#ive grown very attached to tiberius chlamys indulgence btw
dinoserious · 4 months
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this and thats of these two including:
some thoughts on their appearances. little tidbit abt tiber: tiberius has a recurring nightmare where he is a thing a fisherman pulls up and has everyone come gawk at while he is hooked and helpless. it is an evolution of a similar dream he has had since he was young, just themed to his new reality. +note on that bit abt the drunken woman: he has bioluminescent spotting
a fitting follow to that is tiber's fear expression; due to the structure of his face, he does not show positive emotions very well. negative ones show far better, fear being an apparent one
little talk of jobs :}
and Baz Hand sketchy. just some messing around, scute arrangement likely to vary
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