#ive got a new wip I'm super excited about!
brdbecca-writes · 5 years
Me trying to write characters who adhere to normal sleep patterns of ppl in their 20s has the same energy as me trying to write straight girls in a romance
“It’s late. 4 am. won't wake up till noon.”
“Yes. that's a man. love those.”
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chocosvt · 3 years
<(❁´◡`❁)> hi Choco, hehe i'm really excited about the new Vernon fic! oh n that Jun fanart wip i was talking abt before- ive lost inspiration to finish it, n a few of my prismacolour pencils broke >:'( sooo...(but i'll post the wip it still is tho!) hope you're safe n hydrating yourself <3 🌸
gosh darn! that’s too bad, mary 😭 and i’m sorry abt ur pencils, they sound very fancy and important!! maybe one day you will be inspired to finish it again— who knows! 🤞i hope you r doing well urself!! i miss chatting w you though i am just very occupied these days! not to mention i got super sick on monday ;;; pretty sure i picked up a bug from work :-(
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knightofameris · 4 years
FINALS WEEK IS SO SOON FOR YOU? OMG. MY HEART GOES OUT TO YOU! may you have good grades and retain the information you study for ❤️
literally tho, i'd ALSO fight atsumu LMAOOO we'll tag team 'em ;) it'll be a cute little couple bonding moment 🥰
i feel that draining thing! and i think the word you are looking for IS ambivert hehe tbh whenever i don't feel like carrying a convo i kinda just ghost my friend and then i feel SUPER bad abt it whenever i get the chance to respond asDfGHJKL but like they usually understand... i hope 😅 but don't be afraid to take a break and all that bc during this time, socializing really does leave such a huge impact now! :,)
I KNOW YOU'RE PICKING UO VIDEO GAMES!! I SAW YOUR BLURB ABT GENSHI IMPACT AND THE NEW SPIDER-MAN MILES MORALES GAME AND MY HEART!!! i've been meaning to buy it but it's literally sold out whenever i go 😀 but that mini event tho? tell me about that? 👀 ur literally so creative ugh spare some brain cells PLEASE
i've been doing well!! writing ever now and then bc my school load as been getting softer! thank goodness! i have a christmas event planned soon which i'm REALLY excited for 😷 hopefully, i can get some request out of the way before starting that up tho. i have another question for you tho! what are some of your fave fic tropes? this is for... of course... research purposes 👀📝 -dylan
OMG REALLY? i know a few people who has finals like this week! which is crazy to me. all these school systems never lining up so I can never hang out with friends during break ):< not that we should, all things considered LOL and thank you ;-; i hope you get them good grades too!!!! <3 
TAG TEAM THEM OMG YES AHJASDKHFAFJ the cutest couple bonding moments omg 🥺
OH SO I DO HAVE BRAIN CELLS APPARENTLY AHAHAH and omg no i totally get that, the few friends i do talk to consistently rn we’ve talked about like “ghosting” but we all know that we just need to do our own thing sometimes so I'm sure they understand!! i miss talking to people tho! and honestly, the fact that i get drained from even talking to people online just goes to show that online friends and whatever is really just as valid as irl friends uwu PLUS I LIKE TO THINK WE ALL KNOW??? WE CAN’T ALWAYS RESPOND RIGHT AWAY??? like different timezones or like having other things to do and forgetting to reply, etc. 
ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAH IT’S BEEN SO LONG SINCE IVE BEEN SO INVESTED IN VIDEO GAMES IDK WHY I DROPPED IT (jk i do know why the guys i played with were always toxic so i dropped,,,, also didn't have consoles and stuff to play until my brother came back home with his stuff) AND AHHHHHHHHHH dude my brother got really lucky with miles morales and the ps5, i was like wtff. I WISH YOU THE BEST OF LUCK WITH IT THO IT’S SO GOOOD AHHHH
and ommmg tbh! i really like doing these mini events, it’s like a break from my WIPS plus they’re a way to exercise my creative juices??? LOL but uhhhhhhh it has to deal with AU’s and ,,,, lol video games 
HELL YEAH i’m glad your school load is lightening up!! YOU DESERVE IT!!! take some time for yourself ;-; AND OMG CHRISTMAS EVENT IM EXCITED. i was thinking about doing a holiday event but i was like,,,, nah,,,, cus i could never i think AJKFLDJF ALS YOU’RE CREATIVE TOO I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT, I HAVE NO BRAIN CELLS. IF I FIND ANY I’LL SEND THEM YOUR WAY LOL and i believe in you!!!!!! don’t burn out tho ;-; pls 
and omg,,, research purposes,,, i,,, i really like childhood friends to lovers as well as enemies/rivals to lovers,,,,,,,,, and the whole mutual pining and oblivious idiots LOL i’m kinda basic. i do enjoy AUs a lot though! i don’t go out of my way to find them but if i wander on one of an AU-concept i like then i’ll probably read it lol. annnnnd usually those AU’s i like are on the side of like, action-adventure-esque???? it’s my marvel side trying to make its way back in my life but i won’t let it <3 OH AND DOMESTIC STUFF ARGFHGFGH or fake dating? that’s real cute. wha-what about your favorite tropes 🥺👉👈 @miyalove
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