and went like waves, closer and closer to each other. Gillian examined me again.
“Alright Claire. Ye’re fully dilated, and the baby looks about to crown any minute now.” She settled near the end of the bed, bringing with her a cart and a tray full of medical instruments. They spread blue sheets beneath me, and pushed the gown above my huge belly. I should have felt instantly embarrassed to be so exposed in front of my mother and a stranger, but I was beyond caring. I felt a strong desire to push.
Gillian noticed my expression as I tried to sit up. “Claire, I need ye to push through the contraction, and hold it, deep breaths. Don’t stop, we’ll tell ye when to relax.” The nurse propped me up with a few pillows while she and Mum hooked their hands under my kneed and spread them apart, at Gillian’s indication.
Unexpectedly, a molten wave of panic hit me. This is it, this is really it. Bloody fuck, what am I going to do… this is bollocks, I can’t do this! I shook my head vehemently, biting my lip.
“Mum, I can’t do this, there’s no way, I’m not ready!” I gripped her hand, my face twisting as I fought the urge to push and resisted.
“Of course you are, love, we’re all here with you. We’ll help you, you’re not alone, Claire.” Mum gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and touched her forehead to mine. Her words bolstered my courage, little as there was left of it.
“Claire, I need ye to push now.” Gillian’s voice was muffled behind a surgical mask.
After one last look from Mum, I gritted my teeth and pushed. I could hear them counting while I held on as long as I could. When they reached ten, I crumpled onto the bed, panting.
“Ye’re doing great, now one more time Claire.” It killed me that Gillian could sound so calm when I wanted to rip her head off. I felt Mum rub my leg sympathetically.
I spent the next few minutes bearing down, and then falling back to the pillows in exhaustion. Finally, I head the midwife say, “Here’s the head! A couple more should do it.” Mum peeked and actually squealed with excitement.
A couple more times, indeed… I pursed my lips and with a grunt, pushed hard, willing the baby to come out. When the ten seconds were up I took a deep breath and pushed again, not waiting. I finally let myself cry out with the effort and I heard a tiny, shrill wail.
“Here she is!” I collapsed, Mum’s hand pulling my hair back from my face. I closed my eyes, breathing in. I could hear my daughter crying, loud and strong. I felt the nurse set her on my stomach and my eyes flew open. I reached out to touch her while Gillian cut the cord. Her tiny mouth opened to let out her insistent cries, and I felt like crying with her. All too soon, she was taken away to be cleaned up.
“Everything’s fine,” Gillian said, still in front of me. “She’s perfectly healthy.”
“Mum…” I trailed off, exhausted.
“Shhh… I’m here. She’s beautiful, Claire.” Mum stroked my hair and kissed my forehead. “She looks like you.”
The nurse brought her back, swaddled and clean. “Here you go. Eight pounds, eight ounces. She’s a big girl! Congratulations.” She settled the baby on my chest. I held her awkwardly, afraid to drop her. She was beautiful… dark hair, my nose. Though I couldn’t see her eyes yet. They were scrunched tightly with the indignity of birth, as she wailed. But her cries quieted down gradually, as I traced her perfect features with my fingertips. Soon, she was only snuffling. I gazed at her, marveling at this perfect creature that had been inside me all along.
I felt tired, fatigue seeping into my very bones. I kissed my daughter’s forehead, before I offered her to Mum, who smiled in delight. I was so tired…
As my mother handed the baby back to the nurse, I felt my eyes begin to drift closed. Before I could go under, Mum shook my shoulder lightly.
“Claire, love, they need to know her name. Do you have it yet?”
My daughter’s name was suddenly clear.
“Faith. Her name is Faith.”
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k-renne · 6 years
Previously: I, II
Summary: Kylo Ren is a man of the shadows, but the darkness was a lonely place. The trees were silent and the wind only whistled, in the woods he was truly alone. But that all changes when he finds something surprising, a potential mate for a beast.
Tags: @rosalynbair, @multy-fandom-lover, @oh-adam
A/N: This probably will be the last chapter of creature comfort! i feel like ive written what i wanted to write for this and this will probably wrap things up!
Your visits to the forest become more frequent after that day. You wanting more of Kylo, and Kylo keeping you in his hold for as long as you’d let him, stretching each visit as much as you would allow. You forgot to ask what he meant by mate, easily slipping your mind under a barrage of kisses. And you wouldn’t find out until later, when Kylo went into his rut.
Flowers bloomed as the season of fertility begun, beasts leaving their hibernation and in search of their mates. As a beast, Kylo was cursed to do the same.
In the past he would go crazy with his own lust, usually killing anything in his past. He had no mate, there was no one for him and it was frustratingly torturous. He just wanted someone to soothe the ache that always sat in his heart, someone to make the loneliness go away.
Then he met you, and he knew immediately that you were his mate, just made to be with him. And with the way that your body molded against his, he never wanted to let you go. Of course, you were human. Which meant that you wouldn’t exactly understand the gravity of his connection with you, that was much more than a simple attraction.
He couldn’t find the words to explain yet, he just had to hope that one day you understand. For now he’d have to be okay with you leaving, even if he was trying to make his home more suitable for you. He even started gathering plants and making a little garden of things you could eat, just trying to busy himself with these little preparations while you were gone.
He knew that it would be a lot to ask for you to leave everything that you knew behind for a life with him, but mates were supposed to stick together and he knew it would happen eventually. He dreamed about it, waking up with you each day in his arms, the pitter patter of little ones in his home. He wanted it all, domestic bliss.
When the time came, what little shred of humanity that Kylo had was lost in a tide of lust. He was in the middle of trying to gather herbs to help lessen his rut, when a wave of heat passed over him. He fell to his knees, breathing harshly as he gained more strength and muscle. In such a vulnerable time he needed to have the energy to mate and protect you, when the cloud of sex made him forget basic needs.
He let out a howl, a desperate plea for his mate to come to him in his need. He stalked the forest in a rush, searching high and low for you. His cock ached and was sad that you weren’t there to help him, to suffer through a rut alone was a horrible torture that he had endured long enough. Kylo would just have to hunt you down himself.
Unfortunately, your scent got stronger as he neared the edge of the forest. It made him whine in distress, why were you so far from him? In his muddled thoughts he didn’t understand, the primal part of him had taken over and he needed you near him now.
He wandered over to see the witch that lived in the woods, and he’d tear the whole cottage apart to find what he needed. But as soon as he entered he was frozen in his tracks, “Oh Kylo I thought I told you not to ever come here when you’re like this!” Maz shook her head. “And you reek of pheromones!” Maz shook her head.
Kylo just whimpered, “Need my mate.”
“I know Kylo, I know, but I can’t have you here like this! You have to leave,” Maz felt for him, truly. He was just a boy when it happened to him, and in many ways he was that same scared kid that didn’t want to be left alone.
“No! She’s human, must find her!” He says desperately, trying to explain.
Maz furrowed her brows, normally Kylo never spoke this much and what if he did find her? She was wary of unleashing Kylo unto an unsuspecting human population. Maz sighed, just hoping she wouldn’t regret this, “Alright, I will help you find your human, but you better not cause any harm and you must come back quickly, I can only disguise you for so long.”
Kylo nodded, agreeing to her terms. “Please,” He begged.
Light showered over him as Maz disguised his less human features, “And put these on, I can’t have you flashing everyone,” She handed him some clothes.
Though he may have looked more human, Kylo still moved like a predator, sniffing the air as he followed the trail of your scent back to your home. He looked a little crazed and people stared at the tall, wild looking man but Maz’s spell ensured that he was quickly forgotten in their minds. Kylo huffed when he was faced with your door, your scent seemed to gather here and it was much stronger, he knew you were close.
But when he went to open your door, it was locked. Kylo snarled at your door, banging his fist loudly against it. He’d break it down, though he was still smart enough to know that was a little too suspicious for humans.
“Kylo?” You were surprised to see him standing at your door, surprisingly human and wearing clothes? Was this the same man that you knew? His growl answered your question, yeah this was the monster you knew. “What are you-” You were about to ask but Kylo grabbed you, interrupting your question.
“Need mate now! Mine!” He growled. He pulled you flush against him, humming as he buried his nose in your hair and breathed in your scent.
“I don’t understand-” You tried to say, before Kylo pushed his tongue into your mouth to taste you. It was getting you worried, and very confused. You knew he never wandered out of the forest and you hoped it wasn’t something bad. But then you felt the unmistakable press of his arousal against you, and the way that he was kissing suddenly made sense. “N-not here,” You pushed him away lightly. Kylo only leaned back into you to nuzzle your cheek, giving it a quick kiss before he stood back.
Even with the disguise his eyes were a dark red, and you could see the lust swarming in them. A smirk formed on his lips as he bared his sharp teeth at you, before grabbing you by the waist and throwing you over his shoulder.
You protested, but it only made him walk faster and you realized he was taking you straight to the forest. You couldn’t lie, it was pretty hot that he came all the way to where you lived just to take you home and fuck you and it had you getting wet. Kylo of course could smell your arousal budding and growled, lightly squeezing your ass and making you squeal. “Gonna fuck and fill your pretty cunt, pretty girl,” Kylo rasped.
His disguise began to disappear as he entered the forest, horns, tail and all returning. His tails curled up and wrapped around your calve, almost caressing it. He took you into his little safe haven, flicking on some of the lights that you strung up because he knew it would comfort you. Then he threw you into the pile of plush pillows and blankets that made up his nest.
“What is with you today?” You shook your head, eyes widening as you watched Kylo tear of his clothes. It was like he had grown a few inches all around, his muscles more pronounced than you remembered them to be, and with the size of his cock...it made you a little nervous.
Kylo seemed to sense that and as he crawled on top of you he softly cupped his cheek, cooing and trying to soothe you. Of course the gentleness didn’t last, and soon you were flipped over on your stomach, his hands manipulating your body in a way that was all to familiar. Kylo lifted up your skirt and sniffing your panties, growling and pressing his nose further against your core as he got a whiff. You didn’t know it but that scent was driving him crazy, a dripping wet pussy just calling to be fucked and tasted.
He didn’t bother with taking of all of your clothes, it was more important that he stuck his tongue inside of your cunt. He swirled his tongue inside of you and flicked it out to run over your clit, in a rut his saliva served a dual purpose to better lubricate you and prevent any pain from how roughly he was about to fuck you.
You didn’t know what is was about this time, but you felt more turned on than ever, and before where you were nervous you now craved to be stuffed full by Kylo’s thick cock. “Ahh please Kylo,” You cried out for him.
You couldn’t see as you rested against some pillows but Kylo was grinning as he looked at you, your skirt pushed up to your waist and your pussy swollen and dripping for him. You were ready for him, and he had no qualms about how brutally he was about to fuck you. He was going to claim you, and end the torture of a rut spent alone.
He howled as he entered you from behind, loving the way that your cunt perfectly squeezed his cock. His hands ran up your thighs, massaging and squeezing to settle on your hips. Kylo braced his knees on the side of yours and kneeled down so that he could press his chest against your back. He gave you a moment to breathe before he started rutting against you, grunting with each hard slam of the hips.
The rest of your clothes were torn away as Kylo fucked you, hands greedy and wanting to feel your bare skin against him. This time, even if it was fucking, it felt different. There was a connection between you two that just felt so primal, and words were forgotten in a sea of moans and grunts. You found yourself rocking your hips back against Kylo, reaching for your swollen clit as Kylo sped up. You made yourself cum too soon, but that didn’t stop Kylo from fucking you and in fact it only encouraged him.
His mouth never left your neck, and he was practically attacking it with his teeth and tongue, just anticipating the claim. It seemed as if it was taking longer than ever for Kylo to cum, and he wasn’t stopping until you came for him a few more times. He craved the feeling of you cumming on his cock more than anything, and his rut addled brain was determined to get it from you.
It wasn’t until he was about to cum that Kylo spoke possessive words against your ear, “My mate, mine!” or, “What a perfect pussy, made to be filled with my cum,” He’ll purr. And he’ll even go as far as, “Love that tight cunt, so perfect for my cock.”
Kylo rubbed your clit hard as he came, filling you with cum like he promised and biting down hard in the place where your neck meets your shoulder. You barely noticed the sting, your own orgasm consuming you as Kylo’s warmth spilled inside you.
Kylo was purring afterwards, lavishing the mark he made as it quickly healed under his tongue. His hands were gentle as he manipulated you to your side, his cock still hard and almost locked inside you. He peppered kisses over your neck and shoulder, wrapping his arms around your midsection.
You could feel how happy he was, the joy just radiated from him. He kissed any bruises he left behind, and cleaned you up after he slid out of you, taking cautious care of your shaking thighs. He surrounded you with blankets and pillows, bringing a fluffy comforter over the two of you as he returned to rest against your backside from getting washed up.
He was so diligent, so careful in his care of you it was like you were his greatest treasure. You heard him murmer, “My sweet mate,” against your skin and this time you understood what he truly meant. He was saying ‘I love you, forever.’
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