#its. the lineart is like 95% done
xamaxenta · 3 months
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briefly returning to mr storm eyes
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skeletap · 6 years
wat do u use 2 draw??
Before I start… it’s ok to cheap out on things sometimes.. I do a lot as I am a poor art student and having cheap supplies doesn’t equal bad art. 
I would suggest not cheaping out on using thin paper (aka don’t fucking work on printer paper unless its just for doodles/funsies).
If you like ink use heavier weight paper or it will bleed and feather and look awful, I prefer anything no lighter than 95lb paper.
Literally unless there’s hundreds of reviews hailing it as a holy grail of art supplies, don’t buy things labelled for “anime/manga artists” please holy shit.
Don’t use Michael’s for art supplies, the only reason there’s always coupons is they overprice everything. Use dickblick, cheapjoes, or if you are forced to… amazon…
AS for personal preferences
CTH680 Wacom Intuos Pen & Touch
(This is a retired tablet and you can only buy it on ebay now rlly, but I’ve been using it since it came out which feels like almost 7? years ago so it has lasted. Fuck new wacom tablets they are all cheap bullshit overpriced anyway)
Paint Tool Sai 
(Sketching, Lines, Colors, Shading, Etc)
((For any editing I can’t get done on SAI, I hate drawing on photoshop though) I don’t recc “renting” it tho, I just use my school’s copy of it.)
(Photoshop alternative. Use this if you can’t get an opp. to use photoshop for free.)
Art Alternatives Pen & Ink Notebook (Heavy Weighted Paper). 
I really suggest going for sketchbooks with paper weight over 95-100lbs, because stuff usually won’t bleed through unless it’s baby bullshit like the crayola water colors I use.
This sketchbook is amazing as in 
it’s pocket sized but not microscopic, 
it has a book mark ribbon and a band to keep it closed. 
It is saddle stitched bound so it will not molt paper on you.
mediums don’t bleed through the paper unless you are using shit quality baby stuff like the crayola watercolors i use djghjkasgl
soft, durable cover.
has a little pocket which I store clippings from magazines/doodles/etc in for later use
Pigma Micros!! or sharpie pens (I also use cheap gel pens but lets ignore that)
Micros don’t bleed on any paper unless you are using printer paper for some horrible reason (if you are serious about art research/google proper paper weights jfc). They come in a lot of diff sizes and are perfect for lineart. They also come in different colors but I have only used their black pens.
If you aren’t worried about tip size I suggest sharpie pens as a cheaper alternative. I really just like their blue ink.
I gotta say don’t do faber-castell bc I have always thought they lacked in pen sizes and even their various sizes all feel the same size. I also feel they run out the quickest and honestly.. also markers marketed for “manga artists” tend to be bullshit too so avoid those.
Tip for Inks, every diff brand i’ve used I have noticed “black” varies in definition per brand so if you color in a third of a square with micron black, then sharpie black, then faber-castell black, you will see the difference in “black”.
Sharpie Highlighters
Use them on heavier weight paper (and try not to go over a bunch of times bc they can bleed a veeeryy small amount even on my 95lb sketchbook paper)
Ticonderoga Pencils
Fuck fancy artist pencils I only use these babies school taught me well
Literally any water color pans I can find I think tube watercolors are the devil’s juice.
Anything else I just scavenge for or use whatever.
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