#its thirst oclock all the time here
bakuliwrites · 2 years
Nadia Satrinava would honor every single part of your body while also scolding you for being the terribly wicked creature (endearing) that you are and I'm so here for it
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flamegodess · 5 years
Let The Darkness Fall
Chapter 6
Genre: young royai vampire AU, angst, fluff, romance
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“So? You’re coming, right?” Roy asked excitedly that evening, while Riza was trying to finish her homework. “No, I told you I’m not coming.” She replied and rolled her eyes. “But Maes mentioned especially to bring you with me...” There were three days since Roy was insisting upon this matter. The friendly guy she had met in the night she found out about vampires, Maes, was throwing a party at his place. A vampire party. However, everything was still new for Riza and the last thing she wanted was going to party with hungry and dangerous vampires. “You won’t be the only human there, you know? Maybe you will meet other feeders to complain about how bloodthirsty vampires are. ” He added and smirked. She said nothing pretending to focus on her homework so Roy went on. “You know, Gracia is a lovely person. She is Maes’ feeder.” “The thing is... I’m not the party type of person. But you can go, have fun. ” She added and he frowned. “And stop manipulating me.” “OK, then we’ll make a deal.” He said quickly. “I will do your homework at chemistry because you don’t seem to be very gifted at it....like at all” He said as his gaze moved to her notebook “... And you will come with me to the party. What do you say?” Riza arched her eyebrows. It was true, chemistry wasn’t her thing...but if he had stopped bothering her then she could have dealt with her homework. She sighed. “If I say that I’m coming, will you leave me alone?” “Yes, of course, I’m out.” He replied quickly as a wide smile appeared on his face and jumped over her window. She smiled looking at the window frame. Unconsciously, she pressed a palm against her brand and shivered. So she was going to attend a vampire party after all. *** Later, Riza went to Roy’s bedroom to bring him her homework. A promise was a promise. She knocked hesitantly at the door and entered shyly.   She flinched at the sight of his bare chest and abs and he froze at the sight of the long split-leg black dress she was wearing. “Sorry, I was just about to take my shirt.” He excused himself and picked it up from the hanger. “I,umm...  Brought you my homework.” She said placing the books on his desk. His gaze followed her around the room and when it met hers she asked nervously: “Are you hungry? You may-” “No.” He answered and approached her. “Can’t I just admire you because you're beautiful?” She averted her gaze from his. God, he was going to be the end of her one day. “I wasn’t sure what I should wear, if it’s too much I-” “It’s perfect. And remember. If someone’s bothering you, you tell me.” “Yeah, sure. Come to my room when you’re ready to leave.” She added and looked at the clock. It was showing one o’clock. Why couldn’t vampires just sleep the whole night? She met his deep orbs again and couldn’t resist the impulse of buttoning his shirt up. Yes, he was going to be the end of her for sure. “Thank you.” He replied with a note of affection in his voice. His right hand stroked her cheek gently, now only inches distancing them. His hand traveled from her face to her brand. She felt a warm feeling invading her. She couldn’t move. She even forgot how to speak. Why was he always having this effect upon her? He leaned and kissed her forehead lightly. It was then when she realized that indeed, she wasn’t only a blood source for him and that maybe there was something bonding them. 
*** Yes, Maes was definitely one of those rich people who threw those kind of crowded parties with people dressed very formal and drank champagne. “Roy!” Maes greeted him joyfully and gave him a friendly hug. “I am so happy to finally meet you, Miss Hawkeye.” He added as he kissed Riza’s hand. “Call me Riza, Mr. Hughes.” She replied impressed by his gesture.                      “Then call me Maes.” He added. “Deal.” “I like her.” Hughes said and smiled. “Oh, and Gracia will totally love you.” He added looking at a woman who joined them and hugged Roy as affectionately as Maes. “And you must be Riza. I am Gracia.” She introduced herself and hugged her. These affectionate gestures were something new for Riza. It was odd though, that these vampires were so kind. “Maes was the one who taught me how to control myself after I’ve been turned.” Roy explained looking at the two of them. “Roy is family to us.” Gracia added and Roy ruffled his hair awkwardly. Riza couldn’t explain herself why but she was glad that he had had someone to take care of him after he had been turned. While Gracia led Riza to the living room, Roy and Maes headed to the kitchen. “You don’t have bad tastes, Roy, but did she really had to be Hawkeye’s daughter?” He said as he purred some brandy in two glasses. “Ironic, isn’t it?” he replied as he brought the glass to his lips. “And not the best moment. Bridgette returned in the town.” Roy flinched and started to cough as the burning liquid flowed down his throat. “She’s in the town?” “She’s actually somewhere in the house. I swear I didn’t invite her here, but I couldn’t just tell her to go away.” Hughes defended himself and then, his eyes reflected a shade of nostalgy. “She’s been family to us just as much as you are.“  “Great. Just great. ” Roy added as he sipped the rest of the liquor. That was going to be a long night. 
Riza met other feeders and she couldn’t help but feel good in the huge living room, surrounded by humans and vampires. She looked through the people but couldn’t see Roy. Maybe she should advise him not to drink so much... They still had to return home and he was the only one who knew the way. And she still wasn’t sure if he could control his blood thirst when he was drunk. He was in the kitchen the last time she had seen him. Riza made her way through the vampires and found the door of the kitchen. She opened it and froze in the doorframe. Roy was kissing passionately a gorgeous woman who was wearing a short scarlet dress. The worst part came when his lips traveled from her lips to her neck and bit her hungrily.
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