#its taken an hour to organize this into words afsghsfdgsj
brashtea · 10 months
Losing my mind at the fact that Aziraphael's love for earth and humanity started because Crowley shared the experience of eating with him. I like to think it happened immediately for Crowley, when he created the galaxies and stars.
It also parallels my personal headcanon for how they fell in love. For Aziraphael, it being with a small act of service that first opens the door, and things build up over time; vs Crowley instantly loving something made up of seemingly insignificant things that everyone else overlooks or brushes off. And we see this throughout their relationship where Crowley goes out of his way to perform small acts to the point Zira knows that he enjoys doing things for him and provides him opportunities to do so, and with Crowley noticing Zira's little idiosyncrasies and committing them to memory.
Like for Zira in season 1 waiting for Crowley to rescue him from the french revolution, or when he didn't miracle the paint off his suit because he knew Crowley would do it. Then there's the conversation with Nina where he admits that he purposely gives Crowley space to show off his love language.
And it shows for Crowley with how he fixes up the bookshop after the ball because he knows how Aziraphael keeps it, or whenever he offers to take him out for a nice meal when they're celebrating in both seasons. Even the scene when he yelled at the man feeding bread to the ducks in ducks makes me think that he's picked this up spending time with Aziraphael feeding them like in season 1.
They really love earth and each other in such different ways but they also intersect in how they show that love and its killing me.
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