#ive risen from the grave aka an art block shehdjdb what better thing to draw than my silly faves as silly cowboys ๐Ÿ’–
vamprnce ยท 1 year
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shoving my two interests together bc I'm unhinged ehehehehe this happened bc my hyperfixation of rdr came back full force then all the sudden me and some friends are talking abt a hackett quarry western au ๐Ÿค โœจ
these are some of my hc's plus designs I have of trio atm! imma try to draw out the rest of the gang too, prob Emma and Abi is next :) (some notes from discord under the cut lol)
these are a lil bit unorganized adsgs but some general ideas ig also Dyl still has his kitty, I can't separate them ๐Ÿ’•
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